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 * Software License, Version 1.0 Copyright 2011 SRA International, Inc.
 * Copyright Notice.  The software subject to this notice and license includes both human
 * readable source code form and machine readable, binary, object code form (the "caBIG
 * Software").
 * Please refer to the complete License text for full details at the root of the project.

package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc;

import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

 * Test class for the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator}.
 * @author Matt Nicholls
 *         Last updated by: nichollsmc
 * @version 
public class QCLiveTestDataGeneratorSlowTest {

    /** Spring application context file */
    private static final String APP_CONTEXT_FILE_NAME = "applicationContext-test.xml";

    /** Test Spring application context */
    private static final ApplicationContext testAppCtx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(APP_CONTEXT_FILE_NAME);

    /** Byte streams for capturing output printed to System.err and System.out */
    private ByteArrayOutputStream outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    private ByteArrayOutputStream errContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

     * Sets up System.out and System.err print streams before each test
    public void setUpStreams() {
        System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent));
        System.setErr(new PrintStream(errContent));

     * Cleans up System.out and System.err print streams after each test
    public void cleanUpStreams() {

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#main(String[])} method by passing it an empty command line argument list.
    public void testNoArgs() {

        // Call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator with no arguments and capture the output
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator.main(new String[] {});
        String actualOutput = outContent.toString().trim();

        // Print the expected output to system out and capture its output
        System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
        String expectedOutput = outContent.toString().trim();

        // Compare the results
        assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#main(String[])} method by passing it an unsupported argument.
    public void testUnrecognizedArg() {

        // Call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator with an unsupported argument
        String unsupportedArg = "thisIsAnUnrecognizedArgument";
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator.main(new String[] { '-' + unsupportedArg });
        String actualOuput = errContent.toString().trim();

        // Compare the results
        assertEquals("Parsing failed. Reason: Unrecognized option: -" + unsupportedArg, actualOuput);

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#main(String[])} with the {@link CommandLineOptionType#HELP} option type and asserts that the
     * appropriate usage information is displayed via the command line. 
    public void testHelpCommandLineArg() {

        // Call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator with the -? option to capture its output
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator.main(new String[] { '-' + CommandLineOptionType.HELP.getOptionValue().getOpt() });
        String actualOutput = outContent.toString();

        // Print the expected output to system out and capture its output
        System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
        String expectedOutput = outContent.toString();

        // Compare the results
        assertEquals(expectedOutput, actualOutput);

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#main(String[])} with the {@link CommandLineOptionType#ARCHIVE_NAME} option type 
     * without a corresponding archive name value (e.g. and asserts that the appropriate 
     * error message is displayed via the command line indicating that the value for the argument is missing.
    public void testMissingArchiveNameCmdLineArgValue() {

        // Call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator with the -a argument and no corresponding value
        String option = CommandLineOptionType.ARCHIVE_NAME.getOptionValue().getOpt();
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator.main(new String[] { '-' + option });
        String actualOuput = errContent.toString().trim();

        // Compare the results
        assertEquals("Parsing failed. Reason: Missing argument for option: " + option, actualOuput);

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#main(String[])} with the {@link CommandLineOptionType#SQL_SCRIPT_FILE} option type 
     * without a corresponding SQL script file value and asserts that the appropriate error message is displayed via the command line 
     * indicating that the value for the argument is missing.
    public void testMissingSQLScriptFileCmdLineArgValue() {

        // Call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator with the -f argument and no corresponding value
        String option = CommandLineOptionType.SQL_SCRIPT_FILE.getOptionValue().getOpt();
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator.main(new String[] { '-' + option });
        String actualOuput = errContent.toString().trim();

        // Compare the results
        assertEquals("Parsing failed. Reason: Missing argument for option: " + option, actualOuput);

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#main(String[])} with the {@link CommandLineOptionType#SCHEMA} option type 
     * without a corresponding schema value and asserts that the appropriate error message is displayed via the command line 
     * indicating that the value for the argument is missing.
    public void testMissingSchemaCmdLineArgValue() {

        // Call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator with the -s argument and no corresponding value
        String option = CommandLineOptionType.SCHEMA.getOptionValue().getOpt();
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator.main(new String[] { '-' + option });
        String actualOuput = errContent.toString().trim();

        // Compare the results
        assertEquals("Parsing failed. Reason: Missing argument for option: " + option, actualOuput);

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#main(String[])} with the {@link CommandLineOptionType#SQL_SCRIPT_FILE} option type 
     * without also setting the {@link CommandLineOptionType#SCHEMA} option, and asserts that the appropriate error message is displayed 
     * via the command line indicating that setting the script file option also requires the schema option to be set.
    public void testMissingSchemaForSQLScriptFileCmdLineOption() {

        // Call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator with the -f argument and value without specifying the required -s option
        String option = CommandLineOptionType.SQL_SCRIPT_FILE.getOptionValue().getOpt();
        String arg = '-' + option + " pathToSQLScriptFile";
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator.main(new String[] { arg });
        String actualOuput = errContent.toString().trim();

        // Compare the results
                "Parsing failed. Reason: Setting the -f (or -sql_script_file) option also requires the -s (or -schema) to be set.",

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#main(String[])} method with a schema name that is not supported.
    public void testExecSQLScriptFileWithUnsupportedSchemaType() {

        // Set the -f and -s arguments with an unsupported schema type
        String scriptFileArg = '-' + CommandLineOptionType.SQL_SCRIPT_FILE.getOptionValue().getOpt()
                + " pathtoSQLScriptFile";
        String schemaArg = '-' + CommandLineOptionType.SCHEMA.getOptionValue().getOpt() + " unsupportedSchemaType";

        // Call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator with the -f an -s arguments with an unsupported schema type
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator.main(new String[] { scriptFileArg, schemaArg });
        String actualOuput = errContent.toString().trim();

        // Compare the results
                "Parsing failed. Reason: Could not resolve schema name ' unsupportedSchemaType' to a supported schema type when attempting to execute SQL script file "
                        + "' pathtoSQLScriptFile'. Supported types are '[ local_common, local_disease ]'",

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#generateTestData(String)} method with an archive name that contains
     * an invalid center domain name
    public void testArchvNameWithInvalidCenterDomainName() throws IOException, SQLException {

        // Retrieve the QCLiveTestDataGenerator from the Spring context and invoke it using an archive name that contains
        // an invalid center domain name
        String actualMessage = null;
        try {
            ((QCLiveTestDataGenerator) testAppCtx.getBean("qcLiveTestDataGenerator"))
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            actualMessage = e.getMessage();

        // Assert that the correct exception message is thrown
        assertEquals("No information exists for archive name ''.",

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#generateTestData(String)} method with an archive name that contains
     * an invalid disease abbreviation.
    public void testArchvNameWithInvalidDuseaseAbbr() throws ParseException, IOException, SQLException {

        // Retrieve the QCLiveTestDataGenerator from the Spring context and invoke it using an archive name that contains
        // an invalid disease abbreviation
        String actualMessage = null;
        try {
            ((QCLiveTestDataGenerator) testAppCtx.getBean("qcLiveTestDataGenerator"))
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            actualMessage = e.getMessage();

        // Assert that the correct exception message is thrown
        assertEquals("No information exists for archive name ''.",

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#generateTestData(String)} method with an archive name that contains
     * an invalid platform name.
    public void testArchvNameWithInvalidPlatformName() throws ParseException, IOException, SQLException {

        // Retrieve the QCLiveTestDataGenerator from the Spring context and invoke it using an archive name that contains
        // an invalid platform name
        String actualMessage = null;
        try {
            ((QCLiveTestDataGenerator) testAppCtx.getBean("qcLiveTestDataGenerator"))
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            actualMessage = e.getMessage();

        // Assert that the correct exception message is thrown
        assertEquals("No information exists for archive name 'intgen.org_READ.invalidPlatformName.Level_1.42.4.0'.",

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType,} method with
     * a null SQL script file resource.
    public void testExecuteNullSQLScriptFile() throws IOException, SQLException {

        String actualMessage = null;
        try {
            new QCLiveTestDataGenerator().executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType.LOCAL_DISEASE, null);
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            actualMessage = npe.getMessage();

        // Assert that the correct exception message is thrown
                "Cannot execute SQL script file for schema '" + SchemaType.LOCAL_DISEASE + "' and file 'null'.",

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType,} method with
     * a null schema name.
    public void testExecuteSQLScriptFileWithNullSchema() throws IOException, SQLException {

        String actualMessage = null;
        try {
            new QCLiveTestDataGenerator().executeSQLScriptFile(null,
                    new ClassPathResource("sql/TestSQLScriptFile.sql"));
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            actualMessage = npe.getMessage();

        // Assert that the correct exception message is thrown
                "Cannot execute SQL script file for schema 'null' and file 'class path resource [sql/TestSQLScriptFile.sql]'.",

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType,} method with
     * a non-existent SQL script file resource.
    public void testExecSQLScriptFileWithInvalidFile() throws SQLException {

        String actualMessage = null;
        try {
            new QCLiveTestDataGenerator().executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType.LOCAL_COMMON,
                    new FileSystemResource("invalidSQLScriptFile"));
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            actualMessage = ioe.getMessage();

        // Assert that the correct exception message is thrown
        assertEquals("SQL script file resource 'class path resource [invalidSQLScriptFile]' is not readable.",

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType,} method with
     * all valid schema types.
     * <p>{@link NullPointerException} should be thrown since the data sources for the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator} have not been
     * set.
    @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
    public void testExecSQLScriptFileWithValidParams() throws IOException, SQLException {

        QCLiveTestDataGenerator qcLiveTestDataGenerator = new QCLiveTestDataGenerator();

        // Execute test SQL script for each schema type
        for (SchemaType schemaType : SchemaType.values())
                    new ClassPathResource("sql/TestSQLScriptFile.sql"));

     * Test the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#setDccCommonDevJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate)} and 
     * {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#setDiseaseDevJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate)} methods with a {@link JdbcTemplate} instance
     * whose data source references a test account.
     * <p>An {@link IllegalArgumentException} should be thrown indicating that test accounts are not allowed.
    public void testSetDevDataSourceWithTestAcct() {

        // Set up at data source and JDBC Connection template that uses a test account
        DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
        JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        // Try setting the COMMON PRODUCTION JdbcTemplate for the QCLiveTestDataGenerator, should throw an IllegalArgumentException
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator qcLiveTestDataGenerator = new QCLiveTestDataGenerator();
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                    "Test account 'test' is not permitted for database connection property 'dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate'",

        // Try setting the DISEASE PRODUCTION JdbcTemplate for the QCLiveTestDataGenerator, should throw an IllegalArgumentException
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                    "Test account 'test' is not permitted for database connection property 'diseaseDevJdbcTemplate'",

     * Test the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#setDccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate)} and 
     * {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#setDiseaseLocalJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate)} methods with a {@link JdbcTemplate} instance
     * whose data source defines a URL that contains a hostname that points to a non-test database instance.
     * <p>An {@link IllegalArgumentException} should be thrown indicating that non-test hostnames in the database URL are
     * not allowed.
    public void testSetInvalidDevJDBCURLForLocalDB() {

        // Set up at data source and JDBC Connection template that uses a test account
        String url = "invalidTestDBHostName";
        DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
        JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        // Try setting the COMMON LOCAL JdbcTemplate for the QCLiveTestDataGenerator, should throw an IllegalArgumentException
        QCLiveTestDataGenerator qcLiveTestDataGenerator = new QCLiveTestDataGenerator();
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            assertEquals("Connection URL '" + url
                    + "' for datasource defined by 'dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate' does not point to a "
                    + "known test database host. Expected one of [" + qcLiveTestDataGenerator.getTestDBHostNames()
                    + "]", iae.getMessage());

        // Try setting the DISEASE LOCAL JdbcTemplate for the QCLiveTestDataGenerator, should throw an IllegalArgumentException
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            assertEquals("Connection URL '" + url
                    + "' for datasource defined by 'diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate' does not point to a "
                    + "known test database host. Expected one of [" + qcLiveTestDataGenerator.getTestDBHostNames()
                    + "]", iae.getMessage());

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#generateTestData(String)} method with a valid archive name
     * and check assertions to verify that CNTL test data was loaded.
    public void testLoadCNTLTestDataForNonCNTLArchive() throws IOException, SQLException, ParseException {

        // Retrieve the QCLiveTestDataGenerator from the Spring context and invoke it using a valid archive name
        ((QCLiveTestDataGenerator) testAppCtx.getBean("qcLiveTestDataGenerator"))

        final JdbcTemplate diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate = (JdbcTemplate) testAppCtx.getBean("diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate");
        final SqlRowSet rowSet = diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet("select * from data_level");

        assertEquals(1, rowSet.getInt("level_number"));
        assertEquals("cAsESeNsItIvE", rowSet.getString("level_definition"));

     * Tests the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#generateTestData(String)} method with a valid archive name
     * and check assertions to verify that CNTL test data was NOT loaded.
    public void testLoadCNTLTestDataForCNTLArchive() throws IOException, SQLException, ParseException {

        // Retrieve the QCLiveTestDataGenerator from the Spring context and invoke it using a valid archive name
        ((QCLiveTestDataGenerator) testAppCtx.getBean("qcLiveTestDataGenerator"))

        final JdbcTemplate diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate = (JdbcTemplate) testAppCtx.getBean("diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate");
        final int count = diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from data_level");

        assertEquals(0, count);