Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  ========================================================================
 *  DIScrete event baSed Energy Consumption simulaTor 
 *                                for Clouds and Federations (DISSECT-CF)
 *  ========================================================================
 *  This file is part of DISSECT-CF.
 *  DISSECT-CF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 *  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
 *  your option) any later version.
 *  DISSECT-CF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 *  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  along with DISSECT-CF.  If not, see <>.
 *  (C) Copyright 2014, Gabor Kecskemeti (,


import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;


 * Offers the event handling mechanism for non-recurring but time dependent
 * events. Implementors should provide an implementation of the event action
 * function which will be called once the specified ticks pass.
 * Aggregates the events that should happen at a single time instance. This
 * approach allows that only one Timed event is registered for a bunch of
 * non-recurring events.
 * @author "Gabor Kecskemeti, Distributed and Parallel Systems Group, University
 *         of Innsbruck (c) 2013" "Gabor Kecskemeti, Laboratory of Parallel and
 *         Distributed Systems, MTA SZTAKI (c) 2015"
public abstract class DeferredEvent {

     * All deferred events that are due in the future are listed here.
     * The map is indexed by expected event arrivals. The stored objects in the
     * map are MutablePairs where the left item of the pair is the length of the
     * right item (which is actually the list of events that should be delivered
     * at the particular time instance identified by the key of the map).
    private static final TLongObjectHashMap<MutablePair<Integer, DeferredEvent[]>> toSweep = new TLongObjectHashMap<MutablePair<Integer, DeferredEvent[]>>();
     * the aggregator that handles the event list stored in toSweep.
    private static final AggregatedEventDispatcher dispatcherSingleton = new AggregatedEventDispatcher();

     * handles the event aggregations, actual subscriptions to timed events and
     * dispatches the events if Timed notifies for time instance at which the
     * non-recurring events should be fired
     * Improves the performance of deferred events significantly if multiple
     * events should occur at once
     * @author "Gabor Kecskemeti, Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed
     *         Systems, MTA SZTAKI (c) 2015"
    private static class AggregatedEventDispatcher extends Timed {
         * The actual event dispatcher. This function is called by Timed on the
         * time instance when the first not yet dispatched deferred event is
         * due.
         * <i>Note:</i> If multiple events must be delivered at a given time
         * instance, then the order of the dispatched events are undefined.
        public void tick(long fires) {
            final MutablePair<Integer, DeferredEvent[]> simultaneousReceiverPairs = toSweep.remove(fires);
            if (simultaneousReceiverPairs != null) {
                final int len = simultaneousReceiverPairs.getLeft();
                final DeferredEvent[] simultaneousReceivers = simultaneousReceiverPairs.getRight();
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    simultaneousReceivers[i].received = true;

         * after some deferred events are dispatched, this function actually
         * determines the next occurrence of a deferred event (and readjusts the
         * notification frequency for Timed) or if there are no further events
         * registered, the function cancels the notifications
        private void updateDispatcher() {
            if (toSweep.isEmpty()) {
            final long[] keys = toSweep.keys();
            long minkey = Long.MAX_VALUE;
            for (long key : keys) {
                if (key < minkey) {
                    minkey = key;
            updateFrequency(minkey - getFireCount());

     * Shows if the event in question was cancelled by the user
    private boolean cancelled = false;
     * Shows if the event was dispatched already
    private boolean received = false;
     * The time instance at which this event should be delivered
    private final long eventArrival;

     * Allows constructing objects that will receive an eventAction() call from
     * Timed after delay ticks.
     * @param delay
     *            the number of ticks that should pass before this deferred
     *            event object's eventAction() will be called.
    public DeferredEvent(final long delay) {
        if (delay <= 0) {
            eventArrival = Timed.getFireCount();
            received = true;
        eventArrival = Timed.calcTimeJump(delay);
        MutablePair<Integer, DeferredEvent[]> simultaneousReceiverPairs = toSweep.get(eventArrival);
        if (simultaneousReceiverPairs == null) {
            simultaneousReceiverPairs = new MutablePair<Integer, DeferredEvent[]>(0, new DeferredEvent[5]);
            toSweep.put(eventArrival, simultaneousReceiverPairs);
        int len = simultaneousReceiverPairs.getLeft();
        DeferredEvent[] simultaneousReceivers = simultaneousReceiverPairs.getRight();
        if (len == simultaneousReceivers.length) {
            DeferredEvent[] temp = new DeferredEvent[simultaneousReceivers.length * 2];
            System.arraycopy(simultaneousReceivers, 0, temp, 0, len);
            simultaneousReceivers = temp;
        simultaneousReceivers[len++] = this;
        if (!dispatcherSingleton.isSubscribed() || dispatcherSingleton.getNextEvent() > eventArrival) {

     * If the call for eventAction() is no longer necessary at the previously
     * specified time then the user can cancel this call to arrive with this
     * function.
     * Calling this function will have no effect on events that are already past
     * due.
    public void cancel() {
        if (received)
        if (!cancelled) {
            cancelled = true;
            MutablePair<Integer, DeferredEvent[]> simultaneousReceiverPairs = toSweep.get(eventArrival);
            if (simultaneousReceiverPairs != null) {
                int len = simultaneousReceiverPairs.getLeft();
                DeferredEvent[] simultaneousReceivers = simultaneousReceiverPairs.getRight();
                // For performance reasons this removal operation does not keep
                // the order of the array entries
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    if (simultaneousReceivers[i] == this) {
                        if (len > i) {
                            simultaneousReceivers[i] = simultaneousReceivers[len];
                        simultaneousReceivers[len] = null;
                if (len == 0) {
                } else {

     * Allows to determine whether the actual event was cancelled already or
     * not.
     * @return
     *         <ul>
     *         <li><i>true</i> if the event will not arrive in the future as it
     *         was cancelled,
     *         <li><i>false</i> otherwise
     *         </ul>
    public boolean isCancelled() {
        return cancelled;

     * When creating a deferred event, implement this function for the actual
     * event handling mechanism of yours.
    protected abstract void eventAction();

     * Allows the cleanup of all events registered with the aggregator.
     * WARNING: This is not supposed to be called by user code directly.
    static void reset() {