Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015 Esteban Luengo Simn
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package info.estebanluengo.alfrescoAPI;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.CmisObject;

import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Document;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Folder;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.ItemIterable;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.ObjectId;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.ObjectType;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.OperationContext;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.QueryResult;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Repository;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Session;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.SessionFactory;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.runtime.SessionFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.PropertyIds;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.SessionParameter;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.definitions.PropertyDefinition;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.BaseTypeId;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.BindingType;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.IncludeRelationships;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.UnfileObject;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.VersioningState;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConstraintException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisContentAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisObjectNotFoundException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisStorageException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ContentStreamImpl;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

 * Utility class that encapsulates access to the Alfresco server and offers a set of high level operations to
 * work easily with Alfresco or another Cmis server.
 * <br>
 * I've received inspiration to build this class after reading the Jeff Potts tutorial 
 * <a href="">Working With Custom Content Types in Alfresco</a>
 * @author Esteban Luengo Simn 
 * @version 1.0 11/May/2015
public class AlfrescoAPI {

    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();

    public static String CUSTOM_ASSOCIATION = "R:cmiscustom:assoc"; //is a creatable sub-type of cmis:relationship
    public static String CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE = "D:cmiscustom:document"; //a subtype of cmis:document

     * Creates a new Session to allow access to the server. This method uses ATOMPUB binding type.
     * @param user a String that contains the username
     * @param password a String that contains the password
     * @param url an URL to the server. The URL has to be atompub style: 
     * <br>Example: <a href="http://host:port/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/atom">AtomPub url style</a>
     * @return a Session object that allow access to the Alfresco Server or null if no session has been created
    public static Session createSession(String user, String password, String url) {
        // default factory implementation
        logger.debug("createSession called");
        SessionFactory factory = SessionFactoryImpl.newInstance();
        Map<String, String> parameter = new HashMap<>();

        // user credentials
        parameter.put(SessionParameter.USER, user);
        parameter.put(SessionParameter.PASSWORD, password);

        // Specify the connection settings
        parameter.put(SessionParameter.ATOMPUB_URL, url);
        parameter.put(SessionParameter.BINDING_TYPE, BindingType.ATOMPUB.value());

        //Another way. This way works with http://host:port/alfresco/cmis/ URL style
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.BINDING_TYPE, BindingType.WEBSERVICES.value());
        //        String BASE_URL = url;
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_ACL_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "ACLService?wsdl");
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_DISCOVERY_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "DiscoveryService?wsdl");
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_MULTIFILING_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "MultiFilingService?wsdl");
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_NAVIGATION_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "NavigationService?wsdl");
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_OBJECT_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "ObjectService?wsdl");
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_POLICY_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "PolicyService?wsdl");
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_RELATIONSHIP_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "RelationshipService?wsdl");
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_REPOSITORY_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "RepositoryService?wsdl");
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.WEBSERVICES_VERSIONING_SERVICE, BASE_URL + "VersioningService?wsdl");

        //        // set the alfresco object factory. Not for Alfresco 4.2, only for Alfresco 5.x
        //        parameter.put(SessionParameter.OBJECT_FACTORY_CLASS, "org.alfresco.cmis.client.impl.AlfrescoObjectFactoryImpl");        
        List<Repository> repositories = factory.getRepositories(parameter);
        logger.debug("getting repositories");
        // create session
        Session session = repositories.get(0).createSession();
        logger.debug("returning a session object");
        return session;

     * Retrieves the folder with the given name and exists under the parentFolder. 
     * Returns null if the folder does not exist.
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param parentFolder a Folder object that represents parent folder where the folder to
     * retrieve exists
     * @param folderName a String that contains the folder name
     * @return a Folder object that represent the folder in the Alfresco repository
    public static Folder getFolderByName(Session session, Folder parentFolder, String folderName) {
        logger.debug("getFolder called for folderName:" + folderName);
        ObjectType type = session.getTypeDefinition(BaseTypeId.CMIS_FOLDER.value());
        PropertyDefinition<?> objectIdPropDef = type.getPropertyDefinitions().get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID);
        String objectIdQueryName = objectIdPropDef.getQueryName();
        String query = "SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE cmis:name='" + folderName
                + "' and IN_FOLDER('workspace://SpacesStore/" + parentFolder.getId() + "')";
        ItemIterable<QueryResult> results = session.query(query, false);
        logger.debug("query executed:" + query);
        for (QueryResult qResult : results) {
            String objectId = qResult.getPropertyValueByQueryName(objectIdQueryName);
            logger.debug("ObjectId recovered from query:" + objectId);
            return (Folder) session.getObject(session.createObjectId(objectId));
        logger.debug("No results recover for query");
        return null;

     * Retrieves the folder with the given name. Returns null if the folder does
     * not exist. If there are more than one folder with the same name, the method
     * returns the first folder in the list
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param folderName a String that contains the folder name
     * @return a Folder object that represent the folder in the Alfresco repository
    public static Folder getFolderByName(Session session, String folderName) {
        logger.debug("getFolder called for folderName:" + folderName);
        ObjectType type = session.getTypeDefinition(BaseTypeId.CMIS_FOLDER.value());
        PropertyDefinition<?> objectIdPropDef = type.getPropertyDefinitions().get(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID);
        String objectIdQueryName = objectIdPropDef.getQueryName();
        String query = "SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE cmis:name='" + folderName + "'";
        ItemIterable<QueryResult> results = session.query(query, false);
        logger.debug("query executed:" + query);
        for (QueryResult qResult : results) {
            String objectId = qResult.getPropertyValueByQueryName(objectIdQueryName);
            logger.debug("ObjectId recovered from query:" + objectId);
            return (Folder) session.getObject(session.createObjectId(objectId));
        logger.debug("No results recover from query");
        return null;

     * Creates a new folder under the parentFolder. 
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param parentFolder a Folder object where the new folder will be created
     * @param folderName a String that contains the name for the new folder
     * @return a Folder object that represent the new folder created
     * @throws CmisContentAlreadyExistsException will be thrown if the folder to be created exists in the same parentFolder.
    public static Folder createFolder(Session session, Folder parentFolder, String folderName)
            throws CmisContentAlreadyExistsException {
        logger.debug("createFolder called");
        Map<String, Object> folderProps = new HashMap<>();
        folderProps.put(PropertyIds.NAME, folderName);
        folderProps.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, BaseTypeId.CMIS_FOLDER.value());

        ObjectId folderObjectId = session.createFolder(folderProps, parentFolder, null, null, null);
        logger.debug("Folder created with id:" + folderObjectId);
        return (Folder) session.getObject(folderObjectId);

     * Creates the folders under the parentFolder. The method creates the folders that don't exist in the
     * tree. Maybe if all folders exist under the parentFolder, no folder is created.
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param parentFolder a Folder object where the new folder will be created
     * @param foldersPath a String that contains the folders path to be created. For example: folder1/folder2
     * @return a Folder object that represent the last folder under the tree
    public static Folder createFolders(Session session, Folder parentFolder, String foldersPath) {
        logger.debug("createFolders called");
        Folder folder = parentFolder;
        String[] folderList = foldersPath.split("/");
        for (String f : folderList) {
            logger.debug(folder.getPath() + "/" + f);
            try {
                CmisObject objFolder = session.getObjectByPath(folder.getPath() + "/" + f);
                folder = (Folder) objFolder;
            } catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
                folder = createFolder(session, folder, f);
        return folder;

     * Gets the folders that exits in the folder
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param parentFolder a Folder object where we want the children folders
     * @param cache a boolean. True indicates that cache is used and false indicates that the
     * folders are retrieved from the server     
     * @return a List<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Folder> that contain the folder list
    public static List<Folder> getFolders(Session session, Folder parentFolder, boolean cache) {
        OperationContext oc = session.createOperationContext();
        ItemIterable<CmisObject> children = parentFolder.getChildren(oc);
        List<Folder> folderList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (CmisObject obj : children) {
            if (obj instanceof Folder) {
                folderList.add((Folder) obj);
        return folderList;

     * Creates a new Document in the folder with the name, content, and mimeType. 
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param folder a Folder object where the new document will be created
     * @param fileName a String that contain the file name
     * @param content a byte array that contain the document
     * @param mimeType a String that represent the mime type of the document
     * @return a Document object that represent the document that has just been created
     * @throws CmisContentAlreadyExistsException if the document to be created exists in the same folder
    public static Document createDocument(Session session, Folder folder, String fileName, byte[] content,
            String mimeType) throws CmisContentAlreadyExistsException {
        logger.debug("createDocument called for document name:" + fileName);
        Map<String, Object> docProps = new HashMap<>();
        docProps.put(PropertyIds.NAME, fileName);
        docProps.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, BaseTypeId.CMIS_DOCUMENT.value());
        docProps.put(PropertyIds.CREATION_DATE, new Date());

        ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(content);
        ContentStream contentStream = new ContentStreamImpl(fileName, BigInteger.valueOf(content.length), mimeType,

        ObjectId documentId = session.createDocument(docProps,
                session.createObjectId((String) folder.getPropertyValue(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID)), contentStream,
                null, null, null, null);
        logger.debug("Document created with id:" + documentId.getId());
        Document document = (Document) session.getObject(documentId);
        return document;

     * Creates a new Document in the folder with the name, content, and mimeType, docType and properties given in the method call
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param folder a Folder object where the new document will be created
     * @param fileName a String that contain the file name
     * @param content a byte array that contain the document
     * @param mimeType a String that represent the mime type of the document
     * @param docType a String that represent the document type. If it is null then CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE will be used
     * @param docProps a Map with the properties to are associated to the document. It may be null
     * @return a Document object that represent the document that has just been created
     * @throws CmisContentAlreadyExistsException if the document to be created exists in the same folder
    public static Document createDocument(Session session, Folder folder, String fileName, byte[] content,
            String mimeType, String docType, Map<String, Object> docProps)
            throws CmisContentAlreadyExistsException {
        logger.debug("createDocument called for document name:" + fileName);
        if (docProps == null) {
            docProps = new HashMap<>();
        docProps.put(PropertyIds.NAME, fileName);
        docProps.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, docType == null ? CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE : docType);
        ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(content);
        ContentStream contentStream = new ContentStreamImpl(fileName, BigInteger.valueOf(content.length), mimeType,
        ObjectId documentId = session.createDocument(docProps,
                session.createObjectId((String) folder.getPropertyValue(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID)), contentStream,
        logger.debug("Document created with id:" + documentId.getId());
        Document document = (Document) session.getObject(documentId);
        return document;

     * Relates the source document with the target document. After calling to this method you can access to
     * the target document from the source document but not viceversa
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param sourceDoc a Document that represent the source document. It can not be null
     * @param targetDoc a Document that represent the target document. It can not be null
     * @param associationName a String that represent the association name. If it is null then the method uses R:cmiscustom:assoc
    public static void relatedDocuments(Session session, Document sourceDoc, Document targetDoc,
            String associationName) {
        logger.debug("relatedDocument called");
        String sourceId = sourceDoc.getId();
        String targetId = targetDoc.getId();
        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
        properties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, associationName == null ? CUSTOM_ASSOCIATION : associationName);
        properties.put(PropertyIds.SOURCE_ID, sourceId);
        properties.put(PropertyIds.TARGET_ID, targetId);
        logger.debug("relationShip created between the two documents");

     * Updates the document that exits in the server and creates a new version. The method allows to update the content of the document, 
     * the mimetype and the properties.<br>
     * In some circunstances a CmisStorageException could be thrown with the message "Expected x bytes but retrieved 0 bytes!". I Think
     * this is an issue in Alfresco Server and it can be resolved catching the exception and calling this method another time.<br> 
     * <a href="">Link to the issue</a>
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param doc a Document object to be updated.
     * @param newContent a byte[] with the content of the document. It can not be null.
     * @param mimeType a String that represent the mime type of the document
     * @param docProps a Map object with the properties of the document. It can be null
     * @param majorVersion a boolean. true indicates that we want a major version and false a minor version.
     * @param checkinComment a String with the comments that are associated to the new version
     * @return a Document that contains the new version created or null if it was not possible to make a new version.
     * Remember that every version of the document may has its own ID depending of the server. Alfresco uses alfhanumeric plus ;version
    public static Document updateDocument(Session session, Document doc, byte[] newContent, String mimeType,
            Map<String, Object> docProps, boolean majorVersion, String checkinComment) {
        logger.debug("updateDocument called for docId:" + doc.getId() + " length:" + newContent.length);
        Document updatedDocument = null;
        if (doc.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions()
                .contains(org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT)) {
            //make a checkout is mandatory for some repositories. 
            ObjectId checkedOutDocument = doc.checkOut();
            Document pwc = (Document) session.getObject(checkedOutDocument);
            ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(newContent);
            ObjectId objectId;
            try {
                ContentStream contentStream = new ContentStreamImpl(doc.getName(),
                        BigInteger.valueOf(newContent.length), mimeType, in);
                objectId = pwc.checkIn(majorVersion, docProps, contentStream, checkinComment);
            } catch (CmisStorageException e) {
                logger.error("Error trying to make a checkIn", e);
                return null;
            updatedDocument = (Document) session.getObject(objectId);
        return updatedDocument;

     * Updates the document properties of the document that exist in the server
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server     
     * @param doc a Document object to be updated.          
     * @param updateProperties a Map object with the new properties of the document. It can be null
     * @return a Document object with the new properties. This object is retrieved from the server and not from the cache
    public static Document updateDocumentProperties(Session session, Document doc,
            Map<String, Object> updateProperties) {
        logger.debug("updateDocumentProperties called");
        ObjectId docReturned = doc.updateProperties(updateProperties, true);
        logger.debug("Document updated with id:" + doc.getId());
        Document document = (Document) session.getObject(docReturned);
        return document;

     * Deletes the document from the server
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id in the server
     * @param allVersions a boolean. True value indicates that all versions of the document will be deleted. False
     * indicates that only the version of the document will be deleted
    public static void deleteDocument(Session session, String docId, boolean allVersions) {
        logger.debug("deleteDocument called");
        String repositoryId = session.getRepositoryInfo().getId();
        session.getBinding().getObjectService().deleteObject(repositoryId, docId, allVersions, null);

     * Deletes the version of the document from the server
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id in the server
     * @param version a String that represent the version of the document to be deleted
    public static void deleteDocumentByVersion(Session session, String docId, String version) {
        logger.debug("deleteDocumentByVersion called for docId:" + docId);
        List<Document> versions = getAllVersionsOfDocument(session, docId);
        for (Document doc : versions) {
            if (version.equals(doc.getVersionLabel())) {

     * Deletes the folder from the server and all the documents that are under the folder.       
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param folderId a String that represents the forlder Id to be deleted
     * @throws CmisConstraintException If the folder to be deleted contains other folders 
    public static void deleteFolder(Session session, String folderId) throws CmisConstraintException {
        logger.debug("deleteFolder called");
        session.delete(session.createObjectId(folderId), true);

     * Deletes the folder from the server and all the documents that are under the folder.  
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param folder a Folder object to be deleted
     * @throws CmisConstraintException If the folder to be deleted contains other folders
    public static void deleteFolder(Session session, Folder folder) throws CmisConstraintException {
        logger.debug("deleteFolder called");
        session.delete(folder, true);

     * Deletes the folder from the server and all the documents and subfolders that are under the folder.  
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param folder a Folder object to be deleted
     * @param allVersions a boolean. True value indicates that all versions of the folder will be deleted.
     * False indicates that only this version of the folder will be deleted
    public static void deleteFolder(Session session, Folder folder, boolean allVersions) {
        logger.debug("deleteFolder called");
         * Note that with the continueOnFailure parameter set to true, folders and documents are deleted individually. If a document or folder 
         * cannot be deleted, the method moves to the next document or folder in the list. When the method completes, it returns a list of the document 
         * IDs and folder IDs that were not deleted.
         * With the continueOnFailure parameter set to false, all of the folders and documents can be deleted in a single batch, which, depending on 
         * the repository design, may improve performance. If a document or folder cannot be deleted, an exception is raised. Some repository implementations 
         * will attempt the delete transactionally, so if it fails, no objects are deleted. In other repositories a failed delete may have deleted some, 
         * but not all, objects in the tree.
        folder.deleteTree(allVersions, UnfileObject.DELETE, true);

     * Deletes all subfolders and document from the folder
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param folder a Folder object where we want to delete all children
     * @param allVersions a boolean. True value indicates that all versions of the folder will be deleted.
     * False indicates that only this version of the folder will be deleted
    public static void deleteChildren(Session session, Folder folder, boolean allVersions) {
        logger.debug("deleteChildren called");
        ItemIterable<CmisObject> children = folder.getChildren();
        for (CmisObject obj : children) {
            if (obj instanceof Folder) {
                AlfrescoAPI.deleteFolder(session, (Folder) obj, allVersions);
            } else if (obj instanceof Document) {
                AlfrescoAPI.deleteDocument(session, ((Document) obj).getId(), allVersions);

     * Gets the document from the server without using the cache system. 
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id
     * @return a Document object with the document
     * @throws CmisObjectNotFoundException will be thrown if the document does not exist in the server
    public static Document getDocument(Session session, String docId) throws CmisObjectNotFoundException {
        return getDocument(session, docId, false);

     * Gets the document from the server or from the cache. 
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id
     * @param cache a boolean. True indicates that cache is used and false indicates that the
     * document is retrieved from the server     
     * @return a Document object with the document
     * @throws CmisObjectNotFoundException will be thrown if the document does not exist in the server
    public static Document getDocument(Session session, String docId, boolean cache)
            throws CmisObjectNotFoundException {
        logger.debug("getDocument called for id:" + docId);
        OperationContext oc = session.createOperationContext();
        CmisObject object = session.getObject(docId, oc);
        logger.debug("document recovered");
        return (Document) object;

     * Gets a specific version of the document or null if does not exist this version. This method
     * does not use the cache.
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id
     * @param version a String that represent the version of the document to be retrieved
     * @return a Document object with the document
    public static Document getDocumentByVersion(Session session, String docId, String version) {
        return getDocumentByVersion(session, docId, version, false);

     * Gets a specific version of the document or null if does not exist this version
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id
     * @param version a String that represent the version of the document to be retrieved
     * @param cache a boolean. True indicates that cache is used and false indicates that the
     * document is retrieved from the server     
     * @return a Document object with the document
    public static Document getDocumentByVersion(Session session, String docId, String version, boolean cache) {
        logger.debug("getDocumentByVersion called for id:" + docId + " and version:" + version);
        List<Document> versions = getAllVersionsOfDocument(session, docId, cache);
        for (Document doc : versions) {
            if (version.equals(doc.getVersionLabel())) {
                logger.debug("Document recovered");
                return doc;
        return null;

     * Gets the content of the document 
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id
     * @return a byte[] that represents the content of the document
     * @throws if the content cannot be read from the document
     * @throws CmisObjectNotFoundException will be thrown if the document does not exist in the server 
    public static byte[] getDocumentContent(Session session, String docId)
            throws CmisObjectNotFoundException, IOException {
        logger.debug("getDocumentContent called");
        Document doc = getDocument(session, docId);
        if (doc.getContentStreamLength() == 0) {
            return null;
        ContentStream contentStream = doc.getContentStream();
        try (InputStream inputStream = contentStream.getStream()) {
            byte[] content = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
            logger.debug("Content recovered");
            return content;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw e;

     * Gets the document and all its relationships from the server or from the cache. 
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id
     * @param cache a boolean. True indicates that cache is used and false indicates that the
     * document is retrieved from the server     
     * @return a Document object with the document
     * @throws CmisObjectNotFoundException if the document does not exist in the server
    public static Document getDocumentWithRelationShips(Session session, String docId, boolean cache)
            throws CmisObjectNotFoundException {
        logger.debug("getDocumentWithRelationShips called for id:" + docId);
        OperationContext oc = session.createOperationContext();
        Object object = session.getObject(session.createObjectId(docId), oc);
        logger.debug("document recovered");
        return (Document) object;

     * Gets all versions of the document from the server without using the cache
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id
     * @return a List<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Document> with all versions of the document
     * @throws CmisObjectNotFoundException if the document does not exist in the server
    public static List<Document> getAllVersionsOfDocument(Session session, String docId)
            throws CmisObjectNotFoundException {
        return getAllVersionsOfDocument(session, docId, false);

     * Gets all versions of the document from the server or from the cache
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param docId a String that represent the document Id
     * @param cache a boolean. True indicates that cache is used and false indicates that the
     * document is retrieved from the server     
     * @return a List<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Document> with all versions of the document     
     * @throws CmisObjectNotFoundException if the document does not exist in the server
    public static List<Document> getAllVersionsOfDocument(Session session, String docId, boolean cache)
            throws CmisObjectNotFoundException {
        logger.debug("getAllVersionsOfDocument called for docId:" + docId);
        Document document = getDocument(session, docId, cache);
        return document.getAllVersions();

     * Executes a query in the server or in the cache to retrive a list of CmisObjects
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param query a String that contains the query to be executed
     * @param maxNumItems a int that represent the max number of items to be retrieved. If this value is equal to 0 then there
     * is no limitation.
     * @param cache a boolean. True indicates that cache is used and false indicates that the
     * query is executed in the server     
     * @return a List<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.CmisObject> that contains the list
     * of CmisObject to be returned
    public static List<CmisObject> executeQuery(Session session, String query, int maxNumItems, boolean cache) {
        logger.debug("getQueryResults called for query:" + query);
        List<CmisObject> objList = new ArrayList<>();
        OperationContext context = session.createOperationContext();
        // execute query
        ItemIterable<QueryResult> results = session.query(query, false, context);
        logger.debug("items:" + results.getPageNumItems());
        if (maxNumItems == 0) {
            results = results.getPage();
        } else {
            results = results.getPage(maxNumItems);
        logger.debug("query executed");
        for (QueryResult qResult : results) {
            String objectId;
            PropertyData<?> propData = qResult.getPropertyById("cmis:objectId"); // Atom Pub binding
            if (propData != null) {
                objectId = (String) propData.getFirstValue();
            } else {
                objectId = qResult.getPropertyValueByQueryName("d.cmis:objectId"); // Web Services binding
            logger.debug("Object recovered from query with id:" + objectId);
            CmisObject obj = session.getObject(session.createObjectId(objectId));
        return objList;

     * Finds a list of documents that contain the keyword. This method makes a full scan.
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param keyword a String that represent the word to use in the full scan
     * @param maxNumItems a int that represent the max number of items to be retrieved. If this value is equal to 0 then there
     * is no limitation.
     * @param cache a boolean. True indicates that cache is used and false indicates that the
     * query is executed in the server     
     * @return a List<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.CmisObject> that contains the list
     * of CmisObject to be returned      
    public static List<CmisObject> findDocumentsByText(Session session, String keyword, int maxNumItems,
            boolean cache) {
        logger.debug("getQueryResults called for keyword:" + keyword);
        return executeQuery(session, "select * from cmis:document where contains('" + keyword + "')", maxNumItems,

     * Finds the documents that are in the folder
     * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
     * @param folder a Folder object where we want to get the documents
     * @param maxNumItems a int that represent the max number of items to be retrieved. If this value is equal to 0 then there
     * is no limitation.
     * @param cacheEnable
     * @return a List<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.CmisObject> that contains the list
     * of CmisObject to be returned      
    public static List<CmisObject> findDocumentsInFolder(Session session, Folder folder, int maxNumItems,
            boolean cacheEnable) {
        logger.debug("getQueryResults called for folderName:" + folder.getName());
        return executeQuery(session,
                "select * from cmis:document where IN_FOLDER('workspace://SpacesStore/" + folder.getId() + "')",
                maxNumItems, cacheEnable);
