Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Santanu Sinha <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package io.dropwizard.sharding.dao; import; import; import io.dropwizard.sharding.sharding.BucketIdExtractor; import io.dropwizard.sharding.sharding.LookupKey; import io.dropwizard.sharding.sharding.ShardManager; import io.dropwizard.sharding.utils.ShardCalculator; import io.dropwizard.sharding.utils.TransactionHandler; import io.dropwizard.sharding.utils.Transactions; import io.dropwizard.hibernate.AbstractDAO; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; /** * A dao to manage lookup and top level elements in the system. Can save and retrieve an object (tree) from any shard. * <b>Note:</b> * - The element must have only one String key for lookup. * - The key needs to be annotated with {@link LookupKey} * The entity can be retrieved from any shard using the key. */ @Slf4j public class LookupDao<T> { /** * This DAO wil be used to perform the ops inside a shard */ private final class LookupDaoPriv extends AbstractDAO<T> { private final SessionFactory sessionFactory; public LookupDaoPriv(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { super(sessionFactory); this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } /** * Get an element from the shard. * @param lookupKey Id of the object * @return Extracted element or null if not found. */ T get(String lookupKey) { return getLocked(lookupKey, LockMode.READ); } T getLockedForWrite(String lookupKey) { return getLocked(lookupKey, LockMode.UPGRADE_NOWAIT); } /** * Get an element from the shard. * @param lookupKey Id of the object * @return Extracted element or null if not found. */ T getLocked(String lookupKey, LockMode lockMode) { return uniqueResult(currentSession().createCriteria(entityClass) .add(Restrictions.eq(keyField.getName(), lookupKey)).setLockMode(lockMode)); } /** * Save the lookup element. Returns the augmented element id any generated fields are present. * @param entity Object to save * @return Augmented entity */ T save(T entity) { return persist(entity); } void update(T entity) { currentSession().evict(entity); //Detach .. otherwise update is a no-op currentSession().update(entity); } /** * Run a query inside this shard and return the matching list. * @param criteria selection criteria to be applied. * @return List of elements or empty list if none found */ List<T> select(DetachedCriteria criteria) { return list(criteria.getExecutableCriteria(currentSession())); } } private List<LookupDaoPriv> daos; private final Class<T> entityClass; private final ShardManager shardManager; private final BucketIdExtractor<String> bucketIdExtractor; private final Field keyField; /** * Creates a new sharded DAO. The number of managed shards and bucketing is controlled by the {@link ShardManager}. * * @param sessionFactories a session provider for each shard */ public LookupDao(List<SessionFactory> sessionFactories, Class<T> entityClass, ShardManager shardManager, BucketIdExtractor<String> bucketIdExtractor) { this.shardManager = shardManager; this.bucketIdExtractor = bucketIdExtractor; this.daos =; this.entityClass = entityClass; Field fields[] = FieldUtils.getFieldsWithAnnotation(entityClass, LookupKey.class); Preconditions.checkArgument(fields.length != 0, "At least one field needs to be sharding key"); Preconditions.checkArgument(fields.length == 1, "Only one field can be sharding key"); keyField = fields[0]; if (!keyField.isAccessible()) { try { keyField.setAccessible(true); } catch (SecurityException e) { log.error("Error making key field accessible please use a public method and mark that as LookupKey", e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class, DAO cannot be created.", e); } } Preconditions.checkArgument(ClassUtils.isAssignable(keyField.getType(), String.class), "Key field must be a string"); } /** * Get an object on the basis of key (value of field annotated with {@link LookupKey}) from any shard. * <b>Note:</b> Lazy loading will not work once the object is returned. * If you need lazy loading functionality use the alternate {@link #get(String, Function)} method. * @param key The value of the key field to look for. * @return The entity * @throws Exception */ public Optional<T> get(String key) throws Exception { return Optional.ofNullable(get(key, t -> t)); } /** * Get an object on the basis of key (value of field annotated with {@link LookupKey}) from any shard * and applies the provided function/lambda to it. The return from the handler becomes the return to the get function. * <b>Note:</b> The transaction is open when handler is applied. So lazy loading will work inside the handler. * Once get returns, lazy loading will nt owrok. * @param key The value of the key field to look for. * @param handler Handler function/lambda that receives the retrieved object. * @return Whatever is returned by the handler function * @throws Exception */ public <U> U get(String key, Function<T, U> handler) throws Exception { int shardId = ShardCalculator.shardId(shardManager, bucketIdExtractor, key); LookupDaoPriv dao = daos.get(shardId); return Transactions.execute(dao.sessionFactory, true, dao::get, key, handler); } /** * Check if object with specified key exists in any shard. * @param key id of the element to look for * @return true/false depending on if it's found or not. * @throws Exception */ public boolean exists(String key) throws Exception { return get(key).isPresent(); } /** * Saves an entity on proper shard based on hash of the value in the key field in the object. * The updated entity is returned. If {@link org.hibernate.annotations.Cascade} is specified, this can be used * to save an object tree based on the shard of the top entity that has the key field. * <b>Note:</b> Lazy loading will not work on the augmented entity. Use the alternate {@link #save(Object, Function)} for that. * @param entity Entity to save * @return Entity * @throws Exception */ public Optional<T> save(T entity) throws Exception { return Optional.ofNullable(save(entity, t -> t)); } /** * Save an object on the basis of key (value of field annotated with {@link LookupKey}) to target shard * and applies the provided function/lambda to it. The return from the handler becomes the return to the get function. * <b>Note:</b> Handler is executed in the same transactional context as the save operation. * So any updates made to the object in this context will also get persisted. * @param entity The value of the key field to look for. * @param handler Handler function/lambda that receives the retrieved object. * @return The entity * @throws Exception */ public <U> U save(T entity, Function<T, U> handler) throws Exception { final String key = keyField.get(entity).toString(); int shardId = ShardCalculator.shardId(shardManager, bucketIdExtractor, key); log.debug("Saving entity of type {} with key {} to shard {}", entityClass.getSimpleName(), key, shardId); LookupDaoPriv dao = daos.get(shardId); return Transactions.execute(dao.sessionFactory, false, dao::save, entity, handler); } public boolean updateInLock(String id, Function<Optional<T>, T> updater) { int shardId = ShardCalculator.shardId(shardManager, bucketIdExtractor, id); LookupDaoPriv dao = daos.get(shardId); return updateImpl(id, dao::getLockedForWrite, updater, dao); } public boolean update(String id, Function<Optional<T>, T> updater) { int shardId = ShardCalculator.shardId(shardManager, bucketIdExtractor, id); LookupDaoPriv dao = daos.get(shardId); return updateImpl(id, dao::get, updater, dao); } private boolean updateImpl(String id, Function<String, T> getter, Function<Optional<T>, T> updater, LookupDaoPriv dao) { try { return Transactions.<T, String, Boolean>execute(dao.sessionFactory, true, getter, id, entity -> { T newEntity = updater.apply(Optional.ofNullable(entity)); if (null == newEntity) { return false; } dao.update(newEntity); return true; }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error updating entity: " + id, e); } } public LockedContext<T> lockAndGetExecutor(String id) { int shardId = ShardCalculator.shardId(shardManager, bucketIdExtractor, id); LookupDaoPriv dao = daos.get(shardId); return new LockedContext<>(shardId, dao.sessionFactory, dao::getLockedForWrite, id); } public LockedContext<T> saveAndGetExecutor(T entity) { String id; try { id = keyField.get(entity).toString(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } int shardId = ShardCalculator.shardId(shardManager, bucketIdExtractor, id); LookupDaoPriv dao = daos.get(shardId); return new LockedContext<>(shardId, dao.sessionFactory, dao::save, entity); } /** * Queries using the specified criteria across all shards and returns the result. * <b>Note:</b> This method runs the query serially and it's usage is not recommended. * @param criteria The selct criteria * @return List of elements or empty if none match */ public List<T> scatterGather(DetachedCriteria criteria) { return -> { try { return Transactions.execute(dao.sessionFactory, true, dao::select, criteria); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }).flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Queries across various shards and returns the results. * <b>Note:</b> This method runs the query serially and is efficient over scatterGather and serial get of all key * @param keys The list of lookup keys * @return List of elements or empty if none match */ public List<T> get(List<String> keys) { Map<Integer, List<String>> lookupKeysGroupByShards = key -> ShardCalculator.shardId(shardManager, bucketIdExtractor, key), Collectors.toList())); return lookupKeysGroupByShards.keySet().stream().map(shardId -> { try { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(entityClass) .add(, lookupKeysGroupByShards.get(shardId))); return Transactions.execute(daos.get(shardId).sessionFactory, true, daos.get(shardId)::select, criteria); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }).flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.toList()); } protected Field getKeyField() { return this.keyField; } /** * A context for a shard */ @Getter public static class LockedContext<T> { @FunctionalInterface public interface Mutator<T> { void mutator(T parent); } enum Mode { READ, INSERT } private final int shardId; private final SessionFactory sessionFactory; private Function<String, T> function; private Function<T, T> saver; private T entity; private String key; private List<Function<T, Void>> operations = Lists.newArrayList(); private final Mode mode; public LockedContext(int shardId, SessionFactory sessionFactory, Function<String, T> getter, String key) { this.shardId = shardId; this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; this.function = getter; this.key = key; this.mode = Mode.READ; } public LockedContext(int shardId, SessionFactory sessionFactory, Function<T, T> saver, T entity) { this.shardId = shardId; this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; this.saver = saver; this.entity = entity; this.mode = Mode.INSERT; } public LockedContext<T> mutate(Mutator<T> mutator) { return apply(parent -> { mutator.mutator(parent); return null; }); } public LockedContext<T> apply(Function<T, Void> handler) { this.operations.add(handler); return this; } public <U> LockedContext<T> save(RelationalDao<U> relationalDao, Function<T, U> entityGenerator) { return apply(parent -> { try { U entity = entityGenerator.apply(parent);, entity); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return null; }); } public LockedContext<T> filter(Predicate<T> predicate) { return filter(predicate, new IllegalArgumentException("Predicate check failed")); } public LockedContext<T> filter(Predicate<T> predicate, RuntimeException failureException) { return apply(parent -> { boolean result = predicate.test(parent); if (!result) { throw failureException; } return null; }); } public void execute() { TransactionHandler transactionHandler = new TransactionHandler(sessionFactory, false); transactionHandler.beforeStart(); try { T result = generateEntity(); operations.forEach(operation -> operation.apply(result)); transactionHandler.afterEnd(); } catch (Exception e) { transactionHandler.onError(); throw e; } } private T generateEntity() { T result = null; switch (mode) { case READ: result = function.apply(key); if (result == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Entity doesn't exist for key: " + key); } break; case INSERT: result = saver.apply(entity); break; default: break; } return result; } } }