Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011-2016 GatlingCorp (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.liferay.controller;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.Log;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.LogFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.HttpHeaders;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ParamUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.WebKeys;
import com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay;
import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil;

import io.gatling.generation.AST.SimulationAST;
import io.gatling.generation.service.ASTService;
import io.gatling.generation.service.GenerationService;
import io.gatling.liferay.NoSuchProcessException;
import io.gatling.liferay.NoSuchScenarioException;
import io.gatling.liferay.dto.ProcessDTO;
import io.gatling.liferay.dto.ScenarioDTO;
import io.gatling.liferay.dto.mapper.ProcessDTOMapper;
import io.gatling.liferay.dto.mapper.ScenarioDTOMapper;
import io.gatling.liferay.model.Login;
import io.gatling.liferay.model.Process;
import io.gatling.liferay.model.ProcessScenarioLink;
import io.gatling.liferay.model.ProcessType;
import io.gatling.liferay.model.Scenario;
import io.gatling.liferay.model.Simulation;
import io.gatling.liferay.model.SiteMap;
import io.gatling.liferay.service.LoginLocalServiceUtil;
import io.gatling.liferay.service.ProcessLocalServiceUtil;
import io.gatling.liferay.service.ProcessScenarioLinkLocalServiceUtil;
import io.gatling.liferay.service.ScenarioLocalServiceUtil;
import io.gatling.liferay.service.SimulationLocalServiceUtil;
import io.gatling.liferay.service.SiteMapLocalServiceUtil;
import io.gatling.liferay.service.impl.SimulationLocalServiceImpl;
import io.gatling.liferay.util.LiferayUtil;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.ReadOnlyException;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import javax.portlet.ResourceRequest;
import javax.portlet.ResourceResponse;
import javax.portlet.ValidatorException;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.portlet.bind.annotation.ActionMapping;
import org.springframework.web.portlet.bind.annotation.RenderMapping;
import org.springframework.web.portlet.bind.annotation.ResourceMapping;

 * Controller linked to the default view
@Controller(value = "ViewController")
public class BuilderViewController {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(BuilderViewController.class);

    private static final int LOGIN = 0;
    private static final int LOGOUT = 1;
    private static final int RANDOM = 2;

     * Represents a counter to count boxes.
     * This is used to generate unique boxes id in the view.
    private class BoxCounter {
        int count;

        public BoxCounter(int count) {
            this.count = count;

        public int getCount() {
            return count;

        public void setCount(int count) {
            this.count = count;

     * renderRequest is called before every rendering
     * the function prepares all the simulation data
     * it retrieves the defautl simulation related elements and transmits them to the view
     * @param renderRequest
     * @param renderResponse
     * @param model
     * @return
     * @throws SystemException
     * @throws PortalException
    @RenderMapping(params = "render=renderView")
    public String renderRequest(final RenderRequest renderRequest, final RenderResponse renderResponse,
            final Model model) throws SystemException, PortalException {

        BoxCounter boxCounter = new BoxCounter(0);

        List<Process> defaultProcesses = createDefaultProcesses(renderRequest);

        List<ProcessDTO> templates = createLibraryProcessDTO(boxCounter);

        Simulation defaultSimulation = SimulationLocalServiceUtil.createDefaultSimulation();

        List<Scenario> scenarios = createScenarios(defaultSimulation, defaultProcesses);

        List<ScenarioDTO> scenariosDTO = convertScenariosToScenariosDTO(scenarios, boxCounter);

        List<String> injectionsMode = Arrays.asList("ramp Over", "at Once");
        String currentInjection = scenarios.get(0).getInjection();

        Integer panelNb = (Integer) renderRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("panelNb");
        if (panelNb == null) {
            panelNb = 0;

        /* Record the simulation and scenario data */
        renderRequest.setAttribute("panel1State", (panelNb == 0 ? "open" : "collapsed"));
        renderRequest.setAttribute("panel2State", (panelNb == 1 ? "open" : "collapsed"));
        renderRequest.setAttribute("panel3State", (panelNb == 2 ? "open" : "collapsed"));
        renderRequest.setAttribute("panel4State", (panelNb == 3 ? "open" : "collapsed"));

        renderRequest.setAttribute("simulationId", defaultSimulation.getSimulation_id());
        renderRequest.setAttribute("simulationContent", defaultSimulation.getFeederContent());
        renderRequest.setAttribute("scenarios", scenariosDTO);
        renderRequest.setAttribute("numberOfUsers", scenarios.get(0).getNumberOfUsers());
        renderRequest.setAttribute("rampUp", scenarios.get(0).getDuration());
        renderRequest.setAttribute("injections", injectionsMode);
        renderRequest.setAttribute("currentInjection", currentInjection);
        renderRequest.setAttribute("feederContent", LoginLocalServiceUtil.findByName("_default_login_").getData());
        renderRequest.setAttribute("templates", templates);
        renderRequest.setAttribute("counter", boxCounter.getCount());

        return "builder/view";

     * Try to retrieve the list of the default processes if they exist,
     * or create them else
     * @param renderRequest The rendering request
     * @return The list of these processes
     * @throws SystemException If some services failed to retrieve or create the processes
    private List<Process> createDefaultProcesses(final RenderRequest renderRequest) throws SystemException {
        List<Process> processes = new ArrayList<>(3);
        return processes;

     * Try to retrieve the default login process. If it can't be find,
     * the login process is created and persisted.
     * @return The default login process
     * @throws SystemException If some services failed to retrieve or create the process
    private Process getDefaultLogin() throws SystemException {
        Login defaultLogin = LoginLocalServiceUtil.createDefaultLogin();
        try {
            return ProcessLocalServiceUtil.findByName("Login");
        } catch (NoSuchProcessException e) {
            return ProcessLocalServiceUtil.createProcess("Login", ProcessType.LOGIN, defaultLogin.getPrimaryKey());

     * Try to retrieve the default logout process. If it can't be find,
     * the logotu process is created and persisted.
     * @return The default logout process
     * @throws SystemException If some services failed to retrieve or create the process
    private Process getDefaultLogout() throws SystemException {
        try {
            return ProcessLocalServiceUtil.findByName("Logout");
        } catch (NoSuchProcessException e) {
            return ProcessLocalServiceUtil.createProcess("Logout", ProcessType.LOGOUT, null);

     * Try to retrieve the default random process. If it can't be find,
     * the random process is created and persisted.
     * @return The default random process
     * @throws SystemException If some services failed to retrieve or create the process
    private Process getdefaultRandom(final RenderRequest renderRequest) throws SystemException {
        final ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) renderRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
        String portalURL = PortalUtil.getPortalURL(renderRequest);
        SiteMap defaultSiteMap = SiteMapLocalServiceUtil.siteMapCreation(themeDisplay, portalURL);
        Process random;
        try {
            random = ProcessLocalServiceUtil.findByName("Random Page");
        } catch (NoSuchProcessException e) {
            random = ProcessLocalServiceUtil.createProcess("Random Page", ProcessType.RANDOMPAGE,
        return random;

     * Creates a list of ProcessDTO that will represents the different boxes
     * present in the process library.
     * @param boxCounter The BoxCounter that will be used to give ids to the boxes.
     *       boxCounter is updated by this function.
     * @return The list of the library's processDTO 
     * @throws SystemException If some services failed to retrieve or create processes
    private List<ProcessDTO> createLibraryProcessDTO(BoxCounter boxCounter) throws SystemException {
        int counter = boxCounter.getCount();
        List<Process> allProcesses = ProcessLocalServiceUtil.getProcesses(QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS);
        List<ProcessDTO> templates = new ArrayList<>(allProcesses.size());
        templates.add(new ProcessDTO("Pause", String.valueOf(counter++), "Pause", "PAUSE", 3));
        for (Process process : allProcesses) {
            templates.add(ProcessDTOMapper.toDTO(process, String.valueOf(counter)));
        return templates;

     * Retrieve the scenarios contained by the given default simulation.
     * If the simulation doesn't contain any scenrario, it creates a default scenario with
     * the default processes, add it to the default simulation, persists it and return it as
     * a single element in the list.
     * @param defaultSimulation The default simulation
     * @param defaultProcesses The default processes to use if no scenario exists in the default
     *       simulation
     * @return The list of scenarios in the default simulation
     * @throws SystemException If some services failed to retrieve or create the scenarios
    private List<Scenario> createScenarios(Simulation defaultSimulation, List<Process> defaultProcesses)
            throws SystemException {
        if (ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.countBySimulationId(defaultSimulation.getSimulation_id()) == 0) {
            Scenario defaultScenario = ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.createDefaultScenario(defaultSimulation);
            long scenarioId = defaultScenario.getScenario_id();
            ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.addProcess(scenarioId, defaultProcesses.get(LOGIN).getProcess_id(), 0, 3);
            ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.addProcess(scenarioId, defaultProcesses.get(RANDOM).getProcess_id(), 1, 2);
            ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.addProcess(scenarioId, defaultProcesses.get(LOGOUT).getProcess_id(), 2, 0);
        return ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.findBySimulationId(defaultSimulation.getSimulation_id());

     * Takes a list of scenarios and converts it into scenarioDTOs that will represent
     * boxes in the view
     * @param scenarios The scenarios to convert into scenariosDTOs
     * @param boxCounter The BoxCounter that will be used to give ids to the boxes.
     *       boxCounter is updated by this function.
     * @return The scenariosDTO converted from the given scenarios
     * @throws SystemException If some service fail
     * @throws PortalException If Portal services encounter a problem
    private List<ScenarioDTO> convertScenariosToScenariosDTO(List<Scenario> scenarios, BoxCounter boxCounter)
            throws SystemException, PortalException {
        int counter = boxCounter.getCount();
        List<ScenarioDTO> scenariosDTO = new ArrayList<>(scenarios.size());
        for (Scenario scenario : scenarios) {
            ScenarioDTO s = ScenarioDTOMapper.toDTO(scenario, counter);
            counter += s.getProcesses().size();
        return scenariosDTO;

     * Function called when the injection profile is saved
     * it updates all the injection data received from the view
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param model
     * @throws SystemException
     * @throws NoSuchScenarioException
    @ActionMapping(params = "action=saveInjectionProfile")
    public void saveInjectionProfile(final ActionRequest request, final ActionResponse response, final Model model)
            throws SystemException, NoSuchScenarioException {

        long simulationId = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "simulationId");
        long numberOfUsers = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "numberOfUsers");
        long rampUp = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "rampUp");
        String injection = ParamUtil.getString(request, "injectionMode");

        // Update scenario values
        List<Scenario> scenarios = ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.findBySimulationId(simulationId);
        if (scenarios == null || scenarios.isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchScenarioException();

        for (Scenario scenario : scenarios) {

        request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("panelNb", 2);
        response.setRenderParameter("render", "renderView");

     * Function called when the feeders are saved
     * It updates the _default_login_ received from the view
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param model
     * @throws PortalException
     * @throws SystemException
    @ActionMapping(params = "action=saveFeeders")
    public void saveFeeders(final ActionRequest request, final ActionResponse response, final Model model)
            throws PortalException, SystemException {
        String feederContent = ParamUtil.getString(request, "feederContent");

        Login login = LoginLocalServiceUtil.findByName("_default_login_");

        request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("panelNb", 3);
        response.setRenderParameter("render", "renderView");

     * Updates all the scenarios from the JSON send by the view
     * The JSON represent all the default simulation, it is mapped into dtos and persisted
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param model
     * @throws SystemException
     * @throws PortalException
    @ActionMapping(params = "action=saveScenarios")
    public void saveMyScenarios(final ActionRequest request, final ActionResponse response, final Model model)
            throws SystemException, PortalException {
        String json = ParamUtil.getString(request, "JSON");
        LOG.debug("saveScenario called:");

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        try {
            List<ScenarioDTO> dtos = mapper.readValue(json,
                    mapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, ScenarioDTO.class));
            for (ScenarioDTO scenarioDTO : dtos) {
                //Persist the related scenario
        } catch (IOException e) {

        // if the action is launched from a trashcan buton, deletes the related scenario
        String scenarioId = ParamUtil.getString(request, "scenarioId");
        if (!scenarioId.equals("notDefined")) {

        request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("panelNb", 1);
        response.setRenderParameter("render", "renderView");

    private void deleteScenario(long scenarioId) throws SystemException, PortalException {

        List<ProcessScenarioLink> links = ProcessScenarioLinkLocalServiceUtil.findByscenarioId(scenarioId);
        for (ProcessScenarioLink processScenarioLink : links) {


     * Generate a zip file with the default simulation and the related elements
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @throws ValidatorException
     * @throws ReadOnlyException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws SystemException
     * @throws PortalException
     * @throws Exception
    @ResourceMapping(value = "generateZip")
    public void exportZippedEnvironment(final ResourceRequest request, final ResourceResponse response)
            throws ValidatorException, ReadOnlyException, IOException, SystemException, PortalException, Exception {
        LOG.debug("Generating zip file...");
        request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("panelNb", 0);

        Simulation simulation = SimulationLocalServiceUtil.getByName(SimulationLocalServiceImpl.DEFAULT_NAME);

        response.addProperty("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename =");

        // prepare the AST that will be used for the generation
        List<SimulationAST> scriptASTs = new ArrayList<>();
                ASTService.computesSimulationAST(simulation.getSimulation_id(), PortalUtil.getPortalURL(request)));

        // Generate the zip
        GenerationService.zipMyEnvironment(response.getPortletOutputStream(), getClass().getClassLoader(), request,

        response.addProperty(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "max-age=3600, must-revalidate");
        LOG.debug("Zip generated ...");

     * Creates a new scenario
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param model
     * @throws SystemException
     * @throws PortalException
    @ActionMapping(params = "action=persistNewScenario")
    public void persistNewScenario(final ActionRequest request, final ActionResponse response, final Model model)
            throws SystemException, PortalException {
        LOG.debug("Action Triggered: Save Default Simulation");

        Simulation simulation = SimulationLocalServiceUtil.getByName(SimulationLocalServiceImpl.DEFAULT_NAME);
        //Scenario defaultScenario = ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.findBySimulationId(simulation.getSimulation_id()).get(0);
        Scenario scenario = ScenarioLocalServiceUtil.addScenario("MyScenario", simulation.getSimulation_id());
        Process login = ProcessLocalServiceUtil.findByName("LOGIN");
        ProcessScenarioLinkLocalServiceUtil.createLink(scenario.getScenario_id(), login.getProcess_id(), 0, 0);

     * Takes all the renders without param.
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param model
     * @return
     * @throws SystemException 
     * @throws PortalException 
    public String handleRenderRequest(final RenderRequest request, final RenderResponse response, final Model model)
            throws SystemException, PortalException {
        return renderRequest(request, response, model);
