Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * (C) Copyright 2015-2016 by MSDK Development Team
 * This software is dual-licensed under either
 * (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation
 * or (per the licensee's choosing)
 * (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
 * the Eclipse Foundation.
package io.github.msdk.features.ransacaligner;

import io.github.msdk.MSDKException;
import io.github.msdk.MSDKMethod;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.datastore.DataPointStore;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.featuretables.ColumnName;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.featuretables.FeatureTable;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.featuretables.FeatureTableColumn;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.featuretables.FeatureTableRow;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.featuretables.Sample;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.impl.MSDKObjectBuilder;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.ionannotations.IonAnnotation;
import io.github.msdk.datamodel.rawdata.ChromatographyInfo;
import io.github.msdk.util.FeatureTableUtil;
import io.github.msdk.util.MZTolerance;
import io.github.msdk.util.RTTolerance;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.fitting.PolynomialFitter;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.general.GaussNewtonOptimizer;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;

 * This class aligns feature tables using the RANSAC method. 
public class RansacAlignerMethod implements MSDKMethod<FeatureTable> {
    // Variables
    private final @Nonnull MZTolerance mzTolerance;
    private final @Nonnull RTTolerance rtTolerance;
    private final @Nonnull RTTolerance rtToleranceAfterCorrection;
    private final boolean requireSameCharge;
    private final boolean requireSameAnnotation;
    private final @Nonnull String featureTableName;
    private final @Nonnull DataPointStore dataStore;
    private final @Nonnull List<FeatureTable> featureTables;
    private final @Nonnull FeatureTable result;
    private boolean canceled = false;
    private int processedFeatures = 0, totalFeatures = 0;
    private double t, dataPointsRate;
    private boolean linear;

    // ID counter for the new feature table
    private int newRowID = 1;

    * <p>
    * Constructor for RansacAlignerMethod.
    * </p>
    * @param featureTables
    *            a {@link java.util.List} object.
    * @param dataStore
    *            a {@link io.github.msdk.datamodel.datastore.DataPointStore}
    *            object.
    * @param mzTolerance
    *            a {@link io.github.msdk.util.MZTolerance} object.
    * @param requireSameCharge
    *            a {@link java.lang.Boolean} object.  
    * @param requireSameAnnotation
    *            a {@link java.lang.Boolean} object.
    * @param featureTableName
    *            a {@link java.lang.String} object.
    * @param rtTolerance
    *            a {@link io.github.msdk.util.RTTolerance} object.
    * @param t a threshold value for determining when a data point fits
    * a mode    
    * @param linear
    *            a {@link java.lang.Boolean} object.      
    * @param dataPointsRate  % of datapoints from the data required to assert that a model
    * fits well to data.  If it is 0, the variable will be set as 0.1
    public RansacAlignerMethod(@Nonnull List<FeatureTable> featureTables, @Nonnull DataPointStore dataStore,
            @Nonnull MZTolerance mzTolerance, @Nonnull RTTolerance rtTolerance, boolean requireSameCharge,
            boolean requireSameAnnotation, @Nonnull String featureTableName, @Nonnull double t,
            @Nonnull boolean linear, @Nonnull double dataPointsRate) {
        this.featureTables = featureTables;
        this.dataStore = dataStore;
        this.mzTolerance = mzTolerance;
        this.rtToleranceAfterCorrection = rtTolerance;
        this.rtTolerance = new RTTolerance(rtToleranceAfterCorrection.getTolerance() * 2, false);
        this.requireSameCharge = requireSameCharge;
        this.requireSameAnnotation = requireSameAnnotation;
        this.featureTableName = featureTableName;
        this.t = t;
        this.linear = linear;
        this.dataPointsRate = dataPointsRate;

        // Make a new feature table
        result = MSDKObjectBuilder.getFeatureTable(featureTableName, dataStore);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FeatureTable execute() throws MSDKException {

        // Calculate number of feature to process. Each feature will be
        // processed twice: first for score calculation and then for actual
        // alignment.
        for (FeatureTable featureTable : featureTables) {
            totalFeatures += featureTable.getRows().size() * 2;

        // Iterate through all feature tables
        Boolean firstFeatureTable = true;
        for (FeatureTable featureTable : featureTables) {

            // Add columns from the original feature table to the result table
            for (FeatureTableColumn<?> column : featureTable.getColumns()) {
                if (firstFeatureTable)
                else if (column.getSample() != null)
            firstFeatureTable = false;

            // Create a sorted array of matching scores between two rows
            List<RowVsRowScore> scoreSet = new ArrayList<RowVsRowScore>();

            // Calculate scores for all possible alignments of this row
            for (FeatureTableRow row : featureTable.getRows()) {

                final Double mz = row.getMz();
                if (mz == null)

                // Calculate the m/z range limit for the current row
                Range<Double> mzRange = mzTolerance.getToleranceRange(mz);

                // Continue if no chromatography info is available
                ChromatographyInfo chromatographyInfo = row.getChromatographyInfo();
                if (chromatographyInfo == null)

                // Calculate the RT range limit for the current row
                Range<Double> rtRange = rtTolerance.getToleranceRange(chromatographyInfo.getRetentionTime());


                if (canceled)
                    return null;

            // Create a table of mappings for best scores
            Hashtable<FeatureTableRow, FeatureTableRow> alignmentMapping = this.getAlignmentMap(featureTable);

            // Align all rows using the mapping
            for (FeatureTableRow sourceRow : featureTable.getRows()) {
                FeatureTableRow targetRow = alignmentMapping.get(sourceRow);

                // If we have no mapping for this row, add a new one
                if (targetRow == null) {
                    targetRow = MSDKObjectBuilder.getFeatureTableRow(result, newRowID);
                    FeatureTableColumn<Integer> column = result.getColumn(ColumnName.ID, null);
                    targetRow.setData(column, newRowID);

                // Add all features from the original row to the aligned row
                for (Sample sample : sourceRow.getFeatureTable().getSamples()) {
                    FeatureTableUtil.copyFeatureValues(sourceRow, targetRow, sample);

                // Combine common values from the original row with the aligned
                // row
                FeatureTableUtil.copyCommonValues(sourceRow, targetRow, true);


            // Re-calculate average row averages

            if (canceled)
                return null;


        // Return the new feature table
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Float getFinishedPercentage() {
        return totalFeatures == 0 ? null : (float) processedFeatures / totalFeatures;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FeatureTable getResult() {
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void cancel() {
        canceled = true;

    private Hashtable<FeatureTableRow, FeatureTableRow> getAlignmentMap(FeatureTable featureTable) {

        // Create a table of mappings for best scores
        Hashtable<FeatureTableRow, FeatureTableRow> alignmentMapping = new Hashtable<FeatureTableRow, FeatureTableRow>();

        // Create a sorted set of scores matching
        TreeSet<RowVsRowScore> scoreSet = new TreeSet<RowVsRowScore>();

        // RANSAC algorithm
        List<AlignStructMol> list = ransacPeakLists(result, featureTable);
        PolynomialFunction function = this.getPolynomialFunction(list);

        List<FeatureTableRow> allRows = featureTable.getRows();

        for (FeatureTableRow row : allRows) {
            // Calculate limits for a row with which the row can be aligned
            Range<Double> mzRange = mzTolerance.getToleranceRange(row.getMz());

            double rt;
            try {
                rt = function.value(row.getChromatographyInfo().getRetentionTime());
            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                rt = row.getChromatographyInfo().getRetentionTime();
            if (Double.isNaN(rt) || rt == -1) {
                rt = row.getChromatographyInfo().getRetentionTime();

            Range<Double> rtRange = rtToleranceAfterCorrection.getToleranceRange(rt);

            // Get all rows of the aligned feature table within the m/z and
            // RT limits
            List<FeatureTableRow> candidateRows = result.getRowsInsideRange(rtRange, mzRange);

            for (FeatureTableRow candidateRow : candidateRows) {
                RowVsRowScore score;
                if (requireSameCharge) {
                    FeatureTableColumn<Integer> chargeColumn1 = featureTable.getColumn(ColumnName.CHARGE, null);
                    FeatureTableColumn<Integer> chargeColumn2 = result.getColumn(ColumnName.CHARGE, null);
                    Integer charge1 = row.getData(chargeColumn1);
                    Integer charge2 = candidateRow.getData(chargeColumn2);
                    if (!charge1.equals(charge2))

                // Check ion annotation
                if (requireSameAnnotation) {
                    FeatureTableColumn<List<IonAnnotation>> ionAnnotationColumn1 = featureTable
                            .getColumn(ColumnName.IONANNOTATION, null);
                    FeatureTableColumn<List<IonAnnotation>> ionAnnotationColumn2 = result
                            .getColumn(ColumnName.IONANNOTATION, null);
                    List<IonAnnotation> ionAnnotations1 = row.getData(ionAnnotationColumn1);
                    List<IonAnnotation> ionAnnotations2 = candidateRow.getData(ionAnnotationColumn2);

                    // Check that all ion annotations in first row are in
                    // the candidate row
                    boolean equalIons = false;
                    if (ionAnnotations1 != null && ionAnnotations2 != null) {
                        for (IonAnnotation ionAnnotation : ionAnnotations1) {
                            for (IonAnnotation targetIonAnnotation : ionAnnotations2) {
                                if (targetIonAnnotation.compareTo(ionAnnotation) == 0)
                                    equalIons = true;
                    if (!equalIons)


                try {
                    double mzLength = mzRange.upperEndpoint() - mzRange.lowerEndpoint();
                    double rtLength = rtRange.upperEndpoint() - rtRange.lowerEndpoint();
                    score = new RowVsRowScore(row, candidateRow, mzLength, rtLength, new Float(rt));


                } catch (Exception e) {
                    return null;

        // Iterate scores by descending order
        Iterator<RowVsRowScore> scoreIterator = scoreSet.iterator();
        while (scoreIterator.hasNext()) {

            RowVsRowScore score =;

            // Check if the row is already mapped
            if (alignmentMapping.containsKey(score.getFeatureTableRow())) {

            // Check if the aligned row is already filled
            if (alignmentMapping.containsValue(score.getAlignedRow())) {

            alignmentMapping.put(score.getFeatureTableRow(), score.getAlignedRow());


        return alignmentMapping;

    * RANSAC
    * @param alignedPeakList
    * @param peakList
    * @return
    private List<AlignStructMol> ransacPeakLists(FeatureTable alignedPeakList, FeatureTable peakList) {
        List<AlignStructMol> list = this.getVectorAlignment(alignedPeakList, peakList);
        RANSAC ransac = new RANSAC(t, linear, dataPointsRate);
        return list;

     * Return the corrected RT of the row
     * @param row
     * @param list
     * @return
    private PolynomialFunction getPolynomialFunction(List<AlignStructMol> list) {
        List<RTs> data = new ArrayList<RTs>();
        for (AlignStructMol m : list) {
            if (m.Aligned) {
                data.add(new RTs(m.RT2, m.RT));

        data = this.smooth(data);
        Collections.sort(data, new RTs());

        double[] xval = new double[data.size()];
        double[] yval = new double[data.size()];
        int i = 0;

        for (RTs rt : data) {
            xval[i] = rt.RT;
            yval[i++] = rt.RT2;

        PolynomialFitter fitter = new PolynomialFitter(3, new GaussNewtonOptimizer(true));
        for (RTs rt : data) {
            fitter.addObservedPoint(1, rt.RT, rt.RT2);
        try {

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            return null;

    private List<RTs> smooth(List<RTs> list) {
        // Add points to the model in between of the real points to smooth the
        // regression model
        Collections.sort(list, new RTs());

        for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {
            RTs point1 = list.get(i);
            RTs point2 = list.get(i + 1);
            if (point1.RT < point2.RT - 2) {
                SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression();
                regression.addData(point1.RT, point1.RT2);
                regression.addData(point2.RT, point2.RT2);
                double rt = point1.RT + 1;
                while (rt < point2.RT) {
                    RTs newPoint = new RTs(rt, regression.predict(rt));


        return list;

     * Create the vector which contains all the possible aligned peaks.
     * @param peakListX
     * @param peakListY
     * @return vector which contains all the possible aligned peaks.
    private List<AlignStructMol> getVectorAlignment(FeatureTable peakListX, FeatureTable peakListY) {

        List<AlignStructMol> alignMol = new ArrayList<AlignStructMol>();
        for (FeatureTableRow row : peakListX.getRows()) {

            // Calculate limits for a row with which the row can be aligned
            Range<Double> mzRange = mzTolerance.getToleranceRange(row.getMz());
            Range<Double> rtRange = rtTolerance.getToleranceRange(row.getChromatographyInfo().getRetentionTime());

            // Get all rows of the aligned peaklist within parameter limits
            List<FeatureTableRow> candidateRows = peakListY.getRowsInsideRange(rtRange, mzRange);

            for (FeatureTableRow candidateRow : candidateRows) {
                alignMol.add(new AlignStructMol(row, candidateRow));

        return alignMol;
