Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ package io.pravega.controller.task.Stream; import io.pravega.client.ClientFactory; import io.pravega.client.netty.impl.ConnectionFactory; import io.pravega.common.concurrent.FutureHelpers; import io.pravega.controller.server.SegmentHelper; import io.pravega.controller.server.eventProcessor.AbortEvent; import io.pravega.controller.server.eventProcessor.CommitEvent; import io.pravega.controller.server.eventProcessor.ControllerEventProcessorConfig; import io.pravega.controller.server.eventProcessor.ControllerEventProcessors; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.pravega.controller.timeout.TimeoutService; import io.pravega.controller.timeout.TimeoutServiceConfig; import io.pravega.controller.timeout.TimerWheelTimeoutService; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; /** * Collection of metadata update tasks on stream. * Task methods are annotated with @Task annotation. * <p> * Any update to the task method signature should be avoided, since it can cause problems during upgrade. * Instead, a new overloaded method may be created with the same task annotation name but a new version. */ @Slf4j public class StreamTransactionMetadataTasks implements AutoCloseable { protected EventStreamWriter<CommitEvent> commitEventEventStreamWriter; protected EventStreamWriter<AbortEvent> abortEventEventStreamWriter; protected String commitStreamName; protected String abortStreamName; protected final String hostId; protected final ScheduledExecutorService executor; private final StreamMetadataStore streamMetadataStore; private final HostControllerStore hostControllerStore; private final SegmentHelper segmentHelper; private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; @Getter @VisibleForTesting private final TimeoutService timeoutService; private volatile boolean ready; private final CountDownLatch readyLatch; @VisibleForTesting public StreamTransactionMetadataTasks(final StreamMetadataStore streamMetadataStore, final HostControllerStore hostControllerStore, final SegmentHelper segmentHelper, final ScheduledExecutorService executor, final String hostId, final TimeoutServiceConfig timeoutServiceConfig, final BlockingQueue<Optional<Throwable>> taskCompletionQueue, final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.hostId = hostId; this.executor = executor; this.streamMetadataStore = streamMetadataStore; this.hostControllerStore = hostControllerStore; this.segmentHelper = segmentHelper; this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; this.timeoutService = new TimerWheelTimeoutService(this, timeoutServiceConfig, taskCompletionQueue); readyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); } public StreamTransactionMetadataTasks(final StreamMetadataStore streamMetadataStore, final HostControllerStore hostControllerStore, final SegmentHelper segmentHelper, final ScheduledExecutorService executor, final String hostId, final TimeoutServiceConfig timeoutServiceConfig, final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.hostId = hostId; this.executor = executor; this.streamMetadataStore = streamMetadataStore; this.hostControllerStore = hostControllerStore; this.segmentHelper = segmentHelper; this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; this.timeoutService = new TimerWheelTimeoutService(this, timeoutServiceConfig); readyLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); } public StreamTransactionMetadataTasks(final StreamMetadataStore streamMetadataStore, final HostControllerStore hostControllerStore, final SegmentHelper segmentHelper, final ScheduledExecutorService executor, final String hostId, final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this(streamMetadataStore, hostControllerStore, segmentHelper, executor, hostId, TimeoutServiceConfig.defaultConfig(), connectionFactory); } protected void setReady() { ready = true; readyLatch.countDown(); } boolean isReady() { return ready; } @VisibleForTesting public boolean awaitInitialization(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws InterruptedException { return readyLatch.await(timeout, timeUnit); } public void awaitInitialization() throws InterruptedException { readyLatch.await(); } /** * Initializes stream writers for commit and abort streams. * This method should be called immediately after creating StreamTransactionMetadataTasks object. * * @param clientFactory Client factory reference. * @param config Controller event processor configuration. */ public Void initializeStreamWriters(final ClientFactory clientFactory, final ControllerEventProcessorConfig config) { this.commitStreamName = config.getCommitStreamName(); this.commitEventEventStreamWriter = clientFactory.createEventWriter(config.getCommitStreamName(), ControllerEventProcessors.COMMIT_EVENT_SERIALIZER, EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); this.abortStreamName = config.getAbortStreamName(); this.abortEventEventStreamWriter = clientFactory.createEventWriter(config.getAbortStreamName(), ControllerEventProcessors.ABORT_EVENT_SERIALIZER, EventWriterConfig.builder().build()); this.setReady(); return null; } @VisibleForTesting public Void initializeStreamWriters(final String commitStreamName, final EventStreamWriter<CommitEvent> commitWriter, final String abortStreamName, final EventStreamWriter<AbortEvent> abortWriter) { this.commitStreamName = commitStreamName; this.commitEventEventStreamWriter = commitWriter; this.abortStreamName = abortStreamName; this.abortEventEventStreamWriter = abortWriter; this.setReady(); return null; } /** * Create transaction. * * @param scope stream scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param lease Time for which transaction shall remain open with sending any heartbeat. * @param maxExecutionPeriod Maximum time for which client may extend txn lease. * @param scaleGracePeriod Maximum time for which client may extend txn lease once * the scaling operation is initiated on the txn stream. * @param contextOpt operational context * @return transaction id. */ public CompletableFuture<Pair<VersionedTransactionData, List<Segment>>> createTxn(final String scope, final String stream, final long lease, final long maxExecutionPeriod, final long scaleGracePeriod, final OperationContext contextOpt) { return checkReady().thenComposeAsync(x -> { final OperationContext context = getNonNullOperationContext(scope, stream, contextOpt); return createTxnBody(scope, stream, lease, maxExecutionPeriod, scaleGracePeriod, context); }, executor); } /** * Transaction heartbeat, that increases transaction timeout by lease number of milliseconds. * * @param scope Stream scope. * @param stream Stream name. * @param txId Transaction identifier. * @param lease Amount of time in milliseconds by which to extend the transaction lease. * @param contextOpt operational context * @return Transaction metadata along with the version of it record in the store. */ public CompletableFuture<PingTxnStatus> pingTxn(final String scope, final String stream, final UUID txId, final long lease, final OperationContext contextOpt) { return checkReady().thenComposeAsync(x -> { final OperationContext context = getNonNullOperationContext(scope, stream, contextOpt); return pingTxnBody(scope, stream, txId, lease, context); }, executor); } /** * Abort transaction. * * @param scope stream scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param txId transaction id. * @param version Expected version of the transaction record in the store. * @param contextOpt operational context * @return true/false. */ public CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> abortTxn(final String scope, final String stream, final UUID txId, final Integer version, final OperationContext contextOpt) { return checkReady().thenComposeAsync(x -> { final OperationContext context = getNonNullOperationContext(scope, stream, contextOpt); return sealTxnBody(hostId, scope, stream, false, txId, version, context); }, executor); } /** * Commit transaction. * * @param scope stream scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param txId transaction id. * @param contextOpt optional context * @return true/false. */ public CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> commitTxn(final String scope, final String stream, final UUID txId, final OperationContext contextOpt) { return checkReady().thenComposeAsync(x -> { final OperationContext context = getNonNullOperationContext(scope, stream, contextOpt); return sealTxnBody(hostId, scope, stream, true, txId, null, context); }, executor); } /** * Creates txn on the specified stream. * * Post-condition: * 1. If txn creation succeeds, then * (a) txn node is created in the store, * (b) txn segments are successfully created on respective segment stores, * (c) txn is present in the host-txn index of current host, * (d) txn's timeout is being tracked in timeout service. * * 2. If process fails after creating txn node, but before responding to the client, then since txn is * present in the host-txn index, some other controller process shall abort the txn after maxLeaseValue * * 3. If timeout service tracks timeout of specified txn, * then txn is also present in the host-txn index of current process. * * Invariant: * The following invariants are maintained throughout the execution of createTxn, pingTxn and sealTxn methods. * 1. If timeout service tracks timeout of a txn, then txn is also present in the host-txn index of current process. * 2. If txn znode is updated, then txn is also present in the host-txn index of current process. * * @param scope scope name. * @param stream stream name. * @param lease txn lease. * @param maxExecutionPeriod maximum amount of time for which txn may remain open. * @param scaleGracePeriod amount of time for which txn may remain open after scale operation is initiated. * @param ctx context. * @return identifier of the created txn. */ CompletableFuture<Pair<VersionedTransactionData, List<Segment>>> createTxnBody(final String scope, final String stream, final long lease, final long maxExecutionPeriod, final long scaleGracePeriod, final OperationContext ctx) { // Step 1. Validate parameters. CompletableFuture<Void> validate = validate(lease, maxExecutionPeriod, scaleGracePeriod); UUID txnId = UUID.randomUUID(); TxnResource resource = new TxnResource(scope, stream, txnId); // Step 2. Add txn to host-transaction index. CompletableFuture<Void> addIndex = validate .thenComposeAsync(ignore -> streamMetadataStore.addTxnToIndex(hostId, resource, 0), executor) .whenComplete((v, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.debug("Txn={}, failed adding txn to host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId); } else { log.debug("Txn={}, added txn to host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId); } }); // Step 3. Create txn node in the store. CompletableFuture<VersionedTransactionData> txnFuture = addIndex .thenComposeAsync(ignore -> streamMetadataStore.createTransaction(scope, stream, txnId, lease, maxExecutionPeriod, scaleGracePeriod, ctx, executor), executor) .whenComplete((v, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.debug("Txn={}, failed creating txn in store", txnId); } else { log.debug("Txn={}, created in store", txnId); } }); // Step 4. Notify segment stores about new txn. CompletableFuture<List<Segment>> segmentsFuture = txnFuture.thenComposeAsync( txnData -> streamMetadataStore.getActiveSegments(scope, stream, txnData.getEpoch(), ctx, executor), executor); CompletableFuture<Void> notify = segmentsFuture .thenComposeAsync(activeSegments -> notifyTxnCreation(scope, stream, activeSegments, txnId), executor) .whenComplete((v, e) -> // Method notifyTxnCreation ensures that notification completes // even in the presence of n/w or segment store failures. log.debug("Txn={}, notified segments stores", txnId)); // Step 5. Start tracking txn in timeout service return notify.thenApplyAsync(y -> { int version = txnFuture.join().getVersion(); long executionExpiryTime = txnFuture.join().getMaxExecutionExpiryTime(); timeoutService.addTxn(scope, stream, txnId, version, lease, executionExpiryTime, scaleGracePeriod); log.debug("Txn={}, added to timeout service on host={}", txnId, hostId); return null; }, executor).thenApplyAsync(v -> new ImmutablePair<>(txnFuture.join(), segmentsFuture.join()), executor); } @SuppressWarnings("ReturnCount") private CompletableFuture<Void> validate(long lease, long maxExecutionPeriod, long scaleGracePeriod) { if (lease <= 0) { return FutureHelpers.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("lease should be a positive number")); } if (maxExecutionPeriod <= 0) { return FutureHelpers .failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("maxExecutionPeriod should be a positive number")); } if (scaleGracePeriod <= 0) { return FutureHelpers .failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("scaleGracePeriod should be a positive number")); } // If scaleGracePeriod is larger than maxScaleGracePeriod return error if (scaleGracePeriod > timeoutService.getMaxScaleGracePeriod()) { return FutureHelpers.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException( "scaleGracePeriod too large, max value is " + timeoutService.getMaxScaleGracePeriod())); } // If lease value is too large return error if (lease > scaleGracePeriod || lease > maxExecutionPeriod || lease > timeoutService.getMaxLeaseValue()) { return FutureHelpers.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("lease value too large, max value is " + Math.min(scaleGracePeriod, Math.min(maxExecutionPeriod, timeoutService.getMaxLeaseValue())))); } return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } /** * Ping a txn thereby updating its timeout to current time + lease. * * Post-condition: * 1. If ping request completes successfully, then * (a) txn timeout is set to lease + current time in timeout service, * (b) txn version in timeout service equals version of txn node in store, * (c) if txn's timeout was not previously tracked in timeout service of current process, * then version of txn node in store is updated, thus fencing out other processes tracking timeout for this txn, * (d) txn is present in the host-txn index of current host, * * 2. If process fails before responding to the client, then since txn is present in the host-txn index, * some other controller process shall abort the txn after maxLeaseValue * * Store read/update operation is not invoked on receiving ping request for a txn that is being tracked in the * timeout service. Otherwise, if the txn is not being tracked in the timeout service, txn node is read from * the store and updated. * * @param scope scope name. * @param stream stream name. * @param txnId txn id. * @param lease txn lease. * @param ctx context. * @return ping status. */ CompletableFuture<PingTxnStatus> pingTxnBody(final String scope, final String stream, final UUID txnId, final long lease, final OperationContext ctx) { if (!timeoutService.isRunning()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(createStatus(Status.DISCONNECTED)); } if (timeoutService.containsTxn(scope, stream, txnId)) { // If timeout service knows about this transaction, attempt to increase its lease. log.debug("Txn={}, extending lease in timeout service", txnId); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(timeoutService.pingTxn(scope, stream, txnId, lease)); } else { // Otherwise, fence other potential processes managing timeout for this txn, and update its lease. log.debug("Txn={}, updating txn node in store and extending lease", txnId); return fenceTxnUpdateLease(scope, stream, txnId, lease, ctx); } } private PingTxnStatus createStatus(Status status) { return PingTxnStatus.newBuilder().setStatus(status).build(); } private CompletableFuture<PingTxnStatus> fenceTxnUpdateLease(final String scope, final String stream, final UUID txnId, final long lease, final OperationContext ctx) { // Step 1. Check whether lease value is within necessary bounds. // Step 2. Add txn to host-transaction index. // Step 3. Update txn node data in the store,thus updating its version // and fencing other processes from tracking this txn's timeout. // Step 4. Add this txn to timeout service and start managing timeout for this txn. return streamMetadataStore.getTransactionData(scope, stream, txnId, ctx, executor) .thenComposeAsync(txnData -> { // Step 1. Sanity check for lease value. if (lease > txnData.getScaleGracePeriod() || lease > timeoutService.getMaxLeaseValue()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(createStatus(Status.LEASE_TOO_LARGE)); } else if (lease + System.currentTimeMillis() > txnData.getMaxExecutionExpiryTime()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(createStatus(Status.MAX_EXECUTION_TIME_EXCEEDED)); } else { TxnResource resource = new TxnResource(scope, stream, txnId); int expVersion = txnData.getVersion() + 1; // Step 2. Add txn to host-transaction index CompletableFuture<Void> addIndex = streamMetadataStore .addTxnToIndex(hostId, resource, expVersion).whenComplete((v, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.debug("Txn={}, failed adding txn to host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId); } else { log.debug("Txn={}, added txn to host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId); } }); return addIndex.thenComposeAsync(x -> { // Step 3. Update txn node data in the store. CompletableFuture<VersionedTransactionData> pingTxn = streamMetadataStore .pingTransaction(scope, stream, txnData, lease, ctx, executor) .whenComplete((v, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.debug("Txn={}, failed updating txn node in store", txnId); } else { log.debug("Txn={}, updated txn node in store", txnId); } }); // Step 4. Add it to timeout service and start managing timeout for this txn. return pingTxn.thenApplyAsync(data -> { int version = data.getVersion(); long expiryTime = data.getMaxExecutionExpiryTime(); long scaleGracePeriod = data.getScaleGracePeriod(); // Even if timeout service has an active/executing timeout task for this txn, it is bound // to fail, since version of txn node has changed because of the above store.pingTxn call. // Hence explicitly add a new timeout task. log.debug("Txn={}, adding txn to host-txn index", txnId); timeoutService.addTxn(scope, stream, txnId, version, lease, expiryTime, scaleGracePeriod); return createStatus(Status.OK); }, executor); }, executor); } }, executor); } /** * Seals a txn and transitions it to COMMITTING (resp. ABORTING) state if commit param is true (resp. false). * * Post-condition: * 1. If seal completes successfully, then * (a) txn state is COMMITTING/ABORTING, * (b) CommitEvent/AbortEvent is present in the commit stream/abort stream, * (c) txn is removed from host-txn index, * (d) txn is removed from the timeout service. * * 2. If process fails after transitioning txn to COMMITTING/ABORTING state, but before responding to client, then * since txn is present in the host-txn index, some other controller process shall put CommitEvent/AbortEvent to * commit stream/abort stream. * * @param host host id. It is different from hostId iff invoked from TxnSweeper for aborting orphaned txn. * @param scope scope name. * @param stream stream name. * @param commit boolean indicating whether to commit txn. * @param txnId txn id. * @param version expected version of txn node in store. * @param ctx context. * @return Txn status after sealing it. */ CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> sealTxnBody(final String host, final String scope, final String stream, final boolean commit, final UUID txnId, final Integer version, final OperationContext ctx) { TxnResource resource = new TxnResource(scope, stream, txnId); Optional<Integer> versionOpt = Optional.ofNullable(version); // Step 1. Add txn to current host's index, if it is not already present CompletableFuture<Void> addIndex = host.equals(hostId) && !timeoutService.containsTxn(scope, stream, txnId) ? // PS: txn version in index does not matter, because if update is successful, // then txn would no longer be open. streamMetadataStore.addTxnToIndex(hostId, resource, Integer.MAX_VALUE) : CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); addIndex.whenComplete((v, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.debug("Txn={}, already present/newly added to host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId); } else { log.debug("Txn={}, failed adding txn to host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId); } }); // Step 2. Seal txn CompletableFuture<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<TxnStatus, Integer>> sealFuture = addIndex.thenComposeAsync( x -> streamMetadataStore.sealTransaction(scope, stream, txnId, commit, versionOpt, ctx, executor), executor).whenComplete((v, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.debug("Txn={}, failed sealing txn", txnId); } else { log.debug("Txn={}, sealed successfully, commit={}", txnId, commit); } }); // Step 3. write event to corresponding stream. return sealFuture.thenComposeAsync(pair -> { TxnStatus status = pair.getKey(); switch (status) { case COMMITTING: return writeCommitEvent(scope, stream, pair.getValue(), txnId, status); case ABORTING: return writeAbortEvent(scope, stream, pair.getValue(), txnId, status); case ABORTED: case COMMITTED: return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(status); case OPEN: case UNKNOWN: default: // Not possible after successful streamStore.sealTransaction call, because otherwise an // exception would be thrown. return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(status); } }, executor).thenComposeAsync(status -> { // Step 4. Remove txn from timeoutService, and from the index. timeoutService.removeTxn(scope, stream, txnId); log.debug("Txn={}, removed from timeout service", txnId); return streamMetadataStore.removeTxnFromIndex(host, resource, true).whenComplete((v, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.debug("Txn={}, failed removing txn from host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId); } else { log.debug("Txn={}, removed txn from host-txn index of host={}", txnId, hostId); } }).thenApply(x -> status); }, executor); } CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> writeCommitEvent(String scope, String stream, int epoch, UUID txnId, TxnStatus status) { String key = scope + stream; CommitEvent event = new CommitEvent(scope, stream, epoch, txnId); return TaskStepsRetryHelper.withRetries( () -> writeEvent(commitEventEventStreamWriter, commitStreamName, key, event, txnId, status), executor); } CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> writeAbortEvent(String scope, String stream, int epoch, UUID txnId, TxnStatus status) { String key = txnId.toString(); AbortEvent event = new AbortEvent(scope, stream, epoch, txnId); return TaskStepsRetryHelper.withRetries( () -> writeEvent(abortEventEventStreamWriter, abortStreamName, key, event, txnId, status), executor); } private <T> CompletableFuture<TxnStatus> writeEvent(final EventStreamWriter<T> streamWriter, final String streamName, final String key, final T event, final UUID txnId, final TxnStatus txnStatus) { log.debug("Txn={}, state={}, sending request to {}", txnId, txnStatus, streamName); return streamWriter.writeEvent(key, event).thenApplyAsync(v -> { log.debug("Transaction {}, sent request to {}", txnId, streamName); return txnStatus; }, executor).exceptionally(ex -> { log.warn("Transaction {}, failed sending {} to {}. Retrying...", txnId, event.getClass().getSimpleName(), streamName); throw new WriteFailedException(ex); }); } private CompletableFuture<Void> notifyTxnCreation(final String scope, final String stream, final List<Segment> segments, final UUID txnId) { return FutureHelpers.allOf( .map(segment -> notifyTxnCreation(scope, stream, segment.getNumber(), txnId)) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } private CompletableFuture<UUID> notifyTxnCreation(final String scope, final String stream, final int segmentNumber, final UUID txnId) { return TaskStepsRetryHelper.withRetries(() -> segmentHelper.createTransaction(scope, stream, segmentNumber, txnId, this.hostControllerStore, this.connectionFactory), executor); } private CompletableFuture<Void> checkReady() { if (!ready) { return FutureHelpers.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException(getClass().getName() + " not yet ready")); } else { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } } private OperationContext getNonNullOperationContext(final String scope, final String stream, final OperationContext contextOpt) { return contextOpt == null ? streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream) : contextOpt; } @Override public void close() throws Exception { timeoutService.stopAsync(); timeoutService.awaitTerminated(); if (commitEventEventStreamWriter != null) { commitEventEventStreamWriter.close(); } if (abortEventEventStreamWriter != null) { abortEventEventStreamWriter.close(); } } }