Source code

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//Copyright 2007-2009 David Yu
//Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//You may obtain a copy of the License at 
//Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//limitations under the License.

package io.protostuff;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonEncoding;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8StreamJsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.BytesToNameCanonicalizer;

 * Utility for the JSON serialization/deserialization of messages and objects tied to a schema.
 * @author David Yu
 * @created Nov 20, 2009
public final class JsonIOUtil {

    private JsonIOUtil() {

     * A custom factory simply to expose certain fields.
    public static final class Factory extends JsonFactory {

         * Needed by jackson's internal utf8 strema parser.
        public BytesToNameCanonicalizer getRootByteSymbols() {
            return _rootByteSymbols;

         * Returns the parser feature flags.
        public int getParserFeatures() {
            return _parserFeatures;

         * Returns the generator feature flags.
        public int getGeneratorFeatures() {
            return _generatorFeatures;


     * The default json factory for creating json parsers and generators.
    public static final Factory DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY = new Factory();

    static {
        // disable auto-close to have same behavior as protostuff-core utility io methods

     * Creates a json pipe from a byte array.
    public static Pipe newPipe(byte[] data, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        return newPipe(data, 0, data.length, numeric);

     * Creates a json pipe from a byte array.
    public static Pipe newPipe(byte[] data, int offset, int length, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), data, false);
        final JsonParser parser = newJsonParser(null, data, offset, offset + length, false, context);

        return newPipe(parser, numeric);

     * Creates a json pipe from an {@link InputStream}.
    public static Pipe newPipe(InputStream in, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), in, false);
        final JsonParser parser = newJsonParser(in, context.allocReadIOBuffer(), 0, 0, true, context);

        return newPipe(parser, numeric);

     * Creates a json pipe from a {@link Reader}.
    public static Pipe newPipe(Reader reader, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        return newPipe(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonParser(reader), numeric);

     * Creates a json pipe from a {@link JsonParser}.
    public static Pipe newPipe(final JsonParser parser, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        final JsonInput jsonInput = new JsonInput(parser, numeric);
        return new Pipe() {
            protected Input begin(Pipe.Schema<?> pipeSchema) throws IOException {
                if (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
                    throw new JsonInputException("Expected token: { but was " + parser.getCurrentToken()
                            + " on message " + pipeSchema.wrappedSchema.messageFullName());

                return jsonInput;

            protected void end(Pipe.Schema<?> pipeSchema, Input input, boolean cleanupOnly) throws IOException {
                if (cleanupOnly) {

                assert input == jsonInput;
                final JsonToken token = parser.getCurrentToken();


                if (token != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
                    throw new JsonInputException("Expected token: } but was " + token + " on message "
                            + pipeSchema.wrappedSchema.messageFullName());

     * Creates a {@link UTF8StreamJsonParser} from the inputstream with the supplied buf {@code inBuffer} to use.
    public static UTF8StreamJsonParser newJsonParser(InputStream in, byte[] buf, int offset, int limit)
            throws IOException {
        return newJsonParser(in, buf, offset, limit, false,
                new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), in, false));

     * Creates a {@link UTF8StreamJsonParser} from the inputstream with the supplied buf {@code inBuffer} to use.
    static UTF8StreamJsonParser newJsonParser(InputStream in, byte[] buf, int offset, int limit,
            boolean bufferRecyclable, IOContext context) throws IOException {
        return new UTF8StreamJsonParser(context, DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.getParserFeatures(), in,
                DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.getCodec(), DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.getRootByteSymbols().makeChild(true, true),
                buf, offset, limit, bufferRecyclable);

     * Creates a {@link UTF8JsonGenerator} for the outputstream with the supplied buf {@code outBuffer} to use.
    public static UTF8JsonGenerator newJsonGenerator(OutputStream out, byte[] buf) {
        return newJsonGenerator(out, buf, 0, false,
                new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), out, false));

     * Creates a {@link UTF8JsonGenerator} for the outputstream with the supplied buf {@code outBuffer} to use.
    static UTF8JsonGenerator newJsonGenerator(OutputStream out, byte[] buf, int offset, boolean bufferRecyclable,
            IOContext context) {

        return new UTF8JsonGenerator(context, DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.getGeneratorFeatures(),
                DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.getCodec(), out, buf, offset, bufferRecyclable);

     * Merges the {@code message} with the byte array using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> void mergeFrom(byte[] data, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        mergeFrom(data, 0, data.length, message, schema, numeric);

     * Merges the {@code message} with the byte array using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> void mergeFrom(byte[] data, int offset, int length, T message, Schema<T> schema,
            boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), data, false);
        final JsonParser parser = newJsonParser(null, data, offset, offset + length, false, context);
         * final JsonParser parser = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonParser(data, offset, length);
        try {
            mergeFrom(parser, message, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Merges the {@code message} from the {@link InputStream} using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> void mergeFrom(InputStream in, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), in, false);
        final JsonParser parser = newJsonParser(in, context.allocReadIOBuffer(), 0, 0, true, context);
        // final JsonParser parser = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonParser(in);
        try {
            mergeFrom(parser, message, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Merges the {@code message} from the {@link InputStream} using the given {@code schema}.
     * <p>
     * The {@link LinkedBuffer}'s internal byte array will be used when reading the message.
    public static <T> void mergeFrom(InputStream in, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric,
            LinkedBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), in, false);
        final JsonParser parser = newJsonParser(in, buffer.buffer, 0, 0, false, context);
        try {
            mergeFrom(parser, message, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Merges the {@code message} from the {@link Reader} using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> void mergeFrom(Reader reader, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {
        final JsonParser parser = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonParser(reader);
        try {
            mergeFrom(parser, message, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Merges the {@code message} from the JsonParser using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> void mergeFrom(JsonParser parser, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {
        if (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
            throw new JsonInputException("Expected token: { but was " + parser.getCurrentToken() + " on message "
                    + schema.messageFullName());

        schema.mergeFrom(new JsonInput(parser, numeric), message);

        if (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
            throw new JsonInputException("Expected token: } but was " + parser.getCurrentToken() + " on message "
                    + schema.messageFullName());

     * Serializes the {@code message} into a byte array using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> byte[] toByteArray(T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric) {
        final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            writeTo(baos, message, schema, numeric);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Serializing to a byte array threw an IOException " + "(should never happen).", e);
        return baos.toByteArray();

     * Serializes the {@code message} into a byte array using the given {@code schema}.
     * <p>
     * The {@link LinkedBuffer}'s internal byte array will be used as the primary buffer when writing the message.
    public static <T> byte[] toByteArray(T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric, LinkedBuffer buffer) {
        final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            writeTo(baos, message, schema, numeric, buffer);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Serializing to a byte array threw an IOException " + "(should never happen).", e);
        return baos.toByteArray();

     * Serializes the {@code message} into an {@link OutputStream} using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> void writeTo(OutputStream out, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), out, false);

        final JsonGenerator generator = newJsonGenerator(out, context.allocWriteEncodingBuffer(), 0, true, context);

         * final JsonGenerator generator = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(out, JsonEncoding.UTF8);
        try {
            writeTo(generator, message, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Serializes the {@code message} into an {@link OutputStream} using the given {@code schema}.
     * <p>
     * The {@link LinkedBuffer}'s internal byte array will be used as the primary buffer when writing the message.
    public static <T> void writeTo(OutputStream out, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric,
            LinkedBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), out, false);

        final JsonGenerator generator = newJsonGenerator(out, buffer.buffer, 0, false, context);
        try {
            writeTo(generator, message, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Serializes the {@code message} into a {@link Writer} using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> void writeTo(Writer writer, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        final JsonGenerator generator = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(writer);
        try {
            writeTo(generator, message, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Serializes the {@code message} into a JsonGenerator using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> void writeTo(JsonGenerator generator, T message, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {

        final JsonOutput output = new JsonOutput(generator, numeric, schema);
        schema.writeTo(output, message);
        if (output.isLastRepeated())


     * Serializes the {@code messages} into the stream using the given schema.
    public static <T> void writeListTo(OutputStream out, List<T> messages, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), out, false);

        final JsonGenerator generator = newJsonGenerator(out, context.allocWriteEncodingBuffer(), 0, true, context);
         * final JsonGenerator generator = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(out, JsonEncoding.UTF8);
        try {
            writeListTo(generator, messages, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Serializes the {@code messages} into the stream using the given schema.
     * <p>
     * The {@link LinkedBuffer}'s internal byte array will be used as the primary buffer when writing the message.
    public static <T> void writeListTo(OutputStream out, List<T> messages, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric,
            LinkedBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), out, false);

        final JsonGenerator generator = newJsonGenerator(out, buffer.buffer, 0, false, context);
        try {
            writeListTo(generator, messages, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Serializes the {@code messages} into the writer using the given schema.
    public static <T> void writeListTo(Writer writer, List<T> messages, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {
        final JsonGenerator generator = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(writer);
        try {
            writeListTo(generator, messages, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Serializes the {@code messages} into the generator using the given schema.
    public static <T> void writeListTo(JsonGenerator generator, List<T> messages, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {
        if (messages.isEmpty()) {

        final JsonOutput output = new JsonOutput(generator, numeric, schema);

        for (T m : messages) {

            schema.writeTo(output, m);
            if (output.isLastRepeated())



     * Parses the {@code messages} from the stream using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> List<T> parseListFrom(InputStream in, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), in, false);
        final JsonParser parser = newJsonParser(in, context.allocReadIOBuffer(), 0, 0, true, context);
        // final JsonParser parser = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonParser(in);
        try {
            return parseListFrom(parser, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Parses the {@code messages} from the stream using the given {@code schema}.
     * <p>
     * The {@link LinkedBuffer}'s internal byte array will be used when reading the message.
    public static <T> List<T> parseListFrom(InputStream in, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric, LinkedBuffer buffer)
            throws IOException {
        final IOContext context = new IOContext(DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY._getBufferRecycler(), in, false);
        final JsonParser parser = newJsonParser(in, buffer.buffer, 0, 0, false, context);
        try {
            return parseListFrom(parser, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Parses the {@code messages} from the reader using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> List<T> parseListFrom(Reader reader, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric) throws IOException {
        final JsonParser parser = DEFAULT_JSON_FACTORY.createJsonParser(reader);
        try {
            return parseListFrom(parser, schema, numeric);
        } finally {

     * Parses the {@code messages} from the parser using the given {@code schema}.
    public static <T> List<T> parseListFrom(JsonParser parser, Schema<T> schema, boolean numeric)
            throws IOException {
        if (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
            throw new JsonInputException("Expected token: [ but was " + parser.getCurrentToken() + " on message: "
                    + schema.messageFullName());

        final JsonInput input = new JsonInput(parser, numeric);
        final List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
        for (JsonToken t = parser.nextToken(); t != JsonToken.END_ARRAY; t = parser.nextToken()) {
            if (t != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
                throw new JsonInputException("Expected token: { but was " + parser.getCurrentToken()
                        + " on message " + schema.messageFullName());

            final T message = schema.newMessage();
            schema.mergeFrom(input, message);

            if (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
                throw new JsonInputException("Expected token: } but was " + parser.getCurrentToken()
                        + " on message " + schema.messageFullName());

        return list;