Java tutorial
package io.tempra; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Enumeration; /** * helper class to check the operating system this Java VM runs in * * please keep the notes below as a pseudo-license * * * compare to * */ import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import javax.websocket.server.ServerContainer; import; import; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerList; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ResourceHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder; import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.MetaInfConfiguration; import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebInfConfiguration; import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.deploy.WebSocketServerContainerInitializer; import org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; public class AppServer { /** * types of Operating Systems */ public enum OSType { Windows, MacOS, Linux, Other }; // cached result of OS detection protected static OSType detectedOS; /** * detect the operating system from the System property and cache * the result * * @returns - the operating system detected */ public static OSType getOperatingSystemType() { if (detectedOS == null) { String OS = System.getProperty("", "generic").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if ((OS.indexOf("mac") >= 0) || (OS.indexOf("darwin") >= 0)) { detectedOS = OSType.MacOS; } else if (OS.indexOf("win") >= 0) { detectedOS = OSType.Windows; } else if (OS.indexOf("nux") >= 0) { detectedOS = OSType.Linux; } else { detectedOS = OSType.Other; } } return detectedOS; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { // String dir = getProperty("storageLocal");// // System.getProperty("user.home"); String arch = "Win" + System.getProperty(""); System.out.println(" " + arch); // Sample to force java load dll or so on a filesystem // InputStream in = AppServer.class.getResourceAsStream("/dll/" + // arch + "/RechargeRPC.dll"); // // File jCliSiTefI = new File(dir + "/" + "RechargeRPC.dll"); // System.out.println("Writing dll to: " + // jCliSiTefI.getAbsolutePath()); // OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(jCliSiTefI); // byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; // int length; // while ((length = > 0) { // os.write(buffer, 0, length); // } // os.close(); // in.close(); // System.load(jCliSiTefI.toString()); // addLibraryPath(dir); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS); context.setContextPath("/"); Server jettyServer = new Server(Integer.parseInt(getProperty("localport"))); // security configuration // FilterHolder holder = new FilterHolder(CrossOriginFilter.class); // holder.setInitParameter(CrossOriginFilter.ALLOWED_ORIGINS_PARAM, // "*"); // holder.setInitParameter("allowCredentials", "true"); // holder.setInitParameter( // CrossOriginFilter.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER, "*"); // holder.setInitParameter(CrossOriginFilter.ALLOWED_METHODS_PARAM, // "GET,POST,HEAD"); // holder.setInitParameter(CrossOriginFilter.ALLOWED_HEADERS_PARAM, // "X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Accept,Origin"); // holder.setName("cross-origin"); // context.addFilter(holder, fm); ResourceHandler resource_handler = new ResourceHandler(); // add application on embedded server boolean servApp = true; boolean quioskMode = false; // if (System.getProperty("noServApp") != null ) // if (System.getProperty("noServApp").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) // servApp = false; if (servApp) { // ProtectionDomain domain = AppServer.class.getProtectionDomain(); String webDir = AppServer.class.getResource("/webapp").toExternalForm(); System.out.println("Jetty WEB DIR >>>>" + webDir); resource_handler.setDirectoriesListed(true); resource_handler.setWelcomeFiles(new String[] { "index.html" }); resource_handler.setResourceBase(webDir); // // "C:/git/tsAgenciaVirtual/www/"); // resource_handler.setResourceBase("C:/git/tsAgenciaVirtual/www/"); // copyJarResourceToFolder((JarURLConnection) AppServer.class // .getResource("/app").openConnection(), createTempDir("app")); // resource_handler.setResourceBase(System // .getProperty("") + "/app"); } // sample to add rest services on container context.addServlet(FileUploadServlet.class, "/upload"); ServletHolder jerseyServlet = context.addServlet(ServletContainer.class, "/services/*"); jerseyServlet.setInitOrder(0); jerseyServlet.setInitParameter("jersey.config.server.provider.classnames", RestServices.class.getCanonicalName() + "," + RestServices.class.getCanonicalName()); HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList(); // context.addFilter(holder, "/*", EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST)); handlers.setHandlers(new Handler[] { resource_handler, context, // wscontext, new DefaultHandler() }); jettyServer.setHandler(handlers); try { // Initialize javax.websocket layer ServerContainer wscontainer = WebSocketServerContainerInitializer.configureContext(context); wscontainer.setDefaultMaxSessionIdleTimeout(TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1000)); // Add WebSocket endpoint to javax.websocket layer wscontainer.addEndpoint(FileUpload.class); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(System.err); } // try { jettyServer.start(); jettyServer.dump(System.err); if (servApp && quioskMode) { try { Process process = new ProcessBuilder( "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe", "--kiosk", "--kiosk-printing", "--auto", "--disable-pinch", "--incognito", "--disable-session-crashed-bubble", "--overscroll-history-navigation=0", "http://localhost:" + getProperty("localport")).start(); // Process process = // Runtime.getRuntime().exec(" -kiosk http://localhost:8080"); InputStream is = process.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line; System.out.printf("Output of running %s is:", Arrays.toString(args)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); } } // } finally { // jettyServer.destroy(); // }//} jettyServer.join(); } /** * Adds the specified path to the java library path * * @param pathToAdd * the path to add * @throws Exception */ public static void addLibraryPath(String pathToAdd) throws Exception { final Field usrPathsField = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("usr_paths"); usrPathsField.setAccessible(true); // get array of paths final String[] paths = (String[]) usrPathsField.get(null); // check if the path to add is already present for (String path : paths) { if (path.equals(pathToAdd)) { return; } } // add the new path final String[] newPaths = Arrays.copyOf(paths, paths.length + 1); newPaths[newPaths.length - 1] = pathToAdd; usrPathsField.set(null, newPaths); } public static void copyJarResourceToFolder(JarURLConnection jarConnection, File destDir) { try { JarFile jarFile = jarConnection.getJarFile(); /** * Iterate all entries in the jar file. */ for (Enumeration<JarEntry> e = jarFile.entries(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JarEntry jarEntry = e.nextElement(); String jarEntryName = jarEntry.getName(); String jarConnectionEntryName = jarConnection.getEntryName(); /** * Extract files only if they match the path. */ if (jarEntryName.startsWith(jarConnectionEntryName)) { String filename = jarEntryName.startsWith(jarConnectionEntryName) ? jarEntryName.substring(jarConnectionEntryName.length()) : jarEntryName; File currentFile = new File(destDir, filename); if (jarEntry.isDirectory()) { currentFile.mkdirs(); } else { InputStream is = jarFile.getInputStream(jarEntry); OutputStream out = FileUtils.openOutputStream(currentFile); IOUtils.copy(is, out); is.close(); out.close(); } } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO add logger e.printStackTrace(); } } public static File createTempDir(String prefix) throws IOException { String tmpDirStr = System.getProperty(""); if (tmpDirStr == null) { throw new IOException("System property '' does not specify a tmp dir"); } File tmpDir = new File(tmpDirStr); if (!tmpDir.exists()) { boolean created = tmpDir.mkdirs(); if (!created) { throw new IOException("Unable to create tmp dir " + tmpDir); } } File resultDir = null; int suffix = (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); int failureCount = 0; do { resultDir = new File(tmpDir, prefix + suffix % 10000); suffix++; failureCount++; } while (resultDir.exists() && failureCount < 50); if (resultDir.exists()) { throw new IOException( failureCount + " attempts to generate a non-existent directory name failed, giving up"); } boolean created = resultDir.mkdir(); if (!created) { throw new IOException("Failed to create tmp directory"); } return resultDir; } public static String getProperty(String string) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { // sample to handle params on a json string on a system properties String s = System.getenv("VERSATILE.CONFIG"); org.json.simple.JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(s); return (String) json.get(string).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { InputStream in = AppServer.class.getResourceAsStream("/properties.json"); org.json.simple.JSONObject json = null; try { String s = convertStreamToString(in); json = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(s); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } return (String) json.get(string); } } static String convertStreamToString( is) { java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A"); return s.hasNext() ? : ""; } }