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 * #%L
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2014
 * %%
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyBoolean;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyInt;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import static rx.Observable.just;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher;
import org.hamcrest.Description;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Matchers;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert;
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompareMode;

import rx.Observable;
import rx.Observer;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;

public class JsonPipelineImplTest {

    private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "testService";

    private CacheAdapter caching;

    private Observer<String> stringObserver;

    private Observer<BooksDocument> booksObserver;

    public static void initJsonPath() {

     * @param json the input content for pipeline
     * @return pipeline for the given input content
    private JsonPipeline newPipelineWithResponseBody(String json) {
        Response response = getJsonResponse(200, json);
        return new JsonPipelineImpl(SERVICE_NAME, new RequestTemplate().append("/path").request(),
                Observable.just(response), caching);

     * @param code the HTTP status code to send with the response
     * @return pipeline for the given input content
    private JsonPipeline newPipelineWithResponseCode(int code) {
        // we are using some valid JSON as response body, because one of the purpose of this methods is to ensure that
        // the content is not parsed when there is a >200 response code
        Response response = getJsonResponse(code, "{ responseCode:" + code + "}");
        return new JsonPipelineImpl(SERVICE_NAME, new RequestTemplate().append("/path").request(),
                Observable.just(response), caching);

     * @param t the simulated error in the transport layer
     * @return pipeline that will fail when getting its input data
    private JsonPipeline newPipelineWithResponseError(Throwable t) {
        return new JsonPipelineImpl(SERVICE_NAME, new RequestTemplate().append("/path").request(),
                Observable.error(t), caching);

    public void plainPipelineOutput() throws JSONException {

        // check that a plain pipeline will return the JSON emitted by the transport layer
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(getBooksString());

        JsonNode output = pipeline.getOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals(getBooksString(), JacksonFunctions.nodeToString(output),

    public void plainPipelineStringOutput() throws JSONException {

        // check that a plain pipeline will return the JSON emitted by the transport layer
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(getBooksString());

        String output = pipeline.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals(getBooksString(), output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT_ORDER);

    public void plainPipelineTypedOutput() {

        // check that the book.json is also properly mapped to the BooksDocument pojo
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(getBooksString());

        BooksDocument doc = pipeline.getTypedOutput(BooksDocument.class).toBlocking().single();

        assertEquals("number of books", 4, doc.getStore().getBook().size());
        assertNotNull("existence of bike", doc.getStore().getBicycle());

        Book firstBook = doc.getStore().getBook().get(0);
        assertEquals("book category", "reference", firstBook.getCategory());
        assertEquals("book author", "Nigel Rees", firstBook.getAuthor());
        assertEquals("book title", "Sayings of the Century", firstBook.getTitle());
        assertNull("book isbn", firstBook.getIsbn());
        assertEquals("book price", firstBook.getPrice(), 8.95, 0.0);

        Bicycle bike = doc.getStore().getBicycle();
        assertEquals("bicycle colour", "red", bike.getColor());
        assertEquals("bicycle price", 19.95, bike.getPrice(), 0.0);

    public void plainPipelineTypedOutputUnknownProperty() {

        //check handling of property "frame" which is not available in the Bicycle class
        String json = "{store: { bicycle: { color: 'black', price: 100.0, frame: 'steel'}}}";

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(json);

        // make sure that only #error was called, and there was no other interaction with the obsever or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(booksObserver, caching);

    public void plainPipelineTransportError() {

        // tests that errors from the transport layers are properly handled
        FileNotFoundException ex = new FileNotFoundException("Failed");

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseError(ex);

        // make sure that only #onError was called, with the FileNotFoundException thrown from the transport layer
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void plainPipelineResourceNotFound() {

        // tests that 404 responses are not parsed as JSON, but treated as an error
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseCode(404);

        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void plainPipelineParseError() {

        // tests that invalid JSOn in the response is properly handled
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("<this> is not json</this>");

        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void plainPipelineParseErrorTypedOutput() {

        // tests that invalid JSOn in the response is properly handled
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("<this> is not json</this>");

        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(booksObserver, caching);

    public void extractObject() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of a single *Object* property
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { label: 'abc' }}");
        JsonPipeline extracted = pipeline.extract("$.a", "extracted");

        String output = extracted.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ extracted: { label: 'abc' }}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), extracted.getDescriptor());

    public void extractObjectNoTargetProperty() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of a single *Object* property *without specify a target property*
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { label: 'abc' }}");
        JsonPipeline extracted = pipeline.extract("$.a", "");

        String output = extracted.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ label: 'abc' }", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), extracted.getDescriptor());

    public void extractArray() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of a single *Array* property
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { numbers: [1,2,3,4] }}");
        JsonPipeline extracted = pipeline.extract("$.a.numbers", "extracted");

        String output = extracted.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ extracted: [1,2,3,4] }", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), extracted.getDescriptor());

    public void extractArrayNoTargetProperty() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of a single *Array* property *without specify a target property*
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { numbers: [1,2,3,4] }}");
        JsonPipeline extracted = pipeline.extract("$.a.numbers", "");

        String output = extracted.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("[1,2,3,4]", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), extracted.getDescriptor());

    public void extractNoResult() throws JSONException {

        // test handling of a valid JSONPath for the given structure that has no results
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { label: 'abc' }}");
        JsonPipeline extracted = pipeline.extract("$.a[?(@.label=='def')]", "extracted");

        String output = extracted.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ extracted: null }", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void extractJsonPathNotFound() {

        // test error handling if a property has been used in the JSONPath that does not exist in the whole document
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { label: 'abc' }}");
        JsonPipeline extracted = pipeline.extract("$a.numbers", "extracted");


        // make sure that only #onError was called, with the FileNotFoundException thrown from the transport layer
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void extractTransportError() {

        // tests that errors from the transport layers are properly handled
        FileNotFoundException ex = new FileNotFoundException("Failed");

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseError(ex).extract("$..", "targetproperty");


        // make sure that only #onError was called, with the FileNotFoundException thrown from the transport layer
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void extractResourceNotFound() {

        // tests that 404 responses from the transport layers are properly handled
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseCode(404).extract("$..", "targetproperty");

        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void collectStrings() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of a multiple *String* properties
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { label: 'abc' }, b: { label: 'def' }}");
        JsonPipeline collected = pipeline.collect("$..label", "extracted");

        String output = collected.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ extracted: ['abc', 'def'] }", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), collected.getDescriptor());

    public void collectStringsNoTargetProperty() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of a multiple *String* properties
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { label: 'abc' }, b: { label: 'def' }}");
        JsonPipeline collected = pipeline.collect("$..label", "");

        String output = collected.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("['abc', 'def']", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), collected.getDescriptor());

    public void collectArrays() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of a multiple *Array* properties
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(
                "{a: { numbers: [1,2,3,4] }, b: { numbers: [5,6,7,8] }}");
        JsonPipeline collected = pipeline.collect("$..numbers", "extracted");

        String output = collected.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ extracted: [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]] }", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), collected.getDescriptor());

    public void collectAllArrayEntries() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of all items from multiple arrays
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(
                "{a: { numbers: [1,2,3,4] }, b: { numbers: [5,6,7,8] }}");
        JsonPipeline collected = pipeline.collect("$..numbers[*]", "extracted");

        String output = collected.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ extracted: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] }", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), collected.getDescriptor());

    public void collectSpecificArrayEntries() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of the third item from each of multiple arrays
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(
                "{a: { numbers: [1,2,3,4] }, b: { numbers: [5,6,7,8] }}");
        JsonPipeline collected = pipeline.collect("$..numbers[3]", "extracted");

        String output = collected.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ extracted: [4,8] }", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), collected.getDescriptor());

    public void collectArrayEntriesNoTargetProperty() throws JSONException {

        // test extraction of multiple items with an *Array*
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(
                "{a: { numbers: [1,2,3,4] }, b: { numbers: [5,6,7,8] }}");
        JsonPipeline collected = pipeline.collect("$..numbers[3]", "");

        String output = collected.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("[4,8]", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", pipeline.getDescriptor(), collected.getDescriptor());

    public void collectNoResult() throws JSONException {

        // test handling of a valid JSONPath for the given structure that has no results
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { label: 'abc' }}");
        JsonPipeline collected = pipeline.collect("$.a[?(@.label=='def')]", "extracted");

        String output = collected.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{ extracted: [] }", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void collectJsonPathNotFound() {

        // test error handling if a property has been used in the JSONPath that does not exist in the whole document
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: { label: 'abc' }}");
        JsonPipeline collected = pipeline.extract("$a.numbers", "extracted");


        // make sure that only #onError was called with a PathNotFoundException
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void collectTransportError() {

        // tests that errors from the transport layers are properly handled
        FileNotFoundException ex = new FileNotFoundException("Failed");

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseError(ex).collect("$..", "targetproperty");


        // make sure that only #onError was called, with the FileNotFoundException thrown from the transport layer
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void assertExistsSuccess() throws JSONException {

        // check that a fulfilled assertion will not influence the pipeline output
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}").assertExists("$.a",
                new RuntimeException("a not found"));

        String output = pipeline.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void assertExistsFails() {

        // check that an unfulfilled assertion will throw the specified exception
        RuntimeException expectedEx = new RuntimeException("b not found");

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}").assertExists("$.b", expectedEx);


        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void assertExistsAfterExtract() {

        // check that assertExist also fails with the given runtime exception if the pipeline's result is null because of a preceding extract
        RuntimeException expectedEx = new RuntimeException("a not found");

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}").extract("$[?(@.a==456)]", null) // this will *not* match the root object, so the pipeline's output is null
                .assertExists("$.a", expectedEx); // this used to fail with an InvalidArgumentException within JsonPathSelector, that is now avoided


        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void assertExistsWithInvalidPath() {

        // check that assertExist fails with an InvalidPathException if the given JSONPath is not valid
        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}").assertExists("$.a[invalid]",
                new RuntimeException());


        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void mergedPipelineSuccess() throws JSONException {

        // test successful merging of one pipeline into the other
        JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}");
        JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}");

        JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(b, "c");

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", a.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor());
        assertNotEquals("desriptor not just taken from the other pipeline?", b.getDescriptor(),

        String output = merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();

        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123, c: {b: 456}}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void mergedPipelineNoTargetProperty() throws JSONException {

        // test successful merging of one pipeline into the other *without adding another property*
        JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}");
        JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}");

        JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(b, null);

        assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", a.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor());
        assertNotEquals("desriptor not just taken from the other pipeline?", b.getDescriptor(),

        String output = merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();

        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123, b: 456}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void mergedPipelineTransportError1() {

        // tests that errors from the transport layers are properly handled
        FileNotFoundException ex = new FileNotFoundException("Failed");

        JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}");
        JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseError(ex);

        JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(b, "c");

        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void mergedPipelineTransportError2() {

        // tests that errors from the transport layers are properly handled
        FileNotFoundException ex = new FileNotFoundException("Failed");

        JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseError(ex);
        JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}");

        JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(b, "c");

        // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache
        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void cacheHit() throws JSONException {

        CacheStrategy strategy = CacheStrategies.timeToLive(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}");
        JsonPipeline cached = a.addCachePoint(strategy);

        String cacheKey = "abcdef";

        when(caching.getCacheKey(SERVICE_NAME, a.getDescriptor())).thenReturn(cacheKey);

        when(caching.get(eq(cacheKey), anyBoolean(), anyInt()))
                .thenReturn(Observable.just("{ metadata: {}, content: {b: 456}}"));

        String output = cached.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();

        // only getCacheKey and get should have been called to check if it is available in the cache
        verify(caching).getCacheKey(SERVICE_NAME, a.getDescriptor());
        verify(caching).get(eq(cacheKey), eq(false), eq(1));

        // make sure that the version from the cache is emitted in the response
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{b: 456}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void cacheMissAndStore() throws JSONException {

        CacheStrategy strategy = CacheStrategies.timeToLive(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}");
        JsonPipeline cached = a.addCachePoint(strategy);

        String cacheKey = "abcdef";

        when(caching.getCacheKey(SERVICE_NAME, a.getDescriptor())).thenReturn(cacheKey);

        when(caching.get(eq(cacheKey), anyBoolean(), anyInt())).thenReturn(Observable.empty());

        String output = cached.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single();

        // get must have been called to check if the document is available in the cache
        verify(caching).get(eq(cacheKey), eq(false), eq(1));

        // put must have been called with an cache envelope version of the JSON, that contains an additional _cacheInfo
        verify(caching).put(eq(cacheKey), Matchers.argThat(new BaseMatcher<String>() {

            public boolean matches(Object item) {
                ObjectNode storedNode = JacksonFunctions.stringToObjectNode(item.toString());

                return storedNode.has("metadata") && storedNode.has("content")
                        && storedNode.get("content").get("a").asInt() == 123;

            public void describeTo(Description description) {
                description.appendText("Expected storedObject to contain original value & _cacheInfo");

        }), eq(1));

        // the _cacheInfo however should not be contained in the output
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void handleExceptionSuccess() throws JSONException {

        String responseJson = "{a: 123}";

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseBody(responseJson).handleException((status, ex) -> {
            fail("this should not be called");
            return just(JacksonFunctions.stringToNode(responseJson));

        String output = pipeline.getStringOutput().toBlocking().first();

        JSONAssert.assertEquals(responseJson, output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void handleException404Rethrow() {

        RuntimeException rethrown = new RuntimeException();

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseCode(404).handleException((status, ex) -> {
            assertEquals(404, status);
            throw rethrown;


        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void handleException404Fallback() throws JSONException {

        String fallbackJson = "{fallback: true}";

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseCode(404).handleException((status, ex) -> {
            assertEquals(404, status);
            return just(JacksonFunctions.stringToNode(fallbackJson));

        String output = pipeline.getStringOutput().toBlocking().first();

        JSONAssert.assertEquals(fallbackJson, output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void handleException500Rethrow() {

        RuntimeException rethrown = new RuntimeException("Rethrown");

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseError(new RuntimeException("Original"))
                .handleException((status, ex) -> {
                    assertEquals(500, status);
                    throw rethrown;


        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    public void handleException500Fallback() throws JSONException {

        String fallbackJson = "{fallback: true}";

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseError(new RuntimeException("Original"))
                .handleException((status, ex) -> {
                    assertEquals(500, status);
                    return just(JacksonFunctions.stringToNode(fallbackJson));

        String output = pipeline.getStringOutput().toBlocking().first();

        JSONAssert.assertEquals(fallbackJson, output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT);

    public void handleExceptionChaining500() {

        RuntimeException rethrown = new RuntimeException("Rethrown");

        JsonPipeline pipeline = newPipelineWithResponseError(new RuntimeException("Original"))
                // first register an exception handler that provides fallback content for a 404, but rethrows any other exceptions
                .handleException((status, ex) -> {
                    if (status == 404) {
                        return Observable.just(JacksonFunctions.stringToNode("{}"));
                    throw ex;
                // then add the other handler that should be actually triggered here
                .handleException((status, ex) -> {
                    assertEquals(500, status);
                    throw rethrown;


        verifyNoMoreInteractions(stringObserver, caching);

    // helper methods to get example JSON response data from src/test/resources

    static String getBooksString() {
        return getJsonString("/json/books.json");

    static String getJsonString(String resourcePath) {
        try {
            return IOUtils.toString(JsonPipelineImplTest.class.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath));
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read json response from " + resourcePath);

    static Response getJsonResponse(int statusCode, String content) {
        return Response.create(statusCode, "Ok", Collections.emptyMap(), content, Charsets.UTF_8);
