Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. 
 * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */


import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanAttribute;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.chart.utils.DataSetAccessFunctions;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.chart.utils.DatasetMap;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.chart.utils.StyleLabel;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;

/**   @author Giulio Gavardi

public class BarCharts extends ChartImpl {

    Map confParameters;
    String categoryLabel = "";
    String valueLabel = "";
    Integer numberCatVisualization = null;
    Integer numberSerVisualization = null;
    boolean dynamicNumberCatVisualization = false;

    boolean rangeIntegerValues = false;

    // <PARAMETER name="enable_tooltips" value="true" />
    boolean enableToolTips = false;

    /** mapping name_serie => color*/
    HashMap colorMap = null; // keeps user selected colors// serie position - color
    /** Colors in order for series (override color Map)*/
    Vector<Color> orderColorVector = null;
    HashMap seriesNumber = null; //track serie name with number position (to preserve color)
    HashMap seriesCaptions = null;
    int categoriesNumber = 0;
    HashMap categories;
    //int currentSerie=-1;
    Vector currentSeries = null;
    private static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BarCharts.class);
    Vector seriesNames = null;
    Vector hiddenSeries = null;

    // keep the order of the series in the datase
    ArrayList<String> seriesOrder = null;

    StyleLabel styleXaxesLabels;
    StyleLabel styleYaxesLabels;
    StyleLabel styleValueLabels;

    // three booleans that read from template if has to be filter series, cats groups and categories with slider
    boolean filterCatGroups = true;
    boolean filterSeries = true;
    boolean filterCategories = true;
    String filterStyle = "";

    // store if specified the maximum bar width
    Double maxBarWidth = null;

    // Enable if true/Disable if false select all and unselect all buttons on filter series form
    boolean filterSeriesButtons = true;

    boolean showValueLabels = false;
    String valueLabelsPosition = "inside";

    HashMap catGroups = null; // only if filterCatGroups is set to true, trace cat_name /cat_group_name
    Vector currentCatGroups = null;
    Vector catGroupNames = null;

    String rangeAxisLocation = null;

    Integer firstAxisUB = null;
    Integer firstAxisLB = null;
    Integer secondAxisUB = null;
    Integer secondAxisLB = null;

    // Parameters

    /** Label for category Axis */
    public static final String CATEGORY_LABEL = "category_label";
    /** Label for value Axis */
    public static final String VALUE_LABEL = "value_label";
    /** Number of categories visualization (both) */
    public static final String N_CAT_VISUALIZATION = "n_cat_visualization";
    public static final String N_VISUALIZATION = "n_visualization";
    /** If true enable dynamic choice of numbers of categories to view*/
    public static final String DYNAMIC_N_VISUALIZATION = "dynamic_n_visualization";
    /** Number of series visualization*/
    public static final String N_SER_VISUALIZATION = "n_ser_visualization";
    /** If true enables filtering of cat  Groups*/
    public static final String FILTER_CAT_GROUPS = "filter_cat_groups";
    /** If true enables filtering of series*/
    public static final String FILTER_SERIES = "filter_series";
    /** If true shows select all and deselect all buttons from serie filters*/
    public static final String FILTER_SERIES_BUTTONS = "filter_series_buttons";
    /** If true enables filtering of categories*/
    public static final String FILTER_CATEGORIES = "filter_categories";
    /** If true show value labels*/
    public static final String SHOW_VALUE_LABLES = "show_value_labels";
    /** value labels position: values inside and outside*/
    public static final String VALUE_LABELS_POSITION = "value_labels_position";
    /** If true enables tooltips*/
    public static final String ENABLE_TOOLTIPS = "enable_tooltips";
    /** the maximum bar width, which is specified as a percentage of the available space for all bars 
     * For Example setting to 0.05 will ensure that the bars never exceed five per cent of the lenght of the axis
     * */
    public static final String MAXIMUM_BAR_WIDTH = "maximum_bar_width";
    /** Range Integer; If this string equals true on the range axis only int values appear
     * Possible Values: TRUE or FALSE (the same as null), Default is False*/
    public static final String RANGE_INTEGER_VALUES = "range_integer_values";

    /** the location of the range axis. 
     * This parameter is avalaible only for those charts with one single axis*/
    public static final String RANGE_AXIS_LOCATION = "range_axis_location";

    /** name of the tag that specifies color for series in order of apparition*/
    public static final String SERIES_ORDER_COLORS = "SERIES_ORDER_COLORS";

    /** name of the tag that specifies color for each serie name */
    public static final String SERIES_COLORS = "SERIES_COLORS";

    /** name of the tag that specifies color for each serie name */
    public static final String FIRST_AXIS_UB = "first_axis_ub";
    public static final String FIRST_AXIS_LB = "first_axis_lb";
    public static final String SECOND_AXIS_UB = "second_axis_ub";
    public static final String SECOND_AXIS_LB = "second_axis_lb";

     * Inherited by IChart: calculates chart value.
     * @return the dataset
     * @throws Exception the exception

    public DatasetMap calculateValue() throws Exception {
        String res = DataSetAccessFunctions.getDataSetResultFromId(profile, getData(), parametersObject);
        categories = new HashMap();
        seriesCaptions = new LinkedHashMap();

        DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

        SourceBean sbRows = SourceBean.fromXMLString(res);
        List listAtts = sbRows.getAttributeAsList("ROW");

        // run all categories (one for each row)
        categoriesNumber = 0;
        seriesNames = new Vector();
        catGroupNames = new Vector();
        //categories.put(new Integer(0), "All Categories");

        if (filterCatGroups == true) {
            catGroups = new HashMap();

        boolean first = true;

        // run all dataset rows
        for (Iterator iterator = listAtts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            SourceBean category = (SourceBean);
            List atts = category.getContainedAttributes();

            if (first) {
                if (name.indexOf("$F{") >= 0) {
                if (getSubName() != null && getSubName().indexOf("$F") >= 0) {
                first = false;

            HashMap series = new HashMap();

            String catValue = "";
            String cat_group_name = "";

            String name = "";
            String value = "";

            int contSer = 0;
            //run all the attributes in a row, to define series pertaining to a category!
            for (Iterator iterator2 = atts.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
                SourceBeanAttribute object = (SourceBeanAttribute);

                name = new String(object.getKey());
                value = new String((String) object.getValue());

                // the one targeted x is the category name
                if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("x")) {
                    catValue = value;
                    categoriesNumber = categoriesNumber + 1;
                    categories.put(new Integer(categoriesNumber), value);
                } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("cat_group")) {
                    cat_group_name = value;
                } else if (this.getNumberSerVisualization().intValue() > 0
                        && contSer < this.getNumberSerVisualization().intValue()) {
                    // map containing the series
                    series.put(name, value);
                } else if (seriesLabelsMap != null) {
                    String serieLabel = (String) seriesLabelsMap.get(name);
                    if (serieLabel != null) {
                        series.put(serieLabel, value);
                        seriesCaptions.put(serieLabel, name);
                } else
                    series.put(name, value);

            // if a category group was found add it
            if (!cat_group_name.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !catValue.equalsIgnoreCase("") && catGroups != null) {
                catGroups.put(catValue, cat_group_name);
                if (!(catGroupNames.contains(cat_group_name))) {

            // add series to dataset only if not hidden
            for (Iterator iterator3 = series.keySet().iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
                String nameS = (String);
                String labelS = "";
                if (!hiddenSeries.contains(nameS)) {
                    if (seriesLabelsMap != null && (seriesCaptions != null && seriesCaptions.size() > 0)) {
                        nameS = (String) (seriesCaptions.get(nameS));
                        labelS = (String) seriesLabelsMap.get(nameS);
                    } else
                        labelS = nameS;

                    String valueS = (String) series.get(labelS);
                    if (labelS != null && valueS != null && !valueS.equals("null") && !valueS.equals("")) {
                        //orig dataset.addValue(Double.valueOf(valueS).doubleValue(), nameS, catValue);
                        dataset.addValue(Double.valueOf(valueS).doubleValue(), labelS, catValue);
                        /*orig if(!seriesNames.contains(nameS)){
                        if (!seriesNames.contains(labelS)) {

        if (listAtts.size() == 0) {
            if (name.indexOf("$F{") >= 0) {
            if (getSubName() != null && getSubName().indexOf("$F") >= 0) {

        DatasetMap datasets = new DatasetMap();
        datasets.addDataset("1", dataset);
        return datasets;

     * Calculates chart value;
     * public Dataset calculateValue(String cat, Map parameters) throws Exception {
     * logger.debug("IN");
     * String res=DataSetAccessFunctions.getDataSetResult(profile, getData(),parameters);
     * DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
     * SourceBean sbRows=SourceBean.fromXMLString(res);
     * List listAtts=sbRows.getAttributeAsList("ROW");
     * // run all categories (one for each row)
     * categoriesNumber=0;
     * for (Iterator iterator = listAtts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
     * SourceBean category = (SourceBean);
     * List atts=category.getContainedAttributes();
     * HashMap series=new HashMap();
     * String catValue="";
     * String name="";
     * String value="";
     * //run all the attributes, to define series!
     * for (Iterator iterator2 = atts.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
     * SourceBeanAttribute object = (SourceBeanAttribute);
     * name=new String(object.getKey());
     * value=new String((String)object.getValue());
     * if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("x"))catValue=value;
     * else series.put(name, value);
     * }
     * for (Iterator iterator3 = series.keySet().iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
     * String nameS = (String);
     * String valueS=(String)series.get(nameS);
     * dataset.addValue(Double.valueOf(valueS).doubleValue(), nameS, catValue);
     * categoriesNumber=categoriesNumber+1;
     * }
     * }
     * logger.debug("OUT");
     * return dataset;
     * }
     * @param content the content

    public void configureChart(SourceBean content) {
        confParameters = new HashMap();
        SourceBean confSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("CONF");

        if (confSB == null)
        List confAttrsList = confSB.getAttributeAsList("PARAMETER");

        Iterator confAttrsIter = confAttrsList.iterator();
        while (confAttrsIter.hasNext()) {
            SourceBean param = (SourceBean);
            String nameParam = (String) param.getAttribute("name");
            String valueParam = (String) param.getAttribute("value");
            confParameters.put(nameParam, valueParam);

        if (confParameters.get("category_label") != null) {
            categoryLabel = (String) confParameters.get("category_label");
        } else {
            categoryLabel = "";

        if (confParameters.get(VALUE_LABEL) != null) {
            valueLabel = (String) confParameters.get(VALUE_LABEL);
            String tmpValueLabel = valueLabel;
            while (!tmpValueLabel.equals("")) {
                if (tmpValueLabel.indexOf("$P{") >= 0) {
                    String parName = tmpValueLabel.substring(tmpValueLabel.indexOf("$P{") + 3,

                    String parValue = (parametersObject.get(parName) == null) ? ""
                            : (String) parametersObject.get(parName);
                    parValue = parValue.replaceAll("\'", "");

                    if (parValue.equals("%"))
                        parValue = "";
                    int pos = tmpValueLabel.indexOf("$P{" + parName + "}") + (parName.length() + 4);
                    valueLabel = valueLabel.replace("$P{" + parName + "}", parValue);
                    tmpValueLabel = tmpValueLabel.substring(pos);
                } else
                    tmpValueLabel = "";
        } else {

        if (confParameters.get(N_CAT_VISUALIZATION) != null || confParameters.get(N_VISUALIZATION) != null) {
            String nu = (String) confParameters.get(N_VISUALIZATION);
            if (nu == null)
                nu = (String) confParameters.get(N_CAT_VISUALIZATION);
            numberCatVisualization = Integer.valueOf(nu);
        } else {
            numberCatVisualization = new Integer(1);

        dynamicNumberCatVisualization = false;
        if (confParameters.get(DYNAMIC_N_VISUALIZATION) != null) {
            String dynamicS = (String) confParameters.get(DYNAMIC_N_VISUALIZATION);
            if (dynamicS.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
                dynamicNumberCatVisualization = true;

        if (confParameters.get(N_SER_VISUALIZATION) != null) {
            String nu = (String) confParameters.get(N_SER_VISUALIZATION);
            numberSerVisualization = Integer.valueOf(nu);
        } else {
            numberSerVisualization = new Integer(0);

        if (confParameters.get(FILTER_CAT_GROUPS) != null) {
            String filterCatGroupsS = (String) confParameters.get(FILTER_CAT_GROUPS);
            if (filterCatGroupsS.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                filterCatGroups = false;
                filterCatGroups = true;
        } else {
            filterCatGroups = true;

        if (confParameters.get(FILTER_SERIES) != null) {
            String filterSeriesS = (String) confParameters.get(FILTER_SERIES);
            if (filterSeriesS.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                filterSeries = false;
                filterSeries = true;
        } else {
            filterSeries = true;

        if (confParameters.get(FILTER_SERIES_BUTTONS) != null) {
            String filterSeriesS = (String) confParameters.get(FILTER_SERIES_BUTTONS);
            if (filterSeriesS.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                filterSeriesButtons = false;

        if (confParameters.get(FILTER_CATEGORIES) != null) {
            String filterCategoriesS = (String) confParameters.get(FILTER_CATEGORIES);
            if (filterCategoriesS.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                filterCategories = false;
                filterCategories = true;
        } else {
            filterCategories = true;

        if (confParameters.get(SHOW_VALUE_LABLES) != null) {
            String valueLabelsS = (String) confParameters.get(SHOW_VALUE_LABLES);
            if (valueLabelsS.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
                showValueLabels = true;

        valueLabelsPosition = "inside";
        if (confParameters.get(VALUE_LABELS_POSITION) != null) {
            String valueLabelpos = (String) confParameters.get(VALUE_LABELS_POSITION);
            if (valueLabelpos.equalsIgnoreCase("outside"))
                valueLabelsPosition = "outside";

        if (confParameters.get(ENABLE_TOOLTIPS) != null) {
            String enableTooltipsS = (String) confParameters.get(ENABLE_TOOLTIPS);
            if (enableTooltipsS.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
                enableToolTips = true;

        if (confParameters.get(MAXIMUM_BAR_WIDTH) != null) {
            String maxBarWidthS = (String) confParameters.get(MAXIMUM_BAR_WIDTH);
            try {
                maxBarWidth = Double.valueOf(maxBarWidthS);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                logger.error("error in defining parameter " + MAXIMUM_BAR_WIDTH
                        + ": should be a double, it will be ignored", e);

        if (confParameters.get(RANGE_INTEGER_VALUES) != null) {
            String rangeIntegerValuesS = (String) confParameters.get(RANGE_INTEGER_VALUES);
            if (rangeIntegerValuesS.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
                rangeIntegerValues = true;

        if (confParameters.get(RANGE_AXIS_LOCATION) != null) {
            String axisLocation = (String) confParameters.get(RANGE_AXIS_LOCATION);
            if (axisLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("BOTTOM_OR_LEFT") || axisLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT")
                    || axisLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("TOP_OR_LEFT")
                    || axisLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("TOP_OR_RIGHT")) {
                rangeAxisLocation = axisLocation;
            } else {
                logger.warn("Range Axis location specified: " + axisLocation + " not a valid value.");

        if (confParameters.get(FIRST_AXIS_LB) != null) {
            String axis = confParameters.get(FIRST_AXIS_LB).toString();
            Integer axisInte = Integer.valueOf(axis);
            firstAxisLB = axisInte;

        if (confParameters.get(FIRST_AXIS_UB) != null) {
            String axis = confParameters.get(FIRST_AXIS_UB).toString();
            Integer axisInte = Integer.valueOf(axis);
            firstAxisUB = axisInte;

        if (confParameters.get(SECOND_AXIS_LB) != null) {
            String axis = confParameters.get(SECOND_AXIS_LB).toString();
            Integer axisInte = Integer.valueOf(axis);
            secondAxisLB = axisInte;

        if (confParameters.get(SECOND_AXIS_UB) != null) {
            String axis = confParameters.get(SECOND_AXIS_UB).toString();
            Integer axisInte = Integer.valueOf(axis);
            secondAxisUB = axisInte;

        //reading series colors if present
        SourceBean colors = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute(SERIES_COLORS);
        if (colors == null) {
            colors = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("CONF.SERIES_COLORS");
        if (colors != null) {
            colorMap = new HashMap();
            List atts = colors.getContainedAttributes();
            String colorNum = "";
            String colorSerie = "";
            String num = "";
            for (Iterator iterator = atts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                SourceBeanAttribute object = (SourceBeanAttribute);

                String serieName = new String(object.getKey());
                colorSerie = new String((String) object.getValue());
                Color col = new Color(Integer.decode(colorSerie).intValue());
                if (col != null) {
                    colorMap.put(serieName, col);


        //reading series colors if present, if present this overrides series colors!!!
        SourceBean orderColors = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute(SERIES_ORDER_COLORS);
        if (orderColors == null) {
            orderColors = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("CONF." + SERIES_ORDER_COLORS);
        if (orderColors != null) {
            orderColorVector = new Vector<Color>();
            List atts = orderColors.getContainedAttributes();
            String numSerie = "";
            String colorSerie = "";
            for (Iterator iterator = atts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                SourceBeanAttribute object = (SourceBeanAttribute);
                numSerie = new String(object.getKey());
                colorSerie = new String((String) object.getValue());
                Color col = new Color(Integer.decode(colorSerie).intValue());
                if (col != null) {


        //reading filter style if present
        SourceBean sbSerieStyle = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("STYLE_SLIDER_AREA");
        if (sbSerieStyle == null) {
            sbSerieStyle = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("CONF.STYLE_SLIDER_AREA");
        if (sbSerieStyle != null) {
            List atts = sbSerieStyle.getContainedAttributes();
            String StyleValue = "";
            for (Iterator iterator = atts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                SourceBeanAttribute object = (SourceBeanAttribute);
                String styleLabel = (String) object.getKey();
                StyleValue = new String((String) object.getValue());
                if (StyleValue != null) {
                    if (styleLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("font"))
                        styleLabel = "font-family";
                    else if (styleLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("size"))
                        styleLabel = "font-size";
                    else if (styleLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("color"))
                        styleLabel = "color";

                    filterStyle += styleLabel + ":" + StyleValue + ";";

        // check if there is some serie to be hidden
        boolean moreHiddenSeries = true;
        int i = 1;
        hiddenSeries = new Vector();
        while (moreHiddenSeries) {
            String iS = new Integer(i).toString();
            if (confParameters.get("hidden_serie" + iS) != null) {
                String hiddenSerName = (String) confParameters.get("hidden_serie" + iS);
            } else
                moreHiddenSeries = false;


        // check if there is some info about additional labels style

        SourceBean styleXaxisLabelsSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("STYLE_X_AXIS_LABELS");
        if (styleXaxisLabelsSB != null) {

            String fontS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_X_AXIS_LABELS.font");
            if (fontS == null) {
                fontS = defaultLabelsStyle.getFontName();
            String sizeS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_X_AXIS_LABELS.size");
            String colorS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_X_AXIS_LABELS.color");
            String orientationS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_X_AXIS_LABELS.orientation");
            if (orientationS == null) {
                orientationS = "horizontal";

            try {
                Color color = Color.BLACK;
                if (colorS != null) {
                    color = Color.decode(colorS);
                } else {
                int size = 12;
                if (sizeS != null) {
                    size = Integer.valueOf(sizeS).intValue();
                } else {
                    size = defaultLabelsStyle.getSize();

                styleXaxesLabels = new StyleLabel(fontS, size, color);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Wrong style labels settings, use default");

        } else {
            styleXaxesLabels = defaultLabelsStyle;

        SourceBean styleYaxisLabelsSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("STYLE_Y_AXIS_LABELS");
        if (styleYaxisLabelsSB != null) {

            String fontS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_Y_AXIS_LABELS.font");
            if (fontS == null) {
                fontS = defaultLabelsStyle.getFontName();
            String sizeS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_Y_AXIS_LABELS.size");
            String colorS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_Y_AXIS_LABELS.color");
            String orientationS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_Y_AXIS_LABELS.orientation");
            if (orientationS == null) {
                orientationS = "horizontal";

            try {
                Color color = Color.BLACK;
                if (colorS != null) {
                    color = Color.decode(colorS);
                } else {
                int size = 12;
                if (sizeS != null) {
                    size = Integer.valueOf(sizeS).intValue();
                } else {
                    size = defaultLabelsStyle.getSize();

                styleYaxesLabels = new StyleLabel(fontS, size, color);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Wrong style labels settings, use default");

        } else {
            styleYaxesLabels = defaultLabelsStyle;

        SourceBean styleValueLabelsSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("STYLE_VALUE_LABELS");
        if (styleValueLabelsSB != null) {

            String fontS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_VALUE_LABELS.font");
            if (fontS == null) {
                fontS = defaultLabelsStyle.getFontName();
            String sizeS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_VALUE_LABELS.size");
            String colorS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_VALUE_LABELS.color");
            String orientationS = (String) content.getAttribute("STYLE_VALUE_LABELS.orientation");
            if (orientationS == null) {
                orientationS = "horizontal";

            try {
                Color color = Color.BLACK;
                if (colorS != null) {
                    color = Color.decode(colorS);
                } else {
                int size = 12;
                if (sizeS != null) {
                    size = Integer.valueOf(sizeS).intValue();
                } else {
                    size = defaultLabelsStyle.getSize();

                styleValueLabels = new StyleLabel(fontS, size, color, orientationS);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Wrong style labels settings, use default");

        } else {
            styleValueLabels = defaultLabelsStyle;

        seriesNumber = new HashMap();


     * @return the filterStyle
    public String getFilterStyle() {
        return filterStyle;

     * @param filterStyle the filterStyle to set
    public void setFilterStyle(String filterStyle) {
        this.filterStyle = filterStyle;

     * Use for slider: limits the categories visualization from cat selected to cat selected+numberscatsVisualization.
     * @param dataset the dataset
     * @param categories the categories
     * @param catSelected the cat selected
     * @param numberCatsVisualization the number cats visualization
     * @return the dataset

    public Dataset filterDataset(Dataset dataset, HashMap categories, int catSelected,
            int numberCatsVisualization) {
        DefaultCategoryDataset catDataset = (DefaultCategoryDataset) dataset;

        int numCats = categories.size();
        Vector visCat = new Vector();
        // from the choice point to min(chose point+interval, end point)
        //int startPoint=((catSelected-1)*numberCatsVisualization)+1;
        int startPoint = catSelected;

        int endPoint;
        if ((startPoint + numberCatsVisualization - 1) <= (categories.size()))
            endPoint = startPoint + numberCatsVisualization - 1;
            endPoint = categories.size();

        for (int i = (startPoint); i <= endPoint; i++) {
            String name = (String) categories.get(new Integer(i));

        List columns = new Vector(catDataset.getColumnKeys());
        for (Iterator iterator = columns.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            String col = (String);
            if (!(visCat.contains(col))) {

        return catDataset;


     * Limits the dataset to a particular serie.
     * @param dataset the dataset
     * @param serie the serie
     * @return the dataset

    public Dataset filterDatasetSeries(Dataset dataset, Vector series) {
        DefaultCategoryDataset catDataset = (DefaultCategoryDataset) dataset;

        //keeps track of wich series has to be shown
        currentSeries = series;

        //List rowKeys=new Vector();

        List rowKeys = new Vector(catDataset.getRowKeys());

        for (Iterator iterator = rowKeys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            String row = (String);
            if (!(series.contains(row))) {

        return catDataset;


    public Dataset filterDatasetCatGroups(Dataset dataset, Vector groups) {
        DefaultCategoryDataset catDataset = (DefaultCategoryDataset) dataset;

        //keeps track of wich series has to be shown
        currentCatGroups = groups;
        String catGroup = "";
        //List rowKeys=new Vector();

        //List rowKeys=new Vector(catDataset.getRowKeys());
        List colKeys = new Vector(catDataset.getColumnKeys());

        for (Iterator iterator = colKeys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            String col = (String);
            // iterate on cols, get their group and see if it has to be kept
            catGroup = (String) catGroups.get(col);
            if (!(groups.contains(catGroup))) {

        return catDataset;


     * Gets the conf parameters.
     * @return the conf parameters
    public Map getConfParameters() {
        return confParameters;

     * Sets the conf parameters.
     * @param confParameters the new conf parameters
    public void setConfParameters(Map confParameters) {
        this.confParameters = confParameters;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see,
    public JFreeChart createChart(DatasetMap dataset) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return super.createChart(dataset);

     * Gets the category label.
     * @return the category label
    public String getCategoryLabel() {
        return categoryLabel;

     * Sets the category label.
     * @param categoryLabel the new category label
    public void setCategoryLabel(String categoryLabel) {
        this.categoryLabel = categoryLabel;

     * Gets the value label.
     * @return the value label
    public String getValueLabel() {
        return valueLabel;

     * Sets the value label.
     * @param valueLabel the new value label
    public void setValueLabel(String valueLabel) {
        this.valueLabel = valueLabel;

     * Gets the categories number.
     * @return the categories number
    public int getCategoriesNumber() {
        return categoriesNumber;

     * Sets the categories number.
     * @param categoriesNumber the new categories number
    public void setCategoriesNumber(int categoriesNumber) {
        this.categoriesNumber = categoriesNumber;

     * Gets the categories.
     * @return the categories
    public Map getCategories() {
        return categories;

     * Gets the number cat visualization.
     * @return the number cat visualization
    public Integer getNumberCatVisualization() {
        return numberCatVisualization;

     * Sets the number cat visualization.
     * @param numberCatVisualization the new number cat visualization
    public void setNumberCatVisualization(Integer numberCatVisualization) {
        this.numberCatVisualization = numberCatVisualization;

    public Vector getCurrentSeries() {
        return currentSeries;

    public void setCurrentSeries(Vector currentSeries) {
        this.currentSeries = currentSeries;

    public HashMap getSeriesNumber() {
        return seriesNumber;

    public void putSeriesNumber(String name, int index) {
        this.seriesNumber.put(name, new Integer(index));

    public Vector getSeriesNames() {
        return seriesNames;

    public void setSeriesNames(Vector seriesNames) {
        this.seriesNames = seriesNames;

    public boolean isFilterCatGroups() {
        return filterCatGroups;

    public void setFilterCatGroups(boolean filterCatGroups) {
        this.filterCatGroups = filterCatGroups;

    public HashMap getCatGroups() {
        return catGroups;

    public void setCatGroups(HashMap catGroups) {
        this.catGroups = catGroups;

    public Vector getCurrentCatGroups() {
        return currentCatGroups;

    public void setCurrentCatGroups(Vector currentCatGroups) {
        this.currentCatGroups = currentCatGroups;

    public Vector getCatGroupNames() {
        return catGroupNames;

    public void setCatGroupNames(Vector catGroupNames) {
        this.catGroupNames = catGroupNames;

    public boolean isFilterSeries() {
        return filterSeries;

    public void setFilterSeries(boolean filterSeries) {
        this.filterSeries = filterSeries;

    public boolean isFilterCategories() {
        return filterCategories;

    public void setFilterCategories(boolean filterCategories) {
        this.filterCategories = filterCategories;

     * @return the numberSerVisualization
    public Integer getNumberSerVisualization() {
        if (numberSerVisualization == null)
            numberSerVisualization = new Integer(0);
        return numberSerVisualization;

     * @param numberSerVisualization the numberSerVisualization to set
    public void setNumberSerVisualization(Integer numberSerVisualization) {
        this.numberSerVisualization = numberSerVisualization;

    public boolean isDynamicNumberCatVisualization() {
        return dynamicNumberCatVisualization;

    public void setDynamicNumberCatVisualization(boolean dynamicNumberCatVisualization) {
        this.dynamicNumberCatVisualization = dynamicNumberCatVisualization;

    public boolean isFilterSeriesButtons() {
        return filterSeriesButtons;

    public void setFilterSeriesButtons(boolean filterSeriesButtons) {
        this.filterSeriesButtons = filterSeriesButtons;

    public ArrayList<String> getSeriesOrder() {
        return seriesOrder;

    public void setSeriesOrder(ArrayList<String> seriesOrder) {
        this.seriesOrder = seriesOrder;
