Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Created on 10-Feb-2006
 * Copyright (C) 2006 by Andrea Vacondio.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the 
 * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
 * either version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; 
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; 
 * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 *  59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

import it.pdfsam.console.MainConsole;
import it.pdfsam.console.exception.ParseException;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import jcmdline.BooleanParam;
import jcmdline.CmdLineHandler;
import jcmdline.FileParam;
import jcmdline.HelpCmdLineHandler;
import jcmdline.Parameter;
import jcmdline.StringParam;
import jcmdline.VersionCmdLineHandler;

import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;

 * Parser and core for the console. It creates a command line handler and parses input args.
 * If input command is correct (split or concat) it creates the right command line handler for the selected command
 * and it parses input args. If everything is correct, the right command is executed; an exception is thrwon otherwise. 
 * @author Andrea Vacondio
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
public class CmdParser {

    //constants used to get the split mode
    final static public String S_BURST = "BURST";
    final static public String S_SPLIT = "SPLIT";
    final static public String S_NSPLIT = "NSPLIT";
    final static public String S_EVEN = "EVEN";
    final static public String S_ODD = "ODD";

    //constants used to get the encrypt mode
    final static public String E_PRINT = "print";
    final static public String E_MODIFY = "modify";
    final static public String E_COPY = "copy";
    final static public String E_ANNOTATION = "modifyannotations";
    final static public String E_SCREEN = "screenreaders";
    final static public String E_FILL = "fill";
    final static public String E_ASSEMBLY = "assembly";
    final static public String E_DPRINT = "degradedprinting";

    //constants used to set the encrypt algorithm
    final static public String E_RC4_40 = "rc4_40";
    final static public String E_RC4_128 = "rc4_128";
    final static public String E_AES_128 = "aes_128";

    private CmdLineHandler command_line_handler;
    //input arguments
    private String[] in_args;
    //-f value
    private Collection cf_value;
    //-l value
    private File cl_value;
    //-u value
    private String cu_value;
    //-copyfields value
    private boolean copyfields_value = false;

    //-p value
    private String sp_value;
    //-l value
    private File sf_value;
    //-s value
    private String ss_value;
    //number_page argument
    private String sn_value;

    //-p value
    private String ep_value;
    //-apwd value
    private String eapwd_value;
    //-upwd value
    private String eupwd_value;
    //-f value
    private Collection ef_value;
    // -allow value
    private int eallow_opts;
    //-etype value
    private String etype_value;

    //  MIX
    //-f1 value
    private File mf1_value;
    //-f2 value
    private File mf2_value;
    //-reversefirst value
    private boolean mreverse1_value = false;
    //-reversesecond value
    private boolean mreverse2_value = false;
    //-o value
    private File o_value;
    //-log value
    private File log_value = null;
    //-overwrite value
    private boolean overwrite_value = false;
    //-compressed value
    private boolean compressed_value = false;

    //input command
    private byte input_command = 0x00;
    //input option
    private byte input_option = 0x00;

    final static public byte F_OPT = 0x01;
    final static public byte L_OPT = 0x02;

    final static public byte C_CONCAT = 0x01;
    final static public byte C_SPLIT = 0x02;
    final static public byte C_ECRYPT = 0x03;
    final static public byte C_MIX = 0x04;

    final static private String COMMAND = "java -jar pdfsam-console";
    final static private String DESCRIPTION = "concat, split, encrypt, mix pdf files";

    //concat options if concat command is given
    private final Parameter[] concat_opts = new Parameter[] {
            new FileParam("o",
                    "pdf output file: if it doesn't exist it's created, if it exists it must be writeable",
                    ((FileParam.DOESNT_EXIST) | (FileParam.EXISTS & FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_WRITEABLE)),
                    FileParam.REQUIRED, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new FileParam("f",
                    "pdf files to concat: a list of existing pdf files (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf -f /tmp/file2.pdf)",
                    FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_READABLE, FileParam.OPTIONAL, FileParam.MULTI_VALUED),
            new StringParam("u",
                    "page selection script. You can set a subset of pages to merge. Accepted values: \"all\" or \"num1-num2\" (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf -f /tmp/file2.pdf -u all:all:), (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf -f /tmp/file2.pdf -u all:12-14:) to merge file1.pdf and pages 12,13,14 of file2.pdf. If -u is not set default behaviour is to merge document completely",
            new FileParam("l",
                    "xml or csv file containing pdf files list to concat. If cvs file in comma separated value format; if xml file <filelist><file value=\"filepath\" /></filelist>",
                    FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_READABLE, FileParam.OPTIONAL, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new FileParam("log", "text file to log output messages",
                    ((FileParam.DOESNT_EXIST) | (FileParam.EXISTS & FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_WRITEABLE)),
                    FileParam.OPTIONAL, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new BooleanParam("overwrite", "overwrite existing output file"),
            new BooleanParam("compressed", "compress output file"),
            new BooleanParam("copyfields", "input pdf documents contain forms (high memory usage)") };

    //split options if slit command is given
    private final Parameter[] split_opts = new Parameter[] {
            new FileParam("o", "output directory", ((FileParam.IS_DIR & FileParam.EXISTS)), FileParam.REQUIRED,
            new FileParam("f", "input pdf file to split", FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_READABLE,
                    FileParam.REQUIRED, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new StringParam("p", "prefix for the output files name", StringParam.OPTIONAL),
            new StringParam("s",
                    "split type {[" + CmdParser.S_BURST + "], [" + CmdParser.S_ODD + "], [" + CmdParser.S_EVEN
                            + "], [" + CmdParser.S_SPLIT + "], [" + CmdParser.S_NSPLIT + "]}",
                    new String[] { CmdParser.S_BURST, CmdParser.S_ODD, CmdParser.S_EVEN, CmdParser.S_SPLIT,
                            CmdParser.S_NSPLIT },
            new StringParam("n",
                    "page number to spli at if -s is " + CmdParser.S_SPLIT + " or " + CmdParser.S_NSPLIT,
            new FileParam("log", "text file to log output messages",
                    ((FileParam.DOESNT_EXIST) | (FileParam.EXISTS & FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_WRITEABLE)),
                    FileParam.OPTIONAL, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new BooleanParam("overwrite", "overwrite existing output file"),
            new BooleanParam("compressed", "compress output file") };

    //encrypt options if encrypt command is given
    private final Parameter[] encrypt_opts = new Parameter[] {
            new FileParam("o", "output directory", ((FileParam.IS_DIR & FileParam.EXISTS)), FileParam.REQUIRED,
            new FileParam("f",
                    "pdf files to encrypt: a list of existing pdf files (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf -f /tmp/file2.pdf)",
                    FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_READABLE, FileParam.REQUIRED, FileParam.MULTI_VALUED),
            new StringParam("p", "prefix for the output files name", StringParam.OPTIONAL),
            new StringParam("apwd", "administrator password for the document", StringParam.OPTIONAL),
            new StringParam("upwd", "user password for the document", StringParam.OPTIONAL),
            new StringParam("allow", "permissions: a list of permissions",
                    new String[] { CmdParser.E_PRINT, CmdParser.E_MODIFY, CmdParser.E_COPY, CmdParser.E_ANNOTATION,
                            CmdParser.E_FILL, CmdParser.E_SCREEN, CmdParser.E_ASSEMBLY, CmdParser.E_DPRINT },
                    FileParam.OPTIONAL, FileParam.MULTI_VALUED),
            new FileParam("log", "text file to log output messages",
                    ((FileParam.DOESNT_EXIST) | (FileParam.EXISTS & FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_WRITEABLE)),
                    FileParam.OPTIONAL, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new StringParam("etype", "encryption angorithm. If omitted it uses rc4_128",
                    new String[] { CmdParser.E_RC4_40, CmdParser.E_RC4_128, CmdParser.E_AES_128 },
                    FileParam.OPTIONAL, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new BooleanParam("overwrite", "overwrite existing output file"),
            new BooleanParam("compressed", "compress output file") };

    //mix options if mix command is given
    private final Parameter[] mix_opts = new Parameter[] {
            new FileParam("o",
                    "pdf output file: if it doesn't exist it's created, if it exists it must be writeable",
                    ((FileParam.DOESNT_EXIST) | (FileParam.EXISTS & FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_WRITEABLE)),
                    FileParam.REQUIRED, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new FileParam("f1", "first input pdf file to split", FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_READABLE,
                    FileParam.REQUIRED, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new FileParam("f2", "second input pdf file to split", FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_READABLE,
                    FileParam.REQUIRED, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new BooleanParam("reversefirst", "reverse first input file"),
            new BooleanParam("reversesecond", "reverse second input file"),
            new FileParam("log", "text file to log output messages",
                    ((FileParam.DOESNT_EXIST) | (FileParam.EXISTS & FileParam.IS_FILE & FileParam.IS_WRITEABLE)),
                    FileParam.OPTIONAL, FileParam.SINGLE_VALUED),
            new BooleanParam("overwrite", "overwrite existing output file"),
            new BooleanParam("compressed", "compress output file") };

     * The arguments for split command
    private final Parameter[] split_arguments = new Parameter[] { new StringParam("command",
            "command to execute {[split]}", new String[] { "split" }, StringParam.REQUIRED), };

     * The arguments for concat command
    private final Parameter[] concat_arguments = new Parameter[] { new StringParam("command",
            "command to execute {[concat]}", new String[] { "concat" }, StringParam.REQUIRED), };

     * The arguments for encrypt command
    private final Parameter[] encrypt_arguments = new Parameter[] { new StringParam("command",
            "command to execute {[encrypt]}", new String[] { "encrypt" }, StringParam.REQUIRED), };

     * The arguments for mix command
    private final Parameter[] mix_arguments = new Parameter[] { new StringParam("command",
            "command to execute {[mix]}", new String[] { "mix" }, StringParam.REQUIRED), };

     * The arguments this program takes
    private final Parameter[] arguments = new Parameter[] {
            new StringParam("command", "command to execute {[concat], [split], [encrypt], [mix]}",
                    new String[] { "concat", "split", "encrypt", "mix" }, StringParam.REQUIRED),


     * The help text for this program
    public static final String concat_helpText = "Concatenate pdf files. "
            + "you must specify the '-o /home/user/outfile.pdf' option to set the output file and the source file list:\n"
            + "'-f /tmp/file1.pdf /tmp/file2.pdf -f /tmp/file3.pdf [...]' to specify a file list or at least one file to concat.\n"
            + "'-l /tmp/list.csv' a csv file containing the list of files to concat, separated by a comma.\n"
            + "'-l /tmp/list.xml' a xml file containing the list of files to concat, <filelist><file value=\"filepath\" /></filelist>\n"
            + "'-u All:All:3-15' is optional to set pages selection. You can set a subset of pages to merge. Accepted values: \"all\" or \"num1-num2\" (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf -f /tmp/file2.pdf -u all:all:), (EX. -f /tmp/file1.pdf -f /tmp/file2.pdf -u all:12-14:) to merge file1.pdf and pages 12,13,14 of file2.pdf. If -u is not set default behaviour is to merge document completely\n"
            + "Note: You can use only one of these options not both in the same command line\n\n\n"
            + "'-overwrite' to overwrite output file if already exists.\n"
            + "'-compress' to compress output file.\n"
            + "'-copyfields' to deal with forms. Use this if input documents contain forms. This option will lead to a high memory usage.\n"
            + "Example: java -jar pdfsam-console.jar -o /tmp/outfile.pdf -f /tmp/1.pdf -f /tmp/2.pdf concat\n"
            + "Example: java -jar pdfsam-console.jar -l c:\\docs\\list.csv concat";

     * The help text for this program
    public static final String split_helpText = "Split pdf file. "
            + "You must specify '-f /home/user/infile.pdf' option to set the input file you want to split.\n"
            + "You must specify '-o /home/user' to set the output directory.\n"
            + "You must specify '-s split_type' to set the split type. Possible values: {[" + CmdParser.S_BURST
            + "], [" + CmdParser.S_ODD + "], [" + CmdParser.S_EVEN + "], [" + CmdParser.S_SPLIT + "], ["
            + CmdParser.S_NSPLIT + "]}\n"
            + "'-p prefix_' to specify a prefix for output names of files. If it contains \"[CURRENTPAGE]\" or \"[TIMESTAMP]\" it performs variable substitution. (Ex. [BASENAME]_prefix_[CURRENTPAGE] generates FileName_prefix_005.pdf)\n"
            + "Available prefix variables: [CURRENTPAGE], [TIMESTAMP], [BASENAME].\n"
            + "'-n number' to specify a page number to splip at if -s is SPLIT or NSPLIT.\n\n\n"
            + "'-overwrite' to overwrite output file if already exists.\n"
            + "'-compress' to compress output file.\n"
            + "Example: java -jar pdfsam-console.jar -f /tmp/1.pdf -o /tmp -s BURST -p splitted_ split\n"
            + "Example: java -jar pdfsam-console.jar -f /tmp/1.pdf -o /tmp -s NSPLIT -n 4 split\n";

     * The help text for this program
    public static final String encrypt_helpText = "Encrypt pdf files. "
            + "You must specify '-o /home/user' to set the output directory.\n"
            + "You must specify '-f /tmp/file1.pdf /tmp/file2.pdf -f /tmp/file3.pdf [...]' to specify a file list to encrypt.\n"
            + "'-apwd password' to set the owner password.\n" + "'-upwd password' to set the user password.\n"
            + "'-allow permission' to set the permissions list. Possible values {[" + CmdParser.E_PRINT + "], ["
            + CmdParser.E_ANNOTATION + "], [" + CmdParser.E_ASSEMBLY + "], [" + CmdParser.E_COPY + "], ["
            + CmdParser.E_DPRINT + "], [" + CmdParser.E_FILL + "], [" + CmdParser.E_MODIFY + "], ["
            + CmdParser.E_SCREEN + "]}\n\n\n"
            + "'-p prefix_' to specify a prefix for output names of files. If it contains \"[TIMESTAMP]\" it performs variable substitution. (Ex. [BASENAME]_prefix_[TIMESTAMP] generates FileName_prefix_20070517_113423471.pdf)\n"
            + "Available prefix variables: [TIMESTAMP], [BASENAME].\n"
            + "'-etype ' to set the encryption angorithm. If omitted it uses rc4_128. Possible values {["
            + CmdParser.E_AES_128 + "], [" + CmdParser.E_RC4_128 + "], [" + CmdParser.E_RC4_40 + "]}\n\n\n"
            + "'-overwrite' to overwrite output file if already exists.\n"
            + "'-compress' to compress output file.\n"
            + "Example: java -jar pdfsam-console.jar -f /tmp/1.pdf -o /tmp -apwd hallo -upwd word -allow print -allow fill -etype rc4_128 -p encrypted_ encrypt\n";

     * The help text for this program
    public static final String mix_helpText = "Mix alternate two pdf files. "
            + "You must specify '-o /home/user/out.pdf' to set the output file.\n"
            + "You must specify '-f1 /home/user/infile1.pdf' option to set the first input file.\n"
            + "You must specify '-f2 /home/user/infile2.pdf' option to set the second input file.\n"
            + "'-reversefirst' reverse the first input file.\n"
            + "'-reversesecond' reverse the second input file.\n"
            + "'-overwrite' to overwrite output file if already exists.\n"
            + "'-compress' to compress output file.\n"
            + "Example: java -jar pdfsam-console.jar -o /tmp/outfile.pdf -f1 /tmp/1.pdf -f2 /tmp/2.pdf -reversesecond mix\n";

     * The help text for this program
    public static final String helpText = CmdParser.COMMAND + " -h [command] for commands help. ";

     * Costructor
     * @param input_args Arguments to parse
    public CmdParser(String[] input_args) {
        //cmd handler creation
        in_args = input_args;

     * Parse the in_args to get the input command type. It creates the right command handler for split or concat command
     * and it parses in_args again. Executes concat or split of pdf files if everything is ok, an exception is thrown otherwise.
    public void parse() throws Exception {
        String i_command = "";
        if (in_args == null || in_args.length == 0) {
            //create a new handler
            command_line_handler = new VersionCmdLineHandler("pdfsam-console ver." + MainConsole.VERSION,
                    new HelpCmdLineHandler(CmdParser.helpText, CmdParser.COMMAND, CmdParser.DESCRIPTION, null,
        } else {
            i_command = in_args[in_args.length - 1];
            //parse command
            if (i_command.equals("concat")) {
                input_command = CmdParser.C_CONCAT;
                //create a new handler specific for concat
                command_line_handler = new VersionCmdLineHandler("pdfsam-console ver." + MainConsole.VERSION,
                        new HelpCmdLineHandler(CmdParser.concat_helpText, CmdParser.COMMAND, CmdParser.DESCRIPTION,
                                concat_opts, concat_arguments));
            } else if (i_command.equals("split")) {
                input_command = CmdParser.C_SPLIT;
                //create a new handler specific for split
                command_line_handler = new VersionCmdLineHandler("pdfsam-console ver." + MainConsole.VERSION,
                        new HelpCmdLineHandler(CmdParser.split_helpText, CmdParser.COMMAND, CmdParser.DESCRIPTION,
                                split_opts, split_arguments));
            } else if (i_command.equals("encrypt")) {
                input_command = CmdParser.C_ECRYPT;
                //create a new handler specific for encrypt
                command_line_handler = new VersionCmdLineHandler("pdfsam-console ver." + MainConsole.VERSION,
                        new HelpCmdLineHandler(CmdParser.encrypt_helpText, CmdParser.COMMAND, CmdParser.DESCRIPTION,
                                encrypt_opts, encrypt_arguments));
            } else if (i_command.equals("mix")) {
                input_command = CmdParser.C_MIX;
                //create a new handler specific for mix
                command_line_handler = new VersionCmdLineHandler("pdfsam-console ver." + MainConsole.VERSION,
                        new HelpCmdLineHandler(CmdParser.mix_helpText, CmdParser.COMMAND, CmdParser.DESCRIPTION,
                                mix_opts, mix_arguments));
            } else {
                //create a new handler
                command_line_handler = new VersionCmdLineHandler("pdfsam-console ver." + MainConsole.VERSION,
                        new HelpCmdLineHandler(CmdParser.helpText, CmdParser.COMMAND, CmdParser.DESCRIPTION, null,
        if (command_line_handler.parse(in_args)) {
            if (i_command.equals("concat")) {
            } else if (i_command.equals("split")) {
            } else if (i_command.equals("encrypt")) {
            } else if (i_command.equals("mix")) {
        } else {
            throw new ParseException("ParseError: " + command_line_handler.getParseError());

     * Parser for the command line input with the "concat" argument. Input is validated and, if no exception is thrown,
     * is processed. Files extension must be of the right type. Options -l and -f can't be together in the input line. 
     * @return true if the command is parsed correctly, exception otherwise.
     * @throws Exception
    private boolean ParseConcatCommand() throws Exception {
        //PARSE -o
        FileParam o_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("o");
        //no output option given
        if (!(o_opts.isSet())) {
            throw new ParseException("OutputNotFound: missing or illegal -o option.");
        //output is given
        else {
            File out_file;
            out_file = o_opts.getFile();
            //output is given but is not a pdf file
            if (!(out_file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))) {
                throw new ParseException("ParseConcatCommand: output file not a pdf format.");
            } else if (out_file.getName().toLowerCase().equals(".pdf")) {
                throw new ParseException("ParseConcatCommand: no output file name.");
            } else {
                o_value = out_file;
        //END_PARSE -o
        //PARSE -l -f            
        FileParam l_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("l");
        FileParam f_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("f");
        //both not set, no input given
        if ((!(l_opts.isSet())) && (!(f_opts.isSet()))) {
            throw new ParseException("InputNotFound: no -f or -l option given.");
        //both are set
        else if ((l_opts.isSet()) && (f_opts.isSet())) {
            throw new ParseException("TooManyInputSources: both -f and -l options given.");
        } //-l option error: no csv file given
        else if ((!(f_opts.isSet())) && (!(l_opts.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv")))
                && !(l_opts.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml"))) {
            throw new ParseException("ParseConcatCommand: input list file not a csv or xml format.");
        //only f_opts is set
        else if ((f_opts.isSet()) && (!(l_opts.isSet()))) {
            File input_file = f_opts.getFile();
            if (!(input_file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))) {
                throw new ParseException(
                        "ParseConcatCommand: input file " + input_file.getName() + " is not a pdf format.");
            input_option = CmdParser.F_OPT;
            cf_value = f_opts.getFiles();
        //only l_opts is set
        else if ((l_opts.isSet()) && (!(f_opts.isSet()))) {
            //-l option error: no csv file given
            if (!(l_opts.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv"))
                    && !(l_opts.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml"))) {
                throw new ParseException("ParseConcatCommand: input list file not a csv format.");
            } else {
                input_option = CmdParser.L_OPT;
                cl_value = l_opts.getFile();
        //END_PARSE -l -f
        //PARSE -log
        FileParam log_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("log");
        if (log_opts.isSet()) {
            log_value = log_opts.getFile();
        //END_PARSE -log            
        //PARSE -u            
        StringParam u_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("u");
        //if it's set we proceed with validation
        if (u_opts.isSet()) {
            //regexp pattern
            Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(([0-9]*[-][0-9]*[:])|(all:))*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
            if (!(p.matcher(u_opts.getValue()).matches())) {
                throw new ParseException(
                        "ParseConcatCommand: -u value parsing error. The string must be \"num1-num2:\" or \"all:\" repeated for each pdf file in input.");
            } else {
                cu_value = u_opts.getValue();
        //END_PARSE -u
        //PARSE -overwrite            
        overwrite_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("overwrite")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -overwrite
        //PARSE -compress            
        compressed_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("compressed")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -compress
        //PARSE -copyfields            
        copyfields_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("copyfields")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -copyfields  
        return true;

     * Parser for the command line input with the "split" argument. Input is validated and, if no exception is thrown,
     * is processed. Files extension must be of the right type. 
     * @return true if the command is parsed correctly, exception otherwise.
     * @throws Exception
    private boolean ParseSplitCommand() throws Exception {
        //PARSE -o
        FileParam o_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("o");
        //no output option given
        if (!(o_opts.isSet())) {
            throw new ParseException("OutputNotFound: missing or illegal -o option.");
        //output is given
        else {
            File out_file;
            out_file = o_opts.getFile();
            //output is given but is not a pdf file
            if (!(out_file.isDirectory())) {
                throw new ParseException("ParseSplitCommand: output is not a directory.");
            } else {
                o_value = out_file;
        //END_PARSE -o
        //PARSE -log
        FileParam log_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("log");
        if (log_opts.isSet()) {
            log_value = log_opts.getFile();
        //END_PARSE -log            
        StringParam p_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("p");
        FileParam f_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("f");
        StringParam s_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("s");
        StringParam n_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("n");
        //PARSE -p            
        if (p_opts.isSet()) {
            sp_value = p_opts.getValue();
        } else {
            sp_value = "";
        //END_PARSE -p
        //PARSE -f            
        File input_file;
        input_file = f_opts.getFile();
        //input is given but is not a pdf file
        if (!(input_file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))) {
            throw new ParseException("ParseSplitCommand: input file not a pdf format.");
        } else {
            sf_value = input_file;
        //END_PARSE -f 
        //PARSE -s
        if (!(s_opts.isSet())) {
            throw new ParseException("SplitTypeNotFound: not -s option given.");
        } else {
            ss_value = s_opts.getValue();
        //END_PARSE -s
        //PARSE -n            
        if ((ss_value.equals(CmdParser.S_SPLIT)) || (ss_value.equals(CmdParser.S_NSPLIT))) {
            if (n_opts.isSet()) {
                sn_value = n_opts.getValue().trim();
                //if nsplit -n option must be a number
                if (ss_value.equals(CmdParser.S_NSPLIT)) {
                    try {
                    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                        throw new ParseException("ParseSplitCommand: -n option not a numeric value.");
                //if split i must validate the sequence
                if (ss_value.equals(CmdParser.S_SPLIT)) {
                    /*                Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(([0-9]*[-][0-9]*[:])|(all:))*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
                    if (!(p.matcher(u_opts.getValue()).matches())){
                    throw new ParseException("ParseConcatCommand: -u value parsing error. The string must be \"num1-num2:\" or \"all:\" repeated for each pdf file in input.");
                    //i can use "," or " " or "-" as separator
                    sn_value = sn_value.replaceAll(",", "-").replaceAll(" ", "-");
                    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)([-][0-9]+)*");
                    if (!(p.matcher(sn_value).matches())) {
                        throw new ParseException(
                                "ParseSplitCommand: -n option must be a number or a sequence number-number-number...");
            } else {
                throw new ParseException(
                        "ParseSplitCommand: unable to find required option -n for the selected split mode.");
        } else {
            if (n_opts.isSet()) {
                throw new ParseException("ParseSplitCommand: unnecessary option -n for the selected split mode.");
            } else {
                sn_value = "0";
        //END_PARSE -n
        //PARSE -compress            
        compressed_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("compressed")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -compress            
        //PARSE -overwrite            
        overwrite_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("overwrite")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -overwrite            
        return true;

     * Parser for the command line input with the "encrypt" argument. Input is validated and, if no exception is thrown,
     * is processed. Files extension must be of the right type. 
     * @return true if the command is parsed correctly, exception otherwise.
     * @throws Exception
    private boolean ParseEncryptCommand() throws Exception {
        //PARSE -o
        FileParam o_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("o");
        //no output option given
        if (!(o_opts.isSet())) {
            throw new ParseException("OutputNotFound: missing or illegal -o option.");
        //output is given
        else {
            File out_file;
            out_file = o_opts.getFile();
            //output is given but is not a pdf file
            if (!(out_file.isDirectory())) {
                throw new ParseException("ParseEncryptCommand: output is not a directory.");
            } else {
                o_value = out_file;
        //END_PARSE -o
        //PARSE -log
        FileParam log_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("log");
        if (log_opts.isSet()) {
            log_value = log_opts.getFile();
        //END_PARSE -log            
        StringParam p_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("p");
        StringParam a_pwd_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("apwd");
        StringParam u_pwd_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("upwd");
        StringParam etype_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("etype");
        FileParam f_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("f");
        //PARSE -p            
        if (p_opts.isSet()) {
            ep_value = p_opts.getValue();
        } else {
            ep_value = "";
        //END_PARSE -p
        //PARSE -apwd            
        if (a_pwd_opts.isSet()) {
            eapwd_value = a_pwd_opts.getValue();
        } else {
            eapwd_value = "";
        //END_PARSE -apwdp
        //PARSE -upwd            
        if (u_pwd_opts.isSet()) {
            eupwd_value = u_pwd_opts.getValue();
        } else {
            eupwd_value = "";
        //END_PARSE -p
        //PARSE -f            
        File input_file = f_opts.getFile();
        if (!(input_file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))) {
            throw new ParseException(
                    "ParseEncryptCommand: input file " + input_file.getName() + " is not a pdf format.");
        ef_value = f_opts.getFiles();
        //END_PARSE -f 
        //default value
        etype_value = CmdParser.E_RC4_128;
        if ((etype_opts.isSet())) {
            etype_value = etype_opts.getValue();
        //PARSE -allow
        StringParam allow_opts = (StringParam) command_line_handler.getOption("allow");
        if (allow_opts.isSet()) {
            //To populate permissions HashMap based on enc type (40-128 bit)
            HashMap permissionMap = getPermissionMap(etype_value);
            Collection permissions_list = allow_opts.getValues();
            Iterator it = permissions_list.iterator();
            int tmp_permissions = 0;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                String a_value = (String);
                Object value = permissionMap.get(a_value);
                if (value != null) {
                    tmp_permissions |= ((Integer) value).intValue();
            eallow_opts = tmp_permissions;
        //END_PARSE -allow   
        //PARSE -overwrite            
        overwrite_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("overwrite")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -overwrite            
        //PARSE -compress            
        compressed_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("compressed")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -compress
        return true;

     * Parser for the command line input with the "mix" argument. Input is validated and, if no exception is thrown,
     * is processed. Files extension must be of the right type. 
     * @return true if the command is parsed correctly, exception otherwise.
     * @throws Exception
    private boolean ParseMixCommand() throws Exception {
        //PARSE -o
        FileParam o_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("o");
        //no output option given
        if (!(o_opts.isSet())) {
            throw new ParseException("OutputNotFound: missing or illegal -o option.");
        //output is given
        else {
            File out_file;
            out_file = o_opts.getFile();
            //output is given but is not a pdf file
            if (!(out_file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))) {
                throw new ParseException("ParseMixCommand: output file not a pdf format.");
            } else if (out_file.getName().toLowerCase().equals(".pdf")) {
                throw new ParseException("ParseMixCommand: no output file name.");
            } else {
                o_value = out_file;
        //END_PARSE -o
        //PARSE -f            
        FileParam f1_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("f1");
        if (f1_opts.isSet()) {
            File input_file = f1_opts.getFile();
            if (!(input_file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))) {
                throw new ParseException(
                        "ParseMixCommand: input file " + input_file.getName() + " is not a pdf format.");
            input_option = CmdParser.F_OPT;
            mf1_value = f1_opts.getFile();
        } else {
            throw new ParseException("ParseMixCommand: -f1 not set.");
        FileParam f2_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("f2");
        if (f2_opts.isSet()) {
            File input_file = f2_opts.getFile();
            if (!(input_file.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))) {
                throw new ParseException(
                        "ParseMixCommand: input file " + input_file.getName() + " is not a pdf format.");
            input_option = CmdParser.F_OPT;
            mf2_value = f2_opts.getFile();
        } else {
            throw new ParseException("ParseMixCommand: -f2 not set.");
        //END_PARSE -f
        //PARSE -log
        FileParam log_opts = (FileParam) command_line_handler.getOption("log");
        if (log_opts.isSet()) {
            log_value = log_opts.getFile();
        //END_PARSE -log     
        //PARSE -reverse            
        mreverse1_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("reversefirst")).isTrue();
        mreverse2_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("reversesecond")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -reverse            
        //PARSE -overwrite            
        overwrite_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("overwrite")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -overwrite
        //PARSE -compress            
        compressed_value = ((BooleanParam) command_line_handler.getOption("compressed")).isTrue();
        //END PARSE -compress
        return true;

     * @return Returns the -f option value in concat command.
    public Collection getCFValue() {
        return cf_value;

     * @return Returns the -l option value in concat command.
    public File getCLValue() {
        return cl_value;

     * @return Returns the -u option value in concat command.
    public String getCUValue() {
        return cu_value;

     * @return   Returns the -copyfields option value in concat command.
    public boolean isCCopyFields() {
        return copyfields_value;

     * @return Returns the -overwrite option value in concat command.
     * @deprecated use <code>isOverwrite()</code>.
    public boolean COverwrite() {
        return overwrite_value;

     * @return Returns the -o option value. in concat command
    public File getOValue() {
        return o_value;

     * @return Returns the -o option value. in concat command
    public File getLogValue() {
        return log_value;

     * @return Returns the input_option.
    public byte getInputOption() {
        return input_option;

     * @return Returns the input_command.
    public byte getInputCommand() {
        return input_command;

     * @return Returns the sf_value.
    public File getSFValue() {
        return sf_value;

     * @return Returns the snumber_pages_value.
    public String getSNumberPageValue() {
        return sn_value;

     * @return Returns the sp_value.
    public String getSPValue() {
        return sp_value;

     * @return Returns the ss_value.
    public String getSSValue() {
        return ss_value;

     * @return Returns the -f option value in encrypt command.
    public Collection getEFValue() {
        return ef_value;

     * @return Returns the ep_value.
    public String getEPValue() {
        return ep_value;

     * @return Returns the -etype option value in encrypt command.
    public String getETypeValue() {
        return etype_value;

     * @return the -allow value
    public int getEAllowValue() {
        return eallow_opts;

     * @return -apdw value
    public String getEApwdValue() {
        return eapwd_value;

     * @return -updw value
    public String getEUpwdValue() {
        return eupwd_value;

     * @return Returns the mf1_value.
    public File getMF1Value() {
        return mf1_value;

     * @return Returns the mf2_value.
    public File getMF2Value() {
        return mf2_value;

     * @return Returns the -reversefirst option value in concat command.
    public boolean MReverseFirst() {
        return mreverse1_value;

     * @return Returns the -reversesecond option value in concat command.
    public boolean MReverseSecond() {
        return mreverse2_value;

     * @return Returns the -overwrite option value.
    public boolean isOverwrite() {
        return overwrite_value;

     * @return Returns the -compress option value.
    public boolean isCompressed() {
        return compressed_value;

     * @return Returns the -overwrite option value in concat command.
     * @deprecated use <code>isOverwrite()</code>. This method is no longer working
    public boolean MOverwrite() {
        return false;

     * @param encAlg encryption algorithm
     * @return The permissions map based on the chosen encryption
    private HashMap getPermissionMap(String encAlg) {
        HashMap retMap = new HashMap();
        if (encAlg.equals(CmdParser.E_AES_128) || encAlg.equals(CmdParser.E_RC4_128)) {
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_PRINT, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowPrinting));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_MODIFY, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowModifyContents));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_COPY, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowCopy));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_ANNOTATION, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowModifyAnnotations));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_FILL, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowFillIn));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_SCREEN, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowScreenReaders));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_ASSEMBLY, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowAssembly));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_DPRINT, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowDegradedPrinting));
        } else {
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_PRINT, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowPrinting));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_MODIFY, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowModifyContents));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_COPY, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowCopy));
            retMap.put(CmdParser.E_ANNOTATION, new Integer(PdfWriter.AllowModifyAnnotations));
        return retMap;