Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 1996-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;

 * A Locale object defines a high-resolution position within a
 * VirtualUniverse, and serves as a container for a collection of
 * BranchGroup-rooted subgraphs (branch graphs), at that position.
 * Objects within a Locale are defined using standard double-precision
 * coordinates, relative to the origin of the Locale.  This origin
 * defines the Virtual World coordinate system for that Locale.
 * <p>
 * A Locale object defines methods to set and get its high-resolution
 * coordinates, and methods to add, remove, and enumerate the branch
 * graphs.
 * <p>
 * For more information, see the
 * <a href="doc-files/intro.html">Introduction to the Java 3D API</a> and
 * <a href="doc-files/VirtualUniverse.html">Scene Graph Superstructure</a>
 * documents.
 * @see VirtualUniverse
 * @see HiResCoord
 * @see BranchGroup

public class Locale extends Object {

     * The virtual universe that this Locale object is contained within.
    VirtualUniverse universe;

     * The high resolution coordinate associated with this Locale object.
    HiResCoord hiRes;

     * List of BranchGroup objects included in this Locale
    Vector<BranchGroup> branchGroups = new Vector<BranchGroup>();

    // locale's identifier
    String nodeId = null;

     * Constructs and initializes a new high resolution Locale object
     * located at (0, 0, 0).
     * @param universe the virtual universe that will contain this
     * Locale object
    public Locale(VirtualUniverse universe) {
        this.universe = universe;
        this.hiRes = new HiResCoord();
        nodeId = universe.getNodeId();

     * Constructs and initializes a new high resolution Locale object
     * from the parameters provided.
     * @param universe the virtual universe that will contain this
     * Locale object
     * @param x an eight element array specifying the x position
     * @param y an eight element array specifying the y position
     * @param z an eight element array specifying the z position
    public Locale(VirtualUniverse universe, int[] x, int[] y, int[] z) {
        this.universe = universe;
        this.hiRes = new HiResCoord(x, y, z);
        nodeId = universe.getNodeId();

     * Constructs and initializes a new high resolution Locale object
     * at the location specified by the HiResCoord argument.
     * @param universe the virtual universe that will contain this
     * Locale object
     * @param hiRes the HiRes coordinate to use in creating this Locale
    public Locale(VirtualUniverse universe, HiResCoord hiRes) {
        this.universe = universe;
        this.hiRes = new HiResCoord(hiRes);
        nodeId = universe.getNodeId();

     * Retrieves the virtual universe within which this Locale object
     * is contained.  A null reference indicates that this
     * Locale has been removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @return the virtual universe within which this Locale object
     * is contained.
    public VirtualUniverse getVirtualUniverse() {
        return universe;

     * Sets the HiRes coordinate of this Locale to the location
     * specified by the parameters provided.
     * @param x an eight element array specifying the x position
     * @param y an eight element array specifying the y position
     * @param z an eight element array specifying the z position
    public void setHiRes(int[] x, int[] y, int[] z) {
        this.hiRes.setHiResCoord(x, y, z);

     * Sets the HiRes coordinate of this Locale
     * to the location specified by the HiRes argument.
     * @param hiRes the HiRes coordinate specifying this node's new location
    public void setHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes) {

     * Returns this node's HiResCoord.
     * @param hiRes a HiResCoord object that will receive the
     * HiRes coordinate of this Locale node
    public void getHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes) {

     * Add a new branch graph rooted at BranchGroup to
     * the list of branch graphs.
     * @param branchGroup root of the branch graph to be added
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @exception MultipleParentException if the specified BranchGroup node
     * is already live.
    public void addBranchGraph(BranchGroup branchGroup) {
        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        // if the BranchGroup already has a parent, or has already been
        // added to a locale, throw MultipleParentException
        if ((((BranchGroupRetained) branchGroup.retained).parent != null) || (branchGroup.isLive())) {
            throw new MultipleParentException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale0"));

        universe.notifyStructureChangeListeners(true, this, branchGroup);
        synchronized (universe.sceneGraphLock) {

    // The method that does the work once the lock is acquired.
    void doAddBranchGraph(BranchGroup branchGroup) {
        BranchGroupRetained bgr = (BranchGroupRetained) branchGroup.retained;
        J3dMessage createMessage;
        SetLiveState s = universe.setLiveState;

        // bgr.setLocale(this);

        // addElement needs to precede setLive or else any liveness checks
        // in the initialize() call of a user behavior (ie, calling collision
        // or picking constructor with a SceneGraphPath) will fail
        // when SceneGraphPath.validate() attempts to verify that
        // the proper Locale is associated with that SceneGraphPath
        bgr.attachedToLocale = true;
        s.currentTransforms[0] = new Transform3D[2];
        s.currentTransforms[0][0] = new Transform3D();
        s.currentTransforms[0][1] = new Transform3D();
        s.currentTransformsIndex[0] = new int[2];
        s.currentTransformsIndex[0][0] = 0;
        s.currentTransformsIndex[0][1] = 0;

        s.localToVworld = s.currentTransforms;
        s.localToVworldIndex = s.currentTransformsIndex;

        s.branchGroupPaths = new ArrayList<BranchGroupRetained[]>();
        s.branchGroupPaths.add(new BranchGroupRetained[0]);

        s.orderedPaths = new ArrayList<OrderedPath>(1);
        s.orderedPaths.add(new OrderedPath());

        s.switchStates = new ArrayList<SwitchState>(1);
        s.switchStates.add(new SwitchState(false));


        createMessage = new J3dMessage();
        createMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDER | J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT;
        createMessage.type = J3dMessage.ORDERED_GROUP_INSERTED;
        createMessage.universe = universe;
        createMessage.args[0] = s.ogList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[1] = s.ogChildIdList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[2] = s.ogOrderedIdList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[3] = s.ogCIOList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[4] = s.ogCIOTableList.toArray();;

        createMessage = new J3dMessage();
        createMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT;
        createMessage.type = J3dMessage.VIEWSPECIFICGROUP_INIT;
        createMessage.universe = universe;
        createMessage.args[0] = s.changedViewGroup;
        createMessage.args[1] = s.changedViewList;
        createMessage.args[2] = s.keyList;;

        createMessage = new J3dMessage();
        createMessage.threads = s.notifyThreads;
        createMessage.type = J3dMessage.INSERT_NODES;
        createMessage.universe = universe;
        createMessage.args[0] = s.nodeList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[1] = null;
        createMessage.args[2] = null;
        if (s.viewScopedNodeList != null) {
            createMessage.args[3] = s.viewScopedNodeList;
            createMessage.args[4] = s.scopedNodesViewList;

        int sz = s.behaviorNodes.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            BehaviorRetained b = s.behaviorNodes.get(i);

        createMessage = new J3dMessage();
        createMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_BEHAVIOR;
        createMessage.type = J3dMessage.BEHAVIOR_ACTIVATE;
        createMessage.universe = universe;;

        // Free up memory.

     * Removes a branch graph rooted at BranchGroup from
     * the list of branch graphs.
     * @param branchGroup root of the branch graph to be removed
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if the ALLOW_DETACH capability is
     * not set in the specified BranchGroup node.
    public void removeBranchGraph(BranchGroup branchGroup) {
        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        if (!branchGroup.getCapability(BranchGroup.ALLOW_DETACH)) {
            throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale1"));
        synchronized (universe.sceneGraphLock) {
            doRemoveBranchGraph(branchGroup, null, 0);

    // Method to remove all branch graphs from this Locale and remove
    // this Locale from the VirtualUniverse
    void removeFromUniverse() {
        if (branchGroups.size() > 0) {
            synchronized (universe.sceneGraphLock) {
                // Make a copy of the branchGroups list so that we can safely
                // iterate over it.
                Object[] bg = branchGroups.toArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < bg.length; i++) {
                    doRemoveBranchGraph((BranchGroup) bg[i], null, 0);
            // Put after sceneGraphLock to prevent deadlock

        // free nodeId
        if (nodeId != null) {
            nodeId = null;

        // Set universe pointer to null, indicating that this Locale
        // has been removed from its universe
        universe = null;

    // The method that does the work once the lock is acquired.
    void doRemoveBranchGraph(BranchGroup branchGroup, J3dMessage messages[], int startIndex) {

        BranchGroupRetained bgr = (BranchGroupRetained) branchGroup.retained;
        J3dMessage destroyMessage;

        if (!branchGroup.isLive())
        bgr.attachedToLocale = false;

        if (messages == null) {
            destroyMessage = new J3dMessage();
        } else {
            destroyMessage = messages[startIndex++];
        destroyMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDER | J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT;
        destroyMessage.type = J3dMessage.ORDERED_GROUP_REMOVED;
        destroyMessage.universe = universe;
        destroyMessage.args[0] = universe.setLiveState.ogList.toArray();
        destroyMessage.args[1] = universe.setLiveState.ogChildIdList.toArray();
        destroyMessage.args[3] = universe.setLiveState.ogCIOList.toArray();
        destroyMessage.args[4] = universe.setLiveState.ogCIOTableList.toArray();

        // Issue 312: We need to send the REMOVE_NODES message to the
        // RenderingEnvironmentStructure before we send VIEWSPECIFICGROUP_CLEAR,
        // since the latter clears the list of views that is referred to by
        // scopedNodesViewList and used by removeNodes.
        if (messages == null) {
            destroyMessage = new J3dMessage();
        } else {
            destroyMessage = messages[startIndex++];
        destroyMessage.threads = universe.setLiveState.notifyThreads;
        destroyMessage.type = J3dMessage.REMOVE_NODES;
        destroyMessage.universe = universe;
        destroyMessage.args[0] = universe.setLiveState.nodeList.toArray();
        if (universe.setLiveState.viewScopedNodeList != null) {
            destroyMessage.args[3] = universe.setLiveState.viewScopedNodeList;
            destroyMessage.args[4] = universe.setLiveState.scopedNodesViewList;

        if (messages == null) {
            destroyMessage = new J3dMessage();
        } else {
            destroyMessage = messages[startIndex++];
        destroyMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT;
        destroyMessage.type = J3dMessage.VIEWSPECIFICGROUP_CLEAR;
        destroyMessage.universe = universe;
        destroyMessage.args[0] = universe.setLiveState.changedViewGroup;
        destroyMessage.args[1] = universe.setLiveState.keyList;

        if (messages == null) {
        } else {
            destroyMessage = messages[startIndex++];

        if (universe.isEmpty()) {
  , universe);
        universe.setLiveState.reset(null); // cleanup memory
        universe.notifyStructureChangeListeners(false, this, branchGroup);

     * Replaces the branch graph rooted at oldGroup in the list of
     * branch graphs with the branch graph rooted at
     * newGroup.
     * @param oldGroup root of the branch graph to be replaced.
     * @param newGroup root of the branch graph that will replace the old
     * branch graph.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if the ALLOW_DETACH capability is
     * not set in the old BranchGroup node.
     * @exception MultipleParentException if the new BranchGroup node
     * is already live.
    public void replaceBranchGraph(BranchGroup oldGroup, BranchGroup newGroup) {

        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        if (!oldGroup.getCapability(BranchGroup.ALLOW_DETACH)) {
            throw new CapabilityNotSetException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale1"));

        if (((BranchGroupRetained) newGroup.retained).parent != null) {
            throw new MultipleParentException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale3"));
        universe.notifyStructureChangeListeners(true, this, newGroup);
        synchronized (universe.sceneGraphLock) {
            doReplaceBranchGraph(oldGroup, newGroup);
        universe.notifyStructureChangeListeners(false, this, oldGroup);

    // The method that does the work once the lock is acquired.
    void doReplaceBranchGraph(BranchGroup oldGroup, BranchGroup newGroup) {
        BranchGroupRetained obgr = (BranchGroupRetained) oldGroup.retained;
        BranchGroupRetained nbgr = (BranchGroupRetained) newGroup.retained;
        J3dMessage createMessage;
        J3dMessage destroyMessage;

        obgr.attachedToLocale = false;

        destroyMessage = new J3dMessage();

        destroyMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDER | J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT;
        destroyMessage.type = J3dMessage.ORDERED_GROUP_REMOVED;
        destroyMessage.universe = universe;
        destroyMessage.args[0] = universe.setLiveState.ogList.toArray();
        destroyMessage.args[1] = universe.setLiveState.ogChildIdList.toArray();
        destroyMessage.args[3] = universe.setLiveState.ogCIOList.toArray();
        destroyMessage.args[4] = universe.setLiveState.ogCIOTableList.toArray();;

        destroyMessage = new J3dMessage();
        destroyMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT;
        destroyMessage.type = J3dMessage.VIEWSPECIFICGROUP_CLEAR;
        destroyMessage.universe = universe;
        destroyMessage.args[0] = universe.setLiveState.changedViewGroup;
        destroyMessage.args[1] = universe.setLiveState.keyList;;

        destroyMessage = new J3dMessage();
        destroyMessage.threads = universe.setLiveState.notifyThreads;
        destroyMessage.type = J3dMessage.REMOVE_NODES;
        destroyMessage.universe = universe;
        destroyMessage.args[0] = universe.setLiveState.nodeList.toArray();;

        nbgr.attachedToLocale = true;
        universe.setLiveState.currentTransforms[0] = new Transform3D[2];
        universe.setLiveState.currentTransforms[0][0] = new Transform3D();
        universe.setLiveState.currentTransforms[0][1] = new Transform3D();
        universe.setLiveState.currentTransformsIndex[0] = new int[2];
        universe.setLiveState.currentTransformsIndex[0][0] = 0;
        universe.setLiveState.currentTransformsIndex[0][1] = 0;

        universe.setLiveState.localToVworld = universe.setLiveState.currentTransforms;
        universe.setLiveState.localToVworldIndex = universe.setLiveState.currentTransformsIndex;

        universe.setLiveState.branchGroupPaths = new ArrayList<BranchGroupRetained[]>();
        universe.setLiveState.branchGroupPaths.add(new BranchGroupRetained[0]);

        universe.setLiveState.orderedPaths = new ArrayList<OrderedPath>(1);
        universe.setLiveState.orderedPaths.add(new OrderedPath());

        universe.setLiveState.switchStates = new ArrayList<SwitchState>(1);
        universe.setLiveState.switchStates.add(new SwitchState(false));


        createMessage = new J3dMessage();
        createMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDER | J3dThread.UPDATE_RENDERING_ENVIRONMENT;
        createMessage.type = J3dMessage.ORDERED_GROUP_INSERTED;
        createMessage.universe = universe;
        createMessage.args[0] = universe.setLiveState.ogList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[1] = universe.setLiveState.ogChildIdList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[2] = universe.setLiveState.ogOrderedIdList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[3] = universe.setLiveState.ogCIOList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[4] = universe.setLiveState.ogCIOTableList.toArray();;

        // XXXX: make these two into one message
        createMessage = new J3dMessage();
        createMessage.threads = universe.setLiveState.notifyThreads;
        createMessage.type = J3dMessage.INSERT_NODES;
        createMessage.universe = universe;
        createMessage.args[0] = universe.setLiveState.nodeList.toArray();
        createMessage.args[1] = null;
        createMessage.args[2] = null;
        if (universe.setLiveState.viewScopedNodeList != null) {
            createMessage.args[3] = universe.setLiveState.viewScopedNodeList;
            createMessage.args[4] = universe.setLiveState.scopedNodesViewList;

        BehaviorRetained[] behavNodes = new BehaviorRetained[universe.setLiveState.behaviorNodes.size()];
        behavNodes = universe.setLiveState.behaviorNodes.toArray(behavNodes);

        if (universe.isEmpty()) {
  , universe);

        for (int i = 0; i < behavNodes.length; i++) {

        createMessage = new J3dMessage();
        createMessage.threads = J3dThread.UPDATE_BEHAVIOR;
        createMessage.type = J3dMessage.BEHAVIOR_ACTIVATE;
        createMessage.universe = universe;;

        // Free up memory.

     * Get number of branch graphs in this Locale.
     * @return number of branch graphs in this Locale.
    public int numBranchGraphs() {
        return branchGroups.size();

     * Gets an Enumeration object of all branch graphs in this Locale.
     * @return an Enumeration object of all branch graphs.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
    public Enumeration getAllBranchGraphs() {
        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        return branchGroups.elements();

    void validateModeFlagAndPickShape(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape) {

        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        if ((mode != PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS) && (mode != PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY)) {

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale5"));

        if ((pickShape instanceof PickPoint) && (mode == PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale6"));

        if (((flags & PickInfo.CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO) != 0) && ((flags & PickInfo.ALL_GEOM_INFO) != 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale7"));

        if ((mode == PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS) && (((flags & (PickInfo.CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO | PickInfo.ALL_GEOM_INFO
                | PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE | PickInfo.CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT)) != 0))) {

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale8"));

        if ((pickShape instanceof PickBounds) && (((flags & (PickInfo.CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO | PickInfo.ALL_GEOM_INFO
                | PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE | PickInfo.CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT)) != 0))) {

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale9"));

     * Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below this
     * <code>Locale</code> that intersect with PickShape.
     * The resultant array is unordered.
     * @param pickShape the description of this picking volume or area.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @see BranchGroup#pickAll
    public SceneGraphPath[] pickAll(PickShape pickShape) {
        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        PickInfo[] pickInfoArr = pickAll(PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS, PickInfo.SCENEGRAPHPATH, pickShape);

        if (pickInfoArr == null) {
            return null;
        SceneGraphPath[] sgpArr = new SceneGraphPath[pickInfoArr.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < sgpArr.length; i++) {
            sgpArr[i] = pickInfoArr[i].getSceneGraphPath();

        return sgpArr;


     * Returns an array unsorted references to all the PickInfo objects that are pickable
     * below this <code>Locale</code> that intersect with PickShape.
     * The accuracy of the pick is set by the pick mode. The mode include :
     * PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS and PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY. The amount of information returned
     * is specified via a masked variable, flags, indicating which components are
     * present in each returned PickInfo object.
     * @param mode  picking mode, one of <code>PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS</code> or <code>PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY</code>.
     * @param flags a mask indicating which components are present in each PickInfo object.
     * This is specified as one or more individual bits that are bitwise "OR"ed together to
     * describe the PickInfo data. The flags include :
     * <ul>
     * <code>PickInfo.SCENEGRAPHPATH</code> - request for computed SceneGraphPath.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.NODE</code> - request for computed intersected Node.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.LOCAL_TO_VWORLD</code> - request for computed local to virtual world transform.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT</code> - request for closest intersection point.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE</code> - request for the distance of closest intersection.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO</code> - request for only the closest intersection geometry information.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.ALL_GEOM_INFO</code> - request for all intersection geometry information.<br>
     * </ul>
     * @param pickShape the description of this picking volume or area.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if flags contains both CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO and
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pickShape is a PickPoint and pick mode
     * is set to PICK_GEOMETRY.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pick mode is neither PICK_BOUNDS
     * nor PICK_GEOMETRY.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pick mode is PICK_BOUNDS
     * and flags includes any of CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT, CLOSEST_DISTANCE,
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pickShape is PickBounds
     * and flags includes any of CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT, CLOSEST_DISTANCE,
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if the mode is
     * PICK_GEOMETRY and the Geometry.ALLOW_INTERSECT capability bit
     * is not set in any Geometry objects referred to by any shape
     * node whose bounds intersects the PickShape.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if flags contains any of
     * or ALL_GEOM_INFO, and the capability bits that control reading of
     * coordinate data are not set in any GeometryArray object referred
     * to by any shape node that intersects the PickShape.
     * The capability bits that must be set to avoid this exception are as follows :
     * <ul>
     * <li>By-copy geometry : GeometryArray.ALLOW_COORDINATE_READ</li>
     * <li>By-reference geometry : GeometryArray.ALLOW_REF_DATA_READ</li>
     * <li>Indexed geometry : IndexedGeometryArray.ALLOW_COORDINATE_INDEX_READ
     * (in addition to one of the above)</li>
     * </ul>
     * @see BranchGroup#pickAll(int,int,
     * @see PickInfo
     * @since Java 3D 1.4
    public PickInfo[] pickAll(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape) {

        validateModeFlagAndPickShape(mode, flags, pickShape);

        GeometryAtom geomAtoms[] = universe.geometryStructure.pickAll(this, pickShape);

        return PickInfo.pick(this, geomAtoms, mode, flags, pickShape, PickInfo.PICK_ALL);


     * Returns a sorted array of references to all the pickable items
     * that intersect with the pickShape. Element [0] references the
     * item closest to <i>origin</i> of PickShape successive array
     * elements are further from the <i>origin</i>
     * <br>
     * NOTE: If pickShape is of type PickBounds, the resulting array
     * is unordered.
     * @param pickShape the description of this picking volume or area.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @see BranchGroup#pickAllSorted
    public SceneGraphPath[] pickAllSorted(PickShape pickShape) {
        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        PickInfo[] pickInfoArr = pickAllSorted(PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS, PickInfo.SCENEGRAPHPATH, pickShape);

        if (pickInfoArr == null) {
            return null;
        SceneGraphPath[] sgpArr = new SceneGraphPath[pickInfoArr.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < sgpArr.length; i++) {
            sgpArr[i] = pickInfoArr[i].getSceneGraphPath();

        return sgpArr;


     * Returns a sorted array of PickInfo references to all the pickable
     * items that intersect with the pickShape. Element [0] references
     * the item closest to <i>origin</i> of PickShape successive array
     * elements are further from the <i>origin</i>
     * The accuracy of the pick is set by the pick mode. The mode include :
     * PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS and PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY. The amount of information returned
     * is specified via a masked variable, flags, indicating which components are
     * present in each returned PickInfo object.
     * @param mode  picking mode, one of <code>PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS</code> or <code>PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY</code>.
     * @param flags a mask indicating which components are present in each PickInfo object.
     * This is specified as one or more individual bits that are bitwise "OR"ed together to
     * describe the PickInfo data. The flags include :
     * <ul>
     * <code>PickInfo.SCENEGRAPHPATH</code> - request for computed SceneGraphPath.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.NODE</code> - request for computed intersected Node.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.LOCAL_TO_VWORLD</code> - request for computed local to virtual world transform.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT</code> - request for closest intersection point.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE</code> - request for the distance of closest intersection.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO</code> - request for only the closest intersection geometry information.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.ALL_GEOM_INFO</code> - request for all intersection geometry information.<br>
     * </ul>
     * @param pickShape the description of this picking volume or area.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if flags contains both CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO and
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pickShape is a PickPoint and pick mode
     * is set to PICK_GEOMETRY.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pick mode is neither PICK_BOUNDS
     * nor PICK_GEOMETRY.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pick mode is PICK_BOUNDS
     * and flags includes any of CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT, CLOSEST_DISTANCE,
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pickShape is PickBounds
     * and flags includes any of CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT, CLOSEST_DISTANCE,
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if the mode is
     * PICK_GEOMETRY and the Geometry.ALLOW_INTERSECT capability bit
     * is not set in any Geometry objects referred to by any shape
     * node whose bounds intersects the PickShape.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if flags contains any of
     * or ALL_GEOM_INFO, and the capability bits that control reading of
     * coordinate data are not set in any GeometryArray object referred
     * to by any shape node that intersects the PickShape.
     * The capability bits that must be set to avoid this exception are as follows :
     * <ul>
     * <li>By-copy geometry : GeometryArray.ALLOW_COORDINATE_READ</li>
     * <li>By-reference geometry : GeometryArray.ALLOW_REF_DATA_READ</li>
     * <li>Indexed geometry : IndexedGeometryArray.ALLOW_COORDINATE_INDEX_READ
     * (in addition to one of the above)</li>
     * </ul>
     * @see BranchGroup#pickAllSorted(int,int,
     * @see PickInfo
     * @since Java 3D 1.4
    public PickInfo[] pickAllSorted(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape) {

        validateModeFlagAndPickShape(mode, flags, pickShape);
        GeometryAtom geomAtoms[] = universe.geometryStructure.pickAll(this, pickShape);

        if ((geomAtoms == null) || (geomAtoms.length == 0)) {
            return null;

        PickInfo[] pickInfoArr = null;

        if (mode == PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY) {
            // Need to have closestDistance set
            flags |= PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE;
            pickInfoArr = PickInfo.pick(this, geomAtoms, mode, flags, pickShape, PickInfo.PICK_ALL);
            if (pickInfoArr != null) {
        } else {
            PickInfo.sortGeomAtoms(geomAtoms, pickShape);
            pickInfoArr = PickInfo.pick(this, geomAtoms, mode, flags, pickShape, PickInfo.PICK_ALL);

        return pickInfoArr;

     * Returns a SceneGraphPath which references the pickable item
     * which is closest to the origin of <code>pickShape</code>.
     * <br>
     * NOTE: If pickShape is of type PickBounds, the return is any
     * pickable node below this Locale.
     * @param pickShape the description of this picking volume or area.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @see BranchGroup#pickClosest
    public SceneGraphPath pickClosest(PickShape pickShape) {
        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        PickInfo pickInfo = pickClosest(PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS, PickInfo.SCENEGRAPHPATH, pickShape);

        if (pickInfo == null) {
            return null;
        return pickInfo.getSceneGraphPath();

     * Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item
     * which is closest to the origin of <code>pickShape</code>.
     * The accuracy of the pick is set by the pick mode. The mode include :
     * PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS and PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY. The amount of information returned
     * is specified via a masked variable, flags, indicating which components are
     * present in each returned PickInfo object.
     * @param mode  picking mode, one of <code>PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS</code> or <code>PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY</code>.
     * @param flags a mask indicating which components are present in each PickInfo object.
     * This is specified as one or more individual bits that are bitwise "OR"ed together to
     * describe the PickInfo data. The flags include :
     * <ul>
     * <code>PickInfo.SCENEGRAPHPATH</code> - request for computed SceneGraphPath.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.NODE</code> - request for computed intersected Node.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.LOCAL_TO_VWORLD</code> - request for computed local to virtual world transform.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT</code> - request for closest intersection point.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE</code> - request for the distance of closest intersection.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO</code> - request for only the closest intersection geometry information.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.ALL_GEOM_INFO</code> - request for all intersection geometry information.<br>
     * </ul>
     * @param pickShape the description of this picking volume or area.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if flags contains both CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO and
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pickShape is a PickPoint and pick mode
     * is set to PICK_GEOMETRY.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pick mode is neither PICK_BOUNDS
     * nor PICK_GEOMETRY.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pick mode is PICK_BOUNDS
     * and flags includes any of CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT, CLOSEST_DISTANCE,
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pickShape is PickBounds
     * and flags includes any of CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT, CLOSEST_DISTANCE,
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if the mode is
     * PICK_GEOMETRY and the Geometry.ALLOW_INTERSECT capability bit
     * is not set in any Geometry objects referred to by any shape
     * node whose bounds intersects the PickShape.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if flags contains any of
     * or ALL_GEOM_INFO, and the capability bits that control reading of
     * coordinate data are not set in any GeometryArray object referred
     * to by any shape node that intersects the PickShape.
     * The capability bits that must be set to avoid this exception are as follows :
     * <ul>
     * <li>By-copy geometry : GeometryArray.ALLOW_COORDINATE_READ</li>
     * <li>By-reference geometry : GeometryArray.ALLOW_REF_DATA_READ</li>
     * <li>Indexed geometry : IndexedGeometryArray.ALLOW_COORDINATE_INDEX_READ
     * (in addition to one of the above)</li>
     * </ul>
     * @see BranchGroup#pickClosest(int,int,
     * @see PickInfo
     * @since Java 3D 1.4
    public PickInfo pickClosest(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape) {

        PickInfo[] pickInfoArr = null;

        pickInfoArr = pickAllSorted(mode, flags, pickShape);

        if (pickInfoArr == null) {
            return null;

        return pickInfoArr[0];


     * Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below this
     * Locale which intersects with <code>pickShape</code>.
     * @param pickShape the description of this picking volume or area.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @see BranchGroup#pickAny
    public SceneGraphPath pickAny(PickShape pickShape) {
        if (universe == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(J3dI18N.getString("Locale4"));

        PickInfo pickInfo = pickAny(PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS, PickInfo.SCENEGRAPHPATH, pickShape);

        if (pickInfo == null) {
            return null;
        return pickInfo.getSceneGraphPath();


     * Returns a PickInfo which references the pickable item  below this
     * Locale which intersects with <code>pickShape</code>.
     * The accuracy of the pick is set by the pick mode. The mode include :
     * PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS and PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY. The amount of information returned
     * is specified via a masked variable, flags, indicating which components are
     * present in each returned PickInfo object.
     * @param mode  picking mode, one of <code>PickInfo.PICK_BOUNDS</code> or <code>PickInfo.PICK_GEOMETRY</code>.
     * @param flags a mask indicating which components are present in each PickInfo object.
     * This is specified as one or more individual bits that are bitwise "OR"ed together to
     * describe the PickInfo data. The flags include :
     * <ul>
     * <code>PickInfo.SCENEGRAPHPATH</code> - request for computed SceneGraphPath.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.NODE</code> - request for computed intersected Node.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.LOCAL_TO_VWORLD</code> - request for computed local to virtual world transform.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT</code> - request for closest intersection point.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_DISTANCE</code> - request for the distance of closest intersection.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO</code> - request for only the closest intersection geometry information.<br>
     * <code>PickInfo.ALL_GEOM_INFO</code> - request for all intersection geometry information.<br>
     * </ul>
     * @param pickShape the description of this picking volume or area.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if flags contains both CLOSEST_GEOM_INFO and
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pickShape is a PickPoint and pick mode
     * is set to PICK_GEOMETRY.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pick mode is neither PICK_BOUNDS
     * nor PICK_GEOMETRY.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pick mode is PICK_BOUNDS
     * and flags includes any of CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT, CLOSEST_DISTANCE,
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if pickShape is PickBounds
     * and flags includes any of CLOSEST_INTERSECTION_POINT, CLOSEST_DISTANCE,
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this Locale has been
     * removed from its VirtualUniverse.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if the mode is
     * PICK_GEOMETRY and the Geometry.ALLOW_INTERSECT capability bit
     * is not set in any Geometry objects referred to by any shape
     * node whose bounds intersects the PickShape.
     * @exception CapabilityNotSetException if flags contains any of
     * or ALL_GEOM_INFO, and the capability bits that control reading of
     * coordinate data are not set in any GeometryArray object referred
     * to by any shape node that intersects the PickShape.
     * The capability bits that must be set to avoid this exception are as follows :
     * <ul>
     * <li>By-copy geometry : GeometryArray.ALLOW_COORDINATE_READ</li>
     * <li>By-reference geometry : GeometryArray.ALLOW_REF_DATA_READ</li>
     * <li>Indexed geometry : IndexedGeometryArray.ALLOW_COORDINATE_INDEX_READ
     * (in addition to one of the above)</li>
     * </ul>
     * @see BranchGroup#pickAny(int,int,
     * @see PickInfo
     * @since Java 3D 1.4
    public PickInfo pickAny(int mode, int flags, PickShape pickShape) {

        validateModeFlagAndPickShape(mode, flags, pickShape);
        GeometryAtom geomAtoms[] = universe.geometryStructure.pickAll(this, pickShape);

        PickInfo[] pickInfoArr = PickInfo.pick(this, geomAtoms, mode, flags, pickShape, PickInfo.PICK_ANY);

        if (pickInfoArr == null) {
            return null;

        return pickInfoArr[0];

