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 * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2013 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Linda DeMichiel - Java Persistence 2.1
 *     Linda DeMichiel - Java Persistence 2.0
package javax.persistence.criteria;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.Tuple;

 * Used to construct criteria queries, compound selections, 
 * expressions, predicates, orderings.
 * <p> Note that <code>Predicate</code> is used instead of <code>Expression&#060;Boolean&#062;</code> 
 * in this API in order to work around the fact that Java 
 * generics are not compatible with varags.
 * @since Java Persistence 2.0
public interface CriteriaBuilder {

     *  Create a <code>CriteriaQuery</code> object.
     *  @return criteria query object
    CriteriaQuery<Object> createQuery();

     *  Create a <code>CriteriaQuery</code> object with the specified result 
     *  type.
     *  @param resultClass  type of the query result
     *  @return criteria query object
    <T> CriteriaQuery<T> createQuery(Class<T> resultClass);

     *  Create a <code>CriteriaQuery</code> object that returns a tuple of 
     *  objects as its result.
     *  @return criteria query object
    CriteriaQuery<Tuple> createTupleQuery();

    // methods to construct queries for bulk updates and deletes:

     *  Create a <code>CriteriaUpdate</code> query object to perform a bulk update operation.
     *  @param targetEntity  target type for update operation
     *  @return the query object
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <T> CriteriaUpdate<T> createCriteriaUpdate(Class<T> targetEntity);

     *  Create a <code>CriteriaDelete</code> query object to perform a bulk delete operation.
     *  @param targetEntity  target type for delete operation
     *  @return the query object
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <T> CriteriaDelete<T> createCriteriaDelete(Class<T> targetEntity);

    // selection construction methods:

     * Create a selection item corresponding to a constructor.
     * This method is used to specify a constructor that will be
     * applied to the results of the query execution. If the
     * constructor is for an entity class, the resulting entities
     * will be in the new state after the query is executed.
     * @param resultClass  class whose instance is to be constructed
     * @param selections  arguments to the constructor
     * @return compound selection item
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is a 
     *         tuple- or array-valued selection item
    <Y> CompoundSelection<Y> construct(Class<Y> resultClass, Selection<?>... selections);

     * Create a tuple-valued selection item.
     * @param selections  selection items
     * @return tuple-valued compound selection
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is a 
     *         tuple- or array-valued selection item
    CompoundSelection<Tuple> tuple(Selection<?>... selections);

     * Create an array-valued selection item.
     * @param selections  selection items
     * @return array-valued compound selection
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is a 
     *         tuple- or array-valued selection item
    CompoundSelection<Object[]> array(Selection<?>... selections);


     * Create an ordering by the ascending value of the expression.
     * @param x  expression used to define the ordering
     * @return ascending ordering corresponding to the expression
    Order asc(Expression<?> x);

     * Create an ordering by the descending value of the expression.
     * @param x  expression used to define the ordering
     * @return descending ordering corresponding to the expression
    Order desc(Expression<?> x);

    //aggregate functions:

     * Create an aggregate expression applying the avg operation.
     * @param x  expression representing input value to avg operation
     * @return avg expression
    <N extends Number> Expression<Double> avg(Expression<N> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression applying the sum operation.
     * @param x  expression representing input value to sum operation
     * @return sum expression
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> sum(Expression<N> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression applying the sum operation to an
     * Integer-valued expression, returning a Long result.
     * @param x  expression representing input value to sum operation
     * @return sum expression
    Expression<Long> sumAsLong(Expression<Integer> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression applying the sum operation to a
     * Float-valued expression, returning a Double result.
     * @param x  expression representing input value to sum operation
     * @return sum expression
    Expression<Double> sumAsDouble(Expression<Float> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression applying the numerical max 
     * operation.
     * @param x  expression representing input value to max operation
     * @return max expression
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> max(Expression<N> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression applying the numerical min 
     * operation.
     * @param x  expression representing input value to min operation
     * @return min expression
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> min(Expression<N> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression for finding the greatest of
     * the values (strings, dates, etc).
     * @param x  expression representing input value to greatest
     *           operation
     * @return greatest expression
    <X extends Comparable<? super X>> Expression<X> greatest(Expression<X> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression for finding the least of
     * the values (strings, dates, etc).
     * @param x  expression representing input value to least
     *           operation
     * @return least expression
    <X extends Comparable<? super X>> Expression<X> least(Expression<X> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression applying the count operation.
     * @param x  expression representing input value to count 
     *           operation
     * @return count expression
    Expression<Long> count(Expression<?> x);

     * Create an aggregate expression applying the count distinct 
     * operation.
     * @param x  expression representing input value to 
     *        count distinct operation
     * @return count distinct expression
    Expression<Long> countDistinct(Expression<?> x);


     * Create a predicate testing the existence of a subquery result.
     * @param subquery  subquery whose result is to be tested
     * @return exists predicate
    Predicate exists(Subquery<?> subquery);

     * Create an all expression over the subquery results.
     * @param subquery  subquery
     * @return all expression
    <Y> Expression<Y> all(Subquery<Y> subquery);

     * Create a some expression over the subquery results.
     * This expression is equivalent to an <code>any</code> expression.
     * @param subquery  subquery
     * @return some expression
    <Y> Expression<Y> some(Subquery<Y> subquery);

     * Create an any expression over the subquery results. 
     * This expression is equivalent to a <code>some</code> expression.
     * @param subquery  subquery
     * @return any expression
    <Y> Expression<Y> any(Subquery<Y> subquery);

    //boolean functions:

     * Create a conjunction of the given boolean expressions.
     * @param x  boolean expression
     * @param y  boolean expression
     * @return and predicate
    Predicate and(Expression<Boolean> x, Expression<Boolean> y);

     * Create a conjunction of the given restriction predicates.
     * A conjunction of zero predicates is true.
     * @param restrictions  zero or more restriction predicates
     * @return and predicate
    Predicate and(Predicate... restrictions);

     * Create a disjunction of the given boolean expressions.
     * @param x  boolean expression
     * @param y  boolean expression
     * @return or predicate
    Predicate or(Expression<Boolean> x, Expression<Boolean> y);

     * Create a disjunction of the given restriction predicates.
     * A disjunction of zero predicates is false.
     * @param restrictions  zero or more restriction predicates
     * @return or predicate
    Predicate or(Predicate... restrictions);

     * Create a negation of the given restriction. 
     * @param restriction  restriction expression
     * @return not predicate
    Predicate not(Expression<Boolean> restriction);

     * Create a conjunction (with zero conjuncts).
     * A conjunction with zero conjuncts is true.
     * @return and predicate
    Predicate conjunction();

     * Create a disjunction (with zero disjuncts).
     * A disjunction with zero disjuncts is false.
     * @return or predicate
    Predicate disjunction();

    //turn Expression<Boolean> into a Predicate
    //useful for use with varargs methods

     * Create a predicate testing for a true value.
     * @param x  expression to be tested
     * @return predicate
    Predicate isTrue(Expression<Boolean> x);

     * Create a predicate testing for a false value.
     * @param x  expression to be tested
     * @return predicate
    Predicate isFalse(Expression<Boolean> x);

    //null tests:

     * Create a predicate to test whether the expression is null.
     * @param x expression
     * @return is-null predicate
    Predicate isNull(Expression<?> x);

     * Create a predicate to test whether the expression is not null.
     * @param x expression
     * @return is-not-null predicate
    Predicate isNotNull(Expression<?> x);


     * Create a predicate for testing the arguments for equality.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return equality predicate
    Predicate equal(Expression<?> x, Expression<?> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing the arguments for equality.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  object
     * @return equality predicate
    Predicate equal(Expression<?> x, Object y);

     * Create a predicate for testing the arguments for inequality.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return inequality predicate
    Predicate notEqual(Expression<?> x, Expression<?> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing the arguments for inequality.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  object
     * @return inequality predicate
    Predicate notEqual(Expression<?> x, Object y);

    //comparisons for generic (non-numeric) operands:

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * greater than the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return greater-than predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate greaterThan(Expression<? extends Y> x, Expression<? extends Y> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * greater than the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  value
     * @return greater-than predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate greaterThan(Expression<? extends Y> x, Y y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * greater than or equal to the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return greater-than-or-equal predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate greaterThanOrEqualTo(Expression<? extends Y> x,
            Expression<? extends Y> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * greater than or equal to the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  value
     * @return greater-than-or-equal predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate greaterThanOrEqualTo(Expression<? extends Y> x, Y y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * less than the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return less-than predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate lessThan(Expression<? extends Y> x, Expression<? extends Y> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * less than the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  value
     * @return less-than predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate lessThan(Expression<? extends Y> x, Y y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * less than or equal to the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return less-than-or-equal predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate lessThanOrEqualTo(Expression<? extends Y> x,
            Expression<? extends Y> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * less than or equal to the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  value
     * @return less-than-or-equal predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate lessThanOrEqualTo(Expression<? extends Y> x, Y y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * between the second and third arguments in value.
     * @param v  expression 
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return between predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate between(Expression<? extends Y> v, Expression<? extends Y> x,
            Expression<? extends Y> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * between the second and third arguments in value.
     * @param v  expression 
     * @param x  value
     * @param y  value
     * @return between predicate
    <Y extends Comparable<? super Y>> Predicate between(Expression<? extends Y> v, Y x, Y y);

    //comparisons for numeric operands:

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * greater than the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return greater-than predicate
    Predicate gt(Expression<? extends Number> x, Expression<? extends Number> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * greater than the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  value
     * @return greater-than predicate
    Predicate gt(Expression<? extends Number> x, Number y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * greater than or equal to the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return greater-than-or-equal predicate
    Predicate ge(Expression<? extends Number> x, Expression<? extends Number> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * greater than or equal to the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  value
     * @return greater-than-or-equal predicate
    Predicate ge(Expression<? extends Number> x, Number y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * less than the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return less-than predicate
    Predicate lt(Expression<? extends Number> x, Expression<? extends Number> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * less than the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  value
     * @return less-than predicate
    Predicate lt(Expression<? extends Number> x, Number y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * less than or equal to the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  expression
     * @return less-than-or-equal predicate
    Predicate le(Expression<? extends Number> x, Expression<? extends Number> y);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is 
     * less than or equal to the second.
     * @param x  expression
     * @param y  value
     * @return less-than-or-equal predicate
    Predicate le(Expression<? extends Number> x, Number y);

    //numerical operations:

     * Create an expression that returns the arithmetic negation
     * of its argument.
     * @param x expression
     * @return arithmetic negation
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> neg(Expression<N> x);

     * Create an expression that returns the absolute value
     * of its argument.
     * @param x expression
     * @return absolute value
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> abs(Expression<N> x);

     * Create an expression that returns the sum
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y expression
     * @return sum
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> sum(Expression<? extends N> x, Expression<? extends N> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the sum
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y value
     * @return sum
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> sum(Expression<? extends N> x, N y);

     * Create an expression that returns the sum
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x value
     * @param y expression
     * @return sum
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> sum(N x, Expression<? extends N> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the product
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y expression
     * @return product
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> prod(Expression<? extends N> x, Expression<? extends N> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the product
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y value
     * @return product
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> prod(Expression<? extends N> x, N y);

     * Create an expression that returns the product
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x value
     * @param y expression
     * @return product
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> prod(N x, Expression<? extends N> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the difference
     * between its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y expression
     * @return difference
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> diff(Expression<? extends N> x, Expression<? extends N> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the difference
     * between its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y value
     * @return difference
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> diff(Expression<? extends N> x, N y);

     * Create an expression that returns the difference
     * between its arguments.
     * @param x value
     * @param y expression
     * @return difference
    <N extends Number> Expression<N> diff(N x, Expression<? extends N> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the quotient
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y expression
     * @return quotient
    Expression<Number> quot(Expression<? extends Number> x, Expression<? extends Number> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the quotient
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y value
     * @return quotient
    Expression<Number> quot(Expression<? extends Number> x, Number y);

     * Create an expression that returns the quotient
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x value
     * @param y expression
     * @return quotient
    Expression<Number> quot(Number x, Expression<? extends Number> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the modulus
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y expression
     * @return modulus
    Expression<Integer> mod(Expression<Integer> x, Expression<Integer> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the modulus
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y value
     * @return modulus
    Expression<Integer> mod(Expression<Integer> x, Integer y);

     * Create an expression that returns the modulus
     * of its arguments.
     * @param x value
     * @param y expression
     * @return modulus
    Expression<Integer> mod(Integer x, Expression<Integer> y);

     * Create an expression that returns the square root
     * of its argument.
     * @param x expression
     * @return square root
    Expression<Double> sqrt(Expression<? extends Number> x);


     * Typecast.  Returns same expression object.
     * @param number  numeric expression
     * @return Expression&#060;Long&#062;
    Expression<Long> toLong(Expression<? extends Number> number);

     * Typecast.  Returns same expression object.
     * @param number  numeric expression
     * @return Expression&#060;Integer&#062;
    Expression<Integer> toInteger(Expression<? extends Number> number);

     * Typecast. Returns same expression object.
     * @param number  numeric expression
     * @return Expression&#060;Float&#062;
    Expression<Float> toFloat(Expression<? extends Number> number);

     * Typecast.  Returns same expression object.
     * @param number  numeric expression
     * @return Expression&#060;Double&#062;
    Expression<Double> toDouble(Expression<? extends Number> number);

     * Typecast.  Returns same expression object.
     * @param number  numeric expression
     * @return Expression&#060;BigDecimal&#062;
    Expression<BigDecimal> toBigDecimal(Expression<? extends Number> number);

     * Typecast.  Returns same expression object.
     * @param number  numeric expression
     * @return Expression&#060;BigInteger&#062;
    Expression<BigInteger> toBigInteger(Expression<? extends Number> number);

     * Typecast.  Returns same expression object.
     * @param character expression
     * @return Expression&#060;String&#062;
    Expression<String> toString(Expression<Character> character);


     * Create an expression for a literal.
     * @param value  value represented by the expression
     * @return expression literal
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if value is null
    <T> Expression<T> literal(T value);

     * Create an expression for a null literal with the given type.
     * @param resultClass  type of the null literal
     * @return null expression literal
    <T> Expression<T> nullLiteral(Class<T> resultClass);


     * Create a parameter expression.
     * @param paramClass parameter class
     * @return parameter expression
    <T> ParameterExpression<T> parameter(Class<T> paramClass);

     * Create a parameter expression with the given name.
     * @param paramClass parameter class
     * @param name  name that can be used to refer to 
     *              the parameter
     * @return parameter expression
    <T> ParameterExpression<T> parameter(Class<T> paramClass, String name);

    //collection operations:

     *  Create a predicate that tests whether a collection is empty.
     *  @param collection expression
     *  @return is-empty predicate
    <C extends Collection<?>> Predicate isEmpty(Expression<C> collection);

     *  Create a predicate that tests whether a collection is
     *  not empty.
     *  @param collection expression
     *  @return is-not-empty predicate
    <C extends Collection<?>> Predicate isNotEmpty(Expression<C> collection);

     * Create an expression that tests the size of a collection.
     * @param collection expression
     * @return size expression
    <C extends java.util.Collection<?>> Expression<Integer> size(Expression<C> collection);

     * Create an expression that tests the size of a collection.
     * @param collection collection
     * @return size expression
    <C extends Collection<?>> Expression<Integer> size(C collection);

     *  Create a predicate that tests whether an element is
     *  a member of a collection.
     *  If the collection is empty, the predicate will be false.
     *  @param elem element expression
     *  @param collection expression
     *  @return is-member predicate
    <E, C extends Collection<E>> Predicate isMember(Expression<E> elem, Expression<C> collection);

     *  Create a predicate that tests whether an element is
     *  a member of a collection.
     *  If the collection is empty, the predicate will be false.
     *  @param elem element
     *  @param collection expression
     *  @return is-member predicate
    <E, C extends Collection<E>> Predicate isMember(E elem, Expression<C> collection);

     *  Create a predicate that tests whether an element is
     *  not a member of a collection.
     *  If the collection is empty, the predicate will be true.
     *  @param elem element expression
     *  @param collection expression
     *  @return is-not-member predicate
    <E, C extends Collection<E>> Predicate isNotMember(Expression<E> elem, Expression<C> collection);

     *  Create a predicate that tests whether an element is
     *  not a member of a collection.
     *  If the collection is empty, the predicate will be true.
     *  @param elem element
     *  @param collection expression
     *  @return is-not-member predicate
    <E, C extends Collection<E>> Predicate isNotMember(E elem, Expression<C> collection);

    //get the values and keys collections of the Map, which may then
    //be passed to size(), isMember(), isEmpty(), etc

     * Create an expression that returns the values of a map.
     * @param map  map
     * @return collection expression
    <V, M extends Map<?, V>> Expression<Collection<V>> values(M map);

     * Create an expression that returns the keys of a map.
     * @param map  map
     * @return set expression
    <K, M extends Map<K, ?>> Expression<Set<K>> keys(M map);

    //string functions:

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * satisfies the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string expression
     * @return like predicate
    Predicate like(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> pattern);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * satisfies the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string 
     * @return like predicate
    Predicate like(Expression<String> x, String pattern);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * satisfies the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string expression
     * @param escapeChar  escape character expression
     * @return like predicate
    Predicate like(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> pattern, Expression<Character> escapeChar);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * satisfies the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string expression
     * @param escapeChar  escape character
     * @return like predicate
    Predicate like(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> pattern, char escapeChar);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * satisfies the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string 
     * @param escapeChar  escape character expression
     * @return like predicate
    Predicate like(Expression<String> x, String pattern, Expression<Character> escapeChar);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * satisfies the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string 
     * @param escapeChar  escape character
     * @return like predicate
    Predicate like(Expression<String> x, String pattern, char escapeChar);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * does not satisfy the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string expression
     * @return not-like predicate
    Predicate notLike(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> pattern);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * does not satisfy the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string 
     * @return not-like predicate
    Predicate notLike(Expression<String> x, String pattern);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * does not satisfy the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string expression
     * @param escapeChar  escape character expression
     * @return not-like predicate
    Predicate notLike(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> pattern, Expression<Character> escapeChar);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * does not satisfy the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string expression
     * @param escapeChar  escape character
     * @return not-like predicate
    Predicate notLike(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> pattern, char escapeChar);

     * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
     * does not satisfy the given pattern.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @param pattern  string 
     * @param escapeChar  escape character expression
     * @return not-like predicate
    Predicate notLike(Expression<String> x, String pattern, Expression<Character> escapeChar);

      * Create a predicate for testing whether the expression
      * does not satisfy the given pattern.
      * @param x  string expression
      * @param pattern  string 
      * @param escapeChar  escape character
      * @return not-like predicate
    Predicate notLike(Expression<String> x, String pattern, char escapeChar);

     *  Create an expression for string concatenation.
     *  @param x  string expression
     *  @param y  string expression
     *  @return expression corresponding to concatenation
    Expression<String> concat(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> y);

     *  Create an expression for string concatenation.
     *  @param x  string expression
     *  @param y  string 
     *  @return expression corresponding to concatenation
    Expression<String> concat(Expression<String> x, String y);

     *  Create an expression for string concatenation.
     *  @param x  string 
     *  @param y  string expression
     *  @return expression corresponding to concatenation
    Expression<String> concat(String x, Expression<String> y);

     *  Create an expression for substring extraction.
     *  Extracts a substring starting at the specified position
     *  through to end of the string.
     *  First position is 1.
     *  @param x  string expression
     *  @param from  start position expression 
     *  @return expression corresponding to substring extraction
    Expression<String> substring(Expression<String> x, Expression<Integer> from);

     *  Create an expression for substring extraction.
     *  Extracts a substring starting at the specified position
     *  through to end of the string.
     *  First position is 1.
     *  @param x  string expression
     *  @param from  start position 
     *  @return expression corresponding to substring extraction
    Expression<String> substring(Expression<String> x, int from);

     *  Create an expression for substring extraction.
     *  Extracts a substring of given length starting at the
     *  specified position.
     *  First position is 1.
     *  @param x  string expression
     *  @param from  start position expression 
     *  @param len  length expression
     *  @return expression corresponding to substring extraction
    Expression<String> substring(Expression<String> x, Expression<Integer> from, Expression<Integer> len);

     *  Create an expression for substring extraction.
     *  Extracts a substring of given length starting at the
     *  specified position.
     *  First position is 1.
     *  @param x  string expression
     *  @param from  start position 
     *  @param len  length
     *  @return expression corresponding to substring extraction
    Expression<String> substring(Expression<String> x, int from, int len);

     *  Used to specify how strings are trimmed.
    public static enum Trimspec {

         * Trim from leading end.

         * Trim from trailing end.

         * Trim from both ends.

     * Create expression to trim blanks from both ends of
     * a string.
     * @param x  expression for string to trim
     * @return trim expression
    Expression<String> trim(Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression to trim blanks from a string.
     * @param ts  trim specification
     * @param x  expression for string to trim
     * @return trim expression
    Expression<String> trim(Trimspec ts, Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression to trim character from both ends of
     * a string.
     * @param t  expression for character to be trimmed
     * @param x  expression for string to trim
     * @return trim expression
    Expression<String> trim(Expression<Character> t, Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression to trim character from a string.
     * @param ts  trim specification
     * @param t  expression for character to be trimmed
     * @param x  expression for string to trim
     * @return trim expression
    Expression<String> trim(Trimspec ts, Expression<Character> t, Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression to trim character from both ends of
     * a string.
     * @param t  character to be trimmed
     * @param x  expression for string to trim
     * @return trim expression
    Expression<String> trim(char t, Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression to trim character from a string.
     * @param ts  trim specification
     * @param t  character to be trimmed
     * @param x  expression for string to trim
     * @return trim expression
    Expression<String> trim(Trimspec ts, char t, Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression for converting a string to lowercase.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @return expression to convert to lowercase
    Expression<String> lower(Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression for converting a string to uppercase.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @return expression to convert to uppercase
    Expression<String> upper(Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression to return length of a string.
     * @param x  string expression
     * @return length expression
    Expression<Integer> length(Expression<String> x);

     * Create expression to locate the position of one string
     * within another, returning position of first character
     * if found.
     * The first position in a string is denoted by 1.  If the
     * string to be located is not found, 0 is returned.
     * @param x  expression for string to be searched
     * @param pattern  expression for string to be located
     * @return expression corresponding to position
    Expression<Integer> locate(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> pattern);

     * Create expression to locate the position of one string
     * within another, returning position of first character
     * if found.
     * The first position in a string is denoted by 1.  If the
     * string to be located is not found, 0 is returned.
     * @param x  expression for string to be searched
     * @param pattern  string to be located
     * @return expression corresponding to position
    Expression<Integer> locate(Expression<String> x, String pattern);

     * Create expression to locate the position of one string
     * within another, returning position of first character
     * if found.
     * The first position in a string is denoted by 1.  If the
     * string to be located is not found, 0 is returned.
     * @param x  expression for string to be searched
     * @param pattern  expression for string to be located
     * @param from  expression for position at which to start search
     * @return expression corresponding to position
    Expression<Integer> locate(Expression<String> x, Expression<String> pattern, Expression<Integer> from);

     * Create expression to locate the position of one string
     * within another, returning position of first character
     * if found.
     * The first position in a string is denoted by 1.  If the
     * string to be located is not found, 0 is returned.
     * @param x  expression for string to be searched
     * @param pattern  string to be located
     * @param from  position at which to start search
     * @return expression corresponding to position
    Expression<Integer> locate(Expression<String> x, String pattern, int from);

    // Date/time/timestamp functions:

     *  Create expression to return current date.
     *  @return expression for current date
    Expression<java.sql.Date> currentDate();

     *  Create expression to return current timestamp.
     *  @return expression for current timestamp
    Expression<java.sql.Timestamp> currentTimestamp();

     *  Create expression to return current time.
     *  @return expression for current time
    Expression<java.sql.Time> currentTime();

    //in builders:

     *  Interface used to build in predicates.
    public static interface In<T> extends Predicate {

         * Return the expression to be tested against the
         * list of values.
         * @return expression
        Expression<T> getExpression();

         *  Add to list of values to be tested against.
         *  @param value value
         *  @return in predicate
        In<T> value(T value);

         *  Add to list of values to be tested against.
         *  @param value expression
         *  @return in predicate
        In<T> value(Expression<? extends T> value);

     *  Create predicate to test whether given expression
     *  is contained in a list of values.
     *  @param  expression to be tested against list of values
     *  @return  in predicate
    <T> In<T> in(Expression<? extends T> expression);

    // coalesce, nullif:

     * Create an expression that returns null if all its arguments
     * evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument
     * otherwise.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y expression
     * @return coalesce expression
    <Y> Expression<Y> coalesce(Expression<? extends Y> x, Expression<? extends Y> y);

     * Create an expression that returns null if all its arguments
     * evaluate to null, and the value of the first non-null argument
     * otherwise.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y value
     * @return coalesce expression
    <Y> Expression<Y> coalesce(Expression<? extends Y> x, Y y);

     * Create an expression that tests whether its argument are
     * equal, returning null if they are and the value of the
     * first expression if they are not.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y expression
     * @return nullif expression
    <Y> Expression<Y> nullif(Expression<Y> x, Expression<?> y);

     * Create an expression that tests whether its argument are
     * equal, returning null if they are and the value of the
     * first expression if they are not.
     * @param x expression
     * @param y value
     * @return nullif expression 
    <Y> Expression<Y> nullif(Expression<Y> x, Y y);

    // coalesce builder:

     *  Interface used to build coalesce expressions.  
     * A coalesce expression is equivalent to a case expression
     * that returns null if all its arguments evaluate to null,
     * and the value of its first non-null argument otherwise.
    public static interface Coalesce<T> extends Expression<T> {

         * Add an argument to the coalesce expression.
         * @param value  value
         * @return coalesce expression
        Coalesce<T> value(T value);

         * Add an argument to the coalesce expression.
         * @param value expression
         * @return coalesce expression
        Coalesce<T> value(Expression<? extends T> value);

     * Create a coalesce expression.
     * @return coalesce expression
    <T> Coalesce<T> coalesce();

    //case builders:

     *  Interface used to build simple case expressions.
     *  Case conditions are evaluated in the order in which
     *  they are specified.
    public static interface SimpleCase<C, R> extends Expression<R> {

         * Return the expression to be tested against the
         * conditions.
         * @return expression
        Expression<C> getExpression();

         * Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
         * @param condition  "when" condition
         * @param result  "then" result value
         * @return simple case expression
        SimpleCase<C, R> when(C condition, R result);

         * Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
         * @param condition  "when" condition
         * @param result  "then" result expression
         * @return simple case expression
        SimpleCase<C, R> when(C condition, Expression<? extends R> result);

         * Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
         * @param result  "else" result
         * @return expression
        Expression<R> otherwise(R result);

         * Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
         * @param result  "else" result expression
         * @return expression
        Expression<R> otherwise(Expression<? extends R> result);

     *  Create a simple case expression.
     *  @param expression  to be tested against the case conditions
     *  @return simple case expression
    <C, R> SimpleCase<C, R> selectCase(Expression<? extends C> expression);

     *  Interface used to build general case expressions.
     *  Case conditions are evaluated in the order in which
     *  they are specified.
    public static interface Case<R> extends Expression<R> {

         * Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
         * @param condition  "when" condition
         * @param result  "then" result value
         * @return general case expression
        Case<R> when(Expression<Boolean> condition, R result);

         * Add a when/then clause to the case expression.
         * @param condition  "when" condition
         * @param result  "then" result expression
         * @return general case expression
        Case<R> when(Expression<Boolean> condition, Expression<? extends R> result);

         * Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
         * @param result  "else" result
         * @return expression
        Expression<R> otherwise(R result);

         * Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
         * @param result  "else" result expression
         * @return expression
        Expression<R> otherwise(Expression<? extends R> result);

     *  Create a general case expression.
     *  @return general case expression
    <R> Case<R> selectCase();

     * Create an expression for the execution of a database
     * function.
     * @param name  function name
     * @param type  expected result type
     * @param args  function arguments
     * @return expression
    <T> Expression<T> function(String name, Class<T> type, Expression<?>... args);

    // methods for downcasting:

     *  Downcast Join object to the specified type.
     *  @param join  Join object
     *  @param type type to be downcast to
     *  @return  Join object of the specified type
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <X, T, V extends T> Join<X, V> treat(Join<X, T> join, Class<V> type);

     *  Downcast CollectionJoin object to the specified type.
     *  @param join  CollectionJoin object
     *  @param type type to be downcast to
     *  @return  CollectionJoin object of the specified type
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <X, T, E extends T> CollectionJoin<X, E> treat(CollectionJoin<X, T> join, Class<E> type);

     *  Downcast SetJoin object to the specified type.
     *  @param join  SetJoin object
     *  @param type type to be downcast to
     *  @return  SetJoin object of the specified type
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <X, T, E extends T> SetJoin<X, E> treat(SetJoin<X, T> join, Class<E> type);

     *  Downcast ListJoin object to the specified type.
     *  @param join  ListJoin object
     *  @param type type to be downcast to
     *  @return  ListJoin object of the specified type
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <X, T, E extends T> ListJoin<X, E> treat(ListJoin<X, T> join, Class<E> type);

     *  Downcast MapJoin object to the specified type.
     *  @param join  MapJoin object
     *  @param type type to be downcast to
     *  @return  MapJoin object of the specified type
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <X, K, T, V extends T> MapJoin<X, K, V> treat(MapJoin<X, K, T> join, Class<V> type);

     *  Downcast Path object to the specified type.
     *  @param path  path
     *  @param type type to be downcast to
     *  @return  Path object of the specified type
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <X, T extends X> Path<T> treat(Path<X> path, Class<T> type);

     *  Downcast Root object to the specified type.
     *  @param root  root
     *  @param type type to be downcast to
     *  @return  Root object of the specified type
     *  @since Java Persistence 2.1
    <X, T extends X> Root<T> treat(Root<X> root, Class<T> type);
