jhttpp2.Jhttpp2ClientInputStream.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for jhttpp2.Jhttpp2ClientInputStream.java


package jhttpp2;

/* Written and copyright 2001-2003 Benjamin Kohl.
 * Distributed under the GNU General Public License; see the README file.
 * This code comes with NO WARRANTY.

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.SortedMap;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * File: Jhttpp2BufferedFilterStream.java
 * @author Benjamin Kohl
public class Jhttpp2ClientInputStream extends BufferedInputStream {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Jhttpp2ClientInputStream.class);

    private String buf;
    private int lread = 0;
     * The length of the header (with body, if one)
    private int header_length = 0;
     * The length of the (optional) body of the actual request
    private int content_len = 0;
     * This is set to true with requests with bodies, like "POST"
    private boolean body = false;
    private Jhttpp2Server server;
    private Jhttpp2HTTPSession connection;
    private InetAddress remote_host;
    private String remote_host_name;
    private boolean ssl = false;
    private String errordescription;
    private int statuscode;

    public String url;
    public String method;
    public int remote_port = 0;
    public int post_data_len = 0;

    public int getHeaderLength() {
        return header_length;

    public InetAddress getRemoteHost() {
        return remote_host;

    public String getRemoteHostName() {
        return remote_host_name;

    public Jhttpp2ClientInputStream(Jhttpp2Server server, Jhttpp2HTTPSession connection, InputStream a) {
        this.server = server;
        this.connection = connection;

     * Handler for the actual HTTP request
     * @exception IOException
    public int read(byte[] a) throws IOException {
        statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_OK;
        if (ssl)
            return super.read(a);
        boolean cookies_enabled = server.enableCookiesByDefault();
        String rq = "";
        header_length = 0;
        post_data_len = 0;
        content_len = 0;
        boolean start_line = true;
        buf = getLine(); // reads the first line

        while (lread > 2) {
            if (start_line) {
                start_line = false;
                int methodID = server.getHttpMethod(buf);
                switch (methodID) {
                case -1:
                    statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                case 2:
                    ssl = true;
                    InetAddress host = parseRequest(buf, methodID);
                    if (statuscode != Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_OK)
                        break; // error occured, go on with the next line

                    if (!server.use_proxy && !ssl) {
                        /* creates a new request without the hostname */
                        buf = method + " " + url + " " + server.getHttpVersion() + "\r\n";
                        lread = buf.length();
                    if ((server.use_proxy && connection.notConnected()) || !host.equals(remote_host)) {
                        if (server.debug)
                            server.writeLog("read_f: STATE_CONNECT_TO_NEW_HOST");
                        statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_CONNECTING_TO_HOST;
                        remote_host = host;
                     * ------------------------- url blocking (only "GET"
                     * method) -------------------------
                    if (Jhttpp2Server.block_urls && methodID == 0
                            && statuscode != Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_FILE_REQUEST) {
                        log.debug("Searching match... for " + this.remote_host_name + url);
                        Jhttpp2URLMatch match = server.findMatch(this.remote_host_name + url);
                        if (match != null) {
                            log.debug("Match found!");
                            cookies_enabled = match.getCookiesEnabled();
                            if (match.getActionIndex() == -1)
                            OnURLAction action = server.getURLActions().get(match.getActionIndex());
                            if (action.onAccesssDeny()) {
                                statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_URL_BLOCKED;
                                if (action.onAccessDenyWithCustomText())
                                    errordescription = action.getCustomErrorText();
                            } else if (action.onAccessRedirect()) {
                                statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY;
                                errordescription = action.newLocation();
                        } // end if match!=null)
                    } // end if (server.block...
                } // end switch
            } // end if(startline)
            else {
                 * Content-Length parsing
                if (server.startsWith(buf.toUpperCase(), "CONTENT-LENGTH")) {
                    String clen = buf.substring(16);
                    if (clen.indexOf("\r") != -1)
                        clen = clen.substring(0, clen.indexOf("\r"));
                    else if (clen.indexOf("\n") != -1)
                        clen = clen.substring(0, clen.indexOf("\n"));
                    try {
                        content_len = Integer.parseInt(clen);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_CLIENT_ERROR;
                    log.debug("read_f: content_len: " + content_len);
                    if (!ssl)
                        body = true; // Note: in HTTP/1.1 any method can have a
                    // body, not only "POST"
                } else if (server.startsWith(buf, "Proxy-Connection:")) {
                    if (!server.use_proxy)
                        buf = null;
                    else {
                        buf = "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n";
                        lread = buf.length();
                 * else if (server.startsWith(buf,"Connection:")) { if
                 * (!server.use_proxy) { buf="Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"; //use
                 * always keep-alive lread=buf.length(); } else buf=null; }
                 * cookie crunch section
                else if (server.startsWith(buf, "Cookie:")) {
                    if (!cookies_enabled)
                        buf = null;
                 * Http-Header filtering section
                else if (server.filter_http) {
                    if (server.startsWith(buf, "Referer:")) {// removes
                        // "Referer"
                        buf = null;
                    } else if (server.startsWith(buf, "User-Agent")) // changes
                    // User-Agent
                        buf = "User-Agent: " + server.getUserAgent() + "\r\n";
                        lread = buf.length();
            if (buf != null) {
                rq += buf;
                if (server.debug)
                header_length += lread;
            buf = getLine();
        rq += buf; // adds last line (should be an empty line) to the header
        // String
        header_length += lread;

        if (header_length == 0) {
            if (server.debug)
                server.writeLog("header_length=0, setting status to SC_CONNECTION_CLOSED (buggy request)");
            statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_CONNECTION_CLOSED;

        for (int i = 0; i < header_length; i++)
            a[i] = (byte) rq.charAt(i);

        if (body) {// read the body, if "Content-Length" given
            post_data_len = 0;
            while (post_data_len < content_len) {
                a[header_length + post_data_len] = (byte) read(); // writes data
                // into the
                // array
            header_length += content_len; // add the body-length to the
            // header-length
            body = false;

        return (statuscode == Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_OK) ? header_length : -1; // return
        // -1
        // with
        // an
        // error

     * reads a line
     * @exception IOException
    public String getLine() throws IOException {
        int l = 0;
        String line = "";
        lread = 0;
        while (l != '\n') {
            l = read();
            if (l != -1) {
                line += (char) l;
            } else
        return line;

     * Parser for the first (!) line from the HTTP request<BR>
     * Sets up the URL, method and remote hostname.
     * @return an InetAddress for the hostname, null on errors with a
     *         statuscode!=SC_OK
    public InetAddress parseRequest(String a, int method_index) {
        String f;
        int pos;
        url = "";
        if (ssl) {
            f = a.substring(8);
        } else {
            method = a.substring(0, a.indexOf(" ")); // first word in the line
            pos = a.indexOf(":"); // locate first :
            if (pos == -1) { // occours with "GET / HTTP/1.1"
                url = a.substring(a.indexOf(" ") + 1, a.lastIndexOf(" "));
                if (method_index == 0) { // method_index==0 --> GET
                    if (url.indexOf(server.WEB_CONFIG_FILE) != -1)
                        statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_CONFIG_RQ;
                        statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_FILE_REQUEST;
                } else {
                    if (method_index == 1 && url.indexOf(server.WEB_CONFIG_FILE) != -1) { // allow
                        // "POST"
                        // for
                        // admin
                        // log
                        // in
                        statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_CONFIG_RQ;
                    } else {
                        statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
                        errordescription = "This WWW proxy supports only the \"GET\" method while acting as webserver.";
                return null;
            f = a.substring(pos + 3); // removes "http://"
        pos = f.indexOf(" "); // locate space, should be the space before
        // "HTTP/1.1"
        if (pos == -1) { // buggy request
            statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_CLIENT_ERROR;
            errordescription = "Your browser sent an invalid request: \"" + a + "\"";
            return null;
        f = f.substring(0, pos); // removes all after space
        // if the url contains a space... it's not our mistake...(url's must
        // never contain a space character)
        pos = f.indexOf("/"); // locate the first slash
        if (pos != -1) {
            url = f.substring(pos); // saves path without hostname
            f = f.substring(0, pos); // reduce string to the hostname
        } else
            url = "/"; // occurs with this request:
        // "GET http://localhost HTTP/1.1"
        pos = f.indexOf(":"); // check for the portnumber
        if (pos != -1) {
            String l_port = f.substring(pos + 1);
            l_port = l_port.indexOf(" ") != -1 ? l_port.substring(0, l_port.indexOf(" ")) : l_port;
            int i_port = 80;
            try {
                i_port = Integer.parseInt(l_port);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e_get_host) {
                server.writeLog("get_Host :" + e_get_host + " !!!!");
            f = f.substring(0, pos);
            remote_port = i_port;
        } else
            remote_port = 80;
        remote_host_name = f;

        SortedMap<String, URL> map = server.getHostRedirects();
        for (String redirectHost : map.keySet()) {
            if (redirectHost.equals(remote_host_name)) {
                URL u = map.get(redirectHost);
                f = u.getHost();
                if (u.getPort() != -1) {
                    remote_port = u.getPort();
                log.debug("Redirecting host " + redirectHost + " to " + f + " port " + remote_port);
        InetAddress address = null;
        if (server.log_access)
            server.logAccess(connection.getLocalSocket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + " " + method + " "
                    + getFullURL());
        try {
            address = InetAddress.getByName(f);
            if (remote_port == server.port && address.equals(InetAddress.getLocalHost())) {
                if (url.indexOf(server.WEB_CONFIG_FILE) != -1 && (method_index == 0 || method_index == 1))
                    statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_CONFIG_RQ;
                else if (method_index > 0) {
                    statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
                    errordescription = "This WWW proxy supports only the \"GET\" method while acting as webserver.";
                } else
                    statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_FILE_REQUEST;
        } catch (UnknownHostException e_u_host) {
            if (!server.use_proxy)
                statuscode = Jhttpp2HTTPSession.SC_HOST_NOT_FOUND;
        return address;

     * @return boolean whether the actual connection was established with the
     *         CONNECT method.
     * @since 0.2.21
    public boolean isTunnel() {
        return ssl;

     * @return the full qualified URL of the actual request.
     * @since 0.4.0
    public String getFullURL() {
        return "http" + (ssl ? "s" : "") + "://" + getRemoteHostName()
                + (remote_port != 80 ? (":" + remote_port) : "") + url;

     * @return status-code for the actual request
     * @since 0.3.5
    public int getStatusCode() {
        return statuscode;

     * @return the (optional) error-description for this request
    public String getErrorDescription() {
        return errordescription;