Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright 2009 Hochschule Offenburg
 * Klaus Dorer, Mathias Ehret, Stefan Glaser, Thomas Huber,
 * Simon Raffeiner, Srinivasa Ragavan, Thomas Rinklin,
 * Joachim Schilling, Ingo Schindler, Rajit Shahi
 * This file is part of magmaOffenburg.
 * magmaOffenburg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * magmaOffenburg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with magmaOffenburg. If not, see <>.
package magma.agent.behavior.complex;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import magma.agent.IMagmaConstants;
import magma.agent.agentmodel.IAgentModel;
import magma.agent.behavior.IBehavior;
import magma.agent.behavior.basic.BehaviorParameter;
import magma.agent.worldmodel.IGlobalMap;
import magma.agent.worldmodel.IThisPlayer;
import magma.util.geometry.Angle;
import magma.util.geometry.Geometry;

import org.apache.commons.math.geometry.Vector3D;

 * @author Pret

public class GoalieBehavior extends ComplexBehavior {
    Vector3D ballPosition;

    IThisPlayer goalie;

    boolean rightSide;

    boolean leftSide;

    private double zAngle;

     * @param action
     * @param params
    public GoalieBehavior(IGlobalMap globalMap, IAgentModel agentModel, BehaviorParameter params,
            Map<String, IBehavior> behaviors) {
        super(IBehavior.GOALIE_BEHAVIOR, globalMap, agentModel, params, behaviors);
        currentBehavior = null;

    public void perform(float intensity) {
        if (currentBehavior == null || currentBehavior.isFinished()) {

            ballPosition = worldModel.getBall().getPosition();
            goalie = worldModel.getThisPlayer();
            leftSide = goalie.getSide() == IMagmaConstants.LEFT_SIDE;
            rightSide = goalie.getSide() == IMagmaConstants.RIGHT_SIDE;
            boolean none = false;

            float newY = calculateNewGoaliePos(ballPosition.getX(), ballPosition.getY());
            if (newY == 0.7f || newY == -0.7f)
                none = true;
            zAngle = 0.0;
            if (rightSide)// inverting y values for right side.
                newY = -newY;
                zAngle = 180.0;
            Vector3D newPosition = new Vector3D(goalie.getPosition().getX(), newY, 0.0);

            // log
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Goalie behavior. new position - x,y,z : ({0}, {1}, {2})",
                    new Object[] { newPosition.getX(), newPosition.getY(), newPosition.getZ() });

            // ball kick-able and isSafeToKick(when kicked will not be self goal)
            if (isSafeToKick()) {
                // kick with right or left foot
                currentBehavior = behaviors.get(IBehavior.SHOOT_TO_GOAL);

            } else if (!checkAngle(zAngle)) { // player is facing somewhere other
                // than
                // opponent's goal
            } else if (Geometry.isInsidePolygon(ballPosition, getBallToBeKickedRectangle())) {
                currentBehavior = behaviors.get(IBehavior.GET_IN_SCORE_POSITION);
            } else if (!none && goalie.getPosition().getY() - newPosition.getY() < -0.2) {
                // move left
                currentBehavior = behaviors.get(STEP_LEFT);
            } else if (!none && goalie.getPosition().getY() - newPosition.getY() > 0.2) {
                // move right
                currentBehavior = behaviors.get(STEP_RIGHT);
            // else
            // currentBehavior = behaviors.get(NONE);
            // // distance to newPosition is greater than distance to ball
            // // TODO also check if opponent is closer than you
            // else if ( worldModel.getThisPlayer()
            // .getDistanceTo(newPosition), (float) worldModel.getThisPlayer()
            // .getDistanceTo(worldModel.getBall()), 0.3f)) {
            // // run to ball
            // // TODO change run_to_ball to something else
            // System.out
            // .println("----------------------------------------********----------run to ball");
            // currentBehavior = behaviors.get(IBehavior.RUN_TO_BALL);
            // }
            // // distance to position smaller
            // else if ( worldModel.getThisPlayer()
            // .getDistanceTo(newPosition), (float) worldModel.getThisPlayer()
            // .getDistanceTo(worldModel.getBall()), 0.3f)) {
            // // run to position
            // System.out
            // .println("----------------------------------------********----------run to p");
            // /** ====> */
            // System.out.println("my x=" + thisPlayer.getPosition().getX()
            // + " y=" + thisPlayer.getPosition().getY() + " z="
            // + thisPlayer.getPosition().getZ());
            // System.out.println("x=" + newPosition.getX() + " y="
            // + newPosition.getY() + " z=" + newPosition.getZ());
            // System.out.println("new ops="
            // + worldModel.getThisPlayer().getDistanceTo(newPosition)
            // + " ball="
            // + worldModel.getThisPlayer().getDistanceTo(
            // worldModel.getBall()));
            // currentBehavior = behaviors.get(IBehavior.RUN_TO_POSITION);
            // ((RunToPosition) currentBehavior).setPosition(newPosition,
            // calculateRot());
            // }
            else {
                currentBehavior = behaviors.get(IBehavior.NONE);


    private boolean isCoordinateOnLeft() {
        return false;

    private boolean isCoordinateOnRight() {
        return false;

    private boolean isSafeToKick() {
        // ball kick-able, goalie facing the ball and kick angle away from the
        // goal
        double ballAngle = worldModel.getBall().getHorizontalDirection();
        if (worldModel.getThisPlayer().getDistanceTo(worldModel.getBall()) < 0.3 && ballAngle > Math.toRadians(-60)
                && ballAngle < Math.toRadians(60) && worldModel.getThisPlayer().getPosition().getZ() < 1.6
                && worldModel.getThisPlayer().getPosition().getZ() > -1.6) {

            return true;

        // log
        // logger.log(Level.FINE,
        // "safe to kick is false : ({0}, {1}, {2})",
        // new Object[] { newPosition.getX(), newPosition.getY(),
        // newPosition.getZ() });

        return false;

    // private Vector3D calculateNewXY()
    // {
    // double newY = 0;
    // double slope;
    // Vector3D goalCentre = worldModel.getOwnGoalPosition();
    // // straight line equation
    // slope = ballPosition.getY() / (ballPosition.getX() - goalCentre.getX());
    // newY = slope * thisPlayer.getPosition().getX() - slope
    // * goalCentre.getX();
    // double factor = 0.0;
    // if (thisPlayer.getSide() == IMagmaConstants.LEFT_SIDE)
    // factor = -0.2;
    // else
    // factor = 0.2;
    // double newX = ballPosition.getX() + factor;
    // return new Vector3D(newX, newY, 0);
    // }

    private float calculateRot() {
        return (float) worldModel.getOwnGoalPosition().subtract(ballPosition).negate().getNorm();

    private float calculateNewGoaliePos(double ballX, double ballY) {
        float newY = (float) ((1.1) * (ballY) / (6.1 + ballY));
        if (newY < -0.7f || goalie.getPosition().getY() < -0.7f)
            return -0.7f;
        else if (newY > 0.7f || goalie.getPosition().getY() > 0.7f)
            return 0.7f;

        return newY;

     * @return the rectangle in which the ball is kickable sidewise by right leg
    private Vector3D[] getBallToBeKickedRectangle() {

        // points are relative to player coordinates
        if (leftSide) {
            double[][] points = { { -6, 1.2 }, { -4, 1.2 }, { -4, -1.2 }, { -6, -1.2 } };
            return Geometry.getPolygon(points);

        else if (rightSide) {
            double[][] points = { { 6, 1.2 }, { 6, -1.2 }, { 4, -1.2 }, { 4, 1.2 } };
            return Geometry.getPolygon(points);
        return new Vector3D[2];


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see magma.agent.behavior.impl.Behavior#isFinished()
    public boolean isFinished() {
        if (currentBehavior != null)
            return currentBehavior.isFinished();
            return true;

    private boolean checkAngle(double angle) {
        return equals(goalie.getHorizontalAngle(), Angle.deg(zAngle), Math.toRadians(10))
                || equals(goalie.getHorizontalAngle(), Angle.deg(-zAngle), Math.toRadians(10));

    public boolean equals(Angle angle1, Angle angle2, double range) {

        if (angle1.radians() < angle2.radians() + range && angle1.radians() > angle2.radians() - range) {
            return true;

        return false;

    private void turnPlayer(double angle) {
        if (Angle.deg(zAngle).isLeftOf(goalie.getHorizontalAngle())) {
            currentBehavior = behaviors.get(TURN_LEFT_20);
        } else
            currentBehavior = behaviors.get(TURN_RIGHT_20);
