Source code

Java tutorial


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package main;

import architecture.ConnectomeLoader;
import io.leadsheet.LeadsheetDataSequence;
import architecture.FragmentedNeuralQueue;
import architecture.Loadable;
import architecture.NameGenerator;
import architecture.poex.ProductCompressingAutoencoder;
import io.leadsheet.LeadsheetIO;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import mikera.arrayz.INDArray;
import mikera.matrixx.AMatrix;
import mikera.matrixx.Matrix;
import mikera.vectorz.AVector;
import mikera.vectorz.Vector;
import nickd4j.ReadWriteUtilities;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.FileBasedConfigurationBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.fluent.Parameters;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.convert.DefaultListDelimiterHandler;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException;
import population.QueuePopulation;

 * Class Driver is an implementation test of ProductCompressingAutoencoder which supports a number of tests.
 * The path to a properties file which will supply parameter values for the tests should be passed in as argument 0 to main.
 * @author Nicholas Weintraut
public class Driver {

     * The path to a properties file which will supply parameter values for the tests should be passed in as argument 0 to main. 
     * The test that will be run is determined by the value of 'test_type' in the properties file, and each of the tests have their own properties:
     *      'encode+decode' - Encode and decode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, writing the result to a leadsheet file.
     *              Params: 
     *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
     *                  * name_generator_connectome={the path to the connectome which the name generator will be loaded with}
     *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and decoded}
     *                  * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in}
     *      'encode+write_queue' - Encode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, then write the encoded feature queue to a queue file.
     *              Params:
     *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
     *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded}
     *                  * queue_folder={the path to the output folder which the result queue file will be written in}
     *      'encode+write_queue+decode' - Encode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, write the encoded feature queue to a queue file, and then write the result leadsheet to a leadsheet file.
     *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
     *                  * name_generator_connectome={the path to the connectome which the name generator will be loaded with}
     *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and decoded}
     *                  * queue_folder={the path to the output folder which the result queue file will be written in}
     *                  * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in}
     *      'create_feature_property_vector' - Given a corpus folder of leadsheets, construct a vector consisting of property analysis values for each feature in the corpus data
     *                  * input_corpus_folder={the path to the corpus folder containing all leadsheets to analyze}
     *                  * feature_size={the size (in time steps) of each feature}
     *                  * feature_properties_path={the path to write the generated vector file to (the file will be a csv file containing all the values in left-to-right order}
     *                  * feature_property={the type of feature property to analyze - current options are 'rest', 'sustain', articulate' (these return ratios of time steps with the given property to the total time steps in the feature).
     *      'compile_feature_queue_matrix' - Given a corpus folder of feature queues, construct a matrix of all feature vectors and write it as a csv file
     *                  * queue_folder={the path to the folder containing all queue files to compile}
     *                  * feature_matrix_path={the path to write the result csv file to}
     *      'generate_from_feature_queue_matrix' - Given a matrix of feature vectors, load the autoencoder with a queue of those features and decode from it, writing the result leadsheet to a file
     *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
     *                  * reference_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet we will take the chord sequence from (and loop it to match the length of the feature queue)}
     *                  * feature_queue_matrix_path={the path to the feature queue matrix file we will decode from}
     *                  * output_file_path={the path to the file we will write our result leadsheet to}
     *                  * (optional) song_title={the song title to write in the leadsheet file - by default this is "Generation from Feature Matrix {path of the feature matrix}"}
     *                  * feature_size={the size (in time steps) of features}
     *      'population_trade' - Given a leadsheet file, split it into sections of a specified size, and between sections, generate a response that plays off of a population of previously encoded feature queues
     *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
     *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and traded with}     
     *                  * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in}
     *                  * trading_part_size={the size (in time steps) of each trading part. The input leadsheet will be split into sections of this size, and trading responses will be generated in between.}
     *                  * interpolation_variance={a random value between zero and this will be added to the interpolation_min at each trading section to calculate the interpolation of the recently encoded queue towards the queue population before decoding the trading response}
     *                  * interpolation_min={the minimum ratio of interpolation at each trading section}
     *                  * herding_strength={the maximum strength of the herding operation at each section (all queues in the population are interpolated a random amount towards the most recent queue)}
     *                  * mutation_strength={the maximum strength of mutation at each section (each element of the feature vectors of all queues in the population are mutated at a random strength}
     *                  * crossover_strength{the maximum strength of crossover at each section (there is a chance for every queue that the queue will swap a random feature of itself with the corresponding feature of another random queue)}
     *      'interpolation' - Given a leadsheet file and a reference queue file, encode the leadsheet file with the autoencoder, and generate from the encoded queue for a number of divisions of a full interpolation towards the target queue
     *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
     *                  * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and interpolated}
     *                  * target_queue={the path to the queue to interpolate towards at each interpolation value};
     *                  * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in}
     *                  * num_interpolation_divisions={the number of divisions of the interpolation strength from 0.0 to 1.0 (the length of the result leadsheet will be equal to the length of the original times 1 + number of divisions, as the first section of the result leadsheet is for interpolation 0.0)}
     *      'frankenstein' - Given a primary queue, a reference leadsheet for chords, and a corpus of queue files, construct the result leadsheet from a series of randomly weighted interpolations of the primary queue towards the set of selected queues.
     *                  * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with}
     *                  * primary_queue_path={the path to the queue which will serve as the base for all of the queue combinations (which are the result of sequential interpolations instead of a weighted sum)}
     *                  * reference_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet we will take the chord sequence from (and loop it to match the desired length of our output}
     *                  * queue_folder={the path to the folder containing all queue files we can select from}
     *                  * output_file_path={the path to the file we will write our result leadsheet to}
     *                  * num_reference_queues={the number of reference queues we will pick at random from the queue folder to sample from)
     *                  * num_combinations={the number of queue combinations to sample and create the result leadsheet from}
     *                  * interpolation_strength={the total magnitude of all interpolation operations for each combination}
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ConfigurationException {
        FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<>(
                        new Parameters().properties().setFileName(args[0]).setThrowExceptionOnMissing(true)
                                .setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(';'))
        Configuration config = builder.getConfiguration();

        LogTimer.initStartTime(); //start our logging timer to keep track of our execution time

        //switch statement to run the appropriate test
        switch (config.getString("test_type")) {
        case "encode+decode": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
            String nameGeneratorConnectomePath = config.getString("name_generator_connectome");
            String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
            String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");

            //initialize networks
            NameGenerator nameGenerator = initializeNameGenerator(nameGeneratorConnectomePath);
            ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

            //initialize input sequences and output sequence
            LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath);
            LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy();
            LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

            //encode and decode
            encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence);
            decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence);

            //generate song title
            String songTitle = nameGenerator.generateName();

            //write output to specified directory with same file name + _aeOutput suffix
            writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName(),
                    "_aeOutput", songTitle);

        case "encode+write_queue": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
            String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
            String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");

            //initialize network
            ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

            //initialize input sequence
            LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath);

            encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence);
            //write to a queue file in the specified queue folder (the write method will handle removing/adding extensions
            writeQueueFile(autoencoder, queueFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName());
        case "encode+write_queue+decode": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
            String nameGeneratorConnectomePath = config.getString("name_generator_connectome");
            String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
            String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");
            String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");

            //initialize networks
            NameGenerator nameGenerator = initializeNameGenerator(nameGeneratorConnectomePath);
            ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

            //initialize input sequences and output sequence
            LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath);
            LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy();
            LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

            encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence);
            //write to a queue file in the specified queue folder (the write method will handle removing/adding extensions
            writeQueueFile(autoencoder, queueFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName());
            decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence);

            //generate song title
            String songTitle = nameGenerator.generateName();

            //write output to specified directory with same file name + _aeOutput suffix
            writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName(),
                    "_aeOutput", songTitle);
        case "create_feature_property_vector": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String inputCorpusFolder = config.getString("input_corpus_folder");
            int featureSize = config.getInt("feature_size");
            String featurePropertiesPath = config.getString("feature_properties_path");
            String featureProperty = config.getString("feature_property");

            //compile array of valid leadsheet files
            File[] songFiles = new File(inputCorpusFolder)
                    .listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".ls"));

            //construct feature property vector from analyzed feature property values of all songs
            AVector featurePropertyValues = Vector.createLength(0);
            int featureIndex = 0;
            for (File inputFile : songFiles) {
                LeadsheetDataSequence melodySequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputFile.getPath());
                featurePropertyValues.join(melodyFeatureAnalysis(melodySequence, featureProperty, featureSize));

            //write generated feature_properties
            BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(
                    new FileWriter(featurePropertiesPath + "_" + featureProperty + ".v"));
        case "compile_feature_queue_matrix": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");
            String featureMatrixPath = config.getString("feature_matrix_path");

            //generate feature matrix from all feature queues in specified queue folder
            File[] queueFiles = new File(queueFolderPath).listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".q"));
            AMatrix totalFeatureMatrix = generateFeatureQueueMatrix(queueFiles);
            String writeData = ReadWriteUtilities.getNumpyCSVString(totalFeatureMatrix);
            BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(featureMatrixPath));
        case "generate_from_feature_queue_matrix": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
            String referenceLeadsheetPath = config.getString("reference_leadsheet");
            String featureQueueMatrixPath = config.getString("feature_queue_matrix_path");
            String outputFilePath = config.getString("output_file_path");
            String songTitle = config.getString("song_title",
                    "Generation from Feature Matrix " + featureQueueMatrixPath);
            int featureSize = config.getInt("feature_size");

            //initialize network
            ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

            //initialize chord sequence
            LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence = leadsheetToSequence(referenceLeadsheetPath);

            //call generation method
            generateFromFeatureMatrix(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, chordSequence, featureQueueMatrixPath,
                    featureSize, outputFilePath, songTitle);
        case "population_trade": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
            String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
            String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");
            int tradingPartSize = config.getInt("trading_part_size");
            double interpVariance = config.getDouble("interpolation_variance");
            double interpMin = config.getDouble("interpolation_min");
            double herdingStrength = config.getDouble("herding_strength");
            double mutationStrength = config.getDouble("mutation_strength");
            double crossoverStrength = config.getDouble("crossover_strength");

            //initialize network
            ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, true);

            //perform population trading test
            populationTradingTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath),
                    new File(outputFolderPath), tradingPartSize, interpVariance, interpMin, herdingStrength,
                    mutationStrength, crossoverStrength);
        case "interpolation": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
            String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet");
            String targetQueuePath = config.getString("target_queue");
            String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder");
            int numInterpolationDivisions = config.getInt("num_interpolation_divisions");

            //initialize network
            ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

            //perform the interpolation test
            interpolateTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath),
                    new File(targetQueuePath), new File(outputFolderPath), numInterpolationDivisions);
        case "frankenstein": {
            //load parameter values from config file
            String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome");
            String primaryQueuePath = config.getString("primary_queue_path");
            String referenceLeadsheetPath = config.getString("reference_leadsheet");
            String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder");
            String outputFilePath = config.getString("output_file_path");
            int numReferenceQueues = config.getInt("num_reference_queues");
            int numCombinations = config.getInt("num_combinations");
            double interpolationMagnitude = config.getDouble("interpolation_strength");

            //initialize network
            ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false);

            //initialize chord sequence
            LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence = leadsheetToSequence(referenceLeadsheetPath);

            //perform frankenstein test
            frankensteinTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, primaryQueuePath, new File(queueFolderPath),
                    outputFilePath, chordSequence, numReferenceQueues, numCombinations, interpolationMagnitude);
            throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized test type");
        LogTimer.log("Process finished"); //Done!

     * Helper network to refresh all "initialstate" values in a network
     * @param network The network whose initial state we will reset
     * @param connectomePath The path to the connectome we will get out initialstate values from 
    public static void refreshNetworkState(Loadable network, String connectomePath) {
        (new ConnectomeLoader()).refresh(connectomePath, network, "initialstate");

     * Given an autoencoder, write the contents of the autoencoder's queue to a queue file
     * @param autoencoder The autoencoder whose queue we will write to a file
     * @param queueFolderPath The folder to write the queue file in
     * @param fileName The name of the queue file
    public static void writeQueueFile(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String queueFolderPath,
            String fileName) {
        fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".q";
        String queueFilePath = queueFolderPath + + fileName;
        FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = autoencoder.getQueue();
        LogTimer.log("Wrote queue " + fileName + " to file...");

     * Given a primary queue, a reference leadsheet for chords, and a corpus of queue files, construct the result leadsheet from a series of randomly weighted interpolations of the primary queue towards the set of selected queues.
     * @param autoencoder
     * @param autoencoderConnectomePath
     * @param primaryQueuePath
     * @param queueFolder
     * @param outputFilePath
     * @param chordSequence
     * @param numReferenceQueues
     * @param numCombinations
     * @param interpolationMagnitude 
    public static void frankensteinTest(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String autoencoderConnectomePath,
            String primaryQueuePath, File queueFolder, String outputFilePath, LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence,
            int numReferenceQueues, int numCombinations, double interpolationMagnitude) {
        LogTimer.startLog("Loading queues");

        if (queueFolder.isDirectory()) {
            File[] queueFiles = queueFolder.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
                public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                    return name.contains(".q");

            List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (File file : queueFiles) {
            int numSelectedFiles = (numReferenceQueues > queueFiles.length) ? queueFiles.length
                    : numReferenceQueues;

            for (int i = 0; i < queueFiles.length - numSelectedFiles; i++) {
                fileList.remove(fileList.size() - 1);
            List<FragmentedNeuralQueue> queuePopulation = new ArrayList<>(fileList.size());
            String songTitle = "A mix of ";
            for (File file : fileList) {
                FragmentedNeuralQueue newQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue();
                songTitle += file.getName().replaceAll(".q", "") + ", ";

            LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = chordSequence.copy();
            LeadsheetDataSequence additionalOutput = chordSequence.copy();
            for (int i = 1; i < numCombinations; i++) {
            LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

            FragmentedNeuralQueue primaryQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue();

            for (int i = 0; i < numCombinations; i++) {

                LogTimer.startLog("Performing queue interpolation...");
                AVector combinationStrengths = Vector.createLength(queuePopulation.size());
                Random vectorRand = new Random(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < combinationStrengths.length(); j++) {
                    combinationStrengths.set(j, vectorRand.nextDouble());
                FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = primaryQueue.copy();
                for (int k = 0; k < combinationStrengths.length(); k++) {
                            combinationStrengths.get(k) * interpolationMagnitude);
                refreshNetworkState(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath);
                decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence);

            writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFilePath, "_randomInterpSamples", songTitle);

        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Given queue folder is not a directory!");

     * Given a leadsheet file and a reference queue file, encode the leadsheet file with the autoencoder, and generate from the encoded queue for a number of divisions of a full interpolation towards the target queue
     * @param autoencoder
     * @param autoencoderConnectomePath
     * @param inputFile
     * @param referenceQueueFile
     * @param outputFolder
     * @param numDivisions 
    public static void interpolateTest(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String autoencoderConnectomePath,
            File inputFile, File referenceQueueFile, File outputFolder, int numDivisions) {
        LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputFile.getPath());
        LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy();
        LeadsheetDataSequence additionalOutput = outputSequence.copy();
        for (int i = 0; i < numDivisions; i++) {
        LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

        encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence);

        FragmentedNeuralQueue refQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue();

        FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = autoencoder.getQueue();

        decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence);

        for (int i = 1; i <= numDivisions; i++) {
            LogTimer.log("Starting interpolation " + ((1.0 / numDivisions) * (i)));
            refreshNetworkState(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath);
            FragmentedNeuralQueue currCopy = currQueue.copy();
            currCopy.basicInterpolate(refQueue, (1.0 / numDivisions) * (i));
            decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence);
        String fileName = inputFile.getName().replace(".ls", "") + " to "
                + referenceQueueFile.getName().replace(".q", "");
        writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolder.getPath(), fileName, "_Interpolation", fileName);

     * Given a leadsheet file and a reference queue file, encode the leadsheet file with the autoencoder, and generate from the encoded queue for a number of divisions of a full interpolation towards the target queue
     * @param autoencoder
     * @param autoencoderConnectomePath
     * @param inputFile
     * @param outputFolder
     * @param tradingPartSize
     * @param interpRange
     * @param interpMin
     * @param herdStrength
     * @param mutationStrength
     * @param crossoverStrength 
    public static void populationTradingTest(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder,
            String autoencoderConnectomePath, File inputFile, File outputFolder, int tradingPartSize,
            double interpRange, double interpMin, double herdStrength, double mutationStrength,
            double crossoverStrength) {

        LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputFile.getPath());
        LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy();
        LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();

        LogTimer.log("Extending outputSequence...");
        LeadsheetDataSequence humanTradingPartsSequence = inputSequence.copy();
        LeadsheetDataSequence newOutputSequence = new LeadsheetDataSequence();
        int numTradingParts = 0;
        int lastTradingPartSize = 0;
        while (outputSequence.hasNonMelodyDataLeft()) {
            LeadsheetDataSequence currExtendedPart = new LeadsheetDataSequence();
            int i = 0;
            for (; i < tradingPartSize && outputSequence.hasNonMelodyDataLeft(); i++) {
                currExtendedPart.pushStep(outputSequence.pollBeats(), outputSequence.pollChords(), null);
            lastTradingPartSize = i;
        outputSequence = newOutputSequence;

        LogTimer.log("Setting up population...");
        QueuePopulation population = new QueuePopulation(100);

        Random interpRand = new Random();

        for (int i = 0; i < numTradingParts; i++) {
            LogTimer.startLog("Generating trading part...");
            LogTimer.startLog("Encoding input part");
            int currTradingPartSize = (i == numTradingParts - 1) ? lastTradingPartSize : tradingPartSize;
            for (int j = 0; j < currTradingPartSize; j++) {
            LogTimer.startLog("Modifying queue");
            FragmentedNeuralQueue generatedQueue = autoencoder.getQueue();
            FragmentedNeuralQueue modifiedQueue = generatedQueue.copy();

            if (i > 0) {
                        (interpRand.nextDouble() * interpRange) + interpMin);

            LogTimer.startLog("Pushing human part");
            for (int j = 0; j < currTradingPartSize; j++) {
                outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, humanTradingPartsSequence.pollMelody());
            LogTimer.startLog("Decoding generated part");
            for (int j = 0; j < currTradingPartSize; j++) {
                outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve()));
            LogTimer.startLog("Performing population operations");
            if (i != numTradingParts - 1) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    population.herd(generatedQueue, herdStrength);
                population.evolve(mutationStrength, crossoverStrength);
            refreshNetworkState(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath);
        String fileName = inputFile.getName().replace(".ls", "");
        writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolder.getPath(), fileName, "_TradingOutput",
                "Trading on " + fileName);

     * Given a leadsheet file, construct a LeadsheetDataSequence containing melody, chord, and beat data
     * @param leadsheetFilePath The leadsheet file to read
     * @return The constructed LeadSheetDataSequence
    public static LeadsheetDataSequence leadsheetToSequence(String leadsheetFilePath) {
        LogTimer.log("Reading file...");
        LeadsheetDataSequence sequence = LeadsheetIO.readLeadsheet(leadsheetFilePath); //read our leadsheet to get a data vessel as retrieved in rbm-provisor
        if (!sequence.hasNext()) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "The sequence read from the file contains insufficient data. Check that the file has melody and chord data");
        return sequence;

     * Create a name generator network, and load it with the given connectome, printing any error messages
     * @param nameGeneratorConnectomePath The path of the connectome to load into the network
     * @return The created name generator network
    public static NameGenerator initializeNameGenerator(String nameGeneratorConnectomePath) {
        NameGenerator nameGenerator = new NameGenerator();
        LogTimer.log("Packing name generator from files...");
        String[][] unmatchedPathsNameGenerator = (new ConnectomeLoader()).load(nameGeneratorConnectomePath,

        String[] notFoundNameGen = unmatchedPathsNameGenerator[0];
        if (notFoundNameGen.length > 0) {
                    notFoundNameGen.length + " files were not able to be matched to the name generator network!");
            for (String fileName : notFoundNameGen) {
                System.err.println("\t" + fileName);

        String[] missingNameGen = unmatchedPathsNameGenerator[1];
        if (missingNameGen.length > 0) {
                    + " files needed for loading the name generator were missing from the connectome file!");
            for (String fileName : missingNameGen) {
                System.err.println("\t" + fileName);

        return nameGenerator;

     * Create a product compressing autoencoder network and load it with the given connectome, printing any error messages
     * @param autoencoderConnectomePath The path of the connectome to load into the network
     * @return The created product compressing autoencoder network
    public static ProductCompressingAutoencoder initializeAutoencoder(String autoencoderConnectomePath,
            boolean variational) {
        LogTimer.log("Initializing autoencoder...");
        ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = new ProductCompressingAutoencoder(24, 9, 48, 84 + 1,
                variational); //create our network

        //load the network from connectome file or directory
        LogTimer.startLog("Loading autoencoder from files");
        String[][] autoencoderUnmatchedPaths = (new ConnectomeLoader()).load(autoencoderConnectomePath,

        String[] autoencoderUnrecognizedPaths = autoencoderUnmatchedPaths[0];
        if (autoencoderUnrecognizedPaths.length > 0) {
                    + " files were not recognized by the product compressing autoencoder architecture!");
            for (String fileName : autoencoderUnrecognizedPaths) {
                System.err.println("\t" + fileName);

        String[] autoencoderMissingPaths = autoencoderUnmatchedPaths[1];
        if (autoencoderMissingPaths.length > 0) {
                    + " files for loading the product compressing autoencoder network were missing from the connectome file!");
            for (String fileName : autoencoderMissingPaths) {
                System.err.println("\t" + fileName);


        return autoencoder;

     * Given an array of queue files, construct a matrix of all feature vectors in the queue files
     * @param queueFiles An array of queue files to compile into a matrix
     * @return The compiled matrix of feature vectors, where each row is a feature vector, and rows are ordered with the vectors of each queue contiguous, and those sets of vectors in the same order as the queues in the array
    public static AMatrix generateFeatureQueueMatrix(File[] queueFiles) {
        List<AMatrix> queueMatrixes = new ArrayList<>();
        for (File queueFile : queueFiles) {
            if (queueFile.getName().endsWith(".q")) {
                FragmentedNeuralQueue queue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue();
        AVector[] features = new AVector[queueMatrixes.size() * queueMatrixes.get(0).rowCount()];
        int currFeature = 0;
        for (AMatrix queueMatrix : queueMatrixes) {
            for (INDArray feature : queueMatrix.toSliceArray()) {
                features[currFeature++] = feature.toVector();
        for (AVector feature : features) {
        return Matrix.create(features);

     * Given a matrix of feature vectors, load the feature vectors into a queue with the given spacing, and generate a leadsheet with the given chord sequence
     * @param autoencoder
     * @param autoencoderConnectomePath
     * @param chordSequence
     * @param featureMatrixPath
     * @param featureSize
     * @param outputFilePath
     * @param songTitle 
    public static void generateFromFeatureMatrix(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder,
            String autoencoderConnectomePath, LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence, String featureMatrixPath,
            int featureSize, String outputFilePath, String songTitle) {
        AMatrix featureMatrix = (AMatrix) ReadWriteUtilities.readNumpyCSVFile(featureMatrixPath);
        int numComponents = featureMatrix.columnCount();
        LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = new LeadsheetDataSequence();
        while (outputSequence.maxLength() < featureSize * numComponents) {
            LeadsheetDataSequence currSegment = chordSequence.copy();
            while (currSegment.maxLength() > 0 && outputSequence.maxLength() < featureSize * numComponents) {
                outputSequence.pushStep(currSegment.pollBeats(), currSegment.pollChords(), null);

        LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy();
        FragmentedNeuralQueue pcaQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue();
        pcaQueue.initFromFeatureMatrix(featureMatrix, featureSize);
        int i = 0;
        while (autoencoder.hasDataStepsLeft()) { //we are done encoding all time steps, so just finish decoding!{
            outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder
            if (++i == featureSize) {
                i = 0;
                refreshNetworkState(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath);
        writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFilePath, "_featureMatrixGen", songTitle);

     * Writes the data contained in the output sequence to a file
     * @param outputSequence Contains all melody and chord data which will be written to the leadsheet
     * @param outputFolderPath The path of the folder we'll write out file in
     * @param fileName The name of the file. The suffix and a .ls extension will be appended to the end of the file name or overwrite the existing extension if there is one
     * @param suffix A small keyword or id to add to the end of the file name, such as "_Output" or "_TradingOutput"
     * @param songTitle The name of the song to write in the leadsheet! :)
    public static void writeLeadsheetFile(LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence, String outputFolderPath,
            String fileName, String suffix, String songTitle) {
        LogTimer.startLog("Writing file...");
        String outputFilename = outputFolderPath +
                + fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) + suffix + ".ls"; //we'll write our generated file with the same name plus "_Output"
        LeadsheetIO.writeLeadsheet(outputSequence, outputFilename, songTitle);

     * Writes the data contained in the output sequence to a file
     * @param outputSequence Contains all melody and chord data which will be written to the leadsheet
     * @param filePath The path and name of the new file. The suffix and a .ls extension will be appended to the end of the file name or overwrite the existing extension if there is one
     * @param suffix A small keyword or id to add to the end of the file name, such as "_Output" or "_TradingOutput"
     * @param songTitle The name of the song to write in the leadsheet! :)
    public static void writeLeadsheetFile(LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence, String filePath, String suffix,
            String songTitle) {
        LogTimer.startLog("Writing file...");
        String outputFilename = filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf(".")) + suffix + ".ls"; //we'll write our generated file with the same name plus "_Output"
        LeadsheetIO.writeLeadsheet(outputSequence, outputFilename, songTitle);

     * Encode the input sequence into a feature representation in the autoencoder's queue
     * @param autoencoder The autoencoder to encode with
     * @param inputSequence This sequence should contain the input melody, chord data, and beat data
    public static void encodeFromSequence(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder,
            LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence) {
        LogTimer.startLog("Encoding data...");
        while (inputSequence.hasNext()) { //iterate through time steps in input data
            autoencoder.encodeStep(inputSequence.retrieve()); //feed the resultant input vector into the network

     * Decodes melody data from the current contents of the autoencoder queue and the decoder input sequence, and pushes it into the outputSequence
     * @param autoencoder The autoencoder to decode with, whose queue data we'll decode from
     * @param outputSequence The LeadsheetDataSequence which we will push our melody data into
     * @param decoderInputSequence This should contain the additional data the decoder of the network needs to decode melody data (for LeadsheetDataSequence this is the chord and beat data)
    public static void decodeToSequence(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder,
            LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence, LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence) {
        while (autoencoder.hasDataStepsLeft()) { //we are done encoding all time steps, so just finish decoding!
            outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder     

     * Loads the queue contents of an autoencoder from a feature matrix file
     * @param autoencoder The autoencoder network we're going to load our
     * created queue into
     * @param featureMatrixPath A feature matrix file is a csv file where each
     * row is a feature vector
     * @param featureSize The distance we will space these features in the
     * queue. This should be the same featureSize you have specified for the
     * queue
    public static void loadQueueFromFeatureMatrixFile(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder,
            String featureMatrixPath, int featureSize) {
        FragmentedNeuralQueue pcaQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue();
        int spacing = featureSize;
        AMatrix pcaFeatureMatrix = (AMatrix) ReadWriteUtilities.readNumpyCSVFile(featureMatrixPath);
        pcaQueue.initFromFeatureMatrix(pcaFeatureMatrix, featureSize);

     * Analyze the melody contained in a LeadsheetDataSequence, and return a
     * vector of the property values
     * @param sequence The sequence whose melody data we'll analyze
     * @param featureProperty Elements of the returned vector will be between
     * zero and one, and represent the ratio of the timeSteps with the given
     * feature property to the total timeSteps in a feature: "rest" -> there is
     * rest on this timeStep, "sustain" -> this timeStep is sustaining a note,
     * "articulation" -> this timeStep is articulating a new note
     * @param featureSize This is the size of each feature in timeSteps
     * @return An AVector with size equal to sequence melody length divided by
     * featureSize, wherein each element of the vector is the property-graded
     * value of the feature
    public static AVector melodyFeatureAnalysis(LeadsheetDataSequence sequence, String featureProperty,
            int featureSize) {

        LogTimer.startLog("Analyzing generatedFeatures");
        int numFeatures = sequence.melodySize() / featureSize; //if the melody part isn't divisible by the fixed feature size, round down.
        AVector featurePropertyValues = Vector.createLength(numFeatures);
        int featureIndex = 0;
        LeadsheetDataSequence copySequence = sequence.copy(); //create a copy of our sequence to perform analysis on
        int spacing = featureSize;
        switch (featureProperty) /* Could refactor this to make calls to an interface for testing if we design more feature properties */ {
        case "rest":
            boolean wasLastRest = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++) {
                int restStepCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacing; i++) {
                    AVector polledMelodyStep = copySequence.pollMelody();
                    if (polledMelodyStep.get(0) == -1.0) {
                        wasLastRest = true;
                    } else if (polledMelodyStep.get(0) == -2.0 && wasLastRest) {
                    } else {
                        wasLastRest = false;
                featurePropertyValues.set(featureIndex++, ((double) restStepCount) / ((double) spacing));
        case "sustain":
            for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++) {
                int sustainStepCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacing; i++) {
                    AVector polledMelodyStep = copySequence.pollMelody();
                    if (polledMelodyStep.get(0) == -2.0) {
                featurePropertyValues.set(featureIndex++, ((double) sustainStepCount) / ((double) spacing));
        case "articulate":
            for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++) {
                int articulateStepCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < spacing; i++) {
                    AVector polledMelodyStep = copySequence.pollMelody();
                    if (polledMelodyStep.get(0) >= 0.0) {
                featurePropertyValues.set(featureIndex++, ((double) articulateStepCount) / ((double) spacing));
        return featurePropertyValues;
