Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog;
import org.ros.message.MessageListener;
import org.ros.message.Time;
import org.ros.node.DefaultNodeFactory;
import org.ros.node.Node;
import org.ros.node.NodeConfiguration;
import org.ros.node.NodeMain;
import org.ros.node.parameter.ParameterTree;
import org.ros.node.topic.Publisher;
import org.ros.node.topic.Subscriber;
import org.ros.message.robot_msgs.*;
import org.ros.message.sensor_msgs.Range;


 * This is a simple rosjava {@link Subscriber} {@link Node}. It assumes an
 * external roscore is already running.  The job of the Robot listener is to
 * listen for messages that have the sensor data in our implementation is from
 * either Converter or from VirtualX80SVP it depends on the startup configuration.
 * @author (Drew Wicke)
public class SensorListener implements NodeMain, MessageListener<SensorData> {

    private Node node;
    private SimpleLog log;

    private Map<String, Publisher<Range>> publisher;
    private Map<String, Integer> sensorAngles;
    private long count;
    private Map<String, Range> pubRange;

    public void main(NodeConfiguration configuration) {
        Preconditions.checkState(node == null);
        try {
            node = new DefaultNodeFactory().newNode("sensor_listener", configuration);
            pubRange = new TreeMap<String, Range>();

            log = new SimpleLog(node.getName().toString());
            publisher = new TreeMap<String, Publisher<Range>>();
            count = 0;

            Field[] fields = SensorData.class.getDeclaredFields();
            // Loop through all the fields and extract the name of the field
            // to use as the name of the topic
            // NOTE that I may have to add stuff to the name here because of the whole 
            // namespace thing.  Not sure yet how that works.

            // get the angle measurements of the sensors from the parameter server
            // in order to put that info into the Range messages
            ParameterTree paramTree = node.newParameterTree();
            sensorAngles = (Map<String, Integer>) paramTree.getMap("sensor_angles");

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {

                //"The name of the first field is: " + fields[i].getName() + "degree " + sensorAngles.get(fields[i].getName()));
                Publisher<Range> pub = node.newPublisher(fields[i].getName() + "raw", "sensor_msgs/Range");
                Range curRange = (Range) node.getMessageFactory().newMessage("sensor_msgs/Range");

                if (fields[i].getName().contains("infrared")) {
                    curRange.max_range = (float) .8; // 80cm
                    curRange.min_range = (float) .075; // 7.5cm
                    curRange.radiation_type = Range.INFRARED;
                    // name it the same as the sensor
                    curRange.header.frame_id = fields[i].getName();
                    // not right field_of_view but fill it in
                    curRange.field_of_view = (float) sensorAngles.get(fields[i].getName());
                } else if (fields[i].getName().contains("ultrasonic")) {
                    curRange.max_range = (float) 2.55; // 255cm
                    curRange.min_range = (float) .04; // 4cm
                    curRange.radiation_type = Range.ULTRASOUND;
                    // not right but fill it in
                    curRange.field_of_view = (float) sensorAngles.get(fields[i].getName());
                    // name it the same as the sensor
                    curRange.header.frame_id = fields[i].getName();
                } else if (fields[i].getName().contains("human")) {
                    curRange.header.frame_id = fields[i].getName();
                    curRange.max_range = 4095;
                    curRange.min_range = 0;
                    curRange.radiation_type = 3;
                    curRange.field_of_view = 0;

                pubRange.put(fields[i].getName(), curRange);

                publisher.put(fields[i].getName(), pub);

            node.newSubscriber("sensordata", "robot_msgs/SensorData", this);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (node != null) {
            } else {


    public void publishData(SensorData message) {
        // so go through and publish data based on names
        Class theMessage = message.getClass();
        Field messField;
        Set<String> keys = publisher.keySet();
        Iterator<String> itr = keys.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            String fieldName =;
            try {
                // get the field name
                messField = theMessage.getField(fieldName);
                // get the current time for the time stamps
                //Time timeStamp = node.getCurrentTime();

                if (fieldName.contains("infrared")) {
                    // get the field data
                    float rangeData = (Float) messField.get(message);

                    pubRange.get(fieldName).range = (float) (rangeData * .01);

                    // I am using secs in the header to be the key
                    // since timestamp secs couldn't keep up (neither could nsecs)
                    // I define my own secs in terms of when it leaves here
                    pubRange.get(fieldName).header.stamp.secs = (int) count;
                    // now publish it!
                } else if (fieldName.contains("ultrasonic")) {
                    // get field data
                    // must do this because java doesn't have unsigned bytes...
                    int rangeData = ((Byte) messField.get(message)) & 0xff;


                    pubRange.get(fieldName).range = (float) ((float) rangeData * .01);

                    // I am using secs in the header to be the key
                    // since timestamp secs couldn't keep up (neither could nsecs)
                    // I define my own secs in terms of when it leaves here
                    pubRange.get(fieldName).header.stamp.secs = (int) count;
                } else if (fieldName.contains("human")) {
                    // this outputs the human data as range messages

                    // get the range
                    int rangeData = (Integer) messField.get(message);

                    // put in the data

                    pubRange.get(fieldName).range = (float) rangeData;

                    // I am using secs in the header to be the key
                    // since timestamp secs couldn't keep up (neither could nsecs)
                    // I define my own secs in terms of when it leaves here
                    pubRange.get(fieldName).header.stamp.secs = (int) count;

                    //"Recieved Message from " + fieldName + " range is " + pubRange.range);



            } catch (SecurityException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block


    public void shutdown() {

    public void onNewMessage(SensorData message) {

        // Ok so I heard the sensor data so publish the data in ROS format
        // to the specific topics

