Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015, MyWarp team and contributors
 * This file is part of MyWarp.
 * MyWarp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MyWarp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MyWarp. If not, see <>.

package me.taylorkelly.mywarp.bukkit;

import me.taylorkelly.mywarp.LocalWorld;
import me.taylorkelly.mywarp.Settings;
import me.taylorkelly.mywarp.bukkit.economy.BukkitFeeProvider.FeeBundle;
import me.taylorkelly.mywarp.bukkit.limits.LimitBundle;
import me.taylorkelly.mywarp.bukkit.timer.BukkitDurationProvider.DurationBundle;
import me.taylorkelly.mywarp.timer.Duration;
import me.taylorkelly.mywarp.util.MyWarpLogger;

import org.apache.commons.lang.LocaleUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * The settings when running on Bukkit. This implementation relies on Bukkit's configuration API to manage the actual
 * configuration file.
public class BukkitSettings implements Settings {

    private static final Logger log = MyWarpLogger.getLogger(BukkitSettings.class);

    private final File configFile;
    private final Configuration defaultConfiguration;
    private final BukkitAdapter adapter;

    private Configuration config;
    private Locale defaultLocale;

     * Initializes this instance.
     * @param configFile           the file that holds the configuration
     * @param defaultConfiguration the default configuration that acts as a fallback
     * @param adapter              the adapter
    public BukkitSettings(File configFile, FileConfiguration defaultConfiguration, BukkitAdapter adapter) {
        this.configFile = configFile;
        this.defaultConfiguration = defaultConfiguration;
        this.adapter = adapter;


     * Reloads the configuration.
    public void reload() {
        if (!configFile.exists()) {
            try {
      "Default '%1$s' created successfully.", configFile.getName()));

            } catch (IOException e) {
                        "Failed to create the default configuration file ('%1$s'), using build-in defaults for all values.",
                        configFile.getAbsolutePath()), e);
                config = defaultConfiguration;
        FileConfiguration fileConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);

        // add defaults
        fileConfig.addDefault("storage.url", "jdbc:h2:" + configFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "/warps");
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
                    "Failed to save configuration to '%1$s', using build-in defaults for missing values.",
                    configFile.getAbsolutePath()), e);
        config = fileConfig;

        // Bukkit's config does not support Locale objects and this call is quit
        // expensive so we cache the Locale
        defaultLocale = LocaleUtils.toLocale(config.getString("localization.defaultLocale"));

    public boolean isControlWorldAccess() {
        return config.getBoolean("settings.controlWorldAccess");

    public boolean isPreloadChunks() {
        return config.getBoolean("settings.preloadChunks");

    public boolean isShowTeleportEffect() {
        return config.getBoolean("settings.showTeleportEffect");

    public boolean isTeleportTamedHorses() {
        return config.getBoolean("settings.teleportHorses");

    public Locale getLocalizationDefaultLocale() {
        return defaultLocale;

    public boolean isLocalizationPerPlayer() {
        return config.getBoolean("localization.perPlayer");

    public boolean isSafetyEnabled() {
        return config.getBoolean("teleportSafety.enabled");

    public int getSafetySearchRadius() {
        return config.getInt("teleportSafety.searchRadius");

    public boolean isWarpSignsEnabled() {
        return config.getBoolean("warpSigns.enabled");

    public List<String> getWarpSignsIdentifiers() {
        return config.getStringList("warpSigns.identifiers");

    public boolean isLimitsEnabled() {
        return config.getBoolean("limits.enabled");

     * Gets the default LimitBundle.
     * @return the default LimitBundle.
    public LimitBundle getLimitsDefaultLimitBundle() {
        // the default bundle must cover all worlds!
        ConfigurationSection values = config.getConfigurationSection("limits.defaultLimit");
        return new LimitBundle("default", values.getInt("totalLimit"), values.getInt("publicLimit"),
                values.getInt("privateLimit"), adapter);

     * Gets a list of additional configured LimitBundles.
     * @return all configured LimitBundle
    public List<LimitBundle> getLimitsConfiguredLimitBundles() {
        List<LimitBundle> ret = new ArrayList<LimitBundle>();
        ConfigurationSection configuredLimits = config.getConfigurationSection("limits.configuredLimits");
        if (configuredLimits == null) {
            // the section contains no values
            return ret;
        for (String key : configuredLimits.getKeys(false)) {
            ret.add(toLimitBundle(key, configuredLimits.getConfigurationSection(key)));
        return ret;

     * Creates a LimitBundle out of the given identifier and configuration-section.
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @param values     the configuration-section that contains all values
     * @return a LimitBundle out of the given values
    private LimitBundle toLimitBundle(String identifier, ConfigurationSection values) {
        if (values.contains("affectedWorlds")) {
            List<LocalWorld> worlds = new ArrayList<LocalWorld>();
            for (String name : values.getStringList("affectedWorlds")) {
                World world = Bukkit.getWorld(name);
                if (world == null) {
                            "The world name '{}' configured for the limit '{}' does not match any existing world and will be "
                                    + "ignored.",
                            name, identifier);
            return new LimitBundle(identifier, values.getInt("totalLimit"), values.getInt("publicLimit"),
                    values.getInt("privateLimit"), worlds, adapter);
        return new LimitBundle(identifier, values.getInt("totalLimit"), values.getInt("publicLimit"),
                values.getInt("privateLimit"), adapter);

    public boolean isTimersEnabled() {
        return config.getBoolean("timers.enabled");

    public boolean isTimersCooldownNotifyOnFinish() {
        return config.getBoolean("timers.warpCooldown.notifyOnFinish");

    public boolean isTimersWarmupAbortOnDamage() {
        return config.getBoolean("timers.warpWarmup.abortOnDamage");

    public boolean isTimersWarmupAbortOnMove() {
        return config.getBoolean("timers.warpWarmup.abortOnMove");

    public boolean isTimersWarmupNotifyOnStart() {
        return config.getBoolean("timers.warpWarmup.notifyOnStart");

     * Gets the default DurationBundle.
     * @return the default DurationBundle
    public DurationBundle getTimersDefaultDurationBundle() {
        return toDurationBundle("default", config.getConfigurationSection("timers.defaultTimer"));


     * Gets a list of additional configured DurationBundles.
     * @return all configured DurationBundles
    public List<DurationBundle> getTimersConfiguredDurationBundles() {
        List<DurationBundle> ret = new ArrayList<DurationBundle>();
        ConfigurationSection configuredTimers = config.getConfigurationSection("timers.configuredTimers");
        if (configuredTimers == null) {
            // the section contains no values
            return ret;
        for (String key : configuredTimers.getKeys(false)) {
            ret.add(toDurationBundle(key, configuredTimers.getConfigurationSection(key)));
        return ret;

     * Creates a time-bundle out of the given identifier and configuration-section.
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @param values     the configuration-section that contains all values
     * @return a time-bundle out of the given values
    private DurationBundle toDurationBundle(String identifier, ConfigurationSection values) {
        return new DurationBundle(identifier, new Duration(values.getLong("warpCooldown", 0), TimeUnit.SECONDS),
                new Duration(values.getLong("warpWarmup", 0), TimeUnit.SECONDS));

    public boolean isEconomyEnabled() {
        return config.getBoolean("economy.enabled");

    public boolean isEconomyInformAfterTransaction() {
        return config.getBoolean("economy.informAfterTransaction");

     * Gets the default FeeBundle.
     * @return the default FeeBundle
    public FeeBundle getEconomyDefaultFeeBundle() {
        return toFeeBundle("default", config.getConfigurationSection("economy.defaultFee"));


     * Gets a list of additional configured FeeBundles.
     * @return all configured FeeBundles
    public List<FeeBundle> getEconomyConfiguredFeeBundles() {
        List<FeeBundle> ret = new ArrayList<FeeBundle>();
        ConfigurationSection configuredFees = config.getConfigurationSection("economy.configuredFees");
        if (configuredFees == null) {
            // the section contains no values
            return ret;
        for (String key : configuredFees.getKeys(false)) {
            ret.add(toFeeBundle(key, configuredFees.getConfigurationSection(key)));
        return ret;

     * Creates a FeeBundle out of the given identifier and configuration-section.
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @param values     the configuration-section that contains all values
     * @return a FeeBundle out of the given values
    private FeeBundle toFeeBundle(String identifier, ConfigurationSection values) {
        return new FeeBundle(identifier, BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("assets", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("create", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("createPrivate", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("delete", 0)), BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("give", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("help", 0)), BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("info", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("invite", 0)), BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("list", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("point", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("private", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("public", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("uninvite", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("update", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("warpPlayer", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("warpSignCreate", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("warpSignUse", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("warpTo", 0)),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(values.getDouble("welcome", 0)));

     * Returns whether Dynmap should be used as marker-service.
     * @return true if Dynmap should be used
    public boolean isDynmapEnabled() {
        return config.getBoolean("dynmap.enabled");

     * Gets the display name of the layer that stores MyWarp's markers.
     * @return the layer's display name
    public String getDynmapLayerDisplayName() {
        return config.getString("dynmap.layer.displayName");

     * Returns whether the layer that stores MyWarp's markers is hidden by default.
     * @return true if the layer is hidden by default
    public boolean isDynmapLayerHiddenByDefault() {
        return config.getBoolean("dynmap.layer.hiddenByDefault");

     * Gets the priority of the layer that stores MyWarp's markers.
     * @return the layer's priority
    public int getDynmapLayerPriority() {
        return config.getInt("dynmap.layer.priority");

     * Gets the Dynmap identifier of the icon that is used for MyWarp's markers.
     * @return the icon's identifier
    public String getDynmapMarkerIconId() {
        return config.getString("dynmap.marker.iconID");

     * Gets the minimal zoom level that must be meat to display MyWarp's markers.
     * @return the minimal zoom level
    public int getDynmapMarkerMinZoom() {
        return config.getInt("dynmap.marker.minZoom");

     * Returns whether MyWarp's markers should show a label by default.
     * @return true if the label is visible by default
    public boolean isDynmapMarkerShowLable() {
        return config.getBoolean("dynmap.marker.showLabel");

     * Gets the URL of the database within that warps should be stored.
     * @return the URL
    private String getStorageUrl() {
        return config.getString("storage.url");

     * Gets the schema that contains MyWarp's table structure.
     * @return the schema
    private String getStorageSchema() {
        return config.getString("storage.schema");

     * Gets the user used to connect to the relational database.
     * @return the user
    private String getStorageUser() {
        return config.getString("storage.user");

     * Gets the password of the user used to connect to the relational database.
     * @return the user's password
    private String getStoragePassword() {
        return config.getString("storage.password");

     * Gets the {@code ConnectionConfiguration} of the database within that warps should be stored.
     * @return the {@code ConnectionConfiguration}
    public ConnectionConfiguration getStorageConfiguration() {
        ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration(getStorageUrl());

        if (config.supportsSchemas()) {
        if (config.supportsAuthentication()) {
        return config;
