Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* This software is subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* Agreement, available at the following URL:
* You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Pentaho Corporation..  All rights reserved.

package mondrian.util;

import mondrian.olap.Util;
import mondrian.resource.MondrianResource;
import mondrian.rolap.RolapUtil;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.*;

 * Implementation of {@link UtilCompatible} which runs in
 * JDK 1.4.
 * <p>The code uses JDK 1.5 constructs such as generics and for-each loops,
 * but retroweaver can convert these. It does not use
 * <code>java.util.EnumSet</code>, which is important, because retroweaver has
 * trouble with this.
 * @author jhyde
 * @since Feb 5, 2007
public class UtilCompatibleJdk14 implements UtilCompatible {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Util.class);
    private static String previousUuid = "";
    private static final String UUID_BASE = Long.toHexString(new Random().nextLong());

     * This generates a BigDecimal that can have a precision that does
     * not reflect the precision of the input double.
     * @param d input double
     * @return BigDecimal
    public BigDecimal makeBigDecimalFromDouble(double d) {
        return new BigDecimal(d);

    public String quotePattern(String s) {
        int slashEIndex = s.indexOf("\\E");
        if (slashEIndex == -1) {
            return "\\Q" + s + "\\E";
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.length() * 2);
        int current = 0;
        while ((slashEIndex = s.indexOf("\\E", current)) != -1) {
            sb.append(s.substring(current, slashEIndex));
            current = slashEIndex + 2;
        sb.append(s.substring(current, s.length()));
        return sb.toString();

    public <T> T getAnnotation(Method method, String annotationClassName, T defaultValue) {
        return defaultValue;

    public String generateUuidString() {
        return generateUuidStringStatic();

    public static synchronized String generateUuidStringStatic() {
        while (true) {
            String uuid = UUID_BASE + Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis());
            if (!uuid.equals(previousUuid)) {
                previousUuid = uuid;
                return uuid;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public <T> T compileScript(Class<T> iface, String script, String engineName) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Scripting not supported until Java 1.6");

    public <T> void threadLocalRemove(ThreadLocal<T> threadLocal) {
        // nothing: ThreadLocal.remove() does not exist until JDK 1.5

    public Util.MemoryInfo getMemoryInfo() {
        return new Util.MemoryInfo() {
            public Usage get() {
                return new Usage() {
                    public long getUsed() {
                        return 0;

                    public long getCommitted() {
                        return 0;

                    public long getMax() {
                        return 0;

    public Timer newTimer(String name, boolean isDaemon) {
        return new Timer(isDaemon);

    public void cancelStatement(Statement stmt) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            // We can't call stmt.isClosed(); the method doesn't exist until
            // JDK 1.6. So, mask out the error.
            if (t.getMessage().equals("org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingStatement is closed.")) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug(MondrianResource.instance().ExecutionStatementCleanupException.ex(t.getMessage(), t),

    public <T> Set<T> newIdentityHashSet() {
        return Util.newIdentityHashSetFake();

    public <T extends Comparable<T>> int binarySearch(T[] ts, int start, int end, T t) {
        return Collections.binarySearch(Arrays.asList(ts).subList(start, end), t, RolapUtil.ROLAP_COMPARATOR);

// End