Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *    Debrief - the Open Source Maritime Analysis Application
 *    (C) 2000-2014, PlanetMayo Ltd
 *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *    modify it under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 *    (
 *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
package MWC.GUI.JFreeChart;

//import com.jrefinery.chart.*;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.util.Calendar;

import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateTickUnitType;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.block.LineBorder;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.DefaultXYItemRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets;

import MWC.GUI.Editable;
import MWC.GUI.StepperListener;
import MWC.GenericData.Duration;
import MWC.GenericData.HiResDate;

 * ******************************************************************* embedded
 * class for plot for which we can control some of the formatting (line width,
 * axis steps/sizes, labels
 * *******************************************************************
public class NewFormattedJFreeChart extends JFreeChart implements MWC.GUI.Editable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // member variables
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
     * the width of the data-line
    private int _dataLineWidth = 3;

     * our editable details
    transient private Editable.EditorType _myEditor = null;

     * the interval & format of the date axis
    private DateAxisEditor.MWCDateTickUnitWrapper _theDateTick = new DateAxisEditor.MWCDateTickUnitWrapper(
            DateTickUnitType.MINUTE, Calendar.MINUTE, "HH:mm");

     * the time offset supplier
    private SwitchableTimeOffsetProvider _provider = null;

    private Duration _fixedDuration;

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // constructor
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Constructs a chart.
     * <P>
     * Note that the ChartFactory class contains static methods that will return a
     * ready-made chart.
     * @param title
     *          the main chart title.
     * @param titleFont
     *          the font for displaying the chart title.
     * @param plot
     *          controller of the visual representation of the data.
     * @param createLegend
     *          a flag indicating whether or not a legend should be created for
     *          the chart.
    public NewFormattedJFreeChart(final String title, final Font titleFont, final Plot plot,
            final boolean createLegend) {
        super(title, titleFont, plot, createLegend);

        _fixedDuration = new Duration(3, Duration.HOURS);

        // update the line width's we're using

        // let's not show symbols by default, eh?

     * Constructs a chart.
     * <P>
     * Note that the ChartFactory class contains static methods that will return a
     * ready-made chart.
     * @param title
     *          the main chart title.
     * @param titleFont
     *          the font for displaying the chart title.
     * @param plot
     *          controller of the visual representation of the data.
     * @param createLegend
     *          a flag indicating whether or not a legend should be created for
     *          the chart.
     * @param stepper
     *          the provider of the time offset
    public NewFormattedJFreeChart(final String title, final Font titleFont, final Plot plot,
            final boolean createLegend, final StepperListener.StepperController stepper) {

        this(title, titleFont, plot, createLegend);

        _provider = new SwitchableTimeOffsetProvider(stepper);

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // member methods
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * the width of the data line
     * @return width in pixels
    public int getDataLineWidth() {
        return _dataLineWidth;

     * set the width of the data line
     * @param dataLineWidth
     *          width in pixels
    public void setDataLineWidth(final int dataLineWidth) {
        this._dataLineWidth = dataLineWidth;

        // and update the data
        final XYPlot thePlot = (XYPlot) getPlot();
        final Stroke[] theStrokes = new Stroke[] { new BasicStroke(_dataLineWidth) };
        for (int i = 0; i < theStrokes.length; i++) {
            final Stroke stroke = theStrokes[i];
            thePlot.getRenderer().setSeriesStroke(i, stroke);

     * Returns the Stroke used to draw any shapes for a series.
     * @param index
     *          the series (zero-based index).
     * @return the Stroke used to draw any shapes for a series.
    public Stroke getSeriesStroke(final int index) {
        final XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) getPlot();
        Stroke res = plot.getRenderer().getSeriesStroke(index);

        res = new BasicStroke(_dataLineWidth);

        return res;

     * the title of this plot
     * @return
    public String getTitleText() {
        return this.getTitle().getText();

    public void setTitleText(final String text) {

     * the title of this plot
     * @param title
     *          the new title to use
    public void setTitleFont(final Font titleFont) {

     * the title of this plot
     * @param title
     *          the new title to use
    public Font getTitleFont() {
        return this.getTitle().getFont();

    public Font getTickFont() {
        return this.getXYPlot().getRangeAxis().getTickLabelFont();

    public void setTickFont(final Font tickFont) {

    public Font getAxisFont() {
        return this.getXYPlot().getRangeAxis().getLabelFont();

    public void setAxisFont(final Font axisFont) {

    public void setFixedDuration(final Duration dur) {
        _fixedDuration = dur;

        // right, we've remembered the value, but if the plot is already
        // set to display fixed duration we need to fire the data to the
        // plot
        if (getDisplayFixedDuration()) {
            // yes, we're displaying fixed duration, remind
            // everybody what's happening

    public Duration getFixedDuration() {
        return _fixedDuration;

    public void setDisplayFixedDuration(final boolean val) {
        final XYPlot xp = this.getXYPlot();
        if (xp instanceof StepperXYPlot) {
            final StepperXYPlot stp = (StepperXYPlot) xp;
            if (val)


    public boolean getDisplayFixedDuration() {
        boolean res = false;
        final XYPlot xp = this.getXYPlot();
        if (xp instanceof StepperXYPlot) {
            final StepperXYPlot stp = (StepperXYPlot) xp;
            res = (stp.getFixedDuration() != null);

        return res;

     * accessor to get hold of the time offset provider
     * @return
    public SwitchableTimeOffsetProvider getTimeOffsetProvider() {
        return _provider;

    public boolean isShowSymbols() {
        final DefaultXYItemRenderer sx = (DefaultXYItemRenderer) getXYPlot().getRenderer();
        return sx.getBaseShapesVisible();

    public void setShowSymbols(final boolean showSymbols) {
        final DefaultXYItemRenderer sx = (DefaultXYItemRenderer) getXYPlot().getRenderer();


    public boolean isShowLegend() {
        return getLegend() != null;

    public void setShowLegend(final boolean showLegend) {
        if (showLegend) {
            if (!isShowLegend()) {
                LegendTitle legend = new LegendTitle(getPlot());
                legend.setMargin(new RectangleInsets(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
                legend.setFrame(new LineBorder());
        } else {
            if (isShowLegend()) {


    public String getY_AxisTitle() {
        return getXYPlot().getRangeAxis().getLabel();

    public void setY_AxisTitle(final String yTitle) {

    public String getX_AxisTitle() {
        return getXYPlot().getDomainAxis().getLabel();

    public void setX_AxisTitle(final String xTitle) {

    public DateAxisEditor.MWCDateTickUnitWrapper getDateTickUnits() {
        return _theDateTick;

    public void setDateTickUnits(final DateAxisEditor.MWCDateTickUnitWrapper theDateTick) {
        final ValueAxis hd = this.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis();

        // store the current tick
        _theDateTick = theDateTick;

        if (theDateTick.isAutoScale()) {
        } else {
            // cancel auto calc

            // get the date axis
            final ValueAxis va = this.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis();
            final DateAxis da = (DateAxis) va;

            // and set the tick


    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // editable methods
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * the editable details for this track
     * @return the details
    public final Editable.EditorType getInfo() {
        if (_myEditor == null)
            _myEditor = new PlotInfo(this);

        return _myEditor;

     * the name of this object
     * @return the name of this editable object
    public String getName() {
        return getTitleText();

     * whether there is any edit information for this item this is a convenience
     * function to save creating the EditorType data first
     * @return yes/no
    public boolean hasEditor() {
        return true;

     * find out if we're in relative time plotting mode
     * @return
    public boolean getRelativeTimes() {
        boolean res = false;

        // do we have a provider?
        if (_provider != null) {
            // is it active?
            res = _provider.isApplied();
        return res;

     * update whether we're in relative time plotting mode
     * @param val
    public void setRelativeTimes(final boolean val) {
        if (_provider != null) {
            // update whether it's active

            // get the date axis
            final ValueAxis va = this.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis();
            final RelativeDateAxis da = (RelativeDateAxis) va;

            // do rescale

            // and tell it what we're doing

            // and trigger repaint

            // hey, do the rescale here, it works better


     * *******************************************************************
     * embedded class which optionally applies an offset to the time value
     * received
     * *******************************************************************
    public static class SwitchableTimeOffsetProvider implements ColouredDataItem.OffsetProvider {
         * whether we are active
        private boolean _applied = false;

         * the time controller
        private final StepperListener.StepperController _stepper;

        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // constructor
        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////

         * create a time offset provider
         * @param stepper
        public SwitchableTimeOffsetProvider(final StepperListener.StepperController stepper) {
            this._stepper = stepper;

         * whether we are active
         * @return
        public boolean isApplied() {
            return _applied;

         * change whether we are active
         * @param applied
        public void setApplied(final boolean applied) {
            _applied = applied;

         * offset the provided time by the desired amount
         * @param val
         *          the actual time value
         * @return the processed time value
        public long offsetTimeFor(final long val) {
            long res = val;

            if (_applied) {
                if (_stepper != null) {
                    final HiResDate dt = _stepper.getTimeZero();
                    if (dt != null)
                        res -= dt.getMicros();
            return res;

     * ******************************************************************* class
     * containing editable details of this plot
     * *******************************************************************
    public final class PlotInfo extends Editable.EditorType {

         * constructor for this editor, takes the actual track as a parameter
         * @param data
         *          track being edited
        public PlotInfo(final NewFormattedJFreeChart data) {
            super(data, data.getName(), "");

        public final PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
            try {
                final PropertyDescriptor[] res = {

                        displayLongProp("DataLineWidth", "Data line width", "the width to draw the data lines",
                        displayProp("TitleText", "Title text", "the title of this plot"),
                        displayProp("FixedDuration", "Fixed duration", "How long a time-span to display",
                        displayProp("DisplayFixedDuration", "Display fixed duration",
                                "Whether to show a limited time period (in Grow mode)", EditorType.TEMPORAL),
                        displayProp("X_AxisTitle", "X axis title", "the x axis title of this plot"),
                        displayProp("Y_AxisTitle", "Y axis title", "the y axis title of this plot"),
                        displayProp("RelativeTimes", "Relative times",
                                "whether to plot times relative to an anchor value (tZero)", EditorType.TEMPORAL),
                        displayLongProp("DateTickUnits", "Date tick units", "the minutes separation to the axis",
                                DateAxisEditor.class, EditorType.TEMPORAL),
                        displayProp("ShowSymbols", "Show symbols", "whether to show symbols at the data points",
                        displayProp("TitleFont", "Title font", "font to use for the plot title", EditorType.FORMAT),
                        displayProp("AxisFont", "Axis font", "font to use for the plot axis titles",
                        displayProp("TickFont", "Tick font", "font to use for the plot axis tick mark labels",
                        displayProp("ShowLegend", "Show legend", "whether to show legend",
                                EditorType.VISIBILITY), };
                return res;
            } catch (final IntrospectionException e) {
                return super.getPropertyDescriptors();

