Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Austin Keener * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.dv8tion.jda.player; import com.sun.jna.Platform; import net.dv8tion.jda.JDA; import net.dv8tion.jda.JDABuilder; import net.dv8tion.jda.MessageBuilder; import; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.VoiceChannel; import; import net.dv8tion.jda.hooks.ListenerAdapter; import net.dv8tion.jda.managers.AudioManager; import net.dv8tion.jda.player.source.AudioInfo; import net.dv8tion.jda.player.source.AudioSource; import net.dv8tion.jda.player.source.AudioTimestamp; import net.dv8tion.jda.player.source.RemoteSource; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class Bot extends ListenerAdapter { public static final float DEFAULT_VOLUME = 0.35f; public Bot() { } public static void main(String[] args) { try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("Config.json")))); JDA api = new JDABuilder().setBotToken(obj.getString("botToken")).addListener(new Bot()) .buildBlocking(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("The config was not populated. Please provide a token."); } catch (LoginException e) { System.out.println("The provided botToken was incorrect. Please provide valid details."); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { System.err.println( "Encountered a JSON error. Most likely caused due to an outdated or ill-formated config.\n" + "Please delete the config so that it can be regenerated. JSON Error:\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("botToken", ""); try { Files.write(Paths.get("Config.json"), obj.toString(4).getBytes()); System.out.println("No config file was found. Config.json has been generated, please populate it!"); } catch (IOException e1) { System.out.println("No config file was found and we failed to generate one."); e1.printStackTrace(); } } } //Current commands // join [name] - Joins a voice channel that has the provided name // leave - Leaves the voice channel that the bot is currently in. // play - Plays songs from the current queue. Starts playing again if it was previously paused // play [url] - Adds a new song to the queue and starts playing if it wasn't playing already // pause - Pauses audio playback // stop - Completely stops audio playback, skipping the current song. // skip - Skips the current song, automatically starting the next // nowplaying - Prints information about the currently playing song (title, current time) // list - Lists the songs in the queue // volume [val] - Sets the volume of the MusicPlayer [0.0 - 1.0] // restart - Restarts the current song or restarts the previous song if there is no current song playing. // repeat - Makes the player repeat the currently playing song // reset - Completely resets the player, fixing all errors and clearing the queue. public void onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) { //If the person who sent the message isn't a known auth'd user, ignore. try { //We specifically reread the admins.txt each time a command is run so that we can update the admins.txt // while the bot is running. Basically this is just me being lazy. if (!Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("admins.txt")).contains(event.getAuthor().getId())) return; } catch (IOException e) { //Fail silently. Allows the admin system to be "disabled" when admins.txt does not exist. // e.printStackTrace(); } String message = event.getMessage().getContent(); AudioManager manager = event.getGuild().getAudioManager(); MusicPlayer player; if (manager.getSendingHandler() == null) { player = new MusicPlayer(); player.setVolume(DEFAULT_VOLUME); manager.setSendingHandler(player); } else { player = (MusicPlayer) manager.getSendingHandler(); } if (message.startsWith("volume ")) { float volume = Float.parseFloat(message.substring("volume ".length())); volume = Math.min(1F, Math.max(0F, volume)); player.setVolume(volume); event.getChannel().sendMessage("Volume was changed to: " + volume); } if (message.equals("list")) { List<AudioSource> queue = player.getAudioQueue(); if (queue.isEmpty()) { event.getChannel().sendMessage("The queue is currently empty!"); return; } MessageBuilder builder = new MessageBuilder(); builder.appendString("__Current Queue. Entries: " + queue.size() + "__\n"); for (int i = 0; i < queue.size() && i < 10; i++) { AudioInfo info = queue.get(i).getInfo(); // builder.appendString("**(" + (i + 1) + ")** "); if (info == null) builder.appendString("*Could not get info for this song.*"); else { AudioTimestamp duration = info.getDuration(); builder.appendString("`["); if (duration == null) builder.appendString("N/A"); else builder.appendString(duration.getTimestamp()); builder.appendString("]` " + info.getTitle() + "\n"); } } boolean error = false; int totalSeconds = 0; for (AudioSource source : queue) { AudioInfo info = source.getInfo(); if (info == null || info.getDuration() == null) { error = true; continue; } totalSeconds += info.getDuration().getTotalSeconds(); } builder.appendString( "\nTotal Queue Time Length: " + AudioTimestamp.fromSeconds(totalSeconds).getTimestamp()); if (error) builder.appendString("`An error occured calculating total time. Might not be completely valid."); event.getChannel().sendMessage(; } if (message.equals("nowplaying")) { if (player.isPlaying()) { AudioTimestamp currentTime = player.getCurrentTimestamp(); AudioInfo info = player.getCurrentAudioSource().getInfo(); if (info.getError() == null) { event.getChannel().sendMessage("**Playing:** " + info.getTitle() + "\n" + "**Time:** [" + currentTime.getTimestamp() + " / " + info.getDuration().getTimestamp() + "]"); } else { event.getChannel() .sendMessage("**Playing:** Info Error. Known source: " + player.getCurrentAudioSource().getSource() + "\n" + "**Time:** [" + currentTime.getTimestamp() + " / (N/A)]"); } } else { event.getChannel().sendMessage("The player is not currently playing anything!"); } } //Start an audio connection with a VoiceChannel if (message.startsWith("join ")) { //Separates the name of the channel so that we can search for it String chanName = message.substring(5); //Scans through the VoiceChannels in this Guild, looking for one with a case-insensitive matching name. VoiceChannel channel = event.getGuild().getVoiceChannels().stream() .filter(vChan -> vChan.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(chanName)).findFirst().orElse(null); //If there isn't a matching name, return null. if (channel == null) { event.getChannel() .sendMessage("There isn't a VoiceChannel in this Guild with the name: '" + chanName + "'"); return; } manager.openAudioConnection(channel); } //Disconnect the audio connection with the VoiceChannel. if (message.equals("leave")) manager.closeAudioConnection(); if (message.equals("skip")) { player.skipToNext(); event.getChannel().sendMessage("Skipped the current song."); } if (message.equals("repeat")) { if (player.isRepeat()) { player.setRepeat(false); event.getChannel().sendMessage("The player has been set to **not** repeat."); } else { player.setRepeat(true); event.getChannel().sendMessage("The player been set to repeat."); } } if (message.equals("shuffle")) { if (player.isShuffle()) { player.setShuffle(false); event.getChannel().sendMessage("The player has been set to **not** shuffle."); } else { player.setShuffle(true); event.getChannel().sendMessage("The player been set to shuffle."); } } if (message.equals("reset")) { player.stop(); player = new MusicPlayer(); player.setVolume(DEFAULT_VOLUME); manager.setSendingHandler(player); event.getChannel().sendMessage("Music player has been completely reset."); } //Start playing audio with our FilePlayer. If we haven't created and registered a FilePlayer yet, do that. if (message.startsWith("play")) { //If no URL was provided. if (message.equals("play")) { if (player.isPlaying()) { event.getChannel().sendMessage("Player is already playing!"); return; } else if (player.isPaused()) {; event.getChannel().sendMessage("Playback as been resumed."); } else { if (player.getAudioQueue().isEmpty()) event.getChannel() .sendMessage("The current audio queue is empty! Add something to the queue first!"); else {; event.getChannel().sendMessage("Player has started playing!"); } } } else if (message.startsWith("play ")) { String msg = ""; String url = message.substring("play ".length()); Playlist playlist = Playlist.getPlaylist(url); List<AudioSource> sources = new LinkedList(playlist.getSources()); // AudioSource source = new RemoteSource(url); // AudioSource source = new LocalSource(new File(url)); // AudioInfo info = source.getInfo(); //Preload the audio info. if (sources.size() > 1) { event.getChannel().sendMessage("Found a playlist with **" + sources.size() + "** entries.\n" + "Proceeding to gather information and queue sources. This may take some time..."); final MusicPlayer fPlayer = player; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (Iterator<AudioSource> it = sources.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AudioSource source =; AudioInfo info = source.getInfo(); List<AudioSource> queue = fPlayer.getAudioQueue(); if (info.getError() == null) { queue.add(source); if (fPlayer.isStopped()); } else { event.getChannel().sendMessage( "Error detected, skipping source. Error:\n" + info.getError()); it.remove(); } } event.getChannel() .sendMessage("Finished queuing provided playlist. Successfully queued **" + sources.size() + "** sources"); } }; thread.start(); } else { AudioSource source = sources.get(0); AudioInfo info = source.getInfo(); if (info.getError() == null) { player.getAudioQueue().add(source); msg += "The provided URL has been added the to queue"; if (player.isStopped()) {; msg += " and the player has started playing"; } event.getChannel().sendMessage(msg + "."); } else { event.getChannel().sendMessage("There was an error while loading the provided URL.\n" + "Error: " + info.getError()); } } } } if (message.equals("pause")) { player.pause(); event.getChannel().sendMessage("Playback has been paused."); } if (message.equals("stop")) { player.stop(); event.getChannel().sendMessage("Playback has been completely stopped."); } if (message.equals("restart")) { if (player.isStopped()) { if (player.getPreviousAudioSource() != null) { player.reload(true); event.getChannel().sendMessage("The previous song has been restarted."); } else { event.getChannel() .sendMessage("The player has never played a song, so it cannot restart a song."); } } else { player.reload(true); event.getChannel().sendMessage("The currently playing song has been restarted!"); } } } }