Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * SENSE Resource Manager (SENSE-RM) Copyright (c) 2016, The Regents
 * of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National
 * Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the
 * U.S. Dept. of Energy).  All rights reserved.
 * If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
 * software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Innovation & Partnerships
 * Office at
 * NOTICE.  This Software was developed under funding from the
 * U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Government consequently retains
 * certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for
 * itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
 * irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
 * distribute copies to the public, prepare derivative works, and perform
 * publicly and display publicly, and to permit other to do so.

import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses;
import io.swagger.annotations.ResponseHeader;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.DateUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestHeader;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;

 * The SENSE RM API web services module based on Spring REST annotations.
 * This class handles the SENSE RM API specific parameters, encodings, and
 * behaviors but delegates all message processing to technology specific
 * drivers.
 * Supported resource operations:
 *  GET /api/sense/v1
 * @author hacksaw
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/sense/v1")
@Api(tags = "SENSE RM API")
@ResourceAnnotation(name = "sense", version = "v1")
public class SenseRmController extends SenseController {

    // Spring application context.
    ApplicationContext context;

    // SENSE YAML configuration.
    @Autowired(required = true)
    SenseProperties config;

    // Transformer to manipulate URL path in case there are mapping issues.
    private UrlTransform utilities;

    // The solution specific technology driver implementing SENSE protocol
    // mapping to underlying network technology.
    private Driver driver;

     * Initialize API by loading technology specific driver using reflection.
     * @throws Exception
    public void init() throws Exception {
        utilities = new UrlTransform(config.getProxy());
        Class<?> forName = Class.forName(config.getDriver());
        driver = context.getBean(forName.asSubclass(Driver.class));

    private ResponseEntity<?> toResponseEntity(HttpHeaders headers, ResourceResponse rr) {
        if (rr == null) {
            return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

        switch (rr.getStatus()) {
        case NOT_MODIFIED:
            return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED);

            Error.ErrorBuilder eb = Error.builder().error(rr.getStatus().getReasonPhrase());
            rr.getError().ifPresent(e -> eb.error_description(e));
            return new ResponseEntity<>(, HttpStatus.valueOf(rr.getStatus().getStatusCode()));

    private long parseIfModfiedSince(String ifModifiedSince) {
        long ifms = 0;
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ifModifiedSince)) {
            Date lastModified = DateUtils.parseDate(ifModifiedSince);
            if (lastModified != null) {
                ifms = lastModified.getTime();

        return ifms;

     * Returns a list of available SENSE service API resource URLs.
     * Operation: GET /api/sense/v1
     * @return A RESTful response.
     * @throws
    @ApiOperation(value = "Get a list of supported SENSE resources.", notes = "Returns a list of available SENSE resource URL.", response = DeltaResource.class, responseContainer = "List")
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_MSG, response = Resource.class),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.UNAUTHORIZED_CODE, message = HttpConstants.UNAUTHORIZED_MSG, response = Error.class),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class), })
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    public ResponseEntity<?> getResources() throws MalformedURLException {
        try {
            // We need the request URL to build fully qualified resource URLs.
            final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();

  "[SenseRmController] GET operation = {}", location);

            // We will populate some HTTP response headers.
            final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
            headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

            List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<>();
            Method[] methods = SenseRmController.class.getMethods();
            for (Method m : methods) {
                if (m.isAnnotationPresent(ResourceAnnotation.class)) {
                    ResourceAnnotation ra = m.getAnnotation(ResourceAnnotation.class);
                    RequestMapping rm = m.getAnnotation(RequestMapping.class);
                    if (ra == null || rm == null) {
                    Resource resource = new Resource();
                    UriComponentsBuilder path = utilities.getPath(location.toASCIIString());

            return new ResponseEntity<>(resources, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (SecurityException | MalformedURLException ex) {
            log.error("[SenseRmController] Exception caught", ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

     * Returns a list of available SENSE topology models.
     * Operation: GET /api/sense/v1/models
     * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response.
     *    At the moment 'application/json' is the supported response encoding.
     * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since
     *    header requesting all models with creationTime after the specified
     *    date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format.
     * @param current If current=true then a collection of models containing only
     *    the most recent model will be returned. Default value is current=false.
     * @param encode Transfer size of the model element contents can be optimized
     *    by gzip/base64 encoding the contained model.  If encode=true the
     *    returned model will be gzipped (contentType="application/x-gzip") and
     *    base64 encoded (contentTransferEncoding= "base64") to reduce transfer
     *    size. Default value is encode=false.
     * @param summary If summary=true then a summary collection of models will be
     *    returned including the model meta-data while excluding the model
     *    element. Default value is summary=true.
     * @param model Specify the model schema format (TURTLE, JSON-LD, etc.).
     * @return A RESTful response.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Get a collection of available model resources.", notes = "Returns a list of available SENSE topology model resources.", response = ModelResource.class, responseContainer = "List")
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_TOPOLOGIES_MSG, response = ModelResource.class, responseContainer = "List", responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.UNAUTHORIZED_CODE, message = HttpConstants.UNAUTHORIZED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/models", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    @ResourceAnnotation(name = "models", version = "v1")
    public ResponseEntity<?> getModels(
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, required = false) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.CURRENT_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.CURRENT_MSG, required = false) boolean current,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_MSG, required = false) boolean summary,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model) {

        // We need the request URL to build fully qualified resource URLs.
        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();"[SenseRmController] GET operation = {}, accept = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}, current = {}, "
                + "summary = {}, model = {}", location, accept, ifModifiedSince, current, summary, model);

        // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
        long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

        // Populate the content location header with our URL location.
        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

        try {
            // Track matching models here.
            List<ModelResource> models = new ArrayList<>();

            // Keep track of the most recently updated model date.
            long newest = 0;

            // Query the driver for a list of models.
            Collection<ModelResource> result = new ArrayList<>();

            // First case is to handle a targeted request for the current model.
            if (current) {
                ModelResponse response = driver.getCurrentModel(model, ifms).get();
                if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
                    return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

                response.getModel().ifPresent(m -> result.add(m));
            } else {
                ModelsResponse response = driver.getModels(model, ifms).get();
                if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
                    return toResponseEntity(headers, response);


            // The requester asked for a list of models so apply any filtering criteria.
            for (ModelResource m : result) {
                long creationTime = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(m.getCreationTime()).toGregorianCalendar()

                        "[SenseRmController] returning model id = {}, creationTime = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}\n{}",
                        m.getId(), m.getCreationTime(), ifModifiedSince, Encoder.encode(m.getModel()));

                // Create the unique resource URL.
                m.setHref(UrlHelper.append(location.toASCIIString(), m.getId()));

                // If summary results are requested we do not return the model.
                if (summary) {
                } else {
                    // If they requested an encoded transfer we will encode the model contents.
                    if (encode) {

                // Save this model and update If-Modified-Since with the creation time.

                if (creationTime > newest) {
                    newest = creationTime;

            // Update the LastModified header with the value of the newest model.

            // We have success so return the models we have found.
            return new ResponseEntity<>(models, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (InterruptedException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException | IllegalArgumentException
                | ExecutionException ex) {
            log.error("[SenseRmController] getModels failed, ex = {}", ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

     * Returns the SENSE topology model identified by id.
     * Operation: GET /api/sense/v1/models/{id}
     * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment
     *    'application/json' is the supported response encoding.
     * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting
     *    all models with creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in
     *    RFC 1123 format.
     * @param encode Transfer size of the model element contents can be optimized by gzip/base64
     *    encoding the contained model.  If encode=true then returned model will be gzipped
     *    (contentType="application/x-gzip") and base64 encoded (contentTransferEncoding= "base64")
     *    to reduce transfer size. Default value is encode=false.
     * @param model This versions detailed topology model in the requested format (TURTLE, etc.).
     *    To optimize transfer the contents of this model element should be gzipped
     *    (contentType="application/x-gzip") and base64 encoded (contentTransferEncoding="base64").
     *    This will reduce the transfer size and encapsulate the original model contents.
     * @param id Identifier of the target topology model resource.
     * @return A RESTful response.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Get a specific SENSE topology model resource.", notes = "Returns SENSE topology model resource corresponding to the specified resource id.", response = ModelResource.class)
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_TOPOLOGIES_MSG, response = ModelResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/models/{" + HttpConstants.ID_NAME + "}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = {
            MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    public ResponseEntity<?> getModel(
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
                    value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME,
                    defaultValue = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_DEFAULT)
              @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, required = false) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
            @PathVariable(HttpConstants.ID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ID_MSG, required = true) String id) {

        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();"[SenseRmController] operation = {}, id = {}, accept = {}, ifModifiedSince = {}, model = {}",
                location, id, accept, ifModifiedSince, model);

        // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
        long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

        // Return the local in HTTP header.
        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

        try {
            // Retrieve the model if newer than specified If-Modified-Since header.
            ModelResponse response = driver.getModel(id, model, ifms).get();

            if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
                return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

            ModelResource m = response.getModel().get();

            // Get the creation time for HTTP header.
            long creationTime = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(m.getCreationTime()).toGregorianCalendar()

  "[SenseRmController] returning id = {}, creationTime = {}, queried If-Modified-Since = {}\n{}",
                    m.getId(), m.getCreationTime(), ifModifiedSince, Encoder.encode(m.getModel()));

            // Update the HREF to point to the absolute URL for the resource.
            if (encode) {

            return new ResponseEntity<>(m, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (InterruptedException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException | ExecutionException ex) {
            log.error("[SenseRmController] getModel failed, ex = {}", ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

     * ***********************************************************************
     * GET /api/sense/v1/models/{id}/deltas ***********************************************************************
     * Returns a list of accepted delta resources associated with the specified SENSE topology model.
     * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment 'application/json' is the
     * supported response encoding.
     * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting all models with
     * creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format.
     * @param summary If summary=true then a summary collection of delta resources will be returned including the delta
    meta-data while excluding the addition, reduction, and m elements. Default value is summary=true.
     * @param encode Transfer size of the model element contents can be optimized by gzip/base64
     *    encoding the contained model.  If encode=true then returned model will be gzipped
     *    (contentType="application/x-gzip") and base64 encoded (contentTransferEncoding= "base64")
     *    to reduce transfer size. Default value is encode=false.
     * @param model If model=turtle then the returned addition, reduction, and m elements will contain the full
    topology model in a TURTLE representation. Default value is model=turtle.
     * @param id The UUID uniquely identifying the topology model resource.
     * @return A RESTful response.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Get a collection of delta resources associated with the model resource "
            + "identified by id.", notes = "Returns a collection of delta resources associated with a model resource.", response = DeltaResource.class, responseContainer = "List")
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTAS_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseContainer = "List", responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/models/{" + HttpConstants.ID_NAME
            + "}/deltas", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    public ResponseEntity<?> getModelDeltas(
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, required = false) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_MSG, required = false) boolean summary,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
            @PathVariable(HttpConstants.ID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ID_MSG, required = true) String id) {

        // We need the request URL to build fully qualified resource URLs.
        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();
                "[SenseRmController] GET operation = {}, accept = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}, current = {}, "
                        + "summary = {}, model = {}, modelId = {}",
                location, accept, ifModifiedSince, summary, model, id);

        // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
        long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

        // Populate the content location header with our URL location.
        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

        try {
            // Track matching deltas here.
            List<DeltaResource> deltas = new ArrayList<>();

            // Keep track of the most recently updated delta date.
            long newest = 0;

            // Query the driver for a list of deltas.
            DeltasResponse response = driver.getDeltas(model, ifms).get();
            if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
                return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

            // The requester asked for a list of models so apply any filtering criteria.
            for (DeltaResource d : response.getDeltas()) {
                long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(d.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

      "[SenseRmController] delta id = {}, lastModified = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}", d.getId(),
                        d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

                // Create the unique resource URL.
                d.setHref(UrlHelper.append(location.toASCIIString(), d.getId()));

                // If summary results are requested we do not return the model.
                if (summary) {
                } else {
                    // If they requested an encoded transfer we will encode the model contents.
                    if (encode) {

                // Save this model and update If-Modified-Since with the creation time.

                if (lastModified > newest) {
                    newest = lastModified;

            // Update the LastModified header with the value of the newest model.

            // We have success so return the models we have found.
            return new ResponseEntity<>(deltas, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (InterruptedException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException | IllegalArgumentException
                | ExecutionException ex) {
            log.error("[SenseRmController] getDeltas failed, ex = {}", ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

     * ***********************************************************************
     * GET /api/sense/v1/models/{id}/deltas/{deltaId}
     * ***********************************************************************
     * Returns the delta resource identified by deltaId that is associated with model identified by id within the Resource
     * Manager.
     * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment 'application/json' is the
     * supported response encoding.
     * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting all models with
     * creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format.
     * @param encode
     * @param model This versions detailed topology model in the requested format (TURTLE, etc.). To optimize transfer
     * the contents of this model element should be gzipped (contentType="application/x-gzip") and base64 encoded
     * (contentTransferEncoding="base64"). This will reduce the transfer size and encapsulate the original model contents.
     * @param id Identifier of the target topology model resource.
     * @param deltaId Identifier of the target delta resource.
     * @return A RESTful response.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Get a specific SENSE topology model resource.", notes = "Returns SENSE topology model resource corresponding to the specified resource id.", response = DeltaResource.class)
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/models/{" + HttpConstants.ID_NAME + "}/deltas/{" + HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME
            + "}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    public ResponseEntity<?> getModelDelta(
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_DEFAULT) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
            @PathVariable(HttpConstants.ID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ID_MSG, required = true) String id,
            @PathVariable(HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.DELTAID_MSG, required = true) String deltaId) {

        // Get the requested resource URL.
        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();
                "[SenseRmController] operation = {}, id = {}, deltaId = {}, accept = {}, ifModifiedSince = {}, model = {}",
                location, id, deltaId, accept, ifModifiedSince, model);

        // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
        long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

        try {
            DeltaResponse response = driver.getDelta(deltaId, model, ifms).get();
            if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
                return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

            DeltaResource d = response.getDelta().get();

  "[SenseRmController] deltaId = {}, lastModified = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}", d.getId(),
                    d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

            long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(d.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

            if (encode) {


                    "[SenseRmController] getDelta returning id = {}, creationTime = {}, queried If-Modified-Since = {}.",
                    d.getId(), d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

            return new ResponseEntity<>(d, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException ex) {
            log.error("getDelta failed, ex = {}", ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

     * ***********************************************************************
     * POST /api/sense/v1/models/{id}/deltas
     * *********************************************************************** @param accept
     * @param accept
     * @param deltaRequest
     * @param model
     * @param id
     * @return
    @ApiOperation(value = "Submits a proposed model delta to the Resource Manager based on the model identified by id.", notes = "The Resource Manager must verify the proposed model change, confirming (201 Created), rejecting (500 Internal Server Error), or proposing an optional counter-offer (200 OK).", response = DeltaResource.class)
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_COUNTER_MSG, response = DeltaRequest.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.CREATED_CODE, message = HttpConstants.CREATED_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.CONFLICT_CODE, message = HttpConstants.CONFLICT_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/models/{" + HttpConstants.ID_NAME
            + "}/deltas", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = {
                    MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE }, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    public ResponseEntity<?> propagateModelDelta(
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
            @PathVariable(HttpConstants.ID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ID_MSG, required = true) String id,
            @RequestBody @ApiParam(value = "A JSON structure-containing the model reduction and/or addition "
                    + " elements. If provided, the model reduction element is applied first, "
                    + " followed by the model addition element.", required = true) DeltaRequest deltaRequest) {"propagateModelDelta: {}", deltaRequest);

        DeltaResource delta = new DeltaResource();
                "H4sIACKIo1cAA+1Y32/aMBB+56+I6NtUx0loVZEV1K6bpkm0m5Y+7NWNTbCa2JEdCP3vZydULYUEh0CnQXlC+O6+O/ u7X1ylgozp3BJ4LH3rcpJlqQ9hnud23rO5iKDnOA50XKgEgAwnJEEnQ8vuXC30eB5XqXnQuYDqfEl+LnGVvAv/3I6CVQiFv FbF7ff7UKF4Hiice2IZmgMml5RZ8sq/0n9p82hcWFCHCtjtQacHH5AkS5qJkNWa6rDUdD2Y8ZTHPHoqtDudy6lgvpLzGclyL h59zBNE2YBIW/0y7FhvPqjw8X5h5LS40TuUEPyDYTqjeIpi6/OKltZ5IDFnkbzn1gqmxMxO0DyiEUp5qoGfj4YVxiZIfqGYCh JmlDMU/+IiW7W7FIvPOCYDOWUMhOLcT5XG4AJ60PVjyh4HKPbk8NTIBmIxSIRXmpgT4EAXOqWVT4YmwgkNX9w4V wZeu1EddEDEjIZkE4YyktNMgbCoyhhTj2Z1vwVK3PoZ3Fz/DqyvN3ddTYoq49o3bd6mLCNCffFsgqeHwZH1sS04gxmQua 3fbI1I8YIkm5xDr3xCInXmVPPAAEqztAaqtwQFtHQ7vBzJiQmeeoAW5KxwxJisP57VrOuRF2xB1ZZ37M9ixIBALCLrSG9ct 0dI8fy74NN02CQ5Yq2WPaVkE5KqaQ5UIRRRnWinq+51huIpkVbXA2dO/6ztjTZhUUXRWEnYHVUPcwY2zaOafHh553fKz dcErXCLyuuYIlnpEBYo4quVVvtzezO6K2Fd0AMG/arMWuoBLQTcWnqZ9tcNOahhX679/8muNX27IrrgWWBRbZvESFjIsV LdXYhHOYcVVAlylKb6LrtjFEvStnY2Gi4ONAn2Mxh9dJr3mYi2bDjmRWHHXaYe7N+wZk0b2FTH2rHC+EJ28NL7Se9aVp Ry9ZwwyNTDa8Uf627LdXcfM8CWk/4BTQBblaMDjb92ND2C+Gun+yNsz6ZbcdPuLBSQfLvwJ1QggDPmF6Uo5IyVt+rnCq es+AaNt7cbsh/jaxtn//6GsWYDgAEdvHddkj8Wv/3/+bCDnW+rf2DW7Xx/ASQO0KQcHgAA");
        URI deltaURI;
        try {
            deltaURI = new URI("http://localhost:8080/sense/v1/deltas/922f4388-c8f6-4014-b6ce-5482289b0200");
        } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
            Error error = new Error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.toString(), ex.getLocalizedMessage(), null);
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, null, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();

        log.error("URL: " + location.toASCIIString());

        //return Response.created(deltaURI).entity(getProxy().serialize(delta)).build();
        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        return new ResponseEntity<>(delta, headers, HttpStatus.CREATED);

     * Returns a collection of delta resources.
     * Operation: GET /api/sense/v1/deltas
     * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment 'application/json' is the
     * supported response encoding.
     * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting all models with
     * creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format.
     * @param summary If summary=true then a summary collection of delta resources will be returned including the delta
    meta-data while excluding the addition, reduction, and m elements. Default value is summary=true.
     * @param encode
     * @param model If model=turtle then the returned addition, reduction, and m elements will contain the full
    topology model in a TURTLE representation. Default value is model=turtle.
     * @return A RESTful response.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Get a collection of accepted delta resources.", notes = "Returns a collection of available delta resources.", response = DeltaResource.class, responseContainer = "List")
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTAS_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseContainer = "List", responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/deltas", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    @ResourceAnnotation(name = "deltas", version = "v1")
    public ResponseEntity<?> getDeltas(
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_DEFAULT) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_MSG, required = false) boolean summary,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode) {

        // We need the request URL to build fully qualified resource URLs.
        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();"[SenseRmController] GET operation = {}, accept = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}, current = {}, "
                + "summary = {}, model = {}", location, accept, ifModifiedSince, summary, model);

        // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
        long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

        // Populate the content location header with our URL location.
        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

        try {
            // Track matching deltas here.
            List<DeltaResource> deltas = new ArrayList<>();

            // Keep track of the most recently updated delta date.
            long newest = 0;

            // Query the driver for a list of deltas.
            DeltasResponse response = driver.getDeltas(model, ifms).get();
            if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
                return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

            // The requester asked for a list of models so apply any filtering criteria.
            for (DeltaResource d : response.getDeltas()) {
                long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(d.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

      "[SenseRmController] delta id = {}, lastModified = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}", d.getId(),
                        d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

                // Create the unique resource URL.
                d.setHref(UrlHelper.append(location.toASCIIString(), d.getId()));

                // If summary results are requested we do not return the model.
                if (summary) {
                } else {
                    // If they requested an encoded transfer we will encode the model contents.
                    if (encode) {

                // Save this model and update If-Modified-Since with the creation time.

                if (lastModified > newest) {
                    newest = lastModified;

            // Update the LastModified header with the value of the newest model.

            // We have success so return the models we have found.
            return new ResponseEntity<>(deltas, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (InterruptedException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException | IllegalArgumentException
                | ExecutionException ex) {
            log.error("[SenseRmController] getDeltas failed, ex = {}", ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

     * Returns the delta resource identified by deltaId.
     * Operation: GET /api/sense/v1/deltas/{deltaId}
     * @param accept Provides media types that are acceptable for the response. At the moment 'application/json' is the
     * supported response encoding.
     * @param summary
     * @param ifModifiedSince The HTTP request may contain the If-Modified-Since header requesting all models with
     * creationTime after the specified date. The date must be specified in RFC 1123 format.
     * @param encode
     * @param model Specifies the model encoding to use (i.e. turtle, ttl, json-ld, etc).
     * @param deltaId Identifier of the target delta resource.
     * @return A RESTful response.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Get a specific SENSE topology model resource.", notes = "Returns SENSE topology model resource corresponding to the specified resource id.", response = DeltaResource.class)
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED, message = HttpConstants.NOT_MODIFIED_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/deltas/{" + HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME + "}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = {
            MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    public ResponseEntity<?> getDelta(
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_NAME, required = false) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_MSG, required = false) String ifModifiedSince,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.SUMMARY_MSG, required = false) boolean summary,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
            @PathVariable(HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.DELTAID_MSG, required = true) String deltaId) {

        // Get the requested resource URL.
        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();"[SenseRmController] operation = {}, id = {}, accept = {}, ifModifiedSince = {}, model = {}",
                location, deltaId, accept, ifModifiedSince, model);

        // Parse the If-Modified-Since header if it is present.
        long ifms = parseIfModfiedSince(ifModifiedSince);

        // We need to return the current location of this resource in the response header.
        final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

        try {
            // Query for the requested delta.
            DeltaResponse response = driver.getDelta(deltaId, model, ifms).get();
            if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
                return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

            DeltaResource d = response.getDelta().get();

  "[SenseRmController] deltaId = {}, lastModified = {}, If-Modified-Since = {}", d.getId(),
                    d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);

            // Determine when this was last modified.
            long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(d.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

            // Do we need to return this delta?
            if (lastModified <= ifms) {
      "[SenseRmController] returning not modified, deltaId = {}", d.getId());
                return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED);

            if (summary) {
                // If a summary resource view was requested we do not send back any models.
            } else if (encode) {
                // Compress and base64 encode the model contents if requested.

                    "[SenseRmController] getDelta returning id = {}, creationTime = {}, queried If-Modified-Since = {}.",
                    d.getId(), d.getLastModified(), ifModifiedSince);
            return new ResponseEntity<>(d, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException ex) {
            log.error("[SenseRmController] getDelta failed, deltaId = {}, ex = {}", deltaId, ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())

            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

     * Submits a proposed model delta to the Resource Manager based on the model
     * identified by modelId within the deltaRequest.
     * Operation: POST /api/sense/v1/deltas
     * @param accept
     * @param deltaRequest
     * @param encode
     * @param model
     * @return
     * @throws
    @ApiOperation(value = "Submits a proposed model delta to the Resource Manager based on the model "
            + "identified by id.", notes = "The Resource Manager must verify the proposed model change, confirming "
                    + "(201 Created), rejecting (500 Internal Server Error), or proposing an "
                    + "optional counter-offer (200 OK).", response = DeltaResource.class)
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.OK_CODE, message = HttpConstants.OK_DELTA_COUNTER_MSG, response = DeltaRequest.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.CREATED_CODE, message = HttpConstants.CREATED_MSG, response = DeltaResource.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class),
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_NAME, description = HttpConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.CONFLICT_CODE, message = HttpConstants.CONFLICT_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/deltas", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = {
            MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE }, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    public ResponseEntity<?> propagateDelta(
            @RequestHeader(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_NAME, defaultValue = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ACCEPT_MSG, required = false) String accept,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_NAME, defaultValue = HttpConstants.MODEL_TURTLE) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.MODEL_MSG, required = false) String model,
            @RequestParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_NAME, defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.ENCODE_MSG, required = false) boolean encode,
            @RequestBody @ApiParam(value = "A JSON structure-containing the model reduction and/or addition "
                    + " elements. If provided, the model reduction element is applied first, "
                    + " followed by the model addition element.", required = true) DeltaRequest deltaRequest)
            throws URISyntaxException {

        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();
                "[SenseRmController] POST operation = {}, accept = {}, deltaId = {}, modelId = {}, deltaRequest = {}",
                location, accept, deltaRequest.getId(), model, deltaRequest);

        // If the requester did not specify a delta id then we need to create one.
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(deltaRequest.getId())) {
  "[SenseRmController] assigning delta id = {}", deltaRequest.getId());

        try {
            if (encode) {
                if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(deltaRequest.getAddition())) {

                if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(deltaRequest.getReduction())) {

            // We need to return the current location of this resource in the response header.
            final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

            // Query for the requested delta.
            DeltaResponse response = driver.propagateDelta(deltaRequest, model).get();
            if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.CREATED) {
                return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

            DeltaResource delta = response.getDelta().get();

            String contentLocation = UrlHelper.append(location.toASCIIString(), delta.getId());

  "[SenseRmController] Delta id = {}, lastModified = {}, content-location = {}", delta.getId(),
                    delta.getLastModified(), contentLocation);

            long lastModified = XmlUtilities.xmlGregorianCalendar(delta.getLastModified()).toGregorianCalendar()

            if (encode) {
                if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(delta.getAddition())) {

                if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(delta.getReduction())) {

                if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(delta.getResult())) {

            headers.add("Content-Location", contentLocation);

  "[SenseRmController] Delta returning id = {}, creationTime = {}", delta.getId(),

            return new ResponseEntity<>(delta, headers, HttpStatus.CREATED);
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException | DatatypeConfigurationException ex) {
            log.error("pullModel failed", ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

     * Transition a delta resource from the Accepted to Committed state.
     * Operation: PUT /api/sense/v1/deltas/{id}/actions/commit
     * @param deltaId The identifier of the delta resource to commit.
     * @return A RESTful response with status NO_CONTENT if successful.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Transition a delta resource from the Accepted to Committed state.", notes = "The Resource Manager must verify the proposed delta commit and will "
            + "confirm success returning (204 No Content).", response = DeltaResource.class)
    @ApiResponses(value = {
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NO_CONTENT_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NO_CONTENT_MSG),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_CODE, message = HttpConstants.BAD_REQUEST_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_CODE, message = HttpConstants.FORBIDDEN_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_FOUND_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_CODE, message = HttpConstants.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }),
            @ApiResponse(code = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, message = HttpConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG, response = Error.class, responseHeaders = {
                    @ResponseHeader(name = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME, description = HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DESC, response = String.class) }), })
    @RequestMapping(value = "/deltas/{" + HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME
            + "}/actions/commit", method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
    public ResponseEntity<?> commitDelta(
            @PathVariable(HttpConstants.DELTAID_NAME) @ApiParam(value = HttpConstants.DELTAID_MSG, required = true) String deltaId) {

        // Get the requested resource URL.
        final URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequestUri().build().toUri();"[SenseRmController] operation = {}, deltaId = {}", location, deltaId);

        DeltaResource d;
        try {
            // We need to return the current location of this resource in the response header.
            final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
            headers.add("Content-Location", location.toASCIIString());

            // Query for the requested delta.
            DeltaResponse response = driver.commitDelta(deltaId).get();
            if (response == null || response.getStatus() != Status.NO_CONTENT) {
                return toResponseEntity(headers, response);

            DeltaResource delta = response.getDelta().get();
  "[SenseRmController] commitDelta deltaId = {}, lastModified = {}", delta.getId(),

            return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
            log.error("getDelta failed, ex = {}", ex);
            Error error = Error.builder().error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getReasonPhrase())
            return new ResponseEntity<>(error, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);