Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Heroic Efforts, LLC * * This file is part of Viable. * * Viable is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Viable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Viable. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback; import android.accounts.AccountManagerFuture; import android.accounts.AuthenticatorException; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; /** * This is the repository implementation that bridges to the Google Issue Tracker. Viable client applications that * wish to register their I.T. project should add lines similar to those found below:<br/> * <br/><pre> <meta-data android:name="viable-provider" android:value="Google" /> <meta-data android:name="viable-project-name" android:value="<your project name, defined after the /p/ in Google's URL>" /> <meta-data android:name="viable-project-description" android:value="A description of your project." /> <meta-data android:name="viable-project-lead" android:value="<Your Name>" /> <meta-data android:name="viable-project-versions" android:value="1.0.0, 1.1.0" /> * </pre><br/> * * @author jevans * */ public class GIssueTrackerRepository implements Repository { private static final String APPEND_MAX_RESULTS = "&max-results="; private static final String ISSUE_BASE_URL = ""; private static final String PARAM_PROJECT_NAME = "viable-project-name"; private static final String PARAM_VERSIONS = "viable-project-versions"; protected static final String TAG = "GIssueTrackerRepository"; private static final String PARAM_PROJECT_DESC = "viable-project-description"; private static final String PARAM_PROJECT_ADMIN = "viable-project-lead"; private Activity act; private static ProjectHostingService host; private String projectName; private String appName; private String description; private String lead; private List<VersionDetail> versions = new ArrayList<VersionDetail>(); private AccountManagerCallback<Bundle> callback = new AccountManagerCallback<Bundle>() { public void run(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future) { try { String token = future.getResult().getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN); if (Config.LOGV) Log.v(TAG, "New account token: " + token); host.setAuthSubToken(token); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error adding account.", e); } } }; public GIssueTrackerRepository(String appName, Activity act, Bundle metaData) throws CreateException { this.appName = appName; this.act = act; this.projectName = metaData.getString(PARAM_PROJECT_NAME); if (projectName == null) throw new CreateException("No '" + "viable-project-name" + "' meta-data field defined for application. Google Isusue Tracker Repository cannot be constructed."); this.description = metaData.getString(PARAM_PROJECT_DESC); this.lead = metaData.getString(PARAM_PROJECT_ADMIN); String versionStr = metaData.getString(PARAM_VERSIONS); if (versionStr != null) { String[] versions = versionStr.split("[ ]*,[ ]*"); for (String version : versions) this.versions.add(new VersionDetail(version)); } try { host = new ProjectHostingService(); String token = Authenticate.authenticate(act, GCLAccountAuthenticator.TOKEN_TYPE_ISSUE_TRACKER); if (token != null) host.setAuthSubToken(token); else { //TODO add popup. AccountManager acct = (AccountManager) act.getSystemService(Context.ACCOUNT_SERVICE); if (Config.LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Requesting account creation."); acct.addAccount(GCLAccountAuthenticator.ACCT_TYPE, "code", null, null, act, callback, null); } } catch (AuthenticatorException e) { throw new CreateException( "Exception authenticating Google account for Issue Tracker repository access."); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CreateException("Exception creating Google Issue Tracker repository.", e); } } GIssueTrackerRepository(String appName, String username, String password) throws AuthenticationException, NetworkException { this.projectName = appName; host = new ProjectHostingService(); host.setUserCredentials(username, password); } public Issue exists(Issue issue) throws ServiceException { String hash = createHash(issue); return findByHash(hash); } private Issue findByHash(String hash) throws ServiceException { try { Issue retVal = null; if (hash != null) { URL feedUrl = new URL(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full"); IssuesQuery myQuery = new IssuesQuery(feedUrl); myQuery.setLabel("Hash-" + hash); IssuesFeed resultFeed = host.query(myQuery); if (resultFeed.getEntries().size() > 0) { retVal = resultFeed.getEntries().get(0); retVal.setAppName(appName); } } return retVal; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error retrieving issue by hash '" + hash + "'.", e); } } public Issue findById(String issueId) throws ServiceException { try { URL feedUrl = new URL(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full/" + issueId); Issue found = host.getEntry(feedUrl); if (found != null) found.setAppName(appName); return found; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error searching for issue '" + issueId + "'.", e); } } public CommentSet findCommentsForIssue(String issueId, int page, int pageSize) throws ServiceException { try { int startIndex = ((page - 1) * pageSize) + 1; // 1 based int maxResults = pageSize + 1; URL feedUrl = new URL(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/" + issueId + "/comments/full" + "?start-index=" + startIndex + APPEND_MAX_RESULTS + maxResults); IssueCommentsFeed resultFeed = host.getFeed(feedUrl); List<Comment> comments = resultFeed.getEntries(); CommentSet set = null; if (comments.size() > pageSize) set = new CommentSet(comments.subList(0, pageSize), true); else set = new CommentSet(comments, false); return set; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error retrieving comments for issue '" + issueId + "'.", e); } } public ProjectDetail getApplicationStats() throws ServiceException { String name = appName; String url = "" + projectName; long unfixedBugs = count(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full?can=open&label=Type-Defect"); long fixedBugs = count(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full?label=Type-Defect") - unfixedBugs; long unfixedImprovements = 0; long fixedImprovements = 0; long unfixedFeatures = count(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full?can=open&label=Type-Enhancement"); long fixedFeatures = count(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full?label=Type-Enhancement") - unfixedFeatures; List<VersionDetail> versions = new ArrayList<VersionDetail>(); ProjectDetail project = new ProjectDetail(); project.setName(name); project.setDescription(description); project.setLead(lead); project.setUrl(url); project.setUnfixedBugs(unfixedBugs); project.setFixedBugs(fixedBugs); project.setUnfixedImprovements(unfixedImprovements); project.setFixedImprovements(fixedImprovements); project.setUnfixedFeatures(unfixedFeatures); project.setFixedFeatures(fixedFeatures); project.setVersions(versions); return project; } private long count(String query) throws ServiceException { try { if (query.indexOf('?') == -1) query += "?"; else query += "&"; URL feedUrl = new URL(query + "start-index=" + 1 + APPEND_MAX_RESULTS + 0); IssueCommentsFeed resultFeed = host.getFeed(feedUrl); return resultFeed.getTotalResults(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error counting query '" + query + "'.", e); } } public int postIssue(Issue issue) throws ServiceException { try { URL postUrl = new URL(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full"); issue.setHash(createHash(issue)); host.insert(postUrl, issue); issue.setAppName(appName); return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED; } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Log.i(TAG, "Authorization failed.", e); manageAccount(); return HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error posting issue.", e); } } // private int updateIssue(Issue issue) // throws ServiceException // { // try // { // URL putUrl = new URL("" + projectName + "/issues/" + issue.getIssueId()); // issue.setHash(createHash(issue)); // host.update(putUrl, issue); // issue.setAppName(appName); // return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED; // } // catch (AuthenticationException e) // { // Log.i(TAG, "Authorization failed.", e); // manageAccount(); // return HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED; // } // catch (MalformedURLException e) // { // throw new ServiceException("Error posting issue.", e); // } // } private void manageAccount() { AccountManager accMgr = (AccountManager) act.getSystemService(Context.ACCOUNT_SERVICE); if (Config.LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Requesting account creation."); Account[] accts = accMgr.getAccountsByType(GCLAccountAuthenticator.ACCT_TYPE); if (accts.length > 0) accMgr.confirmCredentials(accts[0], null, act, callback, null); else accMgr.addAccount(GCLAccountAuthenticator.ACCT_TYPE, GCLAccountAuthenticator.TOKEN_TYPE_ISSUE_TRACKER, null, null, act, callback, null); } public int postIssueComment(Issue issue, Comment comment) throws ServiceException { try { URL postUrl = new URL( ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/" + issue.getIssueId() + "/comments/full"); comment = host.insert(postUrl, comment); return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED; } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Log.i(TAG, "Authorization failed.", e); manageAccount(); return HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error posting comment.", e); } } // private void appendEnvValue(StringBuilder envBuf) // { // envBuf.append("Phone - Device: ").append(Build.DEVICE).append(", Model: ") // .append(Build.MODEL).append(", SDK: ").append(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT); // } private String createHash(Issue issue) { String hash = null; if (issue.getStacktrace() != null) { String projectKey = projectName; try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); try { md.update(projectKey.getBytes("UTF8")); md.update(issue.getStacktrace().getBytes("UTF8")); byte[] hashBytes = md.digest(); String hex = new BigInteger(1, hashBytes).toString(16); if (hex.length() % 2 != 0) hex = "0" + hex; hash = hex; issue.setHash(hash); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error generating bug hash using UTF8 encoding. Hash disabled.", e); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error generating bug hash. Failed to find SHA digest. Hash disabled.", e); } } return hash; } public SearchResults search(SearchParams params) throws ServiceException { final int startIdx = (params.getPage() - 1) * params.getPageSize(); final int pageSize = params.getPageSize(); LinkedHashSet<Issue> issues = new LinkedHashSet<Issue>(); for (int i = startIdx; i < params.getIds().size() && i < startIdx + pageSize + i; i++) issues.add(findById(params.getIds().get(i))); if (issues.size() <= pageSize) { Issue issue = findByHash(params.getHash()); if (issue != null) issues.add(issue); } if (issues.size() <= pageSize) { long skip = startIdx; long skipped = params.getIds().size() + (params.getHash() != null ? 1 : 0); for (int i = 0; i < params.getAffectedVersions().size() && issues.size() <= pageSize; i++) { long count = countIssuesByVersion(params.getAffectedVersions().get(i)); if (skipped + count > skip) { int needed = pageSize - issues.size() + 1; long startAt = skip - skipped; if (startAt < 0) startAt = 0; issues.addAll(findIssuesByVersion(params.getAffectedVersions().get(i), startAt, needed)); skipped = skip; } else { skipped += count; } } } setAppName(issues); if (issues.size() > pageSize) return new SearchResults(new ArrayList<Issue>(issues).subList(0, pageSize), true); else return new SearchResults(new ArrayList<Issue>(issues), false); } public boolean vote(Issue issue) throws ServiceException { // issue.setVotes(issue.getVotes() + 1); // return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED == updateIssue(issue); return false; } private void setAppName(LinkedHashSet<Issue> issues) { for (Issue issue : issues) issue.setAppName(appName); } private Collection<? extends Issue> findIssuesByVersion(String version, long startAt, int max) throws ServiceException { startAt += 1; //1 based try { String feedStr; if (!"all".equals(version)) feedStr = ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full?label=AffectedVersion-" + version + "&start-index=" + startAt + APPEND_MAX_RESULTS + max; else feedStr = ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full?start-index=" + startAt + APPEND_MAX_RESULTS + max; URL feedUrl = new URL(feedStr); IssuesQuery myQuery = new IssuesQuery(feedUrl); IssuesFeed resultFeed = host.query(myQuery); return resultFeed.getEntries(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ServiceException("Error retrieving issues for version '" + version + "'.", e); } } private long countIssuesByVersion(String version) throws ServiceException { if (!"all".equals(version)) return count(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full?label=AffectedVersion-" + version); else return count(ISSUE_BASE_URL + projectName + "/issues/full"); } public Set<? extends IssueResource> getDefaultStates() { return ITResourceFlyweight.getDefaultStates(); } public Set<? extends IssueResource> getDefaultDefectStates() { return ITResourceFlyweight.getDefaultDefectStates(); } public IssueResource getState(String type, String priority, String state) { return ITResourceFlyweight.getState(type, priority, state); } public List<VersionDetail> getApplicationVersions() { return versions; } public IssueResource getUninstallState() { return ITResourceFlyweight.getUninstallState(); } }