Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009-2010 Ibrahim Chaehoi
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
 * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
package net.jawr.web.bundle.processor;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import net.jawr.web.JawrConstant;
import net.jawr.web.bundle.processor.renderer.BasicBundleRenderer;
import net.jawr.web.bundle.processor.renderer.RenderedLink;
import net.jawr.web.bundle.processor.spring.SpringControllerBundleProcessor;
import net.jawr.web.config.JawrConfig;
import net.jawr.web.context.ThreadLocalJawrContext;
import net.jawr.web.resource.BinaryResourcesHandler;
import net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.IOUtils;
import net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.JoinableResourceBundle;
import net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.factory.util.PathNormalizer;
import net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.handler.ResourceBundlesHandler;
import net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.renderer.BundleRendererContext;
import net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.variant.VariantUtils;
import net.jawr.web.servlet.JawrRequestHandler;
import net.jawr.web.servlet.JawrServlet;
import net.jawr.web.servlet.mock.MockServletConfig;
import net.jawr.web.servlet.mock.MockServletContext;
import net.jawr.web.servlet.mock.MockServletRequest;
import net.jawr.web.servlet.mock.MockServletResponse;
import net.jawr.web.servlet.mock.MockServletSession;
import net.jawr.web.util.FileUtils;
import net.jawr.web.util.StringUtils;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

 * The bundle processor is managing the bundle processing at build time.
 * @author Ibrahim Chaehoi
public class BundleProcessor {

    /** The logger */
    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BundleProcessor.class);

    /** The default servlet API version */
    private static final String DEFAULT_SERVLET_API_VERSION_2_3 = "2.3";

    /** The jawr bundle processor context path */
    private static final String JAWR_BUNDLE_PROCESSOR_CONTEXT_PATH = "jawr-bundle-processor";

    /** The jar file extension */
    private static final String JAR_FILE_EXTENSION = ".jar";

    /** The /WEB-INF/lib directory path */
    private static final String WEB_INF_LIB_DIR_PATH = "/WEB-INF/lib/";

    /** The /WEB-INF/classes directory path */
    private static final String WEB_INF_CLASSES_DIR_PATH = "/WEB-INF/classes/";

    /** The path to the web.xml file from the web application root directory */
    private static final String WEB_XML_FILE_PATH = "WEB-INF/web.xml";

    /** The name of the param-name tag */
    private static final String PARAM_NAME_TAG_NAME = "param-name";

    /** The name of the param-value tag */
    private static final String PARAM_VALUE_TAG_NAME = "param-value";

    /** The name of the servlet tag */
    private static final String SERVLET_TAG_NAME = "servlet";

    /** The name of the listener tag */
    private static final String CONTEXT_TAG_NAME = "context-param";

    /** The name of the servlet-class tag */
    private static final String SERVLET_CLASS_TAG_NAME = "servlet-class";

    /** The name of the servlet-name tag */
    private static final String SERVLET_NAME_TAG_NAME = "servlet-name";

    /** The name of the param-value tag */
    private static final String INIT_PARAM_TAG_NAME = "init-param";

    /** The name of the load on startup tag */
    private static final String LOAD_ON_STARTUP_TAG_NAME = "load-on-startup";

    /** The init type parameter */
    private static final String TYPE_INIT_PARAMETER = "type";

    /** The CDN directory name */
    private static final String CDN_DIR_NAME = "/CDN";

    /** The parameter name of the spring context config location */
    public static final String CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM = "contextConfigLocation";

    // The following constants are related to the jawr-apache-httpd.conf file

    /** The path to the template Jawr apache HTTPD conf */
    private static final String TEMPLATE_JAWR_APACHE_HTTPD_CONF_PATH = "/net/jawr/web/bundle/resource/template-jawr-apache-httpd.conf";

    /** The file name of the jawr-apache-httpd.conf file */
    private static final String JAWR_APACHE_HTTPD_CONF_FILE = "jawr-apache-httpd.conf";

     * The statement which define that we should check the JS servlet mapping is
     * defined, before processing the next line
    private static final String CHECKS_JAWR_JS_SERVLET_MAPPING_EXISTS = "## if <jawr.js.servlet.mapping>";

     * The statement which define that we should check the CSS servlet mapping
     * is defined, before processing the next line
    private static final String CHECK_JAWR_CSS_SERVLET_MAPPING_EXISTS = "## if <jawr.css.servlet.mapping>";

    /** The pattern for the jawr image servlet mapping in the template file */
    private static final String JAWR_IMG_SERVLET_MAPPING_PATTERN = "<jawr\\.img\\.servlet\\.mapping>";

    /** The pattern for the jawr CSS servlet mapping in the template file */
    private static final String JAWR_CSS_SERVLET_MAPPING_PATTERN = "<jawr\\.css\\.servlet\\.mapping>";

    /** The pattern for the jawr JS servlet mapping in the template file */
    private static final String JAWR_JS_SERVLET_MAPPING_PATTERN = "<jawr\\.js\\.servlet\\.mapping>";

    /** The root directory which will contains the resource on the CDN */
    private static final String APP_ROOT_DIR_PATTERN = "<app\\.root\\.dir>";

    /** The default web application URL */
    private static final String DEFAULT_WEBAPP_URL = "{WEBAPP_URL}";

     * Launch the bundle processing
     * @param baseDirPath
     *            the base directory path
     * @param tmpDirPath
     *            the temp directory path
     * @param destDirPath
     *            the destination directory path
     * @param generateCdnFiles
     *            the flag indicating if we should generate the CDN files or not
     * @throws Exception
     *             if an exception occurs
    public void process(String baseDirPath, String tmpDirPath, String destDirPath, boolean generateCdnFiles)
            throws Exception {
        process(baseDirPath, tmpDirPath, destDirPath, generateCdnFiles, DEFAULT_SERVLET_API_VERSION_2_3);

     * Launch the bundle processing
     * @param baseDirPath
     *            the base directory path
     * @param tmpDirPath
     *            the temp directory path
     * @param destDirPath
     *            the destination directory path
     * @param generateCdnFiles
     *            the flag indicating if we should generate the CDN files or not
     * @throws Exception
     *             if an exception occurs
    public void process(String baseDirPath, String tmpDirPath, String destDirPath, boolean generateCdnFiles,
            String servletApiVersion) throws Exception {

        process(baseDirPath, tmpDirPath, destDirPath, null, new ArrayList<String>(), generateCdnFiles, false,

     * Launch the bundle processing
     * @param baseDirPath
     *            the base directory path
     * @param tmpDirPath
     *            the temp directory path
     * @param destDirPath
     *            the destination directory path
     * @param springConfigFiles
     *            the spring config file to initialize
     * @param propertyPlaceHolderFile
     *            the path to the property place holder file
     * @param servletNames
     *            the list of the name of servlets to initialized
     * @param generateCdnFiles
     *            the flag indicating if we should generate the CDN files or not
     * @param keepUrlMapping
     *            the flag indicating if we should keep the URL mapping or not.
     * @param servletApiVersion
     *            the servlet API version (ex: "2.3" or "2.5")
     * @throws Exception
     *             if an exception occurs
    public void process(String baseDirPath, String tmpDirPath, String destDirPath, String springConfigFiles,
            List<String> servletsToInitialize, boolean generateCdnFiles, boolean keepUrlMapping,
            String servletApiVersion) throws Exception {

        // Creates the web app class loader
        ClassLoader webAppClassLoader = initClassLoader(baseDirPath);

        // Retrieve the parameters from baseDir+"/WEB-INF/web.xml"
        Document doc = getWebXmlDocument(baseDirPath);

        ServletContext servletContext = initServletContext(doc, baseDirPath, tmpDirPath, springConfigFiles,

        List<ServletDefinition> servletDefinitions = getWebXmlServletDefinitions(doc, servletContext,
                servletsToInitialize, webAppClassLoader);

        // Initialize the servlets and retrieve the jawr servlet definitions
        List<ServletDefinition> jawrServletDefinitions = initServlets(servletDefinitions);
        if (jawrServletDefinitions.isEmpty()) {

            logger.debug("No Jawr Servlet defined in web.xml");
            if (servletContext.getInitParameter(CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM) != null) {
                logger.debug("Spring config location defined. Try loading spring context");
                jawrServletDefinitions = initJawrSpringControllers(servletContext);

        // Copy the temporary directory in the dest directory
        FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(tmpDirPath), new File(destDirPath));

        if (generateCdnFiles) {
            // Process the Jawr servlet to generate the bundles
            String cdnDestDirPath = destDirPath + CDN_DIR_NAME;
            processJawrServlets(cdnDestDirPath, jawrServletDefinitions, keepUrlMapping);


     * Returns the XML document of the web.xml file
     * @param webXmlPath
     *            the web.xml path
     * @return the Xml document of the web.xml file
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
     *             if a parser configuration exception occurs
     * @throws FactoryConfigurationError
     *             if a factory configuration exception occurs
     * @throws SAXException
     *             if a SAX exception occurs
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an IO exception occurs
    protected Document getWebXmlDocument(String baseDir)
            throws ParserConfigurationException, FactoryConfigurationError, SAXException, IOException {
        File webXml = new File(baseDir, WEB_XML_FILE_PATH);
        DocumentBuilder docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
        docBuilder.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() {

            public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException {

                return null;

        Document doc = docBuilder.parse(webXml);
        return doc;

     * Initialize the classloader
     * @param baseDirPath
     *            the base directory path
     * @return the class loader
     * @throws MalformedURLException
    protected ClassLoader initClassLoader(String baseDirPath) throws MalformedURLException {
        File webAppClasses = new File(baseDirPath + WEB_INF_CLASSES_DIR_PATH);
        File[] webAppLibs = new File(baseDirPath + WEB_INF_LIB_DIR_PATH).listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                return name.endsWith(JAR_FILE_EXTENSION);

        int length = webAppLibs != null ? webAppLibs.length + 1 : 1;
        URL[] urls = new URL[length];

        urls[0] = webAppClasses.toURI().toURL();

        for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
            urls[i] = webAppLibs[i - 1].toURI().toURL();

        ClassLoader webAppClassLoader = new JawrBundleProcessorCustomClassLoader(urls, getClass().getClassLoader());

        return webAppClassLoader;

     * Initalize the servlet context
     * @param webXmlDoc
     *            the web.xml document
     * @param baseDirPath
     *            the base drectory path
     * @param tmpDirPath
     *            the temp directory path
     * @param springConfigFiles
     *            the list of spring config files
     * @return the servlet context
    protected ServletContext initServletContext(Document webXmlDoc, String baseDirPath, String tmpDirPath,
            String springConfigFiles, String servletAPIversion) {

        // Parse the context parameters
        MockServletContext servletContext = new MockServletContext(servletAPIversion, baseDirPath, tmpDirPath);
        Map<String, Object> servletContextInitParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        NodeList contextParamsNodes = webXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(CONTEXT_TAG_NAME);
        for (int i = 0; i < contextParamsNodes.getLength(); i++) {
            Node node = contextParamsNodes.item(i);
            initializeInitParams(node, servletContextInitParams);

        // Override spring config file if needed
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(springConfigFiles)) {
            servletContextInitParams.put(CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM, springConfigFiles.replace(" ", "%20"));

        return servletContext;

     * Returns the list of servlet definition, which must be initialize
     * @param webXmlDoc
     *            the web.xml document
     * @param servletContext
     *            the servlet context
     * @param servletsToInitialize
     *            the list of servlet to initialize
     * @param webAppClassLoader
     *            the web application class loader
     * @return the list of servlet definition, which must be initialize
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     *             if a class is not found
    protected List<ServletDefinition> getWebXmlServletDefinitions(Document webXmlDoc, ServletContext servletContext,
            List<String> servletsToInitialize, ClassLoader webAppClassLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {

        // Parse the servlet configuration
        NodeList servletNodes = webXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(SERVLET_TAG_NAME);

        List<ServletDefinition> servletDefinitions = new ArrayList<ServletDefinition>();

        for (int i = 0; i < servletNodes.getLength(); i++) {

            String servletName = null;
            Class<?> servletClass = null;
            MockServletConfig config = new MockServletConfig(servletContext);
            int order = i;

            Node servletNode = servletNodes.item(i);
            Map<String, Object> initParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            NodeList childNodes = servletNode.getChildNodes();
            for (int j = 0; j < childNodes.getLength(); j++) {
                Node servletChildNode = childNodes.item(j);
                if (servletChildNode.getNodeName().equals(SERVLET_NAME_TAG_NAME)) {

                    servletName = getTextValue(servletChildNode);

                } else if (servletChildNode.getNodeName().equals(SERVLET_CLASS_TAG_NAME)) {

                    String servletClassName = getTextValue(servletChildNode);
                    servletClass = webAppClassLoader.loadClass(servletClassName);

                } else if (servletChildNode.getNodeName().equals(INIT_PARAM_TAG_NAME)) {

                    initializeInitParams(servletChildNode, initParameters);
                } else if (servletChildNode.getNodeName().equals(LOAD_ON_STARTUP_TAG_NAME)) {

                    order = Integer.parseInt(getTextValue(servletChildNode));

            // Initialize the servlet config with the init parameters

            // If the servlet name is part of the list of servlet to initialized
            // Set the flag accordingly
            if (servletsToInitialize.contains(servletName) || JawrServlet.class.isAssignableFrom(servletClass)) {
                ServletDefinition servletDef = new ServletDefinition(servletClass, config, order);
            // Handle Spring MVC servlet definition
            if (servletContext.getInitParameter(CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM) == null
                    && servletClass.getName().equals("org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet")) {
                ((MockServletContext) servletContext).putInitParameter(CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM,
                        "/WEB-INF/" + servletName + "-servlet.xml");

        return servletDefinitions;

     * Initialize the Jawr spring controller
     * @param servletContext
     *            the servlet context
     * @return the Jawr spring controller
     * @throws ServletException
     *             if a servlet exception occurs
    protected List<ServletDefinition> initJawrSpringControllers(ServletContext servletContext)
            throws ServletException {

        SpringControllerBundleProcessor springBundleProcessor = new SpringControllerBundleProcessor();
        return springBundleProcessor.initJawrSpringServlets(servletContext);

     * Initialize the servlets and returns only the list of Jawr servlets
     * @param servletDefinitions
     *            the list of servlet definition
     * @throws Exception
     *             if an exception occurs
    protected List<ServletDefinition> initServlets(List<ServletDefinition> servletDefinitions) throws Exception {

        // Sort the list taking in account the load-on-startup attribute

        // Sets the Jawr context at "bundle processing at build time"

        List<ServletDefinition> jawrServletDefinitions = new ArrayList<ServletDefinition>();
        for (Iterator<ServletDefinition> iterator = servletDefinitions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            ServletDefinition servletDefinition = (ServletDefinition);
            if (servletDefinition.isJawrServletDefinition()) {

        return jawrServletDefinitions;

     * Initialize the init parameters define in the servlet config
     * @param initParameters
     *            the map of initialization parameters
    protected void initializeInitParams(Node initParamNode, Map<String, Object> initParameters) {

        String paramName = null;
        String paramValue = null;

        NodeList childNodes = initParamNode.getChildNodes();
        for (int j = 0; j < childNodes.getLength(); j++) {
            Node childNode = childNodes.item(j);
            String nodeName = childNode.getNodeName();
            if (nodeName.equals(PARAM_NAME_TAG_NAME)) {
                paramName = getTextValue(childNode);
            } else if (nodeName.equals(PARAM_VALUE_TAG_NAME)) {
                paramValue = getTextValue(childNode);

        initParameters.put(paramName, paramValue);

     * Returns the text value
     * @param node
     *            the node
     * @return the text value
    private String getTextValue(Node node) {
        return node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim();

     * Process the Jawr Servlets
     * @param destDirPath
     *            the destination directory path
     * @param jawrServletDefinitions
     *            the destination directory
     * @throws Exception
     *             if an exception occurs.
    protected void processJawrServlets(String destDirPath, List<ServletDefinition> jawrServletDefinitions,
            boolean keepUrlMapping) throws Exception {

        String appRootDir = "";
        String jsServletMapping = "";
        String cssServletMapping = "";
        String binaryServletMapping = "";

        for (Iterator<ServletDefinition> iterator = jawrServletDefinitions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {

            ServletDefinition servletDef = (ServletDefinition);
            ServletConfig servletConfig = servletDef.getServletConfig();

            // Force the production mode, and remove config listener parameters
            Map<?, ?> initParameters = ((MockServletConfig) servletConfig).getInitParameters();

            String jawrServletMapping = servletConfig.getInitParameter(JawrConstant.SERVLET_MAPPING_PROPERTY_NAME);
            String servletMapping = servletConfig
            if (servletMapping == null) {
                servletMapping = jawrServletMapping;

            ResourceBundlesHandler bundleHandler = null;
            BinaryResourcesHandler binaryRsHandler = null;

            // Retrieve the bundle Handler
            ServletContext servletContext = servletConfig.getServletContext();
            String type = servletConfig.getInitParameter(TYPE_INIT_PARAMETER);
            if (type == null || type.equals(JawrConstant.JS_TYPE)) {
                bundleHandler = (ResourceBundlesHandler) servletContext
                String contextPathOverride = bundleHandler.getConfig().getContextPathOverride();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(contextPathOverride)) {
                    int idx = contextPathOverride.indexOf("//");
                    if (idx != -1) {
                        idx = contextPathOverride.indexOf("/", idx + 2);
                        if (idx != -1) {
                            appRootDir = PathNormalizer.asPath(contextPathOverride.substring(idx));

                if (jawrServletMapping != null) {
                    jsServletMapping = PathNormalizer.asPath(jawrServletMapping);

            } else if (type.equals(JawrConstant.CSS_TYPE)) {
                bundleHandler = (ResourceBundlesHandler) servletContext
                if (jawrServletMapping != null) {
                    cssServletMapping = PathNormalizer.asPath(jawrServletMapping);
            } else if (type.equals(JawrConstant.BINARY_TYPE)) {
                binaryRsHandler = (BinaryResourcesHandler) servletContext
                if (jawrServletMapping != null) {
                    binaryServletMapping = PathNormalizer.asPath(jawrServletMapping);

            if (bundleHandler != null) {
                createBundles(servletDef.getServlet(), bundleHandler, destDirPath, servletMapping, keepUrlMapping);
            } else if (binaryRsHandler != null) {
                createBinaryBundle(servletDef.getServlet(), binaryRsHandler, destDirPath, servletConfig,

        // Create the apache rewrite config file.
        createApacheRewriteConfigFile(destDirPath, appRootDir, jsServletMapping, cssServletMapping,


     * Create the apache rewrite configuration file
     * @param cdnDestDirPath
     *            the CDN destination directory
     * @param appRootDir
     *            the application root dir path in the CDN
     * @param jsServletMapping
     *            the JS servlet mapping
     * @param cssServletMapping
     *            the CSS servlet mapping
     * @param imgServletMapping
     *            the image servlet mapping
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an IOException occurs.
    protected void createApacheRewriteConfigFile(String cdnDestDirPath, String appRootDir, String jsServletMapping,
            String cssServletMapping, String imgServletMapping) throws IOException {

        BufferedReader templateFileReader = null;
        FileWriter fileWriter = null;
        try {

            templateFileReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            fileWriter = new FileWriter(cdnDestDirPath + File.separator + JAWR_APACHE_HTTPD_CONF_FILE);
            String line = null;

            boolean processNextString = true;
            while ((line = templateFileReader.readLine()) != null) {

                // If the line starts with the condition to check the existence
                // of the JS servlet mapping,
                // sets the processNextString flag accordingly
                if (line.startsWith(CHECKS_JAWR_JS_SERVLET_MAPPING_EXISTS)) {
                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jsServletMapping)) {
                        processNextString = false;
                    // If the line starts with the condition to check the
                    // existence of the servlet mapping,
                    // sets the processNextString flag accordingly
                } else if (line.startsWith(CHECK_JAWR_CSS_SERVLET_MAPPING_EXISTS)) {
                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(cssServletMapping)) {
                        processNextString = false;
                    // If the processNextString flag is set to false, skip the
                    // current line, and process the next one
                } else if (processNextString == false) {
                    processNextString = true;
                } else {

                    // Make the replacement
                    line = line.replaceAll(APP_ROOT_DIR_PATTERN, appRootDir);
                    line = line.replaceAll(JAWR_JS_SERVLET_MAPPING_PATTERN, jsServletMapping);
                    line = line.replaceAll(JAWR_CSS_SERVLET_MAPPING_PATTERN, cssServletMapping);
                    line = line.replaceAll(JAWR_IMG_SERVLET_MAPPING_PATTERN, imgServletMapping);
                    fileWriter.write(line + "\n");
        } finally {



     * Creates the bundles in the destination directory
     * @param servlet
     *            the servlet
     * @param bundleHandler
     *            the bundles handler
     * @param destDirPath
     *            the destination directory path
     * @param servletMapping
     *            the mapping of the servlet
     * @param keepUrlMapping
     *            the flag indicating if we must keep the URL mapping
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an IO exception occurs
     * @throws ServletException
     *             if a servlet exception occurs
    protected void createBundles(HttpServlet servlet, ResourceBundlesHandler bundleHandler, String destDirPath,
            String servletMapping, boolean keepUrlMapping) throws IOException, ServletException {

        List<JoinableResourceBundle> bundles = bundleHandler.getContextBundles();

        Iterator<JoinableResourceBundle> bundleIterator = bundles.iterator();
        MockServletResponse response = new MockServletResponse();
        MockServletRequest request = new MockServletRequest(JAWR_BUNDLE_PROCESSOR_CONTEXT_PATH);
        MockServletSession session = new MockServletSession(servlet.getServletContext());

        String resourceType = servlet.getServletConfig().getInitParameter(TYPE_INIT_PARAMETER);
        if (resourceType == null) {
            resourceType = JawrConstant.JS_TYPE;

        // For the list of bundle defines, create the file associated
        while (bundleIterator.hasNext()) {
            JoinableResourceBundle bundle = (JoinableResourceBundle);

            // Check if there is a resource file, which could be in conflict
            // with the bundle name
            URL url = servlet.getServletContext().getResource(bundle.getId());
            if (url != null) {
                        "It is not recommended to use a bundle name which could be in conflict with a resource.\n"
                                + "Please rename your bundle '" + bundle.getId() + "' to avoid any issue");


            List<Map<String, String>> allVariants = VariantUtils.getAllVariants(bundle.getVariants());

            if (allVariants == null) {
                allVariants = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();

            if (allVariants.isEmpty()) {
                allVariants.add(new HashMap<String, String>());
            // Creates the bundle file for each local variant
            for (Iterator<Map<String, String>> it = allVariants.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Map<String, String> variantMap = (Map<String, String>);

                List<RenderedLink> linksToBundle = createLinkToBundle(bundleHandler, bundle.getId(), resourceType,
                for (Iterator<RenderedLink> iteratorLinks = linksToBundle.iterator(); iteratorLinks.hasNext();) {
                    RenderedLink renderedLink =;
                    String path = renderedLink.getLink();

                    // Force the debug mode of the config to match what was used
                    // in the generated link
                    JawrConfig config = bundleHandler.getConfig();

                    String finalBundlePath = null;
                    if (keepUrlMapping) {
                        finalBundlePath = path;
                    } else {
                        finalBundlePath = getFinalBundlePath(path, config, variantMap);

                    // Sets the request URL
                    setRequestUrl(request, variantMap, path, config);

                    // We can't use path for generated resources because it's
                    // not a valid file path ( /jawr_generator.js?xxx.... )
                    if (!(path.indexOf("?") != -1) || !keepUrlMapping) {
                        File bundleFile = new File(destDirPath, finalBundlePath);
                        createBundleFile(servlet, response, request, path, bundleFile, servletMapping);

     * Set the request URL
     * @param request
     *            the request
     * @param variantMap
     *            the variantMap
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param config
     *            the Jawr config
    protected void setRequestUrl(MockServletRequest request, Map<String, String> variantMap, String path,
            JawrConfig config) {

        String domainURL = JawrConstant.HTTP_URL_PREFIX + DEFAULT_WEBAPP_URL;

        if (JawrConstant.SSL.equals(variantMap.get(JawrConstant.CONNECTION_TYPE_VARIANT_TYPE))) {
            // Use the contextPathSslOverride property if it's an absolute URL
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getContextPathSslOverride())
                    && config.getContextPathSslOverride().startsWith(JawrConstant.HTTPS_URL_PREFIX)) {
                domainURL = config.getContextPathSslOverride();
            } else {
                domainURL = JawrConstant.HTTPS_URL_PREFIX + DEFAULT_WEBAPP_URL;
        } else {
            // Use the contextPathOverride property if it's an absolute URL
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getContextPathOverride())
                    && config.getContextPathOverride().startsWith(JawrConstant.HTTP_URL_PREFIX)) {
                domainURL = config.getContextPathOverride();
            } else {
                domainURL = JawrConstant.HTTP_URL_PREFIX + DEFAULT_WEBAPP_URL;

        request.setRequestUrl(PathNormalizer.joinDomainToPath(domainURL, path));

     * Retrieves the final path, where the servlet mapping and the cache prefix
     * have been removed, and take also in account the jawr generator URLs.
     * <pre>
     *    "/N1785986402/js/bundle/msg.js" -> "/js/bundle/msg.js"
     *  "/jawr_generator.js?generationConfigParam=messages%3Amessages%40fr" -> "/jawr_generator/js/messages/messages_fr.js"
     *  "/cssJawrPath/1414653084/folder/core/component.css" -> "folder/core/component.css"
     * </pre>
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param jawrConfig
     *            the jawr config
     * @param localVariantKey
     *            The local variant key
     * @return the final path
    public String getFinalBundlePath(String path, JawrConfig jawrConfig, Map<String, String> variantMap) {

        String finalPath = path;
        int jawrGenerationParamIdx = finalPath.indexOf(JawrRequestHandler.GENERATION_PARAM);
        if (jawrGenerationParamIdx != -1) {

            try {
                finalPath = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException neverHappens) {
                /* URLEncoder:how not to use checked exceptions... */
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Something went unexpectedly wrong while decoding a URL for a generator. ", neverHappens);

            // Remove servlet mapping if it exists.
            finalPath = removeServletMappingFromPath(finalPath, jawrConfig.getServletMapping());

            finalPath = jawrConfig.getGeneratorRegistry().getDebugModeBuildTimeGenerationPath(finalPath);

        } else {

            // Remove servlet mapping if it exists.
            finalPath = removeServletMappingFromPath(finalPath, jawrConfig.getServletMapping());
            if (finalPath.startsWith("/")) {
                finalPath = finalPath.substring(1);

            // remove cache prefix, when not in debug mode
            if (!jawrConfig.isDebugModeOn()) {

                int idx = finalPath.indexOf("/");
                finalPath = finalPath.substring(idx + 1);

            // For localized bundle add the local info in the file name
            // For example, with local variant = 'en'
            // /bundle/myBundle.js -> /bundle/myBundle_en.js
            finalPath = VariantUtils.getVariantBundleName(finalPath, variantMap, false);

        return finalPath;

     * Retrieves the image final path, where the servlet mapping and the cache
     * prefix have been removed
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param jawrConfig
     *            the jawr config
     * @return the final path
    public String getImageFinalPath(String path, JawrConfig jawrConfig) {

        String finalPath = path;

        // Remove servlet mapping if it exists.
        finalPath = removeServletMappingFromPath(finalPath, jawrConfig.getServletMapping());
        if (finalPath.startsWith("/")) {
            finalPath = finalPath.substring(1);

        // remove cache prefix
        int idx = finalPath.indexOf("/");
        finalPath = finalPath.substring(idx + 1);

        return finalPath;

     * Remove the servlet mapping from the path
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param mapping
     *            the servlet mapping
     * @return the path without the servlet mapping
    protected String removeServletMappingFromPath(String path, String mapping) {
        if (mapping != null && mapping.length() > 0) {
            int idx = path.indexOf(mapping);
            if (idx > -1) {
                path = path.substring(idx + mapping.length());

            path = PathNormalizer.asPath(path);
        return path;

     * Create the image bundle
     * @param servlet
     *            the servlet
     * @param binaryRsHandler
     *            the binary resource handler
     * @param destDirPath
     *            the destination directory path
     * @param servletMapping
     *            the mapping
     * @param keepUrlMapping
     *            = the flag indicating if we must keep the url mapping
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an IOExceptin occurs
     * @throws ServletException
     *             if an exception occurs
    protected void createBinaryBundle(HttpServlet servlet, BinaryResourcesHandler binaryRsHandler,
            String destDirPath, ServletConfig servletConfig, boolean keepUrlMapping)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        Map<String, String> bundleImgMap = binaryRsHandler.getBinaryPathMap();

        Iterator<String> bundleIterator = bundleImgMap.values().iterator();
        MockServletResponse response = new MockServletResponse();
        MockServletRequest request = new MockServletRequest(JAWR_BUNDLE_PROCESSOR_CONTEXT_PATH);

        String jawrServletMapping = servletConfig.getInitParameter(JawrConstant.SERVLET_MAPPING_PROPERTY_NAME);
        if (jawrServletMapping == null) {
            jawrServletMapping = "";

        String servletMapping = servletConfig.getInitParameter(JawrConstant.SPRING_SERVLET_MAPPING_PROPERTY_NAME);
        if (servletMapping == null) {
            servletMapping = jawrServletMapping;

        // For the list of bundle defines, create the file associated
        while (bundleIterator.hasNext()) {
            String path = (String);

            String binaryFinalPath = null;

            if (keepUrlMapping) {
                binaryFinalPath = path;
            } else {
                binaryFinalPath = getImageFinalPath(path, binaryRsHandler.getConfig());

            File destFile = new File(destDirPath, binaryFinalPath);

            Map<String, String> variantMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            setRequestUrl(request, variantMap, path, binaryRsHandler.getConfig());

            // Update the bundle mapping
            path = PathNormalizer.concatWebPath(PathNormalizer.asDirPath(jawrServletMapping), path);
            createBundleFile(servlet, response, request, path, destFile, servletMapping);

     * Create the bundle file
     * @param servlet
     *            the servlet
     * @param response
     *            the response
     * @param request
     *            the request
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param destFile
     *            the destination file
     * @param mapping
     *            the mapping
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an IO exception occurs
     * @throws ServletException
     *             if an exception occurs
    protected void createBundleFile(HttpServlet servlet, MockServletResponse response, MockServletRequest request,
            String path, File destFile, String mapping) throws IOException, ServletException {

        request.setRequestPath(mapping, path);

        // Create the parent directory of the destination file
        if (!destFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
            boolean dirsCreated = destFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
            if (!dirsCreated) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "The directory '" + destFile.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath() + "' can't be created.");

        // Set the response mock to write in the destination file
        try {
            response.setOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(destFile));
            servlet.service(request, response);
        } finally {

        if (destFile.length() == 0) {
            logger.warn("No content retrieved for file '" + destFile.getAbsolutePath()
                    + "', which is associated to the path : " + path);
            System.out.println("No content retrieved for file '" + destFile.getAbsolutePath()
                    + "', which is associated to the path : " + path);

     * Returns the link to the bundle
     * @param handler
     *            the resource bundles handler
     * @param path
     *            the path
     * @param variantKey
     *            the local variant key
     * @return the link to the bundle
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an IO exception occurs
    protected List<RenderedLink> createLinkToBundle(ResourceBundlesHandler handler, String path,
            String resourceType, Map<String, String> variantMap) throws IOException {

        ArrayList<RenderedLink> linksToBundle = new ArrayList<RenderedLink>();

        BasicBundleRenderer bundleRenderer = new BasicBundleRenderer(handler, resourceType);
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

        // The gzip compression will be made by the CDN server
        // So we force it to false.
        boolean useGzip = false;

        // The generation of bundle is the same in SSL and non SSL mode
        boolean isSslRequest = false;

        // First deals with the production mode

        BundleRendererContext ctx = new BundleRendererContext("", variantMap, useGzip, isSslRequest);
        bundleRenderer.renderBundleLinks(path, ctx, sw);

        // Then take in account the debug mode
        ctx = new BundleRendererContext("", variantMap, useGzip, isSslRequest);
        bundleRenderer.renderBundleLinks(path, ctx, sw);

        List<RenderedLink> renderedLinks = bundleRenderer.getRenderedLinks();
        // Remove context override path if it's defined.
        String contextPathOverride = handler.getConfig().getContextPathOverride();
        for (Iterator<RenderedLink> iterator = renderedLinks.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            RenderedLink renderedLink =;
            String renderedLinkPath = renderedLink.getLink();
            // Remove the context path override
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(contextPathOverride) && renderedLinkPath.startsWith(contextPathOverride)) {
                renderedLinkPath = renderedLinkPath.substring(contextPathOverride.length());

        return linksToBundle;

     * This is the custom class loader for Jawr Bundle processor
     * @author Ibrahim Chaehoi
    protected static class JawrBundleProcessorCustomClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {

         * Constructor
         * @param urls
         *            the URL location for the class loading
         * @param parent
         *            the parent classloader
        public JawrBundleProcessorCustomClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) {
            super(urls, parent);

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see
        public URL findResource(String name) {
            URL url = super.findResource(name);
            if (url == null && name.startsWith("/")) {
                url = super.findResource(name.substring(1));
            return url;
