Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * #!
 * Ontopia Engine
 * #-
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013 The Ontopia Project
 * #-
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * !#

package net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.impl.basic;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import net.ontopia.infoset.core.LocatorIF;
import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TMObjectIF;
import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TopicIF;
import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.InvalidQueryException;
import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.QueryResultIF;
import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser.Parameter;
import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.parser.Variable;
import net.ontopia.utils.CompactHashSet;
import net.ontopia.utils.OntopiaRuntimeException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

 * INTERNAL: Object used to hold query results during computation.
public class QueryMatches {
    public static int initialSize = 100;
    public int last;
    public int size;
    public Object[][] data;

    // either a Variable or a TMObjectIF/String/Integer/Float constant, defining the
    // contents of the column  
    public Object[] columnDefinitions;
    public int colcount;

    private QueryContext context;

     * INTERNAL: Creates a new matches object with the given column
     * definitions.
    public QueryMatches(Collection columnDefs, QueryContext context) {
        colcount = columnDefs.size();
        data = new Object[initialSize][colcount];
        size = initialSize;
        last = -1;
        columnDefinitions = columnDefs.toArray();
        this.context = context;

     * INTERNAL: Creates a new (empty) matches object with the same
     * column definitions as the QueryMatches object passed in the
     * parameter.
    public QueryMatches(QueryMatches matches) {
        colcount = matches.colcount;
        data = new Object[initialSize][colcount];
        size = initialSize;
        last = -1;
        columnDefinitions = matches.columnDefinitions;
        context = matches.getQueryContext();

     * INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given variable in the table.
    public int getVariableIndex(String varname) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++) {
            if (columnDefinitions[ix] instanceof Variable
                    && varname.equals(((Variable) columnDefinitions[ix]).getName()))
                return ix;
        return -1;

     * INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given constant in the table.
    public int getIndex(TMObjectIF constant) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++)
            if (constant.equals(columnDefinitions[ix]))
                return ix;
        return -1;

     * INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given variable in the table.
    public int getIndex(Variable var) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++)
            if (var.equals(columnDefinitions[ix]))
                return ix;
        return -1;

     * INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given string constant in the table.
    public int getIndex(String str) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++)
            if (str.equals(columnDefinitions[ix]))
                return ix;
        return -1;

     * INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given integer constant in the table.
    public int getIndex(Integer num) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++)
            if (num.equals(columnDefinitions[ix]))
                return ix;
        return -1;

     * INTERNAL: Returns the index of the given float constant in the table.
    public int getIndex(Float num) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++)
            if (num.equals(columnDefinitions[ix]))
                return ix;
        return -1;

     * INTERNAL: Returns the column index of the given object in the
     * table.
    public int getIndex(Object argument) {
        if (argument instanceof Variable)
            return getIndex((Variable) argument);
        else if (argument instanceof TMObjectIF)
            return getIndex((TMObjectIF) argument);
        else if (argument instanceof Parameter)
            return getIndex(context.getParameterValue(((Parameter) argument).getName()));
        else if (argument instanceof String)
            return getIndex((String) argument);
        else if (argument instanceof Integer)
            return getIndex((Integer) argument);
        else if (argument instanceof Float)
            return getIndex((Float) argument);
            throw new OntopiaRuntimeException("Argument of unknown type: " + argument);

     * INTERNAL: Returns definition of column.
    public Object getColumnDefinition(int ix) {
        return columnDefinitions[ix];

     * INTERNAL: Used to increase the size of the table when full.
    public void increaseCapacity() {
        ensureCapacity(size * 2);

     * INTERNAL: Ensures that the table has at least the given size.
    public void ensureCapacity(int requirement) {
        while (size < requirement)
            size *= 2;

        Object[][] newdata = new Object[size][colcount];
        System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, last + 1);
        data = newdata;

     * INTERNAL: Empties the table.
    public void clear() {
        last = -1;

     * INTERNAL: Returns the query context.
    public QueryContext getQueryContext() {
        return context;

     * INTERNAL: Checks whether any of the columns are literal columns
     * representing a literal in the query.
    public boolean hasLiteralColumns() {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++)
            if (!(columnDefinitions[ix] instanceof Variable))
                return true;
        return false;

     * INTERNAL: Returns true if there are no matches.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return last == -1;

     * INTERNAL: Inserts the constant values in the constant columns.
     * Uses the information in the column definitions to do this.
    public void insertConstants() {
        Object[] template = new Object[colcount];
        for (int col = 0; col < colcount; col++) {
            if (columnDefinitions[col] instanceof TMObjectIF || columnDefinitions[col] instanceof String
                    || columnDefinitions[col] instanceof Integer || columnDefinitions[col] instanceof Float)
                template[col] = columnDefinitions[col];
        for (int ix = 0; ix <= last; ix++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < template.length; i++) {
                if (template[i] != null)
                    data[ix][i] = template[i];

    // ===== QUERY INTROSPECTION ===============================================

     * INTERNAL: Checks whether the variable represented by the indexed
     * column is bound.
    public boolean bound(int colix) {
        return data[0][colix] != null;

    // ===== QUERY MATCH ALGEBRA ===============================================

     * INTERNAL: Adds all the matches in the given table to this table.
     * Note that the two tables must have the same layout.
    public void add(QueryMatches extra) {
        if (extra.last == -1)

        ensureCapacity(last + extra.last + 2);
        System.arraycopy(, 0, data, last + 1, extra.last + 1);
        last += extra.last + 1;

     * EXPERIMENTAL: Adds input array to this table.
    public void add(Object[][] newdata, int length) {
        if (length < 1)
        // Add to query matches
        ensureCapacity(last + length + 2);
        System.arraycopy(newdata, 0, data, last + 1, length);
        last += length;

     * EXPERIMENTAL: Adds QueryResultIF matches to this table.
    public void add(QueryResultIF extra) {

        int spec_width = columnDefinitions.length;
        int[] spec = new int[spec_width];
        Arrays.fill(spec, -1);

        int extra_width = extra.getWidth();
        for (int i = 0; i < extra_width; i++) {
            // skip column if not in query matches
            int index = getVariableIndex(extra.getColumnName(i));
            if (index > -1)
                spec[index] = i;

        int batch_size = 50; // number of rows
        int rowidx = 0;

        // Add to query matches
        ensureCapacity(last + batch_size + 2);

        Object[] frow = (last == 0 ? data[0] : data[last - 1]); // feeding row
        Object[] crow = (last == 0 ? data[0] : data[last]); // current row

        while ( {

            // Transform columns and add values.
            for (int i = 0; i < spec_width; i++) {
                int idx = spec[i];
                // If index specified read value from extra, otherwise use feeding row.
                if (idx == -1)
                    crow[i] = frow[i];
                    crow[i] = extra.getValue(idx);
            if (rowidx == batch_size - 1) {
                // Prepare for new batch
                ensureCapacity(last + batch_size + 2);
                rowidx = 0;
            } else {
            // Read next row
            crow = data[last];

     * INTERNAL: Removes the rows which have matching counterparts in
     * the argument.
    protected void remove(QueryMatches matches) {
        int cols = columnDefinitions.length;
        int next = 0;

        if (last * matches.last < 1000000) {
            // naive approach
            for (int resrow = 0; resrow <= last; resrow++) {
                Object[] row = data[resrow];

                // if we can find a matching row in matches, skip this one
                // if not, keep it
                boolean ok = true;
                for (int mrow = 0; ok && mrow <= matches.last; mrow++) {

                    boolean eq = true;
                    for (int col = 0; eq && col < cols; col++)
                        if (row[col] != null)
                            eq = row[col].equals([mrow][col]);

                    ok = !eq; // we're ok if it didn't match

                if (ok) // the row is ok, so keep it
                    data[next++] = row;
            last = next - 1;

        } else {
            // too many results for a naive scan. instead, build a Set from
            // the other result set and use it to see which rows in this one
            // also exist in the other.      

            // first step: we only compare bound columns. find out which
            // columns are bound. we will always have fewer columns bound
            // than the not-ed result set, so use our own count.
            int count = 0;
            for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++)
                if (bound(ix))

            int compare[] = new int[count];
            count = 0;
            for (int ix = 0; ix < colcount; ix++)
                if (bound(ix))
                    compare[count++] = ix;

            // second step: build the set
            Set set = new CompactHashSet(last + 1);
            ArrayWrapper wrapper = new SelectiveArrayWrapper(compare);
            for (int row = 0; row <= matches.last; row++) {
                wrapper.setArray([row]); // reuse previous wrapper

                if (!set.contains(wrapper)) {
                    // can't reuse, so make new wrapper
                    wrapper = new SelectiveArrayWrapper(compare);

            // third step: filter the rows
            wrapper = new SelectiveArrayWrapper(compare);
            for (int row = 0; row <= last; row++) {
                if (!set.contains(wrapper))
                    data[next++] = data[row]; // keep it
            last = next - 1;

     * INTERNAL: Adds all rows which do not already exist. Matching
     * ignores nulls in the rows being added.
    protected void addNonRedundant(QueryMatches matches) {
        int cols = columnDefinitions.length;
        int orgLast = last;

        // for each input row
        for (int mrow = 0; mrow <= matches.last; mrow++) {

            // look for an existing match
            boolean found = false;
            for (int resrow = 0; !found && resrow <= orgLast; resrow++) {
                Object[] row = data[resrow];

                boolean eq = true;
                for (int col = 0; eq && col < cols; col++)
                    if ([mrow][col] != null)
                        eq =[mrow][col].equals(row[col]);

                found = eq;

            if (!found) { // the row is ok, so add it
                if (last + 1 == size)
                data[last] =[mrow];

    // ===== QUERY MATCH TRANSLATION ===========================================

    // FIXME: in method below int* and ext* are wrong way around
     * INTERNAL: Computes the translation specification array, which
     * gives the connection between this and the other match table.
     * @param intarguments Actual received parameters in rule invocation.
     * @param extarguments Declared parameters in rule declaration.
     * @return an array of type int[][] that looks like [intspec,
     * extspec], where intspec is the specification for this match and
     * extspec is the specification for the other match.
    public int[][] getTranslationSpec(Object[] intarguments, QueryMatches extmatches, Object[] extarguments)
            throws InvalidQueryException {

        int width = intarguments.length;
        int[] intcols = new int[width];
        int[] extcols = new int[width];

        for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++) {
            intcols[ix] = getIndex(intarguments[ix]);
            extcols[ix] = extmatches.getIndex(extarguments[ix]);

            if (extcols[ix] == -1)
                throw new InvalidQueryException("Unused argument " + extarguments[ix]);

        int[][] spec = new int[2][];
        spec[0] = intcols;
        spec[1] = extcols;
        return spec;

     * INTERNAL: Translates matches in this table into corresponding
     * matches in the other.
    public void translate(int[] fromCols, QueryMatches toQM, int[] toCols) {
        Object[][] from = data;
        Object[][] to =;
        int fromlast = last;
        int cols = fromCols.length;

        for (int fromrow = 0; fromrow <= fromlast; fromrow++) {
            if (toQM.last + 1 == toQM.size) {
                to =;

            for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
                to[toQM.last][toCols[col]] = from[fromrow][fromCols[col]];

     * INTERNAL: Merges this match table (from inside a rule) with
     * another match table (from the calling context), producing a new
     * set of matches (corresponding to the result of the rule, as
     * viewed from the outside).
     * @param intspec Mapping from general column no (?) to column no in
     *                this QM object.
     * @param extspec Mapping from general column no (?) to column no in
     *                extmatches.
     * @param equalpairs See RulePredicate.getEqualPairs() for explanation.
     *                   Numbers are argument numbers.
    public QueryMatches merge(int[] intspec, QueryMatches extmatches, int[] extspec, int[] equalpairs) {

        int intspec_length = intspec.length;
        int extspec_length = extspec.length;

        // find out what columns to compare by creating intcols+extcols, which
        // is really a list of pairs of columns to compare.
        int compcount = 0;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < intspec_length; ix++)
            if (data[0][intspec[ix]] != null &&[0][extspec[ix]] != null)

        int[] intcols = new int[compcount];
        int[] extcols = new int[compcount];
        compcount = 0;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < intspec_length; ix++) {
            if (data[0][intspec[ix]] != null &&[0][extspec[ix]] != null) {
                intcols[compcount] = intspec[ix];
                extcols[compcount] = extspec[ix];

        // do the merging
        QueryMatches result = new QueryMatches(this);
        int width = columnDefinitions.length;
        for (int introw = 0; introw <= last; introw++) {
            if (introw > 0) {
                int col = 0;
                for (; col < width && ((data[introw][col] == null && data[introw - 1][col] == null)
                        || (data[introw][col] != null && data[introw][col].equals(data[introw - 1][col]))); col++)

                if (col == width)

            externalrow: for (int extrow = 0; extrow <= extmatches.last; extrow++) {
                // check that internal and external values match
                for (int col = 0; col < compcount; col++) {
                    if (data[introw][intcols[col]] == null
                            || !data[introw][intcols[col]].equals([extrow][extcols[col]]))
                        continue externalrow;

                // check equal pairs
                for (int ix = 0; ix + 1 < equalpairs.length; ix += 2)
                    if ([extrow][extspec[equalpairs[ix]]] != null
                            && ![extrow][extspec[equalpairs[ix]]]
                                    .equals([extrow][extspec[equalpairs[ix + 1]]]))
                        continue externalrow;

                // generate output match
                if (result.last + 1 == result.size)

                // copy internal match row
                System.arraycopy(data[introw], 0,[result.last], 0, width);

                // fill in results from internal match
                for (int col = 0; col < extspec_length; col++)
          [result.last][intspec[col]] =[extrow][extspec[col]];

        return result;

    // ===== REMOVING DUPLICATES ===========================================

    public QueryMatches removeDuplicates() {
        QueryMatches result = new QueryMatches(this);
        Set alreadyAdded = new CompactHashSet();
        Object[][] mdata = data;
        Object[][] rdata =;
        ArrayWrapper wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(); // for instance reuse...
        int colcount = result.colcount;

        for (int row = 0; row <= last; row++) {
            wrapper.setArray(mdata[row]); // reuse previous wrapper
            if (!alreadyAdded.contains(wrapper)) {
                wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(); // can't reuse, so make new wrapper
                if (result.last + 1 == result.size) {
                    rdata =;
                rdata[result.last] = mdata[row];
        return result;

    /// FIXME: Copied from QueryProcessor

    // We have to use this to get meaningful implementations of
    // hashCode() and equals() for arrays. Arrays have these methods,
    // but they are, stupidly, the same as for Object.

    class ArrayWrapper {
        protected Object[] row;
        protected int hashCode;

        public void setArray(Object[] row) {
            this.row = row;

            hashCode = 0;
            for (int ix = 0; ix < row.length; ix++)
                if (row[ix] != null)
                    hashCode = (hashCode + row[ix].hashCode()) & 0x7FFFFFFF;

        public int hashCode() {
            return hashCode;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            // this class is only used here, so we are making some simplifying
            // assumptions:
            //  - o is not null
            //  - o is an ArrayWrapper
            //  - o contains an Object[] array of the same length as row
            Object[] orow = ((ArrayWrapper) o).row;
            for (int ix = 0; ix < orow.length; ix++)
                if (orow[ix] != null && !orow[ix].equals(row[ix]))
                    return false;
            return true;

    // doesn't compare all columns; only indicated ones
    class SelectiveArrayWrapper extends ArrayWrapper {
        private int comparedColumns[];

        public SelectiveArrayWrapper(int comparedColumns[]) {
            this.comparedColumns = comparedColumns;

        public void setArray(Object[] row) {
            this.row = row;

            hashCode = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < comparedColumns.length; i++) {
                int ix = comparedColumns[i];
                if (row[ix] != null)
                    hashCode = (hashCode + row[ix].hashCode()) & 0x7FFFFFFF;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            // this class is only used here, so we are making some simplifying
            // assumptions:
            //  - o is not null
            //  - o is an ArrayWrapper
            //  - o contains an Object[] array of the same length as row
            Object[] orow = ((ArrayWrapper) o).row;
            for (int i = 0; i < comparedColumns.length; i++) {
                int ix = comparedColumns[i];
                if (orow[ix] != null && !orow[ix].equals(row[ix]))
                    return false;
            return true;

    // ===== DEBUG METHODS =====================================================

    public String dump() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(500)
                .append(StringUtils.join(columnDefinitions, " | "))
        for (int r = 0; r <= last; r++) {
            for (int c = 0; c < columnDefinitions.length - 1; c++) {
                sb.append(toString(data[r][c])).append(", ");
            sb.append(toString(data[r][columnDefinitions.length - 1])).append("]\n");
        sb.append((last + 1)).append(" rows");
        return sb.toString();

    private String toString(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof TopicIF) {
            Iterator it = ((TopicIF) obj).getItemIdentifiers().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                LocatorIF loc = (LocatorIF);
                String addr = loc.getAddress();
                int ix = addr.indexOf('#');
                //! int ix = addr.lastIndexOf('/'); // include file name
                if (ix != -1)
                    return addr.substring(ix + 1);
            return ((TopicIF) obj).getObjectId();
        } else if (obj == null)
            return "null";
            return obj.toString();
