Source code

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// This file is part of OpenTSDB.
// Copyright (C) 2013  The OpenTSDB Authors.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
// will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy
// of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.  If not,
// see <>.
package net.opentsdb.meta;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hbase.async.DeleteRequest;
import org.hbase.async.GetRequest;
import org.hbase.async.HBaseException;
import org.hbase.async.KeyValue;
import org.hbase.async.PutRequest;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Callback;
import com.stumbleupon.async.Deferred;

import net.opentsdb.core.TSDB;
import net.opentsdb.uid.UniqueId;
import net.opentsdb.uid.UniqueId.UniqueIdType;
import net.opentsdb.utils.JSON;
import net.opentsdb.utils.JSONException;

 * UIDMeta objects are associated with the UniqueId of metrics, tag names
 * or tag values. When a new metric, tagk or tagv is generated, a UIDMeta object
 * will also be written to storage with only the uid, type and name filled out. 
 * <p>
 * Users are allowed to edit the following fields:
 * <ul><li>display_name</li>
 * <li>description</li>
 * <li>notes</li>
 * <li>custom</li></ul>
 * The {@code name}, {@code uid}, {@code type} and {@code created} fields can 
 * only be modified by the system and are usually done so on object creation.
 * <p>
 * When you call {@link #syncToStorage} on this object, it will verify that the
 * UID object this meta data is linked with still exists. Then it will fetch the 
 * existing data and copy changes, overwriting the user fields if specific 
 * (e.g. via a PUT command). If overwriting is not called for (e.g. a POST was 
 * issued), then only the fields provided by the user will be saved, preserving 
 * all of the other fields in storage. Hence the need for the {@code changed} 
 * hash map and the {@link #syncMeta} method. 
 * <p>
 * Note that the HBase specific storage code will be removed once we have a DAL
 * @since 2.0
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.PUBLIC_ONLY)
public final class UIDMeta {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UIDMeta.class);

    /** Charset used to convert Strings to byte arrays and back. */
    private static final Charset CHARSET = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");

    /** The single column family used by this class. */
    private static final byte[] FAMILY = "name".getBytes(CHARSET);

    /** A hexadecimal representation of the UID this metadata is associated with */
    private String uid = "";

    /** The type of UID this metadata represents */
    @JsonDeserialize(using = JSON.UniqueIdTypeDeserializer.class)
    private UniqueIdType type = null;

     * This is the identical name of what is stored in the UID table
     * It cannot be overridden 
    private String name = "";

     * An optional, user supplied name used for display purposes only
     * If this field is empty, the {@link name} field should be used
    private String display_name = "";

    /** A short description of what this object represents */
    private String description = "";

    /** Optional, detailed notes about what the object represents */
    private String notes = "";

    /** A timestamp of when this UID was first recorded by OpenTSDB in seconds */
    private long created = 0;

    /** Optional user supplied key/values */
    private HashMap<String, String> custom = null;

    /** Tracks fields that have changed by the user to avoid overwrites */
    private final HashMap<String, Boolean> changed = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

     * Default constructor
     * Initializes the the changed map
    public UIDMeta() {

     * Constructor used for overwriting. Will not reset the name or created values
     * in storage.
     * @param type Type of UID object
     * @param uid UID of the object
    public UIDMeta(final UniqueIdType type, final String uid) {
        this.type = type;
        this.uid = uid;

     * Constructor used by TSD only to create a new UID with the given data and 
     * the current system time for {@code createdd}
     * @param type Type of UID object
     * @param uid UID of the object
     * @param name Name of the UID
    public UIDMeta(final UniqueIdType type, final byte[] uid, final String name) {
        this.type = type;
        this.uid = UniqueId.uidToString(uid); = name;
        created = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
        changed.put("created", true);

    /** @return a string with details about this object */
    public String toString() {
        return "'" + type.toString() + ":" + uid + "'";

     * Attempts a CompareAndSet storage call, loading the object from storage, 
     * synchronizing changes, and attempting a put.
     * <b>Note:</b> If the local object didn't have any fields set by the caller
     * then the data will not be written.
     * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for storage access
     * @param overwrite When the RPC method is PUT, will overwrite all user
     * accessible fields
     * @return True if the storage call was successful, false if the object was
     * modified in storage during the CAS call. If false, retry the call. Other 
     * failures will result in an exception being thrown.
     * @throws HBaseException if there was an issue fetching
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parsing failed
     * @throws NoSuchUniqueId If the UID does not exist
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the data hasn't changed. This is OK!
     * @throws JSONException if the object could not be serialized
    public Deferred<Boolean> syncToStorage(final TSDB tsdb, final boolean overwrite) {
        if (uid == null || uid.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing UID");
        if (type == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing type");

        boolean has_changes = false;
        for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : changed.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue()) {
                has_changes = true;
        if (!has_changes) {
            LOG.debug(this + " does not have changes, skipping sync to storage");
            throw new IllegalStateException("No changes detected in UID meta data");

         * Callback used to verify that the UID to name mapping exists. Uses the TSD
         * for verification so the name may be cached. If the name does not exist
         * it will throw a NoSuchUniqueId and the meta data will not be saved to
         * storage
        final class NameCB implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, String> {
            private final UIDMeta local_meta;

            public NameCB(final UIDMeta meta) {
                local_meta = meta;

             *  Nested callback used to merge and store the meta data after verifying
             *  that the UID mapping exists. It has to access the {@code local_meta} 
             *  object so that's why it's nested within the NameCB class
            final class StoreUIDMeta implements Callback<Deferred<Boolean>, ArrayList<KeyValue>> {

                 * Executes the CompareAndSet after merging changes
                 * @return True if the CAS was successful, false if the stored data
                 * was modified during flight.
                public Deferred<Boolean> call(final ArrayList<KeyValue> row) throws Exception {

                    final UIDMeta stored_meta;
                    if (row == null || row.isEmpty()) {
                        stored_meta = null;
                    } else {
                        stored_meta = JSON.parseToObject(row.get(0).value(), UIDMeta.class);

                    final byte[] original_meta = row == null || row.isEmpty() ? new byte[0] : row.get(0).value();

                    if (stored_meta != null) {
                        local_meta.syncMeta(stored_meta, overwrite);

                    // verify the name is set locally just to be safe
                    if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
               = name;

                    final PutRequest put = new PutRequest(tsdb.uidTable(), UniqueId.stringToUid(uid), FAMILY,
                            (type.toString().toLowerCase() + "_meta").getBytes(CHARSET),
                    return tsdb.getClient().compareAndSet(put, original_meta);


             * NameCB method that fetches the object from storage for merging and
             * use in the CAS call
             * @return The results of the {@link #StoreUIDMeta} callback
            public Deferred<Boolean> call(final String name) throws Exception {

                final GetRequest get = new GetRequest(tsdb.uidTable(), UniqueId.stringToUid(uid));
                get.qualifier((type.toString().toLowerCase() + "_meta").getBytes(CHARSET));

                // #2 deferred
                return tsdb.getClient().get(get).addCallbackDeferring(new StoreUIDMeta());


        // start the callback chain by veryfing that the UID name mapping exists
        return tsdb.getUidName(type, UniqueId.stringToUid(uid)).addCallbackDeferring(new NameCB(this));

     * Attempts to store a blank, new UID meta object in the proper location.
     * <b>Warning:</b> This should not be called by user accessible methods as it 
     * will overwrite any data already in the column. This method does not use 
     * a CAS, instead it uses a PUT to overwrite anything in the column.
     * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for calls
     * @return A deferred without meaning. The response may be null and should
     * only be used to track completion.
     * @throws HBaseException if there was an issue writing to storage
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if data was missing
     * @throws JSONException if the object could not be serialized
    public Deferred<Object> storeNew(final TSDB tsdb) {
        if (uid == null || uid.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing UID");
        if (type == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing type");
        if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing name");

        final PutRequest put = new PutRequest(tsdb.uidTable(), UniqueId.stringToUid(uid), FAMILY,
                (type.toString().toLowerCase() + "_meta").getBytes(CHARSET), UIDMeta.this.getStorageJSON());
        return tsdb.getClient().put(put);

     * Attempts to delete the meta object from storage
     * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for access to storage
     * @return A deferred without meaning. The response may be null and should
     * only be used to track completion.
     * @throws HBaseException if there was an issue
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if data was missing (uid and type)
    public Deferred<Object> delete(final TSDB tsdb) {
        if (uid == null || uid.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing UID");
        if (type == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing type");

        final DeleteRequest delete = new DeleteRequest(tsdb.uidTable(), UniqueId.stringToUid(uid), FAMILY,
                (type.toString().toLowerCase() + "_meta").getBytes(CHARSET));
        return tsdb.getClient().delete(delete);

     * Convenience overload of {@code getUIDMeta(TSDB, UniqueIdType, byte[])}
     * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for storage access
     * @param type The type of UID to fetch
     * @param uid The ID of the meta to fetch
     * @return A UIDMeta from storage or a default
     * @throws HBaseException if there was an issue fetching
     * @throws NoSuchUniqueId If the UID does not exist
    public static Deferred<UIDMeta> getUIDMeta(final TSDB tsdb, final UniqueIdType type, final String uid) {
        return getUIDMeta(tsdb, type, UniqueId.stringToUid(uid));

     * Verifies the UID object exists, then attempts to fetch the meta from 
     * storage and if not found, returns a default object.
     * <p>
     * The reason for returning a default object (with the type, uid and name set)
     * is due to users who may have just enabled meta data or have upgraded; we 
     * want to return valid data. If they modify the entry, it will write to 
     * storage. You can tell it's a default if the {@code created} value is 0. If
     * the meta was generated at UID assignment or updated by the meta sync CLI
     * command, it will have a valid created timestamp.
     * @param tsdb The TSDB to use for storage access
     * @param type The type of UID to fetch
     * @param uid The ID of the meta to fetch
     * @return A UIDMeta from storage or a default
     * @throws HBaseException if there was an issue fetching
     * @throws NoSuchUniqueId If the UID does not exist
    public static Deferred<UIDMeta> getUIDMeta(final TSDB tsdb, final UniqueIdType type, final byte[] uid) {

         * Callback used to verify that the UID to name mapping exists. Uses the TSD
         * for verification so the name may be cached. If the name does not exist
         * it will throw a NoSuchUniqueId and the meta data will not be returned. 
         * This helps in case the user deletes a UID but the meta data is still 
         * stored. The fsck utility can be used later to cleanup orphaned objects.
        class NameCB implements Callback<Deferred<UIDMeta>, String> {

             * Called after verifying that the name mapping exists
             * @return The results of {@link #FetchMetaCB}
            public Deferred<UIDMeta> call(final String name) throws Exception {

                 * Inner class called to retrieve the meta data after verifying that the
                 * name mapping exists. It requires the name to set the default, hence
                 * the reason it's nested.
                class FetchMetaCB implements Callback<Deferred<UIDMeta>, ArrayList<KeyValue>> {

                     * Called to parse the response of our storage GET call after 
                     * verification
                     * @return The stored UIDMeta or a default object if the meta data
                     * did not exist 
                    public Deferred<UIDMeta> call(ArrayList<KeyValue> row) throws Exception {

                        if (row == null || row.isEmpty()) {
                            // return the default
                            final UIDMeta meta = new UIDMeta();
                            meta.uid = UniqueId.uidToString(uid);
                            meta.type = type;
                   = name;
                            return Deferred.fromResult(meta);
                        final UIDMeta meta = JSON.parseToObject(row.get(0).value(), UIDMeta.class);

                        // overwrite the name and UID
               = name;
                        meta.uid = UniqueId.uidToString(uid);

                        // fix missing types
                        if (meta.type == null) {
                            final String qualifier = new String(row.get(0).qualifier(), CHARSET);
                            meta.type = UniqueId
                                    .stringToUniqueIdType(qualifier.substring(0, qualifier.indexOf("_meta")));
                        return Deferred.fromResult(meta);


                final GetRequest get = new GetRequest(tsdb.uidTable(), uid);
                get.qualifier((type.toString().toLowerCase() + "_meta").getBytes(CHARSET));
                return tsdb.getClient().get(get).addCallbackDeferring(new FetchMetaCB());

        // verify that the UID is still in the map before fetching from storage
        return tsdb.getUidName(type, uid).addCallbackDeferring(new NameCB());

     * Syncs the local object with the stored object for atomic writes, 
     * overwriting the stored data if the user issued a PUT request
     * <b>Note:</b> This method also resets the {@code changed} map to false
     * for every field
     * @param meta The stored object to sync from
     * @param overwrite Whether or not all user mutable data in storage should be
     * replaced by the local object
    private void syncMeta(final UIDMeta meta, final boolean overwrite) {
        // copy non-user-accessible data first
        if (meta.uid != null && !meta.uid.isEmpty()) {
            uid = meta.uid;
        if ( != null && ! {
            name =;
        if (meta.type != null) {
            type = meta.type;
        if (meta.created > 0 && (meta.created < created || created == 0)) {
            created = meta.created;

        // handle user-accessible stuff
        if (!overwrite && !changed.get("display_name")) {
            display_name = meta.display_name;
        if (!overwrite && !changed.get("description")) {
            description = meta.description;
        if (!overwrite && !changed.get("notes")) {
            notes = meta.notes;
        if (!overwrite && !changed.get("custom")) {
            custom = meta.custom;

        // reset changed flags

     * Sets or resets the changed map flags
    private void initializeChangedMap() {
        // set changed flags
        changed.put("display_name", false);
        changed.put("description", false);
        changed.put("notes", false);
        changed.put("custom", false);
        changed.put("created", false);

     * Formats the JSON output for writing to storage. It drops objects we don't
     * need or want to store (such as the UIDMeta objects or the total dps) to
     * save space. It also serializes in order so that we can make a proper CAS
     * call. Otherwise the POJO serializer may place the fields in any order
     * and CAS calls would fail all the time.
     * @return A byte array to write to storage
    private byte[] getStorageJSON() {
        // 256 bytes is a good starting value, assumes default info
        final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(256);
        try {
            final JsonGenerator json = JSON.getFactory().createGenerator(output);
            json.writeStringField("type", type.toString());
            json.writeStringField("displayName", display_name);
            json.writeStringField("description", description);
            json.writeStringField("notes", notes);
            json.writeNumberField("created", created);
            if (custom == null) {
            } else {
                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : custom.entrySet()) {
                    json.writeStringField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

            return output.toByteArray();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to serialize UIDMeta", e);

    // Getters and Setters --------------

    /** @return the uid as a hex encoded string */
    public String getUID() {
        return uid;

    /** @return the type of UID represented */
    public UniqueIdType getType() {
        return type;

    /** @return the name of the UID object */
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    /** @return optional display name, use {@code name} if empty */
    public String getDisplayName() {
        return display_name;

    /** @return optional description */
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    /** @return optional notes */
    public String getNotes() {
        return notes;

    /** @return when the UID was first assigned, may be 0 if unknown */
    public long getCreated() {
        return created;

    /** @return optional map of custom values from the user */
    public Map<String, String> getCustom() {
        return custom;

    /** @param display_name an optional descriptive name for the UID */
    public void setDisplayName(final String display_name) {
        if (!this.display_name.equals(display_name)) {
            changed.put("display_name", true);
            this.display_name = display_name;

    /** @param description an optional description of the UID */
    public void setDescription(final String description) {
        if (!this.description.equals(description)) {
            changed.put("description", true);
            this.description = description;

    /** @param notes optional notes */
    public void setNotes(final String notes) {
        if (!this.notes.equals(notes)) {
            changed.put("notes", true);
            this.notes = notes;

    /** @param custom the custom to set */
    public void setCustom(final Map<String, String> custom) {
        // equivalency of maps is a pain, users have to submit the whole map
        // anyway so we'll just mark it as changed every time we have a non-null
        // value
        if (this.custom != null || custom != null) {
            changed.put("custom", true);
            this.custom = new HashMap<String, String>(custom);

    /** @param created the created timestamp Unix epoch in seconds */
    public final void setCreated(final long created) {
        if (this.created != created) {
            changed.put("created", true);
            this.created = created;