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 * $Id:,v 1.11 2009/09/22 21:13:44 obecker Exp $
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
 * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is: this file
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Oliver Becker.
 * Portions created by  ______________________
 * are Copyright (C) ______ _______________________.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): Nikolay Fiykov
package net.sf.joost.plugins.traxfilter;

import net.sf.joost.Constants;
import net.sf.joost.OptionalLog;
import net.sf.joost.TransformerHandlerResolver;
import net.sf.joost.plugins.attributes.Attribute;
import net.sf.joost.plugins.attributes.BooleanAttribute;
import net.sf.joost.plugins.attributes.StringAttribute;
import net.sf.joost.trax.TrAXConstants;
import net.sf.joost.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;

 * Implementation of TrAX XSLT and STX filters.
 * Filter URIs:
 * It works by instantiating a TrAX SAX TransformerHandler and delegating the
 * execution to it.
 * Particual TrAX transformer can be specified by system property
 * javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.
 * Examples: ... <stx:process-self
 * filter-method=""
 * filter-src="url('your-file.xsl')" /> ... <stx:process-self
 * filter-method=""
 * filter-src="url('your-file.stx')" /> ...
 * <p>This filter supports following properties.
 * Each one of them can be specified as system property (
 * -D )
 * or passed as parameter in your main STX template (
 * &lt;stx:with-param name="" select="'true'" /&gr; )
 * <li>
 * If set to true it will cache instantiated transformer objects
 * and will reuse them each time same HREF is asked to be resolved.
 * This implied mainly for filter-src=url(...).
 * Possible values are true or false, false by default.</li>
 * <li>
 * Essentially same as REUSE-TH-URL meaning but works for filter-src=buffer(...)
 * It caches all buffers into one object, so use it only if you're going
 * to have only one buffer() in your transformation.
 * Possible values are true or false, false by default.</li>
 * <li>
 * Specifies what TrAX factory is to be used. This is necessary when you want to
 * specify factory different than build-in ones such as Xalan's XTLTC for instance.
 * Possible values are fully classified java class name, by default not specified.</li>
 * <li>
 * Indicate that what is passed in filter-src=url(...) is in fact TrAX SYSTEM_ID
 * instead of an actual URL. This is required when having using custom TrAX factories
 * like Xalan's XSLTC which expects complied XSLT class name unstead of valid file URL.</li>
 * <p>The namespace
 * designates attributes passed to underlying TrAX factory.
 * This is useful when one desires to instrument in the factory a particular way.
 * For example setting Xalan's incremental parsing feature is done:
 * -D
 * or
 * &lt;stx:with-param name="" select="'true'" /&gt;
 * @version $Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 2009/09/22 21:13:44 $
 * @author fikin
public class THResolver implements TransformerHandlerResolver, Constants {

    /** supported methods */
    public static final String STX_METHOD = STX_NS;
    public static final String XSLT_METHOD = "";
    public static final String TRAX_METHOD = "";

    /* supported parameter prefixes */
    /** namespace for filter's own attributes */
    public static final String FILTER_ATTR_NS = STX_NS + "/trax-filter";
    /** namespace for attributes provided to underlying TrAX object */
    public static final String TRAX_ATTR_NS = STX_NS + "/trax-filter/attribute";

    /** internal representation of parameters namespaces */
    private static final String tmp_FILTER_ATTR_NS = "{" + FILTER_ATTR_NS + "}";
    private static final String tmp_TRAX_ATTR_NS = "{" + TRAX_ATTR_NS + "}";

    /** supported filter attributes */
    private static Hashtable attrs = new Hashtable();

    /** indicate if to cache TrAX TH and reuse them across calls */
    public static final BooleanAttribute REUSE_TH_URL = new BooleanAttribute("REUSE-TH-URL",
            System.getProperty(FILTER_ATTR_NS + ":REUSE-TH-URL", "false"), attrs);

    /** force caching XMLReader TH, joost sends new XMLReader each time
     *  it calls resolve() even if it is one and same buffer
     *  this flag is meant to "force" buffer-based th caching
    public static final BooleanAttribute REUSE_TH_BUFFER = new BooleanAttribute("REUSE-TH-BUFFER",
            System.getProperty(FILTER_ATTR_NS + ":REUSE-TH-BUFFER", "false"), attrs);

     * if specified this class will be used as TransformerFactory for creating TH
    public static final StringAttribute FACTORY = new StringAttribute("FACTORY",
            System.getProperty(FILTER_ATTR_NS + ":FACTORY", ""), attrs);

     * if set to true specifies that url(...) is in fact systemId(...)
     * rather than url() to a file/resource
    public static final BooleanAttribute HREF_IS_SYSTEM_ID = new BooleanAttribute("THREAT-URL-AS-SYSTEM_ID",
            System.getProperty(FILTER_ATTR_NS + ":THREAT-URL-AS-SYSTEM_ID", "false"), attrs);

    /** all XMLReader-based TH are reused under this hashtable key */
    private static final String XMLREADER_KEY = "_XMLREADER";

    /** cached TrAX TH */
    private static Hashtable cachedTH = new Hashtable(5);

    /** supported URI methods */
    private static final String[] METHODS = { STX_METHOD, XSLT_METHOD, TRAX_METHOD };

    private static Object SYNCHRONIZE_GUARD = new Object();

    /** logging object */
    private static Log log = OptionalLog.getLog(THResolver.class);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see net.sf.joost.plugins.HandlerPlugin#resolves()
    public String[] resolves() {
        if (DEBUG)

        return METHODS;

     * @see net.sf.joost.TransformerHandlerResolver#resolve(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String, java.lang.String, javax.xml.transform.URIResolver,
     *      javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener, java.util.Hashtable)
    public TransformerHandler resolve(String method, String href, String base, URIResolver uriResolver,
            ErrorListener errorListener, Hashtable params) throws SAXException {
        if (!available(method))
            throw new SAXException("Not supported filter-method:" + method);

        if (DEBUG)
            log.debug("resolve(url): href=" + href + ", base=" + base);

        if (href == null)
            throw new SAXException("method-src must be url() or buffer()");


        TransformerHandler th = null;

        // reuse th if available
        th = getReusableHrefTH(method, href);

        // new transformer if non available
        if (th == null) {
            // prepare the source
            Source source = null;
            try {
                // use custom URIResolver if present
                if (uriResolver != null) {
                    source = uriResolver.resolve(href, base);
                if (source == null) {
                    if (HREF_IS_SYSTEM_ID.booleanValue()) {
                        // systemId
                        if (DEBUG)
                            log.debug("resolve(url): new source out of systemId='" + href + "'");
                        source = new StreamSource(href);
                    } else {
                        // file
                        String url = new URL(new URL(base), href).toExternalForm();
                        if (DEBUG)
                            log.debug("resolve(url): new source out of file='" + url + "'");
                        source = new StreamSource(url);
            } catch (MalformedURLException muex) {
                throw new SAXException(muex);
            } catch (TransformerException tex) {
                throw new SAXException(tex);

            th = newTHOutOfTrAX(method, source, params, errorListener, uriResolver);

            // cache the instance if required
            cacheHrefTH(method, href, th);

        prepareTh(th, params);
        return th;

     * @see net.sf.joost.TransformerHandlerResolver#resolve(java.lang.String,
     *      org.xml.sax.XMLReader, javax.xml.transform.URIResolver,
     *      javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener, java.util.Hashtable)
    public TransformerHandler resolve(String method, XMLReader reader, URIResolver uriResolver,
            ErrorListener errorListener, Hashtable params) throws SAXException {
        if (!available(method))
            throw new SAXException("Not supported filter-method:" + method);

        if (DEBUG)

        if (reader == null)
            throw new SAXException("method-src must be url() or buffer()");


        TransformerHandler th = null;

        // reuse th if available
        th = getReusableXmlReaderTH(method);

        // new transformer if non available
        if (th == null) {
            // prepare the source
            if (DEBUG)
                log.debug("resolve(buffer): new source out of buffer");
            Source source = new SAXSource(reader, new InputSource());

            th = newTHOutOfTrAX(method, source, params, errorListener, uriResolver);

            // cache the instance if required
            cacheBufferTH(method, th);

        prepareTh(th, params);
        return th;

     * @see net.sf.joost.TransformerHandlerResolver#available(java.lang.String)
    public boolean available(String method) {
        if (DEBUG)
            log.debug("available(): method=" + method);

        return (STX_METHOD.equals(method) || XSLT_METHOD.equals(method) || TRAX_METHOD.equals(method));

     * Lookup in the hashtable for cached TH instance based on href.
     * Takes into account if caching flag is on.
     * @param method
     * @param href
     * @return TH or null
    protected TransformerHandler getReusableHrefTH(String method, String href) {
        if (DEBUG)
            log.debug("getReusableHrefTH(): href=" + href);

        if (REUSE_TH_URL.booleanValue())
            return (TransformerHandler) cachedTH.get(method + href);
        return null;

     * cache this TH instance if flags says so
     * @param th
    protected void cacheHrefTH(String method, String href, TransformerHandler th) {
        if (DEBUG)

        if (REUSE_TH_URL.booleanValue())
            cachedTH.put(method + href, th);

     * Lookup in the hashtable for cached TH instance based on XmlReader.
     * Takes into account if caching flag is on.
     * @param method
     * @return TH or null
    protected TransformerHandler getReusableXmlReaderTH(String method) {
        if (DEBUG)

        if (REUSE_TH_BUFFER.booleanValue())
            return (TransformerHandler) cachedTH.get(method + XMLREADER_KEY);
        return null;

     * cache this TH instance if flags says so
     * @param th
    protected void cacheBufferTH(String method, TransformerHandler th) {
        if (DEBUG)

        if (REUSE_TH_BUFFER.booleanValue())
            cachedTH.put(method + XMLREADER_KEY, th);

     * Creates new TH instance out of TrAX factory
     * @param method
     * @param source
     * @return TH
    protected TransformerHandler newTHOutOfTrAX(String method, Source source, Hashtable params,
            ErrorListener errorListener, URIResolver uriResolver) throws SAXException {
        if (DEBUG)

        SAXTransformerFactory saxtf;

        if (FACTORY.getValueStr().length() > 0) {
            // create factory as asked by the client
            try {
                saxtf = (SAXTransformerFactory) (Class.forName(FACTORY.getValueStr())).newInstance();
                if (DEBUG)
                    log.debug("newTHOutOfTrAX(): use custom TrAX factory " + FACTORY.getValueStr());
            } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                throw new SAXException(e);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new SAXException(e);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new SAXException(e);

        } else if (STX_METHOD.equals(method)) {
            saxtf = new TransformerFactoryImpl();
            if (DEBUG)
                log.debug("newTHOutOfTrAX(): use default Joost factory " + saxtf.getClass().toString());
        } else {
            final String TFPROP = "javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory";
            final String STXIMP = "net.sf.joost.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl";

            synchronized (SYNCHRONIZE_GUARD) {

                String propVal = System.getProperty(TFPROP);
                boolean propChanged = false;

                String xsltFac = System.getProperty(TrAXConstants.KEY_XSLT_FACTORY);
                if (xsltFac != null || STXIMP.equals(propVal)) {
                    // change this property,
                    // otherwise we wouldn't get an XSLT transformer
                    if (xsltFac != null)
                        System.setProperty(TFPROP, xsltFac);
                    else {
                        Properties props = System.getProperties();
                    propChanged = true;

                saxtf = (SAXTransformerFactory) TransformerFactory.newInstance();

                if (propChanged) {
                    // reset property
                    if (propVal != null)
                        System.setProperty(TFPROP, propVal);
                    else {
                        Properties props = System.getProperties();

            if (DEBUG)
                log.debug("newTHOutOfTrAX(): use default TrAX factory " + saxtf.getClass().toString());

        // set factory attributes
        setTraxFactoryAttributes(saxtf, params);
        setupTransformerFactory(saxtf, errorListener, uriResolver);

        try {
            if (DEBUG)
                log.debug("newTHOutOfTrAX(): creating factory's reusable TH");
            // TrAX way to create TH
            TransformerHandler th = saxtf.newTransformerHandler(source);
            setupTransformer(th.getTransformer(), errorListener, uriResolver);
            return th;
        } catch (TransformerConfigurationException ex) {
            throw new SAXException(ex);


    private void setupTransformerFactory(TransformerFactory factory, ErrorListener errorListener,
            URIResolver uriResolver) {
        if (errorListener != null)
        if (uriResolver != null)

    private void setupTransformer(Transformer transformer, ErrorListener errorListener, URIResolver uriResolver) {
        if (errorListener != null)
        if (uriResolver != null)

     * Set to the SAX TrAX Factory attributes by inspecting the given parameters
     * for those which are from TrAX namespace
    protected void setTraxFactoryAttributes(SAXTransformerFactory saxtf, Hashtable params) {
        // loop over all parameters
        Enumeration e = params.keys();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            String key = (String) e.nextElement();

            // is this one from TrAX namespace?
            if (key.startsWith(tmp_TRAX_ATTR_NS)) {

                // it is, remove the namespace prefix and set it to the factory
                String name = key.substring(tmp_TRAX_ATTR_NS.length()).toLowerCase();
                saxtf.setAttribute(name, params.get(key));
                if (DEBUG)
                    log.debug("newTHOutOfTrAX(): set factory attribute " + name + "=" + params.get(key));


     * Prepare TH instance for work
     * This involves setting TrAX parameters and all other stuff if needed
     * @param th
     * @param params
    protected void prepareTh(TransformerHandler th, Hashtable params) {
        if (DEBUG)

        Transformer tr = th.getTransformer();

        // make sure old parameters are cleaned

        // set transformation parameters
        if (!params.isEmpty()) {
            for (Enumeration e = params.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                String key = (String) e.nextElement();
                if (DEBUG)
                    log.debug("prepareTh(): set parameter " + key + "=" + params.get(key));

                if (!key.startsWith(tmp_TRAX_ATTR_NS) && !key.startsWith(tmp_FILTER_ATTR_NS)) {
                    // ordinary parameter, set it to the TrAX object
                    tr.setParameter(key, params.get(key));

     * Find in the given list of parameters filter's own one and set their state
     * @param params
    protected void setFilterAttributes(Hashtable params) {
        if (DEBUG)

        // loop over all coming parameters
        Enumeration e = params.keys();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            String key = (String) e.nextElement();

            // is this a parameter from filter's namespace?
            if (key.startsWith(tmp_FILTER_ATTR_NS)) {

                // it is, extract the name of the attribute and set its value
                String name = key.substring(tmp_FILTER_ATTR_NS.length()).toLowerCase();
                Attribute a = (Attribute) (attrs.get(name));
                if (a == null)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("setFilterAttributes() : " + name + " not supported");

                if (DEBUG)
                    log.debug("setFilterAttributes(): set attribute " + name + "=" + params.get(key));