Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2006-2015 The MZmine 2 Development Team
 * This file is part of MZmine 2.
 * MZmine 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * MZmine 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * MZmine 2; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
 * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

package net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.metamsecorrelate;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;
import org.openscience.cdk.renderer.AverageBondLengthCalculator;

import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.Feature;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.MZmineProject;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakListRow;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.RawDataFile;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListAppliedMethod;
import net.sf.mzmine.desktop.Desktop;
import net.sf.mzmine.desktop.impl.HeadLessDesktop;
import net.sf.mzmine.main.MZmineCore;
import net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.metamsecorrelate.datastructure.FeatureShapeCorrelationData;
import net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.metamsecorrelate.datastructure.MSEGroupedPeakList;
import net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.metamsecorrelate.datastructure.PKLRowGroup;
import net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.metamsecorrelate.datastructure.PKLRowGroupList;
import net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.metamsecorrelate.datastructure.RowCorrelationData;
import net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.identification.metamsecorrelate.datastructure.param.ESIAdductType;
import net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.isotopes.aligneddeisotoper.AlignedIsotopeGrouperTask;
import net.sf.mzmine.parameters.ParameterSet;
import net.sf.mzmine.parameters.UserParameter;
import net.sf.mzmine.parameters.parametertypes.tolerances.MZTolerance;
import net.sf.mzmine.parameters.parametertypes.tolerances.RTTolerance;
import net.sf.mzmine.taskcontrol.AbstractTask;
import net.sf.mzmine.taskcontrol.TaskStatus;
import net.sf.mzmine.util.PeakListRowSorter;
import net.sf.mzmine.util.SortingDirection;
import net.sf.mzmine.util.SortingProperty;

public class MetaMSEcorrelateTask extends AbstractTask {

    // Logger.
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MetaMSEcorrelateTask.class.getName());

    private int finishedRows;
    private int totalRows;
    private double progress;
    private final PeakList[] peakLists;

    private final RTTolerance rtTolerance;
    private final MZTolerance mzTolerance;
    // adducts
    private final ESIAdductType[] selectedAdducts, selectedMods;
    private Vector<ESIAdductType> allAdducts = new Vector<ESIAdductType>();
    private Vector<ESIAdductType> allModification = new Vector<ESIAdductType>();
    private final boolean useAdductBonusR, searchAdducts, isPositive;
    private final double adductBonusR;
    private final int maxMolecules, maxCombinations, maxCharge, maxMods;
    private final String groupingParameter;
    // sample group size
    private UserParameter<?, ?> sgroupPara;
    private HashMap<Object, Integer> sgroupSize;
    private boolean hasToFilterMinFInSampleSets;

    // filter
    private final double mainPeakIntensity, percContainedInSamples;
    // pearson correlation r to identify negative correlation
    private final double minIntensityProfileR, minShapeCorrR;
    private static double noiseLevelShapeCorr = 1E4, minCorrelatedDataPoints = 3;

    private final ParameterSet parameters;
    private final MZmineProject project;

    // output
    private MSEGroupedPeakList[] groupedPKL;

     * Create the task.
     * @param parameterSet
     *            the parameters.
     * @param list
     *            peak list.
    public MetaMSEcorrelateTask(final MZmineProject project, final ParameterSet parameterSet,
            final PeakList[] peakLists) {
        this.project = project;
        this.peakLists = peakLists;
        parameters = parameterSet;

        finishedRows = 0;
        totalRows = 0;

        // sample groups parameter
        groupingParameter = (String) parameters.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.GROUPSPARAMETER).getValue();
        // tolerances
        rtTolerance = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.RT_TOLERANCE).getValue();
        mzTolerance = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MZ_TOLERANCE).getValue();

        // filter
        // start with high abundant features >= mainPeakIntensity
        // In this way we directly filter out groups with no abundant features
        // fill in smaller features after
        mainPeakIntensity = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MAIN_PEAK_HEIGHT).getValue();
        // by min percentage of samples in a sample set that contain this feature MIN_SAMPLES
        percContainedInSamples = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MIN_SAMPLES).getValue();
        // intensity correlation across samples
        minIntensityProfileR = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MIN_R_I_PROFILE).getValue();
        // feature shape correlation 
        minShapeCorrR = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MIN_R_SHAPE_INTRA).getValue();
        noiseLevelShapeCorr = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.NOISE_LEVEL_PEAK_SHAPE)
        // min of 3! TODO
        minCorrelatedDataPoints = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MIN_DP_CORR_PEAK_SHAPE)

        // TODO: maybe search for isotopes first hard coded and filter by isotope pattern
        searchAdducts = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.SEARCH_ADDUCTS).getValue();
        isPositive = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.POSITIVE_MODE).getValue();
        useAdductBonusR = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.ADDUCT_BONUSR).getValue();
        adductBonusR = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.ADDUCT_BONUSR).getEmbeddedParameter()
        maxMolecules = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MAX_MOLECULES).getValue();
        maxCombinations = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MAX_COMBINATION).getValue();
        maxCharge = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MAX_CHARGE).getValue();
        maxMods = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.MAX_MODS).getValue();

        selectedAdducts = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.ADDUCTS).getValue()[0];
        selectedMods = parameterSet.getParameter(MetaMSEcorrelateParameters.ADDUCTS).getValue()[1];

        createAllAdducts(isPositive, maxMolecules, maxCombinations, maxCharge);

     * only for adduct testing
    public MetaMSEcorrelateTask(boolean pos, ESIAdductType[] selectedAdducts, ESIAdductType[] selectedMods,
            int maxMolecules, int maxCombinations, int maxCharge, int maxMods) {
        this.selectedAdducts = selectedAdducts;
        this.selectedMods = selectedMods;
        this.maxMolecules = maxMolecules;
        this.maxCombinations = maxCombinations;
        this.maxCharge = maxCharge;
        this.maxMods = maxMods;
        this.project = null;
        this.peakLists = null;
        parameters = null;

        finishedRows = 0;
        totalRows = 0;
        groupingParameter = null;
        rtTolerance = null;
        mzTolerance = null;

        // filter
        // start with high abundant features >= mainPeakIntensity
        // In this way we directly filter out groups with no abundant features
        // fill in smaller features after
        mainPeakIntensity = 0;
        // by min percentage of samples in a sample set that contain this feature MIN_SAMPLES
        percContainedInSamples = 0;
        // intensity correlation across samples
        minIntensityProfileR = 0;
        // feature shape correlation 
        minShapeCorrR = 0;
        noiseLevelShapeCorr = 0;
        // min of 3! TODO
        minCorrelatedDataPoints = 0;

        // TODO: maybe search for isotopes first hard coded and filter by isotope pattern
        searchAdducts = true;
        isPositive = pos;
        useAdductBonusR = true;
        adductBonusR = 0;

        createAllAdducts(isPositive, maxMolecules, maxCombinations, maxCharge);

    public double getFinishedPercentage() {
        return progress;

    public String getTaskDescription() {
        return "Identification of groups in " + peakLists.length + " scan events (lists)";

    public void run() {
        setStatus(TaskStatus.PROCESSING);"Starting MSE correlation search in " + peakLists.length + " scan events (lists)");
        try {
            groupedPKL = new MSEGroupedPeakList[peakLists.length];
            for (int e = 0; e < peakLists.length; e++) {
                // create new PKL for grouping
                groupedPKL[e] = new MSEGroupedPeakList(peakLists[e].getRawDataFiles(), peakLists[e]);
                // find groups and size

                // go through all samples in one peakList
                PKLRowGroupList groups;
                // group the features of one scan event of all samples
                // by RT and r-Pearson (intra)
                groups = groupFeatures(groupedPKL[e]);
                if (groups != null) {
                    // set groups to pkl
                    // add to project 

                    // do deisotoping
                    // do adduct search
                    // searchAdducts();
            // if events>1
            if (peakLists.length > 1) {
                // combine groups across events by RT and r-Pearson (inter event)

                // search for in source fragments by profile in MS1 and MSE

            if (!isCanceled()) {
                for (int e = 0; e < peakLists.length; e++) {
                    // Add task description to peakList.
                            new SimplePeakListAppliedMethod("Identification of adducts", parameters));

                    // Repaint the window to reflect the change in the peak list
                    Desktop desktop = MZmineCore.getDesktop();
                    if (!(desktop instanceof HeadLessDesktop))

                    // Done.
          "Finished adducts search in " + peakLists[e]);
        } catch (Throwable t) {

            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Adduct search error", t);

     * gets called to initialise variables for next peaklist
     * @param peakList
    private void setSampleGroups(PeakList peakList) {
        HashMap<Object, Integer> sgroupSize = new HashMap<Object, Integer>();

        UserParameter<?, ?> params[] = project.getParameters();
        for (UserParameter<?, ?> p : params) {
            if (groupingParameter.equals(p.getName())) {
                // save parameter for sample groups
                sgroupPara = p;
        int max = 0;
        // calc size of sample groups
        for (RawDataFile file : peakList.getRawDataFiles()) {
            String parameterValue = sgroupOf(file);

            Integer v = sgroupSize.get(parameterValue);
            int val = v == null ? 0 : v;
            sgroupSize.put(parameterValue, val + 1);
            if (val + 1 > max)
                max = val + 1;
        this.sgroupSize = sgroupSize;
        // has to filter minimum samples with a feature in a set?
        // only if sample set has to contain more than one sample with a feature
        hasToFilterMinFInSampleSets = ((int) (max * percContainedInSamples)) > 1;

     * @param file
     * @return sample group value of raw file
    private String sgroupOf(RawDataFile file) {
        return String.valueOf(project.getParameterValue(sgroupPara, file));

     * First step is to bin the samples by average rt
     * tolerance is higher to get all samples in the same group
     * creates all groups possible
    private PKLRowGroupList groupFeatures1(PeakList peakList) {
       PeakListRow rows[] = peakList.getRows();
       totalRows = rows.length;
       if(totalRows>0) {
     // sort by RT of raw file peak not average!
     Arrays.sort(rows, new PeakListRowSorter(SortingProperty.RT, SortingDirection.Ascending));
     // store groups in array
     PKLRowGroupList groups = new PKLRowGroupList();
     // group by larger tolerance for average RT 
     PKLRowGroup lastG = null;
     double tol = rtTolerance.getTolerance()*2;
     RTTolerance avrtTolerace = new RTTolerance(rtTolerance.isAbsolute(), tol);
     // start with feature one and create a new group every time the distance is to high
     for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
        PeakListRow row = rows[i]; 
        // new group?
        if(lastG==null || !avrtTolerace.checkWithinTolerance(
              lastG.getCenterAVRT(), row.getAverageRT())){
           PKLRowGroup newG = new PKLRowGroup(row.getAverageRT()+tol);
           // add previous features to new group?
           if(lastG!=null) {
              for(PeakListRow old : lastG) {
                 // check current feature of new group with old ones
                 if(avrtTolerace.checkWithinTolerance(row.getAverageRT(), old.getAverageRT()))
           // set center of new group if some features were added
           if(newG.size()>0) {
           lastG = newG;
        // add feature to current group
     return groups;
       return null;
     * build a groups list with only intense features
     * because they are showing higher correlation
     * check correlation to high features in range -> same/different group
     * -> can be inserted in multiple groups
     * has to run 2 times for inserting first features in multiple groups
     * insert low abundant features
     * @param peakList
     * @return
    private PKLRowGroupList groupFeatures(PeakList peakList) {
        PeakListRow rows[] = peakList.getRows();
        totalRows = rows.length;
        final RawDataFile raw[] = peakList.getRawDataFiles();

        if (totalRows > 1) {
            // sort by avgRT
            Arrays.sort(rows, new PeakListRowSorter(SortingProperty.RT, SortingDirection.Ascending));

            // store groups in list
            PKLRowGroupList groups = new PKLRowGroupList();

            // start with feature one and create a new group every time 
            // the distance is to high or there is no peak shape correlation
            // try to fit all features to all groups twice 
            // giving the first feature the chance of beeing correlated to all gorups
            progress = 0.05;
            // for all rows
            for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
                PeakListRow row = rows[i];
                // start with high abundant features
                // higher than mainPeakIntensity? contained in X % samples of a sample set?
                if (row.getBestPeak().getHeight() >= mainPeakIntensity && filterMinFeaturesInSampleSet(raw, row)) {
                    // new group?
                    if (groups.size() == 0) {
                        groups.add(new PKLRowGroup(raw, row, 0));
                    } else {
                        boolean added = false;
                        // check all groups for correlation with row
                        for (int g = 0; g < groups.size(); g++) {
                            PKLRowGroup pg = groups.get(g);
                            // check and add if row is correlated
                            // TODO maybe add it to group but if its to far off - give false as a result -> also new group
                            if (corrRowToGroup(peakList, raw, row, pg)) {
                                added = true;
                        // not added? create new group 
                        if (!added)
                            groups.add(new PKLRowGroup(raw, row, groups.size()));
            progress = 0.3;

            // SECOND GO: all high abundant rows again
            for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
                PeakListRow row = rows[i];
                // start with high abundant features
                // higher than mainPeakIntensity? contained in X % samples of a sample set?
                if (row.getBestPeak().getHeight() >= mainPeakIntensity && filterMinFeaturesInSampleSet(raw, row)) {
                    // check all groups for correlation with row
                    for (int g = 0; g < groups.size(); g++) {
                        PKLRowGroup pg = groups.get(g);
                        if (!pg.contains(row)) {
                            // correlate and add if row fits 
                            if (corrRowToGroup(peakList, raw, row, pg)) {
            progress = 0.6;

            // ######################################################################
            // now correlate and add low abundant features to groups 
            if (groups.size() > 0) {
                progress = 0.65;
                double step = (0.90 - 0.65) / totalRows;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
                    PeakListRow row = rows[i];
                    // start with high abundant features
                    // lower than mainPeakIntensity? contained in X % samples of a sample set?
                    if (row.getBestPeak().getHeight() < mainPeakIntensity
                            && filterMinFeaturesInSampleSet(raw, row)) {
                        // check all groups for correlation with row
                        for (int g = 0; g < groups.size(); g++) {
                            PKLRowGroup pg = groups.get(g);
                            // correlate and add if row fits
                            // TODO maybe add it to group but if its to far off - give false as a result
                            if (corrRowToGroup(peakList, raw, row, pg)) {
                    progress += step;
                progress = 0.90;
                return groups;
        return null;

     * only keep rows which contain features in at least X % samples in a set
     * called before starting row processing
     * @param raw
     * @param row
     * @return
    private boolean filterMinFeaturesInSampleSet(final RawDataFile raw[], PeakListRow row) {
        // short cut if minimum is only one sample in a set
        if (!hasToFilterMinFInSampleSets)
            return true;
        // is present in X % samples of a sample set?
        // count sample in groups (no feature in a sample group->no occurrence in map)
        HashMap<Object, Integer> counter = new HashMap<Object, Integer>();
        for (RawDataFile file : raw) {
            if (row.hasPeak(file)) {
                String sgroup = sgroupOf(file);
                if (counter.containsKey(sgroup)) {
                    counter.put(sgroup, counter.get(sgroup) + 1);
                } else {
                    counter.put(sgroup, 1);
        // only go on if feature was present in X % of the samples
        for (Object sg : counter.keySet()) {
            if (counter.get(sg) < sgroupSize.get(sg) * percContainedInSamples)
                return false;
        return true;

     * correlation between row and group(every row of the group)
     * @param row
     * @param pg
     * @return
    private boolean corrRowToGroup(final PeakList peakList, final RawDataFile raw[], PeakListRow row,
            PKLRowGroup pg) {
        // simple fast correlation to groups RT min/max/avg
        // direct exclusion for high level filtering
        // check rt of all peaks of all raw files
        for (int r = 0; r < raw.length; r++) {
            Feature f = row.getPeak(raw[r]);
            if (f != null && pg.hasPeak(r)) {
                if (!pg.isInRange(r, f, rtTolerance))
                    return false;

        // correlation to all rows and all peaks of a row (feature)
        double minShapeR = 1, avgShapeR = 0;
        int c = 0;
        int adductsInGroup = 0;
        ESIAdductType[] lastAdductCombination = null;
        // for all rows in group
        for (PeakListRow row2 : pg) {
            // returns corr<=0 if conditions were not met
            double tmpcorr;
            try {
                FeatureShapeCorrelationData[] data = corrRowToRowFeatureShape(raw, row, row2);
                // for min max avg
                RowCorrelationData rowCorr = new RowCorrelationData(0, 0, 0, data);
                // has bad correlation: exit
                if (rowCorr.hasPeakShapeCorrelation() && rowCorr.getAvgPeakShapeR() <= 0)
                    return false;
                else if (rowCorr.hasPeakShapeCorrelation()) {
                    // avg and min shape correlation:
                    avgShapeR += rowCorr.getAvgPeakShapeR();
                    if (rowCorr.getMinPeakShapeR() < minShapeR)
                        minShapeR = rowCorr.getMinPeakShapeR();

                // Deisotoping went wrong?
                if (searchAdducts) {
                    int absCharge = AlignedIsotopeGrouperTask.find13CIsotope(peakList, row, row2, maxCharge,
                    boolean isIsotope = absCharge != -1;
                    // search for adducts and add correlation: IProfile doesnt have to be the same for adducts
                    boolean isAdduct = false;
                    if (!isIsotope) {
                        ESIAdductType[] ad = findAdducts(peakList, row2, row, row2.getRowCharge(),
                        if (ad != null) {
                            isAdduct = true;
                            lastAdductCombination = ad;
                    adductsInGroup += isAdduct || isIsotope ? 1 : 0;

            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                return false;
        // calculate combined correlation
        if (c != 0) {
            double corr = avgShapeR / c;
            if (useAdductBonusR)
                corr += adductBonusR * adductsInGroup;
            return corr >= minShapeCorrR;
        } else {
            int max = Math.max(maxCombinations, maxCharge) + 1;
            return adductsInGroup > 1 || (lastAdductCombination != null
                    && lastAdductCombination[0].isMainAdduct(max) && lastAdductCombination[1].isMainAdduct(max));

     * correlates one row to another
     * peak shape correlation (Pearson) (if negative or zero direct escape)
     *       otherwise avg(corr)>= minCorrPeakShape
     * intensity profile correlation (Pearson) >= minCorrIProfile
     *       TODO: maybe impute low values instead of 0 for not detected!
     * @param row
     * @param g
     * @return average correlation over both factors ranging from minR to 1 (or 0 if minimum correlation was not met)
     * @throws Exception 
    private double corrRowToRow(final PeakList peakList, final RawDataFile raw[], PeakListRow row, PeakListRow row2)
            throws Exception {
        double corr = 0;
        SimpleRegression reg = new SimpleRegression();
        // count
        int c = 0;
        // go through all raw files 
        for (int r = 0; r < raw.length; r++) {
            Feature f1 = row.getPeak(raw[r]);
            Feature f2 = row2.getPeak(raw[r]);
            if (f1 != null && f2 != null) {
                // peak shape correlation
                FeatureShapeCorrelationData cFS = corrFeatureShape(f1, f2, true);
                if (cFS != null) {
                    double tmpcorr = cFS.getR();
                    // escape if peak shapes are showing a negative correlation
                    if (tmpcorr <= 0)
                        return tmpcorr;
                    corr += tmpcorr;
                } else {
                    // correlation was not possible
                    // maybe due to a small peak in this raw file
                    // escape if features would be high enough for a correlation
                    // this means the features are not intercepting
                    if (countDPHigherThanNoise(f1) >= minCorrelatedDataPoints
                            && countDPHigherThanNoise(f2) >= minCorrelatedDataPoints)
                        return 0;
            // I profile correlation
            // TODO: low value imputation?
            double I1 = f1 != null ? f1.getHeight() : 0;
            double I2 = f2 != null ? f2.getHeight() : 0;
            reg.addData(I1, I2);
        // First search for isotopes TODO later fill in isotopes from raw
        int absCharge = AlignedIsotopeGrouperTask.find13CIsotope(peakList, row, row2, maxCharge, mzTolerance);
        boolean isIsotope = absCharge != -1;
        // TODO search for adducts and add correlation: IProfile doesnt have to be the same for adducts
        boolean isAdduct = false;
        if (!isIsotope)
            findAdducts(peakList, row, row2, row.getRowCharge(), row2.getRowCharge());
        double adductBonus = (isIsotope || isAdduct) && useAdductBonusR ? adductBonusR : 0;
        // TODO weighting of intensity corr and feature shape corr
        // there was no correlation possible due to small peaks
        if (c == 0) {
            return isAdduct || isIsotope ? 1 : 0;
        } else {
            corr = (corr / c);
            double corrIprofile = reg.getR();
            if (corr + adductBonus < minShapeCorrR)
                return 0;
            else if (corrIprofile < minIntensityProfileR)
                return 0;
                return (corr + corrIprofile) / 2;

     * correlates the height profile of one row to another
     * NO escape routine
     * @param raw
     * @param row
     * @param g
     * @return Pearson r of height correlation
    public static double corrRowToRowIProfile(final RawDataFile raw[], PeakListRow row, PeakListRow g) {
        SimpleRegression reg = new SimpleRegression();
        // go through all raw files 
        for (int r = 0; r < raw.length; r++) {
            Feature f1 = row.getPeak(raw[r]);
            Feature f2 = g.getPeak(raw[r]);
            // I profile correlation
            // TODO: low value imputation?
            double I1 = f1 != null ? f1.getHeight() : 0;
            double I2 = f2 != null ? f2.getHeight() : 0;
            reg.addData(I1, I2);
        // TODO weighting of intensity corr
        double corrIprofile = reg.getR();
        return corrIprofile;

     * correlation of row to row peak shape
     * NO escape routine
     * @param raw raw files used to construct this peak list
     * @param row
     * @param g
     * @return feature shape correlation as an array[rawFiles] 
     * or null if one feature has no peak in a raw file
     * or an empty correlation (corr.regression==null) if not
     * not enough data points for a correlation
     * @throws Exception
    public static FeatureShapeCorrelationData[] corrRowToRowFeatureShape(final RawDataFile raw[], PeakListRow row,
            PeakListRow g) throws Exception {
        FeatureShapeCorrelationData[] corrData = new FeatureShapeCorrelationData[raw.length];
        // go through all raw files 
        for (int r = 0; r < raw.length; r++) {
            Feature f1 = row.getPeak(raw[r]);
            Feature f2 = g.getPeak(raw[r]);
            if (f1 != null && f2 != null) {
                // peak shape correlation
                corrData[r] = corrFeatureShape(f1, f2, true);
            } else {
                corrData[r] = null;
        return corrData;

     * feature shape correlation
     * @param f1
     * @param f2
     * @return feature shape correlation 
     * or null if not possible
     * not enough data points for a correlation
     * @throws Exception 
    public static FeatureShapeCorrelationData corrFeatureShape(Feature f1, Feature f2, boolean sameRawFile)
            throws Exception {
        //Range<Double> rt1 = f1.getRawDataPointsRTRange();
        //Range<Double> rt2 = f2.getRawDataPointsRTRange();
        if (sameRawFile) {
            // scan numbers (not necessary 1,2,3...)
            int[] sn1 = f1.getScanNumbers();
            int[] sn2 = f2.getScanNumbers();
            int offsetI1 = 0;
            int offsetI2 = 0;
            // find corresponding value
            if (sn2[0] > sn1[0]) {
                for (int i = 1; i < sn1.length; i++) {
                    if (sn1[i] == sn2[0]) {
                        offsetI1 = i;
                // peaks are not overlapping
                if (offsetI1 == 0)
                    return null;
            if (sn2[0] < sn1[0]) {
                for (int i = 1; i < sn2.length; i++) {
                    if (sn1[0] == sn2[i]) {
                        offsetI2 = i;
                // peaks are not overlapping
                if (offsetI2 == 0)
                    return null;
            // only correlate intercepting areas 0-max
            int max = 0;
            if (sn1.length - offsetI1 <= sn2.length - offsetI2)
                max = sn1.length - offsetI1;
            if (sn1.length - offsetI1 > sn2.length - offsetI2)
                max = sn2.length - offsetI2;
            if (max - offsetI1 > minCorrelatedDataPoints && max - offsetI2 > minCorrelatedDataPoints) {
                RawDataFile raw = f1.getDataFile();
                SimpleRegression reg = new SimpleRegression();
                // save max and min of intensity of val1(x)
                double maxX = 0;
                double minX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                Vector<Double> I1 = new Vector<Double>();
                Vector<Double> I2 = new Vector<Double>();
                // add all data points over a given threshold
                // raw data (not smoothed)
                for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
                    if (sn1[i + offsetI1] != sn2[i + offsetI2])
                        throw new Exception("Scans are not the same for peak shape corr");
                    double val1 = f1.getDataPoint(sn1[i + offsetI1]).getIntensity();
                    double val2 = f2.getDataPoint(sn2[i + offsetI2]).getIntensity();
                    if (val1 >= noiseLevelShapeCorr && val2 >= noiseLevelShapeCorr) {
                        reg.addData(val1, val2);
                        if (val1 < minX)
                            minX = val1;
                        if (val1 > maxX)
                            maxX = val1;
                // return pearson r
                if (reg.getN() >= minCorrelatedDataPoints) {
                    Double[][] data = new Double[][] { I1.toArray(new Double[I1.size()]),
                            I2.toArray(new Double[I2.size()]) };
                    return new FeatureShapeCorrelationData(reg, data, minX, maxX);
        } else {
            // TODO if different raw file search for same rt
            // impute rt/I values if between 2 data points
        return null;

     * counts all data points >= noiseLevel
     * @param f2
     * @return
    private double countDPHigherThanNoise(Feature f) {
        int c = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < f.getScanNumbers().length; i++) {
            double val = f.getDataPoint(f.getScanNumbers()[i]).getIntensity();
            if (val >= noiseLevelShapeCorr)
        return c;

     * 1. Check for specific isotopes:
     * 2. 13C
     *       1. Check group for isotopes
     *       2. Check raw data for isotopes
    private void deisotopeGroups() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


     * Combine groups across different scan events
    private void combineGroups() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


     * find in source fragments based on intensity profile in MS1 and MSE scans
    private void findInSourceFragments() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


     * @param mainRow
     *            main peak.
     * @param possibleAdduct
     *            candidate adduct peak.
    private ESIAdductType[] findAdducts(final PeakList peakList, final PeakListRow row1, final PeakListRow row2,
            final int z1, final int z2) {
        // check all combinations of adducts
        for (final ESIAdductType adduct : allAdducts) {
            for (final ESIAdductType adduct2 : allAdducts) {
                // for one adduct use a maximum of 1 modification
                // second can have <=maxMods
                if (!adduct.equals(adduct2) && !(adduct.getModCount() > 1 && adduct2.getModCount() > 1)) {
                    // check charge state if absCharge is not -1 or 0
                    if ((z1 <= 0 || adduct.getAbsCharge() == z1) && (z2 <= 0 || adduct2.getAbsCharge() == z2)) {
                        // checks each raw file - only true if all m/z are in range
                        if (checkAdduct(peakList, row1, row2, adduct, adduct2)) {
                            // is a2 a modification of a1? (same adducts - different mods
                            if (adduct2.isModificationOf(adduct)) {
                                adduct2.subtractMods(adduct).addAdductIdentityToRow(row2, row1);
                                MZmineCore.getProjectManager().getCurrentProject().notifyObjectChanged(row2, false);
                            } else if (adduct.isModificationOf(adduct2)) {
                                adduct.subtractMods(adduct2).addAdductIdentityToRow(row1, row2);
                                MZmineCore.getProjectManager().getCurrentProject().notifyObjectChanged(row1, false);
                            } else {
                                // Add adduct identity and notify GUI.
                                // only if not already present
                                adduct.addAdductIdentityToRow(row1, row2);
                                MZmineCore.getProjectManager().getCurrentProject().notifyObjectChanged(row1, false);
                                adduct2.addAdductIdentityToRow(row2, row1);
                                MZmineCore.getProjectManager().getCurrentProject().notifyObjectChanged(row2, false);
                            // there can only be one hit for a row-row comparison
                            return new ESIAdductType[] { adduct, adduct2 };
        // no adduct to be found
        return null;

     * Check if candidate peak is a given type of adduct of given main peak.
     * is not checking retention time (has to be checked before)
     * @param mainPeak
     *            main peak.
     * @param possibleAdduct
     *            candidate adduct peak.
     * @param adduct
     *            adduct.
     * @return true if mass difference, retention time tolerance and adduct peak
     *         height conditions are met.
    private boolean checkAdduct(final PeakList peakList, final PeakListRow row1, final PeakListRow row2,
            final ESIAdductType adduct, final ESIAdductType adduct2) {
        // for each peak[rawfile] in row
        boolean hasCommonPeak = false;
        for (RawDataFile raw : peakList.getRawDataFiles()) {
            Feature f1 = row1.getPeak(raw);
            Feature f2 = row2.getPeak(raw);
            if (f1 != null && f2 != null) {
                hasCommonPeak = true;
                double mz1 = ((f1.getMZ() * adduct.getAbsCharge()) - adduct.getMassDifference())
                        / adduct.getMolecules();
                double mz2 = ((f2.getMZ() * adduct2.getAbsCharge()) - adduct2.getMassDifference())
                        / adduct2.getMolecules();
                if (!mzTolerance.checkWithinTolerance(mz1, mz2))
                    return false;
        // directly returns false if not in range
        // so if has common peak = isAdduct
        return hasCommonPeak;

     * create all possible adducts
    private void createAllAdducts(boolean positive, int maxMolecules, int maxCombination, int maxCharge) {
        // normal adducts
        for (ESIAdductType a : selectedAdducts)
            if ((a.getCharge() > 0 && positive) || (a.getCharge() < 0 && !positive))
        // add or remove H from multi charged (Fe2+)
        // addRemoveHydrogen(positive);
        // combined adducts
        if (maxCombination > 1) {
            combineAdducts(allAdducts, selectedAdducts, new Vector<ESIAdductType>(allAdducts), maxCombination, 1,
            for (int i = 0; i < allAdducts.size(); i++) {
                if (allAdducts.get(i).getAbsCharge() > maxCharge) {
        // add or remove H from multi charged (Fe2+)
        // add modification
        // multiple molecules
        // print them out
        for (ESIAdductType a : allAdducts)

     * adds modification to the existing adducts
    private void addModification() {
        // normal mods 
        for (ESIAdductType a : selectedMods)
        // combined modification
        combineAdducts(allModification, selectedMods, new Vector<ESIAdductType>(allModification), maxMods, 1, true);
        // add new modified adducts
        int size = allAdducts.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            ESIAdductType a = allAdducts.get(i);
            // all mods
            for (ESIAdductType mod : allModification) {
                allAdducts.add(ESIAdductType.createModified(a, mod));

    private void addMultipleMolecules(int maxMolecules) {
        int size = allAdducts.size();
        for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
            ESIAdductType a = allAdducts.get(k);
            for (int i = 2; i <= maxMolecules; i++) {
                allAdducts.add(new ESIAdductType(a));

     * does not check maxCharge-delete afterwards
     * @param adducts
     * @param maxCombination
     * @param maxCharge
     * @param run init with 1
    private void combineAdducts(Vector<ESIAdductType> targetList, ESIAdductType[] selectedList,
            final Vector<ESIAdductType> adducts, int maxCombination, int run, boolean zeroChargeAllowed) {
        Vector<ESIAdductType> newAdducts = new Vector<ESIAdductType>();
        for (int i = 0; i < adducts.size(); i++) {
            ESIAdductType a1 = adducts.get(i);
            for (int k = 0; k < selectedList.length; k++) {
                ESIAdductType a2 = selectedList[k];
                ESIAdductType na = new ESIAdductType(a1, a2);
                if ((zeroChargeAllowed || na.getCharge() != 0) && !isContainedIn(targetList, na)) {
        // first run = combination of two
        if (run + 1 < maxCombination) {
            combineAdducts(targetList, selectedList, newAdducts, maxCombination, run + 1, zeroChargeAllowed);

    private boolean isContainedIn(Vector<ESIAdductType> adducts, ESIAdductType na) {
        for (ESIAdductType a : adducts) {
            if (a.sameMathDifference(na))
                return true;
        return false;

     * add or remove hydrogen to obtain more adduct types
     * also to all positive adducts
     * @param positive
    private void addRemoveHydrogen(boolean positive) {
        ESIAdductType H = ESIAdductType.H;
        ESIAdductType Hneg = ESIAdductType.H_NEG;
        // remove/add hydrogen from double charged ones to get single charge
        // example: M+Fe]2+ will be M+Fe-H]+
        for (int i = 0; i < allAdducts.size(); i++) {
            ESIAdductType a = allAdducts.get(i);
            for (int z = a.getAbsCharge(); z > 1; z--) {
                // positive remove H ; negative add H
                ESIAdductType tmpA = new ESIAdductType(a, positive ? Hneg : H);
                if (!isContainedIn(allAdducts, tmpA))
                a = tmpA;
        // find !positve selectedAdducts and 
        // add/remove as many H as possible
        for (int i = 0; i < selectedAdducts.length; i++) {
            ESIAdductType a = selectedAdducts[i];
            // adduct has a different charge state than MS mode
            if (((a.getCharge() > 0) != positive)) {
                // add/remove H to absCharge == 1 (+- like positive)
                ESIAdductType[] start = new ESIAdductType[a.getAbsCharge() + 2];
                start[0] = a;
                for (int k = 1; k < start.length; k++)
                    start[k] = positive ? H : Hneg;
                a = new ESIAdductType(start);
                if (!isContainedIn(allAdducts, a))
                // loop runs:
                for (int z = 2; z <= maxCharge; z++) {
                    ESIAdductType tmpA = new ESIAdductType(a, positive ? H : Hneg);
                    if (!isContainedIn(allAdducts, tmpA))
                    a = tmpA;