Source code

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 *  This file is part of "Tweety", a collection of Java libraries for
 *  logical aspects of artificial intelligence and knowledge representation.
 *  Tweety is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  along with this program. If not, see <>.
 *  Copyright 2016 The Tweety Project Team <>
package net.sf.tweety.math.opt.solver;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import net.sf.tweety.math.equation.Inequation;
import net.sf.tweety.math.equation.Statement;
import net.sf.tweety.math.opt.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem;
import net.sf.tweety.math.opt.OptimizationProblem;
import net.sf.tweety.math.opt.ProblemInconsistentException;
import net.sf.tweety.math.opt.Solver;
import net.sf.tweety.math.term.Constant;
import net.sf.tweety.math.term.FloatConstant;
import net.sf.tweety.math.term.IntegerConstant;
import net.sf.tweety.math.term.Product;
import net.sf.tweety.math.term.Sum;
import net.sf.tweety.math.term.Term;
import net.sf.tweety.math.term.Variable;

import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.GoalType;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.OptimizationException;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.RealPointValuePair;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.linear.LinearConstraint;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.linear.LinearObjectiveFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.linear.Relationship;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.linear.SimplexSolver;

 * This class is a wrapper for the Apache Commons Math Simplex implementation.
 * See  
 * @author Matthias Thimm
public class ApacheCommonsSimplex extends Solver {

     * Logger.
    //private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApacheCommonsSimplex.class);

     * The maximum number of iterations of the simplex algorithm.
    public int MAXITERATIONS = 50000;

     * Whether only positive solutions are allowed.
    public boolean onlyPositive = false;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see net.sf.tweety.math.opt.Solver#solve()
    public Map<Variable, Term> solve(ConstraintSatisfactionProblem problem) {
        if (!problem.isLinear())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Simplex algorithm is for linear problems only.");
        //"Wrapping optimization problem for calling the Apache Commons Simplex algorithm.");            
        // 1.) bring all constraints in linear and normalized form
        Set<Statement> constraints = new HashSet<Statement>();
        for (Statement s : problem)
        // 2.) for every constraint we need an extra variable
        int numVariables = problem.getVariables().size();
        // 3.) define mappings from variables to indices
        int index = 0;
        Map<Variable, Integer> origVars2Idx = new HashMap<Variable, Integer>();
        for (Variable v : problem.getVariables())
            origVars2Idx.put(v, index++);
        // 4.) Check for target function (for constraint satisfaction problems
        //      its empty
        double[] coefficientsTarget = new double[numVariables];
        int i = 0;
        for (; i < numVariables; i++)
            coefficientsTarget[i] = 0;
        double constTerm = 0;
        if (problem instanceof OptimizationProblem) {
            // bring target function in linear form
            Sum t = ((OptimizationProblem) problem).getTargetFunction().toLinearForm();
            for (Term summand : t.getTerms()) {
                // as t is in linear form every summand is a product
                Product p = (Product) summand;
                if (p.getTerms().size() == 1) {
                    // p consists of just a constant term
                    Constant c = (Constant) p.getTerms().get(0);
                    if (c instanceof FloatConstant)
                        constTerm += ((FloatConstant) c).getValue();
                        constTerm += ((IntegerConstant) c).getValue();
                } else {
                    // p consists of a variable and a constant
                    Variable v = (Variable) ((p.getTerms().get(0) instanceof Variable) ? (p.getTerms().get(0))
                            : (p.getTerms().get(1)));
                    Constant c = (Constant) ((p.getTerms().get(0) instanceof Constant) ? (p.getTerms().get(0))
                            : (p.getTerms().get(1)));
                    double coefficient = (c instanceof FloatConstant) ? (((FloatConstant) c).getValue())
                            : (((IntegerConstant) c).getValue());
                    coefficientsTarget[origVars2Idx.get(v)] += coefficient;
        LinearObjectiveFunction target = new LinearObjectiveFunction(coefficientsTarget, constTerm);
        // 5.) Represent the constraints
        Set<LinearConstraint> finalConstraints = new HashSet<LinearConstraint>();
        for (Statement s : constraints) {
            double[] coefficientsConstraint = new double[numVariables];
            for (i = 0; i < numVariables; i++)
                coefficientsConstraint[i] = 0;
            // as s is in linear form go through the summands
            Sum leftTerm = (Sum) s.getLeftTerm();
            double rest = 0;
            for (Term summand : leftTerm.getTerms()) {
                // as s is in linear form every summand is a product
                Product p = (Product) summand;
                if (p.getTerms().size() == 1) {
                    // p consists of just a constant term
                    Constant c = (Constant) p.getTerms().get(0);
                    if (c instanceof FloatConstant)
                        rest += ((FloatConstant) c).getValue();
                        rest += ((IntegerConstant) c).getValue();
                } else {
                    // p consists of a variable and a constant
                    Variable v = (Variable) ((p.getTerms().get(0) instanceof Variable) ? (p.getTerms().get(0))
                            : (p.getTerms().get(1)));
                    Constant c = (Constant) ((p.getTerms().get(0) instanceof Constant) ? (p.getTerms().get(0))
                            : (p.getTerms().get(1)));
                    double coefficient = (c instanceof FloatConstant) ? (((FloatConstant) c).getValue())
                            : (((IntegerConstant) c).getValue());
                    coefficientsConstraint[origVars2Idx.get(v)] += coefficient;
            Relationship r = Relationship.EQ;
            if (s instanceof Inequation)
                r = Relationship.GEQ;
            finalConstraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coefficientsConstraint, r, -rest));
        // 6.) Optimize.
        try {
            //"Calling the Apache Commons Simplex algorithm.");
            SimplexSolver solver = new SimplexSolver(0.01);
            RealPointValuePair r = null;
            if (problem instanceof OptimizationProblem) {
                int type = ((OptimizationProblem) problem).getType();
                r = solver.optimize(target, finalConstraints,
                        (type == OptimizationProblem.MINIMIZE) ? (GoalType.MINIMIZE) : (GoalType.MAXIMIZE),
            } else
                r = solver.optimize(target, finalConstraints, GoalType.MINIMIZE, this.onlyPositive);
            //"Parsing output from the Apache Commons Simplex algorithm.");
            Map<Variable, Term> result = new HashMap<Variable, Term>();
            for (Variable v : origVars2Idx.keySet())
                result.put(v, new FloatConstant(r.getPoint()[origVars2Idx.get(v)]));
            return result;
        } catch (OptimizationException e) {
            throw new ProblemInconsistentException();

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see net.sf.tweety.math.opt.Solver#isInstalled()
    public static boolean isInstalled() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
        // as Apache commons is included as a Maven dependency, this solver
        // is always installed
        return true;