Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * BSD-style license; for more info see

package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.apex.ast;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;

import apex.jorje.semantic.ast.visitor.AdditionalPassScope;
import apex.jorje.semantic.ast.visitor.AstVisitor;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.ApexCompiler;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.CodeUnit;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.CompilationInput;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.CompilerContext;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.CompilerOperation;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.CompilerStage;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.SourceFile;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.sfdc.AccessEvaluator;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.sfdc.NoopCompilerProgressCallback;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.sfdc.QueryValidator;
import apex.jorje.semantic.compiler.sfdc.SymbolProvider;

 * Central point for interfacing with the compiler. Based on <a href=
 * ""
 * > CompilerService</a> but with Eclipse dependencies removed.
 * @author nchen
public class CompilerService {
    public static final CompilerService INSTANCE = new CompilerService();
    private final SymbolProvider symbolProvider;
    private final AccessEvaluator accessEvaluator;
    private QueryValidator queryValidator;

     * Configure a compiler with the default configurations:
     * @param symbolProvider
     *            EmptySymbolProvider, doesn't provide any symbols that are not
     *            part of source.
     * @param accessEvaluator
     *            TestAccessEvaluator, doesn't provide any validation.
     * @param queryValidator
     *            TestQueryValidators.Noop, no validation of queries.
    CompilerService() {
        this(EmptySymbolProvider.get(), new TestAccessEvaluator(), new TestQueryValidators.Noop());

     * Configure a compiler with the following configurations:
     * @param symbolProvider
     *            A way to retrieve symbols, where symbols are names of types.
     * @param accessEvaluator
     *            A way to check for accesses to certain fields in types.
     * @param queryValidator
     *            A way to validate your queries.
    public CompilerService(SymbolProvider symbolProvider, AccessEvaluator accessEvaluator,
            QueryValidator queryValidator) {
        this.symbolProvider = symbolProvider;
        this.accessEvaluator = accessEvaluator;
        this.queryValidator = queryValidator;

    public ApexCompiler visitAstFromString(String source, AstVisitor<AdditionalPassScope> visitor) {
        return visitAstsFromStrings(ImmutableList.of(source), visitor, CompilerStage.POST_TYPE_RESOLVE);

    public ApexCompiler visitAstsFromStrings(List<String> sources, AstVisitor<AdditionalPassScope> visitor) {
        return visitAstsFromStrings(sources, visitor, CompilerStage.POST_TYPE_RESOLVE);

    public ApexCompiler visitAstsFromStrings(List<String> sources, AstVisitor<AdditionalPassScope> visitor,
            CompilerStage compilerStage) {
        List<SourceFile> sourceFiles = -> SourceFile.builder().setBody(s).build())
        CompilationInput compilationUnit = createCompilationInput(sourceFiles, visitor);
        return compile(compilationUnit, compilerStage);

    private ApexCompiler compile(CompilationInput compilationInput, CompilerStage compilerStage) {
        ApexCompiler compiler = ApexCompiler.builder().setInput(compilationInput).build();
        return compiler;

    private CompilationInput createCompilationInput(List<SourceFile> sourceFiles,
            AstVisitor<AdditionalPassScope> visitor) {
        return new CompilationInput(sourceFiles, symbolProvider, accessEvaluator, queryValidator, visitor,

     * This is temporary workaround to bypass the validation stage of the
     * compiler while *still* doing the additional_validate stage. We are
     * bypassing the validation stage because it does a deep validation that we
     * don't have all the parts for yet in the offline compiler. Rather than
     * stop all work on that, we bypass it so that we can still do useful things
     * like find all your types, find all your methods, etc.
    private void callAdditionalPassVisitor(ApexCompiler compiler) {
        try {
            List<CodeUnit> allUnits = (List<CodeUnit>) FieldUtils.readDeclaredField(compiler, "allUnits", true);
            CompilerContext compilerContext = (CompilerContext) FieldUtils.readDeclaredField(compiler,
                    "compilerContext", true);

            for (CodeUnit unit : allUnits) {
                Method getOperation = CompilerStage.ADDITIONAL_VALIDATE.getDeclaringClass()
                CompilerOperation operation = (CompilerOperation) getOperation
                operation.invoke(compilerContext, unit);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);