Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011 Tran Nam Quang.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Tran Nam Quang - initial API and implementation

package net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.index.file;

import java.util.List;

import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.enums.Msg;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.FileResource;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.HotColdFileCache;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.HotColdFileCache.PermanentFileResource;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.Path;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.Path.PathParts;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.TreeNode;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.UtilModel;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.index.DiskSpaceException;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.index.IndexingConfig;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.index.IndexingException;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.index.file.FileFolder.FileFolderVisitor;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.model.parse.ParseException;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.util.Util;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.util.annotations.NotNull;
import net.sourceforge.vaticanfetcher.util.annotations.ThreadSafe;
import SevenZip.Archive.IInArchive;
import SevenZip.Archive.SevenZipEntry;
import SevenZip.Archive.SevenZip.Handler;


import de.innosystec.unrar.Archive;
import de.innosystec.unrar.exception.RarException;
import de.innosystec.unrar.rarfile.FileHeader;
import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TFile;
import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TVFS;
import de.schlichtherle.truezip.fs.FsSyncException;

public final class FileFactory {

    private final HotColdFileCache unpackCache;

    public FileFactory(@NotNull HotColdFileCache unpackCache) {
        this.unpackCache = Util.checkNotNull(unpackCache);

    // thrown parse exception has localized error message
    public FileResource createFile(@NotNull IndexingConfig config, @NotNull Path path)
            throws ParseException, FileNotFoundException {
        Util.checkNotNull(config, path);

        try {
            PathParts pathParts = path.splitAtExistingFile();
            File leftFile = pathParts.getLeft().getCanonicalFile();

            // Input path refers to an ordinary file;
            // this is the most common case and must therefore return reasonably fast
            if (pathParts.getRight().isEmpty())
                return new PermanentFileResource(leftFile);

            // Input path seems to refer to an archive entry; let's check the cache first
            final FileResource[] cachedResource = new FileResource[1];
            PathParts cacheSplitParts = path.splitFromRight(new Predicate<Path>() {
                public boolean apply(Path path) {
                    cachedResource[0] = unpackCache.get(path);
                    return cachedResource[0] != null;

            // Nothing found in cache; attempt to unpack the archive entry
            if (cacheSplitParts == null) {
                FileResource archiveResource = new PermanentFileResource(leftFile);
                Path archivePath = pathParts.getLeft();
                String entryPath = pathParts.getRight();
                return unpackFromArchive(config, archivePath, archiveResource, entryPath);

            // Found unpacked ordinary file in cache; just return it
            if (cacheSplitParts.getRight().isEmpty())
                return cachedResource[0];

            // Found intermediate archive in cache; need to unpack the remainder
            Path archivePath = cacheSplitParts.getLeft();
            String entryPath = cacheSplitParts.getRight();
            return unpackFromArchive(config, archivePath, cachedResource[0], entryPath);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // Discard original exception to provide a more helpful message
            String msg = Msg.file_not_found.get() + " " + path.getPath();
            throw new FileNotFoundException(msg);
        } catch (ArchiveEncryptedException e) {
            String msg = Msg.archive_encrypted.get();
            throw new ParseException(msg, e);
        } catch (DiskSpaceException e) {
            throw new ParseException(e); // TODO i18n: add localized error message
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ParseException(e);

    private FileResource unpackFromArchive(@NotNull IndexingConfig config, @NotNull Path originalArchivePath,
            @NotNull FileResource archiveResource, @NotNull String entryPath)
            throws ArchiveEncryptedException, DiskSpaceException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        File archiveFile = archiveResource.getFile();
        assert !(archiveFile instanceof TFile);
        assert archiveFile.isFile();
        TFile tzFile = new TFile(archiveFile, config.createZipDetector());
        if (tzFile.isDirectory())
            return unpackFromZipArchive(config, originalArchivePath, archiveResource, tzFile, entryPath);
        return unpackFromSolidArchive(config, originalArchivePath, archiveResource, entryPath);

    private FileResource unpackFromSolidArchive(@NotNull IndexingConfig config, @NotNull Path originalArchivePath,
            @NotNull FileResource archiveResource, @NotNull String entryPath)
            throws ArchiveEncryptedException, DiskSpaceException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        File archiveFile = archiveResource.getFile();
        String archiveExt = Util.splitFilename(archiveFile)[1];

        if (!Util.hasExtension(entryPath, config.getHtmlExtensions())) { // Without HTML pairing
            if (archiveExt.equals("exe") || archiveExt.equals("7z"))
                return unpackFrom7zArchive(config, originalArchivePath, archiveResource, entryPath);
            else if (archiveExt.equals("rar"))
                // JUnRar doesn't support SFX rar archives
                return unpackFromRarArchive(config, originalArchivePath, archiveResource, entryPath);
                throw new FileNotFoundException();
        } else { // With HTML pairing
            /* Note: We'll ignore the HTML pairing flag in the config object and always leave the HTML pairing on. */
            SolidArchiveTree<?> solidArchive;
            if (archiveExt.equals("exe") || archiveExt.equals("7z"))
                solidArchive = new SevenZipTree(archiveFile, config, true, originalArchivePath, null);
            else if (archiveExt.equals("rar"))
                // JUnRar doesn't support SFX rar archives
                solidArchive = new RarTree(archiveFile, config, true, originalArchivePath, null);
                throw new FileNotFoundException();
            return unpackFromSolidArchive(config, archiveResource, solidArchive, entryPath);

    private FileResource unpackFromZipArchive(@NotNull final IndexingConfig config,
            @NotNull final Path originalArchivePath, @NotNull final FileResource archiveResource,
            @NotNull final TFile archiveFile, @NotNull final String entryPath)
            throws ArchiveEncryptedException, DiskSpaceException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        assert archiveFile.isArchive();
        assert archiveFile.getEnclArchive() == null;

        final FileResource[] result = new FileResource[1];
        final Exception[] exception = new Exception[1];

        /* Note: We'll ignore the HTML pairing flag in the config object and always leave the HTML pairing on. */
        new HtmlFileWalker(archiveFile, config) {
            protected void handleFile(File file) {
                String currentPath = getRelativePath(archiveFile, file);
                try {
                    if (currentPath.equals(entryPath)) { // Exact match on regular file
                        File unpackedFile = maybeUnpackZipEntry(config, file);
                        Path cacheKey = originalArchivePath.createSubPath(currentPath);
                        result[0] = unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, unpackedFile);
                    } else if (entryPath.startsWith(currentPath + "/") // Partial match on solid archive
                            && config.isSolidArchive(file.getName())) {
                        File innerArchiveFile;
                        try {
                            innerArchiveFile = maybeUnpackZipEntry(config, file);
                        } finally {
                        Path cacheKey = originalArchivePath.createSubPath(currentPath);
                        FileResource innerArchive = unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, innerArchiveFile);
                        String remainingPath = entryPath.substring(currentPath.length() + 1);
                        result[0] = unpackFromSolidArchive(config, cacheKey, innerArchive, remainingPath);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    exception[0] = e;

            protected void handleHtmlPair(File htmlFile, File htmlDir) {
                String currentPath = getRelativePath(archiveFile, htmlFile);
                if (!currentPath.equals(entryPath))
                Path cacheKey = originalArchivePath.createSubPath(currentPath);
                try {
                    if (htmlDir == null) {
                        File unpackedFile = maybeUnpackZipEntry(config, htmlFile);
                        result[0] = unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, unpackedFile);
                    } else {
                         * Here, we could check whether there's enough disk space for unpacking the files, and throw an exception if not. 
                         * However, this requires recursing into the zipped HTML folder and is also very unlikely to happen, so we'll leave it out.
                        TFile tzHtmlFile = (TFile) htmlFile;
                        TFile tzHtmlDir = (TFile) htmlDir;
                        File tempDir = Util.createTempDir();
                        File newHtmlFile = new File(tempDir, tzHtmlFile.getName());
                        File newHtmlDir = new File(tempDir, tzHtmlDir.getName());
                        result[0] = unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, newHtmlFile, tempDir);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    exception[0] = e;

            protected void handleDir(File dir) {
                // Nothing to do

            protected boolean skip(File fileOrDir) {
                if (!fileOrDir.isDirectory())
                    return false;
                // Skip all directories that aren't parent directories of the target file
                String currentPath = getRelativePath(archiveFile, fileOrDir);
                return !entryPath.startsWith(currentPath + "/");

            protected void runFinally() {
                try {
                    if (archiveFile.exists()) // Might have been deleted earlier
                } catch (FsSyncException e) {
                    exception[0] = e;
                } finally {

        maybeThrow(exception, DiskSpaceException.class);
        maybeThrow(exception, IOException.class);
        maybeThrow(exception, FileNotFoundException.class);
        maybeThrow(exception, ArchiveEncryptedException.class);

        /* If we reach this point with a non-null exception array element, we might have forgotten to rethrow exceptions of a particular type. */
        assert exception[0] == null : exception[0].toString();

        if (result[0] == null)
            throw new FileNotFoundException();

        return result[0];

    private static <T extends Throwable> void maybeThrow(@NotNull Exception[] array, @NotNull Class<T> clazz)
            throws T {
        assert array.length == 1;
        if (clazz.isInstance(array[0]))
            throw clazz.cast(array[0]);

    private static String getRelativePath(@NotNull File src, @NotNull File dst) {
        String path = UtilModel.getRelativePath(src, dst);
        assert noTrailingSlash(path);
        return path;

    private static File maybeUnpackZipEntry(@NotNull IndexingConfig config, @NotNull File packedFile)
            throws DiskSpaceException, IOException {
        try {
            File unpackedFile = UtilModel.maybeUnpackZipEntry(config, packedFile);
            assert unpackedFile != null;
            return unpackedFile;
        } catch (IndexingException e) {
            throw e.getIOException();

    // does not support HTML pairing, but is faster and more lightweight
    private FileResource unpackFrom7zArchive(@NotNull final IndexingConfig config,
            @NotNull Path originalArchivePath, @NotNull FileResource archiveResource, @NotNull String entryPath)
            throws ArchiveEncryptedException, DiskSpaceException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        // TODO now: windows: can we check if the archive or the target archive entry is encrypted?
        assert noTrailingSlash(entryPath);

        IInArchive archive = new Handler();
        SevenZipInputStream istream = new SevenZipInputStream(archiveResource.getFile());
        if (archive.Open(istream) != 0)
            throw new IOException();

        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < archive.size(); i++) {
                SevenZipEntry entry = archive.getEntry(i);
                if (entry.isDirectory())
                final String currentPath = entry.getName();
                assert !currentPath.contains("\\");
                assert noTrailingSlash(currentPath);

                // TODO post-release-1.1: throw disk space exception
                if (entryPath.equals(currentPath)) { // Exact match
                    File unpackedFile = unpack7zEntry(config, archive, currentPath, i);
                    Path cacheKey = originalArchivePath.createSubPath(currentPath);
                    return unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, unpackedFile);
                } else if (entryPath.startsWith(currentPath + "/") && config.isArchive(currentPath)) { // Partial match
                    File innerArchiveFile;
                    try {
                        innerArchiveFile = unpack7zEntry(config, archive, currentPath, i);
                    } finally {
                    Path cacheKey = originalArchivePath.createSubPath(currentPath);
                    String remainingPath = entryPath.substring(currentPath.length() + 1);
                    FileResource innerArchive = unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, innerArchiveFile);
                    return unpackFromArchive(config, cacheKey, innerArchive, remainingPath);
        } finally {

        throw new FileNotFoundException();

    private static File unpack7zEntry(@NotNull final IndexingConfig config, @NotNull IInArchive archive,
            @NotNull final String entryPath, int index) throws IOException {
        return new SevenZipUnpacker<File>(archive) {
            private File unpackedFile;

            public File getOutputFile(int index) throws IOException {
                String entryName = getLastPathPart(entryPath);
                try {
                    return unpackedFile = config.createDerivedTempFile(entryName);
                } catch (IndexingException e) {
                    throw e.getIOException();

            public File getUnpackResult() {
                return unpackedFile;

    // does not support HTML pairing, but is faster and more lightweight
    private FileResource unpackFromRarArchive(@NotNull IndexingConfig config, @NotNull Path originalArchivePath,
            @NotNull FileResource archiveResource, @NotNull String entryPath)
            throws ArchiveEncryptedException, DiskSpaceException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        Archive archive = null;
        try {
            File archiveFile = archiveResource.getFile();
            archive = new Archive(archiveFile);
            if (archive.isEncrypted())
                throw new ArchiveEncryptedException(archiveFile, originalArchivePath.getPath());

            List<FileHeader> fileHeaders = archive.getFileHeaders();

            boolean isSolid = false;
            for (FileHeader fh : fileHeaders) {
                if (fh.isSolid()) {
                    isSolid = true;

             * For solid archives, if we want to extract a certain archive entry, we also have to extract all archive entries that preceded
             * it. Thus, it is more efficient to run through the archive twice rather than once: During the first phase, we check for any
             * matching archive entries by only looking at the file headers, and return early if there is no match. Only if there is a match,
             * we'll proceed to the second phase, where, if the archive uses solid compression, all files up to the target file will be extracted.
            if (isSolid) {
                boolean match = false;
                for (FileHeader fh : fileHeaders) {
                    if (fh.isEncrypted() || fh.isDirectory())
                    String currentPath = fh.isUnicode() ? fh.getFileNameW() : fh.getFileNameString();
                    currentPath = Util.toForwardSlashes(currentPath);
                    assert noTrailingSlash(currentPath);

                    if (entryPath.equals(currentPath)
                            || (entryPath.startsWith(currentPath + "/") && config.isArchive(currentPath))) {
                        match = true;
                if (!match)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException();

            FileHeader fh = null;
            NullOutputStream nullOut = isSolid ? new NullOutputStream() : null;

            while (true) {
                fh = archive.nextFileHeader();
                if (fh == null)
                    break; // Last entry reached
                if (fh.isEncrypted() || fh.isDirectory())

                String currentPath = fh.isUnicode() ? fh.getFileNameW() : fh.getFileNameString();
                currentPath = Util.toForwardSlashes(currentPath);
                assert noTrailingSlash(currentPath);

                // TODO post-release-1.1: throw disk space exception
                if (entryPath.equals(currentPath)) { // Exact match
                    Path cacheKey = originalArchivePath.createSubPath(currentPath);
                    File unpackedFile = unpackRarEntry(config, archive, fh, entryPath);
                    return unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, unpackedFile);
                } else if (entryPath.startsWith(currentPath + "/") && config.isArchive(currentPath)) { // Partial match
                    File innerArchiveFile;
                    try {
                        innerArchiveFile = unpackRarEntry(config, archive, fh, currentPath);
                    } finally {
                    Path cacheKey = originalArchivePath.createSubPath(currentPath);
                    FileResource innerArchive = unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, innerArchiveFile);
                    String remainingPath = entryPath.substring(currentPath.length() + 1);
                    return unpackFromArchive(config, cacheKey, innerArchive, remainingPath);
                } else if (isSolid) { // Not a match
                    archive.extractFile(fh, nullOut);
        } catch (RarException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);
        } finally {
        throw new FileNotFoundException();

    private static File unpackRarEntry(@NotNull IndexingConfig config, @NotNull Archive archive,
            @NotNull FileHeader fh, @NotNull String entryPath) throws IOException, RarException {
        String entryName = getLastPathPart(entryPath);
        OutputStream out = null;
        try {
            File unpackedFile = config.createDerivedTempFile(entryName);
            out = new FileOutputStream(unpackedFile);
            archive.extractFile(fh, out);
            return unpackedFile;
        } catch (IndexingException e) {
            throw e.getIOException();
        } finally {

    private static String getLastPathPart(@NotNull String string) {
        for (int i = string.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            char c = string.charAt(i);
            if (c == '/' || c == '\\') {
                return string.substring(i + 1);
        return string;

    // paths should not contain backslashes
    // entryPath is relative to archive root
    // supports HTML pairing, but has some overhead
    private FileResource unpackFromSolidArchive(@NotNull IndexingConfig config,
            @NotNull FileResource archiveResource, @NotNull final SolidArchiveTree<?> archive,
            @NotNull final String entryPath)
            throws ArchiveEncryptedException, DiskSpaceException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        final TreeNode[] matchingNode = new TreeNode[1];
        final String[] remainingPath = new String[1];

        try {
            new FileFolderVisitor<Exception>(archive.getArchiveFolder()) {
                protected void visitFolder(FileFolder parent, FileFolder folder) {
                    if (!folder.isArchive())
                    String currentPath = archive.getArchiveEntryPath(folder);
                    assert noTrailingSlash(currentPath);
                    if (!entryPath.startsWith(currentPath + "/"))
                        return; // Partial match required
                    matchingNode[0] = folder;
                    remainingPath[0] = entryPath.substring(currentPath.length() + 1);

                protected void visitDocument(FileFolder parent, FileDocument fileDocument) {
                    String currentPath = archive.getArchiveEntryPath(fileDocument);
                    assert noTrailingSlash(currentPath);
                    if (!currentPath.equals(entryPath))
                        return; // Exact match required
                    matchingNode[0] = fileDocument;

            TreeNode treeNode = matchingNode[0];
            if (treeNode == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException();
            Path cacheKey = treeNode.getPath();

            if (matchingNode[0] instanceof FileFolder) { // Inner archive
                try {
                } finally {
                File innerArchiveFile = archive.getFile(treeNode);
                if (innerArchiveFile == null)
                    throw new IOException(); // Unpacking failed for some reason
                FileResource innerArchive = unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, innerArchiveFile);
                return unpackFromArchive(config, cacheKey, innerArchive, remainingPath[0]);
            } else if (matchingNode[0] instanceof FileDocument) { // File
                FileDocument htmlDoc = (FileDocument) treeNode;
                FileFolder htmlFolder = htmlDoc.getHtmlFolder();
                if (htmlFolder == null) { // Ordinary file or HTML file without HTML folder
                    File htmlFile = archive.getFile(treeNode);
                    return unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, htmlFile);
                } else { // HTML file with HTML folder
                    List<FileDocument> docsDeep = htmlFolder.getDocumentsDeep();
                    File tempDir = Util.createTempDir();
                    archive.unpack(docsDeep, tempDir);
                    File htmlFile = archive.getFile(htmlDoc);
                    return unpackCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, htmlFile, tempDir);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
        } finally {

    private static boolean noTrailingSlash(@NotNull String path) {
        int length = path.length();
        if (length == 0)
            return true;
        char lastChar = path.charAt(length - 1);
        return lastChar != '/' && lastChar != '\\';
