Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * RAFTools - Copyright (C) 2015 Zane van Iperen.
 *    Contact:
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, and only
 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. 
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Any and all GPL restrictions may be circumvented with permission from the
 * the original author.
package net.vs49688.rafview.vfs;

import net.vs49688.rafview.sources.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import net.vs49688.rafview.IPv4Sorter;

public class RAFS {

     * The magic number of a .raf file
    private static final int RAFIDX_MAGIC = 0x18BE0EF0;

     * The mapping of paths to their RAFDataFile objects
    private final Map<Path, PossiblyZippedSynchronisedFile> m_DataFiles;

    private final IOperationsNotify m_NotifyDispatch;
    private final List<IOperationsNotify> m_Notify;

    private final FileSystem m_FileSystem;

     *  The mapping of paths to their versions.
    private final Map<Path, TreeSet<Version>> m_VersionData;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //RAFS rafs = new RAFS();

        //      FileSystemProvider provider = rafs.m_FileSystem.provider();
        //      provider.createDirectory(rafs.m_FileSystem.getPath("/kek"));
        //      Path nested = rafs.m_FileSystem.getPath("/kek/lel/klek");
        //      Files.createDirectories(nested);
        //      //provider.createDirectory(rafs.m_FileSystem.getPath("/KeK"));
        //      rafs.dumpKek(rafs.m_FileSystem.getPath("/"), System.err);
        //      int x = 0;
        //String dir = "E:\\Games\\League of Legends\\RADS\\projects\\lol_game_client\\filearchives\\";
        //rafs.addFile(Paths.get(dir, "Archive_1.raf"), Paths.get(dir, "Archive_1.raf.dat"), "");

        //Model model = new Model();
        //RAFS rafs = model.getVFS();

        //model.openLolDirectory(Paths.get("E:\\Games\\League of Legends"));
        //rafs.dumpKek(rafs.m_FileSystem.getPath("/"), System.err);

        Path pathAbsolute = Paths.get("C:\\lel\\lol\\kek.txt");
        Path pathRelative = Paths.get("C:\\lel");

        System.err.printf("%s\n", pathAbsolute.relativize(pathRelative));
        System.err.printf("%s\n", pathRelative.relativize(pathAbsolute));


    private void dumpKek(Path root, PrintStream s) throws IOException {
        s.printf("%s\n", root);

        if (!Files.isDirectory(root)) {

        try (DirectoryStream<Path> children = Files.newDirectoryStream(root)) {
            for (Path child : children) {
                dumpKek(child, s);

        //for(Path child : Files.newDirectoryStream(root)) {
        //   dumpKek(root, tabs+1, s);


     * Constructs a new, empty VFS
    public RAFS() {
        m_NotifyDispatch = new _NotifyDispatch();
        m_Notify = new ArrayList<>();

        m_FileSystem = Jimfs.newFileSystem(m_sConfiguration);

        m_VersionData = new HashMap<>();

        m_DataFiles = new HashMap<>();

    private static final Configuration m_sConfiguration = Configuration.builder(PathType.unix()).setRoots("/")

     * Add a new notify handler. This causes the the onAdd() function in the handler to be called for every node in the
     * tree.
     * @param ion The notify handler.
    public void addNotifyHandler(IOperationsNotify ion) {
        if (ion == null || m_Notify.contains(ion)) {

        /* We're a new handler, so we don't know the existing
         * tree structure. Let's rebuild it for them! */
        for (Path root : m_FileSystem.getRootDirectories()) {
            try {
                _reprocess(root, ion);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Will never happen


     * Simulates the rebuilding the tree.
     * @param n The root node.
     * @param notify The notify handler.
    private void _reprocess(Path path, IOperationsNotify notify) throws IOException {

        try (DirectoryStream<Path> children = Files.newDirectoryStream(path)) {
            for (Path child : children) {
                if (!Files.isDirectory(path)) {

                _reprocess(child, notify);

     * Add a RAF Archive to the VFS.
     * @param raf The path to the index (.raf)
     * @param dat The path to the data (.raf.dat)
     * @param versionName The version of this file.
     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred.
    public void addFile(Path raf, Path dat, String versionName) throws IOException {
        int lOffset, sOffset;
        int magic, version, mgrIndex;

        try (FileInputStream rfis = new FileInputStream(raf.toFile())) {
            MappedByteBuffer buffer;

            /* Map the file into memory */
            try (FileChannel fChannel = rfis.getChannel()) {
                buffer =, 0, fChannel.size());

            /* Check the magic number */
            if ((magic = buffer.getInt()) != RAFIDX_MAGIC) {
                throw new IOException(String.format("%s: Invalid magic number. Expected 0x%X, got 0x%X\n",
                        versionName, RAFIDX_MAGIC, magic));

            /* Make sure we're version 1 */
            if ((version = buffer.getInt()) != 1) {
                throw new IOException(String.format("%s: Unsupported version %d\n", versionName, version));

            /* No idea what this does. Appears to be always 0 */
            mgrIndex = buffer.getInt();

            if (mgrIndex != 0) {
                        "%s: WARNING: mgrIndex field non-zero. Please take note of this and email the developer.\n",

            /* Read the file list and string offsets */
            lOffset = buffer.getInt();
            sOffset = buffer.getInt();

            /* Read the string table */
            List<String> st = readStringTable(buffer);

            /* A mapping of the offsets in the string table to their FileNode */
            List<Path> indexMap = new ArrayList<>(st.size());

            for (final String s : st) {

                Path path = this.getRoot().resolve(s);

                Path parent = path.getParent();
                try {
                } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {

                if (!Files.exists(path)) {


            /* Read the file list */
            readFileList(buffer, indexMap, st, versionName, dat);

    public Path getRoot() {
        return m_FileSystem.getPath("/");

    public FileSystem getFileSystem() {
        return m_FileSystem;

    private static int getPathHash(String s) {
        int hash = 0, tmp = 0;

        s = s.toLowerCase();
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
            hash = (hash << 4) + s.charAt(i);
            tmp = hash & 0xF0000000;
            if (tmp != 0) {
                hash = hash ^ (tmp >>> 24);
                hash = hash ^ tmp;

        return hash;

     * Read the file table, adding data sources to all the FileNodes.
     * @param b The ByteBuffer containing the data. Is expected to be at the position where the file table starts.
     * @param indexMap The mapping of string table indices to their FileNodes.
     * @param rawPaths The list of raw paths (using the same indices as indexMap).
     * @param version The version of files in the file table. Should be of the form "X.X.X.X"
     * @param dat The path to the data file.
     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred.
    private void readFileList(ByteBuffer b, List<Path> indexMap, List<String> rawPaths, String version, Path dat)
            throws IOException {
        int numFiles = b.getInt();

        // FIXME: assert(numFiles == stringtable.size())
        for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; ++i) {
            int hash = b.getInt();

            int offset = b.getInt();
            int size = b.getInt();
            int index = b.getInt();

            int calcHash = getPathHash(rawPaths.get(index));

            if (hash != calcHash) {
                throw new IOException(String.format("%s: Hash mismatch for %s. Expected %d, got %d", version,
                        rawPaths.get(index), calcHash, hash));

            Path fn = indexMap.get(index);

            /* If we've already got this file loaded, don't load it again */
            PossiblyZippedSynchronisedFile rdf;
            if (m_DataFiles.containsKey(dat)) {
                rdf = m_DataFiles.get(dat);
            } else {
                m_DataFiles.put(dat, (rdf = new PossiblyZippedSynchronisedFile(dat)));

            addVersionForFile(fn, version, rdf.createDataSource(offset, size));

    void addVersionForFile(Path path, String version, DataSource ds) {
        if (version == null || version.isEmpty() || ds == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        TreeSet<Version> versions = m_VersionData.getOrDefault(path, null);

        if (versions == null) {
            m_VersionData.put(path, (versions = new TreeSet<>(new VSort())));

        Version v = new Version(version, ds);

        if (versions.contains(v)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Duplicate version %s for %s\n", version, path));


    public Version getVersionDataForFile(Path path, String version) throws IOException {
        if (path == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        if (Files.isDirectory(path)) {
            throw new IOException(String.format("%s is a directory", path));

        TreeSet<Version> vers = m_VersionData.getOrDefault(path, null);
        if (vers == null) {
            return null;

        if (version == null) {
            return vers.last();

        for (Version v : vers) {
            if (v.versionCompare(version)) {
                return v;

        throw new IOException(String.format("No such version %s for file %s\n", version, path));

    public Set<Version> getFileVersions(Path path) {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(m_VersionData.getOrDefault(path, null));

    public void clear() {

        try {
            Files.walkFileTree(this.getRoot(), new RecursiveDeleteWalker());
        } catch (IOException e) {


    public void dumpPaths(PrintStream stream) throws IOException {
        Files.walkFileTree(this.getRoot(), new DumpWalker(stream));

    private void _dumpPaths(Path path, PrintStream stream, int tab) throws IOException {

        for (int i = 0; i < tab; ++i) {
            stream.print("  ");

        stream.printf("%s\n", path.getFileName());

        if (!Files.isDirectory(path)) {
            //         for(final FileNode.Version v : fn.getVersions()) {
            //            for(int i = 0; i <= tab; ++i) {
            //               stream.print("  ");
            //            }
            //            stream.printf("V: %s\n", v.toString());
            //         }
        } else {
            try (DirectoryStream<Path> children = Files.newDirectoryStream(path)) {
                for (final Path p : children) {
                    _dumpPaths(path, stream, tab + 1);

     * Extract a file or directory from the VFS.
     * @param vfsPath The path to extract.
     * @param outPath The output file/directory.
     * @param version The version of the file to extract. If vfsPath is a directory, then this parameter is ignored.
     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs.
    public void extract(Path vfsPath, Path outPath, String version) throws IOException {

        if (vfsPath == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("vfsPath cannot be null");

        if (outPath == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("outPath cannot be null");

        if (!Files.exists(vfsPath)) {
            throw new IOException("No such file or directory");

        Files.walkFileTree(vfsPath, new ExtractWalker(outPath, version, this, m_NotifyDispatch));


     * Dump the entire RAF FileSystem to a folder.
     * @param dir The base directory to write everything to.
     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred.
    public void dumpToDir(String dir) throws IOException {
        extract(this.getRoot(), Paths.get(dir), null);

     * Fire a completion event.
    public void fireCompletion() {

     * Read the string table.
     * @param b The ByteBuffer containing the data. Is expected to be at the position where the string table starts.
     * @return A list of the strings contained within the string table.
    private static List<String> readStringTable(ByteBuffer b) {
        class Index {

            int offset; // Offset from table index
            int size; // Length of the string

        int pos = b.position();
        int dataSize = b.getInt();
        int numStrings = b.getInt();

        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(numStrings);

        Index[] idx = new Index[numStrings];

        /* Read the offsets and length */
        for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; ++i) {
            idx[i] = new Index();
            idx[i].offset = b.getInt();
            idx[i].size = b.getInt();

        /* Now read the actual strings */
        for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; ++i) {
            b.position(pos + idx[i].offset);

            byte[] tmp = new byte[idx[i].size - 1];
            b.get(tmp, 0, idx[i].size - 1);

            /* Are they US-ASCII? They seem to be for now */
            list.add(new String(tmp, Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));

        return list;

    private static class VSort implements Comparator<Version> {
        private final IPv4Sorter m_Sorter;

        public VSort() {
            m_Sorter = new IPv4Sorter();

        public int compare(Version v1, Version v2) {
            return, v2.version);

    private class _NotifyDispatch implements IOperationsNotify {

        public void onClear() {
   -> {

        public void onAdd(Path n) {
   -> {

        public void onExtract(Path n) {
   -> {

        public void onComplete() {
   -> {