Source code

Java tutorial


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   Copyright 2013, 2016 Nationale-Nederlanden
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
package nl.nn.adapterframework.core;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;

import nl.nn.adapterframework.cache.ICacheAdapter;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.configuration.Configuration;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.configuration.ConfigurationWarnings;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.errormessageformatters.ErrorMessageFormatter;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.receivers.ReceiverBase;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.statistics.HasStatistics;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.statistics.StatisticsKeeper;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.statistics.StatisticsKeeperIterationHandler;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.AppConstants;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.CounterStatistic;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.DateUtils;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.LogUtil;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.MessageKeeper;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.MessageKeeperMessage;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.MsgLogUtil;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.RunStateEnum;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.RunStateManager;
import nl.nn.adapterframework.util.XmlUtils;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.NDC;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.NamedBean;
import org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor;

 * The Adapter is the central manager in the IBIS Adapterframework, that has knowledge
 * and uses {@link IReceiver IReceivers} and a {@link PipeLine}.
 * <b>responsibility</b><br/>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>keeping and gathering statistics</li>
 *   <li>processing messages, retrieved from IReceivers</li>
 *   <li>starting and stoppping IReceivers</li>
 *   <li>delivering error messages in a specified format</li>
 * </ul>
 * All messages from IReceivers pass through the adapter (multi threaded).
 * Multiple receivers may be attached to one adapter.<br/>
 * <br/>
 * The actual processing of messages is delegated to the {@link PipeLine}
 * object, which returns a {@link PipeLineResult}. If an error occurs during
 * the pipeline execution, the state in the <code>PipeLineResult</code> is set
 * to the state specified by <code>setErrorState</code>, which defaults to "ERROR".
 * <p><b>Configuration:</b>
 * <table border="1">
 * <tr><th>attributes</th><th>description</th><th>default</th></tr>
 * <tr><td>className</td><td>nl.nn.adapterframework.pipes.AbstractPipe</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setName(String) name}</td><td>name of the Adapter</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setDescription(String) description}</td><td>description of the Adapter</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setAutoStart(boolean) autoStart}</td><td>controls whether Adapters starts when configuration loads</td><td>true</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setActive(boolean) active}</td>  <td>controls whether Adapter is included in configuration. When set <code>false</code> or set to something else as "true", (even set to the empty string), the receiver is not included in the configuration</td><td>true</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setErrorMessageFormatter(IErrorMessageFormatter) errorMessageFormatter}</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setErrorState(String) errorState}</td><td>If an error occurs during
 * the pipeline execution, the state in the <code>PipeLineResult</code> is set to this state</td><td>ERROR</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setMessageKeeperSize(int) messageKeeperSize}</td><td>number of message displayed in IbisConsole</td><td>10</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setMsgLogLevel(String) msgLogLevel}</td><td>defines behaviour for logging messages. Configuration is done in the MSG appender in Possible values are: 
 *   <table border="1">
 *   <tr><th>msgLogLevel</th><th>messages which are logged</th></tr>
 *   <tr><td colspan="1">None</td> <td>none</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td colspan="1">Terse</td><td>at adapter level</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td colspan="1">Basic</td><td>at adapter and sending pipe level (not yet available; only at adapter level)</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td colspan="1">Full</td> <td>at adapter and pipe level (not yet available; only at adapter level)</td></tr>
 *  </table></td><td>application default (None)</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setMsgLogHidden(boolean) msgLogHidden}</td><td>if set to <code>true</code>, the length of the message is shown in the MSG log instead of the content of the message</td><td>false</td></tr>
 * <tr><td>{@link #setReplaceNullMessage(boolean) replaceNullMessage}</td><td>when <code>true</code> a null message is replaced by an empty message</td><td>false</td></tr>
 * </table>
 * @author Johan Verrips
 * @see    nl.nn.adapterframework.core.IReceiver
 * @see    nl.nn.adapterframework.core.PipeLine
 * @see    nl.nn.adapterframework.statistics.StatisticsKeeper
 * @see    nl.nn.adapterframework.util.DateUtils
 * @see    nl.nn.adapterframework.util.MessageKeeper
 * @see    nl.nn.adapterframework.core.PipeLineResult
public class Adapter implements IAdapter, NamedBean {
    private Logger log = LogUtil.getLogger(this);
    protected Logger msgLog = LogUtil.getLogger("MSG");

    private String name;
    private Configuration configuration;
    private String targetDesignDocument;
    private boolean active = true;

    private Vector<IReceiver> receivers = new Vector<IReceiver>();
    private long lastMessageDate = 0;
    private PipeLine pipeline;

    private int numOfMessagesInProcess = 0;

    private CounterStatistic numOfMessagesProcessed = new CounterStatistic(0);
    private CounterStatistic numOfMessagesInError = new CounterStatistic(0);

    private long[] numOfMessagesStartProcessingByHour = new long[24];

    private StatisticsKeeper statsMessageProcessingDuration = null;

    private long statsUpSince = System.currentTimeMillis();
    private IErrorMessageFormatter errorMessageFormatter;

    private RunStateManager runState = new RunStateManager();
    private boolean configurationSucceeded = false;
    private String description;
    private MessageKeeper messageKeeper; //instantiated in configure()
    private int messageKeeperSize = 10; //default length
    private boolean autoStart = AppConstants.getInstance().getBoolean("adapters.autoStart", true);
    private int msgLogLevel = MsgLogUtil.getMsgLogLevelByDefault();
    private boolean msgLogHidden = MsgLogUtil.getMsgLogHiddenByDefault();
    private boolean recover = false;
    private boolean replaceNullMessage = false;

    // state to put in PipeLineResult when a PipeRunException occurs;
    private String errorState = "ERROR";

    private TaskExecutor taskExecutor;

     * Indicates wether the configuration succeeded.
     * @return boolean
    public boolean configurationSucceeded() {
        return configurationSucceeded;

     * This function is called by Configuration.registerAdapter,
     * to make configuration information available to the Adapter. <br/><br/>
     * This method also performs
     * a <code>Pipeline.configurePipes()</code>, as to configure the individual pipes.
     * @see nl.nn.adapterframework.core.Pipeline#configurePipes
    public void configure() throws ConfigurationException {
        configurationSucceeded = false;
        log.debug("configuring adapter [" + getName() + "]");
        MessageKeeper messageKeeper = getMessageKeeper();
        statsMessageProcessingDuration = new StatisticsKeeper(getName());
        if (pipeline == null) {
            String msg = "No pipeline configured for adapter [" + getName() + "]";
            messageKeeper.add(msg, MessageKeeperMessage.ERROR_LEVEL);
            throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
        try {
            messageKeeper.add("Adapter [" + name + "] pipeline successfully configured");
            Iterator<IReceiver> it = receivers.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                IReceiver receiver =;
            configurationSucceeded = true;
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            error(true, "error initializing pipeline", e);

    public void configureReceiver(IReceiver receiver) {"Adapter [" + name + "] is initializing receiver [" + receiver.getName() + "]");
        try {
            messageKeeper.add("Receiver [" + receiver.getName() + "] successfully configured");
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            error(true, "error initializing receiver [" + receiver.getName() + "]", e);

     * sends a warning to the log and to the messagekeeper of the adapter
    protected void warn(String msg) {
        log.warn("Adapter [" + getName() + "] " + msg);
        getMessageKeeper().add("WARNING: " + msg, MessageKeeperMessage.WARN_LEVEL);

     * sends a warning to the log and to the messagekeeper of the adapter
    protected void error(boolean critical, String msg, Throwable t) {
        log.error("Adapter [" + getName() + "] " + msg, t);
        if (!(t instanceof IbisException)) {
            msg += " (" + t.getClass().getName() + ")";
        getMessageKeeper().add("ERROR: " + msg + ": " + t.getMessage(), MessageKeeperMessage.ERROR_LEVEL);

     * Increase the number of messages in process
    private void incNumOfMessagesInProcess(long startTime) {
        synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {
            lastMessageDate = startTime;
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);

     * Decrease the number of messages in process
    private synchronized void decNumOfMessagesInProcess(long duration) {
        synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {

     * The number of messages for which processing ended unsuccessfully.
    private void incNumOfMessagesInError() {
        synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {

    public synchronized String formatErrorMessage(String errorMessage, Throwable t, String originalMessage,
            String messageID, INamedObject objectInError, long receivedTime) {
        if (errorMessageFormatter == null) {
            errorMessageFormatter = new ErrorMessageFormatter();
        // you never can trust an implementation, so try/catch!
        try {
            String formattedErrorMessage = errorMessageFormatter.format(errorMessage, t, objectInError,
                    originalMessage, messageID, receivedTime);
            //if (isRequestReplyLogging()) {
            String logMsg = "Adapter [" + getName() + "] messageId [" + messageID
                    + "] formatted errormessage, result [" + formattedErrorMessage + "]";
            if (isMsgLogTerseEnabled()) {
                if (isMsgLogHidden()) {
          "Adapter [" + getName() + "] messageId [" + messageID
                            + "] formatted errormessage, result [LENGTH=" + formattedErrorMessage.length() + "]");
                } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            return formattedErrorMessage;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "got error while formatting errormessage, original errorMessage [" + errorMessage + "]";
            msg = msg + " from [" + (objectInError == null ? "unknown-null" : objectInError.getName()) + "]";
            error(false, "got error while formatting errormessage", e);
            return errorMessage;

     * retrieve the date and time of the last message.
    public String getLastMessageDate() {
        return getLastMessageDate(DateUtils.FORMAT_FULL_GENERIC);

    public String getLastMessageDate(String dateFormat) {
        String result = "";
        if (lastMessageDate != 0)
            result = DateUtils.format(new Date(lastMessageDate), dateFormat);
            result = "-";
        return result;

    public Date getLastMessageDateDate() {
        Date result = null;
        if (lastMessageDate != 0) {
            result = new Date(lastMessageDate);
        return result;

     * the MessageKeeper is for keeping the last <code>messageKeeperSize</code>
     * messages available, for instance for displaying it in the webcontrol
     * @see nl.nn.adapterframework.util.MessageKeeper
    public synchronized MessageKeeper getMessageKeeper() {
        if (messageKeeper == null)
            messageKeeper = new MessageKeeper(messageKeeperSize < 1 ? 1 : messageKeeperSize);
        return messageKeeper;

    public void forEachStatisticsKeeper(StatisticsKeeperIterationHandler hski, Date now, Date mainMark,
            Date detailMark, int action) throws SenderException {
        Object root = hski.start(now, mainMark, detailMark);
        try {
            forEachStatisticsKeeperBody(hski, root, action);
        } finally {

    private void doForEachStatisticsKeeperBody(StatisticsKeeperIterationHandler hski, Object adapterData,
            int action) throws SenderException {
        hski.handleScalar(adapterData, "messagesInProcess", getNumOfMessagesInProcess());
        hski.handleScalar(adapterData, "messagesProcessed", getNumOfMessagesProcessed());
        hski.handleScalar(adapterData, "messagesInError", getNumOfMessagesInError());
        hski.handleScalar(adapterData, "messagesProcessedThisInterval", numOfMessagesProcessed.getIntervalValue());
        hski.handleScalar(adapterData, "messagesInErrorThisInterval", numOfMessagesInError.getIntervalValue());
        hski.handleStatisticsKeeper(adapterData, statsMessageProcessingDuration);

        Object hourData = hski.openGroup(adapterData, getName(), "processing by hour");
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumOfMessagesStartProcessingByHour().length; i++) {
            String startTime;
            if (i < 10) {
                startTime = "0" + i + ":00";
            } else {
                startTime = i + ":00";
            hski.handleScalar(hourData, startTime, getNumOfMessagesStartProcessingByHour()[i]);

        boolean showDetails = (action == HasStatistics.STATISTICS_ACTION_FULL
                || action == HasStatistics.STATISTICS_ACTION_MARK_FULL
                || action == HasStatistics.STATISTICS_ACTION_RESET);
        if (showDetails) {
            Object recsData = hski.openGroup(adapterData, null, "receivers");
            Iterator<IReceiver> recIt = getReceiverIterator();
            if (recIt.hasNext()) {
                while (recIt.hasNext()) {
                    IReceiver receiver =;
                    receiver.iterateOverStatistics(hski, recsData, action);

            ICacheAdapter cache = pipeline.getCache();
            if (cache != null && cache instanceof HasStatistics) {
                ((HasStatistics) cache).iterateOverStatistics(hski, recsData, action);

            Object pipelineData = hski.openGroup(adapterData, null, "pipeline");
            getPipeLine().iterateOverStatistics(hski, pipelineData, action);

    public void forEachStatisticsKeeperBody(StatisticsKeeperIterationHandler hski, Object data, int action)
            throws SenderException {
        Object adapterData = hski.openGroup(data, getName(), "adapter");
        //      hski.handleScalar(adapterData,"name", getName());
        hski.handleScalar(adapterData, "upSince", getStatsUpSinceDate());
        hski.handleScalar(adapterData, "lastMessageDate", getLastMessageDateDate());

        if (action != HasStatistics.STATISTICS_ACTION_FULL && action != HasStatistics.STATISTICS_ACTION_SUMMARY) {
            synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {
                doForEachStatisticsKeeperBody(hski, adapterData, action);
        } else {
            doForEachStatisticsKeeperBody(hski, adapterData, action);


     * the functional name of this adapter
     * @return  the name of the adapter
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * The number of messages for which processing ended unsuccessfully.
    public long getNumOfMessagesInError() {
        synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {
            return numOfMessagesInError.getValue();

    public int getNumOfMessagesInProcess() {
        synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {
            return numOfMessagesInProcess;

    public long[] getNumOfMessagesStartProcessingByHour() {
        synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {
            return numOfMessagesStartProcessingByHour;

     * Total of messages processed
     * @return long total messages processed
    public long getNumOfMessagesProcessed() {
        synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {
            return numOfMessagesProcessed.getValue();

    public IReceiver getReceiverByName(String receiverName) {
        Iterator<IReceiver> it = receivers.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            IReceiver receiver =;
            if (receiver.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(receiverName)) {
                return receiver;

        return null;

    public Iterator<IReceiver> getReceiverIterator() {
        return receivers.iterator();

    public PipeLine getPipeLine() {
        return pipeline;

    public RunStateEnum getRunState() {
        return runState.getRunState();

    public String getRunStateAsString() {
        return runState.getRunState().toString();

     * Return the total processing duration as a StatisticsKeeper
     * @see nl.nn.adapterframework.statistics.StatisticsKeeper
     * @return nl.nn.adapterframework.statistics.StatisticsKeeper
    public StatisticsKeeper getStatsMessageProcessingDuration() {
        return statsMessageProcessingDuration;

     * return the date and time since active
     * Creation date: (19-02-2003 12:16:53)
     * @return String  Date
    public String getStatsUpSince() {
        return getStatsUpSince(DateUtils.FORMAT_FULL_GENERIC);

    public String getStatsUpSince(String dateFormat) {
        return DateUtils.format(new Date(statsUpSince), dateFormat);

    public Date getStatsUpSinceDate() {
        return new Date(statsUpSince);

    public PipeLineResult processMessage(String messageId, String message, IPipeLineSession pipeLineSession) {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            return processMessageWithExceptions(messageId, message, pipeLineSession);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            PipeLineResult result = new PipeLineResult();
            String msg = "Illegal exception [" + t.getClass().getName() + "]";
            INamedObject objectInError = null;
            if (t instanceof ListenerException) {
                Throwable cause = ((ListenerException) t).getCause();
                if (cause instanceof PipeRunException) {
                    PipeRunException pre = (PipeRunException) cause;
                    msg = "error during pipeline processing";
                    objectInError = pre.getPipeInError();
                } else if (cause instanceof ManagedStateException) {
                    msg = "illegal state";
                    objectInError = this;
            result.setResult(formatErrorMessage(msg, t, message, messageId, objectInError, startTime));
            //if (isRequestReplyLogging()) {
            String logMsg = "Adapter [" + getName() + "] messageId [" + messageId + "] got exit-state ["
                    + result.getState() + "] and result [" + result.getResult() + "] from PipeLine";
            if (isMsgLogTerseEnabled()) {
                if (isMsgLogHidden()) {
          "Adapter [" + getName() + "] messageId [" + messageId + "] got exit-state ["
                            + result.getState() + "] and result [LENGTH=" + result.getResult().length()
                            + "] from PipeLine");
                } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            return result;

    public PipeLineResult processMessageWithExceptions(String messageId, String message,
            IPipeLineSession pipeLineSession) throws ListenerException {

        PipeLineResult result = new PipeLineResult();

        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // prevent executing a stopped adapter
        // the receivers should implement this, but you never now....
        RunStateEnum currentRunState = getRunState();
        if (!currentRunState.equals(RunStateEnum.STARTED) && !currentRunState.equals(RunStateEnum.STOPPING)) {

            String msgAdapterNotOpen = "Adapter [" + getName() + "] in state [" + currentRunState
                    + "], cannot process message";
            throw new ListenerException(new ManagedStateException(msgAdapterNotOpen));

        String lastNDC = NDC.peek();
        String newNDC = "cid [" + messageId + "]";
        boolean ndcChanged = !newNDC.equals(lastNDC);
        if (ndcChanged) {

        //if (isRequestReplyLogging()) {
        String additionalLogging = "";

        String xPathLogKeys = (String) pipeLineSession.get("xPathLogKeys");
        if (xPathLogKeys != null && xPathLogKeys != "") {
            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(xPathLogKeys, ",");
            while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String logName = tokenizer.nextToken();
                String xPathResult = (String) pipeLineSession.get(logName);
                additionalLogging = additionalLogging + " and " + logName + " [" + xPathResult + "]";

        String logMsg = "Adapter [" + name + "] received message [" + message + "] with messageId [" + messageId
                + "]" + additionalLogging;
        if (isMsgLogTerseEnabled()) {
            if (isMsgLogHidden()) {
                String logMessage = "Adapter [" + name + "] received message [LENGTH=" + message.length()
                        + "] with messageId [" + messageId + "]" + additionalLogging;
            } else {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        } else {
            logMsg = "Adapter [" + name + "] received message with messageId [" + messageId + "]"
                    + additionalLogging;

        try {
            if (message == null && isReplaceNullMessage()) {
                log.debug("Adapter [" + getName() + "] replaces null message with messageId [" + messageId
                        + "] by empty message");
                message = "";
            result = pipeline.process(messageId, message, pipeLineSession);
            //if (isRequestReplyLogging()) {
            long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
            logMsg = "Adapter [" + getName() + "] messageId [" + messageId + "] duration [" + duration
                    + "] got exit-state [" + result.getState() + "] and result [" + result.toString()
                    + "] from PipeLine";
            if (isMsgLogTerseEnabled()) {
                if (isMsgLogHidden()) {
          "Adapter [" + getName() + "] messageId [" + messageId + "] duration [" + duration
                            + "] got exit-state [" + result.getState() + "] and result [LENGTH="
                            + result.toString().length() + "] from PipeLine");
                } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            return result;

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            ListenerException e;
            if (t instanceof ListenerException) {
                e = (ListenerException) t;
            } else {
                e = new ListenerException(t);
            error(false, "error processing message with messageId [" + messageId + "]: ", e);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long duration = endTime - startTime;
            //reset the InProcess fields, and increase processedMessagesCount

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // for performance reasons
                log.debug("Adapter: [" + getName() + "] STAT: Finished processing message with messageId ["
                        + messageId + "] exit-state [" + result.getState() + "] started "
                        + DateUtils.format(new Date(startTime), DateUtils.FORMAT_FULL_GENERIC) + " finished "
                        + DateUtils.format(new Date(endTime), DateUtils.FORMAT_FULL_GENERIC) + " total duration: "
                        + duration + " msecs");
            } else {
      "Adapter [" + getName() + "] completed message with messageId [" + messageId
                        + "] with exit-state [" + result.getState() + "]");
            if (ndcChanged) {

     * Register a PipeLine at this adapter. On registering, the adapter performs
     * a <code>Pipeline.configurePipes()</code>, as to configure the individual pipes.
      * @param pipeline
     * @throws ConfigurationException
     * @see PipeLine
    public void registerPipeLine(PipeLine pipeline) throws ConfigurationException {
        this.pipeline = pipeline;
        log.debug("Adapter [" + name + "] registered pipeline [" + pipeline.toString() + "]");

     * Register a receiver for this Adapter
     * @param receiver
     * @see IReceiver
    public void registerReceiver(IReceiver receiver) {
        boolean receiverActive = true;
        if (receiver instanceof ReceiverBase) {
            receiverActive = ((ReceiverBase) receiver).isActive();
        if (receiverActive) {
            log.debug("Adapter [" + name + "] registered receiver [" + receiver.getName() + "] with properties ["
                    + receiver.toString() + "]");
        } else {
            log.debug("Adapter [" + name + "] did not register inactive receiver [" + receiver.getName()
                    + "] with properties [" + receiver.toString() + "]");

     *  some functional description of the <code>Adapter</code>/
    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

    public String getDescription() {
        return this.description;

     * Register a <code>ErrorMessageFormatter</code> as the formatter
     * for this <code>adapter</code>
     * @param errorMessageFormatter
     * @see IErrorMessageFormatter
    public void setErrorMessageFormatter(IErrorMessageFormatter errorMessageFormatter) {
        this.errorMessageFormatter = errorMessageFormatter;

     * state to put in PipeLineResult when a PipeRunException occurs
     * @param newErrorState java.lang.String
     * @see PipeLineResult
    public void setErrorState(java.lang.String newErrorState) {
        errorState = newErrorState;

    * state to put in PipeLineResult when a PipeRunException occurs.
    public String getErrorState() {
        return errorState;

     * Set the number of messages that are kept on the screen.
     * @param size
     * @see nl.nn.adapterframework.util.MessageKeeper
    public void setMessageKeeperSize(int size) {
        this.messageKeeperSize = size;

     * the functional name of this adapter
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

     * the configuration this adapter belongs to
    public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
        this.configuration = configuration;

    public Configuration getConfiguration() {
        return configuration;

     * Start the adapter. The thread-name will be set to the adapter's name.
     * The run method, called by t.start(), will call the startRunning method
     * of the IReceiver. The Adapter will be a new thread, as this interface
     * extends the <code>Runnable</code> interface. The actual starting is done
     * in the <code>run</code> method.
     * @see IReceiver#startRunning()
     * @see Adapter#run
    public void startRunning() {
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Thread.currentThread().setName("starting Adapter " + getName());
                try {
                    // See also ReceiverBase.startRunning()
                    if (!configurationSucceeded) {
                        log.error("configuration of adapter [" + getName()
                                + "] did not succeed, therefore starting the adapter is not possible");
                        warn("configuration did not succeed. Starting the adapter [" + getName()
                                + "] is not possible");
                    if (configuration.isUnloadInProgressOrDone()) {
                        log.error("configuration of adapter [" + getName()
                                + "] unload in progress or done, therefore starting the adapter is not possible");
                        warn("configuration unload in progress or done. Starting the adapter [" + getName()
                                + "] is not possible");
                    synchronized (runState) {
                        RunStateEnum currentRunState = getRunState();
                        if (!currentRunState.equals(RunStateEnum.STOPPED)) {
                            String msg = "currently in state [" + currentRunState + "], ignoring start() command";
                    // start the pipeline
                    try {
                        log.debug("Adapter [" + getName() + "] is starting pipeline");
                    } catch (PipeStartException pre) {
                        error(true, "got error starting PipeLine", pre);
                    //Update the adapter uptime.
                    statsUpSince = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    // as from version 3.0 the adapter is started,
                    // regardless of receivers are correctly started.
                    getMessageKeeper().add("Adapter [" + getName() + "] up and running");
          "Adapter [" + getName() + "] up and running");
                    // starting receivers
                    Iterator<IReceiver> it = receivers.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        IReceiver receiver =;
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    error(true, "got error starting Adapter", t);
                } finally {

            public String toString() {
                return getName();

     * Stop the <code>Adapter</code> and close all elements like receivers,
     * Pipeline, pipes etc.
     * The adapter
     * will call the <code>IReceiver</code> to <code>stopListening</code>
     * <p>Also the <code>PipeLine.close()</code> method will be called,
     * closing alle registered pipes. </p>
     * @see IReceiver#stopRunning
     * @see PipeLine#stop
    public void stopRunning() {
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Thread.currentThread().setName("stopping Adapter " + getName());
                try {
                    // See also ReceiverBase.stopRunning()
                    synchronized (runState) {
                        RunStateEnum currentRunState = getRunState();
                        if (currentRunState.equals(RunStateEnum.STARTING)
                                || currentRunState.equals(RunStateEnum.STOPPING)
                                || currentRunState.equals(RunStateEnum.STOPPED)) {
                            String msg = "currently in state [" + currentRunState + "], ignoring stop() command";
                    log.debug("Adapter [" + name + "] is stopping receivers");
                    Iterator<IReceiver> it = receivers.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        IReceiver receiver =;
                    // IPullingListeners might still be running, see also
                    // comment in method ReceiverBase.tellResourcesToStop()
                    it = receivers.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        IReceiver receiver = (IReceiver);
                        while (receiver.getRunState() != RunStateEnum.STOPPED) {
                            log.debug("Adapter [" + getName() + "] waiting for receiver [" + receiver.getName()
                                    + "] to stop");
                            try {
                            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                                log.warn("Interrupted waiting for start threads to end", e);
              "Adapter [" + getName() + "] successfully stopped receiver [" + receiver.getName()
                                + "]");
                    int currentNumOfMessagesInProcess = getNumOfMessagesInProcess();
                    if (currentNumOfMessagesInProcess > 0) {
                        String msg = "Adapter [" + name + "] is being stopped while still processing "
                                + currentNumOfMessagesInProcess + " messages, waiting for them to finish";
                    log.debug("Adapter [" + name + "] is stopping pipeline");
                    //Set the adapter uptime to 0 as the adapter is stopped.
                    statsUpSince = 0;
                    getMessageKeeper().add("Adapter stopped");
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    error(true, "got error stopping Adapter", t);
                } finally {

            public String toString() {
                return getName();

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("[name=" + name + "]");
        //sb.append("[version=" + version + "]");
        sb.append("[targetDesignDocument=" + targetDesignDocument + "]");
        Iterator<IReceiver> it = receivers.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            IReceiver receiver =;
            sb.append(" " + receiver.getName());

        sb.append("[pipeLine=" + ((pipeline != null) ? pipeline.toString() : "none registered") + "]" + "[started="
                + getRunState() + "]");

        return sb.toString();

    public String getAdapterConfigurationAsString() throws ConfigurationException {
        String loadedConfig = getConfiguration().getLoadedConfiguration();
        String encodedName = StringUtils.replace(getName(), "'", "''");
        String xpath = "//adapter[@name='" + encodedName + "']";
        try {
            return XmlUtils.copyOfSelect(loadedConfig, xpath);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(e);

    public void waitForNoMessagesInProcess() throws InterruptedException {
        synchronized (statsMessageProcessingDuration) {
            while (getNumOfMessagesInProcess() > 0) {

     * AutoStart indicates that the adapter should be started when the configuration
     * is started. AutoStart defaults to <code>true</code>
     * @since 4.1.1
    public void setAutoStart(boolean autoStart) {
        this.autoStart = autoStart;

    public boolean isAutoStart() {
        return autoStart;

    public void setRequestReplyLogging(boolean requestReplyLogging) {
        //this.requestReplyLogging = requestReplyLogging;
        ConfigurationWarnings configWarnings = ConfigurationWarnings.getInstance();
        if (requestReplyLogging) {
            String msg = "Adapter [" + getName()
                    + "] implementing setting of requestReplyLogging=true as msgLogLevel=Terse";
            configWarnings.add(log, msg);
        } else {
            String msg = "Adapter [" + getName()
                    + "] implementing setting of requestReplyLogging=false as msgLogLevel=None";
            configWarnings.add(log, msg);
       public boolean isRequestReplyLogging() {
          return requestReplyLogging;

    public void setActive(boolean b) {
        active = b;

    public boolean isActive() {
        return active;

    public void setTargetDesignDocument(String string) {
        targetDesignDocument = string;

    public String getTargetDesignDocument() {
        return targetDesignDocument;

    public void setTaskExecutor(TaskExecutor executor) {
        taskExecutor = executor;

    public TaskExecutor getTaskExecutor() {
        return taskExecutor;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.NamedBean#getBeanName()
    public String getBeanName() {
        return name;

    public void setMsgLogLevel(String level) throws ConfigurationException {
        msgLogLevel = MsgLogUtil.getMsgLogLevelNum(level);
        if (msgLogLevel < 0) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("illegal value for msgLogLevel [" + level + "]");

    public String getMsgLogLevel() {
        return MsgLogUtil.getMsgLogLevelString(msgLogLevel);

    public void setMsgLogLevelNum(int i) {
        msgLogLevel = i;

    private boolean isMsgLogTerseEnabled() {
        if (msgLogLevel >= MsgLogUtil.MSGLOG_LEVEL_TERSE) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public void setMsgLogHidden(boolean b) {
        msgLogHidden = b;

    public boolean isMsgLogHidden() {
        return msgLogHidden;

    public void setRecover(boolean b) {
        recover = b;

    public boolean isRecover() {
        return recover;

    public void setReplaceNullMessage(boolean b) {
        replaceNullMessage = b;

    public boolean isReplaceNullMessage() {
        return replaceNullMessage;