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 * Copyright 2015 Delft University of Technology
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package nl.tudelft.graphalytics.giraph;

import org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConfiguration;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.IntConfOption;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.StrConfOption;
import org.apache.giraph.graph.Computation;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

 * Base class for all jobs in the Giraph benchmark suite. Configures and executes
 * a Giraph job using the computation and vertex format specified by subclasses
 * of GiraphJob. In addition, a pre-execution hook is provided to enable arbitrary
 * job-specific configuration to be added to the job.
 * @author Tim Hegeman
public abstract class GiraphJob extends Configured implements Tool {
    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger();

     * The configuration key for the JVM heap size of Giraph workers in megabytes.
    public static final String HEAP_SIZE_MB_KEY = "graphalytics.giraphjob.heap-size-mb";
     * The JVM heap size of Giraph workers in megabytes.
    public static final IntConfOption HEAP_SIZE_MB = new IntConfOption(HEAP_SIZE_MB_KEY, 768,
            "JVM heap size of Giraph workers in megabytes");

     * The configuration key for the Giraph worker memory size in megabytes.
    public static final String WORKER_MEMORY_MB_KEY = "graphalytics.giraphjob.worker-memory-mb";
     * The Giraph worker memory size in megabytes.
    public static final IntConfOption WORKER_MEMORY_MB = new IntConfOption(WORKER_MEMORY_MB_KEY, 1024,
            "Giraph worker memory size in megabytes");

     * The configuration key for the number of Giraph workers to used.
    public static final String WORKER_COUNT_KEY = "graphalytics.giraphjob.worker-count";
     * The number of Giraph workers to be used.
    public static final IntConfOption WORKER_COUNT = new IntConfOption(WORKER_COUNT_KEY, 1,
            "Number of Giraph workers to use");

     * The configuration key for the input path of the Giraph job.
    public static final String INPUT_PATH_KEY = "graphalytics.giraphjob.input-path";
     * The input path of the Giraph job.
    public static final StrConfOption INPUT_PATH = new StrConfOption(INPUT_PATH_KEY, "", "Giraph input path");

     * The configuration key for the output path of the Giraph job.
    public static final String OUTPUT_PATH_KEY = "graphalytics.giraphjob.output-path";
     * The output path of the Giraph job.
    public static final StrConfOption OUTPUT_PATH = new StrConfOption(OUTPUT_PATH_KEY, "", "Giraph output path");

     * The configuration key for the ZooKeeper address used by Giraph.
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS_KEY = "graphalytics.giraphjob.zookeeper-address";
     * The ZooKeeper address used by Giraph (hostname:port).
    public static final StrConfOption ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS = new StrConfOption(ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS_KEY, "",
            "ZooKeeper address");

    private String inputPath;
    private String outputPath;
    private String zooKeeperAddress;
    private int workerCount;
    private int heapSize;
    private int workerMemory;

     * @return the Giraph job output path
    protected String getOutputPath() {
        return outputPath;

    private void loadConfiguration() {
        if (INPUT_PATH.isDefaultValue(getConf())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Missing mandatory configuration: " + INPUT_PATH_KEY);
        if (OUTPUT_PATH.isDefaultValue(getConf())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Missing mandatory configuration: " + OUTPUT_PATH_KEY);
        if (ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS.isDefaultValue(getConf())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Missing mandatory configuration: " + ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS_KEY);

        workerCount = WORKER_COUNT.get(getConf());
        heapSize = HEAP_SIZE_MB.get(getConf());
        workerMemory = WORKER_MEMORY_MB.get(getConf());
        inputPath = INPUT_PATH.get(getConf());
        outputPath = OUTPUT_PATH.get(getConf());
        zooKeeperAddress = ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS.get(getConf());

     * Creates a new Giraph job configuration and loads it with generic options
     * such as input and output paths, the number of workers, and the worker
     * heap size. It sets the computation and I/O format classes based on
     * the return value of their respective hooks. The configure method is called
     * to allow for job-specific configuration. Finally, the Giraph job is
     * submitted and is executed (blocking).
     * @param args ignored
     * @return zero iff the job completed successfully
    public final int run(String[] args) throws Exception {

        // Prepare the job configuration
        GiraphConfiguration configuration = new GiraphConfiguration(getConf());

        // Set the computation class

        // Prepare input paths
        Path vertexInputPath = new Path(inputPath + ".v");
        Path edgeInputPath = new Path(inputPath + ".e");

        // Set input paths
        GiraphFileInputFormat.addVertexInputPath(configuration, vertexInputPath);
        GiraphFileInputFormat.addEdgeInputPath(configuration, edgeInputPath);

        // Set vertex/edge input format class

        // Set and output path and class
        configuration.set(FileOutputFormat.OUTDIR, outputPath);
        if (getVertexOutputFormatClass() != null) {
        } else {

        // Set deployment-specific configuration from external configuration files
        configuration.setWorkerConfiguration(workerCount, workerCount, 100.0f);
        configuration.setInt("", workerMemory);
        configuration.set("", "-Xmx" + heapSize + "M");

        // Set algorithm-specific configuration

        // Create the Giraph job
        org.apache.giraph.job.GiraphJob job = new org.apache.giraph.job.GiraphJob(configuration,
                "Graphalytics: " + getClass().getSimpleName());
        // Launch it
        LOG.debug("- Starting Giraph job");
        return ? 0 : -1;

     * Hook for subclasses of GiraphJob to specify which Computation to run for
     * the Giraph job.
     * @return a job-specific Computation class
    protected abstract Class<? extends Computation> getComputationClass();

     * Hook for subclasses of GiraphJob to specify which input format to use
     * when importing vertices into Giraph.
     * @return a job-specific VertexInputFormat
    protected abstract Class<? extends VertexInputFormat> getVertexInputFormatClass();

     * Hook for subclasses of GiraphJob to specify which output format to use
     * when storing the resulting vertices of a Giraph computation.
     * @return a job-specific VertexOutputFormat
    protected abstract Class<? extends VertexOutputFormat> getVertexOutputFormatClass();

     * Hook for subclasses of GiraphJob to specify which input format to use
     * when importing edges into Giraph.
     * @return a job-specific VertexInputFormat
    protected abstract Class<? extends EdgeInputFormat> getEdgeInputFormatClass();

     * Hook for subclasses of GiraphJob to specify which output format to use
     * when storing the resulting edges of a Giraph computation.
     * @return a job-specific VertexOutputFormat
    protected abstract Class<? extends EdgeOutputFormat> getEdgeOutputFormatClass();

     * Hook for subclasses of GiraphJob to set arbitrary configuration for the
     * Giraph job. Often used to set global parameters needed for a specific
     * graph processing algorithm.
     * @param config the Giraph configuration for this job
    protected abstract void configure(GiraphConfiguration config);
