och.comp.billing.standalone.BillingSyncService.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for och.comp.billing.standalone.BillingSyncService.java


 * Copyright 2015 Evgeny Dolganov (evgenij.dolganov@gmail.com).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package och.comp.billing.standalone;

import static java.math.BigDecimal.*;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static och.api.model.PropKey.*;
import static och.api.model.RemoteCache.*;
import static och.api.model.RemoteChats.*;
import static och.api.model.billing.PaymentBase.*;
import static och.api.model.billing.PaymentExt.*;
import static och.api.model.billing.PaymentType.*;
import static och.api.model.chat.account.PrivilegeType.*;
import static och.api.model.tariff.TariffMath.*;
import static och.comp.db.main.table.MainTables.*;
import static och.comp.ops.BillingOps.*;
import static och.comp.ops.ServersOps.*;
import static och.comp.web.JsonOps.*;
import static och.util.DateUtil.*;
import static och.util.ExceptionUtil.*;
import static och.util.FileUtil.*;
import static och.util.StringUtil.*;
import static och.util.Util.*;
import static och.util.model.HoursAndMinutes.*;
import static och.util.sql.SingleTx.*;

import java.io.File;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import och.api.exception.ExpectedException;
import och.api.model.billing.AdminSyncResp;
import och.api.model.billing.LastSyncInfo;
import och.api.model.billing.PaymentExt;
import och.api.model.billing.UserBalance;
import och.api.model.chat.account.ChatAccount;
import och.api.model.chat.account.ChatAccountPrivileges;
import och.api.model.server.ServerRow;
import och.api.model.tariff.Tariff;
import och.api.remote.chats.GetPausedStateReq;
import och.api.remote.chats.GetUnblockedAccsReq;
import och.api.remote.chats.ResultAccsResp;
import och.comp.cache.Cache;
import och.comp.cache.server.CacheServerContext;
import och.comp.cache.server.CacheServerContextHolder;
import och.comp.db.base.universal.UniversalQueries;
import och.comp.db.main.MainDb;
import och.comp.db.main.table._f.TariffLastPay;
import och.comp.db.main.table.billing.CreatePayment;
import och.comp.db.main.table.billing.GetAllBlockedUsers;
import och.comp.db.main.table.billing.UpdateUserAccsBlocked;
import och.comp.db.main.table.chat.GetAllChatAccounts;
import och.comp.db.main.table.chat.UpdateChatAccountByUid;
import och.comp.db.main.table.chat.privilege.GetAllChatAccountPrivileges;
import och.comp.db.main.table.tariff.GetAllTariffs;
import och.comp.mail.MailService;
import och.comp.ops.BillingOps.PausedStateResp;
import och.service.props.Props;
import och.util.model.CallableVoid;
import och.util.model.HasInitState;
import och.util.model.HoursAndMinutes;
import och.util.sql.ConcurrentUpdateSqlException;
import och.util.timer.TimerExt;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

public class BillingSyncService implements HasInitState, CacheServerContextHolder {

    private Log log = getLog(getClass());
    private Props props;
    private MainDb db;
    private UniversalQueries universal;
    private MailService mailService;
    private Cache cache;

    private TimerExt paySyncTimer;
    private TimerExt cacheMonitorTimer;
    private TimerExt blockSyncTimer;

    public CallableVoid syncAccsListener;

    public void setCacheServerContext(CacheServerContext c) {
        this.props = c.props;
        this.db = c.mainDb;
        this.universal = db.universal;
        this.mailService = c.mailService;
        this.cache = c.cache;

    public void init() throws Exception {

        checkStateForEmpty(props, "props");
        checkStateForEmpty(cache, "cache");
        checkStateForEmpty(mailService, "mailService");
        checkStateForEmpty(universal, "universal");

        //block and pause sync
        if (props.getBoolVal(billing_sync_fillBlockedCacheOnStart)) {
            long delay = props.getLongVal(billing_sync_fillBlockedCacheOnStartDelay);
            if (delay < 1) {
                reinitAccsBlocked(props, db, cache);
                reinitAccsPaused(props, db);
            } else {
                TimerExt timer = new TimerExt("BillingSyncService-fillBlockedCache", false);
                timer.trySchedule(() -> {
                    reinitAccsBlocked(props, db, cache);
                    reinitAccsPaused(props, db);
                }, delay);


        //skip timer
        if (props.getBoolVal(billing_sync_debug_DisableTimer))

        paySyncTimer = new TimerExt("BillingSyncService-pay-sync", false);
        paySyncTimer.tryScheduleAtFixedRate(() -> doSyncWork(true, null, null),
                props.getLongVal(billing_sync_timerDelay), props.getLongVal(billing_sync_timerDelta));

        blockSyncTimer = new TimerExt("BillingSyncService-block-sync", false);
        blockSyncTimer.tryScheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
        }, props.getLongVal(billing_sync_blockCheckTimerDelay),

        cacheMonitorTimer = new TimerExt("BillingSyncService-tasks-checker", false);
        cacheMonitorTimer.tryScheduleAtFixedRate(() -> checkTasksFromCache(),


    private void loadLastSyncInfo() {
        File file = new File(props.getStrVal(billing_sync_lastSyncFile));
        String lastSyncInfo = file.exists() ? tryReadFileUTF8(file) : null;
        cache.tryPutCache(BILLING_LAST_SYNC, lastSyncInfo);

    private void saveLastSyncInfo(int updated) {

        if (!props.getBoolVal(billing_sync_lastSyncStore))

        String lastSyncInfo = toJson(new LastSyncInfo(updated), true);
        cache.tryPutCache(BILLING_LAST_SYNC, lastSyncInfo);
        tryWriteFileUTF8(new File(props.getStrVal(billing_sync_lastSyncFile)), lastSyncInfo);

    public void checkTasksFromCache() throws Exception {

        String reqId = cache.tryRemoveCache(BILLING_SYNC_REQ);
        if (reqId == null)

        cache.tryPutCache(BILLING_SYNC_RESP, BILLING_SYNC_RESP_START_PREFIX + "started at " + new Date());

        log.info("doSyncWork by admin req: " + reqId);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        int updatedCount = doSyncWork(false, null, null);

        long worktime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
        log.info("done. worktime: " + worktime + "ms");

        AdminSyncResp result = new AdminSyncResp(reqId, updatedCount, worktime);
        cache.tryPutCache(BILLING_SYNC_RESP, toJson(result, true));


    public int doSyncWork(boolean checkWorkTime) throws Exception {
        return doSyncWork(checkWorkTime, null, null);

    public int doSyncWork(boolean checkWorkTime, Date nowPreset) throws Exception {
        return doSyncWork(checkWorkTime, nowPreset, null);

    public int doSyncWork(boolean checkWorkTime, Date nowPreset, CallableVoid beforeDbUpdateListener)
            throws Exception {

        Date now = nowPreset != null ? nowPreset : new Date();

        if (props.getBoolVal(billing_sync_debug_DisableSync))
            return -1;
        if (props.getBoolVal(toolMode))
            return -1;

        // ? ?
        if (checkWorkTime && props.getBoolVal(billing_sync_debug_CheckWorkTime)) {
            int dayOfMonth = dayOfMonth(now);
            int endDay = props.getIntVal(billing_sync_endSyncDay);
            int startDay = props.getIntVal(billing_sync_startSyncDay);
            if (dayOfMonth < startDay)
                return -2;
            if (dayOfMonth > endDay)
                return -3;

            HoursAndMinutes nowHHmm = getHoursAndMinutes(now);
            if (dayOfMonth == startDay) {
                HoursAndMinutes startHHmm = tryParseHHmm(props.getStrVal(billing_sync_startSyncTime), null);
                if (startHHmm != null && nowHHmm.compareTo(startHHmm) < 0)
                    return -2;
            if (dayOfMonth == endDay) {
                HoursAndMinutes endHHmm = tryParseHHmm(props.getStrVal(billing_sync_endSyncTime), null);
                if (endHHmm != null && nowHHmm.compareTo(endHHmm) > 0)
                    return -3;

        Date curMonthStart = monthStart(now);

        //get all accs
        HashSet<Long> needPayAccs = new HashSet<Long>();
        HashMap<Long, ChatAccount> accsById = new HashMap<>();
        List<ChatAccount> allAccs = universal.select(new GetAllChatAccounts());
        for (ChatAccount acc : allAccs) {
            accsById.put(acc.id, acc);
            if (isNeedToPay(acc, curMonthStart))

        if (props.getBoolVal(billing_sync_log))
            log.info("sync accs to pay (" + needPayAccs.size() + "): " + needPayAccs);
        if (isEmpty(needPayAccs)) {
            return 0;

        //get tariffs
        List<Tariff> tariffs = universal.select(new GetAllTariffs());
        HashMap<Long, Tariff> tariffsById = new HashMap<>();
        for (Tariff t : tariffs)
            tariffsById.put(t.id, t);

        //find owners
        HashMap<Long, Set<ChatAccount>> accsByUser = new HashMap<>();
        List<ChatAccountPrivileges> allUsersPrivs = universal.select(new GetAllChatAccountPrivileges());
        for (ChatAccountPrivileges data : allUsersPrivs) {
            if (data.privileges.contains(CHAT_OWNER)) {
                ChatAccount acc = accsById.get(data.accId);
                if (acc == null)
                putToSetMap(accsByUser, data.userId, acc);

        if (beforeDbUpdateListener != null)

        //sync by owners
        ArrayList<SyncPayError> syncErrors = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Entry<Long, Set<ChatAccount>> entry : accsByUser.entrySet()) {
            Long userId = entry.getKey();
            Set<ChatAccount> userAccs = entry.getValue();
            try {

                if (syncAccsListener != null)

                List<SyncPayError> curErrors = syncUserAccs(userId, userAccs, tariffsById, curMonthStart, now);
                if (curErrors.size() > 0)

            // ? ,    ? ?
            //?  ?   ?  
            catch (ConcurrentUpdateSqlException e) {
                for (ChatAccount acc : userAccs)
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                log.error("can't sync accs for user=" + userId + ": " + t);
                syncErrors.add(new SyncPayError(userId, userAccs, t));

        if (syncErrors.size() > 0)
            sendSyncErrorMailToAdmin("Sync billing errors", syncErrors);

        int updated = needPayAccs.size();


        return updated;

    private List<SyncPayError> syncUserAccs(long userId, Set<ChatAccount> userAccs, Map<Long, Tariff> tariffs,
            Date curMonthStart, Date now) throws ConcurrentUpdateSqlException, Exception {

        List<SyncPayError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
        BigDecimal totalPrice = ZERO;
        Date lastMonthStart = addMonths(curMonthStart, -1);
        Date lastMonthEnd = monthEnd(lastMonthStart);

        ArrayList<ChatAccount> accsToUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
        for (ChatAccount acc : userAccs) {
            if (isNeedToPay(acc, curMonthStart)) {
                Tariff tariff = tariffs.get(acc.tariffId);
                if (tariff == null) {
                    errors.add(new SyncPayError(userId, singleton(acc),
                            new IllegalStateException("can't find tariff")));


                BigDecimal price = tariff.price;
                if (price.compareTo(ZERO) < 1)

                //?  ?? -  ,  ?  
                BigDecimal accAmount;
                Date oldPayDate = acc.tariffLastPay;
                if (oldPayDate.compareTo(lastMonthStart) == 0)
                    accAmount = price;
                    accAmount = calcForPeriod(price, oldPayDate, lastMonthEnd, ZERO);

                totalPrice = totalPrice.add(accAmount);

        //final amount
        BigDecimal amount = totalPrice;
        boolean hasBill = ZERO.compareTo(amount) != 0;
        BigDecimal[] updatedBalance = { null };
        BigDecimal minActiveBalance = props.getBigDecimalVal(billing_minActiveBalance);
        boolean[] accBlocked = { false };

        //update db
        doInSingleTxMode(() -> {

            boolean isBlocked = findBalance(universal, userId).accsBlocked;

            if (!isBlocked && hasBill) {

                long payId = universal.nextSeqFor(payments);
                PaymentExt payment = createSystemBill(payId, userId, amount, now, TARIFF_MONTH_BIll,
                universal.update(new CreatePayment(payment));

                updatedBalance[0] = appendBalance(universal, userId, payment.amount);

                //? ? ?     
                if (updatedBalance[0].compareTo(minActiveBalance) < 0) {
                    accBlocked[0] = true;
                    universal.update(new UpdateUserAccsBlocked(userId, true));


            //update last pay dates
            if (accsToUpdate.size() > 0) {
                for (ChatAccount acc : accsToUpdate) {
                    int result = universal.updateOne(new UpdateChatAccountByUid(acc.uid, acc.tariffLastPay,
                            new TariffLastPay(curMonthStart)));
                    //concurrent check
                    if (result == 0)
                        throw new ConcurrentUpdateSqlException("UpdateChatAccountByUid: uid=" + acc.uid);


        //update cache
        if (updatedBalance[0] != null) {
            cache.tryPutCache(getBalanceCacheKey(userId), updatedBalance[0].toString());

        //update chat servers
        if (accBlocked[0]) {
            sendAccsBlocked(props, db, cache, userId, true);

        return errors;


    private boolean isNeedToPay(ChatAccount acc, Date curMonthStart) {
        if (acc.tariffStart.compareTo(curMonthStart) >= 0)
            return false;
        return acc.tariffLastPay.before(curMonthStart);

    /**  ??    ? ?  */
    public void checkAccBlocks() throws Exception {

        List<UserBalance> list = universal.select(new GetAllBlockedUsers());
        if (isEmpty(list))

        List<SyncBlockError> syncErrors = new ArrayList<>();

        for (UserBalance userBalance : list) {
            long userId = userBalance.userId;
            Map<String, List<String>> unblockedAccs = getUnblockedAccs(userId);
            if (!isEmpty(unblockedAccs)) {
                for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : unblockedAccs.entrySet()) {
                    String serverUrl = entry.getKey();
                    List<String> accs = entry.getValue();
                    syncErrors.add(new SyncBlockError(userId, serverUrl, accs));


        if (syncErrors.size() > 0)
            sendSyncErrorMailToAdmin("Unblocked accs error", syncErrors);


    public void checkAccPaused() throws Exception {

        Map<Long, ServerRow> servers = getServersMap(universal);
        PausedStateResp state = getPausedState(universal);

        checkAccPaused(servers, state.pausedAccs, true);
        checkAccPaused(servers, state.unpausedAccs, false);

    private void checkAccPaused(Map<Long, ServerRow> servers, Set<ChatAccount> accs, boolean expectedPaused) {

        HashSet<String> serverUrls = new HashSet<String>();
        HashSet<String> uids = new HashSet<String>();
        for (ChatAccount acc : accs) {
            ServerRow server = servers.get(acc.serverId);
            if (server == null)

        Map<String, List<String>> errorAccs = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        for (String url : serverUrls) {
            try {
                GetPausedStateReq req = new GetPausedStateReq(uids, expectedPaused);
                ResultAccsResp result = postEncryptedJson(props, url, req, ResultAccsResp.class);
                if (result == null)
                if (isEmpty(result.accs))
                errorAccs.put(url, result.accs);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                ExpectedException.logError(log, e, "can't connect to " + url);

        if (isEmpty(errorAccs))

        List<SyncPausedError> syncErrors = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : errorAccs.entrySet()) {
            syncErrors.add(new SyncPausedError(entry.getKey(), expectedPaused, entry.getValue()));

        String msg = expectedPaused ? "Unpaused accs error" : "Paused accs error";
        sendSyncErrorMailToAdmin(msg, syncErrors);


    private Map<String, List<String>> getUnblockedAccs(long userId) {

        List<ChatAccount> accs = db.chats.getOwnerAccsInfo(userId);

        Map<String, List<String>> out = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

        HashSet<String> serverUrls = new HashSet<String>();
        HashSet<String> uids = new HashSet<String>();
        for (ChatAccount acc : accs) {

        for (String url : serverUrls) {
            try {
                ResultAccsResp result = postEncryptedJson(props, url, new GetUnblockedAccsReq(uids),
                if (result == null)
                if (isEmpty(result.accs))
                out.put(url, result.accs);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                ExpectedException.logError(log, e, "can't connect to " + url);

        return out;

    private void sendSyncErrorMailToAdmin(String title, List<?> syncErrors) {

        if (isEmpty(syncErrors))

        if (props.getBoolVal(billing_sync_debug_DisableSendErrors))

        List<String> msgs = convert(syncErrors, (d) -> toJson(d, true));
        mailService.sendAsyncWarnData(title, msgs);

    public static class SyncPayError {

        public Long userId;
        public Set<ChatAccount> userAccs;
        public String errorMsg;

        public SyncPayError(Long userId, Set<ChatAccount> userAccs, Throwable t) {
            this.userId = userId;
            this.userAccs = userAccs;
            this.errorMsg = printStackTrace(t);


    public static class SyncBlockError {

        public Long userId;
        public String serverUrl;
        public List<String> unblockedAccs;

        public SyncBlockError(Long userId, String serverUrl, List<String> unblockedAccs) {
            this.userId = userId;
            this.serverUrl = serverUrl;
            this.unblockedAccs = unblockedAccs;

    public static class SyncPausedError {

        public String serverUrl;
        public boolean expectedPaused;
        public List<String> accs;

        public SyncPausedError(String serverUrl, boolean expectedPaused, List<String> accs) {
            this.serverUrl = serverUrl;
            this.expectedPaused = expectedPaused;
            this.accs = accs;
