Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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 * @author jas

package one;

import TableModel.TaskModel;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame;
import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities;

 * A simple demonstration application showing how to create a Gantt chart.
 * <P>
 * This demo is intended to show the conceptual approach rather than being a polished
 * implementation.
public class GanttDemo1 extends ApplicationFrame {

     * Creates a new demo.
     * @param title  the frame title.

    public static HashMap<Date, String> hm = new HashMap<>();
    TaskModel tm = new TaskModel();

    public GanttDemo1(final String title) {


        final IntervalCategoryDataset dataset = createDataset();
        final JFreeChart chart = createChart(dataset);

        // add the chart to a panel...
        final ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
        chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(500, 270));
        hm = tm.timeLineChart(101);


    // ****************************************************************************
    // * JFREECHART DEVELOPER GUIDE                                               *
    // * The JFreeChart Developer Guide, written by David Gilbert, is available   *
    // * to purchase from Object Refinery Limited:                                *
    // *                                                                          *
    // *                     *
    // *                                                                          *
    // * Sales are used to provide funding for the JFreeChart project - please    * 
    // * support us so that we can continue developing free software.             *
    // ****************************************************************************

     * Creates a sample dataset for a Gantt chart.
     * @return The dataset.
    public static IntervalCategoryDataset createDataset() {

        final TaskSeries s1 = new TaskSeries("Scheduled");
        s1.add(new Task("Write Proposal",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(1, Calendar.APRIL, 2001), date(5, Calendar.APRIL, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Obtain Approval",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(9, Calendar.APRIL, 2001), date(9, Calendar.APRIL, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Requirements Analysis",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(10, Calendar.APRIL, 2001), date(5, Calendar.MAY, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Design Phase",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(6, Calendar.MAY, 2001), date(30, Calendar.MAY, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Design Signoff",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(2, Calendar.JUNE, 2001), date(2, Calendar.JUNE, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Alpha Implementation",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(3, Calendar.JUNE, 2001), date(31, Calendar.JULY, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Design Review",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(1, Calendar.AUGUST, 2001), date(8, Calendar.AUGUST, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Revised Design Signoff",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(10, Calendar.AUGUST, 2001), date(10, Calendar.AUGUST, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Beta Implementation",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(12, Calendar.AUGUST, 2001), date(12, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Testing",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(13, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 2001), date(31, Calendar.OCTOBER, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Final Implementation",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(1, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 2001), date(15, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Signoff",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(28, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 2001), date(30, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 2001))));
        s1.add(new Task("Database set up",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(15, Calendar.OCTOBER, 2001), date(30, Calendar.OCTOBER, 2001))));

        final TaskSeries s2 = new TaskSeries("Actual");
        s2.add(new Task("Write Proposal",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(1, Calendar.APRIL, 2001), date(5, Calendar.APRIL, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Obtain Approval",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(9, Calendar.APRIL, 2001), date(9, Calendar.APRIL, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Requirements Analysis",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(10, Calendar.APRIL, 2001), date(15, Calendar.MAY, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Design Phase",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(15, Calendar.MAY, 2001), date(17, Calendar.JUNE, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Design Signoff",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(30, Calendar.JUNE, 2001), date(30, Calendar.JUNE, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Alpha Implementation",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(1, Calendar.JULY, 2001), date(12, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Design Review",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(12, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 2001), date(22, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Revised Design Signoff",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(25, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 2001), date(27, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Beta Implementation",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(27, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 2001), date(30, Calendar.OCTOBER, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Testing",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(31, Calendar.OCTOBER, 2001), date(17, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Final Implementation",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(18, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 2001), date(5, Calendar.DECEMBER, 2001))));
        s2.add(new Task("Signoff",
                new SimpleTimePeriod(date(10, Calendar.DECEMBER, 2001), date(11, Calendar.DECEMBER, 2001))));

        final TaskSeriesCollection collection = new TaskSeriesCollection();

        return collection;

     * Utility method for creating <code>Date</code> objects.
     * @param day  the date.
     * @param month  the month.
     * @param year  the year.
     * @return a date.
    private static Date date(final int day, final int month, final int year) {

        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar.set(year, month, day);
        final Date result = calendar.getTime();
        return result;


     * Creates a chart.
     * @param dataset  the dataset.
     * @return The chart.
    private JFreeChart createChart(final IntervalCategoryDataset dataset) {
        final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createGanttChart("Gantt Chart Demo", // chart title
                "Task", // domain axis label
                "Date", // range axis label
                dataset, // data
                true, // include legend
                true, // tooltips
                false // urls
        //        chart.getCategoryPlot().getDomainAxis().setMaxCategoryLabelWidthRatio(10.0f);
        return chart;

     * Starting point for the demonstration application.
     * @param args  ignored.
    public static void main(final String[] args) {

        final GanttDemo1 demo = new GanttDemo1("Gantt Chart Demo 1");

