Source code

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 * The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution
 * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * The License is based on the Mozilla
 * Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover
 * use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution
 * for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
 * consistent with Exhibit B.
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is OpenEMM.
 * The Original Developer is the Initial Developer.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is AGNITAS AG. All portions of
 * the code written by AGNITAS AG are Copyright (c) 2007 AGNITAS AG. All Rights
 * Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): AGNITAS AG. 

package org.agnitas.beans.impl;


import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;

import org.agnitas.beans.Mailing;
import org.agnitas.beans.MailingComponent;
import org.agnitas.beans.MediatypeEmail;
import org.agnitas.util.AgnUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

 * @author  mhe
public class MediatypeEmailImpl extends MediatypeImpl implements MediatypeEmail, Serializable {

    /** Holds value of property subject. */
    protected String subject = "";

    /** Holds value of property linefeed. */
    protected int linefeed;

    /** Holds value of property mailFormat. */
    protected int mailFormat = 2;

    public final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8";

    /** Holds value of property charset. */
    protected String charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;

    /** Holds value of property fromAdr. */
    protected String fromEmail = "";

    /** Holds value of property fromAdr. */
    protected String fromFullname = "";

     * Complete Reply-To Address.
    /** Holds value of property replyEmail. */
    protected String replyEmail = "";

    /** Holds value of property replyFullname. */
    protected String replyFullname = "";

    /** Creates a new instance of MediaTypeEmail */
    public MediatypeEmailImpl() {
        template = "[agnDYN name=\"Text\"/]";
        htmlTemplate = "[agnDYN name=\"HTML-Version\"/]";

    /** Getter for property subject.
     * @return Value of property subject.
    public String getSubject() {
        return subject;

    /** Setter for property subject.
     * @param subject New value of property subject.
    public void setSubject(String subject) {
        this.subject = subject;

    /** Getter for property fromAdr.
     * @return Value of property fromAdr.
    public String getFromEmail() {
        return fromEmail;

    /** Setter for property fromAdr.
     * @param fromAdr New value of property fromAdr.
    public void setFromEmail(String fromEmail) {
        this.fromEmail = fromEmail;

    /** Getter for property fromAdr.
     * @return Value of property fromAdr.
    public String getFromFullname() {
        return this.fromFullname;

    /** Setter for property fromAdr.
     * @param fromAdr New value of property fromAdr.
    public void setFromFullname(String fromFullname) {
        this.fromFullname = fromFullname;

    public String getFromAdr() throws Exception {
        InternetAddress tmpFrom = new InternetAddress(this.fromEmail, this.fromFullname, charset);
        //problems with coding
        //return AgnUtils.propertySaveString(tmpFrom.toString());

        String adr = "";
        adr = tmpFrom.getPersonal() + " <" + tmpFrom.getAddress() + ">";
        return adr;

    /** Getter for property linefeed.
     * @return Value of property linefeed.
    public int getLinefeed() {
        return this.linefeed;

    /** Setter for property linefeed.
     * @param linefeed New value of property linefeed.
    public void setLinefeed(int linefeed) {
        this.linefeed = linefeed;

    /** Getter for property mailFormat.
     * @return Value of property mailFormat.
    public int getMailFormat() {
        return mailFormat;

    /** Setter for property mailFormat.
     * @param mailFormat New value of property mailFormat.
    public void setMailFormat(int mailFormat) {
        this.mailFormat = mailFormat;

    /** Getter for property charset.
     * @return Value of property charset.
    public String getCharset() {
        return this.charset;

    /** Setter for property charset.
     * @param charset New value of property charset.
    public void setCharset(String charset) {
        this.charset = charset;

    public String doEscape(String src) {
        src = src.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
        src = src.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"");
        return src;

    public String unEscape(String src) {
        src = src.replaceAll("\\\\\"", "\"");
        src = src.replaceAll("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\");
        return src;

    public String getParam() throws Exception {
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        InternetAddress tmpFrom = new InternetAddress(this.fromEmail, this.fromFullname, charset);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(replyEmail)) {
            replyEmail = fromEmail;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(replyFullname)) {
            replyFullname = fromFullname;
        InternetAddress tmpReply = new InternetAddress(this.replyEmail, this.replyFullname, charset);

        result.append("\", ");

        result.append("\", ");

        result.append("\", ");

        result.append("\", ");

        result.append("\", ");

        result.append("\", ");

        result.append("\", ");

        return result.toString();

    public void setParam(String param) throws Exception {
        int tmp = 0;
        String from = unEscape(AgnUtils.findParam("from", param));

        if (from.length() > 0) {
            InternetAddress adr = new InternetAddress(from);

            this.fromEmail = adr.getAddress();
            this.fromFullname = adr.getPersonal();
        } else {
            this.fromEmail = "";
            this.fromFullname = "";

        from = AgnUtils.findParam("reply", param);
        if (from == null) {
            from = AgnUtils.findParam("from", param);

        if (from.length() > 0) {
            InternetAddress adr = new InternetAddress(from);

            this.replyEmail = adr.getAddress();
            this.replyFullname = adr.getPersonal();
        } else {
            this.replyEmail = "";
            this.replyFullname = "";

        this.charset = AgnUtils.findParam("charset", param);
        if (this.charset == null) {
            this.charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
        this.subject = AgnUtils.findParam("subject", param);
        try {
            tmp = Integer.parseInt(AgnUtils.findParam("mailformat", param));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            tmp = 2; // default: Offline-HTML
        this.mailFormat = tmp;
        try {
            tmp = Integer.parseInt(AgnUtils.findParam("linefeed", param));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            tmp = 72; // default: after 72 characters
        this.linefeed = tmp;

        this.onepixel = AgnUtils.findParam("onepixlog", param);
        if (this.onepixel == null) {
            this.onepixel = MediatypeEmailImpl.ONEPIXEL_NONE;

     * Getter for property replyAdr.
     * @return Value of property replyAdr.
    public String getReplyAdr() throws Exception {
        InternetAddress tmpReply = new InternetAddress(this.replyEmail, this.replyFullname, "utf-8");
        return AgnUtils.propertySaveString(tmpReply.toString());

     * Getter for property replyEmail.
     * @return Value of property replyEmail.
    public String getReplyEmail() {
        return replyEmail;

     * Setter for property replyAdr.
     * @param replyAdr New value of property replyAdr.
    public void setReplyEmail(String replyEmail) {
        this.replyEmail = replyEmail;

     * Getter for property replyFullname.
     * @return Value of property replyFullname.
    public String getReplyFullname() {
        return replyFullname;

     * Setter for property replyFullname.
     * @param replyFullname New value of property replyFullname.
    public void setReplyFullname(String replyFullname) {
        this.replyFullname = replyFullname;

     * Holds value of property onepixel.
    protected String onepixel = MediatypeEmailImpl.ONEPIXEL_NONE;

     * Getter for property onepixel.
     * @return Value of property onepixel.
    public String getOnepixel() {

        return this.onepixel;

     * Setter for property onepixel.
     * @param onepixel New value of property onepixel.
    public void setOnepixel(String onepixel) {
        this.onepixel = onepixel;

     * Holds value of property mailingID.
    protected int mailingID;

     * Getter for property mailingID.
     * @return Value of property mailingID.
    public int getMailingID() {

        return this.mailingID;

     * Setter for property mailingID.
     * @param mailingID New value of property mailingID.
    public void setMailingID(int mailingID) {

        this.mailingID = mailingID;

     * Holds value of property onepixel.
    protected String htmlTemplate;

     * Getter for property onepixel.
     * @return Value of property onepixel.
    public String getHtmlTemplate() {
        return htmlTemplate;

     * Setter for property onepixel.
     * @param onepixel New value of property onepixel.
    public void setHtmlTemplate(String htmlTemplate) {
        this.htmlTemplate = htmlTemplate;

    public void syncTemplate(Mailing mailing, ApplicationContext con) {
        MailingComponent component;

        component = mailing.getTextTemplate();
        if (component != null) {
            //            component.setBinaryBlock(template.getBytes());

        component = mailing.getHtmlTemplate();
        if (component != null) {
            //            component.setBinaryBlock(htmlTemplate.getBytes());