Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution
 * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * The License is based on the Mozilla
 * Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover
 * use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution
 * for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
 * consistent with Exhibit B.
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is OpenEMM.
 * The Original Developer is the Initial Developer.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is AGNITAS AG. All portions of
 * the code written by AGNITAS AG are Copyright (c) 2007 AGNITAS AG. All Rights
 * Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): AGNITAS AG. 

package org.agnitas.web;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.agnitas.beans.CustomerImportStatus;
import org.agnitas.beans.Recipient;
import org.agnitas.util.AgnUtils;
import org.agnitas.util.CsvColInfo;
import org.agnitas.util.CsvTokenizer;
import org.agnitas.util.SafeString;
import org.agnitas.web.forms.StrutsFormBase;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils;

 * @author mhe
public class ImportWizardForm extends StrutsFormBase {

    public static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 1000;

    public static final String MAILTYPE_KEY = "mailtype";

    public static final String GENDER_KEY = "gender";

    public static final String PARSE_ERRORS = "parseErrors";

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7563170467003097523L;

    private CustomerImportStatus status = null;

     * Holds value of property action.
    private int action;

     * Holds value of property csvFile.
    private FormFile csvFile;

     * Holds value of property csvAllColumns.
    private ArrayList csvAllColumns;

     * Holds value of property mailingLists.
    private Vector mailingLists;

     * Holds value of property usedColumns.
    private ArrayList usedColumns;

     * Holds value of property parsedContent.
    private LinkedList parsedContent;

     * Holds value of property uniqueValues.
    private HashSet uniqueValues;

     * Holds value of property dbAllColumns.
    private Map dbAllColumns;

     * Holds value of property mode.
    private int mode;

     * Holds value of property dateFormat.
    private String dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm";

     * Constants
    public static final String DATE_ERROR = "date";

    public static final String EMAIL_ERROR = "email";

    public static final String EMAILDOUBLE_ERROR = "emailDouble";

    public static final String GENDER_ERROR = GENDER_KEY;

    public static final String MAILTYPE_ERROR = MAILTYPE_KEY;

    public static final String NUMERIC_ERROR = "numeric";

    public static final String STRUCTURE_ERROR = "structure";

    public static final String BLACKLIST_ERROR = "blacklist";

    public static final String DBINSERT_ERROR = "dbinsert";

    public static final int MODE_ADD = 1;

    public static final int MODE_ADD_UPDATE = 2;

    public static final int MODE_ONLY_UPDATE = 3;

    public static final int MODE_UNSUBSCRIBE = 4;

    public static final int MODE_BOUNCE = 5;

    public static final int MODE_BLACKLIST = 6;

    public static final int MODE_DELETE = 7;

    public static final int MODE_REMOVE_STATUS = 8;

     * public static final int DOUBLECHECK_FULL = 0;
     * public static final int DOUBLECHECK_CSV = 1;
     * public static final int DOUBLECHECK_NONE = 2;

     * Holds value of property linesOK.
    private int linesOK;

     * number of read lines
    private int readlines;

     * Holds value of property dbInsertStatus.
    private int dbInsertStatus;

     * Holds value of property errorData.
    private HashMap errorData = new HashMap();

     * Holds value of property parsedData.
    private StringBuffer parsedData;

     * Holds value of property downloadName.
    private String downloadName;

     * Holds value of property dbInsertStatusMessages.
    private LinkedList dbInsertStatusMessages;

     * Holds value of property resultMailingListAdded.
    private Hashtable resultMailingListAdded;

     * Holds value of property blacklist.
    protected HashSet blacklist;

    public static final int MODE_DONT_IGNORE_NULL_VALUES = 0;

    public static final int MODE_IGNORE_NULL_VALUES = 1;

    protected int csvMaxUsedColumn = 0;

     * Holds value of property previewOffset.
    private int previewOffset;

     * user may choose a default mailing-type in case of no column for mailing-type has been assigned

    private String manualAssignedMailingType = Integer.toString(Recipient.MAILTYPE_HTML);
    private String manualAssignedGender = Integer.toString(Recipient.GENDER_UNKNOWN);

    private boolean mailingTypeMissing = false;
    private boolean genderMissing = false;

     * Validate the properties that have been set from this HTTP request, and
     * return an <code>ActionMessages</code> object that encapsulates any
     * validation errors that have been found. If no errors are found, return
     * <code>null</code> or an <code>ActionMessages</code> object with no
     * recorded error messages.
     * @param mapping
     *            The mapping used to select this instance
     * @param request
     *            The servlet request we are processing
     * @return errors

    public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
        ApplicationContext aContext = this.getWebApplicationContext();
        ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

        AgnUtils.logger().info("validate: " + this.action);

        switch (this.action) {

        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_START:

        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_CSV:
            if (request.getParameter("mode_back.x") != null) {
                this.action = ImportWizardAction.ACTION_START;
            } else {

                errors = parseFirstline(request);


        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_CHECK_FIELDS:
            mapColumns(request); // map columns      

        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_PARSE:
            try {
                if (request.getParameter("mapping_back.x") != null) {
                    this.action = ImportWizardAction.ACTION_MODE;
                } else {
                    if (getLinesOK() > Integer.parseInt(AgnUtils.getDefaultValue("import.maxrows"))) {
                        errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.too_many_records",
                        this.action = ImportWizardAction.ACTION_MODE;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Exception caught: " + e);

        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_MODE:
            status.setErrors(new HashMap());

        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_PRESCAN:
            if (request.getParameter("verify_back.x") != null) {
                this.action = ImportWizardAction.ACTION_CSV;
            } else {
                // default keyColumn to "EMAIL"
                if (status == null) {
                if (this.status.getKeycolumn() == null || this.status.getKeycolumn().trim().equals("")) {

        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_MLISTS:
            if (request.getParameter("prescan_back.x") != null) {
                this.action = ImportWizardAction.ACTION_PREVIEW_SCROLL;

        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_WRITE:
            if (request.getParameter("mlists_back.x") != null) {
                this.action = ImportWizardAction.ACTION_PRESCAN;
            } else {
                if (this.mailingLists.size() <= 0) {
                    errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.no_mailinglist"));
                    this.action = ImportWizardAction.ACTION_MLISTS;

        case ImportWizardAction.ACTION_PREVIEW_SCROLL:
            if (this.parsedContent != null) {
                if (this.previewOffset >= parsedContent.size()) {
                    this.previewOffset = parsedContent.size() - 6;
            if (this.previewOffset < 0) {
                this.previewOffset = 0;
        return errors;

    public void doParse(HttpServletRequest request) {
        // start at the top of the csv file:
        this.previewOffset = 0;
        // change this to process the column name mapping from
        // previous action:

    private void initStatus(ApplicationContext aContext) {
        status = (CustomerImportStatus) aContext.getBean("CustomerImportStatus");

     * Getter for property datasourceID.
     * @return Value of property datasourceID.
    public int getDatasourceID() {
        return status.getDatasourceID();

     * Sets an error.
    public void setError(String id, String desc) {
        if (!errorData.containsKey(id)) {
            errorData.put(id, new StringBuffer());
        ((StringBuffer) errorData.get(id)).append(desc + "\n");

     * Getter for property error.
     * @return Value of property error.
    public StringBuffer getError(String id) {
        return (StringBuffer) errorData.get(id);

     * Getter for property errorMap.
     * @return Value of property errorMap.
    public HashMap getErrorMap() {
        return errorData;

     * Getter for property status.
     * @return Value of property status.
    public CustomerImportStatus getStatus() {
        return status;

     * Setter for property charset.
     * @param status
     *            New value of property status.
    public void setStatus(CustomerImportStatus status) {
        this.status = status;

     * Getter for property action.
     * @return Value of property action.
    public int getAction() {
        return this.action;

     * Setter for property action.
     * @param action
     *            New value of property action.
    public void setAction(int action) {
        this.action = action;

     * Getter for property csvFile.
     * @return Value of property csvFile.
    public FormFile getCsvFile() {
        return this.csvFile;

     * Setter for property csvFile.
     * @param csvFile
     *            New value of property csvFile.
    public void setCsvFile(FormFile csvFile) {
        this.csvFile = csvFile;

     * Getter for property csvAllColumns.
     * @return Value of property csvAllColumns.
    public ArrayList getCsvAllColumns() {
        return this.csvAllColumns;

     * Setter for property csvAllColumns.
     * @param csvAllColumns
     *            New value of property csvAllColumns.
    public void setCsvAllColumns(ArrayList csvAllColumns) {
        this.csvAllColumns = csvAllColumns;

     * Getter for property mailingLists.
     * @return Value of property mailingLists.
    public Vector getMailingLists() {
        return this.mailingLists;

     * Setter for property mailingLists.
     * @param mailingLists
     *            New value of property mailingLists.
    public void setMailingLists(Vector mailingLists) {
        this.mailingLists = mailingLists;

     * Getter for property usedColumns.
     * @return Value of property usedColumns.
    public ArrayList getUsedColumns() {
        return this.usedColumns;

     * Setter for property usedColumns.
     * @param usedColumns
     *            New value of property usedColumns.
    public void setUsedColumns(ArrayList usedColumns) {
        this.usedColumns = usedColumns;

     * Getter for property parsedContent.
     * @return Value of property parsedContent.
    public LinkedList getParsedContent() {
        return this.parsedContent;

     * Setter for property parsedContent.
     * @param parsedContent
     *            New value of property parsedContent.
    public void setParsedContent(LinkedList parsedContent) {
        this.parsedContent = parsedContent;

     * Getter for property emailAdresses.
     * @return Value of property emailAdresses.
    public HashSet getUniqueValues() {
        return this.uniqueValues;

     * Setter for property emailAdresses.
     * @param uniqueValues
    public void setUniqueValues(HashSet uniqueValues) {
        this.uniqueValues = uniqueValues;

     * Getter for property dbAllColumns.
     * @return Value of property dbAllColumns.
    public Map getDbAllColumns() {
        return this.dbAllColumns;

     * Setter for property dbAllColumns.
     * @param dbAllColumns
     *            New value of property dbAllColumns.
    public void setDbAllColumns(Hashtable dbAllColumns) {
        this.dbAllColumns = dbAllColumns;

     * Getter for property mode.
     * @return Value of property mode.
    public int getMode() {
        return this.mode;

     * Setter for property mode.
     * @param mode
     *            New value of property mode.
    public void setMode(int mode) {
        this.mode = mode;

     * Reads columns from database.
    protected void readDBColumns(int companyID, DataSource ds) {
        String sqlGetTblStruct = "SELECT * FROM customer_" + companyID + "_tbl WHERE 1=0";
        CsvColInfo aCol = null;
        String colType = null;

        dbAllColumns = new CaseInsensitiveMap();
        Connection con = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(ds);
        try {
            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(sqlGetTblStruct);
            ResultSetMetaData meta = rset.getMetaData();

            for (int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++) {
                if (!meta.getColumnName(i).equals("change_date") && !meta.getColumnName(i).equals("creation_date")
                        && !meta.getColumnName(i).equals("datasource_id")) {
                    if (meta.getColumnName(i).equals("customer_id")) {
                        if (status == null) {
                        if (!(this.mode == ImportWizardForm.MODE_ONLY_UPDATE
                                && this.status.getKeycolumn().equals("customer_id"))) {

                    aCol = new CsvColInfo();
                    colType = meta.getColumnTypeName(i);
                    if (colType.startsWith("VARCHAR")) {
                    } else if (colType.startsWith("CHAR")) {
                    } else if (colType.startsWith("NUM")) {
                    } else if (colType.startsWith("INTEGER")) {
                    } else if (colType.startsWith("DOUBLE")) {
                    } else if (colType.startsWith("TIME")) {
                    } else if (colType.startsWith("DATE")) {
                    this.dbAllColumns.put(meta.getColumnName(i), aCol);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            AgnUtils.logger().error("readDBColumns: " + e);
        DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, ds);

     * Loads blacklist.
    protected void loadBlacklist(int companyID, JdbcTemplate jdbc) throws Exception {
        SqlRowSet rset = null;
        String blackList = null;
        Object[] params = new Object[] { new Integer(companyID) };

        this.blacklist = new HashSet();
        try {
            blackList = "SELECT email FROM cust_ban_tbl WHERE company_id=? OR company_id=0";
            rset = jdbc.queryForRowSet(blackList, params);
            while ( {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            AgnUtils.logger().error("loadBlacklist: " + e);
            throw new Exception(e.getMessage());

     * Creates a simple date format When mapping for a column is found get real
     * csv column information Checks email / email adress / email adress on
     * blacklist.
    public LinkedList parseLine(String input, Locale locale) {
        // EnhStringTokenizer aLine = null;
        CsvTokenizer aLine = null;
        int j = 0;
        String aValue = null;
        CsvColInfo aInfo = null;
        CsvColInfo aCsvInfo = null;
        LinkedList valueList = new LinkedList();
        int tmp = 0;

        if (this.dateFormat == null || this.dateFormat.trim().length() == 0) {
            this.dateFormat = new String("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm");

        SimpleDateFormat aDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(this.dateFormat);

        aLine = new CsvTokenizer(input, status.getSeparator(), status.getDelimiter());

        try {
            boolean addedGenderDummyValue = false;
            boolean addedMailtypeDummyValue = false;
            while ((aValue = aLine.nextToken()) != null) {
                aCsvInfo = (CsvColInfo) this.csvAllColumns.get(j);

                // only when mapping for this column is found:
                if (this.getColumnMapping().containsKey(aCsvInfo.getName())) {

                    // get real CsvColInfo object:
                    aInfo = (CsvColInfo) this.getColumnMapping().get(aCsvInfo.getName());

                    aValue = aValue.trim();
                    // do this before eventual duplicate check on Col Email
                    if (aInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("email")) {
                        aValue = aValue.toLowerCase();
                    if (status.getDoubleCheck() != CustomerImportStatus.DOUBLECHECK_NONE
                            && this.status.getKeycolumn().equalsIgnoreCase(aInfo.getName())) {
                        if (this.uniqueValues.add(aValue) == false) {
                            setError(EMAILDOUBLE_ERROR, input + "\n");
                            AgnUtils.logger().error("Duplicate email: " + input);
                            return null;
                    if (aInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("email")) {
                        if (aValue.length() == 0) {
                            setError(EMAIL_ERROR, input + "\n");
                            AgnUtils.logger().error("Empty email: " + input);
                            return null;
                        if (aValue.indexOf('@') == -1) {
                            setError(EMAIL_ERROR, input + "\n");
                            AgnUtils.logger().error("No @ in email: " + input);
                            return null;

                        try {
                            new InternetAddress(aValue);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            setError(EMAIL_ERROR, input + "\n");
                            AgnUtils.logger().error("InternetAddress error: " + input);
                            return null;
                        // check blacklist
                        if (AgnUtils.matchCollection(aValue, this.blacklist)) {
                            setError(BLACKLIST_ERROR, input + "\n");
                            AgnUtils.logger().error("Blacklisted: " + input);
                            return null;
                    } else if (aInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(MAILTYPE_KEY)) {
                        try {
                            tmp = Integer.parseInt(aValue);
                            if (tmp < 0 || tmp > 2) {
                                throw new Exception("Invalid mailtype");
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            if (aInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(MAILTYPE_KEY)) {
                                if (!aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("text") && !aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("txt")
                                        && !aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("html")
                                        && !aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("offline")) {
                                    setError(MAILTYPE_ERROR, input + "\n");
                                    AgnUtils.logger().error("Invalid mailtype: " + input);
                                    return null;
                    } else if (aInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(GENDER_KEY)) {
                        try {
                            tmp = Integer.parseInt(aValue);
                            if (tmp < 0 || tmp > 5) {
                                throw new Exception("Invalid gender");
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            if (aInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(GENDER_KEY)) {
                                if (!aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Herr") && !aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Herrn")
                                        && !aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("m") && !aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Frau")
                                        && !aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("w")) {
                                    setError(GENDER_ERROR, input + ";"
                                            + SafeString.getLocaleString("import.error.GenderFormat", locale)
                                            + aInfo.getName() + "\n");
                                    AgnUtils.logger().error("Invalid gender: " + aValue);
                                    return null;
                    if (aInfo != null && aInfo.isActive()) {
                        if (aValue.length() == 0) { // is null value
                        } else {
                            switch (aInfo.getType()) {
                            case CsvColInfo.TYPE_CHAR:
                                valueList.add(SafeString.cutByteLength(aValue, aInfo.getLength()));

                            case CsvColInfo.TYPE_NUMERIC:
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    if (aInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(GENDER_KEY)
                                            && !columnMapping.containsKey(GENDER_KEY + "_dummy")) {
                                        if (aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Herr") || aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Herrn")
                                                || aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("m")) {
                                        } else if (aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Frau")
                                                || aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("w")) {
                                        } else {
                                    } else if (aInfo.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(MAILTYPE_KEY)
                                            && !columnMapping.containsKey(MAILTYPE_KEY + "_dummy")) {
                                        if (aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("text") || aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("txt")) {
                                        } else if (aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("html")) {
                                        } else if (aValue.equalsIgnoreCase("offline")) {
                                    } else {
                                                input + ";" + SafeString
                                                        .getLocaleString("import.error.NumberFormat", locale)
                                                        + aInfo.getName() + "\n");
                                        AgnUtils.logger().error("Numberformat error: " + input);
                                        return null;

                            case CsvColInfo.TYPE_DATE:
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                            input + ";"
                                                    + SafeString.getLocaleString("import.error.DateFormat", locale)
                                                    + aInfo.getName() + "\n");
                                    AgnUtils.logger().error("Dateformat error: " + input);
                                    return null;

            if (this.getColumnMapping().containsKey(GENDER_KEY + "_dummy") && !addedGenderDummyValue) {
                addedGenderDummyValue = true;
            if (this.getColumnMapping().containsKey(MAILTYPE_KEY + "_dummy") && !addedMailtypeDummyValue) {
                addedMailtypeDummyValue = true;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            setError(STRUCTURE_ERROR, input + "\n");
            AgnUtils.logger().error("parseLine: " + e);
            return null;


        if (this.csvMaxUsedColumn != j) {
            setError(STRUCTURE_ERROR, input + "\n");
            AgnUtils.logger().error("MaxusedColumn: " + this.csvMaxUsedColumn + ", " + j);
            return null;

        return valueList;

     * Maps columns from database.
    protected void mapColumns(HttpServletRequest req) {
        int i = 1;
        CsvColInfo aCol = null;

        // initialize columnMapping hashtable:
        this.columnMapping = new Hashtable();

        for (i = 1; i < (csvAllColumns.size() + 1); i++) {
            String pName = new String("map_" + i);
            if (req.getParameter(pName) != null) {
                aCol = (CsvColInfo) csvAllColumns.get(i - 1);
                if (req.getParameter(pName).compareTo("NOOP") != 0) {
                    CsvColInfo aInfo = (CsvColInfo) dbAllColumns.get(req.getParameter(pName));

                    this.columnMapping.put(aCol.getName(), aInfo);

                    // write db column (set active now) back to dbAllColums:
                    this.dbAllColumns.put(new String(req.getParameter(pName)), aInfo);

                    // adjust & write back csvAllColumns hashtable entry:

                    this.csvAllColumns.set(i - 1, aCol);

        if (!columnIsMapped(GENDER_KEY)) {
            CsvColInfo genderCol = new CsvColInfo();
            columnMapping.put(GENDER_KEY + "_dummy", genderCol);

        if (!columnIsMapped(MAILTYPE_KEY)) {
            CsvColInfo mailtypeCol = new CsvColInfo();
            columnMapping.put(MAILTYPE_KEY + "_dummy", mailtypeCol);

        // check if the mailtype/ gender is allready in columnmapping , if we find only a dummy -> add a dummy to csvAllColumns too 
        if (getColumnMapping().containsKey(GENDER_KEY + "_dummy")) {
            CsvColInfo mailtypeDummy = new CsvColInfo();
            mailtypeDummy.setName(GENDER_KEY + "_dummy");

        if (getColumnMapping().containsKey(MAILTYPE_KEY + "_dummy")) {
            CsvColInfo mailtypeDummy = new CsvColInfo();
            mailtypeDummy.setName(MAILTYPE_KEY + "_dummy");


     * Tries to read csv file Reads database column structure reads first line
     * splits line into tokens
    protected ActionErrors parseFirstline(HttpServletRequest req) {
        ApplicationContext aContext = this.getWebApplicationContext();
        DataSource ds = (DataSource) aContext.getBean("dataSource");
        String csvString = new String("");
        String firstline = null;
        ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
        int colNum = 0;

        // try to read csv file:
        try {
            csvString = new String(this.getCsvFile().getFileData(), status.getCharset());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            AgnUtils.logger().error("parseFirstline: " + e);
            errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.charset"));
            return errors;

        if (csvString.length() == 0) {
            errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.no_file"));

        // read out DB column structure:
        this.readDBColumns(this.getCompanyID(req), ds);
        this.csvAllColumns = new ArrayList();
        LineNumberReader aReader = new LineNumberReader(new StringReader(csvString));

        try {
            // read first line:
            if ((firstline = aReader.readLine()) != null) {
                aReader.close(); // 

                // split line into tokens:
                CsvTokenizer st = new CsvTokenizer(firstline, status.getSeparator(), status.getDelimiter());
                String curr = "";
                CsvColInfo aCol = null;
                List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>();
                while ((curr = st.nextToken()) != null) {

                    // curr = (String)st.nextElement();
                    curr = curr.trim();
                    curr = curr.toLowerCase();
                    aCol = new CsvColInfo();

                    // add column to csvAllColumns:
                    if (!tempList.contains(aCol.getName())) {
                    } else {
                        errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.column"));
                    this.csvMaxUsedColumn = colNum;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            AgnUtils.logger().error("parseFirstline: " + e);

        return errors;

     * check in the columnMapping for the key column, and eventually for gender
     * and mailtype read first csv line again; do not parse (allready parsed in
     * parseFirstline) prepare download-files for errors and parsed data read
     * the rest of the csv-file
    protected ActionErrors parseContent(HttpServletRequest req) {
        ApplicationContext aContext = this.getWebApplicationContext();
        JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate((DataSource) aContext.getBean("dataSource"));
        LinkedList aLineContent = null;
        String firstline = null;
        String csvString = new String("");
        ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
        boolean hasGENDER = false;
        boolean hasMAILTYPE = false;
        boolean hasKeyColumn = false;

        this.uniqueValues = new HashSet();
        this.parsedContent = new LinkedList();
        this.linesOK = 0;
        // this.csvMaxUsedColumn=0;

        this.dbInsertStatus = 0;

        try {
            csvString = new String(this.getCsvFile().getFileData(), status.getCharset());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            AgnUtils.logger().error("parseContent: " + e);
            errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.charset"));
            return errors;

        try {
            this.loadBlacklist(this.getCompanyID(req), jdbc);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            errors.add("global", new ActionMessage(""));
            return errors;

        LineNumberReader aReader = new LineNumberReader(new StringReader(csvString));

        String myline = null;

        // check in the columnMapping for the key column,
        // and eventually for gender and mailtype:
        String aKey = "";
        CsvColInfo aCol = null;

        Enumeration aMapEnu = this.columnMapping.keys();

        while (aMapEnu.hasMoreElements()) {
            aKey = (String) aMapEnu.nextElement();
            aCol = (CsvColInfo) this.columnMapping.get(aKey);

            if (aCol.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(GENDER_KEY)) {
                hasGENDER = true;

            if (aCol.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(MAILTYPE_KEY)) {
                hasMAILTYPE = true;

            if (aCol.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.status.getKeycolumn())) {
                hasKeyColumn = true;

        if (!hasKeyColumn) {
            errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.no_keycolumn_mapping"));

        if (this.getMode() == ImportWizardForm.MODE_ADD || this.getMode() == ImportWizardForm.MODE_ADD_UPDATE) {
            if (!hasGENDER) {
                errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.no_gender_mapping"));
            if (!hasMAILTYPE) {
                errors.add("global", new ActionMessage("error.import.no_mailtype_mapping"));

        try {

            // read first csv line again; do not parse (allready parsed in
            // parseFirstline):
            if ((myline = aReader.readLine()) != null) {
                firstline = myline;

            // prepare download-files for errors and parsed data
            errorData.put(DATE_ERROR, new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n'));
            errorData.put(EMAIL_ERROR, new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n'));
            errorData.put(EMAILDOUBLE_ERROR, new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n'));
            errorData.put(GENDER_ERROR, new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n'));
            errorData.put(MAILTYPE_ERROR, new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n'));
            errorData.put(NUMERIC_ERROR, new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n'));
            errorData.put(STRUCTURE_ERROR, new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n'));
            errorData.put(BLACKLIST_ERROR, new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n'));
            parsedData = new StringBuffer(firstline + '\n');

            // read the rest of the csv-file:
            // StringTokenizer file = new StringTokenizer(csvString, "\n");

            if (errors.isEmpty()) {
                readlines = 0;
                int maxrows = BLOCK_SIZE;
                this.linesOK = 0;
                while ((myline = aReader.readLine()) != null && this.linesOK < maxrows) { // Bug-Fix just read the first 1000 lines to avoid trouble with heap space 
                    if (myline.trim().length() > 0) {
                        aLineContent = parseLine(myline,
                                (Locale) req.getSession().getAttribute(org.apache.struts.Globals.LOCALE_KEY));
                        if (aLineContent != null) {
                            this.parsedData.append(myline + "\n");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            AgnUtils.logger().error("parseContent: " + e);
        return errors;

    private boolean columnIsMapped(String key) {
        Enumeration<CsvColInfo> elements = columnMapping.elements();
        while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
            CsvColInfo colInfo = elements.nextElement();
            if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(colInfo.getName())) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Gets mailing lists from request.
    protected void getMailinglistsFromRequest(HttpServletRequest req) {
        String aParam = null;
        this.mailingLists = new Vector();
        Enumeration e = req.getParameterNames();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            aParam = (String) e.nextElement();
            if (aParam.startsWith("agn_mlid_")) {

     * Getter for property linesOK.
     * @return Value of property linesOK.
    public int getLinesOK() {
        return this.linesOK;

     * Setter for property linesOK.
     * @param linesOK
     *            New value of property linesOK.
    public void setLinesOK(int linesOK) {
        this.linesOK = linesOK;

     * Getter for property dbInsertStatus.
     * @return Value of property dbInsertStatus.
    public int getDbInsertStatus() {
        return this.dbInsertStatus;

     * Setter for property dbInsertStatus.
     * @param dbInsertStatus
     *            New value of property dbInsertStatus.
    public void setDbInsertStatus(int dbInsertStatus) {
        this.dbInsertStatus = dbInsertStatus;

     * Getter for property parsedData.
     * @return Value of property parsedData.
    public StringBuffer getParsedData() {
        return this.parsedData;

     * Setter for property parsedData.
     * @param parsedData
     *            New value of property parsedData.
    public void setParsedData(StringBuffer parsedData) {
        this.parsedData = parsedData;

     * Getter for property downloadName.
     * @return Value of property downloadName.
    public String getDownloadName() {
        return this.downloadName;

     * Setter for property downloadName.
     * @param downloadName
     *            New value of property downloadName.
    public void setDownloadName(String downloadName) {
        this.downloadName = downloadName;

     * Getter for property dbInsertStatusMessages.
     * @return Value of property dbInsertStatusMessages.
    public LinkedList getDbInsertStatusMessages() {
        return this.dbInsertStatusMessages;

     * Setter for property dbInsertStatusMessages.
     * @param dbInsertStatusMessages
     *            New value of property dbInsertStatusMessages.
    public void setDbInsertStatusMessages(LinkedList dbInsertStatusMessages) {
        this.dbInsertStatusMessages = dbInsertStatusMessages;

    public void addDbInsertStatusMessage(String message) {
        if (this.dbInsertStatusMessages == null) {
            this.dbInsertStatusMessages = new LinkedList();


     * Getter for property resultMailingListAdded.
     * @return Value of property resultMailingListAdded.
    public Hashtable getResultMailingListAdded() {
        return this.resultMailingListAdded;

     * Setter for property resultMailingListAdded.
     * @param resultMailingListAdded
     *            New value of property resultMailingListAdded.
    public void setResultMailingListAdded(Hashtable resultMailingListAdded) {
        this.resultMailingListAdded = resultMailingListAdded;

     * Getter for property blacklist.
     * @return Value of property blacklist.
    public HashSet getBlacklist() {
        return this.blacklist;

     * Setter for property blacklist.
     * @param blacklist
     *            New value of property blacklist.
    public void setBlacklist(HashSet blacklist) {
        this.blacklist = blacklist;

     * Getter for property previewOffset.
     * @return Value of property previewOffset.
    public int getPreviewOffset() {
        return this.previewOffset;

     * Setter for property previewOffset.
     * @param previewOffset
     *            New value of property previewOffset.
    public void setPreviewOffset(int previewOffset) {
        this.previewOffset = previewOffset;

     * Getter for property dateFormat.
     * @return Value of property dateFormat.
    public String getDateFormat() {

        return this.dateFormat;

     * Setter for property dateFormat.
     * @param dateFormat
     *            New value of property dateFormat.
    public void setDateFormat(String dateFormat) {

        this.dateFormat = dateFormat;

     * Holds value of property columnMapping.
    private Hashtable columnMapping;

     * Getter for property columnMapping.
     * @return Value of property columnMapping.
    public Hashtable getColumnMapping() {

        return this.columnMapping;

     * Setter for property columnMapping.
     * @param columnMapping
     *            New value of property columnMapping.
    public void setColumnMapping(Hashtable columnMapping) {

        this.columnMapping = columnMapping;

    private boolean extendedEmailCheck = true;

    public boolean isExtendedEmailCheck() {
        return extendedEmailCheck;

    public void setExtendedEmailCheck(boolean extendedEmailCheck) {
        this.extendedEmailCheck = extendedEmailCheck;

    private String errorId = null;

    public String getErrorId() {
        return errorId;

    public void setErrorId(String errorId) {
        this.errorId = errorId;

    public String getManualAssignedMailingType() {
        return manualAssignedMailingType;

    public void setManualAssignedMailingType(String manualAssignedMailingType) {
        this.manualAssignedMailingType = manualAssignedMailingType;

    public String getManualAssignedGender() {
        return manualAssignedGender;

    public void setManualAssignedGender(String manualAssignedGender) {
        this.manualAssignedGender = manualAssignedGender;

    public boolean isMailingTypeMissing() {
        return mailingTypeMissing;

    public void setMailingTypeMissing(boolean mailingTypeMissing) {
        this.mailingTypeMissing = mailingTypeMissing;

    public boolean isGenderMissing() {
        return genderMissing;

    public void setGenderMissing(boolean genderMissing) {
        this.genderMissing = genderMissing;

    public int getReadlines() {
        return readlines;

     * read all lines of the file
     * @param aForm
     * @param req
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public int getLinesOKFromFile(HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException {
        String csvString = new String(this.getCsvFile().getFileData(), this.getStatus().getCharset());
        LineNumberReader aReader = new LineNumberReader(new StringReader(csvString));
        String myline = "";
        int linesOK = 0;
        aReader.readLine(); // skip header
        while ((myline = aReader.readLine()) != null) {
            if (myline.trim().length() > 0) {
                if (this.parseLine(myline,
                        (Locale) req.getSession().getAttribute(org.apache.struts.Globals.LOCALE_KEY)) != null) {
        return linesOK;
