Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010, LinkedGeoData team at the MOLE research
 * group at AKSW / University of Leipzig
 * This file is part of LinkedGeoData.
 * LinkedGeoData is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * LinkedGeoData is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package org.aksw.resparql;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException;
import javax.mail.internet.ContentType;
import javax.mail.internet.ParseException;

import org.aksw.commons.sparql.core.SparqlEndpoint;
import org.aksw.commons.sparql.core.impl.HttpSparqlEndpoint;
import org.aksw.commons.util.strings.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.collections15.MultiMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.linkedgeodata.core.ILGDVocab;
import org.linkedgeodata.core.LGDVocab;
import org.linkedgeodata.dao.HibernateSessionProvider;
import org.linkedgeodata.dao.IConnectionFactory;
import org.linkedgeodata.dao.ISessionProvider;
import org.linkedgeodata.dao.JDBCConnectionProvider;
import org.linkedgeodata.dao.LGDDAO;
import org.linkedgeodata.dao.LGDRDFDAO;
import org.linkedgeodata.dao.TagMapperDAO;
import org.linkedgeodata.dao.gragh.RdfGraphDaoGraph;
import org.linkedgeodata.jtriplify.methods.DefaultCoercions;
import org.linkedgeodata.jtriplify.methods.IInvocable;
import org.linkedgeodata.jtriplify.methods.Pair;
import org.linkedgeodata.osm.mapping.CachingTagMapper;
import org.linkedgeodata.osm.mapping.ITagMapper;
import org.linkedgeodata.osm.mapping.TagMappingDB;
import org.linkedgeodata.util.ConnectionConfig;
import org.linkedgeodata.util.ExceptionUtil;
import org.linkedgeodata.util.HTMLJenaWriter;
import org.linkedgeodata.util.ModelUtil;
import org.linkedgeodata.util.StreamUtil;
import org.linkedgeodata.util.StringUtil;
import org.linkedgeodata.util.URIUtil;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.compose.Union;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFWriter;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory;

interface IMyHandler {
     * @param x
     * @return true if accepted, false otherwise
    boolean handle(HttpExchange x) throws Exception;

class MyHttpHandler implements HttpHandler {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyHttpHandler.class);
    private List<IMyHandler> subHandlers = new ArrayList<IMyHandler>();

    public List<IMyHandler> getSubHandlers() {
        return subHandlers;

    public void handle(HttpExchange x) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {

    public void _handle(HttpExchange x) throws Exception {
        for (IMyHandler item : subHandlers) {
            if (item.handle(x)) {

        String msg = "Internal server error. Maybe a misspelled or non-existent resource was requested?";
        MyHandler.sendResponse(x, 500, "text/plain", msg);

class DataHandler implements IMyHandler {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DataHandler.class);

    private RegexInvocationContainer ric = new RegexInvocationContainer();

    public Model2Handler(RegexInvocationContainer ric)
       this.ric = ric;

    public RegexInvocationContainer getRIC() {
        return ric;

    public boolean handle(HttpExchange x) {
        try {
            return _handle(x);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public static String generateHTMLRepresentation(String body) {
        String cssPath = MyBeanFactory.getSingleton().get("triplifyCSSFile", String.class);

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        HTMLJenaWriter writer = new HTMLJenaWriter();
        writer.write(model, baos, "");

        String content = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" "
                + "\"\">\n" + "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<title></title>\n"
                + "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" + cssPath + "' />\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n"
                + body + "</body>\n" + "</html>\n";

        return content;

    private boolean isDataUri(String uri) {
        return uri.contains("/data");

    private boolean _handle(HttpExchange x) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Request method = " + x.getRequestMethod());
        System.out.println("Request body = " + StreamUtil.toString(x.getRequestBody()));

        // Check whether we have a data or page URI
        Map.Entry<String, ContentType> resultType;

        Map<String, ContentType> accepts = MyHandler.getPreferredFormats(x.getRequestHeaders());

        String requestURI = x.getRequestURI().toString();
        if (isDataUri(requestURI)) {

        String extension = MyHandler.getExtension(x.getRequestURI().toString());
        String requestedFormat = null;
        if (extension != null) {
            requestedFormat = MyHandler.getFormatFromExtension(extension);

            // Assume no extension if the extension is unknown
            if (requestedFormat == null) {
                extension = null;

            if(requestedFormat == null) {
               MyHandler.sendResponse(x, 500, "text/plain", "Unknown extension: '" + extension + "'");
               return true;

        //String requestedFormat = MyHandler.getJenaFormatByExtension(x.getRequestURI());
        String qsFormat = MyHandler.getJenaFormatByQueryString(x.getRequestURI());

        requestedFormat = StringUtil.coalesce(requestedFormat, qsFormat);

        resultType = MyHandler.getContentType(requestedFormat, accepts);

        if (requestURI.contains("triplify")) {
            String targetURL = (resultType.getValue().match("text/html")) ? requestURI.replace("triplify", "page")
                    : requestURI.replace("triplify", "data");

            MyHandler.sendRedirect(x, targetURL);
            return true;

        // Check whether we need to do a redirect on the URI
        // (this is the case when the URI contains a 'triplify'/'resource'

        // Cut off extensions of the request uri
        if (requestURI.endsWith("/")) {
            requestURI = requestURI.substring(0, requestURI.length() - 1);

        if (extension != null) {
            requestURI = requestURI.substring(0, requestURI.length() - extension.length() - 1);

        if (isDataUri(requestURI) && extension == null) {
            resultType = Pair.create("RDF/XML", MyHandler.jenaFormatToContentType.get("RDF/XML"));

        Model model = null;
        try {
            model = (Model) ric.invoke(requestURI);
        } catch (Throwable t) {

        if (model == null)
            return false;

        RDFWriter writer = MyHandler.getWriter(resultType.getKey());

        String body = ModelUtil.toString(model, writer);

        if ("HTML".equalsIgnoreCase(resultType.getKey())) {
            // FIXME For now prepensd an info to the html doc
            String url = requestURI;

            String note = "" + "<p>" + "You are viewing the html representation of this document."
                    + "<br />Other formats: " + "<a href='" + url + ".rdf'>rdf/xml</a> " + "<a href='" + url
                    + ".nt'>n-triples</a> " + "<a href='" + url + ".ttl'>turtle</a> " + "<a href='" + url
                    + ".n3'>n3</a> " + "</p>";

            body = note + body;

            body = generateHTMLRepresentation(body);


        if (resultType != null) {
            MyHandler.sendResponse(x, 200, resultType.getValue().toString(), body);
            return true;
        return false;

     * This is tho old version which had a page and data namespace
     * (analogous to dbpedia)
    private boolean _handle(HttpExchange x)
       throws Exception
       System.out.println("Request method = " + x.getRequestMethod());
       System.out.println("Request body = " + StreamUtil.toString(x.getRequestBody()));
       // Check whether we have a data or page URI
       Map.Entry<String, ContentType> resultType;
       if(x.getRequestURI().toString().contains("page")) {
     resultType = new Pair<String, ContentType>("HTML", new ContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"));
       else {
     Map<String, ContentType> accepts = MyHandler.getPreferredFormats(x.getRequestHeaders());
     // Remove text/html accept - as we are requesting data
     if(x.getRequestURI().toString().contains("data")) {
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ContentType>> it = accepts.entrySet().iterator();
        while(it.hasNext()) {
           if( ContentType("text/html")))
     String requestedFormat = MyHandler.getJenaFormatByExtension(x.getRequestURI());
     String qsFormat = MyHandler.getJenaFormatByQueryString(x.getRequestURI());
     requestedFormat = StringUtil.coalesce(requestedFormat, qsFormat);
     resultType = MyHandler.getContentType(requestedFormat, accepts);         
       // Check whether we need to do a redirect on the URI
       // (this is the case when the URI contains a 'triplify'/'resource'
       String requestURI = x.getRequestURI().toString(); 
       if(requestURI.contains("triplify")) {
     String targetURL = (resultType.getValue().match("text/html"))
        ? requestURI.replace("triplify", "page")
        : requestURI.replace("triplify", "data");
     MyHandler.sendRedirect(x, targetURL);
     return true;
       // Check if the content negotiation is ok
       Model model = null;
       try {
     model = (Model)ric.invoke(x.getRequestURI().toString());
       catch(Throwable t) {
       if(model == null)
     return false;
       RDFWriter writer = MyHandler.getWriter(resultType.getKey());      
       String body = ModelUtil.toString(model, writer);
       if("HTML".equalsIgnoreCase(resultType.getKey())) {
     body = generateHTMLRepresentation(body);
       if(resultType != null) {
     MyHandler.sendResponse(x, 200, resultType.getValue().toString(), body);
     return true;
       return false;
       //return true;

class PageHandler
   implements IMyHandler
   private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DataHandler.class);
   private RegexInvocationContainer ric = new RegexInvocationContainer();
   public Model3Handler(RegexInvocationContainer ric)
  this.ric = ric;
   }* /
   public RegexInvocationContainer getRIC()
  return ric;
   public boolean handle(HttpExchange x)
  try {
     return _handle(x);
  } catch(Exception e) {
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
   private boolean _handle(HttpExchange x)
  throws Exception
  // Check if the content negotiation is ok
  Map<String, ContentType> accepts = MyHandler.getPreferredFormats(x.getRequestHeaders());
  String requestedFormat = MyHandler.getJenaFormatByQueryString(x.getRequestURI());
  Map.Entry<String, ContentType> resultType = MyHandler.getContentType(requestedFormat, accepts);
  Model model = null;
  try {
     model = (Model)ric.invoke(x.getRequestURI().toString());
  catch(Throwable t) {
  if(model == null) {
     return false;
  String body = ModelUtil.toString(model, resultType.getKey());
     //body = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(body);
     body = DataHandler.generateHTMLRepresentation(model);
  if(resultType != null) {
     MyHandler.sendResponse(x, 200, resultType.getValue().toString(), body);
     return true;
  return false;

class ICPair {
    private IInvocable invocable;
    private Object[] argMap;

    public ICPair(IInvocable invocable, Object[] argMap) {
        this.invocable = invocable;
        this.argMap = argMap;

    public IInvocable getInvocable() {
        return invocable;

    public Object[] getArgMap() {
        return argMap;

class RedirectInvocable implements IInvocable {
    private String pattern;

    public RedirectInvocable(String pattern) {
        this.pattern = pattern;

    public String invoke(Object... args) throws Exception {
        String url = pattern;
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
            url = url.replace("$" + i, args[i] == null ? "" : args[i].toString());

        return url;

class LinkedDataRedirectHandler implements IMyHandler {
    private RegexInvocationContainer pageRIC = new RegexInvocationContainer();
    private RegexInvocationContainer dataRIC = new RegexInvocationContainer();

    public RegexInvocationContainer getPageRIC() {
        return pageRIC;

    public RegexInvocationContainer getDataRIC() {
        return dataRIC;

    public LinkedDataRedirectHandler(RegexInvocationContainer pageRic, RegexInvocationContainer dataRic)
       this.pageRic = pageRic;
       this.dataRic = dataRic;

    public boolean handle(HttpExchange x) throws Exception {
        Map<String, ContentType> accepts = MyHandler.getPreferredFormats(x.getRequestHeaders());

        if (accepts.isEmpty())
            return false;

        //Map.Entry<String, ContentType> type = accepts.entrySet().iterator().next();

        RegexInvocationContainer ric = accepts.containsValue(new ContentType("text/html")) ? pageRIC : dataRIC;

        String targetURL = (String) ric.invoke(x.getRequestURI().toString());
        if (targetURL == null) {
            return false;

        MyHandler.sendRedirect(x, targetURL);
        return true;

class RDFResultFormat
   private String contentType;
   private String jenaFormat;
   public RDFResultFormat()

class SimpleResponse {
    private int statusCode;
    private Map<String, List<String>> header = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
    private String contentType;
    private String body;

    public SimpleResponse() {

    public SimpleResponse(int statusCode) {
        this.statusCode = statusCode;

    public static SimpleResponse redirect(String url) {
        SimpleResponse result = new SimpleResponse(303);
        result.getHeader().put("Location", Collections.singletonList(url));
        return result;

    public SimpleResponse(int statusCode, String contentType, String body) {
        this.statusCode = statusCode;
        this.header.put("Content-Type", Collections.singletonList(contentType));
        this.body = body;

    public int getStatusCode() {
        return statusCode;

    public String getContentType() {
        return contentType;

    public String getBody() {
        return body;

    public Map<String, List<String>> getHeader() {
        return header;

class HTTPErrorException extends Exception {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private int errorCode;

    public HTTPErrorException(int errorCode) {
        this.errorCode = errorCode;

    public int getErrorCode() {
        return errorCode;

class MyHandler
//   implements HttpHandler
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JTriplifyServer.class);

    private RegexInvocationContainer ric = null;

    //private static Map<String, RDFWriter> rdfFormatToWriter = new HashMap<String, RDFWriter>(); 

    private static Map<ContentType, String> contentTypeToJenaFormat = new HashMap<ContentType, String>();
    public static Map<String, ContentType> jenaFormatToContentType = new HashMap<String, ContentType>();

    private static Map<String, String> formatToJenaFormat = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private static Map<String, String> extensionToJenaFormat = new HashMap<String, String>();

    public static RDFWriter getWriter(String format) {
        // FIXME The Jena writer needs to be configurable (e.g. css path)
        // Probably use ApplicationContext for that      
        if ("HTML".equalsIgnoreCase(format))
            return new HTMLJenaWriter();

        RDFWriter writer = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().getWriter(format);
        if(writer instanceof BaseXMLWriter) {

        //return ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().getWriter(format);
        return writer;

        //contentTypeToJenaFormat.put("text/plain", "N3");
        //contentTypeToJenaFormat.put("text/html", "N3");

        try {
            Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

            rdfFormatToWriter.put("N-TRIPLE", model.getWriter("N-TRIPLE"));
            rdfFormatToWriter.put("RDF/XML", model.getWriter("RDF/XML"));
            rdfFormatToWriter.put("TURTLE", model.getWriter("TURTLE"));
            rdfFormatToWriter.put("N3", model.getWriter("N3"));

            //rdfFormatToWriter.put("HTML", new HTMLJenaWriter());

            //Values take from
            contentTypeToJenaFormat.put(new ContentType("text/html"), "HTML");

            contentTypeToJenaFormat.put(new ContentType("application/rdf+xml"), "RDF/XML");
            //text/plain -> N-TRIPLE
            contentTypeToJenaFormat.put(new ContentType("application/x-turtle"), "TURTLE");
            contentTypeToJenaFormat.put(new ContentType("text/turtle"), "TURTLE");

            contentTypeToJenaFormat.put(new ContentType("text/n3;"), "N3");
            contentTypeToJenaFormat.put(new ContentType("text/rdf+n3"), "N3");

            //jenaFormatToContentType.put("RDF/XML", new ContentType("application/rdf+xml; charset=utf-8"));
            //jenaFormatToContentType.put("RDF/XML", new ContentType("application/rdf+xml"));
            jenaFormatToContentType.put("RDF/XML", new ContentType("application/rdf+xml"));
            jenaFormatToContentType.put("TURTLE", new ContentType("application/x-turtle; charset=utf-8"));
            jenaFormatToContentType.put("N3", new ContentType("text/rdf+n3; charset=utf-8"));

        } catch (Exception e) {

        formatToJenaFormat.put("rdfxml", "RDF/XML");
        formatToJenaFormat.put("n3", "N3");
        formatToJenaFormat.put("nt", "N-TRIPLE");
        formatToJenaFormat.put("turtle", "TURTLE");

        extensionToJenaFormat.put("rdfxml", "RDF/XML");
        extensionToJenaFormat.put("rdf", "RDF/XML");
        extensionToJenaFormat.put("n3", "N3");
        extensionToJenaFormat.put("nt", "N-TRIPLE");
        extensionToJenaFormat.put("ttl", "TURTLE");
        extensionToJenaFormat.put("htm", "HTML");
        extensionToJenaFormat.put("html", "HTML");

    public void setInvocationMap(RegexInvocationContainer ric) {
        this.ric = ric;

    public static <T> T getFirst(Iterable<T> iterable) {
        if (iterable == null)
            return null;

        Iterator<T> it = iterable.iterator();
        if (!it.hasNext())
            return null;

        T result =;

        return result;

     * The question is whether a specifically requested format is conforming to the
     * formats of the content type - therefore: This method returns a list
     * of RDF formats in 
     * @throws ParseException 

     * .rdf, .n3, .ttl, .nt, .html
    public static String getExtension(String str) {
        int index = str.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (index == -1)
            return null;

        return str.substring(index + 1);

    public static String getFormatFromExtension(String ext) {
        if (ext == null)
            return null;

        String result = extensionToJenaFormat.get(ext);
        return result;

    public static Map<String, ContentType> getPreferredFormats(Headers requestHeaders) throws ParseException {
        // Content negotiation
        List<String> accepts = requestHeaders.get("Accept");
        if (accepts == null)
            accepts = Collections.emptyList();"Accept header: " + accepts);

        Map<String, ContentType> result = new HashMap<String, ContentType>();
        int acceptCounter = 0;
        for (String accept : accepts) {
            String[] items = accept.split(",");
            for (String item : items) {

                ContentType ct = null;
                try {
                    ct = new ContentType(item);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.warn("Error parsing content type", e);

                // FIXME Would be nice if this was configurable
                if (ct.match("text/plain") || ct.match("text/html") || ct.match("*/*")) {
                    if (!result.containsKey("N-TRIPLE")) {
                        //result.put("N-TRIPLE", ct);
                        // We serve N-Triples by default
                        result.put("N-TRIPLE", new ContentType("text/plain"));

                    //responseContentType = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8";

                for (Map.Entry<ContentType, String> entry : contentTypeToJenaFormat.entrySet()) {
                    if (!ct.match(entry.getKey()))

                    String tmp = entry.getValue();
                    if (tmp != null) {
                        // If a format was specified in the query string, we also need
                        // a compatible content type
                        // E.g. if format=N3, but accept=rdf+xml we can't use that accept type
                        if (!result.containsKey(tmp)) {
                            result.put(tmp, ct);

        return result;

    return null;
    if(acceptCounter == 0)
    if(acceptCounter == 0) {"No accept header. Defaulting to 'text/plain'");
       contentFormat = StringUtil.coalesce(requestFormat, "N-TRIPLE");
       responseContentType = "text/plain";         

     * Returns a pair of serializiation format and content-type
    public static Map.Entry<String, ContentType> getContentType(String requestedFormat,
            Map<String, ContentType> accepts) throws ParseException {
        if (requestedFormat == null) {
            if (accepts.isEmpty()) {
                return new Pair<String, ContentType>("N-TRIPLE", new ContentType("text/plain; charset=utf-8"));
            } else {
                return accepts.entrySet().iterator().next();
        } else if (!accepts.containsKey(requestedFormat)) {

            //return null;
            //return new SimpleResponse(406, "text/plain", "Requested " + requestedFormat + " but accept-header " + formats + " is not compatible.");             

            ContentType contentType = StringUtils.coalesce(jenaFormatToContentType.get(requestedFormat),
                    new ContentType("text/plain; charset=utf-8"));

            return new Pair<String, ContentType>(requestedFormat, contentType);
        } else {
            return new Pair<String, ContentType>(requestedFormat, accepts.get(requestedFormat));
            //return new Pair<String, ContentType>(requestedFormat, new ContentType("text/plain; charset=utf-8"));

    public static SimpleResponse respondModel(Model model, Map.Entry<String, ContentType> contentType) {
        String response = ModelUtil.toString(model, contentType.getKey());
        SimpleResponse result = new SimpleResponse(200, contentType.getValue().toString(), response);
        return result;

    private SimpleResponse process(HttpExchange t) throws Exception {
        String request = t.getRequestURI().toString();

        Object o = ric.invoke(request);

        if (o instanceof SimpleResponse)
            return (SimpleResponse) o;

        throw new UnsupportedDataTypeException();

    public static String getJenaFormatByExtension(URI uri) {
        // FIXME not correct
        String host = uri.toString();
        String ext = getExtension(host);
        String result = getFormatFromExtension(ext);

        return result;

    public static String getJenaFormatByQueryString(URI uri) {
        // Check if a particular format was requested via the query string
        // As this excludes some of the content types that may be used
        String query = uri.getQuery();
        MultiMap<String, String> params = URIUtil.getQueryMap(query);

        String rawFormat = getFirst(params.get("format"));
        rawFormat = rawFormat == null ? null : rawFormat.trim().toLowerCase();
        String requestFormat = formatToJenaFormat.get(rawFormat);
        if (rawFormat != null && requestFormat == null) {
            // FIXME Respect the accept header when returning an error
            //return new SimpleResponse(400, "text/plain", "Unsupported format");
            return null;

        return requestFormat;

    public static void sendRedirect(HttpExchange x, String targetURL) throws IOException {
        x.getResponseHeaders().set("Location", targetURL);
        x.sendResponseHeaders(303, -1);

    public static void sendResponse(HttpExchange x, int statusCode, String contentType, String body)
            throws IOException {
        try {

            Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

            Resource r = ResourceFactory.createResource("");
            Property p = ResourceFactory.createProperty("");
            model.add(r, p, r);

            //x.getResponseHeaders().set("Content-Type", "application/rdf+xml");
            x.getResponseHeaders().set("Content-Type", contentType);
            x.sendResponseHeaders(200, 0);

            OutputStream out = x.getResponseBody();
            String str = ModelUtil.toString(model, "RDF/XML");
        } catch (Throwable t) {

    public static void sendResponseX(HttpExchange x, int statusCode, String contentType, String body)
            throws IOException {
        if (contentType == null)
            contentType = "text/plain";

        //byte[] bodyBytes = body == null ? null : body.getBytes("UTF8");

        int responseLength = 0;
        if (body == null) {
            responseLength = -1;
        } /* else {
           responseLength = body.length();
          } */

        Headers headers = x.getResponseHeaders();


        //x.getResponseHeaders().add("Content-Type", contentType);
        //x.setAttribute(arg0, arg1)
        headers.set("Content-Type", contentType);
        //x.getResponseHeaders().set("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");

        x.sendResponseHeaders(statusCode, responseLength);
        OutputStream os = x.getResponseBody();

        OutputStreamWriter osw;
        try {
            osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        if (responseLength != -1) {


    public void handle(HttpExchange x)
       throws IOException
       SimpleResponse response = null;
        try {
      response = process(x);
        catch(Throwable t) {
      response = new SimpleResponse(500, null, null);
        if(response == null) {
      response = new SimpleResponse(500, null, null);
      logger.error("No response object was created.");
        Headers responseHeaders = x.getResponseHeaders();
    OutputStream os = x.getResponseBody();
        int responseLength = 0;
        if(response.getBody() == null)
      responseLength = -1;
    x.sendResponseHeaders(response.getStatusCode(), -1);
        if(responseLength != -1)

public class JTriplifyServer {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JTriplifyServer.class);

    protected static final Options cliOptions = new Options();

    private static void initCLIOptions() {
        cliOptions.addOption("p", "port", true, "Server port");
        cliOptions.addOption("c", "context", true, "Context e.g. /triplify/");
        cliOptions.addOption("b", "backlog", true, "Maximum number of connections");

        cliOptions.addOption("t", "type", true, "Database type (posgres, mysql,...)");
        cliOptions.addOption("d", "database", true, "Database name");
        cliOptions.addOption("u", "user", true, "");
        cliOptions.addOption("w", "password", true, "");
        cliOptions.addOption("h", "host", true, "");

        cliOptions.addOption("n", "batchSize", true, "Batch size");

    public static String test(String a, String b) {
        System.out.println("In test");
        return "Hello " + a + " and " + b + "!";

    public static void main(String[] args)
       throws Exception
       String regex = ".*test/([^/]*)/(.*)";
       Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
       Matcher m = pattern.matcher("hi/test/a/b");
       for(int i = 0; i < m.groupCount(); ++i) {
     System.out.println( + i));

    /* Init                                                                  */

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        CommandLineParser cliParser = new GnuParser();
        CommandLine commandLine = cliParser.parse(cliOptions, args);

        // Parsing of command line args
        String portStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("p", "7000");
        String backLogStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("b", "100");
        String context = commandLine.getOptionValue("c", "/triplify");
        int port = Integer.parseInt(portStr);
        int backLog = Integer.parseInt(backLogStr);

        String hostName = commandLine.getOptionValue("h", "localhost");
        String dbName = commandLine.getOptionValue("d", "lgd");
        String userName = commandLine.getOptionValue("u", "lgd");
        String passWord = commandLine.getOptionValue("w", "lgd");

        String batchSizeStr = commandLine.getOptionValue("n", "1000");
        int batchSize = Integer.parseInt(batchSizeStr);

        // Validation
        if (batchSize <= 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid argument for batchsize");

        String fileName = "NamespaceResolv.ini";
        File file = new File(fileName);
        if(!file.exists()) {
           throw new FileNotFoundException(fileName);
        Transformer<String, URI> uriResolver = new URIResolver(file);
        new MyHandler();"Connecting to db");
        ConnectionConfig connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig(hostName, dbName, userName, passWord);

        MyHttpHandler myHandler = new MyHttpHandler();

        RegexInvocationContainer ric = new RegexInvocationContainer();

        //initLegacy(myHandler, conn);
        initCurrent(myHandler, connectionConfig);

        //MyHandler handler = new MyHandler();

        // Start
        runServer(context, port, backLog, myHandler);


    private static void initCurrent(MyHttpHandler mainHandler, ConnectionConfig connectionConfig) throws Exception {
        // Init jena
        //RDFWriter writer = MyHandler.getWriter("RDF/XML");

        // FIXME Somehow get rid of the need for the following line

        ISessionProvider sessionFactory = new HibernateSessionProvider();
        IConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new JDBCConnectionProvider(connectionConfig);

        Connection conn = connectionFactory.getConnection();

        String prefixModelPath = "Namespaces.2.0.ttl";

        // Setup"Loading uri namespaces");
        Model prefixModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();, new File(prefixModelPath), "TTL");
        Map<String, String> prefixMap = prefixModel.getNsPrefixMap();"Loading mapping rules");
        //InMemoryTagMapper tagMapper = new InMemoryTagMapper();
        //tagMapper.load(new File("data/triplify/config/2.0/LGDMappingRules.2.0.xml"));

        TagMapperDAO dbTagMapper = new TagMapperDAO();
        ITagMapper tagMapper = new CachingTagMapper(dbTagMapper);

        LGDDAO innerDAO = new LGDDAO(conn);

        ILGDVocab vocab = new LGDVocab();

        Set<String> defaultGraphNames = new HashSet<String>();

        SparqlEndpoint sparqlEndpoint = new HttpSparqlEndpoint("",
        LGDRDFDAO dao = new LGDRDFDAO(innerDAO, tagMapper, vocab, sparqlEndpoint);

        Session session = sessionFactory.createSession();

        /* Create a unified Jena-Model-View for the meta ontology (the lgd vocab)
         * and the osm vocab. 
        Graph metaOntologyGraph = MyBeanFactory.getSingleton().getMetaOntologyModel().getGraph();
        RdfGraphDaoGraph dataOntologyGraph = new RdfGraphDaoGraph(dao);

        Graph ontologyGraph = new Union(metaOntologyGraph, dataOntologyGraph);
        Model ontologyModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(ontologyGraph);

        //new FileInputStream(

        IRestApi methods = new ServerMethods(dao, prefixMap, connectionFactory, sessionFactory, ontologyModel);

        Method m;

        // Set up redirects
        LinkedDataRedirectHandler redirectHandler = new LinkedDataRedirectHandler();
        m = ServerMethods.class.getMethod("getNode", String.class);
        redirectHandler.getDataRIC().put("(.*)/triplify/(.*)", new RedirectInvocable("$0/data/$1"), "$0", "$1");
        redirectHandler.getPageRIC().put("(.*)/triplify/(.*)", new RedirectInvocable("$0/page/$1"), "$0", "$1");
        //redirectHandler.getDataRIC().put("(.*)/resource/(.*)", new RedirectInvocable("$0/data/$1"), "$0", "$1");
        //redirectHandler.getPageRIC().put("(.*)/resource/(.*)", new RedirectInvocable("$0/page/$1"), "$0", "$1");

        // Set up actual data URIs
        DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler();

        m = ServerMethods.class.getMethod("getWayNode", Long.class);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/way([^.]*)/nodes.*", new JavaMethodInvocable(m, methods), "$1");
        dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/way([^.]*)/nodes.*", DefaultCoercions.wrap(methods, "getWayNode"), "$1");

        m = ServerMethods.class.getMethod("getNode", Long.class);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/node([0-9]+).*", new JavaMethodInvocable(m, methods), "$1");
        dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/node([0-9]+).*", DefaultCoercions.wrap(methods, "getNode"), "$1");

        m = ServerMethods.class.getMethod("getWay", Long.class);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/way([^./]*)(\\.[^/]*)?/?(\\?.*)?", new JavaMethodInvocable(m, methods), "$1");
        dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/way([^./]*)(\\.[^/]*)?/?(\\?.*)?", DefaultCoercions.wrap(methods, "getWay"),

        // Set up page URIs
        PageHandler pageHandler = new PageHandler();
        m = ServerMethods.class.getMethod("getNode", String.class);
        dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*page/node([^/?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", new JavaMethodInvocable(m, methods), "$0");
        m = ServerMethods.class.getMethod("getWay", String.class);
        dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*page/way([^/?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", new JavaMethodInvocable(m, methods), "$0");

        //m = ServerMethods.class.getMethod("getNear", String.class, String.class, String.class);
        String pattern = "";
        IInvocable nearFn = DefaultCoercions.wrap(methods, "publicGetEntitiesWithinRadius.*");
        pattern = ".*/near/(-?[^,-]*),(-?[^-/]*)/([^/?]*)(/class/([^/]*))?(/label/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/]*))?(/(\\d+))?(/(\\d+))?/?(\\?.*)?";

        dataHandler.getRIC().put(pattern, nearFn, "$1", "$2", "$3", "$5", "$7", "$8", "$9", "$11", "$13");

        IInvocable areaFn = DefaultCoercions.wrap(methods, "publicGetAreaStatistics.*");
        pattern = ".*/area/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)?/?(\\?.*)?";

        dataHandler.getRIC().put(pattern, areaFn, "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4");

        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(pattern, bboxFn, "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", "$6", "$8", "$9", "$10", "$11", "$12");

        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/([^,]*),([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/=?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", nearFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", null, false);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/([^,]*),([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^=]*)=([^/?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", nearFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", false);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/([^,]*),([^/]*)/([^/]*)/class/([^/?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", nearFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$3", true);

        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/([^,]*),([^/]*)/([^/?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", nearFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", null, null, false);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/([^,]*),([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/=?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", nearFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", null, false);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/([^,]*),([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^=]*)=([^/?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", nearFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", false);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/([^,]*),([^/]*)/([^/]*)/class/([^/?]*)/?(\\?.*)?", nearFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$3", true);

        IInvocable bboxFn = DefaultCoercions.wrap(methods, "publicGetEntitiesWithinRect.*");
        // lat-lat lon-lon class lable lang matchmode
        pattern = ".*/near/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)(/class/([^/]*))?(/label/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/]*))?(/(\\d+))?(/(\\d+))?/?(\\?.*)?";
        //           latMin    latMax    lonMin    lonMax           classname        lang  matchMode value offset? limit?      
        dataHandler.getRIC().put(pattern, bboxFn, "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", "$6", "$8", "$9", "$10", "$12", "$14");

        //latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax, className,  language, matchMode, label, offset, limit)

        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)/?(\\?.*)?", bboxFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", null, null, null, null);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)/class/([^/]*)/?(\\?.*)?", bboxFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", null, null, null);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)/class/([^/]*)/label/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/(.*)/?(\\?.*)?", bboxFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", "$7", "$5", "$6");

        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)/class/([^/]*)/label/(.*)/?(\\?.*)?", bboxFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", "$5", null, null);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)/class/([^/]*)/label/([^/]*)/(.*)/?(\\?.*)?", bboxFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$5", "$4", null);
        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)/class/([^/]*)/label/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/(.*)/?(\\?.*)?", bboxFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$6", "$4", "$5");

        //dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/near/(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^,]+),(-?[^-]+)-(-?[^/]+)/label/([^/]*)/(*.)/?(\\?.*)?", bboxFn, "$0", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$5", "$6");

        IInvocable getOntologyFn = DefaultCoercions.wrap(methods, "publicGetOntology.*");
        dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/ontology(\\.[^/]*)?/?(\\?.*)?", getOntologyFn);

        IInvocable describeFn = DefaultCoercions.wrap(methods, "publicDescribe.*");
        dataHandler.getRIC().put(".*/(ontology/[^/\\.]+)(\\.[^/\\?]*)?(\\?.*)?", describeFn, "$1");

    private static void runServer(String context, int port, int backLog, HttpHandler handler) throws IOException {"Starting JTriplify Server");

        InetSocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(port);
        HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(socketAddress, backLog);

        server.createContext(context, handler);
