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 * #%L
 * Alfresco Repository
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 * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited
 * %%
 * This file is part of the Alfresco software. 
 * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of 
 * the paid license agreement will prevail.  Otherwise, the software is 
 * provided under the following open source license terms:
 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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 * #L%
package org.alfresco.repo.domain.contentdata;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;

import org.alfresco.repo.cache.SimpleCache;
import org.alfresco.repo.cache.lookup.EntityLookupCache;
import org.alfresco.repo.cache.lookup.EntityLookupCache.EntityLookupCallbackDAOAdaptor;
import org.alfresco.repo.content.cleanup.EagerContentStoreCleaner;
import org.alfresco.repo.domain.control.ControlDAO;
import org.alfresco.repo.domain.encoding.EncodingDAO;
import org.alfresco.repo.domain.locale.LocaleDAO;
import org.alfresco.repo.domain.mimetype.MimetypeDAO;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.AlfrescoTransactionSupport;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.TransactionalResourceHelper;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentData;
import org.alfresco.util.EqualsHelper;
import org.alfresco.util.Pair;
import org.alfresco.util.transaction.TransactionListenerAdapter;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.dao.ConcurrencyFailureException;
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException;

 * Abstract implementation for ContentData DAO.
 * <p>
 * This provides basic services such as caching, but defers to the underlying implementation
 * for CRUD operations.
 * <p>
 * The DAO deals in {@link ContentData} instances.  The cache is primarily present to decode
 * IDs into <code>ContentData</code> instances.
 * @author Derek Hulley
 * @author sglover
 * @since 3.2
public abstract class AbstractContentDataDAOImpl implements ContentDataDAO {
    private static final String CACHE_REGION_CONTENT_DATA = "ContentData";
    private static final String CACHE_REGION_CONTENT_URL = "ContentUrl";

     * Content URL IDs to delete before final commit.
    private static final String KEY_PRE_COMMIT_CONTENT_URL_DELETIONS = "AbstractContentDataDAOImpl.PreCommitContentUrlDeletions";

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractContentDataDAOImpl.class);

    private final ContentDataCallbackDAO contentDataCallbackDAO;
    private final ContentUrlCallbackDAO contentUrlCallbackDAO;
    protected ControlDAO controlDAO;
    protected MimetypeDAO mimetypeDAO;
    protected EncodingDAO encodingDAO;
    protected LocaleDAO localeDAO;
    private EagerContentStoreCleaner contentStoreCleaner;

     * Cache for the ContentData class:<br/>
     * KEY: ID<br/>
     * VALUE: ContentData object<br/>
     * VALUE KEY: NONE<br/>
    private EntityLookupCache<Long, ContentData, Serializable> contentDataCache;

    private EntityLookupCache<Long, ContentUrlEntity, String> contentUrlCache;

     * Default constructor
    public AbstractContentDataDAOImpl() {
        this.contentDataCallbackDAO = new ContentDataCallbackDAO();
        this.contentUrlCallbackDAO = new ContentUrlCallbackDAO();
        this.contentDataCache = new EntityLookupCache<Long, ContentData, Serializable>(contentDataCallbackDAO);
        this.contentUrlCache = new EntityLookupCache<Long, ContentUrlEntity, String>(contentUrlCallbackDAO);

    public void setControlDAO(ControlDAO controlDAO) {
        this.controlDAO = controlDAO;

    public void setMimetypeDAO(MimetypeDAO mimetypeDAO) {
        this.mimetypeDAO = mimetypeDAO;

    public void setEncodingDAO(EncodingDAO encodingDAO) {
        this.encodingDAO = encodingDAO;

    public void setLocaleDAO(LocaleDAO localeDAO) {
        this.localeDAO = localeDAO;

     * Set this property to enable eager cleanup of orphaned content.
     * @param contentStoreCleaner       an eager cleaner (may be <tt>null</tt>)
    public void setContentStoreCleaner(EagerContentStoreCleaner contentStoreCleaner) {
        this.contentStoreCleaner = contentStoreCleaner;

     * @param contentDataCache              the cache of IDs to ContentData and vice versa
    public void setContentDataCache(SimpleCache<Long, ContentData> contentDataCache) {
        this.contentDataCache = new EntityLookupCache<Long, ContentData, Serializable>(contentDataCache,
                CACHE_REGION_CONTENT_DATA, contentDataCallbackDAO);

    public void setContentUrlCache(SimpleCache<Long, ContentUrlEntity> contentUrlCache) {
        this.contentUrlCache = new EntityLookupCache<Long, ContentUrlEntity, String>(contentUrlCache,
                CACHE_REGION_CONTENT_URL, contentUrlCallbackDAO);

     * A <b>content_url</b> entity was dereferenced.  This makes no assumptions about the
     * current references - dereference deletion is handled in the commit phase.
    protected void registerDereferencedContentUrl(String contentUrl) {
        Set<String> contentUrls = TransactionalResourceHelper.getSet(KEY_PRE_COMMIT_CONTENT_URL_DELETIONS);
        if (contentUrls.size() == 0) {
            ContentUrlDeleteTransactionListener listener = new ContentUrlDeleteTransactionListener();

    public Pair<Long, ContentData> createContentData(ContentData contentData) {
        if (contentData == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ContentData values cannot be null");
        Pair<Long, ContentData> entityPair = contentDataCache.getOrCreateByValue(contentData);
        return entityPair;

    public Pair<Long, ContentData> getContentData(Long id) {
        if (id == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot look up ContentData by null ID.");
        Pair<Long, ContentData> entityPair = contentDataCache.getByKey(id);
        if (entityPair == null) {
            throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("No ContentData value exists for ID " + id);
        return entityPair;

     * Internally update a URL or create a new one if it does not exist
    private void updateContentUrl(ContentUrlEntity contentUrl) {
        if (contentUrl == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot look up ContentData by null ID.");
        Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> pair = contentUrlCache.getByValue(contentUrl);
        if (pair != null) {
            contentUrlCache.updateValue(pair.getFirst(), contentUrl);
        } else {
            pair = contentUrlCache.getOrCreateByValue(contentUrl);
            contentUrlCache.updateValue(pair.getFirst(), contentUrl);

    public ContentUrlEntity getContentUrl(String contentUrl) {
        if (contentUrl == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot look up ContentData by null ID.");
        ContentUrlEntity entity = new ContentUrlEntity();
        Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> pair = contentUrlCache.getByValue(entity);
        return (pair == null ? null : pair.getSecond());

    public ContentUrlEntity getContentUrl(Long contentUrlId) {
        if (contentUrlId == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot look up ContentData by null ID.");
        Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> pair = contentUrlCache.getByKey(contentUrlId);
        return (pair == null ? null : pair.getSecond());

    public void cacheContentDataForNodes(Set<Long> nodeIds) {
        for (ContentDataEntity entity : getContentDataEntitiesForNodes(nodeIds)) {
            contentDataCache.setValue(entity.getId(), makeContentData(entity));

    public void updateContentData(Long id, ContentData contentData) {
        if (id == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot look up ContentData by null ID.");
        if (contentData == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update ContentData with a null.");
        int updated = contentDataCache.updateValue(id, contentData);
        if (updated < 1) {
            throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("ContentData with ID " + id + " not updated");

    public void deleteContentData(Long id) {
        if (id == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot delete ContentData by null ID.");
        int deleted = contentDataCache.deleteByKey(id);
        if (deleted < 1) {
            throw new ConcurrencyFailureException("ContentData with ID " + id + " no longer exists");

     * Callback for <b>alf_content_data</b> DAO.
    private class ContentDataCallbackDAO extends EntityLookupCallbackDAOAdaptor<Long, ContentData, Serializable> {
        public Pair<Long, ContentData> createValue(ContentData value) {
            ContentDataEntity contentDataEntity = createContentDataEntity(value);
            // Done
            return new Pair<Long, ContentData>(contentDataEntity.getId(), value);

        public Pair<Long, ContentData> findByKey(Long key) {
            ContentDataEntity contentDataEntity = getContentDataEntity(key);
            if (contentDataEntity == null) {
                return null;
            ContentData contentData = makeContentData(contentDataEntity);
            // Done
            return new Pair<Long, ContentData>(key, contentData);

        public int updateValue(Long key, ContentData value) {
            ContentDataEntity contentDataEntity = getContentDataEntity(key);
            if (contentDataEntity == null) {
                return 0; // The client (outer-level code) will decide if this is an error
            return updateContentDataEntity(contentDataEntity, value);

        public int deleteByKey(Long key) {
            return deleteContentDataEntity(key);

     * Callback for <b>alf_content_url</b> DAO.
    private class ContentUrlCallbackDAO extends EntityLookupCallbackDAOAdaptor<Long, ContentUrlEntity, String> {
         * @return                  Returns the Node's NodeRef
        public String getValueKey(ContentUrlEntity value) {
            return value.getContentUrl();

         * Looks the node up based on the NodeRef of the given node
        public Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> findByValue(ContentUrlEntity entity) {
            String contentUrl = entity.getContentUrl();
            ContentUrlEntity ret = getContentUrlEntity(contentUrl);
            return (ret != null ? new Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity>(ret.getId(), ret) : null);

        public Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> createValue(ContentUrlEntity value) {
            ContentUrlEntity contentUrlEntity = createContentUrlEntity(value.getContentUrl(), value.getSize(),
            // Done
            return new Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity>(contentUrlEntity.getId(), contentUrlEntity);

        public Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> findByKey(Long id) {
            ContentUrlEntity contentUrlEntity = getContentUrlEntity(id);
            if (contentUrlEntity == null) {
                return null;
            // Done
            return new Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity>(contentUrlEntity.getId(), contentUrlEntity);

        public int updateValue(Long id, ContentUrlEntity value) {
            ContentUrlEntity contentUrlEntity = getContentUrlEntity(id);
            if (contentUrlEntity == null) {
                return 0; // The client (outer-level code) will decide if this is an error
            return updateContentUrlEntity(contentUrlEntity, value);

        public int deleteByKey(Long id) {
            return deleteContentUrlEntity(id);

     * Translates this instance into an externally-usable <code>ContentData</code> instance.
    private ContentData makeContentData(ContentDataEntity contentDataEntity) {
        // Decode content URL
        Long contentUrlId = contentDataEntity.getContentUrlId();
        String contentUrl = null;
        if (contentUrlId != null) {
            Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> entityPair = contentUrlCache.getByKey(contentUrlId);
            if (entityPair == null) {
                throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("No ContentUrl value exists for ID " + contentUrlId);
            ContentUrlEntity contentUrlEntity = entityPair.getSecond();
            contentUrl = contentUrlEntity.getContentUrl();

        long size = contentDataEntity.getSize() == null ? 0L : contentDataEntity.getSize().longValue();

        // Decode mimetype
        Long mimetypeId = contentDataEntity.getMimetypeId();
        String mimetype = null;
        if (mimetypeId != null) {
            mimetype = mimetypeDAO.getMimetype(mimetypeId).getSecond();

        // Decode encoding
        Long encodingId = contentDataEntity.getEncodingId();
        String encoding = null;
        if (encodingId != null) {
            encoding = encodingDAO.getEncoding(encodingId).getSecond();

        // Decode locale
        Long localeId = contentDataEntity.getLocaleId();
        Locale locale = null;
        if (localeId != null) {
            locale = localeDAO.getLocalePair(localeId).getSecond();

        // Build the ContentData
        ContentData contentData = new ContentData(contentUrl, mimetype, size, encoding, locale);
        // Done
        return contentData;

     * Translates the {@link ContentData} into persistable values using the helper DAOs
    protected ContentDataEntity createContentDataEntity(ContentData contentData) {
        // Resolve the content URL
        Long contentUrlId = null;
        String contentUrl = contentData.getContentUrl();
        long size = contentData.getSize();
        if (contentUrl != null) {
            ContentUrlEntity contentUrlEntity = new ContentUrlEntity();
            Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> pair = contentUrlCache.createOrGetByValue(contentUrlEntity, controlDAO);
            contentUrlId = pair.getFirst();

        // Resolve the mimetype
        Long mimetypeId = null;
        String mimetype = contentData.getMimetype();
        if (mimetype != null) {
            mimetypeId = mimetypeDAO.getOrCreateMimetype(mimetype).getFirst();
        // Resolve the encoding
        Long encodingId = null;
        String encoding = contentData.getEncoding();
        if (encoding != null) {
            encodingId = encodingDAO.getOrCreateEncoding(encoding).getFirst();
        // Resolve the locale
        Long localeId = null;
        Locale locale = contentData.getLocale();
        if (locale != null) {
            localeId = localeDAO.getOrCreateLocalePair(locale).getFirst();

        // Create ContentDataEntity
        ContentDataEntity contentDataEntity = createContentDataEntity(contentUrlId, mimetypeId, encodingId,
        // Done
        return contentDataEntity;

     * Translates the {@link ContentData} into persistable values using the helper DAOs
    protected int updateContentDataEntity(ContentDataEntity contentDataEntity, ContentData contentData) {
        // Resolve the content URL
        Long oldContentUrlId = contentDataEntity.getContentUrlId();
        ContentUrlEntity contentUrlEntity = null;
        if (oldContentUrlId != null) {
            Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> entityPair = contentUrlCache.getByKey(oldContentUrlId);
            if (entityPair == null) {
                throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("No ContentUrl value exists for ID " + oldContentUrlId);
            contentUrlEntity = entityPair.getSecond();

        String oldContentUrl = (contentUrlEntity != null ? contentUrlEntity.getContentUrl() : null);
        String newContentUrl = contentData.getContentUrl();
        if (!EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(oldContentUrl, newContentUrl)) {
            if (oldContentUrl != null) {
                // We have a changed value.  The old content URL has been dereferenced.
            if (newContentUrl != null) {
                if (contentUrlEntity == null) {
                    contentUrlEntity = new ContentUrlEntity();
                Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> pair = contentUrlCache.getOrCreateByValue(contentUrlEntity);
                Long newContentUrlId = pair.getFirst();
            } else {

        // Resolve the mimetype
        Long mimetypeId = null;
        String mimetype = contentData.getMimetype();
        if (mimetype != null) {
            mimetypeId = mimetypeDAO.getOrCreateMimetype(mimetype).getFirst();
        // Resolve the encoding
        Long encodingId = null;
        String encoding = contentData.getEncoding();
        if (encoding != null) {
            encodingId = encodingDAO.getOrCreateEncoding(encoding).getFirst();
        // Resolve the locale
        Long localeId = null;
        Locale locale = contentData.getLocale();
        if (locale != null) {
            localeId = localeDAO.getOrCreateLocalePair(locale).getFirst();


        return updateContentDataEntity(contentDataEntity);

    public boolean updateContentUrlKey(String contentUrl, ContentUrlKeyEntity contentUrlKey) {
        boolean success = true;

        ContentUrlEntity existing = getContentUrl(contentUrl);
        if (existing != null) {
            ContentUrlEntity entity = ContentUrlEntity.setContentUrlKey(existing, contentUrlKey);
        } else {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("No content url, not updating symmetric key");
            success = false;

        return success;

    public boolean updateContentUrlKey(long contentUrlId, ContentUrlKeyEntity contentUrlKey) {
        boolean success = true;

        ContentUrlEntity existing = getContentUrl(contentUrlId);
        if (existing != null) {
            ContentUrlEntity entity = ContentUrlEntity.setContentUrlKey(existing, contentUrlKey);
        } else {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("No content url, not updating symmetric key");
            success = false;

        return success;

    public ContentUrlEntity getOrCreateContentUrl(String contentUrl) {
        ContentUrlEntity contentUrlEntity = new ContentUrlEntity();
        Pair<Long, ContentUrlEntity> pair = contentUrlCache.getOrCreateByValue(contentUrlEntity);
        Long newContentUrlId = pair.getFirst();
        // Done
        return contentUrlEntity;

     * @param contentUrl    the content URL to create or search for
    protected abstract ContentUrlEntity createContentUrlEntity(String contentUrl, long size,
            ContentUrlKeyEntity contentUrlKey);

     * @param id            the ID of the <b>content url</b> entity
     * @return              Return the entity or <tt>null</tt> if it doesn't exist
    protected abstract ContentUrlEntity getContentUrlEntity(Long id);

    protected abstract ContentUrlEntity getContentUrlEntity(String contentUrl);

     * @param contentUrl    the URL of the <b>content url</b> entity
     * @return              Return the entity or <tt>null</tt> if it doesn't exist or is still
     *                      referenced by a <b>content_data</b> entity
    protected abstract ContentUrlEntity getContentUrlEntityUnreferenced(String contentUrl);

     * Update a content URL with the given orphan time
     * @param id            the unique ID of the entity 
     * @param orphanTime    the time (ms since epoch) that the entity was orphaned
     * @param oldOrphanTime the orphan time we expect to update for optimistic locking (may be <tt>null</tt>)
     * @return              Returns the number of rows updated
    protected abstract int updateContentUrlOrphanTime(Long id, Long orphanTime, Long oldOrphanTime);

     * Create the row for the <b>alf_content_data</b>
    protected abstract ContentDataEntity createContentDataEntity(Long contentUrlId, Long mimetypeId,
            Long encodingId, Long localeId);

     * @param id            the entity ID
     * @return              Returns the entity or <tt>null</tt> if it doesn't exist
    protected abstract ContentDataEntity getContentDataEntity(Long id);

     * @param nodeIds       the node ID
     * @return              Returns the associated entities or <tt>null</tt> if none exist
    protected abstract List<ContentDataEntity> getContentDataEntitiesForNodes(Set<Long> nodeIds);

     * Update an existing <b>alf_content_data</b> entity
     * @param entity        the existing entity that will be updated
     * @return              Returns the number of rows updated (should be 1)
    protected abstract int updateContentDataEntity(ContentDataEntity entity);

     * Delete the entity with the given ID
     * @return              Returns the number of rows deleted
    protected abstract int deleteContentDataEntity(Long id);

    protected abstract int deleteContentUrlEntity(long id);

    protected abstract int updateContentUrlEntity(ContentUrlEntity existing, ContentUrlEntity entity);

     * Transactional listener that deletes unreferenced <b>content_url</b> entities.
     * @author Derek Hulley
    public class ContentUrlDeleteTransactionListener extends TransactionListenerAdapter {
        public void beforeCommit(boolean readOnly) {
            // Ignore read-only
            if (readOnly) {
            Set<String> contentUrls = TransactionalResourceHelper.getSet(KEY_PRE_COMMIT_CONTENT_URL_DELETIONS);
            long orphanTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (String contentUrl : contentUrls) {
                ContentUrlEntity contentUrlEntity = getContentUrlEntityUnreferenced(contentUrl);
                if (contentUrlEntity == null) {
                    // It is still referenced, so ignore it
                // Pop this in the queue for deletion from the content store
                boolean isEagerCleanup = contentStoreCleaner.registerOrphanedContentUrl(contentUrl);
                if (!isEagerCleanup) {
                    // We mark the URL as orphaned.
                    // The content binary is not scheduled for immediate removal so just mark the
                    // row's orphan time.  Concurrently, it is possible for multiple references
                    // to be made WHILE the orphan time is set, but we handle that separately.
                    Long contentUrlId = contentUrlEntity.getId();
                    Long oldOrphanTime = contentUrlEntity.getOrphanTime();
                    int updated = updateContentUrlOrphanTime(contentUrlId, orphanTime, oldOrphanTime);
                    if (updated != 1) {
                        throw new ConcurrencyFailureException(
                                "Failed to update content URL orphan time: " + contentUrlEntity);
                } else {
                    // ALERT!!!
                    // The content is scheduled for deletion once this transaction commits.
                    // We need to make sure that the URL is not re-referenced by another transaction.
                    List<Long> contentUrlId = Collections.singletonList(contentUrlEntity.getId());
                    int deleted = deleteContentUrls(contentUrlId);
                    if (deleted != 1) {
                        throw new ConcurrencyFailureException(
                                "Failed to delete eagerly-reaped content URL: " + contentUrlEntity);