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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.accumulo.test.randomwalk.concurrent;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.SortedSet;

import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.thrift.TableOperationExceptionType;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.thrift.ThriftTableOperationException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property;
import org.apache.accumulo.test.randomwalk.Environment;
import org.apache.accumulo.test.randomwalk.State;
import org.apache.accumulo.test.randomwalk.Test;
import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomData;
import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomDataImpl;

public class Config extends Test {

    private static final String LAST_SETTING = "lastSetting";

    private static final String LAST_TABLE_SETTING = "lastTableSetting";

    private static final String LAST_NAMESPACE_SETTING = "lastNamespaceSetting";

    static class Setting {
        public Property property;
        public long min;
        public long max;

        public Setting(Property property, long min, long max) {
   = property;
            this.min = min;
            this.max = max;

    static Setting s(Property property, long min, long max) {
        return new Setting(property, min, max);

    // @formatter:off
    Setting[] settings = { s(Property.TSERV_BLOOM_LOAD_MAXCONCURRENT, 1, 10),
            s(Property.TSERV_BULK_PROCESS_THREADS, 1, 10), s(Property.TSERV_BULK_RETRY, 1, 10),
            s(Property.TSERV_BULK_TIMEOUT, 10, 600), s(Property.TSERV_BULK_ASSIGNMENT_THREADS, 1, 10),
            s(Property.TSERV_DATACACHE_SIZE, 0, 1000000000L), s(Property.TSERV_INDEXCACHE_SIZE, 0, 1000000000L),
            s(Property.TSERV_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, 100, 10000), s(Property.TSERV_MAJC_MAXCONCURRENT, 1, 10),
            s(Property.TSERV_MAJC_DELAY, 100, 10000), s(Property.TSERV_MAJC_THREAD_MAXOPEN, 3, 100),
            s(Property.TSERV_MINC_MAXCONCURRENT, 1, 10), s(Property.TSERV_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE, 100000, 10000000L),
            s(Property.TSERV_MAX_IDLE, 10000, 500 * 1000),
            s(Property.TSERV_MAXMEM, 1000000, 3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L),
            s(Property.TSERV_READ_AHEAD_MAXCONCURRENT, 1, 25), s(Property.TSERV_MIGRATE_MAXCONCURRENT, 1, 10),
            s(Property.TSERV_TOTAL_MUTATION_QUEUE_MAX, 10000, 1024 * 1024),
            s(Property.TSERV_RECOVERY_MAX_CONCURRENT, 1, 100), s(Property.TSERV_SCAN_MAX_OPENFILES, 10, 1000),
            s(Property.TSERV_THREADCHECK, 100, 10000), s(Property.TSERV_MINTHREADS, 1, 100),
            s(Property.TSERV_SESSION_MAXIDLE, 100, 5 * 60 * 1000),
            s(Property.TSERV_SORT_BUFFER_SIZE, 1024 * 1024, 1024 * 1024 * 1024L),
            s(Property.TSERV_TABLET_SPLIT_FINDMIDPOINT_MAXOPEN, 5, 100),
            s(Property.TSERV_WAL_BLOCKSIZE, 1024 * 1024, 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 10L),
            s(Property.TSERV_WORKQ_THREADS, 1, 10), s(Property.MASTER_BULK_THREADPOOL_SIZE, 1, 10),
            s(Property.MASTER_BULK_RETRIES, 1, 10), s(Property.MASTER_BULK_TIMEOUT, 10, 600),
            s(Property.MASTER_FATE_THREADPOOL_SIZE, 1, 100), s(Property.MASTER_RECOVERY_DELAY, 0, 100),
            s(Property.MASTER_LEASE_RECOVERY_WAITING_PERIOD, 0, 10), s(Property.MASTER_RECOVERY_MAXTIME, 10, 1000),
            s(Property.MASTER_THREADCHECK, 100, 10000), s(Property.MASTER_MINTHREADS, 1, 200), };

    Setting[] tableSettings = { s(Property.TABLE_MAJC_RATIO, 1, 10),
            s(Property.TABLE_MAJC_COMPACTALL_IDLETIME, 100, 10 * 60 * 60 * 1000L),
            s(Property.TABLE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD, 10 * 1024, 10L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
            s(Property.TABLE_MINC_COMPACT_IDLETIME, 100, 100 * 60 * 60 * 1000L),
            s(Property.TABLE_SCAN_MAXMEM, 10 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024),
            s(Property.TABLE_FILE_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE, 10 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024L),
            s(Property.TABLE_FILE_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE_INDEX, 10 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024L),
            s(Property.TABLE_FILE_REPLICATION, 0, 5), s(Property.TABLE_FILE_MAX, 2, 50), };
    // @formatter:on

    public void visit(State state, Environment env, Properties props) throws Exception {
        // reset any previous setting
        Object lastSetting = state.getOkIfAbsent(LAST_SETTING);
        if (lastSetting != null) {
            int choice = Integer.parseInt(lastSetting.toString());
            Property property = settings[choice].property;
            log.debug("Setting " + property.getKey() + " back to " + property.getDefaultValue());
            env.getConnector().instanceOperations().setProperty(property.getKey(), property.getDefaultValue());
        lastSetting = state.getOkIfAbsent(LAST_TABLE_SETTING);
        if (lastSetting != null) {
            String parts[] = lastSetting.toString().split(",");
            String table = parts[0];
            int choice = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
            Property property = tableSettings[choice].property;
            if (env.getConnector().tableOperations().exists(table)) {
                        "Setting " + property.getKey() + " on " + table + " back to " + property.getDefaultValue());
                try {
                    env.getConnector().tableOperations().setProperty(table, property.getKey(),
                } catch (AccumuloException ex) {
                    if (ex.getCause() instanceof ThriftTableOperationException) {
                        ThriftTableOperationException ttoe = (ThriftTableOperationException) ex.getCause();
                        if (ttoe.type == TableOperationExceptionType.NOTFOUND)
                    throw ex;
        lastSetting = state.getOkIfAbsent(LAST_NAMESPACE_SETTING);
        if (lastSetting != null) {
            String parts[] = lastSetting.toString().split(",");
            String namespace = parts[0];
            int choice = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
            Property property = tableSettings[choice].property;
            if (env.getConnector().namespaceOperations().exists(namespace)) {
                log.debug("Setting " + property.getKey() + " on " + namespace + " back to "
                        + property.getDefaultValue());
                try {
                    env.getConnector().namespaceOperations().setProperty(namespace, property.getKey(),
                } catch (AccumuloException ex) {
                    if (ex.getCause() instanceof ThriftTableOperationException) {
                        ThriftTableOperationException ttoe = (ThriftTableOperationException) ex.getCause();
                        if (ttoe.type == TableOperationExceptionType.NAMESPACE_NOTFOUND)
                    throw ex;
        RandomData random = new RandomDataImpl();
        int dice = random.nextInt(0, 2);
        if (dice == 0) {
            changeTableSetting(random, state, env, props);
        } else if (dice == 1) {
            changeNamespaceSetting(random, state, env, props);
        } else {
            changeSetting(random, state, env, props);

    private void changeTableSetting(RandomData random, State state, Environment env, Properties props)
            throws Exception {
        // pick a random property
        int choice = random.nextInt(0, tableSettings.length - 1);
        Setting setting = tableSettings[choice];

        // pick a random table
        SortedSet<String> tables = env.getConnector().tableOperations().list().tailSet("ctt").headSet("ctu");
        if (tables.isEmpty())
        String table = random.nextSample(tables, 1)[0].toString();

        // generate a random value
        long newValue = random.nextLong(setting.min, setting.max);
        state.set(LAST_TABLE_SETTING, table + "," + choice);
        log.debug("Setting " + + " on table " + table + " to " + newValue);
        try {
            env.getConnector().tableOperations().setProperty(table,, "" + newValue);
        } catch (AccumuloException ex) {
            if (ex.getCause() instanceof ThriftTableOperationException) {
                ThriftTableOperationException ttoe = (ThriftTableOperationException) ex.getCause();
                if (ttoe.type == TableOperationExceptionType.NOTFOUND)
            throw ex;

    private void changeNamespaceSetting(RandomData random, State state, Environment env, Properties props)
            throws Exception {
        // pick a random property
        int choice = random.nextInt(0, tableSettings.length - 1);
        Setting setting = tableSettings[choice];

        // pick a random table
        SortedSet<String> namespaces = env.getConnector().namespaceOperations().list().tailSet("nspc")
        if (namespaces.isEmpty())
        String namespace = random.nextSample(namespaces, 1)[0].toString();

        // generate a random value
        long newValue = random.nextLong(setting.min, setting.max);
        state.set(LAST_NAMESPACE_SETTING, namespace + "," + choice);
        log.debug("Setting " + + " on namespace " + namespace + " to " + newValue);
        try {
                    "" + newValue);
        } catch (AccumuloException ex) {
            if (ex.getCause() instanceof ThriftTableOperationException) {
                ThriftTableOperationException ttoe = (ThriftTableOperationException) ex.getCause();
                if (ttoe.type == TableOperationExceptionType.NAMESPACE_NOTFOUND)
            throw ex;

    private void changeSetting(RandomData random, State state, Environment env, Properties props) throws Exception {
        // pick a random property
        int choice = random.nextInt(0, settings.length - 1);
        Setting setting = settings[choice];
        // generate a random value
        long newValue = random.nextLong(setting.min, setting.max);
        state.set(LAST_SETTING, "" + choice);
        log.debug("Setting " + + " to " + newValue);
        env.getConnector().instanceOperations().setProperty(, "" + newValue);
