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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.windmill.Windmill;
import org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.windmill.Windmill.TagBag;
import org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.windmill.Windmill.TagValue;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.Coder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.BoundedWindow;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.Weighted;
import org.joda.time.Instant;

 * Reads persistent state from {@link Windmill}. Returns {@code Future}s containing the data that
 * has been read. Will not initiate a read until {@link Future#get} is called, at which point all
 * the pending futures will be read.
 * <p>CAUTION Watch out for escaping references to the reader ending up inside {@link
 * WindmillStateCache}.
class WindmillStateReader {
     * Ideal maximum bytes in a TagBag response. However, Windmill will always return at least one
     * value if possible irrespective of this limit.
    public static final long MAX_BAG_BYTES = 8L << 20; // 8MB

     * Ideal maximum bytes in a KeyedGetDataResponse. However, Windmill will always return at least
     * one value if possible irrespective of this limit.
    public static final long MAX_KEY_BYTES = 16L << 20; // 16MB

     * When combined with a key and computationId, represents the unique address for state managed by
     * Windmill.
    private static class StateTag {
        private enum Kind {
            VALUE, BAG, WATERMARK;

        private final Kind kind;
        private final ByteString tag;
        private final String stateFamily;

         * For {@link Kind#BAG} kinds: A previous 'continuation_position' returned by Windmill to signal
         * the resulting bag was incomplete. Sending that position will request the next page of values.
         * Null for first request.
         * <p>Null for other kinds.
        private final Long requestPosition;

        private StateTag(Kind kind, ByteString tag, String stateFamily, @Nullable Long requestPosition) {
            this.kind = kind;
            this.tag = tag;
            this.stateFamily = Preconditions.checkNotNull(stateFamily);
            this.requestPosition = requestPosition;

        private StateTag(Kind kind, ByteString tag, String stateFamily) {
            this(kind, tag, stateFamily, null);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;

            if (!(obj instanceof StateTag)) {
                return false;

            StateTag that = (StateTag) obj;
            return Objects.equal(this.kind, that.kind) && Objects.equal(this.tag, that.tag)
                    && Objects.equal(this.stateFamily, that.stateFamily)
                    && Objects.equal(this.requestPosition, that.requestPosition);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hashCode(kind, tag, stateFamily, requestPosition);

        public String toString() {
            return "Tag(" + kind + "," + tag.toStringUtf8() + "," + stateFamily
                    + (requestPosition == null ? "" : ("," + requestPosition.toString())) + ")";

     * An in-memory collection of deserialized values and an optional continuation position to pass to
     * Windmill when fetching the next page of values.
    private static class ValuesAndContPosition<T> {
        private final List<T> values;

        /** Position to pass to next request for next page of values. Null if done. */
        private final Long continuationPosition;

        public ValuesAndContPosition(List<T> values, @Nullable Long continuationPosition) {
            this.values = values;
            this.continuationPosition = continuationPosition;

    private final String computation;
    private final ByteString key;
    private final long shardingKey;
    private final long workToken;

    private final MetricTrackingWindmillServerStub server;

    private long bytesRead = 0L;

    public WindmillStateReader(MetricTrackingWindmillServerStub server, String computation, ByteString key,
            long shardingKey, long workToken) {
        this.server = server;
        this.computation = computation;
        this.key = key;
        this.shardingKey = shardingKey;
        this.workToken = workToken;

    private static final class CoderAndFuture<ElemT, FutureT> {
        private Coder<ElemT> coder;
        private final SettableFuture<FutureT> future;

        private CoderAndFuture(Coder<ElemT> coder, SettableFuture<FutureT> future) {
            this.coder = coder;
            this.future = future;

        private SettableFuture<FutureT> getFuture() {
            return future;

        private SettableFuture<FutureT> getNonDoneFuture(StateTag stateTag) {
            if (future.isDone()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Future for " + stateTag + " is already done");
            return future;

        private Coder<ElemT> getAndClearCoder() {
            if (coder == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Coder has already been cleared from cache");
            Coder<ElemT> result = coder;
            coder = null;
            return result;

        private void checkNoCoder() {
            if (coder != null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected coder");

    ConcurrentLinkedQueue<StateTag> pendingLookups = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
    private ConcurrentHashMap<StateTag, CoderAndFuture<?, ?>> waiting = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private <ElemT, FutureT> Future<FutureT> stateFuture(StateTag stateTag, @Nullable Coder<ElemT> coder) {
        CoderAndFuture<ElemT, FutureT> coderAndFuture = new CoderAndFuture<>(coder,
        CoderAndFuture<?, ?> existingCoderAndFutureWildcard = waiting.putIfAbsent(stateTag, coderAndFuture);
        if (existingCoderAndFutureWildcard == null) {
            // Schedule a new request. It's response is guaranteed to find the future and coder.
        } else {
            // Piggy-back on the pending or already answered request.
            CoderAndFuture<ElemT, FutureT> existingCoderAndFuture = (CoderAndFuture<ElemT, FutureT>) existingCoderAndFutureWildcard;
            coderAndFuture = existingCoderAndFuture;

        return wrappedFuture(coderAndFuture.getFuture());

    private <ElemT, FutureT> CoderAndFuture<ElemT, FutureT> getWaiting(StateTag stateTag, boolean shouldRemove) {
        CoderAndFuture<?, ?> coderAndFutureWildcard;
        if (shouldRemove) {
            coderAndFutureWildcard = waiting.remove(stateTag);
        } else {
            coderAndFutureWildcard = waiting.get(stateTag);
        if (coderAndFutureWildcard == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Missing future for " + stateTag);
        CoderAndFuture<ElemT, FutureT> coderAndFuture = (CoderAndFuture<ElemT, FutureT>) coderAndFutureWildcard;
        return coderAndFuture;

    public Future<Instant> watermarkFuture(ByteString encodedTag, String stateFamily) {
        return stateFuture(new StateTag(StateTag.Kind.WATERMARK, encodedTag, stateFamily), null);

    public <T> Future<T> valueFuture(ByteString encodedTag, String stateFamily, Coder<T> coder) {
        return stateFuture(new StateTag(StateTag.Kind.VALUE, encodedTag, stateFamily), coder);

    public <T> Future<Iterable<T>> bagFuture(ByteString encodedTag, String stateFamily, Coder<T> elemCoder) {
        // First request has no continuation position.
        StateTag stateTag = new StateTag(StateTag.Kind.BAG, encodedTag, stateFamily);
        // Convert the ValuesAndContPosition<T> to Iterable<T>.
        return valuesToPagingIterableFuture(stateTag, elemCoder,
                this.<T, ValuesAndContPosition<T>>stateFuture(stateTag, elemCoder));

     * Internal request to fetch the next 'page' of values in a TagBag. Return null if no continuation
     * position is in {@code contStateTag}, which signals there are no more pages.
    private <T> Future<ValuesAndContPosition<T>> continuationBagFuture(StateTag contStateTag, Coder<T> elemCoder) {
        if (contStateTag.requestPosition == null) {
            // We're done.
            return null;
        return stateFuture(contStateTag, elemCoder);

     * A future which will trigger a GetData request to Windmill for all outstanding futures on the
     * first {@link #get}.
    private static class WrappedFuture<T> extends ForwardingFuture.SimpleForwardingFuture<T> {
         * The reader we'll use to service the eventual read. Null if read has been fulfilled.
         * <p>NOTE: We must clear this after the read is fulfilled to prevent space leaks.
        private WindmillStateReader reader;

        public WrappedFuture(WindmillStateReader reader, Future<T> delegate) {
            this.reader = reader;

        public T get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
            if (!delegate().isDone() && reader != null) {
                // Only one thread per reader, so no race here.
            reader = null;
            return super.get();

        public T get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
                throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
            if (!delegate().isDone() && reader != null) {
                // Only one thread per reader, so no race here.
            reader = null;
            return super.get(timeout, unit);

    private <T> Future<T> wrappedFuture(final Future<T> future) {
        if (future.isDone()) {
            // If the underlying lookup is already complete, we don't need to create the wrapper.
            return future;
        } else {
            // Otherwise, wrap the true future so we know when to trigger a GetData.
            return new WrappedFuture<>(this, future);

    /** Function to extract an {@link Iterable} from the continuation-supporting page read future. */
    private static class ToIterableFunction<T> implements Function<ValuesAndContPosition<T>, Iterable<T>> {
         * Reader to request continuation pages from, or {@literal null} if no continuation pages
         * required.
        private WindmillStateReader reader;

        private final StateTag stateTag;
        private final Coder<T> elemCoder;

        public ToIterableFunction(WindmillStateReader reader, StateTag stateTag, Coder<T> elemCoder) {
            this.reader = reader;
            this.stateTag = stateTag;
            this.elemCoder = elemCoder;

        public Iterable<T> apply(ValuesAndContPosition<T> valuesAndContPosition) {
            if (valuesAndContPosition.continuationPosition == null) {
                // Number of values is small enough Windmill sent us the entire bag in one response.
                reader = null;
                return valuesAndContPosition.values;
            } else {
                // Return an iterable which knows how to come back for more.
                StateTag contStateTag = new StateTag(stateTag.kind, stateTag.tag, stateTag.stateFamily,
                return new BagPagingIterable<>(reader, valuesAndContPosition.values, contStateTag, elemCoder);

     * Return future which transforms a {@code ValuesAndContPosition<T>} result into the initial
     * Iterable<T> result expected from the external caller.
    private <T> Future<Iterable<T>> valuesToPagingIterableFuture(final StateTag stateTag, final Coder<T> elemCoder,
            final Future<ValuesAndContPosition<T>> future) {
        return Futures.lazyTransform(future, new ToIterableFunction<T>(this, stateTag, elemCoder));

    public void startBatchAndBlock() {
        // First, drain work out of the pending lookups into a set. These will be the items we fetch.
        HashSet<StateTag> toFetch = new HashSet<>();
        while (!pendingLookups.isEmpty()) {
            StateTag stateTag = pendingLookups.poll();
            if (stateTag == null) {

            if (!toFetch.add(stateTag)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate tags being fetched.");

        // If we failed to drain anything, some other thread pulled it off the queue. We have no work
        // to do.
        if (toFetch.isEmpty()) {

        Windmill.KeyedGetDataRequest request = createRequest(toFetch);
        Windmill.KeyedGetDataResponse response = server.getStateData(computation, request);

        if (response == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Windmill unexpectedly returned null for request " + request);

        consumeResponse(request, response, toFetch);

    public long getBytesRead() {
        return bytesRead;

    private Windmill.KeyedGetDataRequest createRequest(Iterable<StateTag> toFetch) {
        Windmill.KeyedGetDataRequest.Builder keyedDataBuilder = Windmill.KeyedGetDataRequest.newBuilder()

        for (StateTag stateTag : toFetch) {
            switch (stateTag.kind) {
            case BAG:
                TagBag.Builder bag = keyedDataBuilder.addBagsToFetchBuilder().setTag(stateTag.tag)
                if (stateTag.requestPosition != null) {
                    // We're asking for the next page.

            case WATERMARK:

            case VALUE:

                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown kind of tag requested: " + stateTag.kind);



    private void consumeResponse(Windmill.KeyedGetDataRequest request, Windmill.KeyedGetDataResponse response,
            Set<StateTag> toFetch) {
        bytesRead += response.getSerializedSize();

        if (response.getFailed()) {
            // Set up all the futures for this key to throw an exception:
            KeyTokenInvalidException keyTokenInvalidException = new KeyTokenInvalidException(key.toStringUtf8());
            for (StateTag stateTag : toFetch) {

        if (!key.equals(response.getKey())) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Expected data for key " + key + " but was " + response.getKey());

        for (Windmill.TagBag bag : response.getBagsList()) {
            StateTag stateTag = new StateTag(StateTag.Kind.BAG, bag.getTag(), bag.getStateFamily(),
                    bag.hasRequestPosition() ? bag.getRequestPosition() : null);
            if (!toFetch.remove(stateTag)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Received response for unrequested tag " + stateTag + ". Pending tags: " + toFetch);
            consumeBag(bag, stateTag);

        for (Windmill.WatermarkHold hold : response.getWatermarkHoldsList()) {
            StateTag stateTag = new StateTag(StateTag.Kind.WATERMARK, hold.getTag(), hold.getStateFamily());
            if (!toFetch.remove(stateTag)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Received response for unrequested tag " + stateTag + ". Pending tags: " + toFetch);
            consumeWatermark(hold, stateTag);

        for (Windmill.TagValue value : response.getValuesList()) {
            StateTag stateTag = new StateTag(StateTag.Kind.VALUE, value.getTag(), value.getStateFamily());
            if (!toFetch.remove(stateTag)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Received response for unrequested tag " + stateTag + ". Pending tags: " + toFetch);
            consumeTagValue(value, stateTag);

        if (!toFetch.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Didn't receive responses for all pending fetches. Missing: " + toFetch);

    static class WeightedList<T> extends ForwardingList<T> implements Weighted {
        private List<T> delegate;
        long weight;

        WeightedList(List<T> delegate) {
            this.delegate = delegate;
            this.weight = 0;

        protected List<T> delegate() {
            return delegate;

        public boolean add(T elem) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Must use AddWeighted()");

        public long getWeight() {
            return weight;

        public void addWeighted(T elem, long weight) {
            this.weight += weight;

    /** The deserialized values in {@code bag} as a read-only array list. */
    private <T> List<T> bagPageValues(TagBag bag, Coder<T> elemCoder) {
        if (bag.getValuesCount() == 0) {
            return new WeightedList<T>(Collections.<T>emptyList());

        WeightedList<T> valueList = new WeightedList<>(new ArrayList<T>(bag.getValuesCount()));
        for (ByteString value : bag.getValuesList()) {
            try {
                valueList.addWeighted(elemCoder.decode(value.newInput(), Coder.Context.OUTER), value.size());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to decode tag list using " + elemCoder, e);
        return valueList;

    private <T> void consumeBag(TagBag bag, StateTag stateTag) {
        boolean shouldRemove;
        if (stateTag.requestPosition == null) {
            // This is the response for the first page.
            // Leave the future in the cache so subsequent requests for the first page
            // can return immediately.
            shouldRemove = false;
        } else {
            // This is a response for a subsequent page.
            // Don't cache the future since we may need to make multiple requests with different
            // continuation positions.
            shouldRemove = true;
        CoderAndFuture<T, ValuesAndContPosition<T>> coderAndFuture = getWaiting(stateTag, shouldRemove);
        SettableFuture<ValuesAndContPosition<T>> future = coderAndFuture.getNonDoneFuture(stateTag);
        Coder<T> coder = coderAndFuture.getAndClearCoder();
        List<T> values = this.<T>bagPageValues(bag, coder);
        future.set(new ValuesAndContPosition<T>(values,
                bag.hasContinuationPosition() ? bag.getContinuationPosition() : null));

    private void consumeWatermark(Windmill.WatermarkHold watermarkHold, StateTag stateTag) {
        CoderAndFuture<Void, Instant> coderAndFuture = getWaiting(stateTag, false);
        SettableFuture<Instant> future = coderAndFuture.getNonDoneFuture(stateTag);
        // No coders for watermarks

        Instant hold = null;
        for (long timestamp : watermarkHold.getTimestampsList()) {
            Instant instant = new Instant(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toMillis(timestamp));
            // TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE represents infinity, and windmill will return it if no hold is set, so
            // don't treat it as a hold here.
            if (instant.isBefore(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE) && (hold == null || instant.isBefore(hold))) {
                hold = instant;


    private <T> void consumeTagValue(TagValue tagValue, StateTag stateTag) {
        CoderAndFuture<T, T> coderAndFuture = getWaiting(stateTag, false);
        SettableFuture<T> future = coderAndFuture.getNonDoneFuture(stateTag);
        Coder<T> coder = coderAndFuture.getAndClearCoder();

        if (tagValue.hasValue() && tagValue.getValue().hasData() && !tagValue.getValue().getData().isEmpty()) {
            InputStream inputStream = tagValue.getValue().getData().newInput();
            try {
                T value = coder.decode(inputStream, Coder.Context.OUTER);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to decode value using " + coder, e);
        } else {

     * An iterable over elements backed by paginated GetData requests to Windmill. The iterable may be
     * iterated over an arbitrary number of times and multiple iterators may be active simultaneously.
     * <p>There are two pattern we wish to support with low -memory and -latency:
     * <ol>
     *   <li>Re-iterate over the initial elements multiple times (eg Iterables.first). We'll cache the
     *       initial 'page' of values returned by Windmill from our first request for the lifetime of
     *       the iterable.
     *   <li>Iterate through all elements of a very large collection. We'll send the GetData request
     *       for the next page when the current page is begun. We'll discard intermediate pages and
     *       only retain the first. Thus the maximum memory pressure is one page plus one page per
     *       call to iterator.
     * </ol>
    private static class BagPagingIterable<T> implements Iterable<T> {
         * The reader we will use for scheduling continuation pages.
         * <p>NOTE We've made this explicit to remind us to be careful not to cache the iterable.
        private final WindmillStateReader reader;

        /** Initial values returned for the first page. Never reclaimed. */
        private final List<T> firstPage;

        /** State tag with continuation position set for second page. */
        private final StateTag secondPagePos;

        /** Coder for elements. */
        private final Coder<T> elemCoder;

        private BagPagingIterable(WindmillStateReader reader, List<T> firstPage, StateTag secondPagePos,
                Coder<T> elemCoder) {
            this.reader = reader;
            this.firstPage = firstPage;
            this.secondPagePos = secondPagePos;
            this.elemCoder = elemCoder;

        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
            return new AbstractIterator<T>() {
                private Iterator<T> currentPage = firstPage.iterator();
                private StateTag nextPagePos = secondPagePos;
                private Future<ValuesAndContPosition<T>> pendingNextPage =
                        // NOTE: The results of continuation page reads are never cached.
                        reader.continuationBagFuture(nextPagePos, elemCoder);

                protected T computeNext() {
                    while (true) {
                        if (currentPage.hasNext()) {
                        if (pendingNextPage == null) {
                            return endOfData();

                        ValuesAndContPosition<T> valuesAndContPosition;
                        try {
                            valuesAndContPosition = pendingNextPage.get();
                        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
                            if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read value from state", e);
                        currentPage = valuesAndContPosition.values.iterator();
                        nextPagePos = new StateTag(nextPagePos.kind, nextPagePos.tag, nextPagePos.stateFamily,
                        pendingNextPage =
                                // NOTE: The results of continuation page reads are never cached.
                                reader.continuationBagFuture(nextPagePos, elemCoder);