Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.file;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.Component;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Expression;
import org.apache.camel.ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException;
import org.apache.camel.Message;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.converter.IOConverter;
import org.apache.camel.impl.ScheduledPollEndpoint;
import org.apache.camel.language.simple.SimpleLanguage;
import org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.MemoryIdempotentRepository;
import org.apache.camel.spi.FactoryFinder;
import org.apache.camel.spi.IdempotentRepository;
import org.apache.camel.spi.Language;
import org.apache.camel.util.FileUtil;
import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
import org.apache.camel.util.StringHelper;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Generic FileEndpoint
public abstract class GenericFileEndpoint<T> extends ScheduledPollEndpoint {

    protected static final transient String DEFAULT_STRATEGYFACTORY_CLASS = "org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy.GenericFileProcessStrategyFactory";
    protected static final transient int DEFAULT_IDEMPOTENT_CACHE_SIZE = 1000;

    protected final transient Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    protected GenericFileProcessStrategy<T> processStrategy;
    protected GenericFileConfiguration configuration;

    protected IdempotentRepository<String> inProgressRepository = new MemoryIdempotentRepository();
    protected String localWorkDirectory;
    protected boolean autoCreate = true;
    protected boolean startingDirectoryMustExist;
    protected boolean directoryMustExist;
    protected int bufferSize = 128 * 1024;
    protected GenericFileExist fileExist = GenericFileExist.Override;
    protected boolean noop;
    protected boolean recursive;
    protected boolean delete;
    protected boolean flatten;
    protected int maxMessagesPerPoll;
    protected String tempPrefix;
    protected Expression tempFileName;
    protected boolean eagerDeleteTargetFile = true;
    protected String include;
    protected String exclude;
    protected String charset;
    protected Expression fileName;
    protected Expression move;
    protected Expression moveFailed;
    protected Expression preMove;
    protected Boolean idempotent;
    protected IdempotentRepository<String> idempotentRepository;
    protected GenericFileFilter<T> filter;
    protected Comparator<GenericFile<T>> sorter;
    protected Comparator<Exchange> sortBy;
    protected String readLock = "none";
    protected long readLockCheckInterval = 1000;
    protected long readLockTimeout = 10000;
    protected GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy<T> exclusiveReadLockStrategy;
    protected boolean keepLastModified;
    protected String doneFileName;

    public GenericFileEndpoint() {

    public GenericFileEndpoint(String endpointUri, Component component) {
        super(endpointUri, component);

    public boolean isSingleton() {
        return true;

    public abstract GenericFileConsumer<T> createConsumer(Processor processor) throws Exception;

    public abstract GenericFileProducer<T> createProducer() throws Exception;

    public abstract Exchange createExchange(GenericFile<T> file);

    public abstract String getScheme();

    public abstract char getFileSeparator();

    public abstract boolean isAbsolute(String name);

     * Return the file name that will be auto-generated for the given message if
     * none is provided
    public String getGeneratedFileName(Message message) {
        return StringHelper.sanitize(message.getMessageId());

    public GenericFileProcessStrategy<T> getGenericFileProcessStrategy() {
        if (processStrategy == null) {
            processStrategy = createGenericFileStrategy();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Using Generic file process strategy: " + processStrategy);
        return processStrategy;

     * A strategy method to lazily create the file strategy
    protected GenericFileProcessStrategy<T> createGenericFileStrategy() {
        Class<?> factory = null;
        try {
            FactoryFinder finder = getCamelContext()
            factory = finder.findClass(getScheme(), "strategy.factory.");
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("'strategy.factory.class' not found", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("No strategy factory defined in 'META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/component/'", e);

        if (factory == null) {
            // use default
            factory = this.getCamelContext().getClassResolver().resolveClass(DEFAULT_STRATEGYFACTORY_CLASS);
            if (factory == null) {
                throw new TypeNotPresentException(DEFAULT_STRATEGYFACTORY_CLASS + " class not found", null);

        try {
            Method factoryMethod = factory.getMethod("createGenericFileProcessStrategy", CamelContext.class,
            return (GenericFileProcessStrategy<T>) ObjectHelper.invokeMethod(factoryMethod, null, getCamelContext(),
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new TypeNotPresentException(
                    factory.getSimpleName() + ".createGenericFileProcessStrategy method not found", e);

    public boolean isNoop() {
        return noop;

    public void setNoop(boolean noop) {
        this.noop = noop;

    public boolean isRecursive() {
        return recursive;

    public void setRecursive(boolean recursive) {
        this.recursive = recursive;

    public String getInclude() {
        return include;

    public void setInclude(String include) {
        this.include = include;

    public String getExclude() {
        return exclude;

    public void setExclude(String exclude) {
        this.exclude = exclude;

    public boolean isDelete() {
        return delete;

    public void setDelete(boolean delete) {
        this.delete = delete;

    public boolean isFlatten() {
        return flatten;

    public void setFlatten(boolean flatten) {
        this.flatten = flatten;

    public Expression getMove() {
        return move;

    public void setMove(Expression move) {
        this.move = move;

     * Sets the move failure expression based on
     * {@link org.apache.camel.language.simple.SimpleLanguage}
    public void setMoveFailed(String fileLanguageExpression) {
        String expression = configureMoveOrPreMoveExpression(fileLanguageExpression);
        this.moveFailed = createFileLanguageExpression(expression);

    public Expression getMoveFailed() {
        return moveFailed;

    public void setMoveFailed(Expression moveFailed) {
        this.moveFailed = moveFailed;

     * Sets the move expression based on
     * {@link org.apache.camel.language.simple.SimpleLanguage}
    public void setMove(String fileLanguageExpression) {
        String expression = configureMoveOrPreMoveExpression(fileLanguageExpression);
        this.move = createFileLanguageExpression(expression);

    public Expression getPreMove() {
        return preMove;

    public void setPreMove(Expression preMove) {
        this.preMove = preMove;

     * Sets the pre move expression based on
     * {@link org.apache.camel.language.simple.SimpleLanguage}
    public void setPreMove(String fileLanguageExpression) {
        String expression = configureMoveOrPreMoveExpression(fileLanguageExpression);
        this.preMove = createFileLanguageExpression(expression);

    public Expression getFileName() {
        return fileName;

    public void setFileName(Expression fileName) {
        this.fileName = fileName;

     * Sets the file expression based on
     * {@link org.apache.camel.language.simple.SimpleLanguage}
    public void setFileName(String fileLanguageExpression) {
        this.fileName = createFileLanguageExpression(fileLanguageExpression);

    public String getDoneFileName() {
        return doneFileName;

     * Sets the done file name.
     * <p/>
     * Only ${} and ${} is supported as dynamic placeholders.
    public void setDoneFileName(String doneFileName) {
        this.doneFileName = doneFileName;

    public Boolean isIdempotent() {
        return idempotent != null ? idempotent : false;

    public String getCharset() {
        return charset;

    public void setCharset(String charset) {
        this.charset = charset;

    boolean isIdempotentSet() {
        return idempotent != null;

    public void setIdempotent(Boolean idempotent) {
        this.idempotent = idempotent;

    public IdempotentRepository<String> getIdempotentRepository() {
        return idempotentRepository;

    public void setIdempotentRepository(IdempotentRepository<String> idempotentRepository) {
        this.idempotentRepository = idempotentRepository;

    public GenericFileFilter<T> getFilter() {
        return filter;

    public void setFilter(GenericFileFilter<T> filter) {
        this.filter = filter;

    public Comparator<GenericFile<T>> getSorter() {
        return sorter;

    public void setSorter(Comparator<GenericFile<T>> sorter) {
        this.sorter = sorter;

    public Comparator<Exchange> getSortBy() {
        return sortBy;

    public void setSortBy(Comparator<Exchange> sortBy) {
        this.sortBy = sortBy;

    public void setSortBy(String expression) {
        setSortBy(expression, false);

    public void setSortBy(String expression, boolean reverse) {
        setSortBy(GenericFileDefaultSorter.sortByFileLanguage(getCamelContext(), expression, reverse));

    public String getTempPrefix() {
        return tempPrefix;

     * Enables and uses temporary prefix when writing files, after write it will
     * be renamed to the correct name.
    public void setTempPrefix(String tempPrefix) {
        this.tempPrefix = tempPrefix;
        // use only name as we set a prefix in from on the name
        setTempFileName(tempPrefix + "${file:onlyname}");

    public Expression getTempFileName() {
        return tempFileName;

    public void setTempFileName(Expression tempFileName) {
        this.tempFileName = tempFileName;

    public void setTempFileName(String tempFileNameExpression) {
        this.tempFileName = createFileLanguageExpression(tempFileNameExpression);

    public boolean isEagerDeleteTargetFile() {
        return eagerDeleteTargetFile;

    public void setEagerDeleteTargetFile(boolean eagerDeleteTargetFile) {
        this.eagerDeleteTargetFile = eagerDeleteTargetFile;

    public GenericFileConfiguration getConfiguration() {
        if (configuration == null) {
            configuration = new GenericFileConfiguration();
        return configuration;

    public void setConfiguration(GenericFileConfiguration configuration) {
        this.configuration = configuration;

    public GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy<T> getExclusiveReadLockStrategy() {
        return exclusiveReadLockStrategy;

    public void setExclusiveReadLockStrategy(GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy<T> exclusiveReadLockStrategy) {
        this.exclusiveReadLockStrategy = exclusiveReadLockStrategy;

    public String getReadLock() {
        return readLock;

    public void setReadLock(String readLock) {
        this.readLock = readLock;

    public long getReadLockCheckInterval() {
        return readLockCheckInterval;

    public void setReadLockCheckInterval(long readLockCheckInterval) {
        this.readLockCheckInterval = readLockCheckInterval;

    public long getReadLockTimeout() {
        return readLockTimeout;

    public void setReadLockTimeout(long readLockTimeout) {
        this.readLockTimeout = readLockTimeout;

    public int getBufferSize() {
        return bufferSize;

    public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
        if (bufferSize <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("BufferSize must be a positive value, was " + bufferSize);
        this.bufferSize = bufferSize;

    public GenericFileExist getFileExist() {
        return fileExist;

    public void setFileExist(GenericFileExist fileExist) {
        this.fileExist = fileExist;

    public boolean isAutoCreate() {
        return autoCreate;

    public void setAutoCreate(boolean autoCreate) {
        this.autoCreate = autoCreate;

    public boolean isStartingDirectoryMustExist() {
        return startingDirectoryMustExist;

    public void setStartingDirectoryMustExist(boolean startingDirectoryMustExist) {
        this.startingDirectoryMustExist = startingDirectoryMustExist;

    public boolean isDirectoryMustExist() {
        return directoryMustExist;

    public void setDirectoryMustExist(boolean directoryMustExist) {
        this.directoryMustExist = directoryMustExist;

    public GenericFileProcessStrategy<T> getProcessStrategy() {
        return processStrategy;

    public void setProcessStrategy(GenericFileProcessStrategy<T> processStrategy) {
        this.processStrategy = processStrategy;

    public String getLocalWorkDirectory() {
        return localWorkDirectory;

    public void setLocalWorkDirectory(String localWorkDirectory) {
        this.localWorkDirectory = localWorkDirectory;

    public int getMaxMessagesPerPoll() {
        return maxMessagesPerPoll;

    public void setMaxMessagesPerPoll(int maxMessagesPerPoll) {
        this.maxMessagesPerPoll = maxMessagesPerPoll;

    public IdempotentRepository<String> getInProgressRepository() {
        return inProgressRepository;

    public void setInProgressRepository(IdempotentRepository<String> inProgressRepository) {
        this.inProgressRepository = inProgressRepository;

    public boolean isKeepLastModified() {
        return keepLastModified;

    public void setKeepLastModified(boolean keepLastModified) {
        this.keepLastModified = keepLastModified;

     * Configures the given message with the file which sets the body to the
     * file object.
    public void configureMessage(GenericFile<T> file, Message message) {

        if (flatten) {
            // when flatten the file name should not contain any paths
            message.setHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, file.getFileNameOnly());
        } else {
            // compute name to set on header that should be relative to starting directory
            String name = file.isAbsolute() ? file.getAbsoluteFilePath() : file.getRelativeFilePath();

            // skip leading endpoint configured directory
            String endpointPath = getConfiguration().getDirectory() + getFileSeparator();
            if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(endpointPath) && name.startsWith(endpointPath)) {
                name = ObjectHelper.after(name, endpointPath);

            // adjust filename
            message.setHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, name);

     * Set up the exchange properties with the options of the file endpoint
     * @param exchange
    public void configureExchange(Exchange exchange) {
        // Now we just set the charset property here
        if (getCharset() != null) {
            exchange.setProperty(Exchange.CHARSET_NAME, getCharset());

     * Strategy to configure the move or premove option based on a String input.
     * <p/>
     * @param expression the original string input
     * @return configured string or the original if no modifications is needed
    protected String configureMoveOrPreMoveExpression(String expression) {
        // if the expression already have ${ } placeholders then pass it unmodified
        if (SimpleLanguage.hasStartToken(expression)) {
            return expression;

        // remove trailing slash
        expression = FileUtil.stripTrailingSeparator(expression);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // if relative then insert start with the parent folder
        if (!isAbsolute(expression)) {
        // insert the directory the end user provided
        // append only the filename (file:name can contain a relative path, so we must use onlyname)

        return sb.toString();

    protected Map<String, Object> getParamsAsMap() {
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        if (isNoop()) {
            params.put("noop", Boolean.toString(true));
        if (isDelete()) {
            params.put("delete", Boolean.toString(true));
        if (move != null) {
            params.put("move", move);
        if (moveFailed != null) {
            params.put("moveFailed", moveFailed);
        if (preMove != null) {
            params.put("preMove", preMove);
        if (exclusiveReadLockStrategy != null) {
            params.put("exclusiveReadLockStrategy", exclusiveReadLockStrategy);
        if (readLock != null) {
            params.put("readLock", readLock);
        if (readLockCheckInterval > 0) {
            params.put("readLockCheckInterval", readLockCheckInterval);
        if (readLockTimeout > 0) {
            params.put("readLockTimeout", readLockTimeout);

        return params;

    private Expression createFileLanguageExpression(String expression) {
        Language language;
        // only use file language if the name is complex (eg. using $)
        if (expression.contains("$")) {
            language = getCamelContext().resolveLanguage("file");
        } else {
            language = getCamelContext().resolveLanguage("constant");
        return language.createExpression(expression);

     * Creates the associated name of the done file based on the given file name.
     * <p/>
     * This method should only be invoked if a done filename property has been set on this endpoint.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @return name of the associated done file name
    protected String createDoneFileName(String fileName) {
        String pattern = getDoneFileName();
        ObjectHelper.notEmpty(pattern, "doneFileName", pattern);

        // we only support ${file:name} or ${file:name.noext} as dynamic placeholders for done files
        String path = FileUtil.onlyPath(fileName);
        String onlyName = FileUtil.stripPath(fileName);

        pattern = pattern.replaceFirst("\\$\\{file:name\\}", onlyName);
        pattern = pattern.replaceFirst("\\$simple\\{file:name\\}", onlyName);
        pattern = pattern.replaceFirst("\\$\\{file:name.noext\\}", FileUtil.stripExt(onlyName));
        pattern = pattern.replaceFirst("\\$simple\\{file:name.noext\\}", FileUtil.stripExt(onlyName));

        // must be able to resolve all placeholders supported
        if (SimpleLanguage.hasStartToken(pattern)) {
            throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException(fileName + ". Cannot resolve reminder: " + pattern);

        String answer = pattern;
        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(path) && ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(pattern)) {
            // done file must always be in same directory as the real file name
            answer = path + File.separator + pattern;

        if (getConfiguration().needToNormalize()) {
            // must normalize path to cater for Windows and other OS
            answer = FileUtil.normalizePath(answer);

        return answer;

     * Is the given file a done file?
     * <p/>
     * This method should only be invoked if a done filename property has been set on this endpoint.
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if its a done file, <tt>false</tt> otherwise
    protected boolean isDoneFile(String fileName) {
        String pattern = getDoneFileName();
        ObjectHelper.notEmpty(pattern, "doneFileName", pattern);

        if (!SimpleLanguage.hasStartToken(pattern)) {
            // no tokens, so just match names directly
            return pattern.equals(fileName);

        // the static part of the pattern, is that a prefix or suffix?
        // its a prefix if ${ start token is not at the start of the pattern
        boolean prefix = pattern.indexOf("${") > 0;

        // remove dynamic parts of the pattern so we only got the static part left
        pattern = pattern.replaceFirst("\\$\\{file:name\\}", "");
        pattern = pattern.replaceFirst("\\$simple\\{file:name\\}", "");
        pattern = pattern.replaceFirst("\\$\\{file:name.noext\\}", "");
        pattern = pattern.replaceFirst("\\$simple\\{file:name.noext\\}", "");

        // must be able to resolve all placeholders supported
        if (SimpleLanguage.hasStartToken(pattern)) {
            throw new ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException(fileName + ". Cannot resolve reminder: " + pattern);

        if (prefix) {
            return fileName.startsWith(pattern);
        } else {
            return fileName.endsWith(pattern);
