Source code

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 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 *  distributed with this work for additional information
 *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.apache.cayenne.access;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

import org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException;
import org.apache.cayenne.DataObject;
import org.apache.cayenne.DataRow;
import org.apache.cayenne.ObjectId;
import org.apache.cayenne.PersistenceState;
import org.apache.cayenne.Persistent;
import org.apache.cayenne.access.event.SnapshotEvent;
import org.apache.cayenne.event.EventBridge;
import org.apache.cayenne.event.EventBridgeFactory;
import org.apache.cayenne.event.EventManager;
import org.apache.cayenne.event.EventSubject;
import org.apache.cayenne.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * A fixed size cache of DataRows keyed by ObjectId.
 * @since 1.1
public class DataRowStore implements Serializable {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DataRowStore.class);

    // property keys
    public static final String SNAPSHOT_EXPIRATION_PROPERTY = "cayenne.DataRowStore.snapshot.expiration";
    public static final String SNAPSHOT_CACHE_SIZE_PROPERTY = "cayenne.DataRowStore.snapshot.size";
    public static final String REMOTE_NOTIFICATION_PROPERTY = "cayenne.DataRowStore.remote.notify";
    public static final String EVENT_BRIDGE_FACTORY_PROPERTY = "cayenne.DataRowStore.EventBridge.factory";

    // default property values

    // default expiration time is 2 hours
    public static final long SNAPSHOT_EXPIRATION_DEFAULT = 2 * 60 * 60;
    public static final int SNAPSHOT_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 10000;
    public static final boolean REMOTE_NOTIFICATION_DEFAULT = false;

    // use String for class name, since JavaGroups may not be around,
    // causing CNF exceptions
    public static final String EVENT_BRIDGE_FACTORY_DEFAULT = "org.apache.cayenne.event.JavaGroupsBridgeFactory";

    protected String name;
    private int maxSize;
    protected ConcurrentMap<ObjectId, DataRow> snapshots;
    protected boolean notifyingRemoteListeners;

    protected transient EventManager eventManager;
    protected transient EventBridge remoteNotificationsHandler;

    // IMPORTANT: EventSubject must be an ivar to avoid its deallocation
    // too early, and thus disabling events.
    protected transient EventSubject eventSubject;

     * Creates new DataRowStore with a specified name and a set of properties. If no
     * properties are defined, default values are used.
     * @param name DataRowStore name. Used to idenitfy this DataRowStore in events, etc.
     *            Can't be null.
     * @param properties Properties map used to configure DataRowStore parameters. Can be
     *            null.
     * @param eventManager EventManager that should be used for posting and receiving
     *            events.
     * @since 1.2
    public DataRowStore(String name, Map properties, EventManager eventManager) {
        if (name == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataRowStore name can't be null.");
        } = name;
        this.eventSubject = createSubject();
        this.eventManager = eventManager;

    private EventSubject createSubject() {
        return EventSubject.getSubject(this.getClass(), name);

    protected void initWithProperties(Map properties) {
        ExtendedProperties propertiesWrapper = new ExtendedProperties();

        if (properties != null) {

        long snapshotsExpiration = propertiesWrapper.getLong(SNAPSHOT_EXPIRATION_PROPERTY,


        boolean notifyRemote = propertiesWrapper.getBoolean(REMOTE_NOTIFICATION_PROPERTY,

        String eventBridgeFactory = propertiesWrapper.getString(EVENT_BRIDGE_FACTORY_PROPERTY,

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("DataRowStore property " + SNAPSHOT_EXPIRATION_PROPERTY + " = " + snapshotsExpiration);
            logger.debug("DataRowStore property " + SNAPSHOT_CACHE_SIZE_PROPERTY + " = " + maxSize);
            logger.debug("DataRowStore property " + REMOTE_NOTIFICATION_PROPERTY + " = " + notifyRemote);
            logger.debug("DataRowStore property " + EVENT_BRIDGE_FACTORY_PROPERTY + " = " + eventBridgeFactory);

        // init ivars from properties
        this.notifyingRemoteListeners = notifyRemote;

        this.snapshots = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<ObjectId, DataRow>().maximumWeightedCapacity(maxSize)

        // init event bridge only if we are notifying remote listeners
        if (notifyingRemoteListeners) {
            try {
                EventBridgeFactory factory = (EventBridgeFactory) Class.forName(eventBridgeFactory).newInstance();

                Collection<EventSubject> subjects = Collections.singleton(getSnapshotEventSubject());
                String externalSubject = EventBridge.convertToExternalSubject(getSnapshotEventSubject());
                this.remoteNotificationsHandler = factory.createEventBridge(subjects, externalSubject, properties);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Error initializing DataRowStore.", ex);


     * Updates cached snapshots for the list of objects.
     * @since 1.2
    void snapshotsUpdatedForObjects(List objects, List snapshots, boolean refresh) {

        int size = objects.size();

        // sanity check
        if (size != snapshots.size()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Counts of objects and corresponding snapshots do not match. "
                    + "Objects count: " + objects.size() + ", snapshots count: " + snapshots.size());

        Map modified = null;
        Object eventPostedBy = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            Persistent object = (Persistent) objects.get(i);

            // skip null objects... possible since 3.0 in some EJBQL results
            if (object == null) {

            // skip HOLLOW objects as they likely were created from partial snapshots
            if (object.getPersistenceState() == PersistenceState.HOLLOW) {

            ObjectId oid = object.getObjectId();

            // add snapshots if refresh is forced, or if a snapshot is
            // missing

            DataRow cachedSnapshot = this.snapshots.get(oid);
            if (refresh || cachedSnapshot == null) {

                DataRow newSnapshot = (DataRow) snapshots.get(i);

                if (cachedSnapshot != null) {
                    // use old snapshot if no changes occurred
                    if (object instanceof DataObject && cachedSnapshot.equals(newSnapshot)) {
                        ((DataObject) object).setSnapshotVersion(cachedSnapshot.getVersion());
                    } else {

                if (modified == null) {
                    modified = new HashMap();
                    eventPostedBy = object.getObjectContext().getGraphManager();

                modified.put(oid, newSnapshot);

        if (modified != null) {
            processSnapshotChanges(eventPostedBy, modified, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST,

     * Returns current cache size.
    public int size() {
        return snapshots.size();

     * Returns maximum allowed cache size.
    public int maximumSize() {
        return maxSize;

     * Shuts down any remote notification connections, and clears internal cache.
    public void shutdown() {

     * Returns the name of this DataRowStore. Name allows to create EventSubjects for
     * event notifications addressed to or sent from this DataRowStore.
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Sets the name of this DataRowStore. Name allows to create EventSubjects for event
     * notifications addressed to or sent from this DataRowStore.
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

     * Returns an EventManager associated with this DataRowStore.
     * @since 1.2
    public EventManager getEventManager() {
        return eventManager;

     * Sets an EventManager associated with this DataRowStore.
     * @since 1.2
    public void setEventManager(EventManager eventManager) {
        if (eventManager != this.eventManager) {
            this.eventManager = eventManager;

     * Returns cached snapshot or null if no snapshot is currently cached for the given
     * ObjectId.
    public DataRow getCachedSnapshot(ObjectId oid) {
        return snapshots.get(oid);

     * Returns EventSubject used by this SnapshotCache to notify of snapshot changes.
    public EventSubject getSnapshotEventSubject() {
        return eventSubject;

     * Expires and removes all stored snapshots without sending any notification events.
    public void clear() {

     * Evicts a snapshot from cache without generating any SnapshotEvents.
    public void forgetSnapshot(ObjectId id) {

     * Handles remote events received via EventBridge. Performs needed snapshot updates,
     * and then resends the event to local listeners.
    public void processRemoteEvent(SnapshotEvent event) {
        if (event.getSource() != remoteNotificationsHandler) {

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("remote event: " + event);

        Collection deletedSnapshotIds = event.getDeletedIds();
        Collection invalidatedSnapshotIds = event.getInvalidatedIds();
        Map diffs = event.getModifiedDiffs();
        Collection indirectlyModifiedIds = event.getIndirectlyModifiedIds();

        if (deletedSnapshotIds.isEmpty() && invalidatedSnapshotIds.isEmpty() && diffs.isEmpty()
                && indirectlyModifiedIds.isEmpty()) {
            logger.warn("processRemoteEvent.. bogus call... no changes.");

        sendUpdateNotification(event.getPostedBy(), diffs, deletedSnapshotIds, invalidatedSnapshotIds,

     * Processes changes made to snapshots. Modifies internal cache state, and then sends
     * the event to all listeners. Source of these changes is usually an ObjectStore.
    public void processSnapshotChanges(Object postedBy, Map updatedSnapshots, Collection deletedSnapshotIds,
            Collection invalidatedSnapshotIds, Collection indirectlyModifiedIds) {

        // update the internal cache, prepare snapshot event

        if (deletedSnapshotIds.isEmpty() && invalidatedSnapshotIds.isEmpty() && updatedSnapshots.isEmpty()
                && indirectlyModifiedIds.isEmpty()) {
            logger.warn("postSnapshotsChangeEvent.. bogus call... no changes.");

        Map diffs = processUpdatedSnapshots(updatedSnapshots);
        sendUpdateNotification(postedBy, diffs, deletedSnapshotIds, invalidatedSnapshotIds, indirectlyModifiedIds);

    private void processDeletedIDs(Collection deletedSnapshotIDs) {
        // DELETED: evict deleted snapshots
        if (!deletedSnapshotIDs.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator it = deletedSnapshotIDs.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {

    private void processInvalidatedIDs(Collection invalidatedSnapshotIds) {
        // INVALIDATED: forget snapshot, treat as expired from cache
        if (!invalidatedSnapshotIds.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator it = invalidatedSnapshotIds.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {

    private Map processUpdatedSnapshots(Map updatedSnapshots) {
        Map diffs = null;

        // MODIFIED: replace/add snapshots, generate diffs for event
        if (!updatedSnapshots.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator it = updatedSnapshots.entrySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);

                ObjectId key = (ObjectId) entry.getKey();
                DataRow newSnapshot = (DataRow) entry.getValue();
                DataRow oldSnapshot = snapshots.put(key, newSnapshot);

                // generate diff for the updated event, if this not a new
                // snapshot

                // The following cases should be handled here:

                // 1. There is no previously cached snapshot for a given id.
                // 2. There was a previously cached snapshot for a given id,
                // but it expired from cache and was removed. Currently
                // handled as (1); what are the consequences of that?
                // 3. There is a previously cached snapshot and it has the
                // *same version* as the "replacesVersion" property of the
                // new snapshot.
                // 4. There is a previously cached snapshot and it has a
                // *different version* from "replacesVersion" property of
                // the new snapshot. It means that we don't know how to merge
                // the two (we don't even know which one is newer due to
                // multithreading). Just throw out this snapshot....

                if (oldSnapshot != null) {
                    // case 4 above... have to throw out the snapshot since
                    // no good options exist to tell how to merge the two.
                    if (oldSnapshot.getVersion() != newSnapshot.getReplacesVersion()) {

                        // snapshots can be huge potentially.. so print them only if the
                        // user is expecting them to be printed
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug("snapshot version changed, don't know what to do... Old: " + oldSnapshot
                                    + ", New: " + newSnapshot);


                    Map diff = oldSnapshot.createDiff(newSnapshot);

                    if (diff != null) {
                        if (diffs == null) {
                            diffs = new HashMap();

                        diffs.put(key, diff);

        return diffs;

    private void processUpdateDiffs(Map diffs) {
        // apply snapshot diffs
        if (!diffs.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator it = diffs.entrySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                ObjectId key = (ObjectId) entry.getKey();
                DataRow oldSnapshot = snapshots.remove(key);

                if (oldSnapshot == null) {

                DataRow newSnapshot = oldSnapshot.applyDiff((DataRow) entry.getValue());
                snapshots.put(key, newSnapshot);

    private void sendUpdateNotification(Object postedBy, Map diffs, Collection deletedSnapshotIDs,
            Collection invalidatedSnapshotIDs, Collection indirectlyModifiedIds) {

        // do not send bogus events... e.g. inserted objects are not counted
        if ((diffs != null && !diffs.isEmpty()) || (deletedSnapshotIDs != null && !deletedSnapshotIDs.isEmpty())
                || (invalidatedSnapshotIDs != null && !invalidatedSnapshotIDs.isEmpty())
                || (indirectlyModifiedIds != null && !indirectlyModifiedIds.isEmpty())) {

            SnapshotEvent event = new SnapshotEvent(this, postedBy, diffs, deletedSnapshotIDs,
                    invalidatedSnapshotIDs, indirectlyModifiedIds);

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("postSnapshotsChangeEvent: " + event);

            // synchronously notify listeners; leaving it up to the listeners to
            // register as "non-blocking" if needed.
            eventManager.postEvent(event, getSnapshotEventSubject());

    public boolean isNotifyingRemoteListeners() {
        return notifyingRemoteListeners;

    public void setNotifyingRemoteListeners(boolean notifyingRemoteListeners) {
        this.notifyingRemoteListeners = notifyingRemoteListeners;

    // deserialization support
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {


        // restore subjects
        this.eventSubject = createSubject();

    void stopListeners() {
        if (eventManager != null) {

        if (remoteNotificationsHandler != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
      "Exception shutting down EventBridge.", ex);
            remoteNotificationsHandler = null;

    void startListeners() {
        if (eventManager != null) {
            if (remoteNotificationsHandler != null) {
                try {
                    // listen to EventBridge ... must add itself as non-blocking listener
                    // otherwise a deadlock can occur as "processRemoteEvent" will attempt
                    // to
                    // obtain a lock on this object when the dispatch queue is locked...
                    // And
                    // another commit thread may have this object locked and attempt to
                    // lock
                    // dispatch queue

                    eventManager.addNonBlockingListener(this, "processRemoteEvent", SnapshotEvent.class,
                            getSnapshotEventSubject(), remoteNotificationsHandler);

                    // start EventBridge - it will listen to all event sources for this
                    // subject
                    remoteNotificationsHandler.startup(eventManager, EventBridge.RECEIVE_LOCAL_EXTERNAL);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new CayenneRuntimeException("Error initializing DataRowStore.", ex);