Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.server.impl.atompub;

import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.Constants;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;


import java.math.BigInteger;


import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;


 * Atom base class.
public abstract class AtomDocumentBase extends XMLDocumentBase {
    private static final String ID_PREFIX = "";
    private static final String ID_DUMMY = "";
    private SimpleDateFormat dateFormater;

     * Formats a DateTime.
    public String formatDate(long millis) {
        if (dateFormater == null) {
            dateFormater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.US);

        return dateFormater.format(millis);

     * Generates a valid Atom id.
    public String generateAtomId(String input) {
        if (input == null) {
            return ID_DUMMY;

        try {
            return ID_PREFIX + (new String(Base64.encodeBase64(input.getBytes("UTF-8"))));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            return ID_DUMMY;

     * Writes a simple tag.
    public void writeSimpleTag(String namespace, String name, String value) throws XMLStreamException {
        if (value == null) {

        XMLStreamWriter xsw = getWriter();

        xsw.writeStartElement(namespace, name);

     * Writes a simple date tag.
    public void writeSimpleDate(String namespace, String name, GregorianCalendar value) throws XMLStreamException {
        if (value == null) {

        writeSimpleTag(namespace, name, formatDate(value.getTimeInMillis()));

     * Writes a simple date tag.
    public void writeSimpleDate(String namespace, String name, long millis) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleTag(namespace, name, formatDate(millis));

     * Writes an Atom id tag.
    public void writeId(String id) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleTag(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "id", id);

     * Writes an Atom title tag.
    public void writeTitle(String title) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleTag(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "title", title);

     * Writes an Atom author tag.
    public void writeAuthor(String author) throws XMLStreamException {
        XMLStreamWriter xsw = getWriter();

        xsw.writeStartElement(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "author");
        writeSimpleTag(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "name", author);

     * Writes an Atom updated tag.
    public void writeUpdated(GregorianCalendar updated) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleDate(Constants.NAMESPACE_APP, "edited", updated);
        writeSimpleDate(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "updated", updated);

     * Writes an Atom updated tag.
    public void writeUpdated(long updated) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleDate(Constants.NAMESPACE_APP, "edited", updated);
        writeSimpleDate(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "updated", updated);

     * Writes an Atom published tag.
    public void writePublished(GregorianCalendar published) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleDate(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "published", published);

     * Writes an Atom published tag.
    public void writePublished(long published) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleDate(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "published", published);

     * Writes a CMIS pathSegment tag.
    public void writePathSegment(String pathSegment) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleTag(Constants.NAMESPACE_RESTATOM, "pathSegment", pathSegment);

     * Writes a CMIS relativePathSegment tag.
    public void writeRelativePathSegment(String relativePathSegment) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeSimpleTag(Constants.NAMESPACE_RESTATOM, "relativePathSegment", relativePathSegment);

     * Writes an Atom collection.
    public void writeCollection(String href, String collectionType, String text, String... accept)
            throws XMLStreamException {
        XMLStreamWriter xsw = getWriter();

        xsw.writeStartElement(Constants.NAMESPACE_APP, "collection");
        xsw.writeAttribute("href", href);

        if (collectionType != null) {
            xsw.writeStartElement(Constants.NAMESPACE_RESTATOM, "collectionType");

        xsw.writeStartElement(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "title");
        xsw.writeAttribute("type", "text");

        for (String ct : accept) {
            xsw.writeStartElement(Constants.NAMESPACE_APP, "accept");


     * Writes a link.
    public void writeLink(String rel, String href, String type, String id) throws XMLStreamException {
        XMLStreamWriter xsw = getWriter();

        xsw.writeStartElement(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "link");

        xsw.writeAttribute("rel", rel);
        xsw.writeAttribute("href", href);

        if (type != null) {
            xsw.writeAttribute("type", type);

        if (id != null) {
            xsw.writeAttribute(Constants.NAMESPACE_RESTATOM, "id", id);


    public void writeServiceLink(String href, String repositoryId) throws XMLStreamException {
        try {
            writeLink(Constants.REL_SERVICE, href + "?repositoryId=" + URLEncoder.encode(repositoryId, "UTF-8"),
                    Constants.MEDIATYPE_SERVICE, null);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    public void writeSelfLink(String href, String id) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_SELF, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, id);

    public void writeEnclosureLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_ENCLOSURE, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, null);

    public void writeEditLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_EDIT, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, null);

    public void writeAlternateLink(String href, String type, String kind, String title, BigInteger length)
            throws XMLStreamException {
        XMLStreamWriter xsw = getWriter();

        xsw.writeStartElement(Constants.NAMESPACE_ATOM, "link");

        xsw.writeAttribute("rel", Constants.REL_ALTERNATE);
        xsw.writeAttribute("href", href);

        if (type != null) {
            xsw.writeAttribute("type", type);

        if (kind != null) {
            xsw.writeAttribute(Constants.NAMESPACE_RESTATOM, "renditionKind", kind);

        if (title != null) {
            xsw.writeAttribute("title", title);

        if (length != null) {
            xsw.writeAttribute("length", length.toString());


    public void writeWorkingCopyLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_WORKINGCOPY, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, null);

    public void writeUpLink(String href, String type) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_UP, href, type, null);

    public void writeDownLink(String href, String type) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_DOWN, href, type, null);

    public void writeVersionHistoryLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_VERSIONHISTORY, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED, null);

    public void writeCurrentVerionsLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_CURRENTVERSION, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, null);

    public void writeEditMediaLink(String href, String type) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_EDITMEDIA, href, type, null);

    public void writeDescribedByLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_DESCRIBEDBY, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, null);

    public void writeAllowableActionsLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_ALLOWABLEACTIONS, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ALLOWABLEACTION, null);

    public void writeAclLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_ACL, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ACL, null);

    public void writePoliciesLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_POLICIES, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED, null);

    public void writeRelationshipsLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_RELATIONSHIPS, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED, null);

    public void writeRelationshipSourceLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_SOURCE, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, null);

    public void writeRelationshipTargetLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_TARGET, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, null);

    public void writeFolderTreeLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_FOLDERTREE, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_DESCENDANTS, null);

    public void writeTypeUpLink(String href, String type) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_UP, href, type, null);

    public void writeTypeDownLink(String href, String type) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_DOWN, href, type, null);

    public void writeViaLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_VIA, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, null);

    public void writeFirstLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_FIRST, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED, null);

    public void writeLastLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_LAST, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED, null);

    public void writePreviousLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_PREV, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED, null);

    public void writeNextLink(String href) throws XMLStreamException {
        writeLink(Constants.REL_NEXT, href, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED, null);