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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.commons.cli;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * A formatter of help messages for the current command line options
 * @author Slawek Zachcial
 * @author John Keyes (john at
 * @version $Revision: 751120 $, $Date: 2009-03-06 14:45:57 -0800 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) $
public class HelpFormatter {
    // --------------------------------------------------------------- Constants

    /** default number of characters per line */
    public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 74;

    /** default padding to the left of each line */
    public static final int DEFAULT_LEFT_PAD = 1;

     * the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each description line
    public static final int DEFAULT_DESC_PAD = 3;

    /** the string to display at the beginning of the usage statement */
    public static final String DEFAULT_SYNTAX_PREFIX = "usage: ";

    /** default prefix for shortOpts */
    public static final String DEFAULT_OPT_PREFIX = "-";

    /** default prefix for long Option */
    public static final String DEFAULT_LONG_OPT_PREFIX = "--";

    /** default name for an argument */
    public static final String DEFAULT_ARG_NAME = "arg";

    // -------------------------------------------------------------- Attributes

     * number of characters per line
     * @deprecated Scope will be made private for next major version
     * - use get/setWidth methods instead.
    public int defaultWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH;

     * amount of padding to the left of each line
     * @deprecated Scope will be made private for next major version
     * - use get/setLeftPadding methods instead.
    public int defaultLeftPad = DEFAULT_LEFT_PAD;

     * the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each description line
     * @deprecated Scope will be made private for next major version
     * - use get/setDescPadding methods instead.
    public int defaultDescPad = DEFAULT_DESC_PAD;

     * the string to display at the begining of the usage statement
     * @deprecated Scope will be made private for next major version
     * - use get/setSyntaxPrefix methods instead.
    public String defaultSyntaxPrefix = DEFAULT_SYNTAX_PREFIX;

     * the new line string
     * @deprecated Scope will be made private for next major version
     * - use get/setNewLine methods instead.
    public String defaultNewLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");

     * the shortOpt prefix
     * @deprecated Scope will be made private for next major version
     * - use get/setOptPrefix methods instead.
    public String defaultOptPrefix = DEFAULT_OPT_PREFIX;

     * the long Opt prefix
     * @deprecated Scope will be made private for next major version
     * - use get/setLongOptPrefix methods instead.
    public String defaultLongOptPrefix = DEFAULT_LONG_OPT_PREFIX;

     * the name of the argument
     * @deprecated Scope will be made private for next major version
     * - use get/setArgName methods instead.
    public String defaultArgName = DEFAULT_ARG_NAME;

     * Comparator used to sort the options when they output in help text
     * Defaults to case-insensitive alphabetical sorting by option key
    protected Comparator optionComparator = new OptionComparator();

     * Sets the 'width'.
     * @param width the new value of 'width'
    public void setWidth(int width) {
        this.defaultWidth = width;

     * Returns the 'width'.
     * @return the 'width'
    public int getWidth() {
        return defaultWidth;

     * Sets the 'leftPadding'.
     * @param padding the new value of 'leftPadding'
    public void setLeftPadding(int padding) {
        this.defaultLeftPad = padding;

     * Returns the 'leftPadding'.
     * @return the 'leftPadding'
    public int getLeftPadding() {
        return defaultLeftPad;

     * Sets the 'descPadding'.
     * @param padding the new value of 'descPadding'
    public void setDescPadding(int padding) {
        this.defaultDescPad = padding;

     * Returns the 'descPadding'.
     * @return the 'descPadding'
    public int getDescPadding() {
        return defaultDescPad;

     * Sets the 'syntaxPrefix'.
     * @param prefix the new value of 'syntaxPrefix'
    public void setSyntaxPrefix(String prefix) {
        this.defaultSyntaxPrefix = prefix;

     * Returns the 'syntaxPrefix'.
     * @return the 'syntaxPrefix'
    public String getSyntaxPrefix() {
        return defaultSyntaxPrefix;

     * Sets the 'newLine'.
     * @param newline the new value of 'newLine'
    public void setNewLine(String newline) {
        this.defaultNewLine = newline;

     * Returns the 'newLine'.
     * @return the 'newLine'
    public String getNewLine() {
        return defaultNewLine;

     * Sets the 'optPrefix'.
     * @param prefix the new value of 'optPrefix'
    public void setOptPrefix(String prefix) {
        this.defaultOptPrefix = prefix;

     * Returns the 'optPrefix'.
     * @return the 'optPrefix'
    public String getOptPrefix() {
        return defaultOptPrefix;

     * Sets the 'longOptPrefix'.
     * @param prefix the new value of 'longOptPrefix'
    public void setLongOptPrefix(String prefix) {
        this.defaultLongOptPrefix = prefix;

     * Returns the 'longOptPrefix'.
     * @return the 'longOptPrefix'
    public String getLongOptPrefix() {
        return defaultLongOptPrefix;

     * Sets the 'argName'.
     * @param name the new value of 'argName'
    public void setArgName(String name) {
        this.defaultArgName = name;

     * Returns the 'argName'.
     * @return the 'argName'
    public String getArgName() {
        return defaultArgName;

     * Comparator used to sort the options when they output in help text
     * Defaults to case-insensitive alphabetical sorting by option key
    public Comparator getOptionComparator() {
        return optionComparator;

     * Set the comparator used to sort the options when they output in help text
     * Passing in a null parameter will set the ordering to the default mode
    public void setOptionComparator(Comparator comparator) {
        if (comparator == null) {
            this.optionComparator = new OptionComparator();
        } else {
            this.optionComparator = comparator;

     * Print the help for <code>options</code> with the specified
     * command line syntax.  This method prints help information to
     * System.out.
     * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
     * @param options the Options instance
    public void printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, Options options) {
        printHelp(defaultWidth, cmdLineSyntax, null, options, null, false);

     * Print the help for <code>options</code> with the specified
     * command line syntax.  This method prints help information to 
     * System.out.
     * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
     * @param options the Options instance
     * @param autoUsage whether to print an automatically generated
     * usage statement
    public void printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, Options options, boolean autoUsage) {
        printHelp(defaultWidth, cmdLineSyntax, null, options, null, autoUsage);

     * Print the help for <code>options</code> with the specified
     * command line syntax.  This method prints help information to
     * System.out.
     * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
     * @param header the banner to display at the begining of the help
     * @param options the Options instance
     * @param footer the banner to display at the end of the help
    public void printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, String footer) {
        printHelp(cmdLineSyntax, header, options, footer, false);

     * Print the help for <code>options</code> with the specified
     * command line syntax.  This method prints help information to 
     * System.out.
     * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
     * @param header the banner to display at the begining of the help
     * @param options the Options instance
     * @param footer the banner to display at the end of the help
     * @param autoUsage whether to print an automatically generated
     * usage statement
    public void printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, String footer, boolean autoUsage) {
        printHelp(defaultWidth, cmdLineSyntax, header, options, footer, autoUsage);

     * Print the help for <code>options</code> with the specified
     * command line syntax.  This method prints help information to
     * System.out.
     * @param width the number of characters to be displayed on each line
     * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
     * @param header the banner to display at the beginning of the help
     * @param options the Options instance
     * @param footer the banner to display at the end of the help
    public void printHelp(int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, String footer) {
        printHelp(width, cmdLineSyntax, header, options, footer, false);

     * Print the help for <code>options</code> with the specified
     * command line syntax.  This method prints help information to
     * System.out.
     * @param width the number of characters to be displayed on each line
     * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
     * @param header the banner to display at the begining of the help
     * @param options the Options instance
     * @param footer the banner to display at the end of the help
     * @param autoUsage whether to print an automatically generated 
     * usage statement
    public void printHelp(int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options, String footer,
            boolean autoUsage) {
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out);

        printHelp(pw, width, cmdLineSyntax, header, options, defaultLeftPad, defaultDescPad, footer, autoUsage);

     * Print the help for <code>options</code> with the specified
     * command line syntax.
     * @param pw the writer to which the help will be written
     * @param width the number of characters to be displayed on each line
     * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
     * @param header the banner to display at the begining of the help
     * @param options the Options instance
     * @param leftPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each line
     * @param descPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each description line
     * @param footer the banner to display at the end of the help
     * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no room to print a line
    public void printHelp(PrintWriter pw, int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options,
            int leftPad, int descPad, String footer) {
        printHelp(pw, width, cmdLineSyntax, header, options, leftPad, descPad, footer, false);

     * Print the help for <code>options</code> with the specified
     * command line syntax.
     * @param pw the writer to which the help will be written
     * @param width the number of characters to be displayed on each line
     * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
     * @param header the banner to display at the begining of the help
     * @param options the Options instance
     * @param leftPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each line
     * @param descPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each description line
     * @param footer the banner to display at the end of the help
     * @param autoUsage whether to print an automatically generated
     * usage statement
     * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no room to print a line
    public void printHelp(PrintWriter pw, int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options options,
            int leftPad, int descPad, String footer, boolean autoUsage) {
        if ((cmdLineSyntax == null) || (cmdLineSyntax.length() == 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cmdLineSyntax not provided");

        if (autoUsage) {
            printUsage(pw, width, cmdLineSyntax, options);
        } else {
            printUsage(pw, width, cmdLineSyntax);

        if ((header != null) && (header.trim().length() > 0)) {
            printWrapped(pw, width, header);

        printOptions(pw, width, options, leftPad, descPad);

        if ((footer != null) && (footer.trim().length() > 0)) {
            printWrapped(pw, width, footer);

     * <p>Prints the usage statement for the specified application.</p>
     * @param pw The PrintWriter to print the usage statement 
     * @param width The number of characters to display per line
     * @param app The application name
     * @param options The command line Options
    public void printUsage(PrintWriter pw, int width, String app, Options options) {
        // initialise the string buffer
        StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(defaultSyntaxPrefix).append(app).append(" ");

        // create a list for processed option groups
        final Collection processedGroups = new ArrayList();

        // temp variable
        Option option;

        List optList = new ArrayList(options.getOptions());
        Collections.sort(optList, getOptionComparator());
        // iterate over the options
        for (Iterator i = optList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            // get the next Option
            option = (Option);

            // check if the option is part of an OptionGroup
            OptionGroup group = options.getOptionGroup(option);

            // if the option is part of a group 
            if (group != null) {
                // and if the group has not already been processed
                if (!processedGroups.contains(group)) {
                    // add the group to the processed list

                    // add the usage clause
                    appendOptionGroup(buff, group);

                // otherwise the option was displayed in the group
                // previously so ignore it.

            // if the Option is not part of an OptionGroup
            else {
                appendOption(buff, option, option.isRequired());

            if (i.hasNext()) {
                buff.append(" ");

        // call printWrapped
        printWrapped(pw, width, buff.toString().indexOf(' ') + 1, buff.toString());

     * Appends the usage clause for an OptionGroup to a StringBuffer.  
     * The clause is wrapped in square brackets if the group is required.
     * The display of the options is handled by appendOption
     * @param buff the StringBuffer to append to
     * @param group the group to append
     * @see #appendOption(StringBuffer,Option,boolean)
    private void appendOptionGroup(final StringBuffer buff, final OptionGroup group) {
        if (!group.isRequired()) {

        List optList = new ArrayList(group.getOptions());
        Collections.sort(optList, getOptionComparator());
        // for each option in the OptionGroup
        for (Iterator i = optList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            // whether the option is required or not is handled at group level
            appendOption(buff, (Option), true);

            if (i.hasNext()) {
                buff.append(" | ");

        if (!group.isRequired()) {

     * Appends the usage clause for an Option to a StringBuffer.  
     * @param buff the StringBuffer to append to
     * @param option the Option to append
     * @param required whether the Option is required or not
    private static void appendOption(final StringBuffer buff, final Option option, final boolean required) {
        if (!required) {

        if (option.getOpt() != null) {
        } else {

        // if the Option has a value
        if (option.hasArg() && option.hasArgName()) {
            buff.append(" <").append(option.getArgName()).append(">");

        // if the Option is not a required option
        if (!required) {

     * Print the cmdLineSyntax to the specified writer, using the
     * specified width.
     * @param pw The printWriter to write the help to
     * @param width The number of characters per line for the usage statement.
     * @param cmdLineSyntax The usage statement.
    public void printUsage(PrintWriter pw, int width, String cmdLineSyntax) {
        int argPos = cmdLineSyntax.indexOf(' ') + 1;

        printWrapped(pw, width, defaultSyntaxPrefix.length() + argPos, defaultSyntaxPrefix + cmdLineSyntax);

     * <p>Print the help for the specified Options to the specified writer, 
     * using the specified width, left padding and description padding.</p>
     * @param pw The printWriter to write the help to
     * @param width The number of characters to display per line
     * @param options The command line Options
     * @param leftPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each line
     * @param descPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each description line
    public void printOptions(PrintWriter pw, int width, Options options, int leftPad, int descPad) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        renderOptions(sb, width, options, leftPad, descPad);

     * Print the specified text to the specified PrintWriter.
     * @param pw The printWriter to write the help to
     * @param width The number of characters to display per line
     * @param text The text to be written to the PrintWriter
    public void printWrapped(PrintWriter pw, int width, String text) {
        printWrapped(pw, width, 0, text);

     * Print the specified text to the specified PrintWriter.
     * @param pw The printWriter to write the help to
     * @param width The number of characters to display per line
     * @param nextLineTabStop The position on the next line for the first tab.
     * @param text The text to be written to the PrintWriter
    public void printWrapped(PrintWriter pw, int width, int nextLineTabStop, String text) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length());

        renderWrappedText(sb, width, nextLineTabStop, text);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------- Protected

     * Render the specified Options and return the rendered Options
     * in a StringBuffer.
     * @param sb The StringBuffer to place the rendered Options into.
     * @param width The number of characters to display per line
     * @param options The command line Options
     * @param leftPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each line
     * @param descPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
     * to each description line
     * @return the StringBuffer with the rendered Options contents.
    protected StringBuffer renderOptions(StringBuffer sb, int width, Options options, int leftPad, int descPad) {
        final String lpad = createPadding(leftPad);
        final String dpad = createPadding(descPad);

        // first create list containing only <lpad>-a,--aaa where 
        // -a is opt and --aaa is long opt; in parallel look for 
        // the longest opt string this list will be then used to 
        // sort options ascending
        int max = 0;
        StringBuffer optBuf;
        List prefixList = new ArrayList();

        List optList = options.helpOptions();

        Collections.sort(optList, getOptionComparator());

        for (Iterator i = optList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Option option = (Option);
            optBuf = new StringBuffer(8);

            if (option.getOpt() == null) {
                optBuf.append(lpad).append("   " + defaultLongOptPrefix).append(option.getLongOpt());
            } else {

                if (option.hasLongOpt()) {

            if (option.hasArg()) {
                if (option.hasArgName()) {
                    optBuf.append(" <").append(option.getArgName()).append(">");
                } else {
                    optBuf.append(' ');

            max = (optBuf.length() > max) ? optBuf.length() : max;

        int x = 0;

        for (Iterator i = optList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Option option = (Option);
            optBuf = new StringBuffer(prefixList.get(x++).toString());

            if (optBuf.length() < max) {
                optBuf.append(createPadding(max - optBuf.length()));


            int nextLineTabStop = max + descPad;

            if (option.getDescription() != null) {

            renderWrappedText(sb, width, nextLineTabStop, optBuf.toString());

            if (i.hasNext()) {

        return sb;

     * Render the specified text and return the rendered Options
     * in a StringBuffer.
     * @param sb The StringBuffer to place the rendered text into.
     * @param width The number of characters to display per line
     * @param nextLineTabStop The position on the next line for the first tab.
     * @param text The text to be rendered.
     * @return the StringBuffer with the rendered Options contents.
    protected StringBuffer renderWrappedText(StringBuffer sb, int width, int nextLineTabStop, String text) {
        int pos = findWrapPos(text, width, 0);

        if (pos == -1) {

            return sb;
        sb.append(rtrim(text.substring(0, pos))).append(defaultNewLine);

        if (nextLineTabStop >= width) {
            // stops infinite loop happening
            nextLineTabStop = 1;

        // all following lines must be padded with nextLineTabStop space 
        // characters
        final String padding = createPadding(nextLineTabStop);

        while (true) {
            text = padding + text.substring(pos).trim();
            pos = findWrapPos(text, width, 0);

            if (pos == -1) {

                return sb;

            if ((text.length() > width) && (pos == nextLineTabStop - 1)) {
                pos = width;

            sb.append(rtrim(text.substring(0, pos))).append(defaultNewLine);

     * Finds the next text wrap position after <code>startPos</code> for the
     * text in <code>text</code> with the column width <code>width</code>.
     * The wrap point is the last postion before startPos+width having a 
     * whitespace character (space, \n, \r).
     * @param text The text being searched for the wrap position
     * @param width width of the wrapped text
     * @param startPos position from which to start the lookup whitespace
     * character
     * @return postion on which the text must be wrapped or -1 if the wrap
     * position is at the end of the text
    protected int findWrapPos(String text, int width, int startPos) {
        int pos = -1;

        // the line ends before the max wrap pos or a new line char found
        if (((pos = text.indexOf('\n', startPos)) != -1 && pos <= width)
                || ((pos = text.indexOf('\t', startPos)) != -1 && pos <= width)) {
            return pos + 1;
        } else if (startPos + width >= text.length()) {
            return -1;

        // look for the last whitespace character before startPos+width
        pos = startPos + width;

        char c;

        while ((pos >= startPos) && ((c = text.charAt(pos)) != ' ') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {

        // if we found it - just return
        if (pos > startPos) {
            return pos;

        // must look for the first whitespace chearacter after startPos 
        // + width
        pos = startPos + width;

        while ((pos <= text.length()) && ((c = text.charAt(pos)) != ' ') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {

        return (pos == text.length()) ? (-1) : pos;

     * Return a String of padding of length <code>len</code>.
     * @param len The length of the String of padding to create.
     * @return The String of padding
    protected String createPadding(int len) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len);

        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            sb.append(' ');

        return sb.toString();

     * Remove the trailing whitespace from the specified String.
     * @param s The String to remove the trailing padding from.
     * @return The String of without the trailing padding
    protected String rtrim(String s) {
        if ((s == null) || (s.length() == 0)) {
            return s;

        int pos = s.length();

        while ((pos > 0) && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(pos - 1))) {

        return s.substring(0, pos);

    // ------------------------------------------------------ Package protected
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Private
    // ---------------------------------------------------------- Inner classes
     * This class implements the <code>Comparator</code> interface
     * for comparing Options.
    private static class OptionComparator implements Comparator {

         * Compares its two arguments for order. Returns a negative
         * integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument
         * is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
         * @param o1 The first Option to be compared.
         * @param o2 The second Option to be compared.
         * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as
         *         the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the
         *         second.
        public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            Option opt1 = (Option) o1;
            Option opt2 = (Option) o2;

            return opt1.getKey().compareToIgnoreCase(opt2.getKey());