Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
import org.apache.commons.digester.ExtendedBaseRules;
import org.apache.commons.digester.NodeCreateRule;
import org.apache.commons.digester.ObjectCreateRule;
import org.apache.commons.digester.Rule;
import org.apache.commons.digester.SetNextRule;
import org.apache.commons.digester.SetPropertiesRule;
import org.apache.commons.digester.WithDefaultsRulesWrapper;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.PathResolver;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.SCXMLHelper;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.env.URLResolver;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Action;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Assign;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.BodyContainer;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Cancel;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.CustomAction;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Data;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Datamodel;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Else;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.ElseIf;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Event;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Executable;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Exit;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.ExternalContent;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Final;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Finalize;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.History;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.If;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Initial;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Invoke;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Log;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.ModelException;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.NamespacePrefixesHolder;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.OnEntry;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.OnExit;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Parallel;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Param;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.PathResolverHolder;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.SCXML;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Script;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Send;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.State;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Transition;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.TransitionTarget;
import org.apache.commons.scxml.model.Var;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

 * <p>
 * The SCXMLParser provides the ability to parse a SCXML document into the Java object model provided in the model package.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The SCXMLParser can be used for:
 * </p>
 * <ol>
 * <li>Parse a SCXML file into the Commons SCXML Java object model.</li>
 * <li>Obtain a SCXML Parser for further customization of the default ruleset.</li>
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 * If switching from {@link SCXMLDigester}, changes need to be made to the SCXML documents, such as:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>A &lt;parallel&gt; should not be wrapped in a &lt;state&gt; element unless otherwise necessary</li>
 * <li>&lt;var&gt; and &lt;exit&gt; elements continue to be supported by Commons SCXML, but in the Commons SCXML namespace:
 * <code></code></li>
 * <li>&lt;event&gt; is now supported</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * See latest version of the SCXML Working Draft for more details.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b> The SCXMLParser assumes that the SCXML document to be parsed is well-formed and correct. If that assumption does
 * not hold, any subsequent behavior is undefined.
 * </p>
 * @since 0.7
public final class SCXMLParser {

     * The SCXML namespace that this Digester is built for. Any document that is intended to be parsed by this digester
     * <b>must</b> bind the SCXML elements to this namespace.
    private static final String NAMESPACE_SCXML = "";

     * The namespace that defines any custom actions defined by the Commons SCXML implementation. Any document that intends to use
     * these custom actions needs to ensure that they are in the correct namespace. Use of actions in this namespace makes the
     * document non-portable across implementations.
    private static final String NAMESPACE_COMMONS_SCXML = "";

    // ---------------------- PUBLIC METHODS ----------------------//
     * <p>
     * API for standalone usage where the SCXML document is a URL.
     * </p>
     * @param scxmlURL
     *            a canonical absolute URL to parse (relative URLs within the top level document are to be resovled against this
     *            URL).
     * @param errHandler
     *            The SAX ErrorHandler
     * @return SCXML The SCXML object corresponding to the file argument
     * @throws IOException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw an IOException
     * @throws SAXException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw a SAXException
     * @throws ModelException
     *             If the resulting document model has flaws
     * @see ErrorHandler
     * @see PathResolver
    public static SCXML parse(final URL scxmlURL, final ErrorHandler errHandler)
            throws IOException, SAXException, ModelException {

        if (scxmlURL == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_NULL_URL);

        return parse(scxmlURL, errHandler, null);


     * <p>
     * API for standalone usage where the SCXML document is a URI. A PathResolver must be provided.
     * </p>
     * @param pathResolver
     *            The PathResolver for this context
     * @param documentRealPath
     *            The String pointing to the absolute (real) path of the SCXML document
     * @param errHandler
     *            The SAX ErrorHandler
     * @return SCXML The SCXML object corresponding to the file argument
     * @throws IOException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw an IOException
     * @throws SAXException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw a SAXException
     * @throws ModelException
     *             If the resulting document model has flaws
     * @see ErrorHandler
     * @see PathResolver
    public static SCXML parse(final String documentRealPath, final ErrorHandler errHandler,
            final PathResolver pathResolver) throws IOException, SAXException, ModelException {

        return parse(documentRealPath, errHandler, pathResolver, null);


     * <p>
     * API for standalone usage where the SCXML document is an InputSource. This method may be used when the SCXML document is
     * packaged in a Java archive, or part of a compound document where the SCXML root is available as a
     * <code>org.w3c.dom.Element</code> or via a <code></code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <em>Note:</em> Since there is no path resolution, the SCXML document must not have external state sources.
     * </p>
     * @param documentInputSource
     *            The InputSource for the SCXML document
     * @param errHandler
     *            The SAX ErrorHandler
     * @return SCXML The SCXML object corresponding to the file argument
     * @throws IOException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw an IOException
     * @throws SAXException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw a SAXException
     * @throws ModelException
     *             If the resulting document model has flaws
     * @see ErrorHandler
    public static SCXML parse(final InputSource documentInputSource, final ErrorHandler errHandler)
            throws IOException, SAXException, ModelException {

        if (documentInputSource == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_NULL_ISRC);

        return parse(documentInputSource, errHandler, null);


     * <p>
     * API for standalone usage where the SCXML document is a URL, and the document uses custom actions.
     * </p>
     * @param scxmlURL
     *            a canonical absolute URL to parse (relative URLs within the top level document are to be resovled against this
     *            URL).
     * @param errHandler
     *            The SAX ErrorHandler
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of {@link CustomAction}s this digester instance will process, can be null or empty
     * @return SCXML The SCXML object corresponding to the file argument
     * @throws IOException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw an IOException
     * @throws SAXException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw a SAXException
     * @throws ModelException
     *             If the resulting document model has flaws
     * @see ErrorHandler
     * @see PathResolver
    public static SCXML parse(final URL scxmlURL, final ErrorHandler errHandler,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions) throws IOException, SAXException, ModelException {

        SCXML scxml = null;
        Digester scxmlParser = SCXMLParser.newInstance(null, new URLResolver(scxmlURL), customActions);

        try {
            scxml = (SCXML) scxmlParser.parse(scxmlURL.toString());
        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            // Intercept runtime exceptions, only to log them with a
            // sensible error message about failure in document parsing
            MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_DOC_PARSE_FAIL);
            String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] { String.valueOf(scxmlURL), rte.getMessage() });
            org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
            log.error(errMsg, rte);
            throw rte;

        if (scxml != null) {

        return scxml;


     * <p>
     * API for standalone usage where the SCXML document is a URI. A PathResolver must be provided.
     * </p>
     * @param pathResolver
     *            The PathResolver for this context
     * @param documentRealPath
     *            The String pointing to the absolute (real) path of the SCXML document
     * @param errHandler
     *            The SAX ErrorHandler
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of {@link CustomAction}s this digester instance will process, can be null or empty
     * @return SCXML The SCXML object corresponding to the file argument
     * @throws IOException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw an IOException
     * @throws SAXException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw a SAXException
     * @throws ModelException
     *             If the resulting document model has flaws
     * @see ErrorHandler
     * @see PathResolver
    public static SCXML parse(final String documentRealPath, final ErrorHandler errHandler,
            final PathResolver pathResolver, final List<CustomAction> customActions)
            throws IOException, SAXException, ModelException {

        if (documentRealPath == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERR_NULL_PATH);

        SCXML scxml = null;
        Digester scxmlParser = SCXMLParser.newInstance(null, pathResolver, customActions);

        try {
            scxml = (SCXML) scxmlParser.parse(documentRealPath);
        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            // Intercept runtime exceptions, only to log them with a
            // sensible error message about failure in document parsing
            MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_DOC_PARSE_FAIL);
            String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] { documentRealPath, rte.getMessage() });
            org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
            log.error(errMsg, rte);
            throw rte;

        if (scxml != null) {

        return scxml;


     * <p>
     * API for standalone usage where the SCXML document is an InputSource. This method may be used when the SCXML document is
     * packaged in a Java archive, or part of a compound document where the SCXML root is available as a
     * <code>org.w3c.dom.Element</code> or via a <code></code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <em>Note:</em> Since there is no path resolution, the SCXML document must not have external state sources.
     * </p>
     * @param documentInputSource
     *            The InputSource for the SCXML document
     * @param errHandler
     *            The SAX ErrorHandler
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of {@link CustomAction}s this digester instance will process, can be null or empty
     * @return SCXML The SCXML object corresponding to the file argument
     * @throws IOException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw an IOException
     * @throws SAXException
     *             Underlying Digester parsing threw a SAXException
     * @throws ModelException
     *             If the resulting document model has flaws
     * @see ErrorHandler
    public static SCXML parse(final InputSource documentInputSource, final ErrorHandler errHandler,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions) throws IOException, SAXException, ModelException {

        Digester scxmlParser = SCXMLParser.newInstance(null, null, customActions);

        SCXML scxml = null;
        try {
            scxml = (SCXML) scxmlParser.parse(documentInputSource);
        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            // Intercept runtime exceptions, only to log them with a
            // sensible error message about failure in document parsing
            org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
            log.error(ERR_ISRC_PARSE_FAIL, rte);
            throw rte;

        if (scxml != null) {

        return scxml;


     * <p>
     * Obtain a SCXML digester instance for further customization.
     * </p>
     * <b>API Notes:</b>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Use the digest() convenience methods if you do not need a custom digester.</li>
     * <li>After the SCXML document is parsed by the customized digester, the object model <b>must</b> be made executor-ready by
     * calling <code>updateSCXML(SCXML)</code> method in this class.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return Digester A newly configured SCXML digester instance
     * @see SCXMLParser#updateSCXML(SCXML)
    public static Digester newInstance() {

        return newInstance(null, null, null);


     * <p>
     * Obtain a SCXML digester instance for further customization.
     * </p>
     * <b>API Notes:</b>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Use the digest() convenience methods if you do not need a custom digester.</li>
     * <li>After the SCXML document is parsed by the customized digester, the object model <b>must</b> be made executor-ready by
     * calling <code>updateSCXML(SCXML)</code> method in this class.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver, may be null for standalone documents
     * @return Digester A newly configured SCXML digester instance
     * @see SCXMLParser#updateSCXML(SCXML)
    public static Digester newInstance(final PathResolver pr) {

        return newInstance(null, pr, null);


     * <p>
     * Obtain a SCXML digester instance for further customization.
     * </p>
     * <b>API Notes:</b>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Use the digest() convenience methods if you do not need a custom digester.</li>
     * <li>After the SCXML document is parsed by the customized digester, the object model <b>must</b> be made executor-ready by
     * calling <code>updateSCXML(SCXML)</code> method in this class.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document if there is one (in case of state templates for example), null otherwise
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver, may be null for standalone documents
     * @return Digester A newly configured SCXML digester instance
     * @see SCXMLParser#updateSCXML(SCXML)
    public static Digester newInstance(final SCXML scxml, final PathResolver pr) {

        return newInstance(scxml, pr, null);


     * <p>
     * Obtain a SCXML digester instance for further customization.
     * </p>
     * <b>API Notes:</b>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Use the digest() convenience methods if you do not need a custom digester.</li>
     * <li>After the SCXML document is parsed by the customized digester, the object model <b>must</b> be made executor-ready by
     * calling <code>updateSCXML(SCXML)</code> method in this class.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document if there is one (in case of state templates for example), null otherwise
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver, may be null for standalone documents
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of {@link CustomAction}s this digester instance will process, can be null or empty
     * @return Digester A newly configured SCXML digester instance
     * @see SCXMLParser#updateSCXML(SCXML)
    public static Digester newInstance(final SCXML scxml, final PathResolver pr,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions) {

        Digester digester = new Digester();
        // Uncomment next line after SCXML DTD is available
        // digester.setValidating(true);
        WithDefaultsRulesWrapper rules = new WithDefaultsRulesWrapper(initRules(scxml, pr, customActions));
        rules.addDefault(new IgnoredElementRule());
        return digester;

     * <p>
     * Update the SCXML object model and make it SCXMLExecutor ready. This is part of post-digester processing, and sets up the
     * necessary object references throughtout the SCXML object model for the parsed document. Should be used only if a customized
     * digester obtained using the <code>newInstance()</code> methods is needed.
     * </p>
     * @param scxml
     *            The SCXML object (output from Digester)
     * @throws ModelException
     *             If the document model has flaws
    public static void updateSCXML(final SCXML scxml) throws ModelException {

    // ---------------------- PRIVATE CONSTANTS ----------------------//
    // // Patterns to get the digestion going, prefixed by XP_
    /** Root &lt;scxml&gt; element. */
    private static final String XP_SM = "scxml";

    /** &lt;state&gt; children of root &lt;scxml&gt; element. */
    private static final String XP_SM_ST = "scxml/state";

    /** &lt;state&gt; children of root &lt;scxml&gt; element. */
    private static final String XP_SM_PAR = "scxml/parallel";

    /** &lt;final&gt; children of root &lt;scxml&gt; element. */
    private static final String XP_SM_FIN = "scxml/final";

    // // Universal matches, prefixed by XPU_
    // State
    /** &lt;state&gt; children of &lt;state&gt; elements. */
    private static final String XPU_ST_ST = "!*/state/state";

    /** &lt;final&gt; children of &lt;state&gt; elements. */
    private static final String XPU_ST_FIN = "!*/state/final";

    /** &lt;state&gt; children of &lt;parallel&gt; elements. */
    private static final String XPU_PAR_ST = "!*/parallel/state";

    // Parallel
    /** &lt;parallel&gt; child of &lt;state&gt; elements. */
    private static final String XPU_ST_PAR = "!*/state/parallel";

    // If
    /** &lt;if&gt; element. */
    private static final String XPU_IF = "!*/if";

    // Executables, next three patterns useful when adding custom actions
    /** &lt;onentry&gt; element. */
    private static final String XPU_ONEN = "!*/onentry";

    /** &lt;onexit&gt; element. */
    private static final String XPU_ONEX = "!*/onexit";

    /** &lt;transition&gt; element. */
    private static final String XPU_TR = "!*/transition";

    /** &lt;finalize&gt; element. */
    private static final String XPU_FIN = "!*/finalize";

    // // Path Fragments, constants prefixed by XPF_
    // Onentries and Onexits
    /** &lt;onentry&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_ONEN = "/onentry";

    /** &lt;onexit&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_ONEX = "/onexit";

    // Datamodel section
    /** &lt;datamodel&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_DM = "/datamodel";

    /** Individual &lt;data&gt; elements. */
    private static final String XPF_DATA = "/data";

    // Initial
    /** &lt;initial&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_INI = "/initial";

    // Invoke, param and finalize
    /** &lt;invoke&gt; child element of &lt;state&gt;. */
    private static final String XPF_INV = "/invoke";

    /** &lt;param&gt; child element of &lt;invoke&gt;. */
    private static final String XPF_PRM = "/param";

    /** &lt;finalize&gt; child element of &lt;invoke&gt;. */
    private static final String XPF_FIN = "/finalize";

    // History
    /** &lt;history&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_HIST = "/history";

    // Transition, target and exit
    /** &lt;transition&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_TR = "/transition";

    /** &lt;exit&gt; child element, a Commons SCXML custom action. */
    private static final String XPF_EXT = "/exit";

    // Actions
    /** &lt;assign&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_ASN = "/assign";

    /** &lt;event&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_EVT = "/event";

    /** &lt;send&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_SND = "/send";

    /** &lt;cancel&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_CAN = "/cancel";

    /** &lt;elseif&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_EIF = "/elseif";

    /** &lt;else&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_ELS = "/else";

    // Custom Commons SCXML actions
    /** &lt;var&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_VAR = "/var";

    /** &lt;log&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_LOG = "/log";

    /** &lt;script&gt; child element. */
    private static final String XPF_SCRIPT = "/script";

    // // Other constants
    // Error messages
     * Null URL passed as argument.
    private static final String ERR_NULL_URL = "Cannot parse null URL";

     * Null path passed as argument.
    private static final String ERR_NULL_PATH = "Cannot parse null URL";

     * Null InputSource passed as argument.
    private static final String ERR_NULL_ISRC = "Cannot parse null URL";

     * Parsing SCXML document has failed.
    private static final String ERR_DOC_PARSE_FAIL = "Error parsing "
            + "SCXML document: \"{0}\", with message: \"{1}\"\n";

     * Parsing SCXML document InputSource has failed.
    private static final String ERR_ISRC_PARSE_FAIL = "Could not parse SCXML InputSource";

     * Parser configuration error while registering data rule.
    private static final String ERR_PARSER_CFG_DATA = "XML Parser "
            + "misconfiguration, error registering <data> element rule";

     * Parser configuration error while registering send rule.
    private static final String ERR_PARSER_CFG_SEND = "XML Parser "
            + "misconfiguration, error registering <send> element rule";

     * Parser configuration error while registering body content rule for custom action.
    private static final String ERR_PARSER_CFG_CUSTOM = "XML Parser "
            + "misconfiguration, error registering custom action rules";

     * Error message while attempting to define a custom action which does not extend the Commons SCXML Action base class.
    private static final String ERR_CUSTOM_ACTION_TYPE = "Custom actions list"
            + " contained unknown object (not a Commons SCXML Action subtype)";

     * Error message when the URI in a &lt;state&gt;'s &quot;src&quot; attribute does not point to a valid SCXML document, and
     * thus cannot be parsed.
    private static final String ERR_STATE_SRC = "Source attribute in <state src=\"{0}\"> cannot be parsed";

     * Error message when the target of the URI fragment in a &lt;state&gt;'s &quot;src&quot; attribute is not defined in the
     * referenced document.
    private static final String ERR_STATE_SRC_FRAGMENT = "URI Fragment in "
            + "<state src=\"{0}\"> is an unknown state in referenced document";

     * Error message when the target of the URI fragment in a &lt;state&gt;'s &quot;src&quot; attribute is not a &lt;state&gt; or
     * &lt;final&gt; in the referenced document.
    private static final String ERR_STATE_SRC_FRAGMENT_TARGET = "URI Fragment"
            + " in <state src=\"{0}\"> does not point to a <state> or <final>";

    // String constants
    /** Slash. */
    private static final String STR_SLASH = "/";

    // ---------------------- PRIVATE UTILITY METHODS ----------------------//
     * Private utility functions for configuring digester rule base for SCXML.
     * Initialize the Digester rules for the current document.
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document (or null)
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
     * @return scxmlRules The rule set to be used for digestion
    private static ExtendedBaseRules initRules(final SCXML scxml, final PathResolver pr,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions) {

        ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules = new ExtendedBaseRules();

        // // SCXML
        scxmlRules.add(XP_SM, new ObjectCreateRule(SCXML.class));
        scxmlRules.add(XP_SM, new SetPropertiesRule());
        scxmlRules.add(XP_SM, new SetCurrentNamespacesRule());

        // // Datamodel at document root i.e. <scxml> datamodel
        addDatamodelRules(XP_SM + XPF_DM, scxmlRules, scxml, pr);

        // // States
        // Level one states
        addStateRules(XP_SM_ST, scxmlRules, customActions, scxml, pr);

        // Nested states
        addStateRules(XPU_ST_ST, scxmlRules, customActions, scxml, pr);

        // Orthogonal states
        addStateRules(XPU_PAR_ST, scxmlRules, customActions, scxml, pr);

        // // Parallels
        // Level one parallels
        addParallelRules(XP_SM_PAR, scxmlRules, customActions, scxml, pr);

        // Parallel children of composite states
        addParallelRules(XPU_ST_PAR, scxmlRules, customActions, scxml, pr);

        // // Finals
        // Level one finals
        addFinalRules(XP_SM_FIN, scxmlRules, customActions, scxml, pr);

        // Final children of composite states
        addFinalRules(XPU_ST_FIN, scxmlRules, customActions, scxml, pr);

        // // Ifs
        addIfRules(XPU_IF, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);

        // // Custom actions
        addCustomActionRules(XPU_ONEN, scxmlRules, customActions);
        addCustomActionRules(XPU_ONEX, scxmlRules, customActions);
        addCustomActionRules(XPU_TR, scxmlRules, customActions);
        addCustomActionRules(XPU_IF, scxmlRules, customActions);
        addCustomActionRules(XPU_FIN, scxmlRules, customActions);

        return scxmlRules;


     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;state&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document (or null)
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver
    private static void addStateRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions, final SCXML scxml, final PathResolver pr) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new ObjectCreateRule(State.class));
        addStatePropertiesRules(xp, scxmlRules, customActions, pr, scxml);
        addDatamodelRules(xp + XPF_DM, scxmlRules, scxml, pr);
        addInvokeRules(xp + XPF_INV, scxmlRules, customActions, pr, scxml);
        addInitialRules(xp + XPF_INI, scxmlRules, customActions, pr, scxml);
        addHistoryRules(xp + XPF_HIST, scxmlRules, customActions, pr, scxml);
        addTransitionRules(xp + XPF_TR, scxmlRules, "addTransition", pr, customActions);
        addHandlerRules(xp, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new UpdateModelRule(scxml));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetNextRule("addChild"));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;parallel&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
     * @param pr
     *            The {@link PathResolver} for this document
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document (or null)
    private static void addParallelRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions, final SCXML scxml, final PathResolver pr) {
        addSimpleRulesTuple(xp, scxmlRules, Parallel.class, null, null, "addChild");
        addDatamodelRules(xp + XPF_DM, scxmlRules, scxml, pr);
        //TODO: added history rule (dp)
        addHistoryRules(xp + XPF_HIST, scxmlRules, customActions, pr, scxml);
        addTransitionRules(xp + XPF_TR, scxmlRules, "addTransition", pr, customActions);
        addHandlerRules(xp, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new UpdateModelRule(scxml));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;final&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document (or null)
     * @param pr
     *            The {@link PathResolver} for this document
    private static void addFinalRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions, final SCXML scxml, final PathResolver pr) {
        addSimpleRulesTuple(xp, scxmlRules, Final.class, null, null, "addChild");
        addHandlerRules(xp, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new UpdateModelRule(scxml));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;state&gt; element attributes.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver
     * @param scxml
     *            The root document, if this one is src'ed in
    private static void addStatePropertiesRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions, final PathResolver pr, final SCXML scxml) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetPropertiesRule(new String[] { "id", "final", "initial" },
                new String[] { "id", "final", "first" }));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new DigestSrcAttributeRule(scxml, customActions, pr));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;datamodel&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document (or null)
    private static void addDatamodelRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules, final SCXML scxml,
            final PathResolver pr) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new ObjectCreateRule(Datamodel.class));
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_DATA, new ObjectCreateRule(Data.class));
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_DATA, new SetPropertiesRule());
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_DATA, new SetCurrentNamespacesRule());
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_DATA, new SetNextRule("addData"));
        try {
            scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_DATA, new ParseDataRule(pr));
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
            org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
            log.error(ERR_PARSER_CFG_DATA, pce);
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetNextRule("setDatamodel"));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;invoke&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of {@link CustomAction}s this digester instance will process, can be null or empty
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document (or null)
    private static void addInvokeRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions, final PathResolver pr, final SCXML scxml) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new ObjectCreateRule(Invoke.class));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetPropertiesRule());
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetCurrentNamespacesRule());
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetPathResolverRule(pr));
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_PRM, new ObjectCreateRule(Param.class));
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_PRM, new SetPropertiesRule());
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_PRM, new SetCurrentNamespacesRule());
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_PRM, new SetNextRule("addParam"));
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_FIN, new ObjectCreateRule(Finalize.class));
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_FIN, new UpdateFinalizeRule());
        addActionRules(xp + XPF_FIN, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_FIN, new SetNextRule("setFinalize"));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetNextRule("setInvoke"));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;initial&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document (or null)
    private static void addInitialRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions, final PathResolver pr, final SCXML scxml) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new ObjectCreateRule(Initial.class));
        addPseudoStatePropertiesRules(xp, scxmlRules, customActions, pr, scxml);
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new UpdateModelRule(scxml));
        addTransitionRules(xp + XPF_TR, scxmlRules, "setTransition", pr, customActions);
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetNextRule("setInitial"));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;history&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver
     * @param scxml
     *            The parent SCXML document (or null)
    private static void addHistoryRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions, final PathResolver pr, final SCXML scxml) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new ObjectCreateRule(History.class));
        addPseudoStatePropertiesRules(xp, scxmlRules, customActions, pr, scxml);
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new UpdateModelRule(scxml));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetPropertiesRule(new String[] { "type" }, new String[] { "type" }));
        addTransitionRules(xp + XPF_TR, scxmlRules, "setTransition", pr, customActions);
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetNextRule("addHistory"));

     * Add Digester rules for all pseudo state (initial, history) element attributes.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
     * @param pr
     *            The PathResolver
     * @param scxml
     *            The root document, if this one is src'ed in
    private static void addPseudoStatePropertiesRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions, final PathResolver pr, final SCXML scxml) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetPropertiesRule(new String[] { "id" }, new String[] { "id" }));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new DigestSrcAttributeRule(scxml, customActions, pr));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;transition&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param setNextMethod
     *            The method name for adding this transition to its parent (defined by the SCXML Java object model).
     * @param pr
     *            The {@link PathResolver} for this document
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
    private static void addTransitionRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final String setNextMethod, final PathResolver pr, final List<CustomAction> customActions) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new ObjectCreateRule(Transition.class));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetPropertiesRule(new String[] { "event", "cond", "target" },
                new String[] { "event", "cond", "next" }));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetCurrentNamespacesRule());
        addActionRules(xp, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);

        // Add <exit> custom action rule in Commons SCXML namespace
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_EXT, new Rule() {
            public void end(final String namespace, final String name) {
                Transition t = (Transition) getDigester().peek(1);
                TransitionTarget tt = (TransitionTarget) getDigester().peek(2);
                if (tt instanceof Initial) {
                    org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
                    log.warn("Ignored <exit> action in <initial>");
                } else {
                    State exitState = new State();

        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetNextRule(setNextMethod));

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;onentry&gt; and &lt;onexit&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param pr
     *            The {@link PathResolver} for this document
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
    private static void addHandlerRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules, final PathResolver pr,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_ONEN, new ObjectCreateRule(OnEntry.class));
        addActionRules(xp + XPF_ONEN, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_ONEN, new SetNextRule("setOnEntry"));
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_ONEX, new ObjectCreateRule(OnExit.class));
        addActionRules(xp + XPF_ONEX, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_ONEX, new SetNextRule("setOnExit"));

     * Add Digester rules for all actions (&quot;executable&quot; elements).
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param pr
     *            The {@link PathResolver} for this document
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
    private static void addActionRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules, final PathResolver pr,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions) {
        // Actions in SCXML namespace
        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_ASN, scxmlRules, Assign.class);
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_ASN, new SetPathResolverRule(pr));
        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_EVT, scxmlRules, Event.class);
        addSendRulesTuple(xp + XPF_SND, scxmlRules);
        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_CAN, scxmlRules, Cancel.class);
        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_LOG, scxmlRules, Log.class);
        // Script
        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_SCRIPT, scxmlRules, Script.class);
        scxmlRules.add(xp + XPF_SCRIPT, new SetBodyRule());

        // Actions in Commons SCXML namespace

        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_VAR, scxmlRules, Var.class);
        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_EXT, scxmlRules, Exit.class);

        // Reset namespace

     * Add custom action rules, if any custom actions are provided.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
    private static void addCustomActionRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions) {
        if (customActions == null || customActions.size() == 0) {
        for (CustomAction ca : customActions) {
            if (ca == null) {
                org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
            } else {
                String xpfLocalName = STR_SLASH + ca.getLocalName();
                Class<? extends Action> klass = ca.getActionClass();
                if (SCXMLHelper.implementationOf(klass, ExternalContent.class)) {
                    addCustomActionRulesTuple(xp + xpfLocalName, scxmlRules, klass, true);
                } else {
                    addCustomActionRulesTuple(xp + xpfLocalName, scxmlRules, klass, false);

     * Add Digester rules that are specific to the &lt;send&gt; action element.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of &lt;send&gt; element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
    private static void addSendRulesTuple(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules) {
        addActionRulesTuple(xp, scxmlRules, Send.class);
        try {
            scxmlRules.add(xp, new ParseExternalContentRule());
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
            org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
            log.error(ERR_PARSER_CFG_SEND, pce);

     * Add Digester rules for a simple custom action (no body content).
     * @param xp
     *            The path to the custom action element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param klass
     *            The <code>Action</code> class implementing the custom action.
     * @param bodyContent
     *            Whether the custom rule has body content that should be parsed using <code>NodeCreateRule</code>
    private static void addCustomActionRulesTuple(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final Class<? extends Action> klass, final boolean bodyContent) {
        addActionRulesTuple(xp, scxmlRules, klass);
        if (bodyContent) {
            try {
                scxmlRules.add(xp, new ParseExternalContentRule());
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
                org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
                log.error(ERR_PARSER_CFG_CUSTOM, pce);

     * Add Digester rules for all &lt;if&gt; elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param pr
     *            The {@link PathResolver} for this document
     * @param customActions
     *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
    private static void addIfRules(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules, final PathResolver pr,
            final List<CustomAction> customActions) {
        addActionRulesTuple(xp, scxmlRules, If.class);
        addActionRules(xp, scxmlRules, pr, customActions);
        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_EIF, scxmlRules, ElseIf.class);
        addActionRulesTuple(xp + XPF_ELS, scxmlRules, Else.class);

     * Add Digester rules that are common across all actions elements.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param klass
     *            The class in the Java object model to be instantiated in the ObjectCreateRule for this action
    private static void addActionRulesTuple(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final Class<? extends Action> klass) {
        addSimpleRulesTuple(xp, scxmlRules, klass, null, null, "addAction");
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetExecutableParentRule());
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetCurrentNamespacesRule());

     * Add the run of the mill Digester rules for any element.
     * @param xp
     *            The Digester style XPath expression of the parent XML element
     * @param scxmlRules
     *            The rule set to be used for digestion
     * @param klass
     *            The class in the Java object model to be instantiated in the ObjectCreateRule for this action
     * @param args
     *            The attributes to be mapped into the object model
     * @param props
     *            The properties that args get mapped to
     * @param addMethod
     *            The method that the SetNextRule should call
    private static void addSimpleRulesTuple(final String xp, final ExtendedBaseRules scxmlRules,
            final Class<?> klass, final String[] args, final String[] props, final String addMethod) {
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new ObjectCreateRule(klass));
        if (args == null) {
            scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetPropertiesRule());
        } else {
            scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetPropertiesRule(args, props));
        scxmlRules.add(xp, new SetNextRule(addMethod));

     * Discourage instantiation since this is a utility class.
    private SCXMLParser() {

     * Custom digestion rule for establishing necessary associations of this TransitionTarget with the root SCXML object. These
     * include: <br>
     * 1) Updation of the SCXML object's global targets Map <br>
     * 2) Obtaining a handle to the SCXML object's NotificationRegistry <br>
    private static class UpdateModelRule extends Rule {

         * The root SCXML object.
        private SCXML scxml;

         * Constructor.
         * @param scxml
         *            The root SCXML object
        UpdateModelRule(final SCXML scxml) {
            this.scxml = scxml;

         * @see Rule#end(String, String)
        public final void end(final String namespace, final String name) {
            if (scxml == null) {
                scxml = (SCXML) getDigester().peek(getDigester().getCount() - 1);
            TransitionTarget tt = (TransitionTarget) getDigester().peek();

     * Custom digestion rule for setting Executable parent of Action elements.
    private static class SetExecutableParentRule extends Rule {

         * Constructor.
        SetExecutableParentRule() {

         * @see Rule#end(String, String)
        public final void end(final String namespace, final String name) {
            Action child = (Action) getDigester().peek();
            for (int i = 1; i < getDigester().getCount() - 1; i++) {
                Object ancestor = getDigester().peek(i);
                if (ancestor instanceof Executable) {
                    child.setParent((Executable) ancestor);

     * Custom digestion rule for parsing bodies of <code>ExternalContent</code> elements.
     * @see ExternalContent
    private static class ParseExternalContentRule extends NodeCreateRule {
         * Constructor.
         * @throws ParserConfigurationException
         *             A JAXP configuration error
        ParseExternalContentRule() throws ParserConfigurationException {

         * @see Rule#end(String, String)
        public final void end(final String namespace, final String name) {
            Element bodyElement = (Element) getDigester().pop();
            NodeList childNodes = bodyElement.getChildNodes();
            List<Node> externalNodes = ((ExternalContent) getDigester().peek()).getExternalNodes();
            for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {

     * Custom digestion rule for parsing bodies of &lt;data&gt; elements.
    private static class ParseDataRule extends NodeCreateRule {

         * The PathResolver used to resolve the src attribute to the SCXML document it points to.
         * @see PathResolver
        private final PathResolver pr;

         * The "src" attribute, retained to check if body content is legal.
        private String src;

         * The "expr" attribute, retained to check if body content is legal.
        private String expr;

         * The XML tree for this data, parse as a Node, obtained from either the "src" or the "expr" attributes.
        private Node attrNode;

         * Constructor.
         * @param pr
         *            The <code>PathResolver</code>
         * @throws ParserConfigurationException
         *             A JAXP configuration error
        ParseDataRule(final PathResolver pr) throws ParserConfigurationException {
   = pr;

         * @see Rule#begin(String, String, Attributes)
        public final void begin(final String namespace, final String name, final Attributes attributes)
                throws Exception {
            super.begin(namespace, name, attributes);
            src = attributes.getValue("src");
            expr = attributes.getValue("expr");
            if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(src)) {
                String path = null;
                if (pr == null) {
                    path = src;
                } else {
                    path = pr.resolvePath(src);
                try {
                    DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                    DocumentBuilder db = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
                    attrNode = db.parse(path);
                } catch (FactoryConfigurationError t) {
                } catch (ParserConfigurationException t) {
                } catch (SAXException t) {
                } catch (IOException t) {

         * @param throwable
        private void logError(Throwable throwable) {
            org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
            log.error(throwable.getMessage(), throwable);

         * @see Rule#end(String, String)
        public final void end(final String namespace, final String name) {
            Node bodyNode = (Node) getDigester().pop();
            Data data = ((Data) getDigester().peek());
            // Prefer "src" over "expr", "expr" over child nodes
            // "expr" can only be evaluated at execution time
            if (!SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(src)) {
            } else if (SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(expr)) {
                // both "src" and "expr" are empty

     * Custom digestion rule for external sources, that is, the src attribute of the &lt;state&gt; element.
    private static class DigestSrcAttributeRule extends Rule {

         * The PathResolver used to resolve the src attribute to the SCXML document it points to.
         * @see PathResolver
        private final PathResolver pr;

         * The root document.
        private SCXML root;

         * The list of custom actions the parent document is capable of processing (and hence, the child should be, by
         * transitivity).
         * @see CustomAction
        private final List<CustomAction> customActions;

         * Constructor.
         * @param pr
         *            The PathResolver
         * @param customActions
         *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
         * @see PathResolver
         * @see CustomAction
        DigestSrcAttributeRule(final List<CustomAction> customActions, final PathResolver pr) {
            this.customActions = customActions;
   = pr;

         * Constructor.
         * @param root
         *            The root document, if this one is src'ed in
         * @param pr
         *            The PathResolver
         * @param customActions
         *            The list of custom actions this digester needs to be able to process
         * @see PathResolver
         * @see CustomAction
        DigestSrcAttributeRule(final SCXML root, final List<CustomAction> customActions, final PathResolver pr) {
            this.root = root;
            this.customActions = customActions;
   = pr;

         * @see Rule#begin(String, String, Attributes)
        public final void begin(final String namespace, final String name, final Attributes attributes)
                throws ModelException {
            String src = attributes.getValue("src");
            if (SCXMLHelper.isStringEmpty(src)) {

            // 1) Digest the external SCXML file
            Digester digester = getDigester();
            SCXML scxml = (SCXML) digester.peek(digester.getCount() - 1);
            SCXML parent = root;
            if (parent == null) {
                parent = scxml;
            String path;
            PathResolver nextpr = null;
            if (pr == null) {
                path = src;
            } else {
                path = pr.resolvePath(src);
                nextpr = pr.getResolver(src);
            String[] fragments = path.split("#", 2);
            String location = fragments[0];
            String fragment = null;
            if (fragments.length > 1) {
                fragment = fragments[1];
            Digester externalSrcDigester;
            if (fragment != null) {
                // Cannot pull in all targets just yet, i.e. null parent
                externalSrcDigester = newInstance(null, nextpr, customActions);
            } else {
                externalSrcDigester = newInstance(parent, nextpr, customActions);
            SCXML externalSCXML = null;
            try {
                externalSCXML = (SCXML) externalSrcDigester.parse(location);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_STATE_SRC);
                String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] { path });
                throw new ModelException(errMsg + " : " + e.getMessage(), e);

            // 2) Adopt the children and datamodel
            if (externalSCXML == null) {
            State s = (State) digester.peek();
            if (fragment == null) {
                // All targets pulled in since its not a src fragment
                Initial ini = new Initial();
                Transition t = new Transition();
                Collection<TransitionTarget> children = externalSCXML.getChildren().values();
                for (TransitionTarget child : children) {
            } else {
                // Need to pull in descendent targets
                Object source = externalSCXML.getTargets().get(fragment);
                if (source == null) {
                    MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_STATE_SRC_FRAGMENT);
                    String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] { path });
                    throw new ModelException(errMsg);
                if (source instanceof State) {
                    State include = (State) source;
                    List<History> histories = include.getHistory();
                    for (History h : histories) {
                    Collection<TransitionTarget> children = include.getChildren().values();
                    for (TransitionTarget child : children) {
                        addTargets(parent, child);
                    if (include.getInitial() != null) {
                    List<Transition> transitions = include.getTransitionsList();
                    for (Transition t : transitions) {
                } else {
                    MessageFormat msgFormat = new MessageFormat(ERR_STATE_SRC_FRAGMENT_TARGET);
                    String errMsg = msgFormat.format(new Object[] { path });
                    throw new ModelException(errMsg);

         * Add all the nested targets from given target to given parent state machine.
         * @param parent
         *            The state machine
         * @param tt
         *            The transition target to import
        private static void addTargets(final SCXML parent, final TransitionTarget tt) {
            List<History> histories = tt.getHistory();
            for (History h : histories) {
            if (tt instanceof State) {
                Collection<TransitionTarget> children = ((State) tt).getChildren().values();
                for (TransitionTarget child : children) {
                    addTargets(parent, child);
            } else if (tt instanceof Parallel) {
                Collection<TransitionTarget> children = ((Parallel) tt).getChildren();
                for (TransitionTarget child : children) {
                    addTargets(parent, child);

     * Custom digestion rule for setting PathResolver for runtime retrieval.
    private static class SetPathResolverRule extends Rule {

         * The PathResolver to set.
         * @see PathResolver
        private final PathResolver pr;

         * Constructor.
         * @param pr
         *            The PathResolver
         * @see PathResolver
        SetPathResolverRule(final PathResolver pr) {
   = pr;

         * @see Rule#begin(String, String, Attributes)
        public final void begin(final String namespace, final String name, final Attributes attributes) {
            PathResolverHolder prHolder = (PathResolverHolder) getDigester().peek();

     * Custom digestion rule for setting state parent of finalize.
    private static class UpdateFinalizeRule extends Rule {

         * @see Rule#begin(String, String, Attributes)
        public final void begin(final String namespace, final String name, final Attributes attributes) {
            Finalize finalize = (Finalize) getDigester().peek();
            // state/invoke/finalize --> peek(2)
            TransitionTarget tt = (TransitionTarget) getDigester().peek(2);

     * Custom digestion rule for attaching a snapshot of current namespaces to SCXML actions for deferred XPath evaluation.
    private static class SetCurrentNamespacesRule extends Rule {

         * @see Rule#begin(String, String, Attributes)
        public final void begin(final String namespace, final String name, final Attributes attributes) {
            NamespacePrefixesHolder nsHolder = (NamespacePrefixesHolder) getDigester().peek();

     * Custom digestion rule logging ignored elements.
    private static class IgnoredElementRule extends Rule {

         * @see Rule#begin(String, String, Attributes)
        public final void begin(final String namespace, final String name, final Attributes attributes) {
            org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCXMLParser.class);
            Locator l = getDigester().getDocumentLocator();
            String identifier = l.getSystemId();
            if (identifier == null) {
                identifier = l.getPublicId();
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append("Ignoring element <").append(name).append("> in namespace \"").append(namespace)
                    .append("\" at ").append(identifier).append(":").append(l.getLineNumber()).append(":")
                    .append(l.getColumnNumber()).append(" and digester match \"").append(getDigester().getMatch())

     * Custom digestion rule for saving the body content in the object model.
    private static class SetBodyRule extends Rule {

         * @see Rule#body(String, String, String)
        public final void body(final String namespace, final String name, final String body) {
            BodyContainer bc = (BodyContainer) getDigester().peek();
