Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.falcon.service; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.falcon.FalconException; import org.apache.falcon.LifeCycle; import org.apache.falcon.Pair; import org.apache.falcon.entity.ClusterHelper; import org.apache.falcon.entity.EntityUtil; import org.apache.falcon.entity.FeedHelper; import org.apache.falcon.entity.FeedInstanceStatus; import org.apache.falcon.entity.ProcessHelper; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.Entity; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.EntityType; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.Frequency; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.feed.Cluster; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.feed.Feed; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.feed.Sla; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Clusters; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Process; import org.apache.falcon.expression.ExpressionHelper; import org.apache.falcon.hadoop.HadoopClientFactory; import org.apache.falcon.jdbc.MonitoringJdbcStateStore; import org.apache.falcon.persistence.MonitoredEntityBean; import org.apache.falcon.persistence.PendingInstanceBean; import org.apache.falcon.resource.InstancesResult; import org.apache.falcon.resource.SchedulableEntityInstance; import; import org.apache.falcon.util.DateUtil; import org.apache.falcon.util.DeploymentUtil; import org.apache.falcon.util.StartupProperties; import org.apache.falcon.workflow.WorkflowEngineFactory; import org.apache.falcon.workflow.engine.AbstractWorkflowEngine; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static org.apache.falcon.entity.EntityUtil.getStartTime; import static; /** * Service to monitor Feed SLAs. */ public final class EntitySLAMonitoringService implements ConfigurationChangeListener, FalconService { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EntitySLAMonitoringService.class); private static final MonitoringJdbcStateStore MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE = new MonitoringJdbcStateStore(); private static final int ONE_MS = 1; private static final EntitySLAMonitoringService SERVICE = new EntitySLAMonitoringService(); static final String TAG_CRITICAL = "Missed-SLA-High"; static final String TAG_WARN = "Missed-SLA-Low"; private static final long MINUTE_DELAY = 60000L; private static final List<LifeCycle> PROCESS_LIFE_CYCLE = Collections .singletonList(LifeCycle.valueOf(; private EntitySLAMonitoringService() { } public static EntitySLAMonitoringService get() { return SERVICE; } /** * Permissions for storePath. */ private static final FsPermission STORE_PERMISSION = new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE); /** * Frequency in seconds of "status check" for pending entity instances. */ private int statusCheckFrequencySeconds; // 10 minutes /** * Time Duration (in milliseconds) in future for generating pending entity instances. * * In every cycle pending entity instances are added for monitoring, till this time in future. */ private int lookAheadWindowMillis; // 15 MINUTES /** * Filesystem used for serializing and deserializing. */ private FileSystem fileSystem; /** * Working directory for the entity sla monitoring service. */ private Path storePath; /** * Path to store the state of the monitoring service. */ private Path filePath; @Override public void onAdd(Entity entity) throws FalconException { startEntityMonitoring(entity, false); } private void startEntityMonitoring(Entity entity, boolean isEntityUpdated) throws FalconException { Set<String> currentClusters = DeploymentUtil.getCurrentClusters(); Set<String> clustersDefined = EntityUtil.getClustersDefined(entity); if (entity.getEntityType() == EntityType.FEED) { Feed feed = (Feed) entity; // currently sla service for feed is enabled only for fileSystemStorage if (feed.getLocations() != null || feed.getSla() != null || checkFeedClusterSLA(feed)) { for (String cluster : clustersDefined) { if (currentClusters.contains(cluster)) { if (FeedHelper.getSLA(cluster, feed) != null) { LOG.debug("Adding feed:{} for monitoring", feed.getName()); if (isEntityUpdated) { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.putMonitoredEntity(feed.getName(), EntityType.FEED.toString(), now()); } else { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.putMonitoredEntity(feed.getName(), EntityType.FEED.toString(), getStartTime(entity, cluster)); } } } } } } else if (entity.getEntityType() == EntityType.PROCESS) { Process process = (Process) entity; if (process.getSla() != null || checkProcessClusterSLA(process)) { for (String cluster : clustersDefined) { if (currentClusters.contains(cluster)) { LOG.debug("Adding process:{} for monitoring", process.getName()); if (isEntityUpdated) { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.putMonitoredEntity(process.getName(), EntityType.PROCESS.toString(), now()); } else { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.putMonitoredEntity(process.getName(), EntityType.PROCESS.toString(), getStartTime(entity, cluster)); } } } } } } private Boolean checkFeedClusterSLA(Feed feed) { for (Cluster cluster : feed.getClusters().getClusters()) { Sla sla = FeedHelper.getSLA(cluster, feed); if (sla != null) { return true; } } return false; } private Boolean checkProcessClusterSLA(Process process) { Clusters clusters = process.getClusters(); for (org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Cluster cluster : clusters.getClusters()) { org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Sla sla = ProcessHelper.getSLA(cluster, process); if (sla != null) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void onRemove(Entity entity) throws FalconException { Set<String> currentClusters = DeploymentUtil.getCurrentClusters(); if (entity.getEntityType() == EntityType.FEED) { Feed feed = (Feed) entity; // currently sla service is enabled only for fileSystemStorage if (feed.getSla() != null && feed.getLocations() != null) { for (Cluster cluster : feed.getClusters().getClusters()) { if (currentClusters.contains(cluster.getName()) && FeedHelper.getSLA(cluster, feed) != null) { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.deleteMonitoringEntity(feed.getName(), EntityType.FEED.toString()); MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.deletePendingInstances(feed.getName(), cluster.getName(), EntityType.FEED.toString()); } } } } if (entity.getEntityType() == EntityType.PROCESS) { Process process = (Process) entity; if (process.getSla() != null) { for (org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Cluster cluster : process.getClusters().getClusters()) { if (currentClusters.contains(cluster.getName())) { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.deleteMonitoringEntity(process.getName(), EntityType.PROCESS.toString()); MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.deletePendingInstances(process.getName(), cluster.getName(), EntityType.PROCESS.toString()); } } } } } private boolean isSLAMonitoringEnabledInCurrentColo(Feed feed) { if (feed.getLocations() != null) { Set<String> currentClusters = DeploymentUtil.getCurrentClusters(); for (Cluster cluster : feed.getClusters().getClusters()) { if (currentClusters.contains(cluster.getName()) && FeedHelper.getSLA(cluster, feed) != null) { return true; } } } return false; } private boolean isSLAMonitoringEnabledInCurrentColo(Process process) { Set<String> currentClusters = DeploymentUtil.getCurrentClusters(); for (org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Cluster cluster : process.getClusters().getClusters()) { if (currentClusters.contains(cluster.getName()) && ProcessHelper.getSLA(cluster, process) != null) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void onChange(Entity oldEntity, Entity newEntity) throws FalconException { if (newEntity.getEntityType() == EntityType.FEED) { Feed oldFeed = (Feed) oldEntity; Feed newFeed = (Feed) newEntity; if (!isSLAMonitoringEnabledInCurrentColo(newFeed)) { onRemove(oldFeed); } else if (!isSLAMonitoringEnabledInCurrentColo(oldFeed)) { onAdd(newFeed); } else { List<String> slaRemovedClusters = new ArrayList<>(); for (String oldCluster : EntityUtil.getClustersDefinedInColos(oldFeed)) { if (FeedHelper.getSLA(oldCluster, oldFeed) != null && FeedHelper.getSLA(oldCluster, newFeed) == null) { slaRemovedClusters.add(oldCluster); } } updatePendingInstances(newFeed.getName(), slaRemovedClusters, EntityType.FEED.toString()); } } if (newEntity.getEntityType() == EntityType.PROCESS) { Process oldProcess = (Process) oldEntity; Process newProcess = (Process) newEntity; if (!isSLAMonitoringEnabledInCurrentColo(newProcess)) { onRemove(oldProcess); } else if (!isSLAMonitoringEnabledInCurrentColo(oldProcess)) { onAdd(newProcess); } else { List<String> slaRemovedClusters = new ArrayList<>(); for (String oldCluster : EntityUtil.getClustersDefined(oldProcess)) { if (ProcessHelper.getSLA(oldCluster, oldProcess) != null && ProcessHelper.getSLA(oldCluster, newProcess) == null) { slaRemovedClusters.add(oldCluster); } } updatePendingInstances(newProcess.getName(), slaRemovedClusters, EntityType.PROCESS.toString()); } } } private void updatePendingInstances(String entityName, List<String> slaRemovedClusters, String entityType) { for (String clusterName : slaRemovedClusters) { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.deletePendingInstances(entityName, clusterName, entityType); } } @Override public void onReload(Entity entity) throws FalconException { } @Override public String getName() { return EntitySLAMonitoringService.class.getSimpleName(); } @Override public void init() throws FalconException { String freq = StartupProperties.get().getProperty("entity.sla.statusCheck.frequency.seconds", "600"); statusCheckFrequencySeconds = Integer.parseInt(freq); freq = StartupProperties.get().getProperty("entity.sla.lookAheadWindow.millis", "900000"); lookAheadWindowMillis = Integer.parseInt(freq); ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1); addPendingEntityInstances(now()); executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Monitor(), 0, statusCheckFrequencySeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public void makeFeedInstanceAvailable(String feedName, String clusterName, Date nominalTime) throws FalconException { LOG.debug("Removing {} feed's instance {} in cluster {} from pendingSLA", feedName, clusterName, nominalTime); List<Date> instances = (MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getNominalInstances(feedName, clusterName, EntityType.FEED.toString())); // Slas for feeds not having sla tag are not stored. if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(instances)) { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.deletePendingInstance(feedName, clusterName, nominalTime, EntityType.FEED.toString()); } } private FileSystem initializeFileSystem() { try { fileSystem = HadoopClientFactory.get().createFalconFileSystem(storePath.toUri()); if (!fileSystem.exists(storePath)) {"Creating directory for pending entity instances: {}", storePath); // set permissions so config store dir is owned by falcon alone HadoopClientFactory.mkdirs(fileSystem, storePath, STORE_PERMISSION); } return fileSystem; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to bring up entity sla store for path: " + storePath, e); } } @Override public void destroy() throws FalconException { } //Periodically update status of pending instances, add new instances and take backup. private class Monitor implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { if (MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getAllMonitoredEntities().size() > 0) { checkPendingInstanceAvailability(); // add Instances from last checked time to 10 minutes from now(some buffer for status check) Date newCheckPointTime = new Date(now().getTime() + lookAheadWindowMillis); addPendingEntityInstances(newCheckPointTime); } } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Feed SLA monitoring failed: ", e); } } } private void addPendingInstances(String entityType, Entity entity, String clusterName, List<Date> instances) throws FalconException { if (instances != null && !instances.isEmpty()) { for (Date date : instances) { LOG.debug("Adding pending instance ={} for entity= {} in cluster>={} and entityType={}", date, entity.getName(), clusterName, entityType); MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.putPendingInstances(entity.getName(), clusterName, date, entityType); } } } private void addPendingEntityInstances(Date checkPointTime) throws FalconException { Set<String> currentClusters = DeploymentUtil.getCurrentClusters(); List<MonitoredEntityBean> entityBeanList = MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getAllMonitoredEntities(); for (MonitoredEntityBean monitoredEntityBean : entityBeanList) { String entityName = monitoredEntityBean.getEntityName(); String entityType = monitoredEntityBean.getEntityType(); if ( || isEntityRunning(EntityUtil.getEntity(entityType, entityName))) { Date lastMonitoredInstanceTime = monitoredEntityBean.getLastMonitoredTime(); Date newCheckPointTime = checkPointTime; Entity entity = EntityUtil.getEntity(entityType, entityName); Set<String> clustersDefined = EntityUtil.getClustersDefined(entity); List<org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.cluster.Cluster> clusters = new ArrayList(); for (String cluster : clustersDefined) { clusters.add(ClusterHelper.getCluster(cluster)); } for (org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.cluster.Cluster entityCluster : clusters) { if (currentClusters.contains(entityCluster.getName())) { Date endTime = EntityUtil.getEndTime(entity, entityCluster.getName()); if (endTime.before(now())) { newCheckPointTime = endTime; } List<Date> instances = EntityUtil.getEntityInstanceTimesInBetween(entity, entityCluster.getName(), lastMonitoredInstanceTime, newCheckPointTime); addPendingInstances(entityType, entity, entityCluster.getName(), instances); // update last monitored time with the new checkpoint time MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.updateLastMonitoredTime(entityName, entityType, new Date(newCheckPointTime.getTime() + MINUTE_DELAY)); } } } } } /** * Checks the availability of all the pendingInstances and removes the ones which have become available. */ private void checkPendingInstanceAvailability() throws FalconException { List<PendingInstanceBean> pendingInstanceBeans = MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getAllPendingInstances(); if (pendingInstanceBeans.isEmpty()) {"No pending instances to be checked"); return; } for (PendingInstanceBean pendingInstanceBean : pendingInstanceBeans) { boolean status = checkEntityInstanceAvailability(pendingInstanceBean.getEntityName(), pendingInstanceBean.getClusterName(), pendingInstanceBean.getNominalTime(), pendingInstanceBean.getEntityType()); if (status) { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.deletePendingInstance(pendingInstanceBean.getEntityName(), pendingInstanceBean.getClusterName(), pendingInstanceBean.getNominalTime(), pendingInstanceBean.getEntityType()); } } } // checks whether a given entity instance is available or not private boolean checkEntityInstanceAvailability(String entityName, String clusterName, Date nominalTime, String entityType) throws FalconException { Entity entity = EntityUtil.getEntity(entityType, entityName); authenticateUser(entity); try { if (entityType.equalsIgnoreCase(EntityType.PROCESS.toString())) { LOG.trace("Checking instance availability status for entity:{}, cluster:{}, " + "instanceTime:{}", entity.getName(), clusterName, nominalTime, entityType); AbstractWorkflowEngine wfEngine = WorkflowEngineFactory.getWorkflowEngine(); InstancesResult instancesResult = wfEngine.getStatus(entity, nominalTime, new Date(nominalTime.getTime() + 200), PROCESS_LIFE_CYCLE, false); if (instancesResult.getInstances().length > 0) { if (instancesResult.getInstances()[0].status.equals(InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus.SUCCEEDED)) { LOG.trace("Entity instance(Process:{}, cluster:{}, instanceTime:{}) is available.", entity.getName(), clusterName, nominalTime); return true; } } return false; } if (entityType.equalsIgnoreCase(EntityType.FEED.toString())) { LOG.trace("Checking instance availability status for feed:{}, cluster:{}, instanceTime:{}", entity.getName(), clusterName, nominalTime); FeedInstanceStatus.AvailabilityStatus status = FeedHelper.getFeedInstanceStatus((Feed) entity, clusterName, nominalTime); if (status.equals(FeedInstanceStatus.AvailabilityStatus.AVAILABLE) || status.equals(FeedInstanceStatus.AvailabilityStatus.EMPTY)) { LOG.trace("Feed instance(feed:{}, cluster:{}, instanceTime:{}) is available.", entity.getName(), clusterName, nominalTime); return true; } } } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Couldn't find status for Entity:{}, cluster:{}, entityType{}, nominalTime{}", entityName, clusterName, entityType, nominalTime, e); } LOG.debug("Entity instance(entity:{}, cluster:{}, instanceTime:{}) is not available.", entity.getName(), clusterName, nominalTime); return false; } /** * Returns all the instances between given time range which have missed slaLow or slaHigh for given entity. * * Only entities which have defined sla in their definition are considered. * Only the entity instances between the given time range are considered. * Start time and end time are both inclusive. * @param start start time, inclusive * @param end end time, inclusive * @return Set of pending entity instances belonging to the given range which have missed SLA * @throws FalconException */ public Set<SchedulableEntityInstance> getEntitySLAMissPendingAlerts(Date start, Date end) throws FalconException { Set<SchedulableEntityInstance> result = new HashSet<>(); for (PendingInstanceBean pendingInstanceBean : MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getAllPendingInstances()) { Pair<String, String> entityClusterPair = new Pair<>(pendingInstanceBean.getEntityName(), pendingInstanceBean.getClusterName()); String entityType = pendingInstanceBean.getEntityType(); if (entityType.equalsIgnoreCase(EntityType.FEED.toString())) { Feed feed = EntityUtil.getEntity(entityType, entityClusterPair.first); Cluster cluster = FeedHelper.getCluster(feed, entityClusterPair.second); Sla sla = FeedHelper.getSLA(cluster, feed); if (sla != null) { Set<Pair<Date, String>> slaStatus = getFeedSLAStatus(sla, start, end, MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getNominalInstances(entityClusterPair.first, entityClusterPair.second, entityType)); for (Pair<Date, String> status : slaStatus) { SchedulableEntityInstance instance = new SchedulableEntityInstance(entityClusterPair.first, entityClusterPair.second, status.first, EntityType.FEED); instance.setTags(status.second); result.add(instance); } } } else { Process process = EntityUtil.getEntity(entityType, entityClusterPair.first); org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Cluster cluster = ProcessHelper.getCluster(process, entityClusterPair.second); org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Sla sla = ProcessHelper.getSLA(cluster, process); if (sla != null && isEntityRunning(process)) { Set<Pair<Date, String>> slaStatus = getProcessSLAStatus(sla, start, end, MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getNominalInstances(entityClusterPair.first, entityClusterPair.second, entityType)); for (Pair<Date, String> status : slaStatus) { SchedulableEntityInstance instance = new SchedulableEntityInstance(entityClusterPair.first, entityClusterPair.second, status.first, EntityType.PROCESS); instance.setTags(status.second); result.add(instance); } } } } return result; } /** * Returns all the instances of a given entity between the given time range * which missed sla.Only those instances are included which have missed either slaLow or slaHigh. * @param entityName name of the feed * @param clusterName cluster name * @param start start time, inclusive * @param end end time, inclusive * @return Pending instances of the given entity which belong to the given time range and have missed SLA. * @throws FalconException */ public Set<SchedulableEntityInstance> getEntitySLAMissPendingAlerts(String entityName, String clusterName, Date start, Date end, String entityType) throws FalconException { Set<SchedulableEntityInstance> result = new HashSet<>(); List<Date> missingInstances = MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getNominalInstances(entityName, clusterName, entityType); if (missingInstances == null) { return result; } Entity entity = EntityUtil.getEntity(entityType, entityName); if (entityType.equals(EntityType.FEED.toString())) { Sla sla = FeedHelper.getSLA(clusterName, (Feed) entity); if (sla != null) { Set<Pair<Date, String>> slaStatus = getFeedSLAStatus(sla, start, end, missingInstances); for (Pair<Date, String> status : slaStatus) { SchedulableEntityInstance instance = new SchedulableEntityInstance(entityName, clusterName, status.first, EntityType.FEED); instance.setTags(status.second); result.add(instance); } } return result; } else { org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Sla sla = ProcessHelper.getSLA(clusterName, (Process) entity); if (sla != null) { Set<Pair<Date, String>> slaStatus = getProcessSLAStatus(sla, start, end, missingInstances); for (Pair<Date, String> status : slaStatus) { SchedulableEntityInstance instance = new SchedulableEntityInstance(entityName, clusterName, status.first, EntityType.PROCESS); instance.setTags(status.second); result.add(instance); } } } return result; } Set<Pair<Date, String>> getFeedSLAStatus(Sla sla, Date start, Date end, List<Date> missingInstances) throws FalconException { Date now = new Date(); Frequency slaLow = sla.getSlaLow(); Frequency slaHigh = sla.getSlaHigh(); Set<Pair<Date, String>> result = new HashSet<>(); for (Date nominalTime : missingInstances) { if (!nominalTime.before(start) && !nominalTime.after(end)) { ExpressionHelper.setReferenceDate(nominalTime); ExpressionHelper evaluator = ExpressionHelper.get(); Long slaHighDuration = evaluator.evaluate(slaHigh.toString(), Long.class); Long slaLowDuration = evaluator.evaluate(slaLow.toString(), Long.class); Date slaCriticalTime = new Date(nominalTime.getTime() + slaHighDuration); Date slaWarnTime = new Date(nominalTime.getTime() + slaLowDuration); if (slaCriticalTime.before(now)) { result.add(new Pair<>(nominalTime, TAG_CRITICAL)); } else if (slaWarnTime.before(now)) { result.add(new Pair<>(nominalTime, TAG_WARN)); } } } return result; } private Set<Pair<Date, String>> getProcessSLAStatus(org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Sla sla, Date start, Date end, List<Date> missingInstances) throws FalconException { Date now = new Date(); Frequency slaHigh = sla.getShouldEndIn(); Set<Pair<Date, String>> result = new HashSet<>(); for (Date nominalTime : missingInstances) { if (!nominalTime.before(start) && !nominalTime.after(end)) { ExpressionHelper.setReferenceDate(nominalTime); ExpressionHelper evaluator = ExpressionHelper.get(); Long slaHighDuration = evaluator.evaluate(slaHigh.toString(), Long.class); Date slaCriticalTime = new Date(nominalTime.getTime() + slaHighDuration); if (slaCriticalTime.before(now)) { result.add(new Pair<>(nominalTime, TAG_CRITICAL)); } } } return result; } @VisibleForTesting Date getInitialStartTime(Entity entity, String clusterName, String entityType) throws FalconException { if (entityType.equals(EntityType.FEED.toString())) { Sla sla = FeedHelper.getSLA(clusterName, (Feed) entity); if (sla == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("InitialStartTime can not be determined as the feed: " + entity.getName() + " and cluster: " + clusterName + " does not have any sla"); } Date startTime = FeedHelper.getFeedValidityStart((Feed) entity, clusterName); Frequency slaLow = sla.getSlaLow(); Date slaTime = new Date(now().getTime() - DateUtil.getFrequencyInMillis(slaLow)); return startTime.before(slaTime) ? startTime : slaTime; } else { org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.process.Sla sla = ProcessHelper.getSLA(clusterName, (Process) entity); if (sla == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("InitialStartTime can not be determined as the feed: " + entity.getName() + " and cluster: " + clusterName + " does not have any sla"); } Date startTime = ProcessHelper.getProcessValidityStart((Process) entity, clusterName); Frequency slaLow = sla.getShouldEndIn(); Date slaTime = new Date(now().getTime() - DateUtil.getFrequencyInMillis(slaLow)); return startTime.before(slaTime) ? startTime : slaTime; } } public void makeProcessInstanceAvailable(String clusterName, String entityName, String date, String entityType) { Date nominalTime = null; try { nominalTime = DateUtil.parseDateFalconTZ(date); } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Exception while translating the date:", e); } if (nominalTime != null) { List<Date> instances = (MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.getNominalInstances(entityName, clusterName, entityType)); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(instances)) { MONITORING_JDBC_STATE_STORE.deletePendingInstance(entityName, clusterName, nominalTime, entityType); } } } // Authenticate user only if not already authenticated. private void authenticateUser(Entity entity) { if (!CurrentUser.isAuthenticated()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getACL().getOwner())) { CurrentUser.authenticate(entity.getACL().getOwner()); } else { CurrentUser.authenticate(System.getProperty("")); } } } private boolean isEntityRunning(Entity entity) throws FalconException { authenticateUser(entity); AbstractWorkflowEngine workflowEngine = WorkflowEngineFactory.getWorkflowEngine(); return workflowEngine.isActive(entity) && !workflowEngine.isSuspended(entity) && !workflowEngine.isCompleted(entity); } }