Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import org.apache.gobblin.dataset.DatasetConstants;
import org.apache.gobblin.dataset.DatasetDescriptor;
import org.apache.gobblin.dataset.Descriptor;
import org.apache.gobblin.util.PathUtils;
import org.apache.gobblin.util.guid.Guid;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileChecksum;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;


 * Abstraction for a file to copy from {@link #origin} to {@link #destination}. {@link CopyableFile}s should be
 * created using a {@link CopyableFile.Builder} obtained with the method {@link CopyableFile#builder}.
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PROTECTED)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class CopyableFile extends CopyEntity implements File {
     * The source data the file belongs to. For now, since it's only used before copying, set it to be
     * transient so that it won't be serialized, avoid unnecessary data transfer
    private transient Descriptor sourceData;

    /** {@link FileStatus} of the existing origin file. */
    private FileStatus origin;

    /** The destination data the file will be copied to */
    private Descriptor destinationData;

    /** Complete destination {@link Path} of the file. */
    private Path destination;

    /** Common path for dataset to which this CopyableFile belongs. */
    public String datasetOutputPath;

    /** Desired {@link OwnerAndPermission} of the destination path. */
    private OwnerAndPermission destinationOwnerAndPermission;

     * Desired {@link OwnerAndPermission} of the ancestor directories of the destination path. The list is ordered from
     * deepest to highest directory.
     * <p>
     * For example, if {@link #destination} is /a/b/c/file, then the first element of this list is the desired owner and
     * permission for directory /a/b/c, the second is the desired owner and permission for directory /a/b, and so on.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If there are fewer elements in the list than ancestor directories in {@link #destination}, it is understood that
     * extra directories are allowed to have any owner and permission.
     * </p>
    private List<OwnerAndPermission> ancestorsOwnerAndPermission;

    /** Checksum of the origin file. */
    private byte[] checksum;
    /** Attributes to be preserved. */
    private PreserveAttributes preserve;
    /** Timestamp of file at its origin source. */
    private long originTimestamp;
    /** Timestamp of file as in upstream. */
    private long upstreamTimestamp;

    private String dataFileVersionStrategy;

    @lombok.Builder(builderClassName = "Builder", builderMethodName = "_hiddenBuilder")
    public CopyableFile(FileStatus origin, Path destination, OwnerAndPermission destinationOwnerAndPermission,
            List<OwnerAndPermission> ancestorsOwnerAndPermission, byte[] checksum, PreserveAttributes preserve,
            String fileSet, long originTimestamp, long upstreamTimestamp, Map<String, String> additionalMetadata,
            String datasetOutputPath, String dataFileVersionStrategy) {
        super(fileSet, additionalMetadata);
        this.origin = origin;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.destinationOwnerAndPermission = destinationOwnerAndPermission;
        this.ancestorsOwnerAndPermission = ancestorsOwnerAndPermission;
        this.checksum = checksum;
        this.preserve = preserve;
        this.dataFileVersionStrategy = dataFileVersionStrategy;
        this.originTimestamp = originTimestamp;
        this.upstreamTimestamp = upstreamTimestamp;
        this.datasetOutputPath = datasetOutputPath;

     * Set file system based source and destination dataset for this {@link CopyableFile}
     * @param originFs {@link FileSystem} where this {@link CopyableFile} origins
     * @param targetFs {@link FileSystem} where this {@link CopyableFile} is copied to
    public void setFsDatasets(FileSystem originFs, FileSystem targetFs) {
         * By default, the raw Gobblin dataset for CopyableFile lineage is its parent folder
         * if itself is not a folder
        boolean isDir = origin.isDirectory();

        Path fullSourcePath = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(origin.getPath());
        String sourceDatasetName = isDir ? fullSourcePath.toString() : fullSourcePath.getParent().toString();
        DatasetDescriptor sourceDataset = new DatasetDescriptor(originFs.getScheme(), sourceDatasetName);
        sourceDataset.addMetadata(DatasetConstants.FS_URI, originFs.getUri().toString());
        sourceData = sourceDataset;

        Path fullDestinationPath = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(destination);
        String destinationDatasetName = isDir ? fullDestinationPath.toString()
                : fullDestinationPath.getParent().toString();
        DatasetDescriptor destinationDataset = new DatasetDescriptor(targetFs.getScheme(), destinationDatasetName);
        destinationDataset.addMetadata(DatasetConstants.FS_URI, targetFs.getUri().toString());
        destinationData = destinationDataset;

     * Get a {@link CopyableFile.Builder}.
     * @param originFs {@link FileSystem} where original file exists.
     * @param origin {@link FileStatus} of the original file.
     * @param datasetRoot Value of {@link CopyableDataset#datasetRoot} of the dataset creating this {@link CopyableFile}.
     * @param copyConfiguration {@link CopyConfiguration} for the copy job.
     * @return a {@link CopyableFile.Builder}.
     * @deprecated use {@link #fromOriginAndDestination}. This method was changed to remove reliance on dataset root
     *             which is not standard of all datasets. The old functionality on inferring destinations cannot be
     *             achieved without dataset root and common dataset root, so this is an approximation. Copyable datasets
     *             should compute file destinations themselves.
    public static Builder builder(FileSystem originFs, FileStatus origin, Path datasetRoot,
            CopyConfiguration copyConfiguration) {

        Path relativePath = PathUtils.relativizePath(origin.getPath(), datasetRoot);

        Path targetRoot = new Path(copyConfiguration.getPublishDir(), datasetRoot.getName());
        Path targetPath = new Path(targetRoot, relativePath);

        return _hiddenBuilder().originFS(originFs).origin(origin).destination(targetPath)

    public static Builder fromOriginAndDestination(FileSystem originFs, FileStatus origin, Path destination,
            CopyConfiguration copyConfiguration) {
        return _hiddenBuilder().originFS(originFs).origin(origin).destination(destination)

     * Builder for creating {@link CopyableFile}s.
     * Allows the {@link CopyableDataset} to set any field of the {@link CopyableFile}, but infers any unset fields
     * to facilitate creation of custom {@link CopyableDataset}s. See javadoc for {@link CopyableFile.Builder#build} for
     * inference information.
    public static class Builder {

        private CopyConfiguration configuration;
        private FileSystem originFs;
        private Map<String, String> additionalMetadata;
        private String datasetOutputPath;

        private Builder originFS(FileSystem originFs) {
            this.originFs = originFs;
            return this;

        private Builder configuration(CopyConfiguration configuration) {
            this.configuration = configuration;
            return this;

         * Builds a {@link CopyableFile} using fields set by the {@link CopyableDataset} and inferring unset fields.
         * If the {@link Builder} was obtained through {@link CopyableFile#builder}, it is safe to call this method
         * even without setting any other fields (they will all be inferred).
         * <p>
         *   The inferred fields are as follows:
         *   * {@link CopyableFile#destinationOwnerAndPermission}: Copy attributes from origin {@link FileStatus} depending
         *       on the {@link PreserveAttributes} flags {@link #preserve}. Non-preserved attributes are left null,
         *       allowing Gobblin distcp to use defaults for the target {@link FileSystem}.
         *   * {@link CopyableFile#ancestorsOwnerAndPermission}: Copy attributes from ancestors of origin path whose name
         *       exactly matches the corresponding name in the target path and which don't exist on th target. The actual
         *       owner and permission depend on the {@link PreserveAttributes} flags {@link #preserve}.
         *       Non-preserved attributes are left null, allowing Gobblin distcp to use defaults for the target {@link FileSystem}.
         *   * {@link CopyableFile#checksum}: the checksum of the origin {@link FileStatus} obtained using the origin
         *       {@link FileSystem}.
         *   * {@link CopyableFile#fileSet}: empty string. Used as default file set per dataset.
         * </p>
         * @return A {@link CopyableFile}.
         * @throws IOException
        public CopyableFile build() throws IOException {

            if (!this.destination.isAbsolute()) {
                throw new IOException("Destination must be absolute: " + this.destination);

            if (this.destinationOwnerAndPermission == null) {
                String owner = this.preserve.preserve(Option.OWNER) ? this.origin.getOwner() : null;

                String group = null;
                if (this.preserve.preserve(Option.GROUP)) {
                    group = this.origin.getGroup();
                } else if (this.configuration.getTargetGroup().isPresent()) {
                    group = this.configuration.getTargetGroup().get();

                FsPermission permission = this.preserve.preserve(Option.PERMISSION) ? this.origin.getPermission()
                        : null;

                this.destinationOwnerAndPermission = new OwnerAndPermission(owner, group, permission);
            if (this.ancestorsOwnerAndPermission == null) {
                this.ancestorsOwnerAndPermission = replicateAncestorsOwnerAndPermission(this.originFs,
                        this.origin.getPath(), this.configuration.getTargetFs(), this.destination);
            if (this.checksum == null) {
                FileChecksum checksumTmp = this.origin.isDirectory() ? null
                        : this.originFs.getFileChecksum(this.origin.getPath());
                this.checksum = checksumTmp == null ? new byte[0] : checksumTmp.getBytes();
            if (this.fileSet == null) {
                // Default file set per dataset
                this.fileSet = "";
            if (this.originTimestamp == 0) {
                this.originTimestamp = this.origin.getModificationTime();
            if (this.upstreamTimestamp == 0) {
                this.upstreamTimestamp = this.origin.getModificationTime();

            return new CopyableFile(this.origin, this.destination, this.destinationOwnerAndPermission,
                    this.ancestorsOwnerAndPermission, this.checksum, this.preserve, this.fileSet,
                    this.originTimestamp, this.upstreamTimestamp, this.additionalMetadata, this.datasetOutputPath,

        private List<OwnerAndPermission> replicateAncestorsOwnerAndPermission(FileSystem originFs, Path originPath,
                FileSystem targetFs, Path destinationPath) throws IOException {

            List<OwnerAndPermission> ancestorOwnerAndPermissions = Lists.newArrayList();

            Path currentOriginPath = originPath.getParent();
            Path currentTargetPath = destinationPath.getParent();

            while (currentOriginPath != null && currentTargetPath != null
                    && currentOriginPath.getName().equals(currentTargetPath.getName())) {

                Optional<FileStatus> targetFileStatus = this.configuration.getCopyContext().getFileStatus(targetFs,

                if (targetFileStatus.isPresent()) {
                    return ancestorOwnerAndPermissions;

                        .add(resolveReplicatedOwnerAndPermission(originFs, currentOriginPath, this.configuration));

                currentOriginPath = currentOriginPath.getParent();
                currentTargetPath = currentTargetPath.getParent();

            return ancestorOwnerAndPermissions;


     * Computes the correct {@link OwnerAndPermission} obtained from replicating source owner and permissions and applying
     * the {@link PreserveAttributes} rules in copyConfiguration.
     * @throws IOException
    public static OwnerAndPermission resolveReplicatedOwnerAndPermission(FileSystem fs, Path path,
            CopyConfiguration copyConfiguration) throws IOException {

        PreserveAttributes preserve = copyConfiguration.getPreserve();
        Optional<FileStatus> originFileStatus = copyConfiguration.getCopyContext().getFileStatus(fs, path);

        if (!originFileStatus.isPresent()) {
            throw new IOException(String.format("Origin path %s does not exist.", path));

        String group = null;
        if (copyConfiguration.getTargetGroup().isPresent()) {
            group = copyConfiguration.getTargetGroup().get();
        } else if (preserve.preserve(Option.GROUP)) {
            group = originFileStatus.get().getGroup();

        return new OwnerAndPermission(preserve.preserve(Option.OWNER) ? originFileStatus.get().getOwner() : null,
                group, preserve.preserve(Option.PERMISSION) ? originFileStatus.get().getPermission() : null);

     * Compute the correct {@link OwnerAndPermission} obtained from replicating source owner and permissions and applying
     * the {@link PreserveAttributes} rules for fromPath and every ancestor up to but excluding toPath.
     * @return A list of the computed {@link OwnerAndPermission}s starting from fromPath, up to but excluding toPath.
     * @throws IOException if toPath is not an ancestor of fromPath.
    public static List<OwnerAndPermission> resolveReplicatedOwnerAndPermissionsRecursively(FileSystem sourceFs,
            Path fromPath, Path toPath, CopyConfiguration copyConfiguration) throws IOException {

        if (!PathUtils.isAncestor(toPath, fromPath)) {
            throw new IOException(String.format("toPath %s must be an ancestor of fromPath %s.", toPath, fromPath));

        List<OwnerAndPermission> ownerAndPermissions = Lists.newArrayList();
        Path currentPath = fromPath;

        while (PathUtils.isAncestor(toPath, currentPath.getParent())) {
            ownerAndPermissions.add(resolveReplicatedOwnerAndPermission(sourceFs, currentPath, copyConfiguration));
            currentPath = currentPath.getParent();

        return ownerAndPermissions;

    public FileStatus getFileStatus() {
        return this.origin;

     * @return desired block size for destination file.
    public long getBlockSize(FileSystem targetFs) {
        return getPreserve().preserve(PreserveAttributes.Option.BLOCK_SIZE) ? getOrigin().getBlockSize()
                : targetFs.getDefaultBlockSize(this.destination);

     * @return desired replication for destination file.
    public short getReplication(FileSystem targetFs) {
        return getPreserve().preserve(PreserveAttributes.Option.REPLICATION) ? getOrigin().getReplication()
                : targetFs.getDefaultReplication(this.destination);

     * Generates a replicable guid to uniquely identify the origin of this {@link CopyableFile}.
     * @return a guid uniquely identifying the origin file.
    public Guid guid() throws IOException {
        StringBuilder uniqueString = new StringBuilder();
        return Guid.fromStrings(uniqueString.toString());

    public String explain() {
        String owner = this.destinationOwnerAndPermission != null
                && this.destinationOwnerAndPermission.getOwner() != null
                        ? this.destinationOwnerAndPermission.getOwner()
                        : "preserve";
        String group = this.destinationOwnerAndPermission != null
                && this.destinationOwnerAndPermission.getGroup() != null
                        ? this.destinationOwnerAndPermission.getGroup()
                        : "preserve";
        String permissions = this.destinationOwnerAndPermission != null
                && this.destinationOwnerAndPermission.getFsPermission() != null
                        ? this.destinationOwnerAndPermission.getFsPermission().toString()
                        : "preserve";
        return String.format("Copy file %s to %s with owner %s, group %s, permission %s.", this.origin.getPath(),
                this.destination, owner, group, permissions);